AE4010 Review Template 01
AE4010 Review Template 01
AE4010 Review Template 01
Say very briefly 1) what the review is about, 2) what the main content
is, 3) what the main aim or objectives are, and 4) what the main findings
are. End with a strong sentence that highlights the significance of the work
presented in the review and any envisioned long-standing contribution to
the body of knowledge.
1 Introduction
Introduce the general area of interest that the contents of the review deal with,
setting out any advancements and challenges of interest. Then introduce more
fully the specific topic addressed in the review and you can then to go on to state
any main aim or objectives to be met. Say very briefly what is to come in the
layout of the review. Note: the Introduction should include general references
to back up the points made.
3 Results and Analysis
The analysis is a consolidated theoretical position that uses the main points of
the review section so that the link to the work is made more explicit. In other
words describe how you work uses and adds to the literature reviewed in the
previous section.