Parent Information Handout

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St Benedicts Primary School



Over the course of the 5 weeks students will be immersed within the Religious Education unit of Confirmation. Students
will engage in meaningful and integrated learning experiences which activate their prior knowledge and develop new
understandings and wonder about God’s creation of people with a body and a soul, who can be guided by the Holy Spirit
to do good in their life. Students will understand that the gifts of the Holy Spirit they received in Baptism are
strengthened through in the Sacrament of Confirmation to guide them to act, speak and think as Jesus taught and give
strength to them in times of hardship.

Key areas to be covered in this unit: Your child will:

- Explore that God made people with a body and a soul, and that our soul helps us to be loving and
- Learn that the soul is not a physical part of the body but will last forever even after physical death.
- Understand that before Jesus rose to heaven, He promised to send the Holy Spirit to His followers
to live as he taught and to spread his message to others
- Receive and take part in the Sacrament of Confirmation, whereby the gifts received at Baptism are
strengthened by the Holy Spirit, which helps people live as Jesus taught.
- Research the Saint who they have chosen to take the name for their Sacrament of Confirmation

How you can help your child at home:

Confirmation  Talk to your child about what he or she
Ceremony Date: is learning about the Sacrament.
 Attend Mass regularly with your child
30th September ,
 Build Parish Community connections
 Help your child choose a sponsor and a
Confirmation name
 Practice the responses using Olive Oil
 Discuss with your child the fruit of the
Holy Spirit. E.g. love, joy, peace, Contact me through email
kindness etc.
 Read with your child the ‘Coming of the
or come and see me
Holy Spirit’ (Acts 2:1-8) before or after school.

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