Ahmad 2018

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Dynamic Economic Dispatch and Transient

Control of Distributed Generators in a Microgrid
Jameel Ahmad , Muhammad Tahir, Member, IEEE, and Sudip K. Mazumder , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Microgrids have multiple distributed generators M Laplacian matrix.

(DGs) with increased penetration of renewable energy sources. ppv PV power.
Efficient integration of these DGs in a microgrid, whether in Ld Load demand.
grid-connected or islanded mode, poses many challenges, such
as optimal power sharing, control of load-side and generator-side ui Control law.
transients, and economic dispatch (ED), to name a few. Different fr (ppv ) Reliability cost of PV power.
control strategies for power sharing and ED fall short in providing
good dynamic performance. To address this issue, we propose I. INTRODUCTION
a novel solution that provides ED with improved dynamic
N ARBITRARY microgrid is a cluster of multiple dis-
performance. Specifically, the ED problem employs dynamic
performance controller based on proportional–integral–derivative
control for improved performance by using an augmented
A tributed power sources. Distributed generation is the term
often used for small-scale power generation, in which multiple
Lagrangian-based approach. For the distributed coordinated
control of DGs, we utilize a multiagent system architecture. The distributed generators (DGs), usually of few megawatt (MW)
performance evaluation results show that the proposed solution [1], are connected to form a microgrid. The increased pene-
for ED improves the overall system performance of the microgrid. tration and integration of microgrids in energy sector in recent
The system achieves an optimal state, where DGs operate at years has raised many challenging problems, such as economic
minimum cost while improving the transient response during load dispatch (ED), efficient control of power sources and timely
or generator switching.
communication of system variables, power quality concerns,
Index Terms—Distributed generation, dynamic performance, load transients, and system harmonics. Due to limitations of
islanded microgrid, multiagent system (MAS), optimized control. conventional power sources and increased environmental con-
cerns because of gaseous emissions, renewable energy sources
along with storage system for backup are also becoming integral
NOMENCLATURE part of these microgrids. A microgrid meets energy needs of a
small locality or injects excess power to the main utility grid.
w Operating frequency in rad/s. It can work either in an islanded or grid-connected mode. A
wo Nominal frequency. microgrid should seamlessly switch between these two modes
E Operating voltage. during its operation providing efficient control and power man-
Eo Nominal system voltage. agement. Islanding may occur due to unplanned disturbances
αi , βi , γi Generator cost coefficients. or preplanned scheduling. While a disturbance may override
ai , bi , ci Pollutant emission cost coefficients. the system for some time, transients are generated due to load
C Generator cost function. switching [2]. In this study, an islanded mode of the microgrid
Ei Emission cost function of ith generator. operation is considered and the process of entering or leaving
kp , ki , kd PID controller gains. of a DG leads to transients in the microgrid. The coexistence
z Power variable. of renewable sources in the microgrid makes the magnitude of
L Lagrangian function. these transients even more pronounced.
La Augmented Lagrangian function. One of the key performance attributes of a microgrid is the
ED, which is the process of determining the optimal opera-
Manuscript received July 1, 2017; revised April 10, 2018 and June 11, 2018; tion of DGs to minimize the generation cost while meeting the
accepted July 19, 2018. (Corresponding author: Jameel Ahmad.)
J. Ahmad is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
load demands as well as operational constraints. Different solu-
Management and Technology, Lahore, Lahore 54700, Pakistan, and also with tions have been proposed for ED, which are broadly termed as
the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering and Tech- dynamic ED (DED) and real-time ED. The DED problem is for-
nology, Lahore, Lahore 54890, Pakistan (e-mail:,jameel.ahmad@umt.edu.pk).
M. Tahir is with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Al-Khwarizmi
mulated as a two-stage primal-dual problem using Lagrangian
Institute of Computer Science, University of Engineering and Technology, relaxation [3]. The implementation of DED can be realized us-
Lahore, Lahore 54890, Pakistan (e-mail:,mtahir@uet.edu.pk). ing either a centralized or a distributed control. In case of the
S. K. Mazumder is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
neering, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607 USA (e-mail:,
centralized DED, all the DGs are controlled from a central con-
mazumder@ece.uic.edu). trol center [4], [5]. On the other hand, a distributed DED can be
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSYST.2018.2859755 implemented by using a multiagent system (MAS) architecture

1937-9234 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


[6]–[8]. Cherukuri and Corts [6] have proposed a relaxation of discrete time instants that continuously sets the generator’s set
ED (RED) problem using a distributed Laplacian-based first- points. This is a suboptimal solution because AGC depends on
order dynamics, which provides exponential convergence. The ED, which is slower, while load keeps on changing on a faster
solution approach in [6] uses a non-smooth penalty function time scale. The above-mentioned limitations demand for new
based approach to map the RED problem as an unconstrained solution approaches to the ED problem, which can respond to
optimization problem and performs a distributed allocation of fast fluctuations in the generation as well as load.
loads to the set of DGs. The solution approach in [7] offers a To address this issue, the conventional primal-dual algorithm
distributed consensus control for optimized management of dis- based ED is extended in this paper. Specifically, to achieve
tributed generation resources for an islanded mode of the micro- improved dynamic response, an augmented Lagrangian
grid operation. The above-mentioned solution approaches suffer based dynamic control is proposed. The augmentation to the
from the limited dynamic performance of economic dispatch. Lagrangian function allows us to implement a proportional–
Microgrid employs a hierarchical control strategy for its integral–derivative (PID) controller. In addition, for distributed
operation. At the bottom of the hierarchy is the primary control implementation, a multiagent-based system architecture
control that maintains the operating voltage and frequency. The is proposed. Traditionally, a multiagent-based architecture
secondary control is responsible for active and reactive power converges to the average consensus [15], which in case of
controls, which is also termed as automatic generation control distributed generation can provide equal load sharing or equiv-
(AGC). To minimize the generation cost while meeting the alently consensus among the DGs. This is a useful attribute for
load demands, we need to operate different DGs at the optimal controlling DGs of equal rating. On the other hand, real-time
power generation point. For that purpose, tertiary control is ED can always require unequal load sharing among the DGs.
used to implement economic dispatch. To achieve any desired level of tradeoff between ED and
Conventionally, the ED problem is performed on a slower generation consensus among DGs, a relaxation of consensus
time scale. Although the conventional approaches to solve ED constraint is introduced. The proposed solution approach is
problem have been efficacious for traditional power systems, equally useful for grid connected as well as islanded modes of
they fall short for a microgrid system with frequent transients operation. However, it is more effective for an islanded mode
and larger power fluctuations. This can be attributed to the fact of operation, in which case transients can be more pronounced.
that the load demand uncertainties as well as the number of Normally, ED problem and dynamic response problem are
renewable resources are on the rise. As a result, the generation addressed separately in the literature. One key contribution of
system is exposed to large power fluctuations [9], resulting in this paper is to embed dynamic response in ED optimization. In
frequent transients. Cost-based droop schemes for economic addition, some other contributions of this paper are as follows:
dispatch in islanded microgrids are presented in [10]. A robust 1) A fully distributed augmented Lagrangian-based PID con-
two-stage approximate optimization approach is presented to trol algorithm that can be applied to an islanded microgrid
schedule the energy generation under uncertainties to minimize to improve the dynamic performance during transients;
long-term average operating cost in [11]. The first stage of 2) Optimal power sharing of the generators;
optimization determines hourly unit commitment of the con- 3) Problem formulation for an economic-emission dispatch
ventional generators (CGs) via a day-ahead scheduling, and the with PV-integrated transient control with distributed
second stage performs economic dispatch of the CGs, energy loads, such as electric vehicles (EVs).
storage systems, and energy trading via a real-time scheduling. This paper is organized as follows. In Section II-A, a mi-
Though the solution handles the uncertainties due to renewable crogrid system architecture with multiple generation systems is
generation and load demands, however, it offers an approximate outlined. Details of the distributed control with the multiagent
optimization solution for the long-term operational cost. Peak- architecture is presented in Section II-B. The ED based on the
aware online economic dispatching for microgrids is studied in conventional and proposed PID control along with emission re-
[12] considering competitive online algorithms that do not rely ductions and integration of renewable energy resources is given
on prediction of the future input. System dynamics or transients, in Section III. Performance evaluation results are provided in
however, have not been considered in this paper. The focus Section IV and this paper is concluded in Section V.
was only on cost reduction. A two-stage control framework
and a hybrid control method are proposed for active power II. SYSTEM MODEL
real-time dispatch in islanded ac microgrids in [13]. However,
the proposed solution suffers from slow dynamic response. A. Microgrid System Architecture
The primal-dual algorithm based distributed ED solution also Microgrids are classified based on their architectures, con-
suffers from poor dynamic performance due to the presence of trol, and communication interfaces as residential, industrial, or
inherent integral controller as will be explained in Section III-A. military microgrids. Our proposed microgrid system architec-
In addition, the time gap between slower ED and faster AGC ture is shown in Fig. 1 consisting of a mix of DGs of differ-
leads to reduced economical efficiency of the microgrid. Few ent types. In this model, renewable and nonrenewable energy
studies have proposed to bridge this gap between ED and sources are combined together in the form of a hybrid microgrid.
AGC. Integrating AGC and ED for real-time optimization is DC–DC converters, dc–ac inverters, power management sys-
proposed in [14] and ED in the feedback loop is activated at tem, and controllable loads are some other system components
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 1. Microgrid system architecture.

in a typical microgrid. Nonrenewable sources usually consist

of conventional thermal generators, whereas major renewable
energy sources include photovoltaic (PV) and wind-based sys-
tems. The presence of renewable energy sources also leads to Fig. 2. Microgrid hierarchical control.
disturbances in the form of power transients. Since our proposed
microgrid is responsible for providing power to few MW loads, and frequency stabilizations is not the focus of this paper.
these transients cannot be neglected. The conventional thermal Rather, it is anticipated that voltage and frequency controls are
units have tight control of voltage and frequency specially when in place and are fully functional. Reader is referred to [16], [19]
it is dictated by utility grid. When in islanded mode, the micro- for more details on primary and secondary control loops.
grid experiences transients due to fluctuations in load as well as
renewable energy sources, and as a result, system dynamics are
disturbed. In such a scenario, it becomes even more desirable B. Multiagent Communication Framework for Microgrid
to use control techniques that can provide improved dynamic To implement the above microgrid architecture, we con-
performance. sider a collection of Y DGs and define the corresponding set
As discussed in Section I, a three-layer hierarchical control Y = {1, 2, . . . , Y }. Each DGi has an associated set of neighbor-
is used in microgrids. Primary control maintains the operating ing DGs denoted by Yi ⊂ Y. The set Yi includes all DGs that can
voltage and frequency, whereas secondary control is responsible communicate with DGm and we assume that underlying com-
for active and reactive power controls, as shown in Fig. 2. Droop munication link is bidirectional. This scenario can be modeled
control and its variants for secondary control are provided in using an undirected graph G = {Y, E}, where E is the set of
[16]–[18] and references therein. However, it is well known communication links among the communicating pairs of DGs.
that poor load sharing and inferior dynamic performance are For graph G, we define a Y × Y adjacency matrix A = A(G).
the key limitations of the droop control. Our proposed solution Each entry ai,m ∈ A is set to 1, if we have (i, m) ∈ E, i.e., the
addresses these limitations by devising a multiagent structure corresponding communication link between DGi and DGm ex-
for communication among the DGs and PID-based controller ists and to 0 otherwise. If ai,m = 1, then we call DGi and DGm
for improved dynamic performance for ED. to be adjacent. From the communication perspective, degree di
The ED problem is solved at tertiary control level and is of a DGi is defined  as the number of adjacent DGs to it and
responsible for dynamically updating Pref and Qref set point is given by di = m ∈Y i ,m = i ai,m , ∀i. Let D ∈ RY ×Y is the
values, which act as reference for secondary control as can diagonal matrix with entries di , i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , Y }, and is called
be observed from Fig. 2. The multiagent structure helps in degree matrix of graph G. Now, we can define graph Laplacian
implementing ED at run time by continuously monitoring the matrix as M = D − A. The matrix M has all row sums equal
system state of all DGs and provide this information to ED to zero, i.e., M 1 = 0, where 1 is vector of all ones.
control (EDC). The cost optimization dynamics of EDC can be
controlled by PID resulting in improved dynamic performance,
which in turn results in better power sharing and control of tran-
sients. The presence of phase-locked loop (PLL), as observed In the conventional ED, a constrained optimization problem is
from Fig. 2, is responsible to set reference frequency for a micro- formulated and is solved by using the Lagrangian algorithm. As
grid, when synchronized with the main grid. Since the proposed we will observe later, this approach is equivalent to an integral
solution is at tertiary control level, secondary control for voltage control and results in poor dynamic performance. To improve
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


dynamic performance, an augmented Lagrangian based PID equations can be rewritten as follows:
controller for ED will be proposed.   + 
u i = Φ Mi −
kλ Ld − zi (τ ) dτ + uρ − uσ
A. Conventional ED 0 i
The ED optimization problem with a quadratic cost function  t
Ci is defined as uρ = kρ i (zm in − zi (τ ))+ dτ
Ci (zi ) = αi zi2 + βi zi + γi ∀i. (1) t
i i uσ = − kσ i (zi (τ ) − zm ax )+ dτ. (5)
In (1), zi ∈ z, z ∈ RN , represents the power delivered form The auxiliary variables consisting of ui , uρ , and uσ in (5) are
generator i, whereas αi , βi , and γi are cost coefficients of the in fact part of the control law, which effectively implements an
ith generator. The ED optimization problem then becomes integral control to adjust power generation from each DG.

minimize ωi Ci (zi )
B. Proposed PID Based ED
 Due to the inherent integral control action, the dynamic
s.t. zi ≥ Ld , Mz + δ ≥ 0, zm in ≤ zi ≤ zm ax . (2)
performance of the optimized power generation may not be
satisfactory. To improve the dynamic performance during
In (2), M ∈ RN ×N . ωi in the objective function is the weighting power transients due to any variations in load demand, a
coefficient, whereas Ld denotes the load demand. The second dynamic performance controller based solution is developed.
inequality constraint is generator’s power limits between zm in This is achieved by modifying the system dynamics given in
and zm ax . The third equality constraint in (2) is termed as (5), to incorporate additional terms. For that purpose, we extend
the consensus constraint. When Mz + δ = 0, all generators the Lagrangian in (3) to construct an augmented Lagrangian
reach at a consensus. By allowing δ ≥ 0 and correspondingly function La given by
Mz + δ ≥ 0, consensus constraint is relaxed, which in turn  2
provides the flexibility to reduce the overall generation cost. To   kp 
La (z, λ, Φ, ρ, σ, z̃) = ωi Ci (zi ) + Ld − zi
map the constrained optimization problem in (2) to an equiva- i i
2 i
lent unconstrained problem, we use the Lagrange function. The   
Lagrangian for the optimization problem in (2) is defined as 
  + ki λ Ld − zi
L(z, λ, Φ, ρ, σ) = ωi Ci (zi ) + λ Ld − zi 
i i + Φt [Mz + δ] + ρ(zm in − zi )
+ Φt [Mz + δ] + ρ(zm in − zi ) 
+ σ(zi − zm ax ) + (zi − z̃i )2 .
+ σ(zi − zm ax ). (3) i i


In (3), λ, ρ, σ, and Φ are the Lagrange multipliers (or dual vari- In (6) kp , ki , and kd are, respectively, proportional, integral,
ables) associated with the load demand, consensus constraint, and derivative gains of the controller and z̃i is an auxiliary state
and individual generator’s minimum and maximum power lim- variable. Using the augmented Lagrangian in (6), the updated
its, respectively. Using (3), next, we construct the primal-dual primal-dual dynamics and associated control law ui becomes
dynamics, for the optimization problem in (2), given as follows: żi = kz i (ωi Ci (zi ) + ui ) , z̃˙i = k̃d (zi − z̃i )
żi = kz i (ωi Ci (zi )
+ Φ Mi − λ − ρ + σ) t  +

 + λ̇ = kλ Ld − zi , φ̇i = kφ i {[Mz]i + δ}+

λ̇ = kλ Ld − zi , φ̇i = kφ i {[Mz]i + δ}+ i

i ρ̇ = kρ i {zm in − zi }+ , σ̇ = kσ i {zi − zm ax }+
ρ̇ = kρ i {zm in − zi }+ σ̇ = kσ i {zi − zm ax }+ . (4)
ui = −ki [λ + ρ − σ − Φt Mi ]
In (4), Mi represents the ith column of M, [Mz]i denotes the ith
+ kd (zi − z̃i ) − kp ψ(λ̇) ∀i. (7)
element of vector Mz, and φi ∈ Φ. The coefficients kz i , kλ and
kφ i , kρ i , kσ i are controller gains, whereas the notation {z}+ in The first expression in (7) represents the power system dynam-
(4) is defined as max{0, z}. Let ui = Φt Mi − (λ + uρ − uσ ) ics for ED and the associated controller ui . The control law ui
is the control action. Using the expression for λ, ρ, and σ from implements the PID control, where ψ(.) is a linear functional
(4) and substituting to the control action ui , the system dynamic mapping. The first term, in ui , is the integral control action. The
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



second term is responsible for implementing derivative control

action in variable zi , which can be verified. The second term
in ui , kd (zi − z̃i ), in (7) converges to zero at equilibrium, and
equivalently, the auxiliary variable z̃i converges to zi , ∀i. This
term is responsible for implementing derivative control action
Fig. 3. Sigmoid fit for cumulative distribution function of the PV output
power with parameters a = 0.0259 and c = 129. in variable zi , as verified in the following. For this purpose, ap-
plying the Laplace transformation to z̃˙i = k̃z i (zi − z̃i ) results
k̃ z i
in z̃i (s) = s+ k̃ z i
zi (s). Substituting z̃i (s) into the expression
kd (zi − z̃i ), it becomes kd
s+ k̃ z i
szi (s), which implements deriva-
tive control in zi , whereas the coefficient s+ k̃ z i
low-pass filtering. Choosing a large value of gain parameter
kd increases the bandwidth of derivative control. The last term
in ui implements the proportional control action. This can be
verified using a simple linear functional mapping as ψ(λ̇) = λ̇.
λ̇ is proportional to zi and results in proportional control action.

C. Economic-Emission Dispatch With Renewable

Energy Resources
This section extends the ED problem further by incorporating
pollutant emission minimization for CO2 and integration of
PV renewable energy resource. The generated power from PV
is stochastic and can be modeled using a probability density
function of the PV output power (e.g., see [20, Fig. 3(a)]).
1) Pollutant Emission Cost: Among the three pollutants,
NOx , CO2 , and SOx , considered in the literature, CO2
is the most dominant. Pollutant emission costEi (zi ) fol-
Fig. 4. Block diagram used in MATLAB to simulate PID dynamics.
 quadratic cost [21], [22] and is given by i Ei (zi ) =
a z
i i i + b z
i i + ci , ∀i, where a, b, and c are pollutant emis-
sion cost coefficients.
2) Reliability Cost for PV Power: The proposed microgrid
model incorporates PV energy sources, whose power variation
affects the overall power sharing among the DGs of the mi-
crogrid. To take into account the intermittency of power from
a PV source, we introduce a reliability cost component to the
objective function of the optimization problem (9). The opera-
tional and maintenance costs of PV are minimal and have been
ignored. The reliability objective function fr (x) is defined as
Fig. 5. System configuration of four DGs alongwith a communication
structure. 1 − Pr(ppv < x), which effectively is a measure of at least ob-
taining power ppv from the PV source. The term Pr(ppv < x)
SYSTEM PARAMETERS USED FOR SIMULATION effectively is cumulative distribution function and is obtained
from [20] for PV sources. Reader is referred to [20, Fig. 3(b)].
The reliability function is obtained by curve fitting a sigmoid
function to the data from [20] and is given by
e−a(p pv −c)
fr (ppv ) = . (8)
1 + e−a(p pv −c)
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Fig. 6. Consensus among DGs for optimal power generation based on (a) conventional control and (b) PID control.

The result of the sigmoid function fit is shown in Fig. 3. The TABLE III
function fr (ppv ) is nonconvex, however, log transformation
results in a concave function, which is used to maximize the
3) Optimization Problem Formulation: There is an under-
lying tradeoff among the conflicting objectives of pollutant
emission reduction, PV power reliability enhancement, and gen-
eration cost reduction. To achieve this tradeoff, we formulate a
weighted multiobjective optimization problem using the weight-
ing coefficients ωi and ωre , where ωre is the weighting coefficient
to provide tradeoff between PV reliability and emissions. The
multiobjective ED problem can now be reformulated as follows: The connectivity among the four DGs is illustrated in Fig. 5.

For the given connectivity among the DGs, the corresponding
min ωi Ci (zi ) + Ei (zi ) − ωre log(fr (ppv )) Laplacian matrix is given by
i ⎡ ⎤
  1 −1 0 0
s.t. zi + ppv = Ld + LEV , zi ≥ Ld ⎢ ⎥
⎢ −1 3 −1 −1 ⎥
i i
M =⎢ ⎢ 0 −1 2 −1 ⎥ .
⎥ (10)
Mz + δ ≥ 0, zm in ≤ zi ≤ zm ax . (9) ⎣ ⎦
0 −1 −1 2
In (9), ppv is the power output from PV panels and LEV is a
distributed load due to electric vehicles, which also affects The power generation capacities for the four generators are
system transients. The problem in (9) can be solved using the tabulated in Table I. It is assumed that the generators are con-
Lagrangian duality, as discussed previously. ventional thermal power units with generator’s cost coefficients
given in Table II. The generator’s cost coefficients in Table II are
IV. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION RESULTS derived from [24], whereas pollutant emission cost coefficients
are taken from [21]. We require a total power demand of 4 MW.
Since this paper is implemented at algorithmic level, most The information among the DGs is exchanged using an IEEE
of the results are obtained through numerical simulations of 802.15.4-based communication interface, which provides a data
the proposed microgrid system. For that purpose, MATLAB rate of 250 Kb/s. The step-size scaling coefficients are config-
R2016a is used on Intel Core i5 laptop. Please refer to Fig. 4 ured with constant values as kp i = 2000, k̃p i = 400, kφ i = 20,
that has been used for simulating the PID dynamics given in and kλi = 30.
(7) and its extended version given by (9) with their descriptions
given in Sections III-B and III-C3, respectively.
A. Case1: Performance of the Conventional and Proposed
For the optimized power flow control from the distributed
generation, we consider a network of four DGs [23]. Each PID Controls With Generator Power Constraints
DG comprises of a controller module, an energy source, and We compare the performance of the optimized PID based
a power converter. The proposed PID algorithm is applicable ED with that of the conventional ED under generator power
for both grid connected as well as islanded mode of operation. constraints and the results are shown in Fig. 6(a) and (b). The
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Fig. 9. Effect of parameter δ on total generation cost for different loads.

Fig. 7. Optimal power generation from different DGs based on the conven-
tional control.

Fig. 10. Incremental generation cost (in $) as a function of parameter δ for

different load demands.

Fig. 8. Optimal power generation from different DGs based on the optimized generator for ED. In addition, the dynamic performance of the
PID control. two controllers is also compared. For this scenario, the param-
eter δ is set equal to one-half of the load demand. This setting
restricts the maximum generated power difference between any
step-size scaling coefficients are configured with constant values
pair of generators not more than 2 MW. The performance of
as k̃ρ i = 400, kφ i = 20, kλ = 30, and kρ i = 200.
integral control for ED is shown in Fig. 7. It can be observed
Introducing generator’s power limits (zm in , zm ax ), conven-
from Fig. 7 that system response exhibits poor transient per-
tional control has more pronounced transients compared to
formance. There is high overshoot at the beginning as system
PID control. With proper tuning, PID control outperforms the
tries to adjust the power from different generation units. It takes
conventional control. The consensus constraint in (2) allows us
approximately 0.7 s to reach steady state. At 2 and 4 s, the
to achieve any desired tradeoff between cost optimization and
system experiences a step change in load demands to 12 Ld and
uniform loading of multiple DGs. The system also achieves a 3
consensus ensuring that all DGs are generating same power. 4 Ld , respectively, resulting in power transients. For these step
changes in the load demand, we observe poor transient perfor-
The tuned values of the PID gains used for this case are
mance again. The same load transient scenario is presented to
tabulated in Table III.
the optimized PID and the response is shown in Fig. 8. The
tuned values of the PID gains used for this case are tabulated
B. Case 2: Performance of PID Without Generator in Table III. From the results in Fig. 8, we observe a significant
Power Constraints
improvement in the transient performance and system settles
In this case, we first compare the performance of integrator- in less than 0.2 s. In addition, the overshoot is also reduced
based controller with the proposed PID based optimized power significantly, as can be seen from Fig. 8.
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Fig. 11. Effect of δ variations on the power allocation to different DGs. (a) δ = 0.8. (b) δ = 0.4. (c) δ = 0.

Fig. 12. (a) PI controller performance with EV load. (b) Optimized controller performance with EV load.

Fig. 13. (a) Effect of pollutant emission. (b) PV power reliability.

C. Case 3: Effect of δ on Generation Cost reduction arbitrarily. Rather, we do not get any cost reduction
Next, we analyze the effect of parameter δ on the total beyond a certain threshold value of δ, which corresponds to the
generation cost for different load demands. For a given load optimal generation cost and the consensus constraint becomes
demand, increasing δ leads to generation cost reduction, as can inactive at that point. For a fixed load demand, let Cδ denote
be seen from Fig. 9. The cost reduction is based on the fact that a the total generation cost for a given value of δ, whereas Cm in
DG with lower cost contributes more power in contrast to a DG denotes the minimum possible generation cost for the same load
with higher generation cost. Increasing δ does not provide cost demand, then we define incremental generation cost, attributed
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Fig. 14. Impact of (a) frequency-dependent and (b) voltage-dependent loads.

to consensus, as ΔC = Cδ − Cm in . For different load demands, From these results, it is obvious that an optimized controller has
the incremental generation cost ΔC as a function of δ is shown superior dynamic performance compared to a PI controller.
in Fig. 10. As the parameter δ increases, the incremental
generation cost reduces and becomes zero beyond the threshold E. Case 5: Effect of Pollutant Emission and PV
value of δ. The threshold value for δ increases with an increase Power Reliability
in the load demand as can be observed from Fig. 10. In
Effects of CO2 emission and PV power reliability are also
addition, an increase in the load demand also results in higher
analyzed using the revised optimization problem in (9) and the
incremental cost, due to the generation from higher cost DGs.
results are shown in Fig. 13(a) and (b). Fig. 13(a) shows the
The relaxed consensus constraint in (2) allows to achieve any
increase in CO2 emissions (ton/hour) as a function of parameter
desired tradeoff between cost optimization and uniform loading
ωre for different loads. In addition, Fig. 13(b) shows the PV
of multiple DGs. Setting a large value of parameter δ results
power reliability as a function of parameter ωre . From these
in cost optimization, whereas making it zero ensures that all
results, it is obvious that demanding higher reliability reduces
DGs are generating same power. Next, we analyze the effect of
PV power contribution to the system.
varying parameter δ on the power allocation to different DGs.
This is shown in Fig. 11 for three different values of parameter
δ. Setting a value of 0.8 to parameter δ, the difference between F. Case 6: Impact of Frequency-Dependent and
the powers generated from the DGs connected to each other Voltage-Dependent Loads
does not exceed 0.8 MW, as can be observed from Fig. 11(a). Different frequency- and voltage-dependent load models are
Similarly, when δ is set to zero, all the DGs are generating same studied in the literature [26], [27]. Among those ZIP, exponen-
power as verified from Fig. 11(c). tial, and linear frequency dependent models are widely used
for load modeling. An exponential load model [28] with both
voltage and frequency dependence has been adopted in this
D. Case 4: Effect of Electric Vehicle Load on the Performance study and its impact on transient performance of the micro-
of PI and Optimized Controller grid is studied. The load model, used to analyze voltage- and
To further explore the transient response of the proposed frequency-dependent load variations, is given as follows:
solution, the measured data from [25] is used to construct a  k pv  
E w − wo
load model of EV charging station for a Nissan Leaf EV, having Ld (E, w) = Po 1 + kpf (11)
Eo wo
50-kW charging load. The results are shown in Fig. 12(a) and (b).
When the charging load of 5 MW for a fleet of Nissan Leaf EVs is where kpv = 1.7 and kpf = 1 and these are taken from [27] for
applied for up to 2 s, the generators share this load. Performance a residential load. Po is nominal load that is taken as 4 MW, E
of PI control is compared with an optimized controller. As shown is system operating voltage, and Eo is nominal voltage. w is
in Fig. 12(a), a PI controller has greater transients compared to the operating frequency and wo is the nominal frequency. The
an optimized controller as shown in Fig. 12(b). After 2 s, the frequency deviation was taken from −1% to 0.6% and its effect
EV load is gradually reduced, the load demand on generators is shown in Fig. 14(a) for frequency-dependent load. The voltage
due to EVs is also adjusted and followed closely by the DGs. deviation was taken from −2% to 2% and the corresponding
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Muhammad Tahir (M’02) received the Ph.D. de- Sudip K. Mazumder (S’97–M’01–SM’03–F’16) re-
gree in electrical and computer engineering from the ceived the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer en-
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA, gineering from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA,
in 2008. in 2001.
He is currently an Associate Professor with He has been a Professor with the University of
the Department of Electrical Engineering, Univer- Illinois at Chicago (UIC), Chicago, IL, USA, since
sity of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Lahore, 2001, and has been the President of NextWatt LLC
Pakistan. He was a Visiting Research Scholar with since 2008. He has more than 25 years of professional
the University of Illinois at Chicago in the summer of experience and has held R&D and design positions
2014. He was the principal investigator on the funded in leading industrial organizations and has served as
research projects related to air quality monitoring and a Technical Consultant for several industries. He has
intelligent camera networks. He has more than 40 international publications to authored or coauthored more than 200 refereed papers, delivered more than 85
his credit. His research interests include wireless sensor networks, delay-tolerant keynote/plenary/invited presentations, and received and carried out about 50
networks, distributed resource optimization for wireless networks, and real-time sponsored research projects since joining UIC. He is the author or co-author of
wireless multimedia networks. more than 180 journal and conference papers and 9 book/book chapters, and
Dr. Tahir is the reviewer of numerous IEEE journals and conferences. holds 8 issued and several pending patents.
Dr. Mazumder was the Guest Editor-in-Chief and an Associate Editor for
multiple IEEE Transactions and the first Editor-in-Chief for Advances in Power
Electronics. He has served and is serving in high-profile capacities in leading
IEEE conferences, technical committees, and NSF panels. He was the recipient
of several prestigious awards including the UIC’s Inventor of the Year Award
(2014), the University of Illinois’ University Scholar Award (2013), the IEEE
PELS Transaction Prize Paper Award (2001), the IEEE Future Energy Chal-
lenge Award (2005), the ONR Young Investigator Award (2005), and the NSF
CAREER Award (2003).

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