Masrour 2016

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Comparable studies of magnetic properties of ising

spins-5/2 and 3/2 systems on decorated square and
triangular lattices

R. Masrour, A. Jabar, A. Benyoussef, M.


PII: S0304-8853(16)30231-1
Reference: MAGMA61261
To appear in: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Received date: 9 November 2015
Accepted date: 7 March 2016
Cite this article as: R. Masrour, A. Jabar, A. Benyoussef and M. Hamedoun,
Comparable studies of magnetic properties of ising spins-5/2 and 3/2 systems on
decorated square and triangular lattices, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic
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Comparable studies of magnetic properties of Ising spins-5/2 and 3/2

systems on decorated square and triangular lattices

R. Masrour1,2*, A. Jabar2, A. Benyoussef2,3,4, M. Hamedoun3

Laboratory of Materials, Processes, Environment and Quality, Cady Ayyed University,
National School of Applied Sciences, 63 46000, Safi, Morocco.
Laboratoire de Magnétisme et Physique des Hautes Energies L.M.P.H.E.URAC 12,
Université Mohammed V, Faculté des Sciences, B.P. 1014, Rabat, Morocco.
Institute of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies, MAScIR, Rabat, Morocco.
Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology, Rabat, Morocco.
Corresponding authors:; Fax:(+212) 5 37 21 75 47.
Tel:(+212) 664317525
In this work, we have studied and compared the magnetic properties of Ising spins-5/2 and 3/2

systems on decorated square and triangular lattices by using the Monte Carlo simulations. The

transition temperature of the two-dimensional decorated square and triangular lattices has

been obtained. The effect of the exchange interactions and crystal field on the magnetization

is investigated. The magnetic coercive field and saturation magnetization of the two-

dimensional decorated square and triangular lattices have been obtained.

Keywords: Square and triangular lattices; Monte Carlo simulations; Transition temperature;

Magnetic coercive field and saturation magnetization.

1. Introduction

Nanoscale heterostructures have a strong potential for meeting the increasing demand for

multi-functional and stable devices [1,2]. The theoretical knowledge of the nonuniversal

effects provided by well expressed and varying decorations may be of interest, e.g., in the

experimental studies of real magnetic materials and related systems where one often deals

with samples with a nontrivial local structure of the lattice [3]. The thermodnamic properties

of a mixed system composed of classical planar spins and Ising spins (S=1/2), in one- and

two-dimensional lattices [4]. A decorated Ising model with classical vector spins on a square

lattice is investigated in detail [5]. The structural evolution and stability studies of

heterostructures comprised of carbon nanotubes decorated with nickel/nickel oxide core/shell

nanoparticles have been investigated in Ref.[6]. The magnetic properties of titanium

decorating point-defective graphene have been studied by Ref.[7]. The ferromagnetic Ni

decorated ordered mesoporous carbons as magnetically separable adsorbents for methyl

orange is studied in Ref.[8]. the superparamagnetic nanocomposites with magnetic Fe3O4

nanoparticles decoratedon MoS2 nanosheets were prepared by a simple hydrothermal route

[9]. The decorated planar models belong to the simplest exactly solvable theoretical models of

ferrimagnetism have been given in Ref.[10]. The effect of exchange anisotropy and next-

nearest-neighbour interaction on magnetic behaviour of the mixed-spin Ising–Heisenberg

model on the decorated triangular lattice is studied by the use of an exact star triangle map

[11]. The ground-state and finite-temperature behavior of the mixed spin-1 and spin-1/2

Ising–Heisenberg model on the diamond-like decorated Bethe lattice is investigated within the

framework of two rigorous methods: the decoration-iteration transformation and exact

recursion relations [12]. Spin-1/2 Ising model with a spin-phonon coupling on decorated

planar lattices partially amenable to lattice vibrations is examined using the decoration-

iteration transformation and harmonic approximation [13]. Phase diagrams and

thermodynamic properties of a correlated spin–electron system considering localized Ising

spins on nodal sites and mobile electrons on decorating sites of doubly decorated planar

lattices are rigorously examined with the help of generalized decoration–iteration

transformation [14]. The phase diagrams in the case of SB=1/2 (SB denotes the spin of a

decorating atom) are obtained and discussed [15]. The exact results for the phase diagrams,

compensation temperatures and magnetizations of a decorated ferrimagnetic Ising model on

the square lattice are obtained and discussed [16]. The anisotropic surface tension for an Ising

system below the critical point on a triangular or a honeycomb lattice can be computed

through duality [17]. The magnetic properties of a decorated Ising nanotube is examined by

using the Monte Carlo simulations [18]. In this work, we have determinate the transition

temperature from the variation of magnetization versus the temperature of the two-

dimensional decorated square and triangular lattices. The effect of the exchange interactions

and crystal field on the magnetization is established. The magnetic hysteresis cycle of the

two-dimensional decorated square and triangular lattices have been obtained.

2. Model and theory

The Hamiltonian of the two-dimensional decorated square and triangular lattices such as

given in Fig.1, includes nearest neighbors interactions, external magnetic field and the crystal

field is given as:

  
H   J S  Si j  J   j k h 
  Si    j  
  Si2    2j  
 
i , j   j ,k   i j  i j 

where i, j and  j, k  stand for the first nearest neighbor spins (i and j) and (j and k), h is the

external magnetic field and  represent the crystal field. The JS and J are the exchange

interactions between the first nearest-neighbor magnetic atoms with spins - and S-,

respectively. The spins moment of A and B atoms are =±3/2, ±1/2 and S=±5/2;±3/2, ±1/2.

The new parameters used in the present work are: Δ/J, RS=JS/J, T/J and h/J.

3. Monte Carlo simulations

The two-dimensional decorated square and triangular lattices are assumed to reside in the unit

cells and the systems consists of the total number of spins N=N+NS, with (NS=25 and

N=40) and (NS=23 and N=54), respectively, such as given in Fig.1. We apply a standard

sampling method to simulate the Hamiltonian given by Eq. (1). Cyclic boundary conditions

on the lattice were imposed and the configurations were generated by sequentially traversing

the lattice and making single-spin flip attempts. The flips are accepted or rejected according to

a heat-bath algorithm under the Metropolis approximation. Our data were generated with 105

Monte Carlo steps per spin, discarding the first 104 Monte Carlo simulations. Starting from

different initial conditions, we performed the average of each parameter and estimate the

Monte Carlo simulations, averaging over many initial conditions. Our program calculates the

following parameters, namely:

The magnetizations of sublattices A and B two-dimensional decorated square and triangular

lattices are:

M 
i (2)

MS 
i (3)

The total magnetization of Ising model of two-dimensional decorated square and triangular

lattices is:

N S M S  N M 
M (4)
N S  N

with E is the internal energy per site,

E H (5)

where N=NS+N

with E  H
N (6)

4. Results and discussion

The magnetic properties of the two-dimensional decorated square and triangular lattices are

studied by Monte Carlo simulations. We have presented in Fig.2, the thermal magnetizations

and magnetic susceptibilities of the two-dimensional decorated square and triangular lattices

for Δ/J=0, RS=0.5 and h/J=1.0. It is seen from the figure that the magnetization

monotonically decreases from its maximum value at reduced temperature, T/J=0 and tends

to zero for (T/J). The reduced transition temperature of square and triangular lattices is

situated at the maximum of each magnetic susceptibility. The obtained values are the same for

square and triangular lattices and is 13.5. Our value is superior to those obtained by

Refs.[15,19] with spins moment S=1/2 and 1. The obtained value is comparable with those

obtained by effective field theory [16] with the same of spin moment S=5/2. Fig.3, shows the

magnetizations versus the exchange interactions RS of the two-dimensional decorated square

and triangular lattices for Δ/J=0, T/J=1 and h/J=1.0. Below the transition temperature

the system orders ferromagnetically for RS<0 (or antiferromagnetically for RS>0) and above

the critical boundaries the system exhibits the standard paramagnetic behaviour. For RS<0,

the magnetization of triangular lattice remain constant. On contrary, the system on the square

lattice exhibits different behaviour of the magnetization it is varied for the same value of

crystal field, the temperature and external magnetic field. The system can be exhibits the

reentrant phase transition. For RS>0, the two magnetizations increases with increasing the

exchange interactions until reached their saturation. The similar results have been obtained

also in the Ising model on the triangular lattice with only one decorating atom on the bond

[20]. Fig.4 illustrates the magnetizations versus the crystal field of the two-dimensional

decorated square and triangular lattices for RS=0.5, T/J=1 and h/J=1.0. The

magnetization increase with increasing the crystal field for square and triangular lattices until

reached their saturation for Δ/J-1.5. Finally, we have presented in Fig.5, the magnetic

hysteresis cycle of the two-dimensional decorated square and triangular lattices for RS=0.5,

T/J=1 and Δ/J=0. The reduced magnetic coercive field (hC//J) of square and triangular

lattices are deduced. The obtained values of hC//J are 1.88 and 2.2 for square and triangular,

respectively. The saturation magnetizations of square and triangular are 2 and 2.2,

respectively. The two system shows the ferromagnetic phase for RS=0.5, T/J=1 and

Δ/J=0. The magnetic hysteresis analysis shows that the composite has a strong magnetism

response to the magnetic field has changed. This results are similar to those obtained in

previously work [18].

5. Conclusions

We have found that the systems on the doubly decorated square and triangular lattice exhibit

qualitatively similar behaviour with always a single transition. The transition temperature is

comparable with those effective field theory. The magnetization increase with increasing the

exchange interactions JS and crystal field . From the magnetic hysteresis, we can deduced

the system show the ferromagnetic phase. The saturation magnetization and magnetic

coercive of two system are also deduced for the spins-5/2 and spins-3/2 configurations. The

both systems have the same magnetic properties.


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Fig. 1. Part of the two-dimensional decorated square and triangular lattices. The gray circles

(A) denote atoms with spin =3/2 and black circles (B) represent decorating atoms with spin


M, Square
, Square
M, Triangular
, Triangular

M, 1.0


0 5 10 15 20 25 30


Fig.2 Thermal magnetizations and magnetic susceptibilities of the two-dimensional decorated

square and triangular lattices for Δ/J=0, RS=0.5 and h/J=1.0.

2.0 Triangular



M 0.5



-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2


Fig.3 Magnetizations versus the exchange interactions RS of the two-dimensional decorated

square and triangular lattices for Δ/J=0, T/J=1 and h/J=1.0.

2.1 Triangular


M 1.2




-4 -3 -2 -1 0


Fig.4 Magnetizations versus the crystal field of the two-dimensional decorated square and

triangular lattices for RS=0.5, T/J=1 and h/J=1.0.




-4 -2 0 2 4


Fig.5 Magnetic hysteresis cycle of the two-dimensional decorated square and triangular

lattices for RS=0.5, T/J=1, Δ/J=0.


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