Genre Analysis of The Reading Texts On "English On Sky 3" Textbook For The Third Grade in One of Junior High Schools

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Genre Analysis of the Reading Texts on “English on Sky 3” Textbook for the

Third Grade in One of Junior High Schools

(A Descriptive Qualitative Study on English Textbook for Third year in One of Junior
High Schools in Tasikmalaya)

Rudi Koswara
Etika Rachmawati
Andi Rustandi

This study was investigated genre analysis of the reading texts on “English on Sky 3”
textbook for the third grade in one of junior high schools. It was aimed to find out
kinds of the genres which are realized on the “English on Sky 3” textbook for the
third grade of junior high school textbook based on their characteristics and to
describe whether the genre of reading texts and its feature on the “English on Sky 3”
textbook match with the school based curriculum (KTSP). In conducting this study,
the writer used qualitative research in which descriptive study was employed to
collect the data of this study. The data obtained from the data analysis the writer
concluded that there were some genres which are realized on the “English on Sky 3”
textbook for the third grade of junior high school textbook based on their
characteristics. Among other were descriptive text, procedure text, report text, and
narrative text. These all were relevant with the criteria of each text that were relevant
with the standard of KTSP. Furthermore, the writer also concluded that the procedure
text, report text, and narrative text on English on Sky 3 were relevant with the school
based curriculum (KTSP) because all of the texts have the appropriate generic
structure, language features, and social functions that were relevant with the standard
of Depdiknas (2004, pp.25). Moreover, the writer suggest that the students have to
study hard by using all of the component of teaching learning process. More
specifically, the writer suggests thatthe students have to use the textbook maximally
in order to gain the educational purposes.

Key words : genre analysis, reading text, textbook.


A teacher’s ability to help students use textbooks depends on the ability to
recognize features of a text that might cause problems in comprehension. Knowing
how to identify helpful and harmful features of texts can help you plan text-centered
instruction, can be useful when selecting textbooks, and can help teacher to guide
students’ independent reading.
Reading material consists of various texts where students learn such as journals,
magazine articles, newspaper articles, short stories, extract from books, etc. The
reading material should be divided into two kinds, authentic material and created
material. Authentic material is unspecified teaching materials such as various texts,
photographs and video selections.
At least, there are five genres stated in the textbook such as procedure,
descriptive, recount, narrative, and report genre and each of them should provide
linguistic feature, generic structure, and social function as the demand of KTSP.
However, the fact is hard to find the suitable textbooks that fulfill the requirements of
KTSP. As a corollary, many publishers publish various textbooks to overcome it.
Besides, as the users, English teachers have to be careful to find the suitable
textbooks in relation to the curriculum used by the school. If one of those features,
linguistic feature, generic structure, and social function, do not include on the genres,
the students will face the difficulty to identify the reading texts.
Previous study about analyzing of textbook has been carried out by Ikatania
Prafitasani from Muhammadiyah University (2010), entitled An Analysis on English
Textbook Entitled “English on Sky 3” for Junior High School Students Based on
Good textbook criteria. On her research, the object on her research is to find out
wheter the design of the textbook entitled “English on Sky 3” is suitable with the
criteria of good textbook based on Robinet.
This study is mainly focusing on genres of reading text. The objective of the
study are to find out kinds of genres and their social functions which are available in
the same book, “English on Sky 3” textbook for year IX SMP and to find out how

every text suits the requirements of the text in School Based Curriculum (KTSP). The
reason why the writer determined the book of “English on Sky 3” as the subject of
this study because this book is qualified English textbook that provided qualified
material, exercises, and guidances in learning English. Therefore, the writer thought
that it is elevant to be investigaed the contents of the book.
Another previous study was conducted by Alavinia and Siyadat (2013) entitled
“A Comparative Study Of English Textbooks Used In Iranian Institutes”. The
similarity the study with the study conducted by the writer is, in this study similar in
discussing the study about evaluative study about English textbook, to difference, the
writer of the recent study discusses about English Textbooks Used In Iranian
Institutes. But in this study the writer discusses about English textbook in senior high
The last previous study was Ghorbani (2011) entitled “Quantification and
Graphic Representation of EFL Textbook Evaluation Results”. This study examines
the first grade English textbook used in Iran’s senior high schools based on the
current research findings in syllabus design, English language teaching, and the
specific language teaching situation in Iran to determine the extent to which it
conforms to the common universal characteristics of EFL/ESL textbooks.
Based on the description above, the writer is interested in doing a research
entitled “Genre Analysis of the Reading Texts on “English on Sky 3” Textbook for
the Third Grade in One of Junior High Schools (A Descriptive Qualitative Study on
English Textbook for Third year in One of Junior High Schools)”.


a. An overview of Textbook

The text book should provide appropriate guidance for the teacher of English
who is not a native speaker of English. Schmidt, McKnight, and Raizen in Sugirin,
Sudartini, Suciati, and Nurhayati, (2012) identifies textbook as:

Playing in important role in making the leap from intentions and plants to
classroom activities , by the making content available, organizing it, and
setting out learning tasks in a form designed to be appealing to student.
English language instruction has many important components but the essential
constitutes too many ESL/EFL classroom and programs are the textbooks and
instructions materials that are often used by language instructors. As Hutchinson and
Torres (1994) in Keban, Muhtar, and Zen (2014) suggest;
The textbook is an almost universal element of [English language] teaching.
Millions of copies are sold every year, and numerous aid projects have been
set up to produce them in [various] countries… No teaching-learning
situation, it seems, it complete until it has its relevant textbook.

According to Prabhu (1987), textbooks ensure uniformity and accountability.

They are both realizations and determinants of methods (Vassilakis 1997). In Iran,
English language textbooks are pivotal to the language teaching program because
they are the sole source of language input for the students who need to master English
language for their future use. Since all decisions regarding curriculum, materials and
instruction are determined by the Curriculum Development Center of the Ministry of
Education, teachers are expected to strictly follow the guidelines created for them by
the national government. Therefore, textbooks need to be continuously evaluated
based on updated criteria.
In this matter, based on the statement Wen et al., (2011, p. 45) "Textbooks provide
novice teachers with guidance in course and activity design; it assures a measure of
structure, consistency, and logical progression in a class". Among the advantages
using a textbook might provide for the learning context, Graves (2000, p. 8) refers to
the provision of a course syllabus, security for the students, ready-made material for
teachers, as well as a firm basis for assessing students' learning, supporting materials
which help facilitate the instruction task, and consistency within a program across a
given level. Nevertheless, using course books, as Graves (2000, p. 7) contends, might
also bring about a number of setbacks among which he mentions the mismatch

between the content and the learners' abilities, lack of attention toward all the
essential components of language, insufficiency of the activities provided, inclusion
of lockstep sequence and boring activities, use of outdated material and inappropriate
timetable for course completion. In this section, the authors are after providing a
general overview of some of the recent empirical studies performed on textbook
To provide for a better organization of the research projects referred to, they have
been put in the chronological order. In an early study on the implications of textbook
evaluation for teachers, Burden (2008, p. 2) maintains that even though evaluation
might be "intended for formative development, many teachers do not gain any new
knowledge as they question both the value of the information received and the overall
content validity of evaluations as they are cross-curricular and used in all courses." It
is, then, argued "evaluation should draw distinction between prescriptive, contextual,
summative evaluation and collaborative approaches that show the richness and
diversity of teaching while giving learners as well as ELT teachers more voice" Cited
in Wen et al. (2011).
A textbook is a book used for instructional purposes, especially in schools and
colleges (Graves, 2000, p. 7) The adopted textbook stands in the middle, as a link or a
tool between the English programme and the teaching situation.(Williams, 2003, p.
There are three main reasons for using a textbook: It is difficult for the
teachers to develop their classroom materials, The time available for the teacher is
limited while developing new material takes a great amount of time, The outside
restriction of pressure affects the teacher.(Grapes, 2000, .p 56).
Textbooks have many advantages because they provide the structure and a
syllabus for a programme, a variety of learning resources such as, visuals, activities,
reading and so on, security for the students as they know what to expect and what is
expected from them, a basis for assessing students' learning, consistency with a

programme across a given level, and training teachers as they provide a teacher's
Textbooks maintain quality if they are well-developed, and they are also
efficient since they save time. (Richards, 2001, pp. 254-255). The evaluation process
covers different fields of the curriculum, mostly the content represented by the
textbook. Although the textbook is not the only tool for the teaching and learning
process, it is still of a great importance in achieving the language learning objectives.
Since teachers find it difficult to develop their own classroom materials, have limited
time and lie under external pressure that restricts their ability, it gives more emphasis
on the use and utility of the textbook to compensate the loss of authentic materials.
(Ansary, and Babaii, 2002, pp.1-2)

b. Definition of Genre

The different theories in linguistics, literary, rhetorical and others, result in a

number of aspects in genre concepts. Berkenkotter and Huckin (2001, p. 2) formulate
the general aspect of the modern genre concept;
1. Dynamism. Genres are dynamic rhetorical forms that are
developed from actors’ responses to recurrent situation and that serve
to stabilize experience and give its coherence and meaning genres
change over time in response to their users sociocognitive needs.
2. Situatedness. Our knowledge or genres is derived from and
embedded professional life as such, genre knowledge is a form of
“situated cognition” that continues to develop as we participate in the
activities of the ambient culture.
3. Form and content. Genre knowledge embraces both from and
content, including a sense of what content is appropriate to a particular
purpose in particular situation at a particular point of time.
4. Duality of structure. As we draw on genre rules to engage in
professional activities, we constitute social structures (in professional,
institutional, and organizational contexts) and simultaneously
reproduce these structures.

5. Community ownership. Genre conversation signal a discourse
community’s norm, epistemology, ideology, and social ontology.

Genre is also called the types of text. Hyland (2004, P. 4) states that genre is a
term for grouping texts together, representing how writers typically use language to
respond to recurring situations. For many people, it is an intuitively attractive concept
that helps to organize the common sense labels we use to categorize text and the
situations in which they occur. Hartono (2005, p. 4) cited in Ramli (2012, p.26) say
that “genre is used to refer to particular text-types, not to traditional varieties of
literature. It is a type or kind of text, defined in terms of its social purposes; also the
level of context dealing with social purpose”.
Genre is a type of writing which members of discourse community would
instantly recognize for what it was. Genre has important role in teaching learning
process, because it can produce the goal of communication based on the function of
language in social interaction. The students should be able to understand the concept
of genre and analyze the kinds of text that they will have to write.

This study deals with investigating the analysis on the genre analysis of the
reading texts on “English on Sky 3”. In this study, the writer applied qualitative
method. According to Bryman (2004, p. 2), qualitative research is characteristic that
data are gathered more in a verbal and visual than in a numeric form. When analyzing
the gathered data, statistical procedures are also not used, but instead predominantly
qualitative analysis, the essence of which is searching for codes in the analyzed
materials. The writer chose the qualitative method in the research by means to obtain
the data by simply watching the participants, understand and interpreting the data
without altering and manipulating it.

In this case, this study was designed to be a descriptive research. Jong and
Voodrt (2002, p. 2) stated that the descriptive research attempts to describe, explain
and interpret conditions of the present i.e. “what is’. The purpose of a descriptive
research is to examine a phenomenon that is occurring at a specific places and time. A
descriptive research is concerned with conditions, practices, structures, differences or
relationships that exist, opinions held, processes that are going on or trends that are
evident. Thus, in this study examine a phenomenon occured, that was genre analysis
of the reading texts on “English on Sky 3”.

The writer focused on genre analysis of the reading texts on “English on Sky
3”. In this case, the writer investigated the kinds of genre used on the text book to
analyzed genres and their social functions realized on the “English on Sky 3”
textbook and whether the genre of reading texts and its features on “English on Sky
3” textbook compatible with the content standard of the school based curriculum
(KTSP) or not. According to Creswell (2008, p. 214), the researcher could select the
research participant and research site based on the researcher’s necessary on the
study. Therefore, the writer can determine some texts of genres from the textbook of
populations as representative sample.
As stressed by Fraenkel et al., (2012, p. 485), the human behaviour could be
analyzed through the direct ways in content analysis. Communication here means
“any things produced by human beings, large number of communications of sort or
another (newspaper, magazines, articles, advertisements, films, etc)” (Fraenkel et al.,
p. 483). Thus, this instrument was properly suitable with the topic elaborated in this
study. In content analysis technique, as mentioned previously that the writer also
examined the types of genres in text books.


This section presents the discussion of this study. In this matter, there are
some points to be discussed concerning the issued on this study especially in the point
of the use of genres and its relevance with the context of KTSP. In this case, there are
two major research findings of this study. First, the finding showed that there were
some genres realized on the textbook based on their characteristics. They were
procedure, report, and narrative. Furthermore, the writer also concluded that the genre
of reading texts and its feature on the “English on Sky 3” textbook were match with
the school based curriculum (KTSP).
The next point to be discussed was the results of this study. In this case, the
results of this study was also has the similarities and differences with the previous
studies. First, the result of this study was similar with the study conducted by
Muhammadiyah (2010), entitled An Analysis on English Textbook Entitled “English
on Sky 3” for Junior High School Students Based ob Good textbook criteria.
The similarities were the results of both the study focused on the analysis of
the textbook of English on Sky 3. However, the differences were on the objective of
the study. On her research, the object on her research is to find out whether the design
of the textbook entitled “English on Sky 3” is suitable with the criteria of good
textbook based on Robinet and in my research, it is mainly focusing on genres of
reading text. On the other hand, the objectives of the study are to find out kinds of
genres and their social functions which are available in the same book, “English on
Sky 3” textbook for year IX SMP and to find out how every text suits the
requirements of the text in School Based Curriculum (KTSP).
Second, the results of this study were also similar with the study conducted by
Alavinia and Siyadat (2013) entitled “A Comparative Study of English Textbooks
Used in Iranian Institutes”. The similarity the study with the study conducted by the
writer is, in this study similar in discussing the study about evaluative study about
English textbook, to difference, the writer of the recent study discusses about English
Textbooks Used In Iranian Institutes. But in this study the writer discusses about
English textbook in senior high school.
Finally, the results of this study was similar with the study conducted by
Ghorbani (2011) entitled “Quantification and Graphic Representation of EFL
Textbook Evaluation Results”. The similarity the study with the study conducted by
the writer is, in this study similar in discussing the study about evaluative study about
Quantification and Graphic Representation of EFL Textbook Evaluation Results, to
difference, the writer of the recent study discusses about English Textbooks Used In
Iranian Institutes. But in this study the writer discusses about English textbook in
senior high school.
Furthermore, the subsequent point to be discusses was the use of textbook in
teaching-learning process. In this regard, Wen et al., (2011, p. 45) stated that
"Textbooks provide novice teachers with guidance in course and activity design; it
assures a measure of structure, consistency, and logical progression in a class".
Among the advantages using a textbook might provide for the learning context,
Graves (2000, p. 8) refers to the provision of a course syllabus, security for the
students, ready-made material for teachers, as well as a firm basis for assessing
students' learning, supporting materials which help facilitate the instruction task, and
consistency within a program across a given level. Nevertheless, using course books,
as Graves (2000, p. 7) contends, might also bring about a number of setbacks among
which he mentions the mismatch between the content and the learners' abilities, lack
of attention toward all the essential components of language, insufficiency of the
activities provided, inclusion of lockstep sequence and boring activities, use of
outdated material and inappropriate timetable for course completion. In this section,
the authors are after providing a general overview of some of the recent empirical
studies performed on textbook evaluation. To provide for a better organization of the
research projects referred to, they have been put in the chronological order. In an
early study on the implications of textbook evaluation for teachers, Burden (2008, p.
2) maintains that even though evaluation might be "intended for formative
development, many teachers do not gain any new knowledge as they question both
the value of the information received and the overall content validity of evaluations as
they are cross-curricular and used in all courses." It is, then, argued "evaluation
should draw distinction between prescriptive, contextual, summative evaluation and
collaborative approaches that show the richness and diversity of teaching while
giving learners as well as ELT teachers more voice" Cited in Wen et al. (2011).
Finally, the last point to be discussed was the texts used in the third grade of
junior high school level. In this case, there were some text that also investigated by
the writer in the third grade in junior high school that discussed in the following


Having discussed and analyzed the previous chapter, in this section the
researcher delivered the conclusions of the research. The conclusions were related to
the research questions on kinds of the genres which are realized on the “English on
Sky 3” textbook for the third grade of junior high school textbook based on their
characteristics and whether the genre of reading texts and its feature on the “English
on Sky 3” textbook match with the school based curriculum (KTSP).
Moreover, the writer drew the conclusions based on the research finding and
relevant with the research questions. Firstly, based on the first research question, the
writer concluded that there were some genres which are realized on the “English on
Sky 3” textbook for the third grade of junior high school textbook based on their
characteristics. Among other were procedure text, report text, and narrative text.
These all were relevant with the criteria of each text that were relevant with the
standard of KTSP.
Meanwhile, based on the data analysis of the second research question on the
genre of reading texts and its feature on the “English on Sky 3” textbook whether
these all were relevant or not with the school based curriculum (KTSP), the writer
concluded that the procedure text, report text, and narrative text on English on Sky 3
were relevant with the school based curriculum (KTSP) because all of the texts have

the appropriate generic structure, language features, and social functions that were
relevant with the standard of Depdiknas (2004, pp. 33-40).
Based on the research finding and the scope of this study, the writer presents
some suggestions addressed to the other researcher who are interested to this topic.
As stated before that this study was focus on the analysis of some genres in English
on Sky. For the English teacher, the writer suggests that the teacher should compare
some teaching book to be used in the teaching learning process in order to get the
qualified English textbook.
For the students, the writer suggest that the students have to study hard by using
all of the component of teaching learning process. More specifically, the writer
suggests thatthe students have to use the textbook maximally in order to gain the
educational purposes.
For further researchers, actually, this study still have some weaknesses that need
to be repaired and make it better. Thus, it give a broad opportunities for the other
researchers in making this study more perfect in the same field with the different

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