Removable Prosthetic Treatment in Children - Literature Review
Removable Prosthetic Treatment in Children - Literature Review
Removable Prosthetic Treatment in Children - Literature Review
Journal of IMAB
Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers). 2018 Jul-Sep;24(3)
ISSN: 1312-773X
Review article
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Please cite this article as: Dimova-Gabrovska M, Dimitrova D, Mitronin VA. Removable Prosthetic Treatment in chil-
dren -Literature review. J of IMAB. 2018 Jul-Sep;24(3):2172-2176. DOI:
Corresponding author:
Assoc. Prof. Dr Mariana Dimova-Gabrovska, PhD, DSc.
Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical Uni-
versity, Sofia,
1, St. G. Sofiiski Blvd.,1431 Sofia, Bulgaria
2176 J of IMAB. 2018 Jul-Sep;24(3)