Electrical Characteristics of (PB, SR) Tio, Positive Temperature Coefficient Ceramics
Electrical Characteristics of (PB, SR) Tio, Positive Temperature Coefficient Ceramics
Electrical Characteristics of (PB, SR) Tio, Positive Temperature Coefficient Ceramics
Received 25 July 1997; received in revised form 24 November 1997: accepted 12 December 1997
Electrical properties of the positive temperature coefficient of resistance (PTCR) ceramics of compositions Pb,Sr n.L),)4
- rYU.,~WoTi03(s = 0.5.
0.6 and 0.7) with Curie point over 140°C up to 280°C were studied. The built-in potentials formed at grain boundaries in these ceramics wer?
determined on thebasisof the Heywang model.These built-in potentials are found to increase with increasing temperature and contribute to
the PTCR effect of the ceramics. The resistances of grain and grain boundary of rhe ceramics were studied using the complex-plane impedak~
method. It is clearly observed that the grain resistance of the ceramic is much smaller compared to its grain boundary resistance and the chagie
in resistivity with temperature is contributed mainly by the variation of grain boundary resistance. 0 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.IAIl
righta reserved
Kqwords: Positive temperature coeflicient of resistance: Heywang model; Built-in potentials; Complex-plane impedance method
- LST70
45 50 55 60 65 70 75
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Percentage of Lead Content ( % )
Temperature ( OC ) Fig. 4. Effect of lead content on the PTC effect and~T,,, of the samples.
Fig. 2. The measured dielectric constant vs. temperature characteristics of
the samples.
‘;; 11 -5-
f IO
gt 19PC o,oi,,,,i,,,,,,,,,i.,,,,,,,,,.,,.~,
Percentage of lead content (%) 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
260°C 32OOC
Temperature (“C )
0 1 2 3 Fig. 5. Temperature dependawe of calculated built-in potential and cV,J
KT in PTCR region of (Pb,Sr)TiO, ceramics.
107/E,T ( K-l )
Fig. 3. Arrhenius plots of iPb,Sr)TiOl ceramics. Temperature regions
selected are also indicated. The insert shows the calculated N, of the samples The measured dielectric constant is related to the grain
varied with Pb content. boundary layer permittivity [ 15,161 and can be expressed as
is the temperature at which the maximum resistivity appears
(Fig. 4). This result agrees well with the observations of Al- where Nd is the effective donor density per unit volume, r,
Allak et al. [ lo] in BaTiO, PTCR ceramics. The built-in the grain boundary permittivity. Within the temperature range
potentials of the samples can be obtained by knowing N, on in which N, is constant, a plot of 1/E,,, versus temperature -1X
the basis of Eq. (3) and are shown as a function of temper- expected to be linear if the grain boundary layer obeys the
ature in Fig. 5, which indicates that the built-in potentials of Curie-Weiss law. Fig. 6 shows I/E,,, against temperature
the samples LSTSO, LST60 and LST70 increase with increas- plots of the samples within the selected temperature region,
ing temperature. According to Fig. 5 and Eq. {2), the in which a good linear relationship can be clearly observed
increased built-in potential results in higher grain boundary for LSTSO, LSTGO and LST70. This behavior indicates that
resistance and is used to explain the PTCR effect for the the grain boundary layer permittivity obeys the Curie-Weiss
samples. law. The results discussed previously are in agreement with
16 R, [7]. In the presentwork we also used this popular tech-
nique to study the measuredimpedancedata of our samples.
14 . The measuredimpedancecan be expressedas
1 LST50
12 1 . Z=Re(Z)+jIm(Z) (6)
where Re(Z) and Im(Z) are the real and imaginary parts of
10 - the measuredimpedance,respectively. - Im( Z) is plotted as
WE . a function of Re(Z) to construct the complex impedance
- 8-
'j diagram.The measuredcomplex impedanceplots of the sam-
ples LSTSO, LSTGO and LST70 with various applied fre-
quenciesunder different testing temperaturesare shown in
Figs. 8, 9 and 10. respectively. From thesefigures, it is clear
that one semicircular arc exists in the complex impedance
diagram at a fixed temperature. This meansthat the In-Ga
alloy forms a good ohmic contact and the equivalent circuit
o-,"'l ,, I, ,,I,,,, ,, ,,_:,,,,, I (Fig. 7) can be usedto study the grain boundary resistances
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
of the samples.It is alsoevident that the grain resistancesof
Temperature ( OC )
Fig. 6. Plota of I ic,,, vs. temperature for the zomples.
8.20~10~ L(b)
- 250%
--c 300%
--A- gb
Rg- Rgb .
-Im ( Z ) .
- 40%
--f- 100%
- 2oooc
0 25 50 75 100125
IO 20 30 40
1 Re(Z) (Q)
- 300%
- 3aooc
t - 3wc
1.6x105 b - 400%
- 480%
z F
N^ 1.2x105 ;
g *.ox,o'; /,,/---L----LAq
Re(Z) CQ)
Fig. 9. Complex impedance plots for LST60 at six different temperatures: Fig. 10. Complex impedance plots for LST70 at seven different trmpcra-
(a) 4O”C, 120°C and 2 10°C; i b) 25O”C, 300°C and 380°C. tures: (a) 4O"C, IOOT, 200°C and 280°C; ib) 35O”C, 400°C and 480”C,:
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