Genesis and Classification of Some Mollisols Developed Under Forest Vegetation in Bursa, Turkey

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Genesis and Classification of some Mollisols Developed under Forest Vegetation

in Bursa, Turkey

Article  in  International Journal of Agriculture and Biology · January 2012


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Gokhan Ozsoy
Uludag University


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ISSN Print: 1560–8530; ISSN Online: 1814–9596

Full Length Article  

Genesis and Classification of some Mollisols Developed under
Forest Vegetation in Bursa, Turkey
Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Gorukle Campus, 16059 Nilufer,
Corresponding author’s e-mails:;

In this research morphological characteristics and physicochemical properties of selected four soil profiles, developed on
different parent material under forest cover, were studied. Soil formation in all studied profiles is characterized by downward
movement of clay and organic matter, forming cambic and/or mollic horizons with high base status. Addition and
accumulation of organic materials and leaching bases are the other soil forming factors. The profiles have dark color with
moderate-strong blocky structure, high cation exchange capacity and clay content with high base saturation. The main
limitation factors regarding soil productivity for the studied soils are soil shallowness, summer drought, and high contents of
clay. Problem related to salinity and alkalinity was not found in the studied soils. On the basis of morphological and
physicochemical analysis, soil profiles were classified as Typic and Vertic Haploxeroll sub groups according to the Soil
Taxonomy and as in Calcaric Phaeozem soil units according to the FAO/UNESCO Soil Map of the World Legend
classification systems. The results of this study can be used for to compare with the other studies on Mollisols in wherever
they are recognized. This study also provides useful soil data for decision makers and planners in order to produce the new
management plans of the study area. © 2012 Friends Science Publishers

Key Words: Mollisols; Soil morphology; Soil classification; Soil taxonomy

INTRODUCTION Nearly all of these soils have a mollic epipedon. Many also
have an argillic, natric, or calcic horizon and a few have an
Soil is a natural body and develops from the parent albic horizon. Some also have a duripan or a petrocalcic
material through time under the effect of climate, horizon. Mollisols are extensive in sub-humid to semiarid
vegetation, and topography. These factors of soil formation areas at mid latitudes, but they also occur at high latitudes
are interdependent. Changing one of these soil forming and high altitudes and in tropics. Many of these soils
factors causes to change the others and this presents developed under grass at some time, although many
differences in soil patterns (Fanning & Fanning, 1989; apparently were forested at an earlier time. Some of the soils
Malo, 2006). As a result of this the soil will show variation that are in the mountains or that were derived from highly
at different times within the development of a landscape. It calcareous parent material apparently formed under forest
is generally agreed that it is possible to group soils together vegetation. Mollisols are naturally fertile soils, because they
into classes, within which many properties of the soil may are rich in humus that stores mineral nutrients and water.
be expected to be similar. Soil classification seeks to group They have a strong structured surface layer that has high
these soils into classes or taxonomic units and the related organic carbon content and has a base saturation of more
practice of soil survey seeks to map the soils into spatially than 50% throughout. The soil reaction value of these soils
homogeneous groups so that they may be portrayed on ranges from medium acid at high elevations to moderately
maps (Nortcliff, 2005). Today, various soil classification alkaline at lower elevations on fans and terraces. They
systems are being used in the world. Among these most primarily occur on lake terraces, alluvial fans, foothills,
widely used soil classification systems are the Soil mountains, and high plateaus and valley bottoms (Soil
Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1999; 2006) and the Survey Staff, 1999). Globally, Mollisols are ubiquitous
FAO/UNESCO Soil Map of the World Legend throughout the grasslands of sub-humid to semiarid
(FAO/UNESCO, 1974; 1990), which are also forming the climates, including Eastern Europe; Asia, from Turkey and
subject of this study. Ukraine eastward across Russia; the pampas region of South
As it is described in Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey America; and parts of Mexico and Central America
Staff, 1999), Mollisols commonly are the very dark colored, (Thompson & Bell, 2001).
base-rich (mollic epipedon), and mineral soils of the steppes. Although, Mollisols are among some of the most

To cite this paper: Ozsoy, G. and E. Aksoy, 2012. Genesis and classification of some mollisols developed under forest vegetation in Bursa, Turkey. Int. J.
Agric. Biol., 14: 75–80
OZSOY AND AKSOY / Int. J. Agric. Biol., Vol. 14, No. 1, 2012

productive agricultural soils (Soil Survey Staff, 1999), they physico-chemical analyses (Schoeneberger et al., 2002).
are generally under natural vegetation in the study area. Bulk density, field capacity, wilting point and available
Generally Entisols and Vertisols are being widely used for water was determined according to Tan (2005). The particle
crop production in the study area. However, it seems that size fraction was determined by the hydrometer method
the Mollisols are forgotten. It is understood that the (Tan, 2005). Soil pH and electrical conductivity (EC) was
properties of these soils are unknown for their accurate and measured in a 1:2.5 soil-water suspension after an hour of
sustainable management. Therefore, a research attempt to intermittent shaking and overnight stand. CaCO3 content
clarify the genesis of these Mollisols is needed for this area. was determined according to Richards (1954). Organic
The literature is also limited of studies subjected to matter content was determined according to the modified
Mollisols developed under forest cover. On the other hand, Walkley-Black Method as described by Nelson and
today, there is no detailed soil taxonomic data for Turkish Sommers (1982). Exchangeable bases (Na, K, Ca & Mg)
soils. In Turkey, the only soil data (soil map, scale were extracted with 1 N neutral ammonium acetate solution
1:100,000) was produced by the General Directorate of at pH 7.0 (Pratt, 1965). The concentrations of exchangeable
Rural Services of Turkey (KHGM) in 1970s and presented bases in the extracts were measured by Eppendorf Elex
based on soil great groups level. Unfortunately these maps 6361 model Flame photometer. Cation exchange capacity
couldn't be updated well according to the new soil (CEC) was determined by ammonium acetate method (Tan,
taxonomic classification, yet. Thus, there is a sense of 2005).
urgency to update the soil data in Turkey to be used in land On the basis of morphological and physicochemical
use planning or management studies. The other case in the properties, the soil profiles were classified up to sub group
conduct of this study is the need of new and correct level according to the Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff,
information about soils of the area for decision makers 1999; 2006) and the FAO/UNESCO Soil Map of the World
while designing the new management plans of the Bursa Legend (FAO/UNESCO, 1974; 1990).
This study was conducted to determine and interpret RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
the morphological, physical and chemical properties of the
studied soils, to introduce Mollisols developed under forest Morphological properties of the studied soil profiles: The
cover in the Mediterranean climate of northwest Turkey, morphological properties of the soil profiles were given in
and to recommend some solutions for the problems and Table I. The soils have parent material mostly cemented
management of these soils. with neogene lime-clay deposits, moderate slope, AC and
ABC horizon and shallow depth. They have generally wavy
MATERIALS AND METHODS topography and resemble a bowl, lying south-north
direction. Most of the lands around in the study site have a
The soil profiles presented in this research were slope range of 3% to 6%, fine texture (clay), and well
described and sampled in the northwest side of the Bursa drained profiles. From surface to deep, there were gravels in
province, the fourth biggest city of Turkey. The selected different origin, shape and amount.
profiles were situated between 40o13' 44'' - 40o16' 00'' N The color of the profiles was read from 10 YR (Profile
latitudes and 28o50' 40'' - 28o52' 55'' E longitudes, at 1-2) and 7.5 YR (Profile 3-4) in the Munsell color chart
elevations ranging between 80 and 155 m. The location when dry and moist. The color of Profile 1 was grayish
information of each profile was given in Table I. All the yellow brown (10 YR 4/2) when dry. When moist, the color
studied soils were developed under natural forest cover changes to brownish black (10 YR 3/2) in the surface
(reconstructed after the great fire incident in 1980s) but horizon and dull yellowish brown (10 YR 4/3) in the
occur on various parent materials (sandstone, claystone, subsurface horizon. In the C horizon of Profile 1 the color
marn, conglomerate) having high amount of CaCO3 content. was light gray (10 YR 8/1) when dry and dull yellow orange
This part of Turkey is characterized by a Mediterranean- (10 YR 7/2) when moist. In Profile 2 the color was
continental climate consisting of hot and dry summers and brownish black (10 YR 3/2) for the surface and subsurface
mild and rainy winters. The annual precipitation is around horizons but it was dark brown (10 YR 3/3) in the BC
700 mm most of which occurs from October to May, and horizon and dull yellow orange (10 YR 7/2) in the C
the mean annual temperature is about 14.5o (DMI, 2006; horizon when moist. Profile 3 possessed dark brown (7.5
Ozsoy & Aksoy, 2007). YR 3/3) color through the solum when moist but it was
Morphological properties of the soil profiles in the brownish black (7.5 YR 3/2) in the surface horizon when
field were accomplished according to the Soil Survey dry and dull orange (7.5 YR 7/3) in the C horizon when
Division Staff (1993) and Schoeneberger et al. (2002). moist. For the surface horizon of Profile 4 the color was
Representative bulk samples of the recognized horizons in dark brown (7.5 YR 3/3) when dry and wet while it was
each profile were taken for laboratory analysis. The bulk read from dark brown (7.5 YR 3/4), brown (7.5 YR 4/3),
soil samples were air dried, crushed with a mortar and and grayish brown (7.5 YR 5/2) when wet in the A2, AC,
pestle, and sieved to remove coarse (>2 mm) fragments for and C horizons, respectively.


Table I: Morphological properties of the studied soils

Color Consistency3

Depth (cm)





Dry Moist Dry Moist Wet

Profile 1: location: 400 14' 25'' N - 280 51' 46'' E, elevation 155 m., hill-ridge, situated on southeast aspect, slope 6%, wavy topography, land cover: forest
(mix-pine), parent material: calcareous sandstone.
A1 0-23 g,w 10 YR 4/2 10 YR 3/2 mo,md,ab C h vfr vs,p c,md fw,gr,a mc c,fn,tb
AC 23-37 g,w 10 YR 4/2 10 YR 4/3 mo,fn,ab C h vfr s,sp c,md md,gr,a,r hc c,fn,tb
C 37+ -- 10 YR 8/1 10 YR 7/2 wk,fn,ab CL -- vfr s,sp -- vm,gr,sw vhc --
Profile 2: location: 400 14' 50'' N - 280 52' 50'' E, elevation 110 m., hill-ridge, situated on northwest aspect, slope 4 %, wavy topography, land cover: forest
(Pinus brutia), parent material: calcareous claystone, intense biological activity and limestone, marn pieces in 0.2-6cm diameter through the profile.
A1 0-22 g,w 10 YR 3/2 10 YR 3/2 st,md,ab C vh fr s,p m,md,co md,gr,r mc m,fn,tb
Bw 22-44 g,w -- 10 YR 3/2 st,md,ab C vh fr s,p c,fn,md md,gr,r hc m,fn,tb
BC 44-67 c,w -- 10 YR 3/3 st,co,ab C -- vfr s,p fw,co m,gr,r,w hc c,fn,tb
C 67+ -- -- 10 YR 7/2 st,co,ab C -- fi s,vp -- m,gr,r,w vhc --
Profile 3: location: 400 13' 45'' N - 280 52' 42'' E, elevation 105 m., gently slope land, situated on west aspect, slope 3%, flat topography, land use: forest
(Oak, Quercus robur), parent material: calcareous conglomerates (colluvium), different origin of gravel pieces (quartz, limestone) in 0.2-6cm diameter
through the profile, good biological activity.
A1 0-13 g,s 7.5 YR 3/2 7.5 YR 3/3 st,md,sb C h fr ss,p fw,vfn m,gr,r nc c,fn,tb
Bw 13-35 c,s -- 7.5 YR 3/3 st,md,ab C -- fr ss,p c,md,co m,gr,r nc c,fn,tb
BC 35-49 g,w -- 7.5 YR 3/3 wk,fn,sb C -- vfr ss,p m,md,co vm,gr,w hc c,vf,tb
C 49+ -- -- 7.5 YR 7/3 wk,fn,sb CL -- vfr ss,sp -- vm,gr,sw vhc --
Profile 4: location: 400 15' 52'' N - 280 50' 50'' E, elevation 80 m., moderately slope land, situated on southwest aspect, slope 6%, wavy topography, land
use: forest (Oak, Quercus robur), parent material: marn, different origin of gravel pieces (quartz, limestone) in 0.2-6cm diameter through the profile, cracks
(in 0.5-1cm diameter) within 23cm depth (ended by AC horizon), slickensides in A2 horizon, good biological activity.
A1 0-16 c,s 7.5 YR 3/3 7.5 YR 3/3 st,md,ab C vh fr s,p m,md,co m,gr,a sc m,fn,tb
A2 16-23 c,s -- 7.5 YR 3/4 st,md,ab C -- fi s,p m,md,co m,gr,a sc m,fn,tb
AC 23-54 g,w -- 7.5 YR 4/3 wk,fn,ab C -- vfr s,sp c,md,co vm,gr,r,w hc c,fn,tb
C 54+ -- -- 7.5 YR 5/2 ma C -- vfr vs,p -- vm,gr,sw vhc --
1. c:clear; g:gradual; s:smooth; w:wavy.
2. wk:weak; mo:moderate; st:strong; fn:fine; md:medium; co:coarse; ab:angular blocky; sb:subangular blocky; ma:massive.
3. h:hard; vh:very hard; vfr:very friable; fr:friable; fi:firm; ss:slightly sticky; s:sticky; vs:very sticky; sp:slightly plastic; p:plastic; vp:very plastic.
4. fw:few; c:common; m:many; vfn:very fine; fn:fine; md:medium; co:coarse.
5. fw:few (2-5%); md:medium (5-15%); m:many (15-40%); vm:verymuch (40-80%); gr:gravel (0.2-6cm); a:angular; r:round; w:weathared; sw:highly
6. nc:noncalcareous; sc:slightly calcareous; mc:medium calcareous; hc:high calcareous; vhc:very high calcareous.
7. c:common; m:many; vf:very fine (1-2mm); fn:fine (2-5mm); tb:tubular.

Table II: Some important physical properties of the studied soils

Horizon Depth (cm) Particle size distribution (%) Texture class Bulk density Field capacity Wilting point Available water
Sand Silt Clay (Mg m-3) (m3 water m-3 soil)
Profile 1
A1 0-23 37.71 18.24 44.05 C 1.28 0.36 0.24 0.12
AC 23-37 38.44 19.65 41.91 C 1.30 0.35 0.23 0.12
C 37+ 38.32 26.37 35.31 CL 1.32 0.32 0.19 0.13
Profile 2
A1 0-22 33.22 17.86 48.92 C 1.26 0.40 0.28 0.12
Bw 22-44 30.01 16.80 53.19 C 1.25 0.42 0.29 0.12
BC 44-67 29.18 19.99 50.83 C 1.25 0.41 0.29 0.13
C 67+ 19.57 25.04 55.39 C 1.22 0.46 0.33 0.13
Profile 3
A1 0-13 32.48 17.66 49.86 C 1.26 0.39 0.27 0.12
Bw 13-35 32.19 16.22 51.59 C 1.25 0.41 0.28 0.12
BC 35-49 32.87 21.49 45.64 C 1.27 0.38 0.25 0.13
C 49+ 44.74 22.29 32.97 CL 1.35 0.30 0.18 0.12
Profile 4
A1 0-16 41.18 14.23 44.59 C 1.29 0.35 0.24 0.11
A2 16-23 34.38 12.30 53.32 C 1.25 0.41 0.30 0.11
AC 23-54 25.54 20.27 54.19 C 1.23 0.44 0.31 0.13
C 54+ 22.07 19.61 58.32 C 1.22 0.46 0.33 0.13

The common structures of the studied profiles were structure in these soils could be attributed to the high clay
angular blocky in moderate to strong resistance but it was content (Table II). According to Fanning and Fanning
generally sub-angular blocky in Profile 3. The strong (1989) the high clay content in soils brings out excessive

OZSOY AND AKSOY / Int. J. Agric. Biol., Vol. 14, No. 1, 2012

Table III: Some important chemical properties of the studied soils

Horizon Depth pH (1:2.5) EC CEC* Exchangeable cation CaCO3 Organic
(cm) H2O (dS m-1) (cmol kg-1) (cmol kg-1) (%) Matter (%)
Na+ K+ Ca2++Mg2+
Profile 1
A1 0-23 7.35 0.45 43.47 0.20 0.84 42.43 6.08 2.54
AC 23-37 7.34 0.45 39.60 0.20 0.62 38.78 17.28 1.56
C 37+ 7.54 0.22 25.42 0.17 0.29 24.96 42.21 0.74
Profile 2
A1 0-22 7.40 0.59 48.08 0.20 0.77 47.11 3.75 2.09
Bw 22-44 7.53 0.48 46.41 0.21 0.58 45.62 7.90 0.97
BC 44-67 7.57 0.41 36.69 0.21 0.47 36.01 19.50 0.62
C 67+ 7.80 0.20 28.32 0.16 0.17 27.99 44.49 0.19
Profile 3
A1 0-13 6.86 0.50 46.94 0.18 1.14 45.62 0.35 2.45
Bw 13-35 6.70 0.45 50.61 0.18 0.93 49.50 0.15 1.15
BC 35-49 7.20 0.39 43.27 0.21 0.51 42.55 20.93 0.83
C 49+ 7.45 0.17 28.09 0.15 0.14 27.80 46.28 0.38
Profile 4
A1 0-16 7.13 0.55 41.08 0.20 0.82 40.06 1.63 2.76
A2 16-23 7.02 0.64 51.12 0.22 0.72 50.18 0.84 0.82
AC 23-54 7.43 0.41 38.95 0.20 0.44 38.31 51.15 0.88
C 54+ 7.66 0.22 24.04 0.17 0.18 23.69 66.54 0.56
*Cation exchange capacity

Table IV: Classification of the soil profiles according to the Soil Taxonomy and the FAO/UNESCO classification
Soils Order Suborder Great group Subgroup FAO/Unesco
Profile 1 Mollisol Xeroll Haploxeroll Typic Haploxeroll Calcaric Phaeozem
Profile 2
Profile 3
Profile 4 Vertic Haploxeroll

shrink-swell actions during drying and wetting cycles. This Profile 1 and 3 due to their parent material type. Dark color
might be the one reason for the observed cracks in the (mainly black) in soils has been attributed to coloration due
studied soils (especially permanent in profile 4). Besides, all to organic matter (Harden, 1982). The organic matter values
the profiles were in clay texture when it was examined by were varied from 2.09% to 2.76% in the surface horizons
finger test during the field works, which might be the other but decreased with depth. In Mollisols it is expected to have
reason for the crack formation. The consistency was hard moderate to high organic matter content (Soil Survey Staff,
and very hard when the soils were at dry condition. They 1999). Due to organic matter and clay contents, CEC was
were friable and very friable when moist, and changed from found high and the values varied from 24.04 to 51.12 cmol
slightly sticky to plastic when wet. The boundaries of all the kg-1. Exchangeable Ca+2 and Mg+2 are dominant cations in
horizons in the studied soil profiles were generally wavy, all the soils and varied from 23.69 to 50.18 cmol kg-1. The
gradual and clear. There was a good biological activity base saturation of all the studied soils was very high
through the solum of the profiles with common, fine and (100%). Vegetation plays an important role in maintaining
tubular pores. There was evidence of roots (medium & the base-cation (Ca, Mg, K & Na) content of Mollisols
coarse) and rocks (gravel) in all the profiles with plenty iron (Laudelot & Robert, 1994; Quideau et al., 1996). The pH
concretions and calcium nodules. Unlike others, in Profile 2 values ranged from 6.7 to 7.8. The CaCO3 content of the
and 3 a Bw horizon was observed, which is probably soils were less in surface horizons but increased with the
formed by accumulation of clay leaching from surface and depth and reached the highest values at the C horizons. The
influenced the texture, color and structure of the horizon high values in CaCO3 contents were expected to be found in
(Table I). the studied profiles. Because all the parent materials of the
The physical and chemical properties of the studied soil studied soils are compacted or cemented with calcareous
profiles: Some important physical and chemical properties deposits or they have the mixture of it. Low CaCO3 values
of soil profiles were summarized in Table II and Table III, at the upper horizons were resulted from leaching. The
respectively. In the studied soils total clay content was high lowest CaCO3 values were found in the surface and
(32.97-58.32%) throughout the depth of all profiles. It was subsurface horizons of Profile 3. This might be the reason of
significantly decreasing with depth in Profile 1 and 3, which scarcity of runoff due to smooth slope and enables
were developed on sandstones. The bulk density was infiltration and leaching. Problem related to salinity and
decreasing with depth in Profile 2 and 4 but increasing in alkalinity was not found in the studied soils. Effective root


depth was measured as 23, 44, 35 and 23 cm. for Profile 1, Moreover, management practices like minimum or reduce
2, 3 and 4, respectively. Both the soils have a considerable tillage, mulching, intercropping and terracing (for some
amount of biological activity (roots, insects, bugs, etc.) and areas) could be adapted for a sustainable agriculture.
litter decomposition. Consequently, the main limitation factors regarding
Soil classification: Soil profiles investigated in the area had soil productivity for the studied soils are soil shallowness,
only mollic epipedon as a diagnostic surface horizon at the summer drought, and high contents of clay. Problem related
surface. The Mollic epipedon was designed to group soils to salinity and alkalinity was not found in the studied soils.
strongly influenced by calcification. Most Mollisols and a The clay contents of the studied soils were found high. In
few soils of other orders have mollic epipedons (Soil Survey agriculture, inappropriate soil tilling and using unsuitable
Staff, 1999). In the subsurface of the Profile 2 and 3 a instruments, especially in clay rich soils, firstly cannot
cambic horizon was defined as a result of organic matter manage healthy plant growth and cause soil degradation in
addition and transformation, and translocation of CaCO3. long time periods (Ozsoy & Aksoy, 2007). Cultivation
No calcic horizon has formed in these soils, mainly due to practices change soil water content, aeration and the degree
the lack of wetting and drying cycles as a result of the of mixing of crop residues within the soil matrix, thereby
permanent saturation. According to the meteorological data, affecting soil organisms, which have important functions in
the research area has “mesic” soil temperature and “xeric” soils such as structure improvement, nutrient cycling and
soil moisture regime (Soil Survey Staff, 1999). Based on organic matter decomposition (Kladivko, 2001). However,
morphological, physicochemical analysis and soil moisture soil cultivation affects soil quality in various ways. With
regime, soil profiles were classified according to the Soil high clay content, cultivation may lead to the formation of a
Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1999; 2006) and the hard pan below the plough layer that restricts root
FAO/UNESCO Soil Map of the World Legend penetration and downward movement of water (Singh &
(FAO/UNESCO, 1974; 1990) classification systems as a Singh, 1996). On the other hand, it is declared in some
Typic Haploxeroll (Profile 1,2,3) and Vertic Haploxeroll researches that soil tillage with mulching or intercropping
(Profile 4) sub groups and as in Calcaric Phaeozem soil practices has involved an increase on plant growth and yield
units, respectively (Table IV). (Khurshid et al., 2006; Ahadiyat & Ranamukhaarachchi,
Recommendations for management and planning: 2008; Borghei et al., 2008).
Mollisols, formed under grasses or some forests, tend to be It is also understood that these Mollisols, although
the most fertile soils. They have higher humus contents and under forest cover, have faced an important problem in
thus higher concentrations of plant nutrients than some other terms of soil erosion. Because of the Mediterranean climate
orders have (Gardiner & Miller, 2008). Mollisols therefore, properties of the region, the parent material of the soils and
are favored by a native vegetation of grasses. Certain forest slope factor compose suitable conditions for water erosion.
soils occurring in semiarid climates or on high calcareous Hence, if these areas are planning to be used in agriculture,
parent material may also favor Mollisols if the soil biota is we strongly recommend that close attention should be paid
able to incorporate the organic matter deep enough. Often for the soil erosion, soil cultivation, irrigation system and
the cellulose breakdown from leaves occurs at a rapid pace time regarding the soil type.
and the carbonic acid leaches the calcium. Grasses,
however, produce much of their growth underground and CONCLUSION
contain abundant lignin and protein. These substances lead The present study provides information on
to high preservation of produced materials as soil organic characteristics, formation and determination of Mollisols in
matter (Fanning & Fanning, 1989). a Mediterranean environment. The studied Mollisols were
All these facilities make these soils productive for developed under forest vegetation and derived from
agriculture. They have high natural fertility and base status. different calcareous parent material (sandstone, claystone,
It can be recommended to convert these lands into arable conglomerate, marn). The studied soils are shallow, non-
land-uses in order to utilize its high nutrient reserves saline and alkaline, clay in texture throughout their profiles.
(Tekwa et al., 2010). But, the studied soils are found They have high CEC and base saturation due to their texture
shallow and prone to erosion because of their slope gradient. and organic matter contents. Soil formation in all studied
Therefore, if these lands were forced to use for agriculture, a profiles is characterized by downward movement of clay
soil degradation problem may occur. In addition, with the and organic matter, forming cambic and/or mollic horizons.
Xerolls, there is a shortage of moisture for many crops. For The addition and accumulation of organic materials and
this reason Xerolls are suitable for wheat and rangeland. leaching bases are the other soil forming factors. In addition,
Crops must be grown to take advantage in the spring of the this study provides useful soil data for decision makers and
moisture accumulated over the winter months, especially planners in order to produce the new management plans of
with the Xerolls, which receive very little rainfall in the the area. Also some recommendations were discussed.
summer (Fanning & Fanning, 1989). If these lands The results of this study can also be used for to compare
scheduled to open for agriculture, an irrigation scheme can with the other studies on Mollisols in wherever they are
be constructed in the area to eliminate this negative effect. recognized.

OZSOY AND AKSOY / Int. J. Agric. Biol., Vol. 14, No. 1, 2012

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