Limba Engleza: Management vs. Leadership: The Difference Between A Manager & Leader
Limba Engleza: Management vs. Leadership: The Difference Between A Manager & Leader
Limba Engleza: Management vs. Leadership: The Difference Between A Manager & Leader
Student masterand:
Cosmin ROMAN
SIBIU 2015
Management and leadership skills are often regarded as one and the same to
many businesses. While the two inherently share many similar characteristics, they
differ in that not all managers are leaders, but all leaders are managers. They are
complementary qualities inexorably linked to each other, and any attempt to
extricate one from the other is impossible. Whereas the manager exists to plan,
organize and coordinate, a leader serves to inspire and motivate. Militarily
speaking, a manager is the battlefield general while the leader is the commander-
Qualities of a Manager
Qualities of a Leader
It is said that a manager asks “how” and “when”, whereas a leader asks
“what” and why”. In many professions, managers and leaders assume the same
role. However, if a leader of a business simply manages a company – rather than
challenge its true potential – then it will likely fall behind its industry peers.
Likewise, if managers overstep their bounds and attempt to revolt against the
company, then they may soon find themselves out of the job. In some cases, where
micromanagement is essential to maximize efficiency, nurture skills and keep
employees organized, strong managers are an absolute necessity to prevent high
turnover rates and the “brain drain” of a skilled workforce. A good leader will also
stay in the front line of battle, and be familiar with every aspect of the company,
leading through inspiration rather than coercing through hierarchical control. A
perfect manager who attains the status of a true leader will be able to lead people
effectively and draw on the correct strengths and knowledge of every key
individual in the company. Many managers will struggle for their entire careers
and never attain this, but a skilled few will evolve into true leaders.
Management vs. Leadership: The Difference Between a Manager &
Are all managers leaders? Are all leaders managers? This lesson presents
arguments that place a manager and a leader into two separate categories, each
with their own defining characteristics.
Ask yourself this question: are all managers leaders? Some of you will quickly
answer 'yes' assuming the two are synonymous with one another. Others will think
back to some of their managers and evaluate them as someone who they either do
or do not consider a leader. Many of you might immediately respond 'no' to this
question because you have heard of the management versus leadership debate in
the past and know very well that the two are, in fact, quite different. Regardless of
your initial response to this question, this lesson will present arguments that place a
manager and a leader into two separate categories, each with their own defining
characteristics. This is not to say that there are not similarities between managers
and leaders; rather, the essence of this lesson is to show that not all managers are in
fact leaders.
What Is a Manager?
Because managers are responsible for carrying out the four functions of
management, their primary concern is to accomplish organizational goals.
Managers get paid to get things done in organizations. As such, the manager is
accountable for themselves as well as the behavior and performance of his or her
employees. A manager has the authority and power to hire, promote, discipline and
fire employees based on those behaviors and performance. Management is about
efficiency and getting results though systems, processes, procedures, controls and
What Is a Leader?
Perhaps the greatest separation between management and leadership is that leaders
do not have to hold a management position. That is, a person can become a leader
without a formal title. Any individual can become a leader because the basis of
leadership is on the personal qualities of the leader. People are willing to follow the
leader because of who he or she is and what the leader stands for, not because they
have to due to the authority bestowed onto him or her by the organization. The
leader will show passion and personal investment in the success of his or her
followers reaching their goals, which may be different from organizational goals.
A leader has no formal, tangible power over their followers. Power is awarded to
the leader on a temporary basis and is contingent upon the leader's ability to
continue to motivate and inspire followership. Notice the shift in terminology here:
managers have subordinates, while leaders have followers. Subordinates do not
have a choice but to listen to the demands and wishes of their managers, but
following is (and always will be) a voluntary choice for those who follow a leader.
Those who no longer wish to follow the leader will simply stop. That is, if an
employee initially sees his or her manager as a leader and eventually ceases to be
inspired by that manager, the employee will still obey the manager, but only
because the employee is required to do so, not because he or she wants to.