For Senior Management Evaluate Your Team Work Skills

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Team work

Evaluate your team work skills – Psychometric Analysis

Prepared by
Vishal Gupta
1 I offer information and opinions
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely
e. Never

2. I summarise what is happening in the group

a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely
e. Never

3. When there is a problem I try to identify what is happening

a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely
e. Never

4. I start the group working

a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely
e. Never

5. I suggest directions the group can take

a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely
e. Never

6. I listen actively
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely
e. Never

7. I give positive feedback to other members of the group

a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely
e. Never

8. I compromise
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely
e. Never

Prepared by
Vishal Gupta
9. I help relieve tension
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely
e. Never

10. I talk
a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely
e. Never

11. I ensure that meeting times and places are arranged

a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely e. Never

12. I try to observe what is happen in the group

a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely
e. Never

13. I try to help solve problems

a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely
e. Never

14. I take responsibility for ensuring that tasks are completed

a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely
e. Never

15. I like the group to be having a good time

a..Very frequently b..Frequently c. Sometimes d. .Rarely e. Never
Scoring : Score by awarding yourself the number of points shown in the Table on
the following page. Put the score in the score column. Add the numbers
together in the score column to discover your total score.

Scoring table

Prepared by
Vishal Gupta
Questi a b c d e Score

1. 1 2 3 2 1

2. 1 2 3 2 1

3. 1 2 3 2 1

4. 2 2 3 1 0

5. 0 1 3 1 0

6. 3 3 2 1 0

7. 3 3 2 1 0

8. 2 3 3 1 0

9. 1 2 3 1 0

10. 0 0 3 2 1

11. 2 3 3 1 0

12. 3 3 2 1 0

13. 2 3 3 1 0

14. 2 2 3 1 0

15. 1 1 2 1 1


Results :-

 If you have scored between 40 and 45 - You understand the concept of

team spirit and exhibit it in totality . You have the necessary delegation
Prepared by
Vishal Gupta
skills to get the required job done within the available resources in the

best possible manner meeting the deadlines.

 If you have scored between 35 and 40 - You understand the importance of

team work but some how don’t actually implement and exhibit it when

required. You need to understand the basic concept of teambuilding stages ,

technique of subordinate development , man management and further master

the art of delegation .

 If you have scored under 35 - it is high time, you should start introspecting

on your self, need to do a lot of brainstorming . You need to understand the

core process of team building first and correlate it to your daily work

schedule . Observe your shortcomings and simultaneously work on it .

Gradually you will have to master the art of delegation and subordinate

development also .

You will see the results through ………………………………

Prepared by
Vishal Gupta

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