SCIENCE LP T1 W11 P1 and P2
SCIENCE LP T1 W11 P1 and P2
SCIENCE LP T1 W11 P1 and P2
Learning Objective:
Make a prediction about the changes in materials. (Observe melting ice)
Explain what Write what Draw what
happened to the materials are happened to the
ice as time made to make ice.
passes by. an ice.
Challenge Task: Ability Group: (Name Lists)
● Activity: Ask them to search for melting G&T:
materials. SOD:
● Outcome: This promotes curiosity while
exploring the properties of different materials.
● Gather the students and discuss their (5 -7 mins by teacher –
observation. Modelling
● Recap the main points about force that they
learned during the lesson.
● Discussion points:
● What is changes in material when it is melted?
Explain ● What happens when you take the ice out of the
(5 -7 mins fridge?
by teacher – ● Why do some objects melt?
Explaining ● How can you tell if something is melting?
the ● Why do we need to know what is melting in real
concept) life?
Review the main points of the lesson.
Provide a simple take-home activity, such as
finding objects, items at home and identifying if
they are melting.
Can you name a famous building in the UAE? What materials do you think it’s made of?
What do you like most about the buildings you see around you?
How do you think the weather in the UAE affects the materials used for building?
If you could build something special for your city, what would it be made of? Why?
Learning Objective:
Make a prediction about the changes in materials. (Observe melting Wax)
Success Criteria (Student will be able to)
Students will give prediction about the changes in materials when Observe melting Wax.
Students will identify their prediction about the changes in materials when Observe melting
Students will understand their prediction about the changes in materials when Observe melting
Resources /
Lesson Structure Accommodations for
Engage Prior Knowledge:( 5 min) Keywords:
(15 mins by
students – What was our lesson yesterday? materials
Prior What do you mean of melting? wax
Knowledge Give me an example of a melting material? melting
followed by “Show also the NIM” melt
Starter: (5 min) Task/Materials for SOD:
● Show students the NIM and ask them what What teachers will do
happened to it after several seconds.
● Let them discuss it in front of the class. Provide additional support
hands on during exploration, such as
activity - verbal prompts or simplified
Starter) HOOK Q: instructions.
WB page 43 HA:,
(7 mins by GnT questions
students –
Independen Discussion points:
SOD questions (To be
made in collaboration
with the SEN teacher)
t Question -
ed) What will Teacher do
Facilitating the discussions
Skills in focus-
Critical thinking/problem solving skills/analytical skills/ social skills/ logical thinking/ collaborative
thinking/Concept Maps/Mind Maps/Creative writing etc
National Identity:
In the UAE, we celebrate our national identity by recognizing the diverse materials used in traditional
crafts, like weaving with palm fronds or creating jewellery from silver and gold, reflecting our rich
cultural heritage.
Can you sort these objects into groups based on their materials? What materials do you have?