Teaching Electric Circuits by Guided Inquiry in Virtual and Real Laboratory Environments

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Teaching Electric Circuits by Guided Inquiry

in Virtual and Real Laboratory Environments

Athanasios Taramopoulos, Dimitris Psillos, and Evripides Hatzikraniotis


For years, several researchers and teachers support that involving students in
laboratory-based activities in science contributes not only to the construction of
conceptual knowledge but also to the development of a scientific way of thinking.
However, research studies suggest that during experimentation based on hands-on
experiments, students are frequently preoccupied with handling equipment setups
and taking measurements, which questions the effectiveness of laboratory based on
hands-on experiments as only one of its kind environment for promoting scientific
understanding (Psillos and Niedderer 2002; Niedderer et al. 2003). With the advance
of ICT technology, virtual laboratories have emerged as powerful environments as
well. Virtual laboratories simulate real science laboratories on a computer screen, in
a visual and functional manner, by exploiting modern multimedia technology and
especially user interaction, immediate and realistic variable change, and equipment
handling (Kocijancic and O’Sullivan 2004). For example, using simulations to
model a phenomenon or process, students can perform experiments by changing
variables (e.g., resistances in a circuit) and then observe the effects of their changes
(e.g., the current). In this way, students may investigate the properties of the under-
lying model (Ohm’s law).
Recently, the increasing use of virtual laboratories in Science Education and the
finding that virtual manipulatives can be as effective in teaching as real laboratory
equipment (Triona and Klahr 2003; Klahr et al. 2007), has stimulated a discussion of

A. Taramopoulos (* s$0SILLOS
Department of Elementary Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
Thessaloniki, Greece
e-mail: ttar@sch.gr
E. Hatzikraniotis
Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

A. Jimoyiannis (ed.), Research on e-Learning and ICT in Education, 211

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1083-6_16, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
212 A. Taramopoulos et al.

redefinition of their role (Hofstein and Lunetta 2004). A large number of research
studies have shown that virtual laboratories, as educational environments, are not
inferior to their real counterparts (Triona and Klahr 2003; Keller et al. 2005; Klahr
et al. 2007; Jaakola and Nurmi 2008) with regard to conceptual understanding as
well as designing experiments. Moreover, in a number of cases results indicate that
virtual laboratories may even outperform real laboratories (Zacharia and Anderson
2003; Wieman and Perkins 2005; Finkelstein et al. 2005; Zacharia 2007). On the
other hand, there are also studies in which real laboratories seem superior to virtual
ones (Steinberg 2003; Marshall and Young 2006). As Evagelou and Kotsis (2009)
remark in their literature review, these research studies are mainly focused on
University students (60%) and seldom refer to primary school pupils (20%) or high
school students (20%). Furthermore, of those referring to high school students none
is in the field of electric circuits, which is especially suitable for a comparison
between virtual and real environments since objects with similar properties can be
used in both environments.
According to the literature (Harms 2000), modern virtual laboratory environments
can be categorized into five groups: Simulations, networked applet labs (Cyber Labs),
Virtual Labs, Virtual Reality Labs (VR Labs), and Remote Labs. Simulations, Virtual
Labs, and Virtual Reality Labs are computer applications that, mainly for speed and
security reasons, are executed at the user’s local computer, which restricts their use
inside the school premises. Assignment of exploratory homework utilizing the virtual
laboratory at home can be possible only with the use of either Remote Labs, or, more
simply, Cyber Labs. However, constructing a Remote Lab (robotic lab controlled
over the network), or, building a java applet requires skills which are beyond those
possessed by the average teacher. Thus, during teaching, teachers may use applets
available on the Internet, without being able to create their own or modify existing
ones. The Open Learning and Laboratory Environment (OLLE), which is described in
the next section, fills this gap by enabling the user to construct, through the virtual labo-
ratory, an applet of his choice and use it as a Cyber Lab either locally or remotely.
In this context, the aim of the present study is to investigate whether using the
affordances the modern virtual laboratories provide, embedded in a teaching-by-
guided-inquiry intervention, can be successful in promoting conceptual evolution in
the field of electric circuits. More specifically at first we aim to compare the improve-
ment in conceptual understanding of junior high school students when they are
involved in activities based on the VR Lab of OLLE and when they are involved in
activities based on an equivalent hands-on laboratory environment, in the context
of a teaching-by-guided-inquiry intervention in the field of simple electric circuits.
As noted above, according to the literature, such a comparison has not been carried
out for high school students. A second aim is to study the conceptual improvement
observed in junior high school students in the field of electric circuits when the
guided inquiry process makes use of the Cyber Labs OLLE creates. The reasons for
choosing to implement OLLE and hands-on in a guided inquiry intervention is that
research showed inquiry to be a powerful approach for involving students in active
construction of new knowledge and enhancing students’ conceptual understanding
(de Jong 2006).
Teaching Electric Circuits by Guided Inquiry in Virtual and Real… 213

Description of the OLLE VR Lab

and the Exported Cyber Labs

OLLE is a multifaceted virtual laboratory in the fields of Optics and Electricity

developed in the Greek language (Bisdikian et al. 2006; Psillos et al. 2008). As
its name suggests, it is an open virtual laboratory environment in which users
construct the setup of their choice with fully and continuously functional virtual
Apart from the 3-dimensional virtual reality laboratory with navigation and
rotation capabilities, zoom etc., OLLE provides its users with an additional space
in the virtual lab, the model-space (Fig. 1), which depicts a 2-dimensional symbolic
representation of the real laboratory setup. In the electric circuits laboratory, model-
space displays in real time the schematics of the circuit constructed by the user.
A detailed presentation and description of OLLE and the electric circuits laboratory
has been presented previously (Psillos et al. 2008).
Another innovative aspect of OLLE is the potential to store the experimental
setup in the form of a fully functional java applet. Practically, this means that from
each experimental setup a new simulation can be exported, which can be executed
independently of OLLE, in the form of an applet. These simulations are similar in
appearance to the 2-dimensional model-space, with the addition of the freedom of
handling existing in the 3-dimensional virtual lab (freedom to move an object and
alter its properties). These Cyber Labs are therefore fully functional 2-dimensional
symbolic multi-parametric representations of the virtual laboratory, highly consistent
with the theory (Fig. 1). Moreover, the freedom of altering an object’s properties is
larger than it is in the virtual lab, since the virtual lab simulates the real world as
closely as possible and thus obeys the real world restrictions on the range of values of
the properties of the real objects.

Fig. 1 The electric circuits laboratory of Open Learning and Laboratory Environment (OLLE)
with the model-space (left) and the respective applet exported by it (right)
214 A. Taramopoulos et al.


The Sample

The teaching intervention took place in a junior high school of central Macedonia in
Greece in the field of electric circuits during the months of January and February
2010. Teaching of physics is compulsory in junior high school, which is called
Gymnasium. Thirty-two students of the third grade of Gymnasium, 15–16 years
old, participated. The students were randomly assigned into two classes and had not
previously attended any course relevant to electric circuits in secondary education.
They had experienced some teaching and were familiarized with electric circuits in
elementary school 3 years earlier.

The Teaching Intervention

It is well known that students of this age share alternative conceptions in the field of
electric circuits, which are preserved despite their participation in traditional teaching
approaches in Greece and elsewhere (Shipstone 1984; McDermott and Shaffer
1992; Psillos 1997; Keramidas and Psillos 2004). The aim of this intervention is to
enhance students’ conceptual understanding about electric circuits. Researchers
have suggested that conceptual understanding may be accomplished through active
construction of knowledge when students are involved in inquiry-based activities
through the use of real or virtual laboratory inquiry-based experimentation (Hofstein
and Lunetta 2004; Lefkos et al. 2005; Zacharia et al. 2008).
Our teaching intervention was divided into two phases. The approach in both
phases of the intervention was based on guided inquiry (McDermott and Shaffer
2002; Sadeh and Zion 2009). Students were discreetly guided by the teacher and the
appropriate worksheets. In the first phase, students investigated the phenomena
under study by performing realistic actions either in the user-friendly virtual reality
laboratory or in the real laboratory, observing immediately and repeatedly the results
of their constructions. In this way a qualitative and semiquantitative model was built
with which students could explain the behavior of simple electric circuits. In the
second phase, students constructed virtual circuits within the networked applet labs
and explored the mathematical relationships that describe the phenomena under
investigation. Students worked in pairs in class, whereas they completed the work-
sheets individually. Homework was also carried out individually.
More specifically the first phase lasted 7 h and was performed in the school com-
puter laboratory making use of the OLLE VR Lab (without the model-space tool)
for the one class (experimental group, EG) and in the school physics laboratory for
the other class (control group, CG). Both groups used the same instructional method
(guided inquiry), the same instructional material and conducted the same experi-
ments, differing only in the nature of the equipment they used (virtual vs. real).
Teaching Electric Circuits by Guided Inquiry in Virtual and Real… 215

After this phase, in order for the students to become familiar with both kinds of
equipment and for us to explore any inherent differences between the two classes
abilities to understand the material taught, the two classes were interchanged so that
EG used real equipment and CG used virtual equipment. This additional interven-
tion lasted 3 extra hours and dealt with the same concepts as the ones dealt with in
the first phase.
The second phase was performed both at school and at home by one class (applet
group, AG), exclusively utilizing the Cyber Labs OLLE exports. It lasted 5 h in
class and approximately 2 h at home. Two 16-student classes participated in the first
phase (groups EG and CG) and one 16-student class in the second phase (group
AG). The students in the AG group at the second phase were the same as in the CG
group of the first phase and thus had some experience with using both real and
virtual laboratory equipment.
The content of the intervention is adapted from the school textbook of Physics,
covering the larger portion of the chapter entitled “Electric Current” in the third
grade of junior high school (Antoniou et al. 2008). The first phase of the interven-
tion treated the concepts of electric circuit, electric current, intensity of electric
current, electric resistance, and potential difference (voltage) in an electric circuit,
under the guidance of the teacher and relevant worksheets. Teaching utilized exclu-
sively the OLLE virtual laboratory for the EG and the real laboratory for the CG.
Initially, the students constructed electric circuits with batteries and light bulbs,
which were used as electric current indicators and discovered the requirements that
must be met by a circuit for electric current to flow through it. Then they used
ammeters to measure the intensity of the electric current and recognized that the
brightness of a bulb can function as an electric current intensity indicator. Next,
the students constructed circuits with bulbs connected in series and in parallel and
used the ammeters to measure the intensity of the electric current at various points
in the circuit and study the properties of these circuits. They found that the current
flowing through a battery is not always the same but depends upon the number of
bulbs and the way these are connected to it. In search for a quantity which remains
constant across the battery, they used the voltmeter and were introduced to voltage.
Finally, the concept of electric resistance was discussed and students connected it
qualitatively to the intensity of the electric current flowing through some element
when the voltage across it remains constant.
Guided inquiry activities were a crucial element in the intervention and were
carried out on the basis of structured modular worksheets consisting of various steps
based on a laboratory variation of the familiar Predict-Observe-Explain strategy
(White and Gunstone 1992), including prediction – carrying out of the experiment –
results discussion and interpretation and conclusion. In general, each worksheet
referred to more than one experiment. A typical activity worksheet in this phase
would contain an initial problem question to provoke a student prediction (e.g., “Do
you think that the intensity of the electric current before or after a bulb is greater and
why?”) and then would guide the student through a sequence of steps to explore the
problem (e.g., measure the intensity of the current before and after a bulb), search
for the answer, and evaluate his/her prediction.
216 A. Taramopoulos et al.

Fig. 2 An OLLE applet for exploring Ohm’s law at home

In the second phase a quantitative model was suggested to students in order to

explain the properties of simple electric circuits. This phase (Cyber Lab) was
performed with inquiry activities at the school computer laboratory and with exten-
sions of the theory performed by the students as extra activities at home. It dealt
with Ohm’s law, circuits with resistors connected in series and in parallel and
Kirchhoff’s two laws. In two of the activities, (connecting resistors in series and in
parallel) the students were assigned extra exploratory activities at home, which were
carried out using Cyber Labs via Internet. The Cyber Labs had been earlier exported
by the teacher from OLLE and installed in a computer server at the Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki. Students connected to this computer, either from the
school computer laboratory or from home, executed the Cyber Labs within a World
Wide Web browser, constructed the necessary circuits from the elements present in
the Cyber Labs and examined the circuits’ operation by changing various parame-
ters, like the resistors’ resistance (Fig. 2).
In this second phase, a similar pattern including guided inquiry activities was
followed. A typical activity worksheet in this phase would contain an initial problem
question to provoke a student prediction (e.g., “Do you think that connecting two
resistors in parallel produces a larger equivalent resistance and why?”) and then would
guide the student through a sequence of steps in order to explore the problem
(e.g., measure the intensity of the current coming into the parallel resistors circuit and
the voltage at the ends of the resistors and using Ohm’s law to calculate the equivalent
resistor of the system), find the right answer, and evaluate his/her prediction.


Students’ conceptual understanding during the first phase was assessed by

comparing their answers to five questions before the 7-h intervention and after it
(pretest1 and posttest1). For both classes, the questions were the same in pretest1
Teaching Electric Circuits by Guided Inquiry in Virtual and Real… 217

Fig. 3 A question of the first phase evaluation test

and posttest1 of multiple choice type, adapted from the literature (Chang et al.
1998; Keramidas and Psillos 2004) and included five possible answers to reduce
random choice. The first two questions aimed at investigating the students’ use of
current models. The next two questions aimed at investigating the students’ views
for the behavior of the battery as a source in a circuit (e.g., if it gives off constant
current) and the last question aimed at showing if students think that the more
resistors connected in a circuit the greater its resistance is. More specifically, the
first question was about the relative bulb brightness in a circuit with one bulb and
a circuit with two bulbs connected in series. The second question was about rela-
tive bulb brightness in a circuit with one bulb and a circuit with two bulbs con-
nected in parallel. The third question was about current flowing through the battery
(voltage source) in circuits with one bulb, or two bulbs connected in series and in
parallel. The fourth and fifth questions were about the voltage across the poles of a
battery and the total resistance of bulbs in the circuits of the third question. The
same posttest1 was also administered to the students after the additional 3-h inter-
vention at the end of this phase. The translation of one question of the first phase
evaluation test is shown in Fig. 3.
Similarly, in the second phase the assessment was performed by comparing the
students’ answers to five questions before and after the intervention (pretest2 and
posttest2). Once again the questions were the same in pretest2 and posttest2, and
they were multiple choice questions regarding the students’ conceptual improve-
ment. The first question aimed at investigating the use of current models, while the
second one aimed at showing the students’ views on the total resistance and how
students relate it to the number of resistors and their connection. The last three ques-
tions aimed at finding out if students used mechanically Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s
rules or have a better understanding of them. The first question was about the inten-
sity of the current before and after it flows through two bulbs connected in series.
The second question was about the change in brightness of a bulb connected in
series with a second bulb, when a third bulb is added parallel to it, so that the total
resistance of the circuit decreases. The third question regarded the relationship
218 A. Taramopoulos et al.

Fig. 4 A question of the second phase evaluation test

between the intensity of the current, the voltage, and the resistance of a resistor
which is connected to a voltage source. The fourth and fifth questions regarded
numerical applications of Kirchhoff’s first and second law in a circuit with a battery
and two resistors connected in parallel and, along a circuit with a battery and two
resistors connected in series, respectively. The translation of one question of the
second phase evaluation test is shown in Fig. 4.
Data were statistically analyzed for internal validity by calculating Cronbach a
for each set. Differences in student performance between the results of pre- and
posttests were examined by means of paired samples t-tests. The scores of the two
classes in the first phase were compared by means of an independent samples t-test.
The improvement between the pre- and posttest results was also checked by calcu-
lating the corresponding Hake gain. Hake gain is defined as the difference between
the scores in pre- and posttest normalized by the maximum possible increase (Hake
1998). It is an important parameter for measuring the effectiveness of a teaching
intervention since it normalizes the improvement of the student scores, thus correcting
for any effects due to the students’ different initial knowledge (Lenaerts et al. 2003).
Recently, Hake gain has been used in small samples to monitor students’ progress
in experimental design skills (Lefkos et al. 2011).


In the first phase for the two classes EG and CG in pretest1, Cronbach a was
calculated to be 0.846 and 0.875, respectively; while in posttest1 it was calculated
to be 0.802 and 0.726, respectively. In the second phase, in pretest2, Cronbach a
was found equal to 0.715 and in posttest2 equal to 0.781. In all cases, the right-
answer distributions were compatible with the uniform distribution according to
the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test.
The average score of the experimental group (EG) in the five pretest1 questions
is 0.75 right answers per student, with a standard deviation of 1.2. The average
score in posttest1 is 2.7 right answers per student, with a standard deviation of 1.7.
Teaching Electric Circuits by Guided Inquiry in Virtual and Real… 219

Table 1 Results per question from the first phase

Pretest1 Posttest1
Right answers Right answers Hake gain
Question EG CG EG CG EG CG
Brightness of bulbs 4 5 9 11 0.42 0.55
in series
Brightness of bulbs 3 4 10 10 0.54 0.50
in parallel
Battery current intensity 1 0 7 9 0.40 0.56
Battery voltage 4 4 10 12 0.50 0.67
Total resistance 0 0 6 9 0.38 0.56
Average of right answers 2.4 2.6 8.4 10.2 0.44 0.57
per question

A comparison of these scores indicates an improvement for the average student,

who, from one right answer in five questions in the pretest, reached the level of
about three right answers in the posttest. A statistical analysis with a paired samples
t-test indicates that the possibility that there is no improvement can be safely ruled
out since the possibility for such a scenario is 0.2% (p = 0.002 < 0.05). The scores of
this class per question and the corresponding Hake gains are shown in Table 1. The
average number of students with a correct answer per question has increased from
2.4 (15%) to 8.4 (53%) producing a Hake gain of 0.44.
The control group (CG) in the five pretest1 questions achieved a score of 0.8 right
answers per student with a standard deviation of 0.9. This is similar to the score
achieved by the experimental group. The possibility that any differences between the
two groups are purely statistical in nature is 87% (p = 0.87 > 0.05) according to an
independent samples t-test. The average score of the CG in posttest1 is 3.2 right
answers per student with a standard deviation of 1.4. Comparison with the group’s
pretest scores indicates an improvement for the average student, who, as in the EG,
from one right answer in five questions in the pretest1 reached the level of three right
answers in the posttest1. The possibility that there is no improvement is statistically
limited to 0.0% (p = 0.000 < 0.05) through a paired samples t-test, while the Hake
gain for this group is 0.57. Table 1 also shows the scores of this class per question and
the Hake gains. The average number of students with a correct answer per question
has increased from 2.6 (16%) to 10.2 (64%). The left graph of Fig. 5, which shows
the average number of right answers per student, describes visually the student con-
ceptual and field knowledge improvement in the first phase for both classes.
The results of Table 1 reveal that initially at each pretest question the majority of
the students fail to answer correctly, whereas after the teaching intervention, about
half of the students who failed to answer correctly in a pretest question changed
their view to the scientifically accepted one. A closer examination of the students’
views in the pre- and posttest questions reveal that the conceptions which persisted
the most throughout the intervention are that two bulbs connected either in series or
in parallel do not have the same brightness (the bulb being further from the battery
220 A. Taramopoulos et al.

Average of right answers per student

for each class during the first phase Average of right answers per student in the
3,50 second phase
3,00 EG 2,50
Right answers

Right answers
2,50 CG 2,00 AG
1,00 1,00
0,50 0,50
0,00 0,00
Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test

Fig. 5 The average of right answers per student for each group

Table 2 Results per question from the second phase

Pretest2 Posttest2
Question Right answers Right answers Hake gain
Current continuity 6 10 0.40
Brightness of bulb in mixed 4 6 0.17
Ohm’s law 5 8 0.27
Kirchhoff’s first law 2 6 0.29
Kirchhoff’s second law 1 6 0.33
Average of right answers 3.6 7.2 0.29
per question

is believed to be dimmer), that a battery always produces electric current of the

same intensity independently of the rest of the circuit connected to it and that two
bulbs have always larger resistance than a single bulb regardless of the way they are
connected. Although the number of students believing in these ideas decreased sig-
nificantly at the end of the first phase, a number of students in both groups continued
to express the same views even after constructing circuits which contradicted their
initial beliefs.
During the second phase, the results for the conceptual enhancement were similar.
The student scores in the five questions of pretest2 showed an average of 1.1 right
answers per student with a standard deviation of 1.4. It is apparent from these scores
that the knowledge the students acquired during the first phase was not adequate for
them to answer the questions of this test satisfactorily. In posttest2 the results show
an average of 2.3 right answers per student with a standard deviation of 1.7. A com-
parison of the results of the pretest2 and posttest2 again indicates an improvement
in average student performance. A statistical analysis with a paired samples t-test
shows that the case for no improvement can be discarded since the possibility for this
scenario is 0.3% (p = 0.003 < 0.05). Table 2 shows the right answers of the students per
question and the corresponding Hake gains for the second phase. The average number
of students with a correct answer per question has increased from 3.6 (23%) to 7.2
(45%) indicating a total Hake gain of 0.29. The right graph of Fig. 5 shows graphi-
cally the average number of right answers per student in the second phase.
Teaching Electric Circuits by Guided Inquiry in Virtual and Real… 221

Table 2 shows that although the average number of students answering correctly
in the second phase doubled after the teaching intervention, for most questions it is
less than half of the students who managed to answer correctly in posttest2. Possible
reasons for this are discussed in the next section. It is noteworthy however, that there
are three students (19%) sharing the conceptions described in the first phase who
continue to express similar views also in the posttest of the second phase as can be
inferred from their replies in the first two questions of posttest2. Furthermore, four
students (25%) who answered correctly the questions in the first phase by applying
the scientifically accepted ideas to simple questions, fail to apply the same ideas to
answer more complex questions in pretest2 and two of them (13%) fail to do so even
after the second teaching intervention in posttest2. Also, the students’ alternative
answers in questions 4 and 5 of posttest2 reveal a tendency of the students to prefer
to add two given numbers in order to produce a result out of them than to subtract
them (e.g., the majority of students tended to add currents I2 and I3 in order to find
the current I1 in the question of Fig. 4).

Discussion and Conclusions

The Cronbach a measurements in both phases suggest that although our research
tools contained a small number of questions, they were reliable in measuring the
knowledge evolution of the students. The results presented in Table 1 and Fig. 5
seem to suggest that in the first phase the control group (CG) has a greater conceptual
improvement than the experimental one (EG). However, such a conclusion is not
statistically valid. The small number of participating students and the relatively
large standard deviations do not allow us to rule out the possibility that the difference
in the scores of the two classes is purely statistical. An independent samples t-test
between the scores of the two classes in posttest1 reveals that there is a possibility
of 33% that their differences are due to statistical effects (p = 0.33 > 0.05) and not
due to the different nature of the laboratory environment used.
In order to further explore this phenomenon, we exchanged the classes in terms
of the way teaching was performed and conducted 3 more teaching hours in which
the EG used the real laboratory and the CG used the OLLE virtual laboratory.
During these additional hours, students were taught again the same concepts.
Afterwards, the conceptual evolution of the students was assessed with the same
posttest1. It was anticipated that if the small statistically nonsignificant difference in
the two classes’ scores was influenced by the difference in the nature of the laboratory
environment, it would decrease after the extra intervention. This however did not
happen. In this test, EG scored 2.8 right answers per student with a standard devia-
tion of 1.8, whereas the CG scored 3.3 right answers per student with a standard
deviation of 1.4. The difference in the two classes’ scores remained almost constant
but nonsignificant despite the interchange in the teaching equipment used.
Regarding the conceptual enhancement in junior high school students in the
field of electric circuits when teaching utilizes virtual equipment embedded in a
guided inquiry teaching sequence, an improvement is observed both when a full
222 A. Taramopoulos et al.

VR laboratory is used and when only the Cyber Labs exported by OLLE are used.
The improvement observed in both cases shows that virtual laboratories embed-
ded in a guided inquiry teaching sequence may contribute to the enhancement of
conceptual understanding of electric circuits in junior high school students
whether they are used with their realistic form or in the form of symbolic applets.
A review of Tables 1 and 2 shows that the Hake gain is larger during the first phase
than during the second (0.44 and 0.29, respectively). One possible explanation for
this may be due to the utilization of the virtual lab in the first phase and the applets
in the second. However, the smaller improvement during the second phase, which
is apparent from the respective Hake gain, may be attributed to the possibly greater
difficulty students may have in understanding the content of the second phase
(Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s laws) and using a quantitative rather than a qualita-
tive model for electric circuits.
Discussion among researchers is lively, and mixed results on the use and effects
of virtual laboratories are reported. Some issues under study concerning their
effectiveness in promoting conceptual understanding are whether virtual laborato-
ries should be used alone and whether they are as effective as hands-on work
(Finkelstein et al. 2005; Zacharia et al. 2008). Within the limitations of our small
sample, the results presented here indicate that the affordances incorporated by
design into modern virtual laboratories like OLLE enable them to be utilized in a
teaching-by-inquiry intervention for confronting conceptual problems and enhancing
content knowledge in the field of electric circuits. When compared to the real
physics laboratory, the virtual laboratory produced a similar students’ knowledge
improvement. This answers our first research question, and suggests that knowl-
edge improvement in the area of electrical circuits does not relate to the nature of
the laboratory environment, i.e., real or virtual, used in the context of a guided
inquiry approach. Such a finding for high school students is in line to findings
regarding university students and supports the conclusions reached by recent
studies (Jaakola and Nurmi 2008).
Besides, it is notable that significant knowledge improvement is also observed
when Cyber Labs with symbolic representation of the circuit elements are exclu-
sively used. This answers our second research question. We consider that we cannot
exclude the influence of familiarization of these students with virtual manipulatives
in the 3-dimensional appearance in phase one as well as that the students were
actively engaged in inquiry activities during both phases. Alternatively, within the
limitations of the present study, we think that such results suggest that in some fields
students may successfully interact directly with virtual laboratory environments,
which only provide a symbolic representation of the physical system at study. Our
findings raise the question whether it is the virtual manipulatives that matter in
investigative activities for promoting students’ understanding of the concepts of
electric circuits, and not the nature or appearance of such equipment. This opens
new possibilities for incorporating virtual laboratories into science teaching and
should be further researched with larger samples than in our research and in
knowledge fields beyond electric circuits.
Teaching Electric Circuits by Guided Inquiry in Virtual and Real… 223

Acknowledgments The development of OLLE has been funded by the Research Academic
Institution of Computer Technology (RACTI) and the Greek Ministry of Education, Lifelong
Learning and Religious Affairs in the framework of the Chrysallides project.


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