Validation and Reliability of The Baecke Questionnaire For The Evaluation of Habitual Physical Activity in Adult Men
Validation and Reliability of The Baecke Questionnaire For The Evaluation of Habitual Physical Activity in Adult Men
Validation and Reliability of The Baecke Questionnaire For The Evaluation of Habitual Physical Activity in Adult Men
Habitual physical activity questionnaire
Please, make a circle around the appropriate answer for each question, considering the past
12 months:
1. Do you or did you practice sports or physical exercise within the past 12 months:
Which sport or physical exercise do you or did you practice more often?
If you practice or practiced a second modality of sport or physical activity, what is it?:
2. When compared to others of my age, I think my physical activity during leisure hours is: 5 4 3 2 1
much more/more/the same/less/much less
8. For how many minutes a day do you walk or ride a bike going back and forth from work,
school or shopping? 1 2 3 4 5
< 5/5-15/16-30/31-45/> 45
Total in minutes
Formulas to calculate scores for Baecke’s HPA questionnaire
Scores for questions two to four will be calculated in accordance with Likert’s scales responses.
Final PEL score should be calculated according to the formula below:
Scores for questions five to eight are calculated in accordance with Likert’s scales responses.
Final PEL score should be calculated according to the formula below:
Concurrent validity
To assess concurrent validity, a record of physical exer-
After 45 days, the measurement was repeated (retest)
cise over the past 12 months was used. Detailed questions
according to the criteria used in the first measurement.
on the practice of physical exercise in terms of frequency
in months per year, and duration in hours per week were Statistical analysis
asked for the two main modalities. The intensity of the
Validation analysis used the Pearson correlation coeffi-
modalities in mets was determined in accordance with
cient, and age- and body mass index (BMI) adjusted coeffi-
Ainsworth et al.’s compendium of physical activities13. A
cient between HPA and VO2max, IPE and ILA scores, after
total index of physical exercises (IPE) was calculated for
checking that data had normal distribution through the
the previous 12 months in kilocalories per year (kcal/year)
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
according to a model proposed by Kriska2:
For reliability analysis, the intraclass correlation test and
FREQUENCY (months/year)*DURATION (hours/month)* t-paired test were used.
INTENSITY (mets hours/year)*WEIGHT (kg) For all analyses, a significance level of p < 0.05 was
used. All calculations were done with the software Statisti-
↓ cal Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 10.0.
INDEX OF PHYSICAL EXERCISES (use of energy in kcal/year)
The question about locomotion activities from the ques-
tionnaire (the last question) was transformed in the index Table 1 presents the features of the sample. Age ranged
of locomotion activities (ILA), measured in kcal, by multi- from 27 to 37 years, mean of 32.6 years (sd = 3.2 years).
plying the total number of hours per week walking or riding Weight ranged from normal to overweight with no obese
a bike to go to and come back from work, school, shop- student. VO2max had a high average rate, showing the good
ping by the average mets of these two activities as deter- cardiorespiratory capacity of the subjects. It was noted that
mined in the compendium of physical activities13 and the average annual energy exertion on physical exercises
weight: within the sample was high, however, with significant vari-
Descriptive statistics of the study’ subjects variables
Pearson correlation coefficient and adjusted coefficients between
HPA scores and physical fitness and physical activity standards
Simple correlation
VO2máx (ml/kg/min) 0.04 (0.867) 0.24 (0.285) 0.17 (0.470)
%DHR 0.38 (0.091) 0.47 (0.030)* 0.48 (0.027)*
IPE (kcal/year) 0.56 (0.008)* 0.28 (0.224) 0.46 (0.036)*
ILA (kcal/week) 0.25 (0.264) 0.64 (0.002)* 0.51 (0.017)*
Age and BMI adjusted correlation
VO2max (ml/kg/min) 0.15 (0.539) 0.42 (0.069) 0.33 (0.169)
%DHR 0.32 (0.172) 0.51 (0.026)* 0.47 (0.043)*
IPE (kcal/annual) 0.61 (0.005)* 0.25 (0.292) 0.47 (0.043)*
ILA (kcal/weekly) 0.22 (0.355) 0.69 (0.001)* 0.52 (0.022)*
* p < 0,05; PEL (physical exercises in leisure score); LLA (leisure and locomotion activities); TS (total score); %DHR (percent-
age of heart rate decrease); IPE (physical exercises index); ILA (index of locomotion activities).
Paired t-test and intraclass correlation coefficients
significance values for repeated measurements
* p < 0,05; PEL (physical exercises in leisure score); LLA (leisure and locomotion activities); TS (total score).
This article has received corrections in agreement with the ERRATUM published in Volume 9 Number 5.