Dynamics of 1-D Chains of Magnetic Vortices in Response To Local and Global Excitations
Dynamics of 1-D Chains of Magnetic Vortices in Response To Local and Global Excitations
Dynamics of 1-D Chains of Magnetic Vortices in Response To Local and Global Excitations
6, JUNE 2010
We report the magnetic vortex dynamics of 1-D chains of nanomagnetic disks under a time-dependent magnetic field localized at one
end of the chain. The transmission of the peak amplitude of the gyrotropic excitation mode of the vortex core along the chain has been
actively controlled by manipulating the geometry and condition of preparation of the magnetic ground states of the chains. The trans-
mission is maximum for direct magnetostatic coupling and identical chirality of the nanodisks with geometric asymmetry. Dynamics of
the optimized system under a global excitation field has also been investigated to understand the role of magnetostatic interaction in the
energy transfer under the local excitation field. The observations are particularly important for the design of fast spin logic systems and
the magnonic crystals.
Index Terms—Magnetic vortex dynamics, micromagnetic simulations, nanomagnet arrays.
ends always at the upper side of the disk. The simulation geom-
etry is presented in Fig. 1(g). After applying a large static mag- Fig. 3. Transmittance of the peak amplitude of oscillation of the gyrotropic
mode is plotted as a function of the disk number.
netic field to saturate the sample, the field was reduced to
zero and the magnetizations were relaxed for 16 ns with a large
damping constant to damp the precession and relax the
magnetization fully within the given time.
The simulations assume typical material parameters for
permalloy, 10.8 kOe, erg/cm,
, and . To excite the dynamics of the vortex
core, a right handed circular rotating magnetic field [14]–[17]
at the resonance frequency 1.26 GHz (for type I and II) or 1.39
GHz (for type III, IV, V, and VI) and 40 mT amplitude is applied
in the – plane to the sample. The local field is applied on the
left most disk while the global field is applied uniformly on all
disks of the chain. The dynamic magnetization averaged over
the entire sample volume and images of the same were saved
for a total duration of upto 15 ns at intervals of 10 ps. A unique
damping parameter of 0.008 for permalloy was assumed in the
dynamic simulation. Simulated time resolved magnetization
and their corresponding FFT spectra for the local excitation Fig. 4. Schematic showing the dynamic magnetic side charge distributions
are shown in Fig. 2. Comparison of the transmittance of the after the application of a local rotating magnetic field. The arrows inside the
disks represent the free in-plane spin and the vertical arrows outside the disks
local excitation from disk 1 to disk 6 is presented in Fig. 3. indicate sharp drop in the interaction energy.
Fig. 4 shows the energy transfer process schematically. Fig. 5
compares the dynamics of the “type IV” chain under local are oppositely polarized in disks 1 and 2. However, in types II,
and global excitations. The static magnetic configurations (see III, IV, and V chains core polarizations are same for all disks.
Fig. 1) show that in “type I” the cores in the neighboring disks
are antiferromagnetically coupled and the chirality of neigh- III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
boring disks change twice as marked by downward arrows. In Dynamic processes for all types of systems studied here
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