Single Phase Transformers: Electrical Machine-1 EEE-233
Single Phase Transformers: Electrical Machine-1 EEE-233
Single Phase Transformers: Electrical Machine-1 EEE-233
Electrical Machine-1
2/17/2019 Ikbal Ahmed, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, CUET 1
Lecture 2
*** This presentation slide only contains the overview of the related topics. Students are advised to take
decent class-notes and read thoroughly from the prescribed text books.
Core :
E-I shape core :
• Laminated slice sheet of E & I shape is stacked
for core assembly.
• Stacked assembly of core is bolted for a tight
vp, ip=primary voltage and current respectively
vs, is=Secondary voltage and current respectively
In ideal XF, the primary and secondary have the same pf
So, ϴp= ϴs= ϴ
Now, Pout=VsIscosϴ
Applying turns ratio eq^n , Vs=Vp/a and Is=aIp
Assumptions: Assumptions:
Important decisions:
The net flux passing through
the core is approx. same as at
no load
Core loss is particularly same
under all load conditions
2/17/2019 Ikbal Ahmed, Lecturer, Dept. of EEE, CUET 11
Transformer on load
- analysis
φ2 =φ2’
I2’=N2I2/N1 =KI2
Impedance transformation
as, Vp=aVs and Ip=Is/a
so, ZL’=(aVs)(Is/a)=a2Vs/Is=a2ZL
Important decision:
With a transformer, it is
possible to match the
magnitude of a load impedance
to a source impedance simply
by picking the proper turns