Contoh Percakapan Weather and Seasons

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Contoh Percakapan Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dilagoue 3

Tentang Weather and Seasons Santi : Hi Sandra, do you feel that the weather was so
Dialogue 1 hot lately?
Ani : Is the sky blue today? Sandra : I think so. Last night I was so sweaty and I could
(Ani : Apakah langit biru hari ini?) not sleep well so I had to turn on the AC all night.
Mom : Yes. It’s very beautiful! Santi : Actually, what’s going on with our weather?
(Ibu : Ya. Sangat indah!) Sandra : I do not know, probably because of the increase
Ani : What is the temperature outside? of volcanic activity or the global warming is
(Ani : Berapa suhu udara di luar?) getting worse.
Mom : It’s about 30′ C. Santi : I agree with the first think where the volcanic
(Ibu : Sekitar 30′ C.) activity in Indonesia continues to increase so that
Dilagoue 2 we feel an overly hot every day.
Budi : Did the sun shine yesterday? Sandra : If the cause is indeed a volcano, then we can only
(Budi : Apakah matahari bersinar kemarin?) wait until the Indonesian climate returned to
Dad : Yes. The sun shone all day. normal.
(Ayah : Ya. Matahari bersinar sepanjang hari.) Santi : It is May, hopefully in September we already feel
Budi : Did you hear the forecast for tomorrow, dad? the rainy season so the weather in Indonesia will
(Budi : Apakah ayah mendengar ramalan cuaca esok hari?) not be too hot.
Dad : Yes. It’s going warm tomorrow. Sandra : I hope so.
(Ayah : Ya. Besok cuaca akan hangat.)
Santi : Sandra, have you ever thought of moving out of
this country so that you can feel the snow and
four different seasons?
Sandra : Yes, I have ever thought so.
Santi : If you get a chance to go, where will you go?
Sandra : I wish to go to Spain. I hear that Spain does not
have a very cold weather. On the contrary, I do
not want to visit England, because the weather is
really cold and I think that is so difficult to adapt.
Santi : That is a good idea.
Sandra : What about you?
Santi : I want to move to Canada.
Sandra : Why do you choose a really far country? If you
want to experience four distinct seasons, you
could move to Japan or Italy.
Santi : I have some family in Canada so when I move
there, I will have no trouble to live.
Sandra : Hmmmm,, it is not funny Santi!

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