Bulletin 11.15.10

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MON , November 15,, 2010

“The future belongs to the educated.” - Milken Family Foundation

**The Perdido Bay Indian Tribe Museum will be on our campus Tues, Nov. 16. Grades K-8
will have the opportunity to visit the mobile museum.
**Senior Class Fundraiser: Poinsettia Sales end TODAY, Nov. 15. Cost: $15 - See a senior to order.
**PARENTS: With the cool mornings & warmer afternoons, we have been finding a number of outerwear items
lying around the campus. Please remind your child(ren) to bring their jacket/sweatshirt/sweaters home with
them after school.
**ELEMENTARY STUDENTS: Elementary students are to report to the cafeteria immediately upon arrival
on campus, whether by school bus or private transportation. Students are not allowed in buildings 300,
400, 500, or 600 before 8:20am. The only exception is students assigned to Ms. Weyrich.
**College Awareness Seminar: Thurs, Nov. 18, there will be a College Awareness Seminar in
Mrs. Lee’s room, 817, sponsored by College for Every Student. The schedule is as follows:
2nd Period – 12th grade
3 Period – 11th grade
4 Period – 10th grade
5 Period – 9th grade
2:00-3:00pm- 5th grade will be in the individual elementary classrooms

**Superintendent Nina Marks has asked to remind parents that our Code of Conduct states under the heading-
“Requests to Ride a Different Bus or Use Another Bus Stop” the following: “Permission for a student to ride a
bus other than the one assigned, or to get off at a stop other than the one assigned, should be approved only in
case of an emergency by school personnel. Normally students are required to be discharged at the same stop
where they were picked up.”

PARENTS: New on our www.franklincountyschools.org website…

1) “Firm, Fair & Consistent” monthly newsletter which is on the right hand column of the home page.
2) “Tips for Students” – under Parents’ Connections in the middle column on the home page!
Check both of them out!


Mark Your Calendars . . .

**THANKSGIVING HOLIDAYS - NO SCHOOL: November 24, 25, & 26
**CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS - NO SCHOOL: Dec. 20-Jan. 3 – Students return on Jan. 4.
Teachers return Jan. 3.

Lunch for Today

K-5th Grade : Spaghetti w/ Meat, Side Salad, Canned Fruit, May Select Roll
6 th
-12 th
Grade: Choice of above or Pizza, Chicken Sandwich, Entrée Salad, or Lite


**Mon, Nov. 15: -Home M/S Basketball games vs. Tolar @ 4pm
**Tues, Nov. 16: -Perdido Bay Indian Tribe Museum on campus for grades K-8
-H/S National Honor Society meeting during breakfast in room 1210
-Field Trip: M/S Science to SGI Estuary - 8:10am-2:30pm
-PLAN Test for 10th grade – 2nd thru 5th periods
-Seniors meet with Herff Jones representative to order cap, gown, &
invitations – by appt. only
-FCA meetings during M/S & H/S lunch in gym wrestling room
-Home Varsity Girl Basketball game vs W. Gadsden @ 7:00pm
-Away M/S Boys & Girls Basketball game vs Hosford @ 4:00pm
-Away Soccer game vs Marianna - Girls @ 5:00pm Boys @ 7:00pm
-Away Varsity Boys Basketball Pre-Season game vs Sneads @ 7:30pm
-SAC meeting in the FCS library @ 6:00pm
-School Board Organizational meeting at the Willie Speed Board room
(Eastpoint) @ 6:00pm
**Wed, Nov. 17: -Field Trip: M/S Science to SGI Estuary 8:10am-3:00pm
-SGA meeting in room 1105 during H/S lunch
**Thurs, Nov. 18: -H/S Beta Club meeting during breakfast in room 1217
-College Awareness Seminar for H/S – see schedule under announcements
-Senior Class Officers meeting during lunch in room 817
-Home M/S Basketball games vs. Wewa @ 5:00pm
-Away Varsity Boys Basketball Pre-Season game vs Sneads @ 5:00pm
**Fri, Nov. 19: -Culinary Class Café
-M/S Dance in cafeteria (Fundraiser for M/S volleyball) 7:00-9:30 pm

**PBS MEETING: Today, Nov. 15, in room117 @ 3:30pm
**STAFF/FLU SHOTS: Today, Nov. 15, is the last day to sign up for a FLU SHOT, which will be administered by
the school nurse. Pick up a form at Ms. Browning’s desk. Complete the form & return it to Ms.
Browning. Your insurance WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! You will have to pay $25.00 for the shot.
**ESE TEACHERS/MATRIX TRAINING: Wed, Nov. 17, in library tech room. Register on the ePDC at
www.paec.org for one of the following sessions: Session 1: 8:30-11:30 Session 2: 12:30-3:15
**SCHOOL LEADERSHIP MEETING: Wed, Nov. 17, in room 117 @ 3:20pm

**CULINARY CLASS CAFÉ: Today, Nov. 19, serving from 10:45am-1:30pm. Donation- $8.00
MENU: Turkey, Ham, Dressing, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Collard
Greens, Field Peas,
Sweet Potato Souffle, Rolls, Pecan Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Peach
**RTI MEETINGS: Every Tuesday **PBS MEETINGS: Every 3rd Monday of each month
**FACULTY MEETINGS: Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month

**WANTED- ART TEACHER for The Nest, Franklin County School’s after school program.
Hours: 2:30-6:00pm, Monday through Friday. Pay: $16/hr. Must be able to plan & implement art lessons for
grades PreK-8. Drug test & background check required. Complete district employment application, available
on-line at www.franklincountyschoools.org and return application to the School District Office, 85 School Rd,
Suite 1, Eastpoint – Attention: Despina Williams.

**GED CLASSES on Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays (except holidays) from 4:00pm-8:00pm at the
Franklin County Learning Center (the old Brown Elementary).
The next GED TEST will be given Nov. 29 & 30, at the Franklin County School library at 6:00pm.
To register for the test contact Maxine Creamer @ 670-4481.
The Franklin County Adult Education Courses do not discriminate based on race, color,
Religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, or marital status

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