D.Col - XCD Xanthan TESTS
D.Col - XCD Xanthan TESTS
D.Col - XCD Xanthan TESTS
:1312 00 5386
TIN No.: 08262711414
(For test methods not listed, follow the applicable compendium)
Particle Size (KTM004)
Shake 50 g product on an 40 ( 400 μm) mesh and 200 (74 μm) Tyler Standard Screens for 10 minutes using a
Cenco-Meinzer sieve shaker.
Loss on Drying (KTM003)
Spread 3-5 g product evenly on a tared weighing pan and weigh accurately. Dry in an oven at 105°C for 21⁄2
hours. Cool in a desiccator and reweigh.
Qualitative evaluation.
Powder Color (KTM006)
Test method is available upon request.
Viscosity and Shear Ratio
- 1% gum in 1% KCl (KTM017)
Slowly add a dry blend of 2.5 g product and 2.5 g KCl to 245 mL deionized water in a 400-mL beaker while
stirring at 800 rpm using a low-pitched propeller-type stirrer. After stirring for 2 hours at 800 rpm, adjust the
temperature of the solution to 25°C (77°F), and measure the viscosity using the LV model of the Brookfield
viscometer at 60 rpm with a #3 LV spindle. Reduce the speed to 6 rpm and measure the viscosity - the
shear ratio is calculated by dividing the 6 rpm viscosity by the 60 rpm viscosity.
b. Required chemicals:
1. Guar gum sample.
2. Pure NaCl (Sodium Chloride) salt for analysis purpose, Merck
3. Potassium Iodine
4. Sodium borate
5. NaOH 0.1M solution
6. NaOH dilute 0.2%
7. HCl 0.1M solution
8. Iodine solution
9. Distilled water
c. Procedures:
The development of any other colour is a strong indication of the presence of starch or starch
derivatives. Instant discoloration indicates the presence of a reducing agent; in this case,
continue the drop- wise addition of the iodine/iodide solution. Compare the color obtained with
one of the blank test.