Women Tracking System

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Management Studies (IRJEMS)

Volume: 03 Issue: 03 | March -2019 e-ISSN: 2395-0126

Woman Tracking System Using GSM, GPS & Arduino Microcontroller

Dhanraj Chitaraa, Aastha Agrawatb, Aditya Singh Tomarb, Anisha Bansalb, Asif Khanb, Deepak
aAssociate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of
Technology Management and Gramothan, Jagatpura, Jaipur 302017
bUG Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology
Management & Gramothan, Ramnagariya, Jagatpura, Jaipur 302017

Abstract - Women safety is a very important issue due to friends or the police that a crime is about a occur
rising crimes against women these days. Many woman are along with that the current location of the wome. A
working in corporate sector in night shifts. There is a feeling GPS is used to trace the current position of the victim
of insecurity among the working women. The proposed and a GSM is used to send the message to the
device is more like a safety system in case of emergency. This registered numbers which is triggered using
device can be fitted in a purse or in jacket (similar to a wireless remote.
blazer for women). To help resolve this issue we propose a
Woman tracking system using GSM, GPS and Arduino
Microcontroller. This device consists of a system that tracks 2. EXISTING SYSTEMS
the location of woman when in trouble. This system can be
turned on through a wireless remote by a woman in case she In Women and children based security system victim
even thinks she would be in trouble. The wireless remote has to press the emergency button, but in emergency
provides the advantage of turning it on from a distance up conditions pressing the button located on the device
to 5 meters. The device is easy to carry, conceal and have or purse may not be possible. Using Smartphone the
low power requirements with rechargeable battery. child cannot send his location by himself. The parent
The system is provided with a Li-ion battery, which is of that child has to send the message to the child's
charged using Li-ion battery charger which adds over- system to know their location. In "Mobile Tracking
current and over-discharge protection to the battery. The
Application for Locating Friends”, a tracking
authorised mobile number of receiver can be saved and
changed any time by sending mobile number in the specified application software must be installed in the mobile
format through SMS. The location sharing cycle is triggered phone and friends must be previously registered in
wirelessly with the help of RF remote. The location, time and the application [2]. To track their friends mobile
date are fetched form GPS and delivered to the saved mobile phones are needed in both sides. In an Intelligent
number through an SMS, this is a cycle which repeats itself System based on RFID and GPS Technologies for
in every 15 seconds until it is turned off. Women Safety[3-4] has some limitations in terms of
This device will prove to be very useful in saving lives cost, signal interferences and also the information
as well as preventing atrocities against women. The device access to invalid and unauthenticated users.
uses GPS sensor along with a GSM modem, RF Decoder, Li- This paper presents new method to
ion battery charger, Boost converter, LED’s and
provide protection for women or children by ringing
microcontroller based circuit to achieve this system.
the buzzer and send the location to the nearby police
Key Words: GPS, GSM, RF Decoder, Li-ion battery station where the victim is present.
charger, Arduino.
The architecture of proposed system as shown in
Even in this modern era women are feeling insecure Fig1. It consists of Arduino controller [5].as a main
to step out of their house because of increasing source and it receives input signal from RF remote,
crimes in our country like harassment, abuse, where thereby the RF remote is pressed by a human
violence etc., The corporate and IT sector are who is in threat or in danger or in abnormal
booming. Many women are working night shifts. situations.
There is a feeling of insecurity among the working The components described in the
women. The proposed device is more like a architecture are GPS, GSM, Arduino microcontroller,
safety system in case of emergency. This device small RF Decoder, Li-ion battery Charger, Boost Converter,
and easy to carry [1]. The emergency push button transformer, rectifier, filter. GSM is used to send the
can be made into a keychain or can be fitted into a alert message to the registered contact number
watch. The main purpose of this device is to inform where as GPS is used to track the location of that
© 2019, IRJEMS | www.irjems.com | Page 1
International Research Journal of Engineering and Management Studies (IRJEMS)
Volume: 03 Issue: 03 | March -2019 e-ISSN: 2395-0126

person(women) [6-7].Arduino handles the special characters ‘$’ at the start preceding the
communication between all components. mobile number followed by ‘@’. d) When the SMS is
received by GSM module, the mobile number is
fetched from SMS text and saved in EEPROM. e) After
this operation LED connected to digital I/O pin 13
turns OFF indicating the completion of the process. f)
Hence the device exits the configuration

ii) Operation Mode: a)Since the receiver’s mobile

number is now saved in EEPROM, the RF Decoder
waits for the RF signal. b) To trigger the location
sharing process the button ‘B’ of RF remote is
pressed (this button start/stop the location sharing),
the RF signal is detected by RF decoder activates the
GPS. c) GPS now fetches latitude, longitude, time,
date from constellation of satellites. d)Now GSM gets
activated The aforementioned data is NMEA form
which is decoded into text form. e) The message
containing the date , time and link to the victim is
send to the receiver. f) This whole process is
repeated in every 15s until button ‘B’ is pressed


1. Arduino: The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller

board based on the ATmega328. It has 14 digital
input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM
outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic
resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP
header, and a reset button. It contains everything
needed to support the microcontroller simply
connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it
Fig1: Architecture of the Proposed System with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started [8].

RF decoder receives triggering signal to trigger

messages from RF remote. Li-ion battery provides
over-discharge and over-current protection.


Our device has two modes that is i) Configuration

mode, to feed receiver’s number in the EEPROM. ii)
Operational Mode, to trigger the location sharing
through SMS.

i) Configuartion Mode: a)The configuration mode is

initiated by pressing the configuration button which
s attached to the I/O digital pin 3 of Arduino, this
turns ON the yellow LED connected to the digital I/O Fig 2: Arduino UNO
pin 13 of Arduino. b) GPS now gets deactivated and
GSM enters listen/active mode and wait for SMS Sensors Interfacing To Arduino: The Arduino
carring the receivers mobile number. c) The SMS text comprises of 28pins, where there 20 I/O pins. There
contains the receivers mobile number in between are 14 digital pins and 6 analog pins. Here in this

© 2019, IRJEMS | www.irjems.com | Page 2

International Research Journal of Engineering and Management Studies (IRJEMS)
Volume: 03 Issue: 03 | March -2019 e-ISSN: 2395-0126

system all the respective sensors are connected to

the analog pins of Arduino. The analog pins AO, A1,
A2, A3, A4, A5 from Port B of Arduino are used for
interfacing with the sensors. The digital pins (2, 3, 4,
5, 7,6,7,8) Port C of Arduino are used here to connect
to the data lines of respective LCD display. The
power supply of 5v is supplied to the Arduino
through the USB cable. The output pin of Arduino i.e.,
13th pin is connected to the buzzer to determine the
output of the project. The main components of this
project i.e. GSM and GPS are connected to Arduino.
Hence in this proposed system the Arduino is
completely used for implementation of the security

2. GPS Module: Global positioning system (GPS) as Fig 4: GSM module: SIM800L
shown below in Fig 2 is a navigation and precise
positioning tool, which tracks the location in the In 25MHz BW, 124 carriers are generated with
form of longitude and latitude based on Earth by channel spacing of 200 KHz (FDMA). Each carrier is
calculating the time difference for signals from split into 8 time slots (TDMA) [9]. At any given
various satellites to reach the receiver [9-10]. instance of time 992 speech channels are made
available in GSM 800L .

4. RF Decoder: PT 2272 is a remote control decoder

paired with PT 2262 utilizing CMOS Technology. It
has 12 bits of tri-state address pins providing a
maximum of 531,441 (or 312) address codes; thereby,
drastically reducing any code collision and
unauthorized code scanning possibilities. PT 2272 is
available in several options to suit every application
need : variable number of data output pins, latch or
momentary output type

Fig3: GPS module:NEO-6m

In six different orbits approximately 12500miles

above the earth, 24 MEO (Medium-Earth Orbit)
satellites revolve around the earth 24 hours and
transmit location every second. It receives the data of
location and transmits it to the Arduino. The Arduino
thereby receives the signal from GPS and hence it
performs further operations

3. GSM Module: Global System for Mobile

communication (GSM) SIM card is inserted inside the
mobile device to send and receive the messages
using GPRS. The GSM SIM card number is registered
with the system.GSM is used to send data from Fig 5: RF Decoder: PT2272
control unit to base unit [11] .We can use GSM 800L
which operates at frequency 900MHz. It has up link Some features are CMOS Technology, Low power
band of 890MHz to 915MHz and down link Band of consumption , very high noise immunity, Up to 12 Tri
935MHz to 960 MHz GSM takes advantages of both state code address pins,Wide range of operation
FDMA & TDMA. Vcc=4 ~15.

© 2019, IRJEMS | www.irjems.com | Page 3

International Research Journal of Engineering and Management Studies (IRJEMS)
Volume: 03 Issue: 03 | March -2019 e-ISSN: 2395-0126

5. Li-ion Battery charger: The TP4056 is a complete

constant-current/constant-voltage linear charger for
single cell lithium-ion batteries. Its SOP package and
low external component count make the TP4056
ideally suited for portable applications. Furthermore,
the TP4056 can work within USB and wall adapter.

Fig 7: Boost converter

Features: Input voltage: 1V ~ 5V, Output voltage:

5V,Output current: 500mA,High conversion
Fig 6: Li-ion Battery charger: TP4056 efficiency, up to 96%,Ultra-small size, with the
installation in a variety of small equipment.
No blocking diode is required due to the internal
PMOSFET architecture and have prevent to negative 6 .ARDUINO SOFTWARE
Charge Current Circuit. Thermal feedback regulates
the charge current to limit the die temperature Integrated Development Environment (IDE):
during high power operation or high ambient Here the Arduino IDE is used on computer
temperature. The charge voltage is fixed at 4.2V, and (picturefollowing) to create, open, and change
the charge current can be programmed externally sketches (Arduino calls programs as “sketches”) .The
with a single resistor. The TP4056 automatically Mega 2560 board can be programmed with the
terminates the charge cycle when the charge current Arduino Software (IDE) [13]. Th ATmega2560 on the
drops to 1/10th the programmed value after the final Mega 2560 comes pre-programmed with a boot
float voltage is reached. TP4056 Other features loader that allows you to upload new code to it
include current monitor, under voltage lockout, without the use of an external hardware
automatic recharge and two status pin to indicate programmer. It communicates using the original
charge termination and the presence of an input STK500 protocol (reference, C header files). You can
voltage. also bypass the boot loader and program the
Some features are Programmable Charge microcontroller through the ICSP (In-Circuit Serial
Current Up to 1000mA, No MOSFET, Sense Resistor Programming) header using Arduino ISP . The
or Blocking Diode Required, Preset 4.2V Charge ATmega16U2(or 8U2 in the rev1 and rev2 boards)
Voltage with 1.5% Accuracy, Automatic Recharge, firmware source code is available in the Arduino
Charges Single Cell Li-Ion Batteries Directly from repository.
USB Port. The Arduino Software (IDE) uses this
capability to allow you to upload code by simply
6 .Boost converter: In modern days, Lithium batteries pressing the upload button in the Arduino
are enriching the electronics world [12]. They can be environment. This means that the bootloader can
charged very fast and provide good backup, which have a shorter timeout, as the lowering of DTR can be
along with their low manufacturing cost makes well-coordinated with the start of the upload. This
lithium batteries the most preferable choice for setup has other implications. When the Mega 2560
portable devices. As a single cell lithium battery board is connected to either a computer running Mac
voltage range from minimum 3.2 voltage to 4.2V, it’s OS X or Linux, it resets each time a connection is
difficult to power those circuits which requires 5V or made to it from software (via USB).
more. In such case we need a Boost Converter which
will boost the voltage as per the load requirement, 6. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM
more than it’s input voltage.
The implementation of our project is shown in the
following picture:
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International Research Journal of Engineering and Management Studies (IRJEMS)
Volume: 03 Issue: 03 | March -2019 e-ISSN: 2395-0126

1) Configuration Mode:
i) The configuration mode is initiated by pressing the iii) When the SMS is received by GSM module, the
configuration button, this turns ON the yellow LED of mobile number is fetched from SMS text and saved in
Arduino. EEPROM. After completion of this process yellow
LED of the Arduino turns OFF indicating the
completion of the process.

Fig 8: Device in Configuration Mode: Yellow LED

tuns ON
Fig 10: Device exits Configuration Mode: Yellow
ii) GPS now gets deactivated and GSM enters LED turns OFF
listen/active mode and waits for SMS carrying the
receivers mobile number. The SMS text contains the 2) Operation Mode:
receivers mobile number in between special i) To trigger the location sharing process the button
characters ‘$’ at the start preceding the mobile ‘B’ of RF remote is pressed (this button start/stop the
number followed by ‘@’ [14]. As shown in Fig9. location sharing), the RF signal is detected by RF
decoder which activates the GPS.

Fig 11: Button ‘B’on RF remote initiates message

sending cycle

ii) GPS now fetches latitude, longitude, time, date

from constellation of satellites. After location is
fetched then GSM gets activated. The aforementioned
data is in NMEA form which is decoded into text form
by the microcontroller[15].
Fig 9: SMS to store receiver’s mobile number in
© 2019, IRJEMS | www.irjems.com | Page 5
International Research Journal of Engineering and Management Studies (IRJEMS)
Volume: 03 Issue: 03 | March -2019 e-ISSN: 2395-0126

Fig 12: RF Decoder LED turns ON when button ‘B’

is pressed which denotes device is now in
operation mode Fig 15: (b)Snapshot of final project(with the
configuration button on the lid)
iii) An alert message containing the date , time and
link to the victim is send to the receiver. This whole
process is repeated in every 15s until button ‘B’ is 7. CONCLUSION
pressed again.
In this paper, we have proposed the designing and
implementation of a safety system for women
devices it focuses on tracking of the woman (victim)
through a device of a size of a 'handbook' which can
be easily concealed and run for days on a single
charge, Remote triggering gives it an edge over it's
counterparts. Going serially as per the objectives
mentioned, the tracking subsystem was successfully
implemented. The further implementation of the
system will be performed in accordance with the
goals mentioned in the future scope. This project will
overcome the fear that scares every woman in the
country about her safety and security.


Some proposed improvements in the system can be:

1. We can develop an android application which can
Fig 13: Format of alert SMS received on the saved show the real time location of the victim using maps
number provided by websites like Google Maps, Open
Maps.Org. 2.To make tracking even faster we can
3. Snapshot of complete project: convert the longitude latitude coordinates to address
using 'reverse geolocation', this will be benefcial for
low cost systems where receiver is deprived of
internet connection.
In this fast paced world, the world
has progressed at a rapidly but reliable help is often
delayed and crime cannot be averted in
time.Therefore there is a need to provide deterrence
to our system. Some proposed deterrence techniques
are 1. H.V. shock gloves which can give electric shock
to the perpetrator. 2. H.V. Radio Frequency body
enclosed net. Any one tries to touch the woman
gets a shock.
Fig 14: (a)Snapshot of final project

© 2019, IRJEMS | www.irjems.com | Page 6

International Research Journal of Engineering and Management Studies (IRJEMS)
Volume: 03 Issue: 03 | March -2019 e-ISSN: 2395-0126

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