W. Tomasi, PP
W. Tomasi, PP
W. Tomasi, PP
", ~'~ j~ I
f ff'
Communications I
In the early 1960s, the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) released
studies indicating that a few powerful satellites of advanced design could handle more
traffic than the entire AT&T long-distance communications network. The cost of these
satellites was estimated to be only a fraction of the cost of equivalent terrestrial
microwave facilities. Unfortunately, because AT&T was a utility, government regulations
prevented them from developing the satellite systems. Smaller and much less lucrative
corporations were left to develop the satellite systems, and AT&T continued to invest bil-
lions of dollars each year in conventional terrestrial microwave systems. Because of this,
early developments in satellite technology were slow in coming.
Throughout the years the prices of most goods and services have increased substan-
tially; however, satellite communications services have become more affordable each
year. In most instances, satellite systems offer more flexibility than submarine cables,
buried underground cables, line-of-sight microwave radio, tropospheric scatter radio, or
optical fiber systems.
Essentially, a communications satellite is a radio repeater in the sky (transponder).
A satellite system consists of a transponder, a ground-based station to control its opera-
tion, and a user network of earth stations that provide the facilities for transmission and
reception of communications traffic through the satellite system. Satellite transmissions
are categorized as either bus or payload. The bus includes control mechanisms that sup-
port the payload operation. The payload is the actual user information that is conveyed
through the system. Although in recent years new data services and television broadcast-
ing are more and more in demand, the transmission of conventional speech telephone sig-
nals (in analog or digital form) is still the bulk of the satellite payload.
The simplest type of satellite is a passive reflector, a device that simply "bounces" a signal
from one place to another. The moon is a natural satellite of the earth and, consequently,
in the late 1940s and early 1950s, became the first passive satellite. In 1954, the U.S. Navy
successfully transmitted the first messages over this earth-to-moon-to-earth relay. In 1956,
a relay service was established between Washington, D.C. and Hawaii and, until 1962,
offered reliable long-distance communications. Service was limited only by the availabil-
ity of the moon.
In 1957, Russia launched Sputnik I, the first active earth satellite. An active satellite is
capable of receiving, amplifying, and retransmitting information to and from earth stations.
Sputnik I tr$llsmittedtelemetry information for 21 days. Later in the same year, the United
States launcned Explorer I, which transmitted telemetry information for nearly 5 months.
In 1958, NASA launched Score, a l50-pound conical-shaped satellite. With an on"
board tape recording, Score rebroadcast President Eisenhower's 1958 Christmas message.
Score was the first artificial satellite used for relaying terrestrial communications. Score
was a delayed repeater satellite; it received transmissions from earth stations, stored them
on magnetic tape, and rebroadcast them to ground stations farther along in its orbit.
In 1960, NASA in conjunction with Bell Telephone Laboratories and the Jet Propul-
sion Laboratory launched Echo, a 100-ft-diameter plastic balloon with an aluminum coat-
ing. Echo passively reflected radio signals from a large earth antenna. Echo was simple
and reliable but required extremely high power transmitters at the earth stations. The first
transatlantic transmission using a satellite was accomplished using Echo. Also in 1960,
the Department of Defense launched Courier. Courier transmitted 3 W of power and
lasted only 17 days.
In 1962, AT&T launched Telstar I, the first satellite to receive and transmit simulta-
neously. The electronic equipment in Telstar I was damaged by radiation from the newly
discovered Van Allen belts and, consequently, lasted only a few weeks. Telstar II was
electronically identical to Telstar I, but it was made more radiation resistant. Telstar II
was successfully launched in 1963. It was used for telephone, television, facsimile, and
data transmissions. The first successful transatlantic transmission of video was accom-
plished with Telstar II.
Early satellites were both of the passive and active type. Again, a passive satellite is
one that simply reflects a signal back to earth; there are no gain devices on board to amplify
or repeat the signal. An active satellite is one that electronically repeats a signal back to
earth (i.e., receives, amplifies, and retransmits the signal). An advantage of passive satel-
lites is that they do not require sophisticated electronic equipment on board, although they
are not necessarily void of power. Some passive satellites require a radio beacon transmit-
ter for tracking and ranging purposes. A beacon is a continuously transmitted unmodu-
lated carrier that an earth station can lock onto and use to align its antennas or to determine
the exact location of the satellite. A disadvantage of passive satellites is their inefficient
use of transmitted power. With Echo, for example, only 1 part in every 1018of the earth
station transmitted power was actually returned to the earth station receiving antenna.
The satellites mentioned thus far are called orbital or nonsynchronous satellites. Nonsyn-
chronous satellites rotate around the earth in a low-altitude elliptical or circular pattern.
If the satellite is orbiting in the same direction as Earth's rotation and at an angular
1000 km
Figure 7-1 Soviet Molniya satellite
Once projected, a satellite remains in orbit because the centrifugal force caused by its rota-
tion around the earth is counterbalanced by the earth's gravitational pull. The closer to
earth the satellite rotates, the greater the gravitational pull and the greater the velocity
required to keep it from being pulled to earth. Low-altitude satellites that orbit close to
earth (100 to 300 miles in height) travel at approximately 17,500 miles per hour. At this
speed, it takes approximately H h to rotate around the entire earth. Consequently, the time
that the satellite is in line of sight of a particular earth station is only t h or less per orbit.
Medium-altitude satellites (6000 to 12,000 miles in height) have a rotation period of 5 to
12 h and remain in line of sight of a particular earth station for 2 to 4 h per orbit. High-
altitude, geosynchronous satellites (19,000 to 25,000 miles in height) travel at approxi-
mately 6879 miles per hour and have a rotation period of 24 h, exactly the same as the
earth.Consequently,theyremainin a fixed positionin respectto a givenearthstationand
have a 24-h availability time. Figure 7-2 shows a low-, medium-, and high-altitude satel-
lite orbit. It can be seen that three equally spaced, high-altitude geosynchronous satellites
rotating around the earth above the equator can cover the entire earth except for the
unpopulated areas of the north and south poles.
Figure 7-3 shows the three paths that a satellite may take as it rotates around the
earth. When the satellite rotates in an orbit above the equator, it is called an equatorial
orbit. When the satellite rotates in an orbit that takes it over the north and south poles, it is
called a polar orbit. Any other orbital path is called an inclined orbit. An ascending node
is the point where the orbit crosses the equatorial plane going from south to north, and a
descending node is the point where the orbit crosses the equatorial plane going from north
to south. The line joining the ascending and descending nodes through the center of earth
is calIed the line of nodes.
Characteristic system
Westar Intelsat V SBS satcom ANIK-D
It is interesting to note that 100% of the earth's surface can be covered with a single
satellite in a polar orbit. The satellite is rotating around the earth in a longitudinal orbit while
the earth is rotating on a latitudinal axis. Consequently, the satellite's radiation pattern is a
diagonal spiral around the earth which somewhat resembles a barber pole. As a result,
every location on earth lies within the radiation pattern of the satellite twice each day.
1. The satellite remains almost stationary in respect to a given earth station. Conse-
quently, expensive tracking equipment is not required at the earth stations.
2. There is no need to switch from one satellite to another as they orbit overhead.
Consequently, there are no breaks in transmission because of the switching times.
; -----
- ----------
I /
I /
I /
I /
I /
I /
I /
~ I / /
Figure 7-2 Satellite orbits: (a) low altitude (circular orbit, 100-300 mi);
(b) medium altitude (elliptical orbit, 6000 to 12,000 mi); (c) high altitude
(geosynchronous orbit, 19,000 to 25,000 mi).
3. High-altitude geosynchronous satellites can cover a much larger area of the earth
than their low-altitude orbital counterparts.
4. The effects of Doppler shift are negligible.
node Figure 7-3 Satellite orbits.
Summary 271
To orient an earth station antenna toward a satellite, it is necessary to know the elevation
angle and azimuth (Figure 7-4). These are called the look angles.
Angle of Elevation
The angle of elevation is the angle fonned between the direction of travel of a wave radi-
ated from an earth station antenna and the horizontal, or the angle subtended at the earth
station antenna between the satellite and the horizontal. The smaller the angle of elevation,
the greater the distance a propagated wave must pass through Earth's atmosphere. As with
any wave propalated through Earth's atmosphere, it suffers absorption and may also be
severely contaminated by noise. Consequently, if the angle of elevation is too small and
the distance the wave is within Earth's atmosphere is too long, the wave may deteriorate to
a degree that it provides inadequate transmission. Generally, 5° is considered as the mini-
mum acceptable angle of elevation. Figure 7-5 shows how the angle of elevation affects
the signal strength of a propagated wave due to nonnal atmospheric absorption, absorption
due to thick fog, and absorption due to a heavy rain. It can be seen that the l4/l2-GHz
95.50 longitude
referred to
-~ 1800 Satellite Antenna
North angle
Elevation ~t Eart h
I Horizontala.t
antenna location
2.5 25
~ 2.0 ~ 20 (D-
t; (D t;
.9. :s! .9. :s!
Q) % en
en ..."..
~ 30 ~ .9. .9.
Q, ~.'0 1.5 :u 15 :u
m ~ ~
/.y I'~.
I ::\ \
(/) 90 'C>.,
i>.' <111)
t~/C,f~ 0.5 en 01)
10 109 '0 by 05
50 ':f thick F.
0 0
O' 5. 10. 20. 30. 40. 50.
Elevation angle
(a) (b)
Figure 7-5 Attenuation due to atmospheric absorption: (a) 6/4-GHz band; (b) 14/12-GHz band.
band (Figure 7-5b) is more severely affected than the 6/4-GHz band (Figure 7-5a). This is
due to the smaller wavelengths associated with the higher frequencies. Also, at elevation
angles less than 5°, the attenuation increases rapidly.
An earth station is located at Houston, Texas, which has a longitude of 95.5°W and a latitude
of 29.5°N. The satellite of interest is RCA's Satcom I, which has a longitude of 135°W.
Determine the azimuth and elevation angle for the earth station antenna.
Solution First determine the difference between the longitude of the earth station and the
!:lL = 135°- 95.5° = 39.5°
Locate the intersection of!:lL and the latitude of the earth station on Figure 7-6. From the figure
the angle of elevation is approximately 35°, and the azimuth is approximately 59° west of south.
Satellite (OW)
Satcom I 135
Satcom V 143
ANIK I 104
Westar I 99
Westar II 123.5
Westar III 91
Westar IV 98.5
Westar V 119.5
RCA 126
Mexico 116.5
Galaxy 74
Telstar 96
"0° Latitude.
35 '"
~ 40f- 45 Co
'" ~
~'" 45L- 40 ~
I a
'" 50 35 ~
c:: c::
'" 55 30 .~
> en
60 25 "€
=1i 20
70 / 15
80 t::i ::
~ 5
851'J\ 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
IlL (degrees)
Figure 7-6 Azimuth and elevation angle for earth stations located in the northern
hemisphere (referred to 180°).
There are two primary classifications for communications satellites: spinners and three-
axis stabilizer satellites. Spinner satellites use the angular momentum of its spinning body
to provide roll and yaw stabilization. With a three-axis stabilizer, the body remains fixed
relative to Earth's surface while an internal subsystem provides roll and yaw stabilization.
Figure 7-7 shows the two main classifications of communications satellites.
Geosynchronous satellites must share a limited space and frequency spectrum
within a given arc of a geostationary orbit. Each communications satellite is assigned a
longitude in the geostationary arc approximately 22,300 miles above the equator. The
position in the slot depends on the communications frequency band used. Satellites operat-
ing at or near the same frequency must be sufficiently separated in space to avoid interfer-
ing with each other (Figure 7-8). There is a realistic limit to the number of satellite
structures that can be stationed (parked) within a given area in space. The required spatial
separation is dependent on the following variables: .
1. Beamwidths and sidelobe radiation of both the earth station and satellite antennas
2. RF carrier frequency
3. Encoding or modulation technique used
(a) (b)
Satellite A .
II ,
I ~/
« I 0'/
;,;;;', i
0' lif,
.~I OJ,
::;:, 0
S I ""i
/JlI if/ 3-6"
.s I qf:jj/ c: I 19,000-25,000 miles
fIj I / .g
c::,' '"
1!!I / :0
, , 0-
c::I, en
" -'"
,, ,, 0-
1/ I
m I I
m I I
mm I I I
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 GHz
Intelsat ANIK ANIK Ka-band
I t I t I +I
m I I
I t I
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 GHz
when designing a satellite network to avoid interference from or interference with estab-
lished microwave links.
Certain positions in the geosynchronous orbit are in higher demand than the others.
For example, the mid-Atlantic position which is used to interconnect North America and
Europe is in exceptionally high demand. The mid-Pacific position is another.
The frequencies allocated by WARC (World Administrative Radio Conference) are
summarized in Figure 7-9. Table 7-3 shows the bandwidths available for various services
in the United States. These services include fixed-point (between earth stations located at
Frequency band
Down- Bandwidth
Band Up-link link (MHz)
The area of the earth covered by a satellite depends on the location of the satellite in its
geosynchronous orbit, its carrier frequency, and the gain of its antennas. Satellite engi-
neers select the antenna and carrier frequency for a particular spacecraft to concentrate the
limited transmitted power on a specific area of Earth's surface. The geographical represen-
tation of a sat¥llite antenna's radiation pattern is called afootprint (Figure 7-10). The con-
tour lines represent limits of equal receive power density.
The radiation pattern from a satellite antenna may be categorized as either spot,
zonal, or earth (Figure 7-11). The radiation patterns of earth coverage antennas have a
beamwidth of approximately 17° and include coverage of approximately one-third of the
earth's surface. Zonal coverage includes an area less than one-third of the earth's surface.
Spot beams concentrate the radiated power in a very small geographic area.
When an allocated frequency band is filled, additional capacity can be achieved by reuse
of the frequency spectrum. By increasing the size of an antenna (i.e., increasing the
antenna gain) the beamwidth of the antenna is also reduced. Thus different beams of the
same frequency can be directed to different geographical areas of the earth. This is called
frequency reuse. Another method of frequency reuse is to use dual polarization. Different
information signals can be transmitted to different earth station receivers using the same
band of frequencies simply by orienting their electromagnetic polarizations in an orthogo-
nal manner (90° out of phase). Dual polarization is less effective because Earth's atmos-
phere has a tendency to reorient or repolarize an electromagnetic wave as it passes
through. Reuse is simply another way to increase the capacity of a limited bandwidth.
Uplink Model
The primary component within the uplink section of a satellite system is the earth station
transmitter. A typical earth station transmitter consists of an IF modulator, an IF-to-RF
microwave up-converter, a high-power amplifier (HPA), and some means of bandlimiting
the final output spectrum (i.e., an output bandpass filter). Figure 7-12 shows the block dia-
gram of a satellite earth station transmitter. The IF modulator converts the input baseband
signals to either an FM, a PSK, or a QAM modulated intermediate frequency. The up-
converter (mixer and bandpass filter) converts the IF to an appropriate RF carrier frequency.
The HPA provides adequate input sensitivity and output power to propagate the signal to
the satellite transponder. HPAs commonly used are klystons and traveling-wave tubes.
RF :
1 1
1 1
~ : MW Generator :
I 1
I 1
1 1
are IF and baseband repeaters similar to those used in microwave repeaters. In Figure
\ 7-13, the input BPF limits the total noise applied to the input of the LNA. (A common
device used as an LNA is a tunnel diode.) The output of the LNA is fed to a frequency
translator (a shift oscillator and a BPF) which converts the high-band uplink frequency to
the low-band downlink frequency. The low-level power amplifier, which is commonly a
traveling-wave tube, amplifies the RF signal for transmission through the downlink to
Earth station receivers. Each RF satellite channel requires a separate transponder.
Downlink Model
An earth station receiver includes an input BPF, an LNA, and an RF-to-IF down-converter.
Figure 7-14 shows a block diagram of a typical earth station receiver. Again, the BPF lim-
its the input noise power to the LNA. The LNA is a highly sensitive, low-noise device
such as a tunnel diode amplifier or a parametric amplifier. The RF-to-IF down-converter
is a mixerlbandpass filter combination which converts the received RF signal to an IF
Frequency translator
' '
- ~
1 1
1 1
RF 1
I MW shift I
: oscillator :
2 GHz :
1 '
To earth station
From earth station 4 or 12 GHz
6 or 14 GHz
' '
C ~ Mixer
or OAM)
Baseband out
1 1
I 1
1 1
1 ,
~ 1
: MW generator :
4 or 12 GHz :
1 1
I 1
I 1
' J
lites. This is done using satellite cross-links or intersatellite links (lSLs), shown in Figure
7-15. A disadvantage of using an 1SL is that both the transmitter and receiver are space-
bound. Consequently, both the transmitter's output power and the receiver's input sensi-
tivity are limited.
~ Upldo~""k
Upld~"';"k r
High-power amplifiers used in earth station transmitters and the traveling-wave tubes
typically used in satellite transponders are nonlinear devices; their gain (output power-
versus-input power) is dependent on input signal level. A typical input/output power
~ H'.j:;liil!!:~~i!I! Ji:mm. . !..":~.;~,
characteristic curve is shown in Figure 7-16. It can be seen that as the input power is
reduced by 5 dB, the output power is reduced by only 2 dB. There is an obvious power
compression. To reduce the amount of intermodulation distortion caused by the nonlinear
amplificationof the HPA, the input power must be reduced (backed off) by several dB. This
allows the HPA to operate in a more linear region. The amount the output level is backed
off from rated levels is equivalent to a loss and is appropriately called back-off loss (Lbo)'
To operate as efficiently as possible, a power amplifier should be operated as close
. as possible to saturation. The saturated output power is designated Po (sat) or simply Pt.
The output power of a typical satellite earth station transmitter is much higher than the
output power from a terrestrial microwave power amplifier. Consequently, when dealing
with satellite systems, Pt is generally expressed in dBW (decibels in respect to 1 W) rather
than in dBm (q,ecibelsin respect to 1 mW).
Most modem satellite systems use either phase shift keying (PSK) or quadrature
amplitude modulation (QAM) rather than conventional frequency modulation (FM). With
PSK and QAM, the input baseband is generally a PCM-encoded, time-division-multiplexed
signal which is digital in nature. Also, with PSK and QAM, several bits may be encoded
in a single transmit signaling element. Consequently, a parameter more meaningful than
carrier power is energy per bit (Eb). Mathematically, Eb is
Eb = PtTb (7-la)
where Eb = energy of a single bit Goulesper bit)
Pt = totalcarrierpower(watts)
Tb = time of a single bit (seconds)
Eb-- Pt (7-lb)
For a total transmit power (P,) of 1000 W, determine the energy per bit (Eb) for a transmission
rate of 50 Mbps.
- -2
~ -3
g -4
:J -5
~ -6
:;; -7
~ -8
~:J -9
~:J -10
0 -11
T ---
- 0 0 Xl
b - fb - 50 X 106bps - .2 0 s
(It appears that the units for Tb should be s/bit but the per bit is implied in the definition of Tin
time of bit.)
Substituting into Equation 7-la yields
1000 J/s = 20 fLJ
Eb = 50 X 106 bps
Expressed as a log,
Effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) is defined as an equivalent transmit power and
is expressed mathematically as
where EIRP = effective isotropic radiated power (watts)
Pr = totalpowerradiatedfroman antenna(watts)
At = transmit antenna gain (unitless ratio)
Expressed as a log,
EIRP (dBW) = Pr (dBW) + At (dB)
In respect to the transmitter output,
Pr = Pt - 40 - Lbf
NF=I+ Te
where Te = equivalent noise temperature (degree Kelvin)
NF = noise figure expressed as an absolute value
T = temperature of the environment (degree Kelvin)
Conver1Jnoise figures of 4 and 4.01 to equivalent noise temperatures. Use 300 K for the envi-
ronmental temperature.
Te = T(NF - 1)
ForNF = 4:
Te = 300(4 - 1) = 900 K
For NF = 4.01:
Te = 300(4.01 - 1) = 903 K
It can be seen that the 3° difference in the equivalent temperatures is 300 times as large as the
difference between the two noise figures. Consequently, equivalent noise temperature is a
more accurate way of comparing the noise performances of two receivers or devices.
Noise Density
Simply stated, noise density (No) is the total noise power normalized to a I-Hz bandwidth,
or the noise power present in a I-Hz bandwidth. Mathematically, noise density is
Expressed as a log,
No (dBW/Hz) = 10 log N - 10 log B (7-3b)
= 10 log K + 10 log Te (7-3c)
For an equivalent noise bandwidth of 10 MHz and a total noise power of 0.0276 pW, deter-
mine the noise density and equivalent noise temperature.
Rearran~g Equation 7-3a and solving for equivalent noise temperature yields
T = No
e K
C/No is the average wideband carrier power-to-noise density ratio. The wideband carrier
power is the combined power of the carrier and its associated sidebands. The noise is the
thermal noise present in a normalized I-Hz bandwidth. The carrier-to-noise density ratio
may also be written as a function of noise temperature. Mathematically, C/Nois
-C -C (7-4a)
No KTe
Expressed as a log,
ErlNo is one of the most important and most often used parameters when evaluating a dig-
ital radio system. The ErlNo ratio is a convenient way to compare digital systems that use
different transmission rates, modulation schemes, or encoding techniques. Mathemati-
cally, ErlNo is
Eb = C/fb = CB (7-5)
No NIB Ntb
ErlNo is a convenient term used for digital system calculations and performance
comparisons, but in the real world, it is more convenient to measure the wideband carrier
power-to-noise density ratio and convert it to ErlNo. Rearranging Equation 7-5 yields the
following expression: