Women Tracking System
Women Tracking System
Women Tracking System
Abstract - Women safety is a very important issue due to friends or the police that a crime is about a occur
rising crimes against women these days. Many woman are along with that the current location of the wome. A
working in corporate sector in night shifts. There is a feeling GPS is used to trace the current position of the victim
of insecurity among the working women. The proposed and a GSM is used to send the message to the
device is more like a safety system in case of emergency. This registered numbers which is triggered using
device can be fitted in a purse or in jacket (similar to a wireless remote.
blazer for women). To help resolve this issue we propose a
Woman tracking system using GSM, GPS and Arduino
Microcontroller. This device consists of a system that tracks 2. EXISTING SYSTEMS
the location of woman when in trouble. This system can be
turned on through a wireless remote by a woman in case she In Women and children based security system victim
even thinks she would be in trouble. The wireless remote has to press the emergency button, but in emergency
provides the advantage of turning it on from a distance up conditions pressing the button located on the device
to 5 meters. The device is easy to carry, conceal and have or purse may not be possible. Using Smartphone the
low power requirements with rechargeable battery. child cannot send his location by himself. The parent
The system is provided with a Li-ion battery, which is of that child has to send the message to the child's
charged using Li-ion battery charger which adds over- system to know their location. In "Mobile Tracking
current and over-discharge protection to the battery. The
Application for Locating Friends”, a tracking
authorised mobile number of receiver can be saved and
changed any time by sending mobile number in the specified application software must be installed in the mobile
format through SMS. The location sharing cycle is triggered phone and friends must be previously registered in
wirelessly with the help of RF remote. The location, time and the application [2]. To track their friends mobile
date are fetched form GPS and delivered to the saved mobile phones are needed in both sides. In an Intelligent
number through an SMS, this is a cycle which repeats itself System based on RFID and GPS Technologies for
in every 15 seconds until it is turned off. Women Safety[3-4] has some limitations in terms of
This device will prove to be very useful in saving lives cost, signal interferences and also the information
as well as preventing atrocities against women. The device access to invalid and unauthenticated users.
uses GPS sensor along with a GSM modem, RF Decoder, Li- This paper presents new method to
ion battery charger, Boost converter, LED’s and
provide protection for women or children by ringing
microcontroller based circuit to achieve this system.
the buzzer and send the location to the nearby police
Key Words: GPS, GSM, RF Decoder, Li-ion battery station where the victim is present.
charger, Arduino.
The architecture of proposed system as shown in
Even in this modern era women are feeling insecure Fig1. It consists of Arduino controller [5].as a main
to step out of their house because of increasing source and it receives input signal from RF remote,
crimes in our country like harassment, abuse, where thereby the RF remote is pressed by a human
violence etc., The corporate and IT sector are who is in threat or in danger or in abnormal
booming. Many women are working night shifts. situations.
There is a feeling of insecurity among the working The components described in the
women. The proposed device is more like a architecture are GPS, GSM, Arduino microcontroller,
safety system in case of emergency. This device small RF Decoder, Li-ion battery Charger, Boost Converter,
and easy to carry [1]. The emergency push button transformer, rectifier, filter. GSM is used to send the
can be made into a keychain or can be fitted into a alert message to the registered contact number
watch. The main purpose of this device is to inform where as GPS is used to track the location of that
© 2019, IRJEMS | www.irjems.com | Page 1
International Research Journal of Engineering and Management Studies (IRJEMS)
Volume: 03 Issue: 03 | March -2019 e-ISSN: 2395-0126
person(women) [6-7].Arduino handles the special characters ‘$’ at the start preceding the
communication between all components. mobile number followed by ‘@’. d) When the SMS is
received by GSM module, the mobile number is
fetched from SMS text and saved in EEPROM. e) After
this operation LED connected to digital I/O pin 13
turns OFF indicating the completion of the process. f)
Hence the device exits the configuration
2. GPS Module: Global positioning system (GPS) as Fig 4: GSM module: SIM800L
shown below in Fig 2 is a navigation and precise
positioning tool, which tracks the location in the In 25MHz BW, 124 carriers are generated with
form of longitude and latitude based on Earth by channel spacing of 200 KHz (FDMA). Each carrier is
calculating the time difference for signals from split into 8 time slots (TDMA) [9]. At any given
various satellites to reach the receiver [9-10]. instance of time 992 speech channels are made
available in GSM 800L .
1) Configuration Mode:
i) The configuration mode is initiated by pressing the iii) When the SMS is received by GSM module, the
configuration button, this turns ON the yellow LED of mobile number is fetched from SMS text and saved in
Arduino. EEPROM. After completion of this process yellow
LED of the Arduino turns OFF indicating the
completion of the process.