AE4010 Review Template 01

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Template Literature Review

Author name, Student no.

MSc Profile or Track
November 11, 2013

Say very briefly 1) what the review is about, 2) what the main content
is, 3) what the main aim or objectives are, and 4) what the main findings
are. End with a strong sentence that highlights the significance of the work
presented in the review and any envisioned long-standing contribution to
the body of knowledge.

1 Introduction
Introduce the general area of interest that the contents of the review deal with,
setting out any advancements and challenges of interest. Then introduce more
fully the specific topic addressed in the review and you can then to go on to state
any main aim or objectives to be met. Say very briefly what is to come in the
layout of the review. Note: the Introduction should include general references
to back up the points made.

2 State of the art / Literature review

This section is an in depth review of a particular area(s) and/or methods that
you will require to complete your project. This could, for example, be particular
theories, (mathematical) tools or solutions from other related areas that could
be used to solve the problem. Discuss the different solutions/methods, are there
disadvantages to using them? Why are they appropriate? What other areas can
be used to augment the solutions in order to make them more suitable.
Note: This is the main part of a review and should be highly structured in
a consistent manner, in presenting the various works of interest and showing
understanding of how it all links together. Ensure you cluster the literature
appropriately and that papers are consistently related to each other, avoiding
stand alone papers.
In the project proposal the literature review highlights the gap in the knowl-
edge that you have identified. While in this literature review you discuss (an
aspect of) what you are going to use in order to fill the gap in the knowledge.
What areas are to be combined in order to cover the gap in knowledge.

3 Results and Analysis
The analysis is a consolidated theoretical position that uses the main points of
the review section so that the link to the work is made more explicit. In other
words describe how you work uses and adds to the literature reviewed in the
previous section.

4 Discussions and Conclusions

A brief discussion can be presented that leads up to specific conclusions (if
the discussion is large it might even become a separate section just before the
Conclusions section). The conclusions should be written in a precise, unique,
clear and accurate manner. Always check that they are well supported by
the work you presented in the review section. Check them against the main
literature so that you can make a statement about the longer-term impact of
your work on the body of knowledge.
Lift the most important conclusions into the Abstract and check that both
(Conclusions and Abstract section) are consistent, also check this with the In-
troduction. This is done because the Abstract, Introduction and Conclusion
form the key points of entry and exit into the work and make a big impact on
accessibility and getting across the relevance!
List all references consistently, using one of the preferred approaches, for ex-
ample the Harvard referencing system. A useful link on how to quote and refer-
ence properly can be found in the Guide to Harvard referencing from the Anglia
Ruskin University Library in the UK:
The key thing is that the referred to author is given credit through their
earlier work, that this is dated to show the chronological order of developments,
and that the reader has enough information to go and find that specific reference.
Relative to the latter point: where was the conference or if a journal review what
was the volume or edition number and certainly page numbers.
The strongest references are ones that have been reviewed prior to publica-
tion (journals for example) and the weakest are web sites and popular publica-
tions. Only reputable websites (from a society or major industry player) should
be included and the date of access should be noted. Preferably stay away from
web references as they are so uncontrolled as sources of information.
Note: web references, technical reports, standard textbooks etc. do not
count towards the number of quality references used. The number of quality
references should always greatly outnumber the number of general references.
It looks unprofessional to refer to the textbooks and templates of this course.
LATEX template based on [?].

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