Raspberry Pi Based Smart Wearable Device For Women Safety Using GPS and GSM Technology
Raspberry Pi Based Smart Wearable Device For Women Safety Using GPS and GSM Technology
Raspberry Pi Based Smart Wearable Device For Women Safety Using GPS and GSM Technology
Abstract—Security has become a major concern for even during the least connectivity times using radio
women, children and even elders in every walk of their life. identification based cognitive radio, GSM and GPS and
Women are getting assaulted and molested, children are sends a location URL to respective authorities [3]. Otterson
getting kidnapped, elder citizens are also facing many and Dufner described a security system which sends the
problems like robbery, etc. In this paper, a smart security location of the victim using GPS and GSM and also the
solution called smart wearable device system is implemented captured image of the victim and also the assault using a
using the Raspberry Pi3 for enhancing the safety and security camera fixed in the system to the respected people [4].
of women/children. It works as an alert as well as a security Chitrakara et al developed a special gadget especially for
system. It provides a buzzer alert alert to the people who are girls and women who face problems like domestic violence,
nearby to the user (wearing the smart device). The system uses sexual assaults etc., which makes the women win against the
Global Positioning System (GPS) to locate the user, sends the
oppressor [5].
location of the user through SMS to the emergency contact and
police using the Global System for Mobile Communications III. HARDWARE DESCRIPTION
(GSM) / General Radio Packet Service (GPRS) technology.
The device also captures the image of the assault and Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the smart wearable
surroundings of the user or victim using USB Web Camera device system consisting of Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
interfaced to the device and sends it as an E-mail alert to the board, GPS module, GSM module for SMS alert, USB
emergency contact soon after the user presses the panic button camera, buzzer, and a push button switch used as a panic
present on Smart wearable device system. button.
Keywords—Raspberry Pi3, IoT, GPS, GSM, E-mail alert
Raspberry GSM Module
Push Pi3 (A SMS Alert
I. INTRODUCTION Button with User GPS
The present generation is striving for equal rights, where Switch location link is
men, women and every person is getting equal rights, sent to emergency
responsibilities and work load is shared equally too. With contact mobile)
this, the working schedule for women are also changing and
they are being allocated with different working shifts, in the
daytime or even in the nighttime. So, improving the security GPS Image captured by
of women and children is very important, especially during Module Webcam and User
the night times. Women may have to use various available GPS location link
means of transport to reach their offices or home during late
are sent as an
night. The smart wearable device system presented here
Email to
consists of a push button switch used as a panic button.
Whenever the person wearing the device gets into trouble, emergency
he or she pushes the button. Soon after pushing the panic contact
button, GPS module interfaced with the system locates the USB
user and sends the location of the user (person wearing the Webcam Buzzer
device) to the emergency contact and police using the GSM
module. The USB camera captures the image of the
surroundings of the user and Pi sends an E-mail with the
captured image and alert message to the emergency contact. Fig. 1. Block Diagram of Smart Wearable Device System
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including UART, four PWM channels, I2C bus, SPI bus, 5V 1722.798,N : Latitude 17 deg 22.862' N
and GND. It has a BCM43143 Wi-Fi onboard and Bluetooth
Low Energy (BLE) onboard and also has a Camera Serial 7828.027,E : Longitude 78 deg 28.027' E
Interface port to connect Pi camera through which we can
take HD videos and still photographs [6].
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B. Python Language
E. Buzzer
A buzzer is an audio signaling device which may be
mechanical, electromechanical or piezoelectric. It converts
electrical energy into sound. When power is applied to the Fig. 7. PuTTY Configuration
buzzer it causes the ceramic disk to contract or expand, thus
it causes the surrounding disc to vibrate and that is the V. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AND FLOWCHART
sound that we hear. Figure 6 shows the buzzer.
The schematic diagram of the smart wearable device
system is shown in Fig. 8. It shows the interfacing of
various components like GPS, GSM, USB camera, buzzer to
the Raspberry Pi board. This schematic is prepared using
Fritzing software by importing components from Adafruit
Fig. 6. Buzzer
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Figure 11 shows the snapshot of the SMS alert with
Google map location link received in the mobile of the
emergency contact. By clicking the link, the care taker or
police can know the exact location of the victim and reach
Initialization of Raspberry Pi, the place or inform the nearest police station to protect the
GSM and GPS modules victim.
location of
No Panic Button Yes user is sent
pressed by as text
User as in message to
trouble? emergency
Camera module
the image of the
culprit and sends as
an email to
emergency contact
Buzzer ON
Fig. 11. SMS alert with User GPS location (Google map) link sent to the
mobile of the emergency contact
Fig. 10. Experimental Setup Fig. 12. User Location Tracked on Google maps
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Figure 13 shows the snapshot of the email alert sent to VIII. CONCLUSIONS
the emergency contact along with the captured image of the In this paper, a Raspberry Pi based smart wearable
surrounding area where the user (victim) is located. device system for Women safety is implemented using GPS
and GSM technology. The system provides safety and
security not only for women, but also for other people
(especially elderly persons and children) in every walk of
their life. The advantage of using Raspberry Pi3 Model B+
is that it has an in-built Wi-Fi module that can connect to the
internet, without use of an external router. It can thus send
an email alert to the predefined contact. The system can be
made portable by fixing all the components inside a small
enclosure and making it battery operated.
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Fig. 13. Email alert with User location (Google map) link sent to email of 2042-2046.
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Figure 14 shows the captured image by webcam of the [5] L. Otterson and D. Dufner, "Integrating technology into the mission
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[6] https://www.raspberrypi.org/
[7] https://www.gps.gov/
[8] http://www.elgps.com/public_ftp/Documentos/SIRF_Protocol.pdf
[9] https://www.rhydolabz.com/
[10] https://putty.en.softonic.com/
[11] Richard L. Halterman, “Learning to Program with Python”, 2011
Fig. 14. Image captured by the Webcam when the user presses the panic
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