SCIENCE LP T1 W11 P1 and P2

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Teacher: Ms.

Aurea Subject: SCIENCE Class: 1 Date:

Lesson Topic: Term\Week

Period: 1
Changes of materials T1\W12
● The "changes of materials" key idea explores how materials can undergo transformations,
whether heated and cooled. This concept is fundamental in understanding material properties
and reactions, essential in areas like everyday life.

Learning Objective:
Make a prediction about the changes in materials. (Observe melting ice)

Success Criteria (Student will be able to)

Students will describe the changes in material when they are melting..
Students will identify changes in materials when they are melting.
Students will understand changes in material when they are melting.
Resources /
Lesson Structure Accommodations for


Starter: (5 min) Material

" What do you think is the weather?’’ cold
What happened to the ice if we put outside? Melt

● Show students a picture of a dry lake

● Discuss the NIM and let them talk about it. Task/Materials for SOD:
(15 mins by
students –
HOOK ACTIVITY: What teachers will do
“What can you say about a melting ice?
followed by
What do you think will happen if you put it outside the Provide video showing the
hands on
refrigerator?” what happen to each
activity -
material when (e.g.,boiling
Ask student if they know how to make an ice cube. water, making of ice and
mixing water with coffee).
This is
What would be a useful material we can make using
where the
that? Use simplified language and
provide one-on-one support
Allow the students to share their thoughts in the class. as needed.
the concept
Provide a simple activities
that will make them
investigate and explore what
happen to the materials.

What student will do

Students will identify the

materials and the
characteristic of each.
The students will complete
the worksheet.
● Ask the students to formulate / give their Task/Materials for GnT:
hypothesis (wild guess) on what are the changes
Material: water, coffee and
in materials when being heated and cooled?
Explore ● Ask the students to give their prediction (refer
to the hook question) (notebook)
What teachers will do
●(15 mins Challenge them to think
by about ways to make
Materials: materials using the
students –
Samples of various materials (ice cubes) and PPT materials given to them and
by Sorting trays or bins share their ideas with the
answering videos showing objects when melting. class.
differentia Provide with a set of material samples, and sorting
ted trays. What student will do
questions. Instruct students to observe the materials closely, and
●Real Life examine details then let them use their curiosity in Describe the way materials
scenario change.
investigating the materials.
●inter- ( heated and cooled).
y Links)
Writing observation:

Guide Questions to write their observation:

Encourage students to ask questions about each
material. For example:

● Where else might you find this material besides

What teachers will do
● What are the different characteristics of the Encourage the students to
materials you have observed ? explore the queries given to
● "What does this material feel like?"

Conclusion: What student will do

● Ask the students to draw their conclusion based Discuss their findings and
on their hypotheses and predictions to the class. encourage them to explain
why /how this happened.

Explain what Write what Draw what
happened to the materials are happened to the
ice as time made to make ice.
passes by. an ice.
Challenge Task: Ability Group: (Name Lists)

● Activity: Ask them to search for melting G&T:
materials. SOD:
● Outcome: This promotes curiosity while
exploring the properties of different materials.

● Gather the students and discuss their (5 -7 mins by teacher –
observation. Modelling
● Recap the main points about force that they
learned during the lesson.
● Discussion points:
● What is changes in material when it is melted?
Explain ● What happens when you take the ice out of the
(5 -7 mins fridge?
by teacher – ● Why do some objects melt?
Explaining ● How can you tell if something is melting?
the ● Why do we need to know what is melting in real
concept) life?
Review the main points of the lesson.
Provide a simple take-home activity, such as
finding objects, items at home and identifying if
they are melting.

Elaborate Further Inquiry/Another Activity/Research

(7 mins by Elaborate
students – ● Each will make their own question about the (7 mins by students –
Independen topic and ask other student to answer the Independent Question -
t Question - question. They will be guided by the teacher. Differentiated)
Differentiat ● Each group presents their findings and explain
ed) their reasoning.

Evaluate Assessment: Peer/Self Assessment

(6 mins Evaluate
● Observe students’ ability to identify and explain (6 mins Assessment
Assessment the objects with different characteristics. followed by Reflections)
followed by ● Assess their understanding through their
Reflections) explanation in the elaboration activity.
● AFL – Whiteboard/Self/Peer Assessment
Skills in focus-
Critical thinking/problem solving skills/analytical skills/ social skills/ logical thinking/ collaborative
thinking/Concept Maps/Mind Maps/Creative writing etc
National Identity:
In the UAE, we show our national identity by using special materials like coral and palm leaves to build
traditional homes, and by creating tall, modern buildings that reflect our culture and progress.

Can you name a famous building in the UAE? What materials do you think it’s made of?

What do you like most about the buildings you see around you?

How do you think the weather in the UAE affects the materials used for building?

If you could build something special for your city, what would it be made of? Why?

Teacher: Subject: SCIENCE Class: 1 Date:

Lesson Topic: Term\Week

Period: 2
Changes of materials T1\W12
● The "changes of materials" key idea explores how materials can undergo transformations,
whether heated and cooled. This concept is fundamental in understanding material properties
and reactions, essential in areas like everyday life.

Learning Objective:
Make a prediction about the changes in materials. (Observe melting Wax)
Success Criteria (Student will be able to)
Students will give prediction about the changes in materials when Observe melting Wax.
Students will identify their prediction about the changes in materials when Observe melting
Students will understand their prediction about the changes in materials when Observe melting

Resources /
Lesson Structure Accommodations for
Engage Prior Knowledge:( 5 min) Keywords:
(15 mins by
students – What was our lesson yesterday? materials
Prior What do you mean of melting? wax
Knowledge Give me an example of a melting material? melting
followed by “Show also the NIM” melt
Starter: (5 min) Task/Materials for SOD:

● Show students the NIM and ask them what What teachers will do
happened to it after several seconds.
● Let them discuss it in front of the class. Provide additional support
hands on during exploration, such as
activity - verbal prompts or simplified
Starter) HOOK Q: instructions.

This is What is a candle ? Use concrete examples and

where the What do you think it is made of? hands-on materials to aid
teacher understanding.
introduces Allow the students to share their thoughts in the class.
the concept Offer extra time for sorting
and completing tasks.

What student will do

Students will identify the

pictures and the sources of
The students will complete
the worksheet.

Task/Materials for GnT:

● Ask the students to formulate / give their Water, juice, cup, ice, spoon
hypothesis (wild guess) on what materials is and flour
used to make a candle. What teachers will do
●(15 mins Encourage deeper
● Ask the students to give their prediction (refer exploration and analysis of
to the hook question) (Worksheet) materials, possibly using
students –
Research more complex examples.
by Instructions:
answering Allow for independent
the Materials Exploration: research or can sort
differentia Provide a variety of materials (e.g.candle, butter) for materials based on their
ted students to explore. characteristics.
●Real Life Various materials (e.g.candle, butter) Provide opportunities for
scenario samples of each material creative expression, such as
●inter- designing a new material or
disciplinar sort materials based on their
y Links) characteristics.
Writing observation:
Observation Sheet: Give students an observation
sheet to note down their observations about the What student will do
materials (e.g.candle, butter)
● ) Write different ways how to
reduce the environmental
impact of man-made.
● Ask the students to write their conclusion based
on their hypotheses and predictions in their What teachers will do
Science worksheets Encourage the students to
explore the queries given to
Write what list the materials Draw what
happened to the that can melt. happened to the
butter when put butter.
outside a hot What student will do
Discuss their findings and
encourage them to explain
why /how this happened.

Challenge Task: Ability Group: (Name Lists)


WB page 43 HA:,

Facilitate a class discussion on the patterns observed

and clarify any misconceptions.

Discussion: Lead a discussion about the

differences between different materials and
characteristics based on their observations.
Explain Definition: Introduce the terms and give
(5 -7 mins examples of melting wax.
by teacher – Lead a discussion on the prediction of the
Explaining changes in materials when melting (e.g.candle,
the butter).
Ask students to think about why certain
materials belongs to different materials.
Summaries the key differences of the different
materials and use the guide questions.

(7 mins by GnT questions
students –
Independen Discussion points:
SOD questions (To be
made in collaboration
with the SEN teacher)

t Question -
ed) What will Teacher do
Facilitating the discussions

What will students do

Students will participate in
the discussion and research
further to extend their
thinking on the topic.

What will Teacher do

Assessment: Peer/SelfAssessment
Evaluate What will students do
Observation of student participation and engagement
(6 mins
Assessment in group and individual activities. After the evaluation
followed by Review of students' drawings and descriptions to
Reflections) assess their understanding of the different
characteristic. (soft and hard).

Skills in focus-

Critical thinking/problem solving skills/analytical skills/ social skills/ logical thinking/ collaborative
thinking/Concept Maps/Mind Maps/Creative writing etc

National Identity:
In the UAE, we celebrate our national identity by recognizing the diverse materials used in traditional
crafts, like weaving with palm fronds or creating jewellery from silver and gold, reflecting our rich
cultural heritage.


Can you find an object made of wood? What is it?

Can you identify something made of fabric? What is it?

Can you sort these objects into groups based on their materials? What materials do you have?

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