Loss On Drying BP 2008
Loss On Drying BP 2008
Loss On Drying BP 2008
Loss on drying
using the conditions recommended by the manufacturer the second sheet on top and remove any trapped air bubbles.
of the equipment. Manufacturers of SDS-PAGE equipment Complete the assembly of the drying frame. Place in an oven
may provide gels of different surface area and thickness. or leave at room temperature until dry.
Electrophoresis running time and current/voltage may need MOLECULAR-MASS DETERMINATION
to vary as described by the manufacturer of the apparatus Molecular masses of proteins are determined by comparison
in order to achieve optimum separation. Check that the of their mobilities with those of several marker proteins of
dye front is moving into the resolving gel. When the dye is known molecular weight. Mixtures of proteins with precisely
reaching the bottom of the gel, stop the electrophoresis. known molecular masses blended for uniform staining are
Remove the gel assembly from the apparatus and separate available for calibrating gels. They are obtainable in various
the glass plates. Remove the spacers, cut off and discard the molecular mass ranges. Concentrated stock solutions
stacking gel and immediately proceed with staining. of proteins of known molecular mass are diluted in the
DETECTION OF PROTEINS IN GELS appropriate sample buffer and loaded on the same gel as the
Coomassie staining is the most common protein staining protein sample to be studied.
method with a detection level of the order of 1 µg to 10 µg Immediately after the gel has been run, the position of
of protein per band. Silver staining is the most sensitive the bromophenol blue tracking dye is marked to identify
method for staining proteins in gels and a band containing the leading edge of the electrophoretic ion front. This can
10 ng to 100 ng can be detected. be done by cutting notches in the edges of the gel or by
All of the steps in gel staining are done at room temperature inserting a needle soaked in India ink into the gel at the
with gentle shaking (e.g. on an orbital shaker platform) dye front. After staining, measure the migration distances
in any convenient container. Gloves must be worn when of each protein band (markers and unknowns) from the
staining gels, since fingerprints will stain. top of the resolving gel. Divide the migration distance of
each protein by the distance travelled by the tracking dye.
Coomassie staining. Immerse the gel in a large excess of The normalised migration distances so obtained are called
Coomassie staining solution R and allow to stand for at the relative mobilities of the proteins (relative to the dye
least 1 h. Remove the staining solution. front) and conventionally denoted as RF. Construct a plot
Destain the gel with a large excess of destaining solution R. of the logarithm of the relative molecular masses (Mr) of
Change the destaining solution several times, until the the protein standards as a function of the RF values. Note
stained protein bands are clearly distinguishable on a clear that the graphs are slightly sigmoid. Unknown molecular
background. The more thoroughly the gel is destained, the masses can be estimated by linear regression analysis or
smaller is the amount of protein that can be detected by interpolation from the curves of log Mr against RF as long as
the method. Destaining can be speeded up by including a the values obtained for the unknown samples are positioned
few grams of anion-exchange resin or a small sponge in the along the linear part of the graph.
destaining solution R. VALIDATION OF THE TEST
NOTE : the acid-alcohol solutions used in this procedure The test is not valid unless the proteins of the molecular
do not completely fix proteins in the gel. This can lead mass marker are distributed along 80 per cent of the length
to losses of some low-molecular-mass proteins during the of the gel and over the required separation range (e.g. the
staining and destaining of thin gels. Permanent fixation range covering the product and its dimer or the product
is obtainable by allowing the gel to stand in a mixture of and its related impurities) the separation obtained for the
1 volume of trichloroacetic acid R, 4 volumes of methanol R relevant protein bands shows a linear relationship between
and 5 volumes of water R for 1 h before it is immersed in the logarithm of the molecular mass and the RF. Additional
the Coomassie staining solution R. validation requirements with respect to the solution under
Silver staining. Immerse the gel in a large excess of fixing test may be specified in individual monographs.
solution R and allow to stand for 1 h. Remove the fixing QUANTIFICATION OF IMPURITIES
solution, add fresh fixing solution and incubate either for Where the impurity limit is specified in the individual
at least 1 h or overnight, if convenient. Discard the fixing monograph, a reference solution corresponding to that
solution and wash the gel in a large excess of water R for level of impurity should be prepared by diluting the test
1 h. Soak the gel for 15 min in a 1 per cent V/V solution solution. For example, where the limit is 5 per cent, a
of glutaraldehyde R. Wash the gel twice for 15 min in a reference solution would be a 1:20 dilution of the test
large excess of water R. Soak the gel in fresh silver nitrate solution. No impurity (any band other than the main band)
reagent R for 15 min, in darkness. Wash the gel three times in the electropherogram obtained with the test solution
for 5 min in a large excess of water R. Immerse the gel may be more intense than the main band obtained with the
for about 1 min in developer solution R until satisfactory reference solution.
staining has been obtained. Stop the development by Under validated conditions impurities may be quantified
incubation in the blocking solution R for 15 min. Rinse the by normalisation to the main band using an integrating
gel with water R. densitometer. In this case, the responses must be validated
Depending on the staining method used, gels are treated in
a slightly different way. For Coomassie staining, after the 01/2008:20232
destaining step, allow the gel to stand in a 100 g/l solution of
glycerol R for at least 2 h (overnight incubation is possible).
For silver staining, add to the final rinsing a step of 5 min in 2.2.32. LOSS ON DRYING
a 20 g/l solution of glycerol R. Loss on drying is the loss of mass expressed as per cent m/m.
Immerse two sheets of porous cellulose film in water R and Method. Place the prescribed quantity of the substance to
incubate for 5 min to 10 min. Place one of the sheets on be examined in a weighing bottle previously dried under
a drying frame. Carefully lift the gel and place it on the the conditions prescribed for the substance to be examined.
cellulose film. Remove any trapped air bubbles and pour a Dry the substance to constant mass or for the prescribed
few millilitres of water R around the edges of the gel. Place time by one of the following procedures. Where the drying
temperature is indicated by a single value rather than a Use a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer operating at
range, drying is carried out at the prescribed temperature not less than 60 MHz for 1H. Unless otherwise prescribed,
± 2 °C. follow the instructions of the manufacturer.
a) “in a desiccator” : the drying is carried out over Before recording the spectrum, verify that :
diphosphorus pentoxide R at atmospheric pressure and
at room temperature ; 1) The resolution is equal to 0.5 Hz or less by measuring the
peak width at half-height using an adequate scale expansion
b) “in vacuo” : the drying is carried out over diphosphorus of :
pentoxide R, at a pressure of 1.5 kPa to 2.5 kPa at room
temperature ; — either the band at δ 7.33 ppm or at δ 7.51 ppm of the
symmetrical multiplet of a 20 per cent V/V solution of
c) “in vacuo within a specified temperature range” : the
dichlorobenzene R in deuterated acetone R,
drying is carried out over diphosphorus pentoxide R, at
a pressure of 1.5 kPa to 2.5 kPa within the temperature — or the band at δ 0.00 ppm of a 5 per cent V/V solution of
range prescribed in the monograph ; tetramethylsilane R in deuterated chloroform R.
d) “in an oven within a specified temperature range” : the 2) The signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), measured over the range
drying is carried out in an oven within the temperature from δ 2 ppm to δ 5 ppm on the spectrum obtained with a
range prescribed in the monograph ; 1 per cent V/V solution of ethylbenzene R in deuterated
e) “under high vacuum” : the drying is carried out over chloroform R, is at least 25:1. This ratio is calculated as the
diphosphorus pentoxide R at a pressure not exceeding mean of five successive determinations from the expression :
0.1 kPa, at the temperature prescribed in the monograph.
If other conditions are prescribed, the procedure to be used
is described in full in the monograph.
A = amplitude, measured in millimetres, of the largest
peak of the methylene quartet of ethylbenzene
01/2008:20233 centred at δ 2.65 ppm. The amplitude is measured
from a base line constructed from the centre of
2.2.33. NUCLEAR MAGNETIC the noise on either side of this quartet and at a
distance of at least 1 ppm from its centre.
RESONANCE SPECTROMETRY H = peak to peak amplitude of the base line noise
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometry is based measured in millimetres obtained between
on the fact that nuclei such as 1H, 13C, 19F, 31P possess a δ 4 ppm and δ 5 ppm.
permanent nuclear magnetic moment. When placed in 3) The amplitude of spinning side bands is not greater than
an external magnetic field (main field), they take certain 2 per cent of the sample peak height in a tube rotating at a
well-defined orientations with respect to the direction of this speed appropriate for the spectrometer used.
field which correspond to distinct energy levels. For a given
field value, transitions between neighbouring energy levels 4) For quantitative measurements verify the repeatability of
take place due to absorption of electromagnetic radiation of the integrator responses, using a 5 per cent V/V solution
characteristic wavelengths at radio frequencies. of ethylbenzene R in deuterated chloroform R. Carry out
five successive scans of the protons of ethyl groups and
The determination of these frequencies may be made
determine the mean of the values obtained. None of the
either by sequential search of the resonance conditions
individual values differs by more than 2.5 per cent from the
(continuous-wave spectrometry) or by simultaneous
excitation of all transitions with a multifrequency pulse
followed by computer analysis of the free-induction decay of Method. Dissolve the substance to be examined as
the irradiation emitted as the system returns to the initial prescribed and filter ; the solution must be clear. Use a
state (pulsed spectrometry). chemical shift internal reference compound, which, unless
A proton magnetic resonance spectrum appears as a set of otherwise prescribed, is a solution containing 0.5 per
signals which correspond to protons and are characteristic cent V/V to 1.0 per cent V/V of tetramethylsilane R (TMS)
of their nuclear and electronic environment within the in deuterated organic solvents or 5 g/l to 10 g/l of sodium
molecule. The separation between a given signal and that of tetradeuteriodimethylsilapentanoate acid R (TSP) in
a reference compound is called a chemical shift (δ) and is deuterium oxide R. Take the necessary quantity and record
expressed in parts per million (ppm) ; it characterises the kind the spectrum.
of proton in terms of electronic environment. Signals are
frequently split into groups of related peaks, called doublets, CONTINUOUS-WAVE SPECTROMETRY
triplets, multiplets ; this splitting is due to the presence of Adjust the spectrometer so that it is operating as closely
permanent magnetic fields emanating from adjacent nuclei, as possible in the pure absorption mode and use a
particularly from other protons within two to five valence radio-frequency setting which avoids saturation of the
bonds. The intensity of each signal, determined from the signals. Adjust the controls of the spectrometer so that
area under the signal, is proportional to the number of the strongest peak in the spectrum of the substance to be
equivalent protons. examined occupies almost the whole of the scale on the
Apparatus. A nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer recorder chart and that the signal of the internal reference
for continuous-wave spectrometry consists of a magnet, compound corresponds to a chemical shift of δ 0.00 ppm.
a low-frequency sweep generator, a sample holder, a Record the spectrum over the prescribed spectral width and,
radio-frequency transmitter and receiver, a recorder and an unless otherwise specified, at a sweep rate of not more than
electronic integrator. A pulsed spectrometer is additionally 2 Hz per second. Record the integral spectrum over the
equipped with a pulse transmitter and a computer for the same spectral width and at a suitable sweep rate according
acquisition, storage and mathematical transformation of the to the instrument used. When quantitative measurements
data into a conventional spectrum. are required, these should be obtained as prescribed.