Satellite Communication (Pinoybix)

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Satellite Communication 7.

Considered as the unsolved problem in

satellite system
1. Which of the following is the first active
satellite?  A. Coverage
 B. Cost
 A. Echo I  C. Access
 B. Telstar I  D. Privacy
 C. Early Bird
 D. Sputnik I
8. ___________ is a satellite that rotates around
the earth in a low-altitude elliptical or circular
2. Which of the following is the first commercial pattern.
 A. Geosynchronous satellite
 A. Early Bird  B. Nonsynchronous satellite
 B. Telstar  C. Prograde satellite
 C. Explorer  D. Retrograde satellite
 D. Courier

9. Is the geographical representation of a

3. What is the first passive satellite transponder? satellite antenna radiation pattern

 A. Sun  A. Footprint
 B. Early Bird  B. Spot
 C. Score  C. Earth
 D. Moon  D. Region

4. The first satellite to receive and transmit 10. The smallest beam of a satellite antenna
simultaneously radiation pattern

 A. Intelsat I  A. Zone beam

 B. Agila I  B. Hemispheric beam
 C. Syncorn I  C. Spot beam
 D. Telstar I  D. Global beam

5. A helical antenna is used for satellite tracking 11. A satellite beam that covers almost 42.4% of
because of the earths surface.

 A. circular polarization  A. Zone beam

 B. maneuverability  B. Hemispheric beam
 C. beamwidth  C. Spot beam
 D. gain  D. Global beam

6. Repeaters inside communications satellites are 12. What is the frequency range of C-band?
known as
 A. 8.5 to 12.5 GHz
 A. Trancievers  B. 3.4 to 6.425 GHz
 B. Transponders  C. 12.95 to 14.95 GHz
 C. Transducers  D. 27.5 to 31 GHz
 D. TWT
13. A satellite signal transmitted from a satellite  D. 22,426.4 miles
transponder to earth’s station.

 A. Uplink 19. Point on the satellite obits closest to the

 B. Downlink earth.
 C. Terrestrial
 D. Earthbound  A. Apogee
 B. Perigee
 C. Prograde
14. Collects very weak signals from a broadcast  D. Zenith

 A. Helical antenna 20. The earth area covered by a satellite radio

 B. Satellite dish beam.
 C. LNA
 D. TWT  A. Beamwidth
 B. Bandwidth
 C. Footprint
15. What is a device that detects both vertically  D. Zone
and horizontally polarized signals simultaneously?

 A. Orthomode transducer 21. What is the local oscillator (mixer) frequency

 B. Crystal detector of the satellite with an uplink frequency in GHz
 C. Optoisolator band?
 D. Isomode detector
 A. 3500 MHz
 B. 4500 MHz
16. _________ detects the satellite signal  C. 2225 MHz
relayed from the feed and converts it to an  D. 2555 MHz
electric current, amplifies and lower its
22. What kind of battery panels are used in some
 A. Horn antenna advance satellites
 B. LNA
 C. Satellite receiver  A. Germanium based panels
 D. Satellite dish  B. Silicon based panel
 C. Galium Phosphate solar panel array
 D. Galium Arsenide solar panel array

17. Is a loss of power of a satellite downlink 23. Satellite engine uses

signal due to earth’s atmosphere.
 A. jet propulsion
 A. Atmospheric loss  B. ion propulsion system
 B. Path loss  C. liquid fuel
 C. Radiation loss  D. solar jet
 D. RFI

24. A satellite batter has more power but lighter.

18. What height must a satellite be placed above
the surface of the earth in order for its rotation to  A. Lithium
be equal to earth’s rotation?  B. Leclanche
 C. Hydrogen
 A. 26,426.4 miles  D. Magnesium
 B. 27,426.4 miles
 C. 23,426.4 miles
25. What kind of battery used by older satellites?  D. 170.5˚ East

 A. Lithium
 B. Leclanche 32. AsiaSat I covers how many countries in Asia?
 C. Hydrogen
 D. Magnesium  A. 38
 B. 10
 C. 28
26. VSAT was made available in  D. 15

 A. 1979
 B. 1981 33. The owner of AsiaSat 2 is
 C. 1983
 D. 1977  A. Asia Satellite Telecommunications
Company (ASTC)
 B. Japan Satellite System (JSAT)
27. What band does VSAT first operate?  C. China Great Wall Industry Corporation
 D. Singapore Satellite Commision
 A. L-band
 B. X-band
 C. C-band 34. What is the approximate path loss from
 D. Ku-band satellite-to-earth station?

 A. 100 dB
28. The first Philippine Mabuhay satellite has how  B. 150 dB
many channels?  C. 175 dB
 D. 200 dB
 A. 30
 B. 24
 C. 48 35. INTELSAT stands for
 D. 50
 A. Intel Satellite
 B. International Telephone Satellite
29. The first Philippine Agila I will have how  C. International Telecommunications
many transponders. Satellite
 D. International Satellite
 A. 36
 B. 48
 C. 24 36. The frequency of Ku band for satellite
 D. 12 communications.

 A. 6/4 GHz
30. How may satellite orbital slots are requested  B. 14/11 GHz
by the Philippine Government from ITU?  C. 12/14 GHz
 D. 4/8 GHz
 A. 2
 B. 4
 C. 6 37. A satellite cross-link means
 D. 8
 A. Earth-to-satellite link
 B. Satellite-to-earth link
31. The location of AsiaSat I.  C. Satellite-to-satellite link
 D. None of these
 A. 105.5˚ East
 B. 151.5˚ East
 C. 115.5˚ East
38. Earth station uses what type of antenna 44. In a typical mobile satellite array antenna if
three elements are activated, how many
 A. Despun antenna elements are deactivated?
 B. Helical antenna
 C. Toroidal antenna  A. 3
 D. Cassegrain antenna  B. 11
  C. 5
39. What is the delay time for satellite  D. 9
transmission from earth transmitter to earth
45. What circuit is responsible in activating and
 A. 0.5 s deactivating adjacent antenna elements in a
 B. 1.0 s mobile satellite array?
 C. 5 ms
 D. 0.25 ms  A. Radial divider
 B. Divider/combiner
 C. Radial combiner
40. The bandwidth of C-band satellite frequency  D. Radial multiplexer
band in U.S.

 A. 500 GHz 46. Most mobile satellite array uses

 B. 1000 GHz ___________ in transforming 50 to 150 Ω
 C. 1000 MHz impedance.
 D. 500 MHz
 A. stub
 B. balun
41. The most common device used as an LNA is  C. quarter-wavelength transformer
 D. microstrip tapers.
 A. zener diode
 B. tunnel diode
 C. IMPATT 47. The switching from one element to the other
 D. Shockley diode element in a typical mobile satellite array.

 A. Series
42. The radiation patterns of earth coverage  B. Radial
antennas have a beamwidth of approximately  C. Matrix
 D. Shunt
 A. 21˚
 B. 5˚
 C. 17˚ 48. A method of multiple accessing where a given
 D. 35˚ RF channel bandwidth is divided inot smaller
frequency band.

43. A mobile satellite array has usually how many  A. CDMA

elements?  B. ANIK-D
 A. 6  D. FDMA
 B. 88
 C. 12
 D. 14
49. What is the delay time for satellite 55. What is the height of a satellite in a
transmissions from earth transmitter to earth synchronous equatorial orbit?
 A. 42000 mi
 A. 0.5 s  B. 6800 mi
 B. 1s  C. 22,300 mi
 C. 5 ms  D. 35,860 mi
 D. 0.25 s

56. Most satellites operate in which frequency

50. As the height of a satellite orbit gets lower, band?
the speed of the satellite _________.
 A. 30 to 300 MHz
 A. increases  B. 300 MHz to 3 GHz
 B. decreases  C. 3 GHz to 30 GHz
 C. remains the same  D. Above 300 GHz
 D. None of the above

57. The main power sources for a satellite are

51. The main function of a communications
satellite is a/ an
 A. batteries
 B. solar cells
 A. repeater
 C. fuel cells
 B. reflector
 D. thermoelectric generators
 C. beacon
 D. observation platform

58. The maximum height of an elliptical orbit is

called the
52. The key electronic component in a
communications satellite is the
 A. Perigee
 B. Apex
 A. telemetry equipment
 C. Zenith
 B. on-board computer
 D. Apogee
 C. command and control system
 D. transponder

59. Batteries are used to power all satellite

53. A circular orbit around the equator with a 24-
h period is called a/an
 A. at all times
 B. only during emergencies
 A. elliptical orbit
 C. during eclipse periods
 B. geostationary orbit
 D. to give the solar arrays a rest
 C. polar orbit
 D. transfer orbit

60. The satellite subsystem that monitors and

controls the satellite is the
54. A satellite stay in orbit because the following
two factors are balanced
 A. propulsion subsystem
 B. power subsystem
 A. Satellite weight and speed
 C. communications subsystem
 B. Gravitational force and centrifugal force
 D. telemetry, tracking, and command
 C. Centripetal force and speed
 D. Satellite weight and the pull of the moon
and sun
61. What is the basic technique used to stabilize 67. The satellite communications channels in a
a satellite? transponder are defined by the

 A. Gravity-forward motion balance  A. LNA

 B. Spin  B. bandpass filter
 C. Thruster control  C. mixer
 D. Solar panel orientation  D. input signals

62. The jet thrusters are usually fired to 68. The HPAs in most satellite are

 A. maintain altitude  A. TWTs

 B. put the satellite into the transfer orbit  B. Klystrons
 C. inject the satellite in the geosynchronous  C. Vacuum tubes
orbit  D. Magnetrons
 D. bring the satellite back to earth.

69. The physical location of a satellite is

63. Most commercial satellite activity occurs in determined by its
which band(s)?
 A. distance from the earth
 A. L  B. latitude and longitude
 B. C and Ku  C. reference to the stars
 C. X  D. position relative to the sun
 D. S and P

70. The receive GCE system in an earth station

64. How can multiple earth stations share a performs what function(s)?
satellite on the same frequencies?
 A. Modulation and multiplexing
 A. Frequency reuse  B. Up conversion
 B. Multiplexing  C. Demodulation and demultiplexing
 C. Mixing  D. Down conversion
 D. Frequency hopping

71. Which of the following types of HPA is not

65. What is the typical bandwidth of a satellite used in earth stations?
 A. TWT
 A. 36 MHz  B. Transistor
 B. 40 MHz  C. Klystron
 C. 70 MHz  D. Magnetron
 D. 500 MHz

72. What is the common up-converter and down-

66. Which of the following is not usually a part of converter IF?
a transponder are defined by the
 A. 36 MHz
 A. LNA  B. 40 MHz
 B. Mixer  C. 70 MHz
 C. Modulator  D. 500 MHz
 D. HPA
73. What type of modulation is used on voice and 79. A satellite which simply reflects the signal
video signals? without further amplification

 A. AM  A. Passive satellite
 B. FM  B. Active satellite
 C. SSB  C. Geostationary satellite
 D. QPSK  D. Domestic satellite

74. What modulation is normally used with digital 80. Essentially a satellite ___________ is a radio
data? repeater in the sky

 A. AM  A. transponder
 B. FM  B. comparator
 C. SSB  C. duplexer
 D. QPSK  D. billboard

75. Which of the following is not a typical output 81. Satellite the orbits in a circular pattern with
from a GPS receiver? an angular velocity equal to that of the earth

 A. Latitude  A. Geostationary
 B. Speed  B. Early Bird I
 C. Altitude  C. Syncorn I
 D. Longitude  D. Stationary satellite

76. The total space loss of transmission and 82. Satellite that provide services within a single
reception for two ground stations with uplink country
frequency 8GHz and a downlink of 6 GHz with
angle of elevations of 3˚ and 7˚ A respectively is  A. Domsat
 B. Comsat
 A. 403 dB  C. Regional
 B. 100 dB  D. Global
 C. 20 dB
 D. 215 dB
83. The round-trip propagation delay between
two earth stations through a geosynchronous
77. The maximum propagation delay of a satellite is
geostationary satellite is
 A. 500 to 600 ms
 A. 278 ms  B. 300 to 400 ms
 B. 239 ms  C. 600 to 700 ms
 C. 300 ms  D. 400 to 500 ms
 D. 250 ms

84. The signal path from earth station satellite

78. The total propagation delay time from
transmission to reception of signals from a  A. Uplink signal
ground transmitter to ground receiver with angle  B. Reflected signal
of elevation at 10 degrees respectively is  C. Incident signal
 D. Downlink signal
 A. 273 ms
 B. 239 ms
 C. 275 ms
 D. 260 ms
85. Designed to receive a signal from a 91. The control routine necessary to keep the
transmitting station on the ground and retransmit satellite in position is referred to as
it to a receiving station located elsewhere
 A. station keeping
 A. Communication satellite  B. station tracking
 B. Repeater  C. station monitoring
 C. Relay station  D. station maintaining
 D. Transponder

92. Refers to the satellite orientation with respect

86. The signal path from satellite to earth-based to the earth
 A. Satellite altitude
 A. Downlink signal  B. Satellite position
 B. Uplink signal  C. Satellite location
 C. Incident signal  D. Satellite orbit
 D. Reflected signal

93. The first intelsat satellite that was launched

87. A satellite position is measured by its in 1965 was named
__________ angle with respect to the horizon.
 A. Early Bird I
 A. elevation  B. Echo
 B. depression  C. Telstar I
 C. azimuth  D. Courier
 D. critical

94. The first satellite launched for a

88. The ________ angle measures the satellite geosynchronous orbit but unfortunately lost
position clockwise from the direction of true during orbit injection
 A. Syncom I
 A. azimuth  B. Telstar I
 B. elevation  C. Sputnik I
 C. depression  D. Early Bird I
 D. critical

95. When the elevation angle of a geostationary

89. incidentally propose the geostationary satellite is 23˚ and the transmitting frequency is
scheme or orbit of the satellite in 1940s 3840 MHz, what is the free space loss in dB?

 A. Arthur Clarke  A. 196 dB

 B. Carl Friedrich Gauss  B. 200 dB
 C. Samuel Morse  C. 150 dB
 D. Stephen Gray  D. 100 dB

90. When the satellite are spaced 4˚ of the 360˚

complete circle, how many parking spaces or
orbit slots are available?

 A. 90
 B. 85
 C. 95
 D. 80
96. What is the propagation delay when a signal 101. It is a celestial body that orbits around a
is transmitter by an earth station to a planet.
geosynchronous satellite about 38,500 km above
earth’s equator and then received by the same  A. Primary body
earth station?  B. Satellite
 C. Heavenly bodies
 A. 256 msec  D. Quasars
 B. 128 msec
 C. 300 msec
 D. 400 msec 102. It is a position and timing service that is
available to all GPS users on a continuous,
worldwide basis with no direct charge.
97. What is the free space attenuation of a
satellite communications system operating at  A. PPI
36,000 km above the earth at 5.0 GHz?  B. PPS
 C. SPS
 A. 198 dB  D. SSP
 B. 202 dB
 C. 142 dB
 D. 138 dB 103. The geometric shape of a non-circular orbit
of a satellite is ____.

98. Which of the following is the most common  A. Ellipse

application of satellite?  B. Parabolic
 C. Hyperbolic
 A. Surveillance  D. Paraboloid
 B. Military application
 C. Communications
 D. Newscasting 104. The circuit that provides channelization in a
transponder is the

99. Descending pass for a satellite means a pass  A. Mixer

from  B. Local oscillator
 C. Bandpass filter
 A. North to South  D. HPA
 B. South to North
 C. East to West
 D. West to East 105. The three axes referred to the three-axis
attitude stabilization are; except

100. Geostationary stationary satellites are  A. Pitch

located ___________ with respect to the  B. Yaw
equator.  C. Roll
 D. Speed
 A. 0˚ longitude
 B. 0˚ latitude
 C. 90˚ latitude 106. A ground station is operating to a
 D. 45˚ latitude geostationary satellite at a 5 degrees angle of
elevation. Calculate the round-trip time between
ground station to satellites in a geostationary

 A. 456.45 ms
 B. 275.58 ms
 C. 137.79 ms
 D. 126.89 ms
107. The escape velocity of the earth is 113. A satellite transmitter operates at a 4 GHz
approximately with a transmitter power of 7W and an antenna
gain of 40 dBi. The receiver has antenna gain of
 A. 30,000 km/hr 30 dBi, and the path length is 40,000 km.
 B. 25,000 mi/hr calculate the signal strength at the receiver.
 C. 35,000 m/s
 D. 25,000 km/hr  A. -88 dBm
 B. -98 dBm
 C. -77 dBm
108. A satellite radio repeater is called ____.  D. -79.8 dBm

 A. Repeater
 B. Transponder 114. The satellite subsystem that monitors and
 C. Satellite controls the satellite is the
 D. Mixer
 A. Propulsion system
 B. Power subsystem
109. Calculate the angle of declination for an  C. Communications subsystem
antenna using a polar mount at a latitude of 45  D. Telemetry, tracking, and command
degrees. subsystems

 A. 3.2 degrees
 B. 1.3 degrees 115. Standard positioning service has time
 C. 4.2 degrees transfer accuracy to Universal Transfer Mercator
 D. 6.81 degrees Grid within ____.

 A. 140 nanoseconds
110. The time transfer accuracy used with  B. 340 nanoseconds
reference to the Universal Transmitter Mercator  C. 230 nanoseconds
Grid is ____.  D. 530 nanoseconds

 A. UTC
 B. UTMG 116. A satellite remains in orbit because the
 C. GMT centrifugal force caused by its rotation around
 D. UTM the Earth is counterbalanced by Earth’s ____.

 A. Centripetal force
111. It is caused by the inertia of the satellite  B. Inertia
balanced by the earth’s gravitational pull.  C. Gravitational pull
 D. Speed
 A. Centrifugal force
 B. Centripetal force
 C. Speed 117. A TVRO installation for use with C-band
 D. Earth’s rotation satellite (download frequency at 4 GHz), has a
diameter of about 3.5 meters and an efficiency of
60%. Calculate the gain.
112. In satellites, it includes control mechanism
that support the payload operation.  A. 41 dB
 B. 19 dB
 C. 29 dB
 A. Bus
 D. 9 dB
 B. Payload
 C. Ground segment
 D. Space segment
118. Which of the following is not a typical output 123. Kepler’s 2nd law is known as
from the GPS receiver?
 A. Law of gravity
 A. Latitude  B. Law of areas
 B. Speed  C. Newton’s law of motion
 C. Altitude  D. Harmonic law
 D. Longitude

124. A receiving antenna with a gain of 40 dB

119. The law that states that a satellite will orbit looks at a sky with a noise temperature of 15 K.
a primary body following an elliptical path. the loss between the antenna and the LNA input,
due to the feedhorn is 0.4 dB, and the LNA has a
 A. 1st law of Kepler noise temperature of 40K. Calculate the G/T?
 B. 2nd law of Kepler
 C. 3rd law of Kepler  A. 13.4 dB
 D. 4th law of Kepler  B. 39 dB
 C. 20.6 dB
 D. 11.2 dB
120. Telephone communication takes place
between two earth stations via a satellite that is
40,000 km from each station. Suppose Bill, at 125. The operational satellites of Navstar GPS are
station 1, asks a question and Sharon, at station revolving around Earth in ____ orbital planes.
2, answers immediately, as soon as she hears
the question. How much time elapses between  A. 4
the end of Bill’s question and the beginning of  B. 3
Sharon’s reply, as heard by Bill?  C. 5
 D. 6
 A. 0.26 sec
 B. 3.2 sec
 C. 0.52 sec 126. Kepler’s 3rd law is also known as
 D. 1.6 sec
 A. Law of gravity
 B. Law of areas
121. In GPS, it is accomplished by manipulating  C. Newton’s law of motion
navigation message orbit data (epsilon) and/or  D. Harmonic law
the satellite clock frequency (dither).

 A. Selective availability 127. The basic technique used to stabilize a

 B. Reverse error notification satellite is
 C. Forward error notification
 D. Two dimensional reporting
 A. Gravity-forward motion balance
 B. Spin
 C. Thruster control
122. The modulation normally used with digital  D. Solar panel orientation
data is

 A. AM 128. Calculate the length of the path to a

 B. FM geostationary satellite from an earth station
 C. SSB where the angle of elevation is 30 degrees.
 A. 55 x 10^3 km
 B. 13 x 10^3 km
 C. 23 x 10^3 km
 D. 39 x 10^3 km
129. Navstar GPS is a ____. 135. Power amplification in a transponder is
usually provided by
 A. LEO
 B. MEO  A. klystron
 C. HEO  B. TWT
 D. GEO  C. Transistor
 D. Magnetron

130. The satellite is orbiting in the same direction

as the Earth’s rotation and at angular velocity 136. Which of the following clocks is developed
greater than that of the Earth. for Galileo satellite?

 A. Retrograde  A. Cesium Atomic Frequency Standard

 B. Synchronous  B. Rubidium Atomic Frequency Standard
 C. Posigrade  C. Ruby Atomic Frequency Standard
 D. Asynchronous  D. Hydrogen Frequency Standard

131. Find the orbital period of the satellite in a 137. Master control station of GPS is located in
circular orbit 500 km above the Earth’s surface ____.

 A. 1.6 hrs  A. Colorado

 B. 3.2 hrs  B. California
 C. 2.4 hrs  C. Alaska
 D. 6.4 hrs  D. New York

132. Satellite orbiting in the opposite direction as 138. Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellite orbits
the Earth’s rotation and at angular velocity less around the earth at a height approximately ____.
than that of the Earth
 A. 3,000 miles to 6,000 miles
 A. Asynchronous  B. 4,000 miles to 8,000 miles
 B. Synchronous  C. 6,000 miles to 12,000 miles
 C. Posigrade  D. 8,000 miles to 10,000 miles
 D. Retrograde

139. A satellite stays in orbit because the

133. A transponder that demodulates the following two factors are balanced
baseband signals and then demodulates a carrier
is known as ____ transponder.  A. Satellite weight and speed
 B. Gravitational pull and inertia
 A. Single-conversion  C. Centripetal force and speed
 B. Double-conversion  D. Satellite weight and the pull of the moon
 C. Regenerative and sun
 D. Degenerative

140. A ____ circuit in the transponder performs

134. Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite orbits around the frequency conversion.
the earth at a height of approximately ____.
 A. HPA
 A. 3000 miles  B. Mixer
 B. 1000 miles  C. Local oscillator
 C. 575 miles  D. LPA
 D. 370 miles
141. Geosynchronous satellites are high-altitude 147. The most popular satellite frequency range
earth-orbit satellites with heights about ____. is 4 to 6 GHz and is called the ____ band.

 A. 22,300 miles  A. C
 B. 21,000 miles  B. L
 C. 8,000 miles  C. Ka
 D. 10,400 miles  D. Ku

142. The input circuit to a transponder is the 148. All satellites rotate around the earth in an
____. orbit that forms a plane that passes through the
center of gravity of earth called ____.
 A. BPF
 B. HPA  A. Focus
 C. LPA  B. Geocenter
 D. Any of these  C. Orbit
 D. Center

143. The access scheme used by GPS

149. In satellite communications, the type of
 A. FDMA modulation used in voice and video signals is
 C. TDMA  A. AM
 D. CDMA  B. FM
 C. SSB
144. The point in an orbit which is located
farthest from earth
150. In satellite communications, type of orbit
 A. Perigee which is virtually all orbits except those travel
 B. Apogee directly above the equator or directly over the
 C. Line of apsides North or the South poles.
 D. Point of shoot
 A. Equatorial orbit
 B. Polar orbit
145. Using very narrow beamwidth antennas to  C. Geosynchronous orbit
isolate signals on the same frequency is known  D. Inclined orbit
as ____.
151. A common up-converter and down-
converter IF in satellite communications is
 A. Spatial isolation
 B. Footprint
 C. Frequency reuse  A. 36 MHz
 D. Boresight  B. 40 MHz
 C. 70 MHz
 D. 500 MHz
146. The point in an orbit which is located closest
to Earth
152. It is the angle between the earth’s
equatorial plane and the orbital plane of the
 A. Point of shoot
satellite measured counterclockwise.
 B. Apogee
 C. Line of apsides
 D. Perigee  A. Angle of elevation
 B. Angle of azimuth
 C. Angle of inclination
 D. Angle of tetrahedron
153. Which of the following types of HPA is not 159. The line joining the ascending and
used in earth stations? descending node is called ____.

 A. TWT  A. Line of apsides

 B. Klystron  B. Line of nodes
 C. Transistors  C. Line of shoot
 D. Magnetron  D. Any of these

154. Galileo satellite’s mass is ____. 160. When the satellite rotates in an orbit directly
above the equator, usually in circular pattern.
 A. 880 kg This type of orbit is called ____.
 B. 675 kg
 C. 900 kg  A. Polar orbit
 D. 540 kg  B. Synchronous orbit
 C. Geosynchronous satellite
 D. Equatorial orbit
155. The point where a polar or inclined orbit
crosses the equatorial plane traveling from north
to south 161. The Navstar GPS satellite system was
declared fully operational as of ____.
 A. Ascending node
 B. Line of nodes  A. April 17, 1995
 C. Descending node  B. April 24, 1995
 D. Diagonal nodes  C. April 27, 1995
 D. April 10, 1995

156. The receive GCE system in an earth station

performs what function/s 162. The HPAs in most satellites are

 A. Modulation and multiplexing  A. TWTs

 B. Up conversion  B. Vacuum tubes
 C. Demodulation and demultiplexing  C. Klystrons
 D. Down conversion  D. Magnetrons

157. The term generally associated with the table 163. The physical location of a satellite is
showing the position of a heavenly body on the determined by its
number of dates in a regular sequence.
 A. Distance from the earth
 A. Astronomical almanac  B. Latitude and longitude
 B. Smith  C. Reference to the stars
 C. Ephemeris  D. Position relative to the sun
 D. Space reporting

164. When the satellite rotates in a path that

158. The point where a polar or inclined orbit takes it over the north and south poles in an orbit
crosses the equatorial plane traveling from south perpendicular to the equatorial plane. This type
to north. of orbit is called ____.

 A. Ascending node  A. Inclined orbit

 B. Descending node  B. Polar orbit
 C. Diagonal node  C. Geosynchronous orbit
 D. Inclined node  D. Diagonal orbit
165. The azimuth angles and the angle of 171. It is defined as the horizontal pointing angle
elevation is collectively known as ____. of an earth station antenna.

 A. Antennas look angles  A. Angle of inclination

 B. Antennas see angles  B. Azimuth angle
 C. Antennas keep angles  C. Latitude
 D. Antennas satellite angles  D. Longitude

166. The point on the surface of the Earth 172. Determines the farthest satellite away that
directly below the satellite. can be seen looking east or west of the earth
station’s longitude
 A. Satellite point
 B. Latitude  A. Radio horizon
 C. Longitude  B. Optical horizon
 D. Subsatellite point  C. Terrestrial limits
 D. Limits of visibility

167. It is the vertical angle formed between the

direction of travel of an electromagnetic wave 173. The spatial separation of a satellite is
radiated from an earth station antenna pointing between ____.
directly toward a satellite and the horizontal
plane.  A. 3 to 6 degrees
 B. 1 to 2 degrees
 A. Angle of depression  C. 5 to 8 degrees
 B. Angle of inclination  D. 8 to 16 degrees
 C. Angle of elevation
 D. Angle of azimuth
174. The geographical representation of a
satellite antenna’s radiation pattern is called a
168. The unique number used to encrypt the ____.
signal from that of the GPS satellite.
 A. Field intensity
 A. SV  B. Footprint
 B. UV  C. Radiation propagation
 C. PRN  D. Polarization
 D. ESN

175. The GPS satellite identification which is

169. The minimum acceptable angle of elevation assigned according to the order of the vehicle’s
 A. 6 degrees
 B. 4 degrees  A. SV
 C. 5 degrees  B. EV
 D. 7 degrees  C. PRN
 D. ESN

170. It is the horizontal angular distance from a

reference direction either the southern or 176. The smallest beam of a satellite that
northern most point of the horizon. concentrates their power to very small
geographical areas.
 A. Angle of elevation
 B. Latitude  A. Hemispherical beam
 C. Longitude  B. Global beam
 D. Azimuth  C. Spot beam
 D. Any of these
177. Satellite’s radiation pattern that typically 183. Explorer I lasted for ____.
target up to 20% of the Earth’s surface.
 A. 5 months
 A. Hemispherical beam  B. 6 months
 B. Global beam  C. 12 months
 C. Spot beam  D. 2 months
 D. Any of these

184. Navstar GPS satellite grouping that can

178. The key electronic component in a operate continuously for 180 days between
communications satellite is the uploads from the ground.

 A. Telemetry  A. Block III

 B. Command and Control system  B. Block IIa
 C. On-board computer  C. Block II
 D. Transponder  D. Block IIR

179. The radiation pattern that has a satellite’s 185. It was the first artificial satellite used for
antenna beamwidth of 17 degrees and are relaying terrestrial communications
capable of covering approximately 42% of the
earth’s surface.  A. Score
 B. Explorer I
 A. Hemispherical beam  C. Sputnik I
 B. Earth beam  D. Syncom I
 C. Spot beam
 D. Any of these
186. Which of the following satellite rebroadcast
President Eisenhower’s 1958 Christmas message?
180. The first active satellite
 A. Telstar I
 A. Moon  B. Telstar II
 B. Sputnik I  C. Echo
 C. Score  D. Score
 D. Echo

187. The satellite or space segment of Navstar

181. Sputnik I transmitted telemetry information GPS is consist of ____ operational satellites.
 A. 30
 A. 1 week  B. 24
 B. 21 days  C. 14
 C. 15 days  D. 20
 D. 30 days

188. It was the first satellite to accomplish

182. The US counterpart of Sputnik I transatlantic transmission.

 A. Syncom  A. Courier
 B. Telstar  B. Echo
 C. Echo  C. Telstar
 D. Explorer I  D. Syncom
189. It is the first transponder-type satellite 195. Intelsat I which was the first commercial
telecommunications satellite is called ____.
 A. Telstar I
 B. Sputnik I  A. Domsat
 C. Syncom  B. Molniya
 D. Courier  C. Early bird
 D. Courier

190. The first active satellite to simultaneously

receive and transmit radio signals. 196. Block II Navstar GPS satellites can operate
for approximately ____ between the receiving
 A. Telstar I updates and corrections from the control
 B. Telstar II segment of the system.
 C. Intelsat
 D. Syncom  A. 5.5 days
 B. 3.5 days
 C. 6 days
191. The satellite communications channel in a  D. 7 days
transponder are defined by the

 A. LNA 197. The angle of inclination of a satellite in polar

 B. Bandpass filter orbit is nearly ____.
 C. Mixer
 D. Input signals  A. 45 degrees
 B. 90 degrees
 C. 30 degrees
192. The satellite that was damaged by radiation  D. 60 degrees
from a newly discovered Van Allen Belts and
consequently lasted for two weeks.
198. It is the time it takes earth to rotate back to
 A. Telstar I the same constellation
 B. Telstar II
 C. Intelsat  A. Revolution
 D. Syncom  B. Rotation
 C. Sidereal period
 D. Year
193. As the height of a satellite orbit gets lower,
the speed of the satellite
199. Satellites with orbital pattern like Molniya
 A. Increases are sometimes classified as
 B. Decreases
 C. Remains the same  A. LEO
 D. None of the above  B. MEO
 C. GEO
 D. HEO
194. The satellite that was lost in space in its first
attempt to place it in a geosynchronous orbit.
200. The process of maneuvering a satellite
 A. Syncom I within a preassigned window is called
 B. Telstar I
 C. Telstar II  A. Satellite keeping
 D. Courier  B. Station controlling
 C. Station keeping
 D. Satellite controlling
201. Navstar GPS satellite grouping capable of 207. It is the direction of maximum gain of the
detecting certain error conditions, then earth station antenna
automatically transmitting a coded message
indicating that it is out of service.  A. Footprint
 B. Boresight
 A. Block I  C. Angle of elevation
 B. Block IIa  D. Angle of azimuth
 C. Block II
 D. Block IIR
208. A circular orbit around the equator with 24-
h period is called
202. Galileo Satellites has a lifespan of ____.
 A. Elliptical orbit
 A. greater than 12 years  B. Geostationary orbit
 B. greater than 15 years  C. Polar orbit
 C. greater than 20 years  D. Transfer orbit
 D. greater than 25 years

209. A classification of satellite that uses the

203. The height of a satellite in a synchronous angular momentum of its spinning body to
equatorial orbit is provide roll and yaw stabilization.

 A. 100 mi  A. Roll stabilizer satellite

 B. 6800 mi  B. Yaw stabilizer satellite
 C. 22,300 mi  C. Spinner stabilizer satellite
 D. 35,860 mi  D. Three-axis stabilizer satellite

204. An orbit that is 36,000 km away from the 210. Most satellites operate in which frequency
geocenter of the earth is called band?

 A. Geosynchronous orbit  A. 30 to 300 MHz

 B. Clarke orbit  B. 300 MHz to 3 GHz
 C. Clarke belt  C. 3 to 30 GHz
 D. Any of these  D. Above 300 GHz

205. The main function of a communications 211. The method of assigning adjacent channels
satellite is as different electromagnetic polarization is called

 A. Repeater  A. Frequency reuse

 B. Reflector  B. Polarization
 C. Beacon  C. Multi-accessing
 D. Observation platform  D. Interference

206. Navstar GPS grouping intended to be used 212. It implies that more than one user has an
only for self testing. access to one or more radio channels

 A. Block I  A. Co-channel interference

 B. Block III  B. Satellite multi-accessing
 C. Block II  C. Frequency reuse
 D. Block IIR  D. Diversity
213. The main power sources for a satellite are 219. The maximum height of an elliptical orbit is
called the
 A. Batteries
 B. Solar cells  A. Perigee
 C. Fuel cells  B. Apex
 D. Thermoelectric generators  C. Zenith
 D. Apogee

214. A type of satellite’s multiple-accessing

method that allows all users continuous and 220. The most ancient and rudimentary method
equal access of the entire transponder bandwidth of navigation is ____.
by assigning carrier frequencies on a temporary
basis using statistical assignment process.  A. Wandering
 B. Celestial navigation
 A. TDMA  C. Piloting
 B. FDMA  D. Radio navigation
221. The jet thrusters are usually fired to

215. Batteries are used to power all satellite  A. Main attitude

subsystems  B. Put the satellite into transfer orbit
 C. Inject the satellite into the
 A. All the time geosynchronous orbit
 B. Only during emergencies  D. Bring the satellite back to earth
 C. During eclipse periods
 D. To give the solar arrays a rest
222. A method of navigation where direction and
distance are determined from precisely timed
216. The highly accurate timing clocks onboard sightings of celestial bodies, including the stars
the GPS satellite. and the moon.

 A. Plutonium clocks  A. Electronic navigation

 B. Cesium atomic clocks  B. Heavenly navigation
 C. Hydrogen clocks  C. Radio navigation
 D. Fossil clocks  D. Celestial navigation

217. It is defined as the art or science of plotting, 223. Navstar satellite takes approximately ____
ascertaining, or directing the course of hours to orbit Earth.
 A. 20
 A. Ranging  B. 6
 B. Detection  C. 12
 C. Navigation  D. 18
 D. Driving

224. A method of navigation where it fixes a

218. Galileo satellite system is positioned in position or direction with respect to familiar,
____. significant landmarks such as railroad tracks,
water towers, barns, mountain peaks and bodies
 A. 5 circular orbits or water.
 B. 3 circular orbits
 C. 2 circular orbits  A. Dead reckoning
 D. 6 circular orbits  B. Radio navigation
 C. Wandering
 D. Piloting 230. Indicate the correct statement regarding
satellite communications

225. How can multiple earth stations share a  A. If two earth stations do not face a
satellite on the same frequencies? common satellite, they should communicate
via a double-satellite hop.
 A. Frequency reuse  B. Satellites are allocated so that it is
 B. Multiplexing impossible for two earth stations not to face
 C. Mixing the same satellite.
 D. They can’t  C. Collocated earth stations are used for
frequency diversity.
 D. Satellite earth station must have as many
receive chains as there are carriers
226. A navigation technique that determines
transmitted to it.
position by extrapolating a series of measured
velocity increments.

231. Satellite used for intercontinental

 A. Piloting
communications are known as
 B. Wandering
 C. Radio navigation
 D. Dead reckoning  A. Comsat
 B. Domsat
 C. Marisat
 D. Intelsat
227. A geostationary satellite

 A. Is motionless in space (except for its gain)

232. Identical telephone numbers in different
 B. Is not really stationary at all, but orbits
parts of the country are distinguished by their
the Earth within a 24-hr period
 C. Appears stationary over the Earth’s
magnetic pole  A. Language digits
 D. Is located at a height of 35,800 km to  B. Access digits
ensure global coverage  C. Area codes
 D. Central office codes

228. The average elevation of Navstar GPS

satellite is ____ statue miles above the Earth. 233. The GPS satellites has an angle of elevation
at the ascending node of ____ with respect to the
equatorial plane.
 A. 6724
 B. 7689
 C. 5978  A. 30 degrees
 D. 9476  B. 55 degrees
 C. 50 degrees
 D. 45 degrees
229. Most commercial satellite activity occurs in
which band(s)
234. Telephone traffic is measured
 A. L
 B. C and Ku  A. With echo cancellers
 C. X  B. By the relative congestion
 D. S and P  C. In terms of the grade of service
 D. In erlangs
235. Indicate which of the following is not a 241. It refers to the satellite orientation with
submarine cable respect to the earth.

 A. TAT-7  A. Satellite’s attitude

 B. INTELSAT V  B. Satellite position
 C. ATLANTIS  C. Satellite location
 D. CANTAT 2  D. Satellite orbit

236. The typical bandwidth of a satellite band is 242. Precise positioning service has time transfer
accuracy to UTC within
 A. 36 MHz
 B. 40 MHz  A. 100 nanoseconds
 C. 70 MHz  B. 300 nanoseconds
 D. 500 MHz  C. 200 nanoseconds
 D. 400 nanoseconds

237. The operational satellites of Navstar GPS are

revolving around Earth in orbital planes are 243. The fully deployed Galileo satellite system
approximately ____ degrees apart with ____ consists of ____ satellites.
satellites in each plane.
 A. 27 operational + 3 active spares
 A. 60, 4  B. 26 operational + 4 active spares
 B. 30, 5  C. 28 operational + 2 active spares
 C. 50, 5  D. 25 operational + 5 active spares
 D. 40, 3

244. Galileo satellite is ____.

238. Indicate which of the following is an
American domsat system  A. Medium Earth Orbit (MEO)
 B. Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
 A. INTELSAT  C. Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO)
 B. TELSTAR  D. Highly Elliptical Orbit (HEO)
245. Galileo satellites are at circular planes at
____ altitude above Earth.
239. Which of the following is not usually a part
of a transponder?  A. 23,500 mi
 B. 36,500 km
 A. LNA  C. 35,800 mi
 B. Mixer  D. 23,222 km
 C. Modulator
 D. HPA
246. Galileo satellites are inclined at the orbital
planes of ____ with reference to the equatorial
240. Who is the oldest man in space? plane.

 A. John Glenn  A. 64 degrees

 B. Neil Armstrong  B. 17 degrees
 C. Yuri Gagarin  C. 56 degrees
 D. Edwin Aldrin  D. 34 degrees
247. Which of the following refers to a delayed 252. The FDMA technique wherein voice band
repeater satellite? channels are assigned on “as needed” basis.

 a. A satellite capable of receiving,  a. PAMA

amplifying, and retransmitting information to  b. DAMA
and from earth stations.  c. SSMA
 b. A bent-pipe or a reflector which bounces a  d. CDMA
signal from one place to another.
 c. A satellite which receives transmissions
from earth stations, stored them on 253. A form of CDMA where a digital code is used
magnetic tape, and rebroadcast them to to continually change the frequency of the
ground stations farther along in its orbit. carrier.
 d. All of these
 a. Spread Spectrum
 b. Frequency Hopping
248. Satellite orbiting in the same direction as  c. Store and Forward
earth’s rotation and at an angular velocity  d. SPADE
greater than the earth is called prograde orbit;
and a satellite orbiting which is in the opposite
direction as Earth’s rotation or in the same
254. The satellite frequency reuse method which
direction but at an angular velocity less than that
sends different information signals using vertical
of Earth is known as
or horizontal electromagnetic polarization.

 a. Haley’s orbit
 a. Multiple coverage areas
 b. Elliptical orbit
 b. Dual polarization
 c. Equatorial orbit
 c. Spatial separation
 d. Retrograde orbit
 d. Spread spectrum

249. Are satellites that orbit in a circular pattern

255. A satellite communication link between
with an angular velocity equal to that of earth.
Pinugay Earth Station, Philippines and Mt. Fucino
Earth Station, Italy is to be established. If the
 a. Geostationary or geosynchronous satellite assigneduplink frequency at Pinugay Earth
 b. Nonsynchronous satellite Station is 6175 MHz, what is the downlink
 c. Orbital satellites frequency at Mt. Fucino Earth Station, in MHz?
 d. B or C is correct
 a. 4545
 b. 3950
250. What do you call of a satellite used to  c. 3789
provide satellite services within a single country?  d. 4200

 a. Orbital satellite
 b. Geostationary satellite 256. A satellite equipped with electronic devices
 c. Nonsynchronous satellite to receive, amplify, convert and retransmit
 d. Domestic satellite or domsat signals.

 a. Passive
251. The first duplex satellite is  b. Active
 c. Uplink
 a. Moon  d. Downlink
 b. Sputnik 1
 c. Telstar
 d. Early Bird
257. “The orbit of any planet is an ellipse with 263. A satellite that revolves from North to
the sun at one focus”. This is South.

 a. Kepler’s First Law  a. Equatorial

 b. Kepler’s Second Law  b. Polar
 c. Kepler’s Third Law  c. Orbital
 d. Law of Universal Gravitation  d. Inclined

258. The point in an satellite orbit which is 264. The Kepler’s Law which is also known as the
farthest away from the earth Law of Areas.

 a. Perigee  a. First Law

 b. Apogee  b. Second Law
 c. Azimuth  c. Third Law
 d. Ascending node  d. None of the above

259. The first active satellite which transmitted 265. The satellite multiple access technique
telemetry information which uses the spread spectrum technology is

 a. Telstar 1  a. FDMA
 b. Aguila II  b. TDMA
 c. Palapa A 1  c. CDMA
 d. Sputnik  d. DAMA

260. The portion of the satellite communication 266. The point where the orbit crosses the
link involving the transmission of traffic from equatorial plane going from South to North.
ground station to satellite.
 a. Ascending Node
 a. Uplink  b. Descending Node
 b. Lowlink  c. Apogee
 c. Paylink  d. Perigee
 d. Bus transmission

267. The footprint which covers approximately

261. It is spacecraft places in orbit around the one-third of the earth’s surface using a 17 degree
earth carrying on-board microwave receiving and beamwidth.
transmitting equipment.
 a. Spot coverage
 a. Communication satellite  b. Zonal coverage
 b. Terrestrial link  c. Earth coverage
 c. Transponder  d. Regional coverage
 d. Microwave repeater

268. An earth station transmits signal to a

262. Satellite position has an/a ___________ satellite 38,500 km., directly overhead it. What is
angle with respect to the horizon. the propagation delay when the signal is received
back at the same earth station, in milliseconds.
 a. Azimuth
 b. Depression  a. 257
 c. Elevation  b. 200
 d. Critical  c. 285
 d. 185
269. When a satellite orbits in the opposite 275. Satellite system or part of a satellite
direction as the earth’s rotation with an angular system, consisting of only one satellite and the
velocity less than that of the earth. operating earth station.

 a. Bus transmission  a. Satellite system

 b. Payload  b. Satellite network
 c. Prograde  c. Space system
 d. Retrograde  d. Multi-satellite link

270. The actual user information conveyed 276. Known to be the first satellite capable to
through the satellite system. receive and transmit simultaneously.

 a. Bus transmission  a. Syscom I

 b. Payload  b. Echo I
 c. Prograde  c. Telstar I
 d. Retrograde  d. Score

271. The spatial separation between 277. A satellite receives an uplink frequency of
geosynchronous satellites ____________ MHz from a ground station of
3700 MHz.
 a. 1 – 3 degrees
 b. 3 – 6 degrees  a. 8150 MHz
 c. 6 – 8 degrees  b. 1475 MHz
 d. 8 – 10 degrees  c. 2225 MHz
 d. 5925 MHz

272. _______________ detects the satellite

signal relayed from the feed and converts it to an 278. What band does VSAT first operate?
electric current, amplifies and lower its
frequency.  a. X-band
 b. C-band
 a. Feedhorn  c. Ku-band
 b. Satellite dish  d. L-band
 c. Satellite receiver
 d. LNB
279. Satellite engine use

273. What kind of battery panels are used in  a. Liquid fuel

some advance satellites?  b. Jet propulsion
 c. Ion propulsion system
 a. Gallium Arsenide solar panel  d. Solar jet
 b. Silicon based panels
 c. Germanium based panels
 d. Gallium Phosphate solar panel 280. The first passive satellite transponder

 a. Early bird
274. Footprint refers to coverage area in the  b. Score
globe  c. Moon
 d. Sputnik
 a. Satellite radiation polarization
 b. Satellite navigation
 c. Satellite radiation pattern
 d. Satellite coverage
281. Satellite used for intercontinental  b. 90,000 km and about 300 ms,
communications are known as respectively
 c. 90,000 mi and about 100 ms, respectively
 a. Comsat  d. 90,000 mi and 300 ms, respectively
 b. Domsat
 c. Marisat
 d. Intelsat 287. The figure of a satellite defines in orbit

 a. Circle
282. AsiaSat 1 covers how many countries in  b. Elliptical
Asia?  c. Parabolic
 d. Hyperbolic
 a. 38
 b. 40
 c. 44 288. Considered as the corrupting influence(s) in
 d. 42 the satellite movement.

 a. Gravitational pill between the earth and

283. An area on the surface of the earth within the orbiting satellite
which the boresight of the steerable satellite  b. Atmospheric drag on the satellite
beam intended to be pointed.  c. Orbital ellipse
 d. All of these
 a. Equivalent boresight area
 b. Contour boresight area
 c. Coordination boresight area 289. The orbit of communications satellites id
 d. Effective boresight area defined by the angle with respect to the earth
equator, which is the 0o plane. What is (are) the
basic orbital angle(s)?
284. Refers to the man-made body sent into
continuous orbit around the earth, which provides  a. Polar
propagation paths for radio waves between  b. Inclined
terrestrial transmitters and receivers.  c. Equatorial
 d. All of the above
 a. Rocket
 b. Allotter relay
 c. Space shuttle 290. How do we measure the position of a
 d. Communication satellite satellite?

 a. By its elevation angle with respect to the

285. What is the basic function of a horizon
communications satellite?  b. By its azimuth angle measured clockwise
from the direction of true north
 a. To act as a receiving antenna for  c. Through the line of apsides
broadcast FM  d. A and B are correct
 b. To compensate for the antenna limitations
 c. To eliminate aerodynamic drag
 d. To acts as receiving antenna for broadcast 291. Which of the following cause(s) the
AM satellite’s orbital distortions?

 a. Sun
286. Typical round-trip distance and transmission  b. Earth
time for a satellite relay  c. Moon
 d. All of the above
 a. About 300 ms and 90,000 km,
292. What is the approximate service life of 297. The user segment is used to received
communications satellites? signals for the GPS system from the four
satellites, compute the time differences, and
 a. 3 years only determine position, while space segment’s
 b. 5 to 20 years function is(are)
 c. 20 to 60 years
 d. 100 years  a. To received signals for the GPS system
from the four satellites, compute the
distance differences, and determine position
293. Representing application of the  b. To transmit time codes and orbital
extraordinary advances technology of satellites to position information to the users
solve the problem of accurate, reliable, 26 hr/day  c. To assure the overall performance and
navigation. accuracy
 d. All of the above
 a. Global Positioning System (GPS)
 b. Navigation System using Timing and
Ranging (NAVSTAR) 298. How do you describe the complete signal
 c. LORAN path of the satellite communications operation?
 d. A and B are correct
 a. Begins at a ground station, proceeds to an
uplink, then to a downlink, and ends at a
294. A system based on the accurate knowledge receiving ground station.
by the vessel of the position of each of four  b. From the satellite, to a downlink, tehn to a
satellites, as calculated by the time with respect ground station.
to the user.  c. Begins at a ground station, proceeds to an
uplink, to the satellite itself, to a downlink,
and ends at a receiving ground station
 a. GPS
 d. All of these
 b. A or D
 c. LORAN
299. What is a passive satellite?

295. Segment(s) of a complete GPS system  a. A satellite capable of receiving,

is(are) amplifying, and retransmitting information to
and from earth stations.
 b. A bent-pipe or a reflector which bounces a
 a. Control segment
signal from one place to another.
 b. Space segment
 c. A satellite which receives transmissions
 c. User segment
from earth stations, stored them on
 d. All of these
magnetic tape, and rebroadcast them to
ground stations farther along in its orbit.
 d. A or C
296. Its function assures the overall system
performance and accuracy
300. How does communication between satellite
 a. Control segment be achieved
 b. Space segment
 c. User segment
 a. Using satellite cross-links
 d. All of these
 b. Intersatellite links (ISLs)
 c. Through is ground stations
 d. A or B is correct
301. Which of the following is not an advantage 305. A ____________ satellite with an orbital
of geosynchronous orbit? period of one sidereal day or nominally, 24 h

 a. No need to switch from one satellite to  a. Bent-pipe satellite

another as satellites orbit overhead,  b. Processing satellite
therefore, no breaks of transmission due to  c. Geostationary satellite
switching times.  d. ANIK-D communications satellite
 b. High-altitude geosynchronous satellites
can cover a much larger area
 c. Geosynchronous satellites require higher 306. 19,000 – 25,000 mi height; 6, 879 mi/hr
transmit powers and more sensitive travel time; 24-hr rotation; and 24-hr availability
receivers because of the longer distances time belong to what satellite?
and greater path loss.
 d. Satellite remains almost stationary in
 a. Low-altitude satellites (circular orbit)
respect to a given earth station, therefore,
 b. Medium-altitude satellites (elliptical orbit)
expensive tracking equipment is not required
 c. High-altitude satellites (geosynchronous
at the earth stations.

302. Which of the following parameters (height of

the satellite from earth, travel time, rotation
307. An orbit when the satellite rotates in a path
period, and the satellite’s line of sight) refer to
above the equator.
low-altitude satellite?

 a. Polar orbit
 a. 19,000 – 25,000 mi; 6,879 mi/hr; 24 hr;
 b. Inclines orbit
and 24-h availability time, respectively
 c. Equatorial orbit
 b. 6,000 – 12,000 mi; 12,189 mi/hr; 5 – 12
 d. Geosynchronous orbit
hr; and 2- 4 hr per orbit, respectively
 c. 100 – 300 mi; 17,500 mi/hr; 1 ½ hr, and
¼ or less per orbit, respective
 d. 50 – 95 mi; 25,600 mi/hr, ½ hr; and 1/8 308. Orbiting satellite system in Russia which
or less per orbit, respectively means “lightning” or “news flash”, used for
television broadcasting. It uses a highly inclined
elliptical orbit with apogee at about 40,000 km
and perigee at about 1,000 km.
303. There are two primary classifications of
communications satellite; one uses the angular
momentum of its spinning body to provide roll  a. Molniya system
and yaw relative to earth’s surface while an  b. Molnya system
internal subsystem provides roll and yaw  c. Molnia system
stabilization. What are they?  d. All are correct

 a. gyroscopic satellites
 b. delayed repeater satellites 309. Polar and inclined orbits refer to what?
 c. passive and active satellites
 d. spinners and three-axis stabilizer satellites  a. Any other orbital path, and rotation above
the equator, respectively
 b. Any other orbital path, and rotation that
304. How do radiation patterns or beams from a takes over the north and south poles,
satellite antenna categorized? respectively
 c. Rotation that takes over the north and
south poles, and any other orbital path,
 a. Spot
 b. Earth
 d. Rotation above the equator, and rotation
 c. Zonal
that takes over the north and south poles,
 d. All of these
310. ____________ means the farthest distance  b. The horizontal pointing of an antenna
from earth a satellite orbit reaches while  c. The angle subtended at the earth station
____________ is the minimum distance. antenna between the satellite and the
 a. Apogee and perigee, respectively  d. A or C is right
 b. Perigee and apogee, respectively
 c. A and B are the same
 d. None of these 316. The range of frequencies used by
communications satellites?

311. Refers to the line joining the perigee and  a. From 1 GHz up to 3 GHz
apogee through the center of the earth  b. From 1 GHz up to 30 GHz
 c. From 30 GHz up to 300 GHz
 a. Line of sight  d. From 300 GHz up to 350 GHz
 b. Line of nodes
 c. Equatorial nelt
 d. Line of apsides 317. Otherwise considered as radio repeater in
the sky.

312. The point where the orbit crosses the  a. Transponder

equatorial plane going from north to south; and  b. Satellite
the point where the orbit crosses the equatorial  c. Sputnik
plane going from south to north refer to  d. Courier

 a. Ascending node
 b. Descending node 318. How does interference between uplink and
 c. Ascending node and descending node, downlink signals be prevented?
 d. Descending node and ascending node,  a. By using different ground stations
respectively  b. By using different satellites
 c. By using different carrier frequencies
 d. All of these
313. What is the line joining the ascending and
descending nodes through the center of the
earth? 319. An electronic system called transponder of
the communications satellite is used
 a. Line of apsides
 b. Line of nodes  a. For frequency translations
 c. Line of shoot  b. To retransmit signals
 d. Line of sight  c. To receive signals
 d. All of the above

314. Refers to the horizontal pointing of an

antenna. 320. What do you call of the signal path from the
transmitter to satellite and from the satellite to
 a. Look angle earth-based receiver?
 b. Elevation
 c. Azimuth  a. Downlink and uplink, respectively
 d. Spot  b. Downlink
 c. Uplink and downlink, respectively
 d. Uplink
315. What is meant by the angle of elevation?

 a. The angle formed between the direction of

travel of a wave radiated from an earth
station antenna and the horizontal.
321. Why is it that the uplink is always higher in 325. What is meant by link budget?
frequency than the downlink?
 a. The sum of all the signal gains and losses
 a. Because the uplink suffers greater along the way.
spreading or free-space loss of frequency  b. The difference of the signal gains and
than its lower counterpart losses along the way
 b. Since an earth station aims upward with  c. Identifies the system parameters and is
well-controlled antenna sidelobes used to determine the projected C/N and
 c. A and B are correct Eb/No ratios at both the satellite and earth
 d. None of these stations receivers for a given modulation
scheme and desired Pq.
 d. A or C is right
322. What is frequency hopping?

 a. A form of CDMA where a digital code is 326. How can satellite maintains its desired orbit
used to continually change the frequency of consistently?
the carrier
 b. Available bandwidth is partitioned into  a. Using small on-board rocket trusters
smaller frequency bands and the total  b. Through using guidance system
transmission time is subdivided into smaller  c. By telemetry channel
time slots  d. All of these
 c. Each earth stations within a CDMA
network is assigned a different frequency
hopping pattern in which each transmitter 327. A satellite consists of any subsystem
hops or switched from one frequency band to functions incorporated into a single system. What
the next according to their assigned pattern is the subsystem responsible for providing the
 d. All of these primary dc power and the regulated, secondary
supply voltages for the satellite circuits?

323. What is meant by satellite footprint?  a. Communication channel subsystem

 b. Telemetry subsystem
 a. Is the earth area that the satellite can  c. Power subsystem
receive from or transmit to  d. Antennas
 b. Is the function of both the satellite orbit
and height, and the type of antenna the
satellite uses. 328. How do communications satellites powered?
 c. The geographical representation of the
satellite antenna’s radiation pattern.
 a. By a bank of batteries whose charge is
 d. All of the above
maintained by an array of solar cells
 b. Liquid fuel
 c. Nuclear
324. What (is)are the advantage(s) using 1-GHz  d. AC power
and higher frequencies?

 a. Large amount of information can be sent 329. _____________ is the total power
due to large available bandwidth consumption for the satellite operation?
 b. Propagation characteristics are very
 a. About 10 W
 c. Signal wavelengths are shorter
 b. About 150 W
 d. All of these are correct
 c. About 2000 W
 d. About 25000 W
330. As the height of a satellite orbits gets lower, 336. Most satellites operate in which frequency
the speed of the satellite band?

 a. Increases  a. 30 to 300 MHz

 b. Decreases  b. 300 MHz to 3 GHz
 c. Remains the same  c. 3 GHz to 30 GHz
 d. None of the above  d. Above 300 GHz

331. The main function of a communications 337. The main power sources for a satellite are
satellite is the
 a. Batteries
 a. Repeater  b. Solar cells
 b. Reflector  c. Fuel cells
 c. Beacon  d. Thermoelectric generators
 d. Observation platform

338. The maximum height of an elliptical orbit is

332. The key electronic component in a called the
communications satellite is the
 a. Perigee
 a. Telemetry  b. Apex
 b. On-board computer  c. Zenith
 c. Command and control system  d. Apogee
 d. Transponder

339. Batteries are used to power all satellite

333. A circular orbit around the equator with a subsystems
24-h period is called a(n)
 a. At all times
 a. Elliptical orbit  b. Only during emergencies
 b. Geostationary orbit  c. During eclipse periods
 c. Polar orbit  d. To give the solar arrays a rest
 d. Transfer obit

340. The satellite subsystems that monitors and

334. A satellite stays in orbit because the controls the satellite is the
following two factors are balanced.
 a. Propulsion subsystem
 a. Satellite weight and speed  b. Power subsystem
 b. Gravitational pull and inertia  c. Communications subsystem
 c. Centripetal force and speed  d. Telemetry, tracking, and command
 d. Satellite weight and the pull of the moon subsystem
and sun

341. The basic technique used to stabilized a

335. The height of a satellite in a synchronous satellite is
equatorial orbit is
 a. Gravity-forward motion balance
 a. 100 mi  b. Spin
 b. 6800 mi  c. Thrusters control
 c. 22,300 mi  d. Solar panel orientation
 d. 35, 860 mi
342. The jet thrusters are usually fired to

 a. Maintain altitude
 b. Put the satellite into the transfer orbit
 c. Inject the satellite into the
geosynchronous orbit
 d. Bring the satellite back to the earth

343. Most commercial satellite activity occurs in

which band(s)?

 a. L
 b. C and Ku
 c. X
 d. S and P

344. How can multiple earth stations share a

satellite on the same frequencies?

 a. Frequency reuse
 b. Multiplexing
 c. Mixing
 d. They can’t

345. The typical bandwidth of a satellite band is

 a. 36 MHz
 b. 40 MHz
 c. 70 MHz
 d. 500 MHz

346. Which of the following is not usually a part

of a transponder?

 a. LNA
 b. Mixer
 c. Modulator
 d. HPA

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