Single Phase Transformers: Electrical Machine-1 EEE-233

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Single Phase Transformers

Electrical Machine-1
2/17/2019 Ikbal Ahmed, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, CUET 1
Lecture 2

2/17/2019 Ikbal Ahmed, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, CUET 2

Reference Books:
1. Electric Machinery Fundamentals- 4th edt.
-- Stephen J. Chapman

2. A Textbook of Electrical Technology (AC and DC Machines)

-- B.L. Theraja
A.K. Theraja

3. Electric Machines (Theory, Operation, Application, Adjustment and Control)

-- Charles I. Hubert

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*** This presentation slide only contains the overview of the related topics. Students are advised to take
decent class-notes and read thoroughly from the prescribed text books.

2/17/2019 Ikbal Ahmed, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, CUET 3

Practical Implementation

Core :
E-I shape core :
• Laminated slice sheet of E & I shape is stacked
for core assembly.
• Stacked assembly of core is bolted for a tight

2/17/2019 Ikbal Ahmed, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, CUET 4

Power on ideal transformer
ref: Chapman

An ideal transformer is a lossless device with an input winding

and an output winding.
The relationships between the input voltage and the output
voltage, and between the input current and the output current ,
are given by a (turns ratio)

vp, ip=primary voltage and current respectively
vs, is=Secondary voltage and current respectively

2/17/2019 Ikbal Ahmed, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, CUET 5

Power on ideal transformer
ref: Chapman

In ideal XF, the primary and secondary have the same pf
So, ϴp= ϴs= ϴ
Now, Pout=VsIscosϴ
Applying turns ratio eq^n , Vs=Vp/a and Is=aIp

Pout=(Vp/a)(aIp)cosϴ =VpIpcosϴ =Pin

The output power of an ideal XF is equal to
its input power
2/17/2019 Ikbal Ahmed, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, CUET 6
Transformer with losses but no
magnetic leakage
Ref: B.L. Theraja

2/17/2019 Ikbal Ahmed, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, CUET 7

Transformer - analysis

No Load With Load

Assumptions: Assumptions:

• No load is connected in • Load is connected to secondary

secondary • No leakage of magnetic flux
• No leakage of magnetic flux • Losses in core
• Losses in core (hysteresis and • i2R loss both in primary and
eddy current loss) secondary
• Very small amount of i2R loss
in primary
2/17/2019 Ikbal Ahmed, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, CUET 8
Transformer with no load
- analysis
 Primary current is not purely
 No Cu loss in secondary
(Secondary is open)
 Load current Io lags by V1 at
an angle less than 90°
no load input power, Pi=V1Iocosφo
Io has two components,
Iw=Iocosφo iron loss component
(iron loss + small Cu loss)
Im=Iosinφo magnetizing comp.

2/17/2019 Ikbal Ahmed, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, CUET 9

Transformer with no load
- analysis
Points to be noted:
 No load primary current Io is
very small compared to full
load primary current.
 The magnetizing current is not
exactly sinusoidal type

Example: 32.9, 32.10, 32.11 (self)

2/17/2019 Ikbal Ahmed, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, CUET 10

Transformer on load
- analysis

Important decisions:
 The net flux passing through
the core is approx. same as at
no load
 Core loss is particularly same
under all load conditions
2/17/2019 Ikbal Ahmed, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, CUET 11
Transformer on load
- analysis

φ2 =φ2’
I2’=N2I2/N1 =KI2

 When XF is on load, the primary winding has two

components, Io and I2’
 The total primary current on load, Ip(on
Load)=vector sum of Io and I2’

2/17/2019 Ikbal Ahmed, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, CUET 12

Lecture 4
ref: Chapman

Impedance transformation

Theory of operation of real single phase XF

 Magnetizing current in real XF

Equivalent ckt. Of a single phase XF

2/17/2019 Ikbal Ahmed, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, CUET 13
Impedance Transformation

• The impedance of a device or an

element is defined as the ratio of the
voltage across it to the phasor current
flowing through it: ZL=VL/IL

• One of the interesting properties of a

transformer is that, since it changes
voltage and current levels, it changes
the ratio between voltage and current
and hence the apparent impedance of
that element. ZS=VS/IS

• The apparent impedance of the

primary circuit of the transformer is
2/17/2019 Ikbal Ahmed, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, CUET 14
Impedance Transformation

as, Vp=aVs and Ip=Is/a
so, ZL’=(aVs)(Is/a)=a2Vs/Is=a2ZL

Important decision:
With a transformer, it is
possible to match the
magnitude of a load impedance
to a source impedance simply
by picking the proper turns

2/17/2019 Ikbal Ahmed, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, CUET 15


2/17/2019 Ikbal Ahmed, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, CUET 16

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