Dynamics of 1-D Chains of Magnetic Vortices in Response To Local and Global Excitations

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6, JUNE 2010

Dynamics of 1-D Chains of Magnetic Vortices in Response to Local and

Global Excitations
Saswati Barman1;2 , Anjan Barman1;2 , and YoshiChika Otani2;3
Department of Materials Science, S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700098, India
RIKEN ASI, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8581, Japan

We report the magnetic vortex dynamics of 1-D chains of nanomagnetic disks under a time-dependent magnetic field localized at one
end of the chain. The transmission of the peak amplitude of the gyrotropic excitation mode of the vortex core along the chain has been
actively controlled by manipulating the geometry and condition of preparation of the magnetic ground states of the chains. The trans-
mission is maximum for direct magnetostatic coupling and identical chirality of the nanodisks with geometric asymmetry. Dynamics of
the optimized system under a global excitation field has also been investigated to understand the role of magnetostatic interaction in the
energy transfer under the local excitation field. The observations are particularly important for the design of fast spin logic systems and
the magnonic crystals.
Index Terms—Magnetic vortex dynamics, micromagnetic simulations, nanomagnet arrays.

I. INTRODUCTION nanodisks in response to both local and global time-dependent

magnetic fields to understand and control the magnetostatic in-
teraction and the consequent energy transfer. A local magnetic

M AGNETIC vortex has been a growing research area [1],

[2] in the field of nanomagnetism and spin dynamics
due to its potential applications in high density magnetic data
field pulse resembles the spin torque effect produced by the
spin polarized current.
storage, magnetic memory and magnetic logic devices. Static
and dynamic properties of magnetic vortex such as magnetic II. SIMULATION
susceptibility, vortex stability and gyrotropic oscillation of
vortex core and excitation of spin waves under the application We have performed micromagnetic simulations to numeri-
of time-dependent magnetic field have been studied recently cally solve the Landau Lifshitz Gilbert equation by using ob-
[3]–[7]. Ultrafast switching of vortex cores driven by oscil- ject oriented micromagnetic framework (OOMMF), a public
lating, pulsed or rotating magnetic fields or currents have also domain software from the NIST website [22]. We have simu-
been experimentally and theoretically demonstrated towards lated the magnetic ground state and time evolution of magneti-
possible applications in non-volatile memory devices [8]–[17]. zation in chains of (permalloy) nanodisks of perfect
When magnetic nanosdisks with vortex states are arranged circular shape and circles with one flat end (D-shape). Circular
in dense arrays, the magnetic ground states of the constituent nanodisks are of 200 nm diameter, 40 nm thickness and the
disks may get modified due to the long range dipolar interaction edge to edge separation between the disks were fixed as 25 nm.
between the disks. On application of an external magnetic field D-shaped nanodisks were formed by cutting 15% of its diam-
or current pulse, the inter-disk interaction becomes stronger eter at one end and the dimensions of the D-shaped nanodisks
due to the formation of magnetic surface charges, which were 200 nm 170 nm 40 nm. Calculations were performed
modify the dynamics significantly from that of an individual by dividing the samples into a two dimensional array of cells
disk. The dynamical properties including the eigen frequency with dimensions of 5 nm 5 nm 40 nm. In our calculation,
spectra of coupled magnetic vortices have been theoretically the linear dimensions of the cells are similar to the exchange
and experimentally investigated [18], [19]. However, the ma- length, which is defined as , where is the ex-
nipulation of magnetostatic interaction between elements and change constant and is the magnetization, respectively, and
thereby influencing their dynamical behaviors have not been has a value of about 5 nm in permalloy. The change in relative
studied. In a step ahead, magnetic energy transfer in an ordered energy error with reduced cell size below the exchange length
array of magnetostatically coupled magnetic vortices under the is generally not significant compared to the increase in required
application of a magnetic field localized on a single element computation time [23]. We choose six different unique magnetic
would be interesting for the application in fast spin logic [20] configurations for the chain labeled as “type I,” “type II,” “type
and magnonic crystals [21], but have not been attempted yet. III,” “type IV,” “type V,” and “type VI” as shown in Fig. 1(a)–(f).
In this paper, we have studied the dynamics of 1-D chains of “Type I” and “type II” correspond to opposite core polarization
in alternate disks and same core polarization in each disk, re-
spectively in a chain of circular disks. “Type III” and “type IV”
Manuscript received October 25, 2009; revised December 19, 2009; accepted correspond to the vortices of same core polarization in chains
January 06, 2010. Current version published May 19, 2010. Corresponding au- of D-shaped nanodisks arranged in same and reverse order, re-
thor: A. Barman (e-mail: abarman@bose.res.in; a_barman@yahoo.com). spectively. In “type V” D-shaped disks are arranged with the
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. flat end at the upper and lower side of the disk in alternative
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMAG.2010.2040587 disks. In “type-VI,” D-shaped disks are arranged with their flat
0018-9464/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE

Fig. 2. Time resolved magnetization curves and corresponding FFT spectra

from (a) disk 1 and (b) disk 6 of all types of 1-D chains of nanomagnets.

Fig. 1. Static magnetic images of chains of magnetic nanodisks showing (a)

“Type I”; (b) “Type II”; (c) “Type III”; (d) “Type IV”; (e) “Type V”; and (f)
“Type VI” configurations. (g) Simulation geometry for the dynamics under the
application of a local rotating magnetic field. The downward arrows indicate the
changes in the vortex chirality in consecutive disks.

ends always at the upper side of the disk. The simulation geom-
etry is presented in Fig. 1(g). After applying a large static mag- Fig. 3. Transmittance of the peak amplitude of oscillation of the gyrotropic
mode is plotted as a function of the disk number.
netic field to saturate the sample, the field was reduced to
zero and the magnetizations were relaxed for 16 ns with a large
damping constant to damp the precession and relax the
magnetization fully within the given time.
The simulations assume typical material parameters for
permalloy, 10.8 kOe, erg/cm,
, and . To excite the dynamics of the vortex
core, a right handed circular rotating magnetic field [14]–[17]
at the resonance frequency 1.26 GHz (for type I and II) or 1.39
GHz (for type III, IV, V, and VI) and 40 mT amplitude is applied
in the – plane to the sample. The local field is applied on the
left most disk while the global field is applied uniformly on all
disks of the chain. The dynamic magnetization averaged over
the entire sample volume and images of the same were saved
for a total duration of upto 15 ns at intervals of 10 ps. A unique
damping parameter of 0.008 for permalloy was assumed in the
dynamic simulation. Simulated time resolved magnetization
and their corresponding FFT spectra for the local excitation Fig. 4. Schematic showing the dynamic magnetic side charge distributions
are shown in Fig. 2. Comparison of the transmittance of the after the application of a local rotating magnetic field. The arrows inside the
disks represent the free in-plane spin and the vertical arrows outside the disks
local excitation from disk 1 to disk 6 is presented in Fig. 3. indicate sharp drop in the interaction energy.
Fig. 4 shows the energy transfer process schematically. Fig. 5
compares the dynamics of the “type IV” chain under local are oppositely polarized in disks 1 and 2. However, in types II,
and global excitations. The static magnetic configurations (see III, IV, and V chains core polarizations are same for all disks.
Fig. 1) show that in “type I” the cores in the neighboring disks
are antiferromagnetically coupled and the chirality of neigh- III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
boring disks change twice as marked by downward arrows. In Dynamic processes for all types of systems studied here
types II, III and VI chirality changes only once but in types IV show a gyrotropic rotational mode of the vortex core described
and V, chirality is same in all disks. In “type VI” vortex cores by Thiele’s equation of motion [24]. The demagnetizing field

coupling between the disks mediated by the in-plane spin con-

figuration and the combination of vortex core polarization and
chirality play important roles in determining the above. The in-
teraction energy is very small in absence of any external mag-
netic field due to the perfect flux closure arrangement. However,
on application of the local magnetic field on disk 1, the vortex
core of the first disk shifts from the equilibrium position, the flux
closure arrangement breaks, the magnetic side (surface) charges
appear and the inter-disk interaction mediated by
these side charges causes the transfer of the gyrotropic core os-
cillation from disk 1 to disk 6 through the intermediate disks.
The magnetostatic energy is related only to the magnetic
surface charges appearing along the envelope of the disk and is
quantified as the surface integral of the product of the surface
charges divided by the distance. Using this straightforward
Fig. 5. Time resolved magnetization curves and corresponding FFT spectra of principle, we may understand the transmittance characteristics
the “Type IV” chain under the application of (a) a local field on disk 1 of the of various types of chains and their dependence on three factors,
chain and (b) a global field applied uniformly over all disks of the chain. the sign and magnitude of the surface charges and the distance
between those. Due to the local field excitation the vortex core
within each nanodisk is modified by the magnetostatic coupling oscillations in various disks in the chains start at different times
between the nanodisks in the dynamic regime. Consequently, and consequently they are not in phase. This determines the
four different aspects may be observed. These are: (a) vortex dynamic magnetic side charge distribution which is shown
core oscillations of individual nanodisks; (b) core-to-core schematically in Fig. 4 for a particular instant of time. In
interaction between the nanodisks in a chain; (c) interaction of “type-I” chain the magnetic side charges in disks 2 to 6 are
vortex core with the spin waves generated within the in-plane very small, giving rise to very small interaction energy between
spin configuration; and (d) the magnetostatic interaction of the disk 1 and disk 2 and to subsequent disks and consequently the
in-plane spins between the nanodisks. Here, we have investi- transmission is very poor from disk 1 to disk 2 through to disk
gated the variation of the peak amplitude of excitation of disk 1 6. In “type II” and “type III” chains, the opposite side charges
(master signal) under the application of identical field and the between disks 2 and 3 causes small interaction energy between
transmittance of local excitation from disk 1 to disk 6. In the these disks and hence transmissions fall sharply. This causes
FFT spectra (see Fig. 2) some additional minor peaks or peak very small amplitude of vortex core gyration and hence small
broadening is observed probably due to the nonlinearlity in the magnetic side charges in the consequent disks and the overall
magnetic potential in which the vortex cores gyrate due to large transmission is low. However, in “type-IV” chain a different
amplitude of the rotating field and the inter-disk interactions. scenario is observed. From disk 1 to disk 6 the magnetic side
The master signal is lowest in “type I” but gradually increases charges in consecutive disks are of same sign resulting in
by a factor of 3.4 in “type IV”. For types V and VI the master positive interaction energy between neighboring disks, whose
signal decreases slightly but remains much higher than “type I”. magnitude decreases from disk 1 to disk 6 due to the decrease
Within the group of chains of same type of disks (“type I” and in the amount of surface charges. This gives rise to a high
“type II” and types III, IV, V, and VI) this variation may be at- transmission and a linear decrease in transmission from disk 1
tributed to the variation in the inter-disk interaction. However, to disk 6 in “type-IV” chain. In “type V” a similar behaviour
variation observed between two different groups of chains is as “type III” and in “type VI” similar behavior as “type IV”
mainly due to self magnetostatic field within the individual nan- is observed and hence they are not shown in Fig. 4. In “type
odisk. In addition, core polarizations of the neighboring disks VI” an additional advantage of shorter separation between the
play an important role by introducing additional interaction en- magnetic side charges in all disks as opposed to “type IV”
ergy. As a result, types I and VI have lowest master signals causes the increased transmittance in this type of chain.
among all types of chains due to opposite core polarizations in Fig. 5 shows the time-resolved dynamics and the corre-
disks 1 and 2. On the other hand, all other types of chains have sponding FFT spectra for “type IV” chain under the application
same core polarizations in all disks, and have higher master sig- of a global rotating magnetic field. Different disks in the chain
nals. have different oscillation amplitude and even slightly varying
Comparison of the transmittance of local excitation from disk frequencies. This is due to the fact that the vortex cores of
1 to disk 6 through the intermediate disks for all types of chains different disks are located in different magnetic potentials. For
is plotted in Fig. 3. The transmittance varies from 16% to 58% example, disk 1 and disk 6 have remarkably different dynamics
from “type I” to “type VI” chains except for a dip observed for compared to other disks, as they have no neighbors at their left
type V, which shows about 20% transmittance. This enhanced and right side, respectively. Consequently, the magnetostatic
transmittance coupled with enhanced master signal produces a fields on these two disks are different from other disks in the
large increase in the absolute amplitude of the transmitted signal chain. Hence, the variation in the dynamics of various disks
in “type IV” and “type VI” chains. The observed variation in in this chain under the application of a local magnetic field is
transmittance may be described in terms of the magnetostatic partly due to the intrinsic dynamics of the chain as observed

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