Effect of A Virtual Chemistry Laboratory On Students' Achievement
Effect of A Virtual Chemistry Laboratory On Students' Achievement
Effect of A Virtual Chemistry Laboratory On Students' Achievement
(Submitted June 10, 2011; Revised October 6, 2011; Accepted December 28, 2011)
It is well known that laboratory applications are of significant importance in chemistry education. However,
laboratory applications have generally been neglected in recent educational environments for a variety of
reasons. In order to address this gap, this study examined the effect of a virtual chemistry laboratory (VCL) on
student achievement among 90 students from three different ninth-grade classrooms (an experimental group and
two control groups). Study data were gathered with pre and post chemical-changes unit achievement (CCUA)
Test, laboratory equipment test (LET), and unstructured observations. The collected data were analyzed using
SPSS (version 16.0). Comparisons were made within and between groups. It was concluded that the developed
virtual chemistry laboratory software is at least as effective as the real laboratory, both in terms of student
achievement in the unit and students’ ability to recognize laboratory equipment.
Virtual laboratory, Chemistry laboratory, Students’ achievement, Learning environment
Chemistry is perceived by students as a challenging subject, since it is difficult to construct the abstract concepts
frequently encountered in the subject area (Ayas & Demirbas, 1997; Nakleh, 1992). Although Turkish students study
chemistry as a minor part of the primary-school science course, it is first encountered as a separate course during the
ninth grade. More than 70% of these students took the course for the first and last time (Ministry of National
Education 2007). Therefore, achievement in the chemistry course during this period profoundly influences students’
branch preferences in their subsequent education.
Previous studies of ninth- grade chemistry topics found that students can understand the course unit on physical and
chemical changes (Ayas & Demirbas, 1997), but have difficulty understanding events at the micro level and
explaining chemical changes in relation to chemical bonds (Mirzalar Kabapinar & Adik, 2005). In addition, the
literature shows that students have difficulty in constructing the topic of the chemical-changes unit in their minds;
and that teachers do not support students adequately during this construction process (Palmer & Treagust, 1996;
Ayas & Demirbas, 1997; Ayas, Karamustafaoglu, Sevim & Karamustafaoglu, 2002; Kabapinar & Adik, 2005;
Ozmen, 2005; Atasoy, Genc, Kadayifci, & Akkus, 2007). The reason for this weakness is frequently attributed to the
lack of laboratory practice (Yang & Heh, 2007). The reason for this weakness is frequently attributed to the lack of
laboratory practice (Yang & Heh, 2007). Although laboratory work is an indispensable element of understanding
chemistry courses, previous studies have reported that it cannot be properly embedded into traditional chemistry
courses for various reasons, such as safety concerns, a lack of self-confidence, and an excessive amount of time and
effort required to conduct accurate experiments (Elton, 1983; Bryant & Edmunt, 1987; Hofstein & Lunetta, 2004;
Durmus & Bayraktar, 2010). Nonetheless, it is not impossible to overcome these obstacles via technology-based
alternatives (Okon, Kaliszan, Lawenda, Stoklosa, Rajtar, Meyer, & Stroinski, 2006).
An alternative learning environment, called a virtual laboratory, can help to make this crucial educational application
available to students (Kumar Pakala, Ragade, & Wong, 1998; Shin, Yoon, Park & Lee, 2000; Grob, 2002; SAVVIS,
2010; Jeschke, Richter, & Zorn, 2010). Virtual laboratories simulate a real laboratory environment and processes,
and are defined as learning environments in which students convert their theoretical knowledge into practical
knowledge by conducting experiments (Woodfield, 2005). Virtual laboratories provide students with meaningful
virtual experiences and present important concepts, principles, and processes. By means of virtual laboratories,
students have the opportunity of repeating any incorrect experiment or to deepen the intended experiences.
Moreover, the interactive nature of such teaching methods offers a clear and enjoyable learning environment (Ardac
& Akaygun, 2004 Jeschke, Richter, & Zorn, 2010). Table 1 shows a comparison of the reasons why chemistry
teachers do not include laboratory applications in their teaching and the solutions offered by virtual laboratories.
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Table 1. Problems encountered in chemistry courses and solutions offered by virtual laboratories
Reason for
teachers’ lack Alternatives offered by virtual laboratories
of use of the lab
Experiments that involve risks in the real environment due to poisonous or unsavory gas releases
Safety concerns can be safely performed in virtual laboratory environment / uncontrolled explosions (e.g., NI3)
have no real-world consequences, etc.
Virtual laboratories help students and teachers with little or no laboratory experience in terms of
selecting laboratory equipment, setting up experimental apparatus, and completing the procedure.
Lack of self-
With the exception of starting the computer or accessing the website hosting the virtual
environment software, virtual environments require no prior preparation of laboratory equipment,
As virtual laboratory equipment is not at risk of being broken or lost, users can use virtual
Lack of
laboratories freely. Experiments that cannot be conducted in a real laboratory due to shortages of
equipment and materials can be repeated in a virtual lab without any loss.
Time loss is reduced in virtual laboratories compared to time lost in real laboratories. The
experimental procedure in virtual laboratories is similar to that of real laboratories. Understanding
Time shortage and following the experiments is easier in virtual media. After the experiment, it is not necessary
to devote time to tidying the virtual laboratory. Students who become accustomed to the virtual
laboratory environment can easily repeat the same experiments in the real laboratory environment.
The interactive format of the virtual laboratory environment presents the problem case by
arousing students’ curiosity. They are made to put forward and test hypotheses, and are also given
Weaknesses of the opportunity to make generalizations. Since the subsequent experimental steps in the virtual
confirmation laboratory are pre-planned, based on algorithms, there is no risk of the experiment producing
method improper results or no results at all. The students are able to research freely within a largely
determined framework (Dalgarno, Bishop, Adlong, & Bedgood, 2009; Yu, Brown, & Billet,
As seen in Table 1, a virtual laboratory may sometimes be a preferable alternative, or simply a supportive learning
environment, to real laboratories. A virtual laboratory provides students with opportunities such as enriching their
learning experiences; conducting experiments as if they were in real laboratories; and improving their experiment-
related skills such as manipulating materials and equipment, collecting data, completing experiment process in an
interactive way (with boundless supplies), and preparing experiment reports (Subramanian & Marsic, 2001).
Researchers have determined that instructions carried out with virtual laboratories significantly increase student
achievement levels. Virtual environments let students observe the process in more detail, compared to board and
chalk activities of the traditional classroom or partially completed experiments of the real laboratory environment. In
addition, virtual environments foster attention and motivation towards the course by supporting a discussion platform
among partners, peers, and among students and teacher (Hounshell & Hill, 1989; Geban, Askar, & Ozkan, 1992;
Kubala, 1998). Furthermore, some researchers even argue that performing experiments within a virtual environment
is more effective than performing experiments in real laboratories (McCoy, 1991; Geban et al., 1992; Svec &
Anderson, 1995; Kozma, Chin, Russell, & Marx, 2000; Browne, 2002).
Context of study
According to the literature, the laboratory approach is regarded as an indispensable element of chemistry education,
and students subjected to constructivist learning theory-based laboratory instruction exhibit higher achievement
scores, deeper attention, and more frequent participation in chemistry course (Duffy & Jonassen, 1991; Aydogdu,
2003; Puacharearn, 2004; Karagiorgi & Symeou, 2005; Celikler, Gunes, & Sendil, 2006; Atasoy, Genc, Kadayifci, &
Akkus 2007 Koseoglu & Tumay, 2010) However, it is obvious that learning environments adopting and applying
constructivist learning theory should be supported with activities facilitating cooperation and interaction (Ayas &
Demirbas, 1997; Baki, 2008), which require more time.
Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) is known to have a positive effect on student learning, and is a recommended
strategy to enrich constructivist learning environments (Liew & Treagust, 1998).
However, studies showed that, in traditional learning environments, there are always inconsistencies between student
predictions and observations (Champagne, Klopfer, & Anderson, 1980; White & Gunstone, 1992; Liew & Treagust,
1998; Kearney & Treagust, 2001. Such environments also make students reserved and cause them to refrain from
expressing their opinions directly (Sheppard, 2006). In contrast, virtual learning environments enable learners to
repeat the events several times without hesitation, to zoom in and out, and to watch in slow motion being questioned
in any way (Kearney & Treagust, 2001.
The present study evaluated how student achievement levels are affected by the use of virtual chemistry laboratory
(VCL) software. The software does the following:
Models the positive influences on student achievement mentioned above.
Eliminates adverse effects of virtual laboratories.
Increases student participation.
Visualizes macro, micro, and symbolical level presentations of the experiment.
Provides a strategy that follows the procedural steps of the POE strategy.
The principal aim of this study is to determine the effect of a virtual chemistry laboratory on student achievement in
course units entitled “chemical changes” and “recognizing laboratory materials and equipment.” The course units
form part of the ninth-grade chemistry curriculum, and the virtual learning environment approach is based on
constructivist learning theory, following the steps of POE strategy.
We then conducted a pilot study in which the experiments within the chemical changes unit were performed by
student teachers in the General Chemistry I course at the Karadeniz Technical University. The experimental
processes were recorded, and the records were used to evaluate the reality of the experiments, which would be
transferred to the virtual environment, and to determine what difficulties the student teachers encountered. We
reviewed the virtual laboratory applications in the literature.
We prepared the content of the virtual chemistry laboratory software. Before the preparation, previous virtual
laboratory applications and positive and constructive comments directed to these applications were reviewed.
Following this review, it was determined that previous virtual laboratory applications used in the chemical changes
unit contained only one or two dimensions. That is, some of the previous applications focused on visual dimensions
but no instructional model was applied during development, whereas other applications prioritized molecular level
representations but neglected student interaction. Still some others presented a very large laboratory environment but
users were found to lose time, get tired, and, if they eventually managed to use these environments, took longer to
arrive at solutions (Tatli, 2011).
We considered these findings during the development of the VCL used in the current study. We developed the virtual
learning environment in the following stages:
Determined the computer programs and applications to be used in the software (3D Max, Adobe Photoshop,
Macromedia Flash 8, Adobe Audition, and CrazyTalk)
Developed software content
Modeled the laboratory interface, material and supply cupboards, experimental materials and equipment and
avatars necessary for the virtual chemistry laboratory
Created and recorded scripts for avatars and the software’s scientific content
Developed the virtual chemistry laboratory
Collected expert opinions about the virtual laboratory
Finalized the virtual chemistry laboratory before the pilot application
Chose the school for the pilot application and provided administrative permissions
Piloted the virtual chemistry laboratory
The pilot scheme let us see the shortcomings of our virtual chemistry laboratory that we piloted. By taking into
consideration the results we got from the surveys we improved and finalized the virtual chemistry laboratory before
the main application. Some screenshots of the software at that stage are given in Figure 1.
The piloted VCL software is more advanced than that of previous studies in terms of the following:
Introducing experimental rules, laboratory equipment and materials to the user
Providing the user with a learning environment based on constructivist learning theory and POE strategy
User independency across a wide range of applications and parameters
The recording of pre-information about the user for comparison with final results
Presenting macro, micro and symbolical dimensions of the experiment simultaneously
Providing the user with information about the relationship between the experiment and real life
Presenting experiments in video format and directing some inquiries to the user, simultaneously presenting
synchronized sound, music, visual and information (virtual TV component)
The sample group of this study consisted of one experienced chemistry teacher and 90 students from one high
school. Table 2 presents the total duration saved for the chemical changes unit and the classroom/laboratory.
Table 2. Laboratory/classroom of the control and experimental group students during instruction of the chemical
changes unit
Group name Preferred experiment environment Class Laboratory Total
EG VCL 4 5 11
CG-I Real laboratory 9 2 11
CG-II Real laboratory 8 3 11
To check the quality and functions of the developed materials, in-depth interviews were carried out with the
participating teacher. Participating students were randomly assigned to one of three groups: experimental group (EG,
n = 30), control-I group (CG-I, n = 30) and control-II group (CG-II, n = 30). The experimental group performed all
the experiments in chemical changes unit using the virtual chemistry laboratory (VCL). The CG-I and CG-II groups
were not manipulated, and the teacher taught the unit using their own conventional methods. Only the teacher of the
CG-II was encouraged to do all the experiments of the unit in the real laboratory (when it was possible). However,
the teacher was not given any additional suggestions and was only informed that one of the researchers would
passively observe the session.
The implementation took six weeks during the spring semester of the 2009–2010 academic year and was conducted
at an Anatolian secondary school located in the city center of Trabzon. The control and experimental groups were
chosen randomly. However, since within-group manipulation was impossible (i.e., students were registered to related
classrooms), the study used a quasi-experimental method. Compared to an experimental method, the quasi-
experimental method is used when it is impossible to choose a completely random sample. The data were collected
using the CCUA and LET at the beginning and at the end of the study period as pre-test and post-test measures of
student achievement. The implementation process and measurement tools applied are summarized in Table 3.
Table 3. Implementation process of the study and measurement tools applied during the process
Data collection tools Process Data collection tools
Group name
EG X X * X X
CG-I X X ** X X
CG-II X X *** X X
* The teacher giving instruction to perform all the experiments of the chemical changes unit within the VCL
environment. The experiences during the experiments were observed passively and recorded by one of the
researchers, using the unstructured observation form.
** The teacher instructed with no manipulation. (The teacher used the real chemistry laboratory for experiments with
his/her usual frequency). The teacher’s consent was requested only for observing the lesson. The experiences during
the experiments were observed passively and recorded by one of the researchers on the unstructured observation
*** The teacher instructed in the real laboratory environment. The experiences during the experiments were
observed passively and recorded by one of the researchers on the unstructured observation form.
Data analysis
The SPSS 16.0 statistical analysis program was used to analyze the data. In order to test whether CCUA and LET
pre- and post-test scores of CG-I, CG-II, and EG groups were statistically different within group-paired samples t-
test, to compare groups one-way ANOVA were carried out (Johnson & Christensen, 2004). Additionally,
observation data and interviews were used to support the quantitative data.
Student achievement at chemical-changes unit
Table 3 shows paired samples t-test results, used to check whether there was a significant relationship between pre-
and post-CCUA scores of the control and experimental groups.
Table 3. Paired samples t-test results comparing pre- and post-CCUA scores of CG-I, CG-II and EG students
Group CCUA N X S SD t p
CG-I Pre-test 30 42.666 12.015 29 2.895 0.007*
Post-test 30 50.833 12.668
Pre-test 30 39.666 13.578 29 2.895 0.007*
Post-test 30 55.333 11.121
EG Pre-test 30 39.66 13.578 29 6.388 0.000*
Post-test 30 59.33 11.121
The results show that there were significant differences between the pre- and post-test scores of each group, favoring
the post-test (CG-I [t(29) = −2.895, p < .05], CG-II [t(29) = −6,210, p < .05], EG [t(29) = −6.388, p < .05]). When overall
pre- and post-CCUA results of the participant students were examined in more detail, it was observed that the
average score of the CG-1 students increased from 39.66 to 55.33 and CG-II from 42.66 to 50.83, while the average
score of EG students increased from 39.66 to 59.33. Student achievement at the end of the chemical-changes unit
showed that the greatest increase was achieved in the EG group. This implies that the VCL software supported
instruction at least as effectively as the real chemistry laboratory.
Table 4 presents the results of the one-way ANOVA, comparing CCUA pre- and post-test scores of the control and
experimental group students.
Table 4. One-way ANOVA results comparing pre- and post-CCUA scores of CG-I, CG-II, and EG students
CCUA Sum of SD Mean F p Sig. Effect
squares square difference size
Between groups 180.000 2 90.000 0.659 0.520* – 0.014
Pre-test Within groups 11880.000 87 136.552
Total 12060.000 89
Between groups 1085.000 2 542.500 4.500 0.014* EG-CG-I 0.093
Post-test Within groups 10487.500 87 120.546
Total 11572.500 89
According to the results presented in Table 4, there was no significant difference between the groups at the beginning
of the study [F(2–87) = .659, p > .05]. However, the post-test results showed a significant between-group difference
[F(2–87) = 4,500, p < .05]. Scheffe’s test was used to determine which groups caused the difference, indicating that the
difference was between EG (= 59.33) and CG-I (= 50. 83), favoring EG. There were no other significant differences
between the groups. This finding suggests that the VCL software was at least as effective as the real chemistry lab
when assessed in terms of student achievement in the chemical-changes unit.
A paired samples t-test was used to check whether there was a significant relationship between pre- and post-LET
scores of the control and experimental student groups (See Table 5).
Table 5. Paired samples t-test results comparing pre- and post-LET scores of CG-I, CG-II, and EG students
Group LET N X S SD t p
CG-I Pre-test 30 24.80 9.65 29 −1.29 .20
Post-test 30 22.19 7.58
CG-II Pre-test 30 28.53 7.66 29 2.71 .01*
Post-test 30 35.43 12.54
EG Pre-test 30 29.45 9.839 29 13.21 0.00*
Post-test 30 67.41 13.063
The post-LET test scores of the CG-I students were lower than the pre-test scores, but this difference was not
significant (Table 5) [t(29) = 1.299, p > .05]. However, the pre- and post-test scores of CG-II and EG were
significantly different, favoring the post-tests.
In this context, it can be said that the activities conducted by the CG-1 group had no effect on students’ recognition
of the laboratory equipment , while the activities performed by CG-II and EG students positively affected students’
ability to recognize laboratory equipment.
The results of the one-way ANOVA, comparing LET pre and post-test scores of the control and experimental group
students are presented in Table 6.
Table 6. One-Way ANOVA results comparing pre- and post-LET scores of CG-I, CG-II and EG students
LET Sum of SD Mean F p Sig. Effect
squares square difference size
Between groups 363.20 2 181.60 2.19 0.11 0.047
Pre-test Within groups 7213.76 87 82.91 –
Total 7576.97 89
Between groups 33799.523 2 16899.762 135.56 .000* EG/CG-I 0.757
Post-test Within groups 10845.908 87 124.666 EG/CG-II
Total 44645.431 89
*: significant at 0.05
As seen in Table 6, there was no significant difference between the groups at the beginning of the study [F(2-87) =
2.19, p > .05]. However, at the end of the study, there were significant differences between the groups [F(2-87) =
135.56, p < .05]. The Scheffe’s test indicated that there were significant differences between EG and CG-I; EG, and
CG-II; CG-II and CG-I.
The results of the present study suggest that virtual laboratories are at least as effective as real laboratories in terms
of acquainting students with experiment process (Yu et al., 2005; Dalgarno, Bishop, Adlong, & Bedgood, 2009),
providing students with a safe experimental environment (Mercer-Chalmers, Goodfellow, & Price, 2004), allowing
students to conduct experiments individually (Bozkurt, 2008), providing users with more options in shorter time with
interaction (Regan & Sheppard, 2006; Ozdener & Erdogan, 2001), and simultaneously presenting micro, macro, and
symbolic presentation levels to the user (Carlsen & Andre, 1992).
The research team proposes that this result is due to the greater number of experiments that were conducted by the
experimental group students compared to the control group students. In addition, some advantages of the virtual
laboratory listed below positively affect students’ achievements in the experimental group. These advantages are as
follows: the students in the EG focused on the process instead of the materials and equipment; the macro, micro, and
symbolic dimensions of the experiments could be investigated in detail with virtual media; students could reach the
solution by trying the different choices presented; the software was prepared along with the steps of POE; the
software provided students with the opportunity to transfer domain specific knowledge into everyday life.
This conclusion is also supported by the theory that, by maximizing interactivity, virtual laboratory applications
render students active thinkers instead of passive observers and thereby construct effective and meaningful learning
processes (Trindade, Fiolhai, & Almedia, 2002). It was expected that the adoption of POE to the system increased
student-student and student-teacher interactions, reasoning frequency and attentive participation of the students, and
made the learning more persistent (Margel, Eylon, & Scherz, 2004; Thomas, Ashton, Austin, Beevers, Edwards, &
Milligan, 2004; Karaer, 2007; Tekin, 2008; Chairam, Somsook, & Coll, 2009). The high frequency of abstract
concepts that are presented in chemistry (Nakhleh, 1992; Ayas & Demirbas, 1997) is one of the most important
factors adversely affecting student achievement (Gabel, 2003; Pekdag, 2010). However, previous studies have stated
that virtual laboratories facilitate the formation of conceptual models by providing activities that improve cognitive
skills (Kennepohl, 2001; Trindade et al., 2002; Ardac & Akaygun, 2004; Falvo, 2008; Pekdag, 2010). Since
chemistry is closely related to daily life (Secken, Morgil, Erokten, Erdem, & Caglayangol, 1999), the use of an
“associate with real life” tab within the software is expected to contribute to student achievement.
The pre-LET test scores showed that the achievement levels of the control and experimental groups were quite low
and similar to each other. This situation can be attributed to the examination-oriented instruction applied throughout
the primary school and, accordingly, the lack of laboratory applications in the study context (Saka, 2002). In Turkey,
two highly competitive nationwide exams that place students in upper schooling are held at the end of grades 8 and
12. Since sufficient class hours are not reserved for laboratory applications at primary school level, and because
students are not at the heart of the laboratory applications, they cannot recognize laboratory equipment properly
(Guzel, 2000). The review of previous studies showed that primary school science courses in Turkey are supported
by little or no laboratory applications. Furthermore, most of the laboratory hours involve only the teachers
demonstrating the experiments (Guzel, 2000; Ulucinar, Cansaran, & Karaca, 2004; Ozmen, Demircioglu, & Coll,
2009). Even worse, a study carried out at the university level determined that students cannot properly recognize
laboratory materials and equipment (Costu, Ayas, Calik, Ünal, & Karatas, 2005).
When post-LET scores were examined, there was a significant difference in the student achievement scores of the
groups. The achievement level of CG-1 students dropped 10%, of CG-II students increased 24%, and the scores of
EG students increased by 128%. Concerning the effect size, it can be said that 75% of the total variance was the
result of the students’ recognition of the laboratory material and equipment. These results indicate that VCL software
is important for laboratory activities, and that virtual chemistry laboratories are at least as effective as real
laboratories. Previous studies comparing virtual laboratories with real ones also support the finding that virtual
laboratories are superior in terms of experiment materials and equipment and they lead to higher student
performance, and that virtual laboratories are at least as effective as real laboratories (Gabberd, Hix, & Swan, 1999;
Ozdener & Erdogan, 2001; Dalgarno et al., 2009; Ozdener, 2005; Gorghiu et al., 2009).
Some experiments can usually only be performed using a demonstration method, for reasons such as a lack
of laboratories, insufficient material and crowded classrooms. For these experiments, it is clear that virtual
laboratories can provide a valuable alternative to traditional laboratory applications (Ozdener, 2005). Students should
be exposed to more laboratory applications and activities so that they can recognize laboratory materials and
equipment. Knowing that students who do not have proper pre-knowledge and experience could not be successful
while they were doing experiments (Temiz & Kanli, 2005), one can see that a virtual laboratory environment
provides students with the opportunity to develop.
At the end of the study, the virtual laboratory software was shown to be at least as effective as real chemistry
laboratories. It was determined that students in the control group could complete the experiments with reasonable
results; they felt self-confident; they could associate the experiment with daily life; and they had the opportunity to
examine macroscopic, molecular and symbolical levels of each experiment. It is anticipated that virtual chemistry
laboratories will be adopted as supplementary and supportive elements in future. This will provide not only an
effective learning environment but will also minimize school expenditures and the time spent on such activities to a
large extent.
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