Bulletin 11.4.10
Bulletin 11.4.10
Bulletin 11.4.10
Thur , November 4, 2010
**ELEMENTARY STUDENTS: Effective TODAY, Nov. 4, elementary students are not allowed in buildings
300, 400, 500, or 600 before 8:20am with only one exception - students assigned to Ms. Weyrich. All
other elementary students are to report to the cafeteria immediately upon arrival on campus, whether
by school bus or private transportation.
**H/S BETA CLUB Meeting: Today, Nov. 4, in room 1217 during breakfast
**ACT TEST DEADLINE: Fri, Nov. 5, is the last day to register for the Dec. 11, ACT Test.
**PTO MEETING: Mon, Nov. 8, @ 6:00pm in the library.
**FOOD DRIVE: The last day to bring in items is Wed, Nov. 10. Remember to bring in canned & non-
perishable items only. The class that collects the most items will win a pizza party!
The donations will be given to the Franklin County Food Pantry who will distribute the items
to needy Franklin County residents for Thanksgiving.
**STUDENT DRIVERS: If you have not registered your car for a campus parking permit, you
must do so immediately. Parents will be called & students’ parking privileges will be
revoked if a car is not registered.
**ALL STUDENTS Regardless of Age: If you get sick at school - YOU MUST GET A
PASS TO GO TO THE NURSE ! You are not to call your parent – the nurse will
call!!! If the student calls their parent first, the nurse will not give you a
& it will not be excused. Students must go through the nurse first !
Also, students who leave campus without signing out are considered “skipping -
leaving campus without permission” which is a Class III offense!
**STAFF: If you would like to get a FLU SHOT (which will be administered by the school nurse) please pick up a
form at Ms. Browning’s desk. Complete the form & return it to Ms. Browning. The cost for the shot is
$25.00. Deadline to turn in the form is Nov. 15th. A date to give the shots will be set after forms are
**CULINARY CLASS CAFÉ: There will be NO dinner Nov. 5th.
**RTI MEETINGS: Every Tuesday **PBS MEETINGS: Every 3rd Monday of each month
**FACULTY MEETINGS: Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month
**Red Cross - Free Training Class: Nov. 12th from 1:00-5:00pm, the Red Cross will be offering a free
training class, “Coping in Today’s World”, to Franklin County residents. The class will be held at the
Franklin County Emergency Operating Center, 28 Airport Rd, Apalachicola. You must pre-register, call
**GED CLASSES on Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays (except holidays) from 4:00pm-8:00pm at the
Franklin County Learning Center (the old Brown Elementary).
The next GED TEST will be given Nov. 29 & 30, at the Franklin County School library at 6:00pm.
To register for the test contact Maxine Creamer @ 670-4481.
The Franklin County Adult Education Courses do not discriminate based on race, color,
Religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, or marital status
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