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In this study, structural properties of foamed aerated concrete with and without pulverized bone
were investigated. These properties are: workability, plastic and testing densities, compressive
strength, and tensile strength at the design density of 1600kg/m3. The tensile strength was evaluated
by subjecting 150 x 150 x750mm unreinforced foamed concrete beams to flexural test and 150x300mm
cylinder specimens were subjected to splitting test. 150mm cube specimens were used for the
determination of both the compressive strength and the testing density of the foamed aerated concrete.
The plastic density was investigated using a container of known volume, and its workability
determined using the slump test. The pulverized bone content was varied from 0 to 20% at interval of
5%. The specimens without the pulverized bone served as the control. At the designed density of 1600
kg/m3, the results for the control specimens at 28-day curing age are 15.43 and 13.89N/mm2 for air-
and water-cured specimens respectively. The modulus of rupture and splitting tensile strength are 2.53
and 1.63N/mm2 respectively. The results for specimens with pulverized bone did not differ significantly
from the specimens without pulverized bone. From the results of this investigation, it can be concluded
that foamed aerated concrete used for this study has potential for structural applications. Also
pulverized bone can be used to reduce (partially replace) the quantity of cement used in aerated
concrete production; thus ridding our environment of potentially harmful wastes, as well as reduce the
consumption of non-renewable resources.
Key Words: Compressive Strength, Density, Modulus of Rupture, Pulverized bone, Splitting
Tensile Strength, Workability
A Study on the Compressive and Tensile Strength of Foamed Concrete Containing Pulverized Bone as a …..
husk ash (RHA). They showed that rice husk ash size 3.35mm but retained on sieve size with 0.150mm
increased the setting times, improved workability, aperture in accordance with BS 882:1992 [10] were
and increase the compressive and flexural strengths used. This is because coarser aggregate might settle
of concrete. Wilson and Ding [5] investigated the in a lightweight mix and lead to collapse of the foam
performance of fly ash in mortar and concrete. Their during mixing. Protein-based foaming agent was used
work indicated that the use of fly ash enhanced the for this project. The dilution ratio for the surfactant
workability and increased the setting times of cement consists of one part surfactant to 25 parts of water.
mortar and concrete. Yilmaz [6] worked on silica The water used for this work is potable tap water.
fume and observed delayed setting times, increase in This is crucial when using a protein-based foaming
water demand and reduction in permeability with the agent because organic contamination can have an
use of silica fume. Salau and Olonade [7] conducted adverse effect on the quality of the foam, and hence
a research into the pozzolanic potentials of cassava the concrete produced.
peel ash (CPA) on cement paste and mortar cube
2.2 Mix Proportions
specimens. The results showed that CPA retarded the
rate of hydration reaction and setting times of cement A mix proportion that will produce the target
paste; and at up to 15% replacement of cement with plastic density of 1600kg/m3 (±100kg/m3) was
CPA, there were no significant different in the 90-day developed; the density being the design criterion in
flexural and compressive strengths when compared foamed concrete. To date, proper guidelines for mix
with those of the control samples (specimens without proportioning of foamed concrete are non-existent.
CPA). Falade et al. [8] investigated the effects of Therefore, to achieve desired density and workability
pulverized bone on some properties of cement paste with the available local materials, trial mixes were
and mortar. They concluded that up to 20% carried out in this study. It was on the basis of the
replacement of cement with pulverized bone did not results from trial mixes that the following mix design
result in significant difference in 28-day compressive parameters were adopted:
strength when compared with specimens without i. Binder (cement and pulverized bone) /sand
pulverized bone. But the effects of pulverized bone ratio of 1: 3
on structural properties of foamed concrete are yet to ii. Water/Binder (cement and pulverized bone)
be investigated. ratio of 0.5
iii. Foaming agent dilution of 1: 25
The objectives of this work are to investigate the
structural properties of foamed aerated concrete with The mix constituent proportions for a concrete
and without pulverized bone. These properties are: mixer batch for 20 numbers of 150 x 150 x 150mm
workability, density, stability, compressive strength, cubes are shown in Table 1. All the cube specimens
and tensile strength. were demoulded 24hrs after casting.
Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.13, July, 2013
Workability Test: The slump test was carried [14] for lightweight concrete and BS EN 12390-6
out in accordance with the provisions of BS EN (2009), [15]. The specimens were 150 x 150 x 300
12350 Part 2: (2000), [11]. cylinders. They were water-cured for 7 days,
followed by air curing under ambient condition until
Wet Density Test: The wet density of the
the day of testing. The tests were carried out by
foamed concrete was determined according to the BS
compressing the cylinders on their sides. The
EN 12350: Part 6 (2000), [12].
splitting strengths were determined on 600kN Avery
Compressive Strength Test: Compressive Denison Universal Testing machine at a loading rate
strength was measured at 7, 14, 21, 28, 56 and 90 of 120kN/min until failure. The splitting tensile
days essentially in accordance with BS EN 12390-3 strength (Ts) is then calculated as follows:
(2009), [13]. Two curing methods were employed:
water- and air-curing. The water-cured specimens Ts (1)
were tested at saturated state (immediately after id
removal from curing tank). The strength where: Ts = splitting tensile strength (N/mm2), P =
characteristics of each cube were determined on maximum applied load (in Newtons) by the testing
600kN Avery Denison Universal Testing Machine at machine, l = length of the specimen (mm) and d =
a loading rate of 120kN/min. Three specimens for diameter of the specimen (mm)
each of the curing ages were tested to failure by Modulus of Rupture Test: The flexural strength
crushing, and the average failure load was recorded. of foamed concrete was determined by using a
The average failure load of the three specimens was simply supported unreinforced beam subjected to a
then divided by the area of the specimens to obtain third point loading. 150 x 150 x 750mm beam
the compressive strength. specimens were tested in accordance with the
Splitting Strength Test: The splitting tensile provisions of BS EN 12390-5 (2009), [16]. Figure 1
strength was carried out on the foamed concrete in shows the third point loading arrangement on a beam
accordance with the provision of Tex-421-A (2008), specimen.
I-Spreader Beam
Roller 150
Hinge Support
90 190 190 190 90
Fig. 1: Typical Beam and Loading Arrangement (Load is in KN, and dimensions in mm)
A Study on the Compressive and Tensile Strength of Foamed Concrete Containing Pulverized Bone as a …..
The specimens were loaded at a constant rate of The loss on ignition, a measure of the extent of
120N/min. until failure. The maximum tensile stress carbonation and hydration of free lime and free
(es) reached at the bottom of the fibre of the test magnesia due to atmospheric exposure, of pulverised
beam is known as the modulus of rupture (Mr). bone is 1.14%. This value is within the limits of
Thus the Modulus of Rupture (Mr) is calculated 3.0% set by [9]. The alkalis (K2O and Na2O), with a
as: combined percentage of 2.18% is low, and thus
PL reduce the possibility of the destructive alkali-
Mr (2) aggregate reaction [20]. But it is however free of
bd 2
cyanide which cause corrosion of reinforcement The
where: Mr = modulus of rupture (MPa), P = specific gravity of pulverized bone was lower than
maximum applied load (N), L = span (mm), b = that of cement. This means more volume of
average width of the specimen at the failure (mm)
pulverized bone will be needed for the same unit
and d = average depth of the specimen at the failure
(mm). weight of cement.
Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.13, July, 2013
results show that stability is achieved at all levels of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% cement replacement
cement replacement with pulverized bone with the with pulverized bone respectively at 28-day for air-
ratio revolving around unity. Thus the inclusion of cured specimens.
pulverized bone up to 20% of cement did not reduce
the stability of the mix. Table 4: Variation of Dry Density with Pulverized
Bone at 7-Day of Water-Curing
Table 3: Effect of Pulverised Bone on Stability of
foamed Concrete
%PB Density (kg/m3)
%age of Wet Density Design Density Wet/Design
PB (kg/m3) (kg/m3) Density 0% 1603. 19
0% 1668.28 1600 1.04 5% 1601. 20
5% 1627.19 1600 1.02 10% 1600.29
10% 1603.71 1600 1.00
15% 1589.69 1600 0.99 15% 1598.65
20% 1563.68 1600 0.98 20% 1589.26
A Study on the Compressive and Tensile Strength of Foamed Concrete Containing Pulverized Bone as a …..
This behaviour can be explained from the fact be due to the presence of water in the pores which
that the pulverized bone has lower specific gravity have the effect of making the specimens to be heavier
value than cement. Lower specific gravity has been than the specimens that are air-cured.
found to result in lower density (Terzagi et al.), [17].
Thus, increasing the replacement levels has the effect
of making the resulting concrete lighter.
Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.13, July, 2013
3.6.1 Effect of Curing Methods on Compressive This is an indication of the production of the
Strength strength-forming C-S-H gel as a result of cement
At all the replacement levels of cement with hydration with curing age. For the control specimens
pulverized bone, the air-cured specimens developed (0% pulverized bone) the 28-day strengths are
higher strength than water-cured specimens. Figure 6 13.89N/mm2 and 15.43N/m2 for both water- and air-
shows a typical trend for 10% cement replacement cured specimens; and the 60-day strength are
with pulverized bone. This behaviour agreed with 16.78N/mm2 and 17.96N/mm2 for both water- and
Kearsley [18], who concluded that testing of water- air-cured specimens respectively. These represent
cured foamed concrete specimens gave low strengths increases in strengths after 28 days of 20% and 16%
due to the build-up of pore water pressure in the for both water- and air-cured respectively. After 60
saturated microstructure of the foamed concrete. days of curing, there is a strength increase for water
Subsequent works by Falade et al. [19] agreed with cured specimens, but strength of air-cured specimens
this trend. Neville [20] explained that the lower remained the same.
strength exhibited by water-cured specimens may be
due to dilation of cement gel by the adsorbed water
which has the effect of reducing the forces of -ment
cohesion of the solid particles. The 28-day strength Level
was 15.43N/mm2 and 13.89N/mm2 for the air-cured
and water-cured specimens respectively.
A Study on the Compressive and Tensile Strength of Foamed Concrete Containing Pulverized Bone as a …..
Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.13, July, 2013
A Study on the Compressive and Tensile Strength of Foamed Concrete Containing Pulverized Bone as a …..
Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.13, July, 2013
[12] BS EN 12350: part 6 (2000) ”Testing Fresh [19] Falade, F., Ikponmwosa, E. E., and
Concrete - density” British Standard Institution, Arogundade, A. (2011) “Investigation of Some
London. Structural Properties of Foamed Aerated
Concrete”. Journal of Engineering Research,
[13] BS EN 12390-3 (2009)”Testing Hardened Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 67 – 80.
Concrete: Compressive Strength of Test
Specimens” British Standard Institution, [20] Neville, A. M. (2003). “Properties of
London. Concrete”. Pearson Education, 4th Edition.
A Study on the Compressive and Tensile Strength of Foamed Concrete Containing Pulverized Bone as a …..
APPENDIX A – Dry Density of Foamed Concrete for all the curing ages and Percentage Replacements
% of PB Curing Method 7-day 14-day 21-day 28-day 60-day 90-day
Water 1603.19 1668.75 1672.78 1689.29 1713.75 1714.00
Air 1577.50 1611.12 1660.01 1662.50 1669.56 1671.00
Water 1601.20 1610.21 1658.98 1679.01 1680.00 1690.00
Air 1565.79 1600.17 1649.98 1659.23 1665.78 1666.00
Water 1600.29 1606.78 1621.29 1648.29 1661.25 1662.00
Air 1550.01 1589.98 1611.89 1644.23 1651.11 1652.00
Water 1598.65 1603.79 1615.90 1631.89 1656.89 1662.01
Air 1550.00 1569.67 1598.99 1623.78 1640.00 1641.00
Water 1589.26 1589.98 1610.37 1621.79 1650.01 1655.00
Air 1545.01 1557.29 1581.71 1603.24 1608.35 1606.29
NOTE: PB = pulverized bone
APPENDIX B – The Compressive Strength of Foamed Concrete for all the curing ages and Percentage
7-day 14-day 21-day 28-day 60-day 90-day
Water 7.41 10.14 12.12 13.89 16.78 16.90
Air 8.34 11.34 13.56 15.43 17.96 17.95
Water 7.01 11.20 12.98 13.24 15.99 15.98
Air 7.98 12.21 13.23 14.23 16.67 16.68
Water 6.68 10.38 12.12 12.81 15.01 15.10
Air 7.23 11.96 12.67 14.01 15.78 15.78
Water 6.09 9.08 11.67 12.11 13.98 13.99
Air 6.78 10.81 12.00 13.26 14.67 14.66
Water 6.09 9.00 10.56 11.34 12.56 12.90
Air 6.45 10.01 11.23 12.98 14.12 14.00
F. Falade (Ph.D) is a Professor of Engineering at the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering, University of Lagos, Nigeria. Falade is a member of the Nigerian Society of
Engineers and a COREN registered and practicing engineer in Nigeria. He has published over sixty (60)
articles in local and international journals and conferences. He has successfully produced over ten (10)
M.Phil. and Ph.D candidates. His areas of research interest include natural fibres as reinforcement in
concrete and pozzolans. Tel.: +2348023073313, E-mail.: ffalade@hmail.com
E. Ikponmwosa is a Senior Lecturer at the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, Faculty of
Engineering, University of Lagos, Nigeria. Ikponmwosa is a member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers
and a COREN registered and practicing engineer in Nigeria. He has published over twenty (20) articles in
local and international journals and conferences. He has successfully produced many students at the
graduate and M.Phil. levels. He is currently working jointly with others to produce Ph.D candidates. His
area of research focus is materials and structures and pozzolans. Tel.: +2348055897732, E-mail.:
efe_ewaen@yahoo.com or eikponmwosa@unilag.edu.ng
C. Fapohunda is currently pursuing Doctor of Philosophy degree program in Materials & Structures at the
Civil & Environmental Engineering Department of the University of Lagos, Nigeria. He is a member of the
Nigerian Society of Engineers and a COREN registered and practicing engineer in Nigeria. Tel.
+2348066020802, E-mail: fapohunda07@yahoo.com