Russian Aerospace Force
Russian Aerospace Force
Russian Aerospace Force
Since 1 August 2015, the Russian Fede- military infrastructure and to prevent at-
ration has combined its Air Force with its tacks coming from air and space spheres.
Space Forces, creating the Aerospace The doctrine specifically requiresimproving
Force. In Russian, this is called the the systems available to the VKS during
Vozduzhno-kosmicheskiesily, or VKS. The peacetime to fulfil these missions.
2014 Military Doctrine of the Russian Fed-
eration defines the main missions and The importance of the air
responsibilities of both the air and space dimension
dimensions not only as air-delivered deg- Doctrinally, the VKS is tasked with air and
radation of a potential enemy, but also pro- space defence, communication systems,
viding timely information of enemy threats. intelligence assets, electronic warfare, un-
Recognizing that modern warfare involves manned aerial vehicles, automatic weapon
the entirety of the depth of the country’s systems, military transport aviation, and
aerospace, the VKS possesses considera- personal protective equipment. These rep-
ble early warning capacities on the ground, resent a rather large set of tasks, though
in the air, and in space. The next mission only air and space defence and long-range
is to provide security to critical civilian and military transportation aviation are exclu-
“Russia establishes Aerospace Forces as new sively in the domain of the VKS. Russia
armed service – Defense Minister,” TASS, 3 August faces numerous diverse threats against
2015, [accessed: 10
October 2017]. which the VKS must prepare. Russian
Военнаядоктрина Российской Федерации (Mili-
military expert Ruslan Puchow formulates
tary Doctrine of the Russian Federation), Mos- that Russia has problems almost from all
cow 26 December 2014, section 15, 32, 35, and sides. Japan denies ownership of the Kuril
4 6,ht tp://news.k /media /events/ files/
41d527556bec8deb3530.pdf [accessed: 17 Janu- Islands, the political system in China is get-
ary 2017]. ting more unforeseeable; the withdrawal of
Military Doctrine, Article 32.F.
Military Doctrine, Article 33.
Military Doctrine, Article 32.D.
Military Doctrine, Article 15.C. Military Doctrine, Article 35.C.
Military Doctrine? 30 December 2014, http://www. are deepening their ties with the Kremlin, the general trajectory of military developments
tions [accessed: 08 January 2017]. Alex Calvo is a
guest professor at Nagoya University in Japan and in Asia worries the Russian leadership.
member of the Center for International Maritime Se-
14 IISS, The Military Balance, 2017, p. 210.
11 “Minfinpredlozhilsokratit’ byudzhetnyeraskhodyna 15 Владимир Путин: Бытьсильными: гарантиинацио
2018 god v ramkakhstat’I ‘Natsional’nayaoboron нальнойбезопасностидля России, (Vladimir Putin:
a’,” VPK, 18 September 2017, to be strong: the guarantee of national security for
news/38977 [accessed: 10 October 2017]. Russia) Российская газета 20 February 2012, http://
12 “China’s J-20 fighter jet put into service,” Xinhua, and also
28 September 2017, Russia plans $650bn defence spend up to 2020,
cn/china/2017-09/28/content_32603456.htm [ac- BBC News, 24 February 2011,
cessed: 10 October 2017]. [accessed: 14
13 “V Minoboronynazvalisrokivnedreniyaseriynykh Su- September 2017].
16 Russia to upgrade 50 military airfields by 2020,
57 v armiyu,” RIA Novosti, 24 August 2017, https:// ITAR-TASS 11 August 2012,
[accessed: 10 October 2017]. russia/744503 [accessed: 14 September 2017].
all numbers of combat aircraft continue to Airborne early warning and control (AEW&C)
A-50/A-50U Mainstay 18
decrease overall. In 1991, the Soviet Union
Command and control
featured nearly 5,000 combat aircraft17. By
Il-80 Maxdome 4
2017, the Russian Federation possesses Il-82 2
1,04618. The table below breaks down the Tu-214SR 2
numbers for the individual platforms; the Transport
numbers in [brackets] represent the gen- An-124 Condor (12); An-22 Cock (4);
eration of the aircraft. Il-76MD/MF Candid (118) – heavy
An-12/An-12BK Cub- medium 65
Table 1. VKS aircraft An-24 Coke (25); An-26 Curl (80);
Type of aircraft Total number An-72 Coaler (15); An-140 (5); L-410
(40); Tu-134 Crusty (30); Yak-40 Co-
Bombers dling (10) – light
Tu-22M3/MR Backfire C [4] 63 Training
Tu-95MS6 Bear [4] 48 L-39 Albatros (190); Yak-130 Mitten
Tu-95MSM Bear [4+] 12 (30)
Tu-160 Blackjack [4] 11 Source: The Military Balance 2017, the International
Tu-160M1 Blackjack [4+] 5 Institute for Strategic Studies, Routledge,
Fighters London 2017, p. 217.
MiG-29/UB Fulcrum [4] 70
MiG-31B/BS Foxhound [4] 20
This table represents a broad standardi-
MiG-31BM Foxhound [4+] 60 zation of quality across the VKS that had
Su-27 Flanker [4] 50 been famously lacking during the Soviet
Su-27UB Flanker [4] 10 era. Whereas the Soviet Air Force and Air
Fighter ground attack Defence Forces operated a range of air-
MiG-29SMT Fulcrum [4] 36 craft from outdated second-generation Su-
MiG-29UBT Fulcrum [4] 6 15 Flagons to MiG-31 Foxhounds in 1991,
Su-27SM Flanker [4] 47
today all aircraft are fourth-generation or
Su-27SM3 Flanker [4] 14
better. Nevertheless, efforts to reach the
Su-27SM2 Flanker [4] 20
stealth requirement of the “fifth-generation”
Su-30M2 Flanker-C [4] 20
Su-30SM Flanker-C [4+] 62
have been long-delayed in Russia, as not-
Su-34 Fullback [4++] 86 ed above. This has forced Russian propa-
Su-35S Flanker [4++] 52 ganda to extol the equalizing effects of their
Attack/ground attack technological advances without achieving
Su-24M/M2 Fencer [4] 100 stealth, requiring the invention of the term
Su-25 Frogfoot [4] 40 “4++ generation.”19
Su-25SM/SM3Frogfoot [4+] 140 Nevertheless, VKS assets are also nota-
Su-25UB Frogfoot [4] 15 ble in how much equipment is still held over
Electronic intelligence
19 “Equalizer: How a Russian 4th Gen Su-35S Will Be
Il-22 Coot B 32 Able to Defeat 5th Gen F-22s,” Sputnik, 14 June
17 IISS, The Military Balance, 1991, p. 38. 2017,
18 IISS, The Military Balance, 2017, p. 217. 54637332-russian-su35s-vs-f22/.
from the Soviet era. The outdated airframes Russian heavy transport capacity, by
still in operation at the end of the Soviet contrast, is relatively abundant. This ca-
Union are gone, but fully 394 or 38% of pability is significant, especially for three
all VKS assets have been in service since areas: the Arctic, Kaliningrad, and Crimea.
the Soviet era, not counting the Soviet-era Russian aircraft also possess the advan-
aircraft that have since been modernized20. tage of being domestically produced, ena-
These include the MiG-29, MiG-31, Su-24, bling simpler maintenance, provision of
Su-25, and Su-27. New aircraft continue to spare parts, unification of airfields and in-
trickle out to replace the old models, but frastructure, etc. This allows redeployment
this process will require much more time. of aircraft within the country during combat
In particular, no plans are in development operations and emergency situations with
to replace the aging Su-25 ground-attack relative ease. Nevertheless, geography
aircraft beyond service life extensions. imposes enormous requirements upon the
The VKS also lags behind in terms of VKS and its aircraft may be insufficient to
tankers and AEW assets. From a Soviet-era cover operations from Europe to the Pacific
total of 79 and 15 respectively, the Russian and from the Arctic to Central Asia.
Federation today possesses only 15 and Table 2. VKS helicopters
18. The enormous size of the Russian Fed-
eration poses enormous demands on these Ka-52A Hokum B 90+
assets, compounded by the fact that these Mi-24D/V/P Hind 100
particular aircraft are based near Moscow Mi-28N Havoc B 90+
on the edge of the country 21. Recovering to Mi-35M (Hind-E) 60+
auxiliary airfields to exercise survivability Transport
and deployment are regularly practiced, 22 Mi-26 Halo - heavy 32
but economies taken in sustaining current Mi-17 (Mi-8MT) Hip H/Mi-8
Hip – medium
assets have made these assets more vul-
nerable to attrition in the early phases of Ka-226 (19); Ansat-U (20) 39
a war. Russia is currently developing a suc-
Source: The Military Balance 2017, the International
cessor to the A-50 AEW aircraft in the form
Institute for Strategic Studies, Routledge,
of the A-100, but this is only scheduled to London 2017, p. 217.
begin flight testing in 2017 and is optimis-
tically predicted to enter service with the Russia’s large number of attack helicop-
VKS in 202023. ters is a great advantage. Their capability
20 Russian strategic bombers, like US ones, all date
has been verified in combat and peace
from the Cold War, but have been extensively mod- support missions across the world. Recent
ernized for continued service. Some new Tu-160
Blackjacks, with designs from the end of the Cold
years have seen continued improvements
War, have also reentered production. in technology and deployment, increasing
21 The tankers are based at Dyagilevo in Ryazan
according to authors, detailed strategic armies with aviation bases. These bases
analysis indicates that the only viable stra- generally aimed to simplify the process of
tegic survival strategy now remaining for maintaining the aircraft in a region and re-
the United States is to terminate the Joint duce the operating budget.
Strike Fighter program immediately, redirect However, in the reaction led by Serdyuk-
freed funding to further develop the F-22 ov’s successor Sergei Shoigu, this general
Raptor, and employ variants of the F-22 process has been reversed in name. The
aircraft as the primary fighter aircraft for allair armies, now awkwardly named Air Force
United States and Allied TACAIR needs. If and Air Defence Armies, have returned with
the United States does not fundamentally one for each of Russia’s four military dis-
change its planning for the future of tactical tricts36. The restoration of the armies was
air power, the advantage held for decades intended to restore some degree of opera-
will be soon lost and American air power will tional survivability rather than tying the as-
become an artefact of history35. Even if this sets to a single, vulnerable airbase. Never-
assessment is questionable, possessing theless, the single bases have largely been
a stealth aircraft will certainly give Russia retained, though deployment to recovery
a considerable technological boost relative fields for war games is exercised with some
to all countries save the United States and frequency 37.
China. Each air army consists of an aviation di-
vision, one or more air defence brigades,
The Structure of the Aero- helicopter bases, and some additional
space Forces ground-based communications nodes.
The VKS, as noted at the beginning, only The aviation divisions consist of a number
entered existence in 2015. The air domain of regiments which serve as the logistical
has faced considerable restructuring in support for the individual aircraft, which are
post-Soviet Russian history. In the Soviet in turn arranged in squadrons and flights.
era, two separate services existed: the Air The divisions range from having only regi-
Force (VVS) and the Air Defence Force ment to as many as seven. The 11th Air
(PVOS). Generally, the latter force was fa- Force and Air Defence Army in the Eastern
voured over the former as it was viewed as Military District alone has two air divisions,
more central to winning ground campaigns. though one of them has only one regiment.
These two forces were combined in 1998 These regiments correspond to the air bas-
and the resulting force retained its general es of the abortive reforms of 2009-2011.
structure, if of a reduced size, until a series Helicopters are constituent elements of
of major reforms between 2009 and 2011 the VKS, though they are generally treated
that saw the mass simplification of main- 36 The 6 th Air Force and Air Defense Army serves the
tenance. These reforms, part of the larger Western Military District from Voronezh, the 4th Army
serves the Southern Military District from Rostov-
set of military restructuring led by Defence on-Don, the 14th Army serves the Central Military
Minister Serdyukov, replaced the Soviet air District from Novosibirsk, and the 11th Army serves
the Eastern Military District from Khabarovsk.
37 Onerecent example as of this writing occurred on 5
are available at: C. Kopp, P. Goon, Assessing the October. It is a typical example: “Ekipazhiistrebiteley
Sukhoi PAK-FA. Sukhoi/KnAAPO T-50/I-21/Arti- Su-30SM i MiG-29SMT aviapolka ZVO, dislotsirov-
cle 701 PAK-FA Перспективный Авиационный annogo v Kurskoyoblasti, provedutpervyesovmest-
Комплекс Фронтовой Авиации, the Air Power Aus- nyevyletynaboevoeprimenenie,” Russian Ministry
tralia 15 February 2010, http://www.ausairpower. of Defence, http://xn--d1acaykgvdf0he1a.xn--
net/APA-2010-01.html [accessed: 30 January 90anlfbebar6i.xn--p1ai/news_page/country/more.
2017]. htm?id=12144818@egNews [accessed: 11 Octo-
35 Ibid.
ber 2017].
as ground weapons (or “tanks in the air”) consist in turn of S-300s and S-400s to be
by the Russian General Staff in operational retained for defence of the capital. In recent
planning. Since 2015, these formations years, these have received a lot of S-400s
have been known as “army aviation bri- in the course of the current modernization
gades”38. These generally collocate several effort39. The 9 th Ballistic Missile Defence
types of helicopters, combining both attack Division oversees the A-135 anti-ballistic
and transport vehicles, again reflecting the missile system through five complexes
original purpose of the reforms of simplify- around Moscow, using endoatmospheric
ing the supply process. nuclear-tipped missiles. This is supported
Russia has long relied upon a robust by a network of radars along the periphery
air defence network as a key part of its of the Russian Federation and in Belarus.
military structure. A bewildering variety of The potential successor for the A-135, the
systems comprise this network and air de- highly secretive A-235, has long been un-
fence complexes are embedded in the VKS, der development with the primary intention
the airborne forces (VDV), and the ground of eliminating reliance of nuclear weapons
forces. The VKS operates only the high-al- to defend Moscow. Video emerged in 2016
titude and long-distance systems, namely to indicate that testing is underway,40 but
the S-300s and S-400s. Each air defence there seems no sign that this system will
brigade oversees between one and five be accepted for operational service in the
regiments of air defence, which in turn ad- near future.
minister up to 40 individual systems. Oper- The 15th Spetsnaz Army, also based in
ationally, these regiments could divide into Moscow, oversees the network of cosmo-
battalions and operate off individual radar dromes and space-monitoring stations at
complexes. Determining how many radar Baikonur, Plesetsk, and Amur, the latter of
complexes a particular air defence regi- which is much delayed in entering active
ment possesses is a matter of guesswork operations, still unable to launch rockets
as these numbers are not published since until 202141. It is responsible for delivering
they would be the targets of an opposing and monitoring Russia’s military satellites,
air force in the case of war, but each regi- including its positioning system GLONASS.
ment has at least one. In addition to these two armies, the VKS
Complicating the picture a bit further, the also manages Russian Long Range Avia-
VKS also operates a separate two Spet- tion (LRA) and Military Transport Aviation
snaz Armies outside of the commands of (MTA). The former is responsible for deliv-
the individual military districts. These were ering airborne strategic strikes, nuclear and
acquired in the 2015 merger between the 39 Sedin, Vasiliy, “Podmoskovniy polkpoluchitnoviy
older Russian Air Force (VVS) and the Rus- komplekt ZRS S-400 ‘Triumf’,” Federalnoye Agen-
stvo Novostey, 5 December 2016, https://riafan.
sian Air-Space Defence Troops. The 1st ru/581407-podmoskovnyi-polk-poluchit-nov yi-
Spetsnaz Army commands the networks komplekt-zrs-s-400-triumf [accessed: 12 October
of air defence and ballistic missile defence 40 Litovkin, Nikolai, “Russia successfully tests new
around the city of Moscow. This consists of missile for defense system near Moscow,” Russia
Beyond the Headlines, 23 June 2016, https://www.
three air defence brigades (the 4th, 5th, and
6 ) as well as the 9 Ballistic Missile De-
th th
cow_605711 [accessed: 12 October 2017].
fence Division. These air defence brigades 41 “Svoyanosha: pochemu Rossiya perestanetza-
38 Ramm,Aleksey, “Reformy I rezul’taty,” VPK, 22 puskat’ voennye sputnik s Baikonura,” VPK, 16
February 2015, August 2017, [ac-
[accessed: 12 October 2017]. cessed: 12 October 2017].
otherwise,42 and bases the vast majority of lar resupply missions across difficult resup-
Russia’s long-range bombers43. The LRA, ply corridors, such as over the Baltic Sea
previously the 37th Air Force Army, were around NATO members to Kaliningrad46.
also transitioned from a division to an air- The MTA also administers Russia’s A-50
base structure in the 2009-2011 reforms, AEW aircraft in the 144th Aerial Early Warn-
namely the 6950 th Airbase in Engels and ing Regiment in Ivanovo.
the 6952nd Airbase in Ukrainka. In 2015 It should be noted in closing that the Rus-
and 2016, these two airbases were again sian VKS is not structured to be able to fight
reformulated as divisions, the 22nd Guards a war on its own and is designed to sup-
Heavy Aviation Division in Engels and the port the warfighting capacity of the Rus-
182nd Heavy Aviation Division in Ukrainka,44 sian Federation at large. As such, the VKS
but this again came with few results to is largely designed to repel enemy aerial
the literal structure of the LRA. The 22nd threats. Only recently has precision strike
Guards Division has two principle auxiliary capability been integrated into the VKS’
airbases and the 182nd Division has one, mission;47 indeed, the emphasis on preci-
but these had remained attached to the re- sion strikes in the Russian Armed Forces
spective formations even when they were remains in the Ground Forces,48 though this
technically still singular airbases. The LRA is beginning to transition49. Though the VKS
also oversees the Refuel Aviation Group at has generally readopted the organizational
Dyagilevo in the west where the Il-78 tank- stylings of the Soviet era, it has not revert-
ers are based. ed its actual organization. Furthermore, as
The Russian MTA is constituted in the 12 th precision strikes are further developed into
Lift Division and bases the majority of its Russian operational art, it is distinctly pos-
aircraft near Moscow, though it stretches sible that the VKS will again be overhauled
as far east as Orenburg. These aircraft are in the future around enabling these strikes;
tasked with large-scale operational deploy- should that occur, it seems probable from
ments from the strategic rear. They exercise Russian military history that the VKS will be
regularly with the VDV45 and carry out regu- divided into two operational bodies: one for
42 Demerly, Tom, “Russian Tu-95 ‘Bear’ Bombers Hit air defence and one for air strikes.
Daesh Terrorist Camps with Kh-101 Cruise Missiles
46 “MinoboronyotvetiloLitvenaobvineniya v narush-
in Long Range Strike,” The Aviationist, 27 Septem-
ber 2017, eniigranitsy,” VPK, 19 September 2017, http://vpk-
russian-tu-95-bear-bombers-hit-daesh-terrorist- [accessed: 12 October 2017].
47 Demerly, Tom, “New MiG-35 ‘Fulcrum Foxtrot’
strike/ [accessed: 12 October 2017]. Demonstrated for Putin and Foreign Market,” The
43 The others are the Tu-142 Bear anti-submarine Aviationist, 27 January 2017, https://theaviationist.
warfare aircraft developed from the Tu-95 strategic com/2017/01/27/new-mig-35-fulcrum-foxtrot-dem-
bomber. These long-range aircraft are adminis- onstrated-for-putin-and-foreign-market/ [accessed:
tered by the naval aviation sections of the Northern 12 October 2017].
48 “Vysoko tochnyeboepripasysozdadutdlyabol’shin
and Pacific Fleets.
44 Gady, Franz-Stefan, “Russia to Set up Heavy Bomb- stvaobraztsovvooruzheniya,” Russian Ministry of
er Division to Patrol Japan, Hawaii, and Guam,” The Defense, 9 October 2017, http://xn--d1acaykgvd-
Diplomat, 13 October 2016, https://thediplomat. f0he1a.xn--90anlfbebar6i.xn--p1ai/news_page/
com/2016/10/russia-to-set-up-heavy-bomber-divi- country/more.htm?id=12145334@egNews [ac-
sion-to-patrol-japan-hawaii-and-guam/ [accessed: cessed: 12 October 2017].
49 Note in particular the large-scale adoption of UAVs
12 October 2017].
45 For example, “Desantniki Ul’yanovskogo soed- into the Ground Forces to assist in the targeting of
ineniya VDV v khodeucheniyaotrabatyvayutunich- heavy artillery. Myers, Nicholas, J., “S-400, New
tozhenieuslovnykh NVF v Orenburgskoyoblasti,” Cruise Missiles, and More: How Russia’s Military
Russian Ministry of Defense, 7 September is Back in a Big Way,” The National Interest, 29
2 017, ht tp:// x n - - d1ac ay kg vdf 0 h e1a .x n - - 9 0 a n - September 2017,
lf b e b a r 6 i. x n - - p1a i /n ew s _ p ag e/c o untr y/m o re. the-buzz/s-400-new-cruise-missiles-more-how-
htm?id=12141259@egNews [accessed: 12 Octo- russias-military-back-big-22520 [accessed: 12 Oc-
ber 2017]. tober 2017].
In January 2015 the anti-crisis plan has forces. Such the message is important for
been introduced envisioning cutting over- all the services to plan their future status
all budget expenses “by 5 percent per year to meet requirements as stated in the 2014
over the next three years in order to reach ‘Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation’.
a balanced budget by 2017” 51. However, According to ‘the Military Balance 2014’,
it was announced by the Prime Minister the air force reform and development is
Medvedev that defence expenses will not focused on the three fields as follows: im-
be affected ensuring continuity of current proving command-and-control, moderniz-
deployments and modernization of armed ing the combat aircraft fleet, and increasing
fense Expenses Unchanged, Sputnik News 28 dyukov military reform’, was promoting the
January 2015, ‘air base’ (aviabaza) approach, as the basic
ness/20150128/1017436243.html [accessed: 29
January 2017]. 52 The Military Balance 2014, op. cit., pp. 162-163.
unit of national air force, to locate multiple sion for Military and Technological Cooper-
types of aircraft at single airfield and he ation with foreign countries. Nevertheless,
promoted disbanding air armies, divisions sustaining the expected military expenses
and regiments. However, General Bond- will be rather impossible as a result of inter-
arev, who took the Air Force Commander national sanctions and also as of dropping
position in 2012, based on approval of the prices of oil and soon gas, which are major
new Minister of Defence Shoygu, initiated a contributor of funds to national budget. It
shift from aviabaza towards a ‘one airfield, will influence armed forces development
one regiment’ formula53, meaning also that plan 2016-2025, being currently under de-
division and regiment structure was to be velopment, and it will require more careful
re-established. reconsideration of the level of ambitions.
Within procurement, the Russian Air Figure 3. The Sukhoi Su-34 Fullback
Force is supposed to receive 55 Sukhoi
PAK-FA (T-50)54 by 2020 from United Air-
craft Corporation (UAC) and the first de-
liveries are planned already for 2016. The
PAK-FA concept is still under development
but at the end of 2014 five PAK-FAs have
been produced and three more are now
being constructed at the Sukhoi Aviation
Holding Company Y.A. Gagarin in Komso- Source: J. Sabak, Kolejne bombowce Su-34 gotowe do
molsk-on-Amur55. Next, the intent is to buy dostawy, (Further Su-34 bombers ready for delivery), De-
estimated 20 pieces of transport aircraft An- fense 24, 15 December 2014, photo: D. Chushkin/CC BY-SA
124 ‘Ruslan’ produced by Awiastar SP in the
su-34-gotowe-do-dostawy [accessed: 16 December 2017].
Urals along with such the aircraft as a new
IL-112, IL-476, modernized IŁ76MD, and An- Among deliveries of new platforms 18 air-
70. The procurement would have additional craft Sukhoi Su-34 twin-seat fighter bomb-
positive aspects as it means new contracts ers were delivered in 2014 out of 92 con-
from foreign countries directly support- tracted. They were deployed to the 559 th
ing military industry and national budget; regiment at Morozovsk in the close vicinity
in 2013 Russia sold military equipment to of the Ukrainian border. The last two air-
80 countries at total value of 17,6 bln USD. craft were to be delivered at the very end
Moreover, Russia exported more than $15 of 2014 or in January 2015. The Su-34 is
billion worth of military products to more very modern construction equipped in new
than 60 foreign countries in 2014. New con- B-004 radar and is capable to deliver vari-
tracts worth almost $14 billion were signed ety of air-to-air, air-to-ground, anti-radiation,
as well56 as acknowledged by President anti-ship and cruise missiles, along with
Putin, during the session of the Commis- guided bombs. Its ferry range is as many
53 Ibid.,p. 163. as 4000km and combat radius 1100km; air-
54 The PAK-FA (T-50) has been discussed in more de- refuelling is enhancing such the range and
tails in the chapter when examining the Indian Air
Force. it is closely related to force projection. The
55 N. Novichkov, Russia Plans to receive 55 PAK-FAs
useful load of 12tons is providing differing
by 2020, Jane’s Defence Weekly Vol. 52, issue 1,
07 January 2015, p. 14. options of armament. The deliveries to air
56 Russia exported over $15 billion worth of arma-
units in next years will continue. Parallel, in
ments to over 60 countries in 2014 – Putin, ITAR-
TASS 27 January 2015, coming years export version called Su-32
sia/773700 [accessed: 30 January 2017].
could be offered to foreign countries, in- targeting to engage visually observed hard-
cluding China. ened ground and surface targets, such as
Another important contract is concerning big railway and highway bridges, industrial
deliveries of Su-35S and the total number installations, concrete runways, aircraft in
will reach 96 units and it will have very posi- reinforced concrete shelters, surface ves-
tive impact on overall air force capabilities. sels displacing up to 10,000 tonnes59. The
within external load of Su-35S can carry up first upgraded aircraft were deliver in 2013
to eight tons of different weapons. The air- to the Southern Military District for the
craft can use all existing domestic guided flight tests and the industry “will continue
and unguided munitions. There is a built-in the modernization of Su-25SM3” as “there
automatic gun GSH-30-1 30 mm calibre,57 are no aircraft in the world, which can carry
so with the 3600 km range and very good such a load of weapons” as stated by Gen-
flight characteristics will support closing the eral Bondarev. Such the decision is based
technological gap between older and fu- on experiences from the conflict in Geor-
ture airframes. The 4++ generation means gia in 2008 since the Su-25s were not able
that it is build based on previous genera- to engage targets under any weather and
tion concepts but it possesses selected lighting conditions.
characteristics of the future concepts. The current fleet of 16 Tu-160 Blackjack
According to General Bondarev also Su- strategic bombers is also under upgrade
25 has been upgraded to Su-25SM3 stand- processes based on 103.5 mln USD worth
ard and it includes navigation system GLO- contract between Russian Defence Ministry
NASS with the possibility of programming and Tupolev Design Bureau and Kazan Air-
the endpoint on the map with an accuracy craft Plant. Initially it has been focused on
of up to ten meters, which allows the pilot to three aircraft and first of them was re-flown
operate autonomously without ground sup- in the middle of November 2014, but details
port services even in zero visibility and tar- about results were not released; however it
gets could be engaged from the distance is assumed that at least radar and naviga-
more that 7km decreasing exposition for tion equipment has been upgraded. All the
enemy GBAD58. It will be armed with preci- upgraded Tu-160s will be delivered back
sion guided munition enhancing accuracy to 121st Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment
of strikes against mobile and stationary tar- located in 6950 th Aviation Base in Engels
gets supported by electronic warfare sys- by 2020. Old fashioned Tu-95MS are also
tem ‘Vitebsk-25’. The new missiles will in- to be modernized and it is supposed to
clude Kh-29 air-to-surface guided missiles include 43 aircraft allowing them to stay
and KAB-KR aircraft controlled bombs in the service even up to 2035. They will
with television guidance. The important is receive new avionics, navigation system
to mention that Kh-29TE version has maxi- based on GLONASS and additional arm-
mum range 20-30km and is equipped with ing options including new Raduga Ch-101
a passive TV guidance system allowing cruise missile or its nuclear-armed variant,
57 Su-35S – Waiting for a New Contract, 11 May Ch-102. The new missile are important fac-
2014, Defence Russia https://de- tor as they will be able to hit targets with
weapon/[accessed: 24 February 2017]. an accuracy of just 30 feet (10 meters) at
58 Russian Air Force is to continue modernization of Su-
59 Kh-29TE and Kh-29L Air-to-Surface missiles, Tac-
25SM3, Engineeringrussia 16 June 2014, https:// tical Missiles Corporation JSC Website, http://eng.
sian-air-force-is-to-continue-modernization-of-su- [accessed: 24
25sm3/[accessed: 24 February 2017]. February 2017].
ranges of up to 6,000 miles (10,000 km), aircraft was delivered at the end of Novem-
giving Long-Range Aviation its first preci- ber 2014 to the Taganrog Design Bureau to
sion-strike long-range weapon60. It will en- equip it with specialized devices including
able to strike targets from the safe distance new Vega ‘Premier’ AESA (Active Electroni-
with very high precision especially as Ch- cally Scanned Array) radar. The A-100, with
101/102 missiles possess some stealth more powerful PS90A-76 turbofans and
characteristics. Also long-range strategic other enhancements, will replace in the
and maritime strike bomber Tu-22M3 will future the current fleet of 20 active duty
be modernized and before 2020 some 30 Beriev A-50U ‘Mainstay’ AWACS aircraft.
aircraft will receive new avionics based on However, the program could be delayed or
advanced electronic system SVP-24-22 downgraded based on technological sanc-
to automatically engage targets, an ad- tions Russia suffers as a side-effect after
vanced navigation system SNRS-24 and annexation of Crimea64.
LCD screens61. Moreover, it will be modified
to carry large, long-range anti-ship missile
The progress of modernization is ques-
Kh-32 with operational range 600km. In the
tionable, as the industry is suffering as of
future the current but aging fleet of bomb-
lack of modernization to meet both qual-
ers is supposed to be replaced by the PAK-
ity of products and required quantities of
DA62, a next-generation stealth strategic
equipment. It could cause that some deliv-
bomber being under development as well
eries will be fulfilled during next armaments
by the Tupolev Design Bureau 63. However,
programs 2016-2025 causing that required
the bomber will not enter service in next 10
level of possessing 70% of modern equip-
years, so modernisation of current bomb-
ment by 2020 will not be achieved. Next, the
ers is just required to preserve strategic
Ukrainian crisis has stopped some deliver-
attack capabilities being an important el-
ies, which are vital for air force, for example
ement of nuclear deterrence. There has
engines for most Russian military helicop-
been also a contract signed with UAC to
ters, R-27 medium-range air-to-air missiles
initiate designing Il-112V concept of future
and other critical components. In that con-
military transport aircraft both for national
text, an article in the Financial Times dis-
use and export.
cussed military complex and quoting the
The country is recognizing the impor-
Royal United Services Institute relations
tance of the Airborne Warning and Control
recognized a possible procurement related
Systems (AWACS) as currently new plat-
scenario, as invasion of Ukraine by Russia
form A-100 has been designed using up-
to capture production of military equipment
graded version of the Il-76MD-90A. The first
would be ‘a very 19th-century way of looking
60 Russian Air Force to Get New Cruise Missile in 2013,
Military & Intelligence 26 September 2012, http://
at a 21st-century relationship65. The political situation is fragile so it is rather unlikely for
html [accessed: 30 January 2017].
61 „Niedźwiedzie” wiecznie żywe. Rosja modernizuje Ukrainian companies to continue selling
bombowce strategiczne (‘Bears’ always alive. Rus- military hardware as of political reasons; it
sia modernizes strategic bombers), Defence 24 22
February 2015,
will cause them rather to look for partners
niedzwiedzie-wiecznie-zywe-rosja-modernizuje- 64 FirstIl-76MD-90A Delivered to Beriev for AWACS
bombowce-strategiczne [accessed: 24 February Conversion, Air Force Monthly January 2015, p. 25.
2017]. 65 Read in details: J. Cienski, Russia’s reliance on
62 In Russian ПАК ДА (перспективный авиационный
Ukraine for military hardware raises fears, the
комплекс дальней авиации). Financial Times 20 April 2014,
63 Russia’s First Upgraded Tu-160 Flown, Air Force
Monthly January 2015, p. 25. html#axzz3PIe6EUEi [accessed: 12 January 2017].
in the West, Africa, Middle East and Asia, 22 December 2015,
which are still using Russian -build military articles/28606
Russia is also putting a strong effort to de-
velop the fleet of UAVs including also heavy
combat and reconnaissance systems, next
to existing already number of reconnais-
sance platforms. The modernization of the
bombers fleet is important as they impor-
tant part of the nuclear deterrence being
a part of Russian strategy toward external
threats. The bombers have been extensive-
ly used lately to for overflights in the vicinity
of air space borders of European nations to
show strike capabilities. Merging them with
new cruise missiles, like nuclear-armed Ra-
duga Ch-102, is extending the range of at-
tack as it could be conducted out of range
of air defense systems. Russian Air Forces
are and will be the important component
of any joint operations of armed forces and
its growing capabilities ate toward meeting
requirements of contemporary battlefields.
The service has many advantages when
compared with other Asian, but also the
West nations, being important element of
deterrence including nuclear dimension.
The forces are constantly trained and up-
graded so they have still been significant
contributor of extending power projec-
tion reach. The challenge is continuity of
budgeting and later of sustaining such the
desired level of high-tech systems and it
could be disrupted in the long-term.
Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation,
IISS, The Military Balance, 2017, London,
International Institute for Strategic Stud-
ies, February 2017
Persson, Gudrun, “Russian Military Capa-
bility in a Ten-Year Perspective, 2016,”
Stockholm, FOI, December 2016
Ramm, Aleksey, “Reformy I rezul’taty,” VPK,