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Update of ASCE Standard 4 "Seismic Analysis of Safety-Related Nuclear Structures and Commentary"

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20th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 20)

Espoo, Finland, August 9-14, 2009

SMiRT 20-Division V, Paper 1947

Update of ASCE Standard 4 “Seismic Analysis of Safety-Related Nuclear

Structures and Commentary”

Short, Stevea, Orhan Gürbüzb, and Mike Salmonc, Farhang Ostadand

Simpson, Gumpertz and Heger, Newport Beach, California, USA, e-mail: sashort@sgh.com
Bechtel Corp., Huntington Beach, CA, USA, e-mail: ogurbuz@bechtel.com
LANS, LLC., Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA, e-mail: salmon@lanl.gov
Bechtel Corp., San Francisco, CA USA, e-mail: ostadan@bechtel.com

Keywords: Analysis, Modelling, Probabilistic, Response, Seismic, Soil-Structure Interaction.


The American Society of Civil Engineers Standard 4 (ASCE 4) has been the main guidance document for the
seismic analysis of the nuclear safety-related facilities and other critical or important facilities in USA for
more than two decades. The Standard was last revised in 1998. This standard was developed mainly for the
U.S. Department of Energy non-reactor nuclear facilities. A working group of the ASCE Dynamic Analysis
of Nuclear Structures (DANS) Standards Committee undertook a task in 2005 to update the standard to
implement recent developments in seismic analysis of these facilities. Recently, a resurgence of the nuclear
power industry has made it even more important to have up-to-date seismic analysis provisions.

ASCE 4 is a companion document to ASCE Standard 43 (ASCE/SEI 43), “Seismic Design Criteria for
Structures, Systems and Components in Nuclear Facilities.” ASCE Standard 43 has been used as a reference
document by several utilities in submittal of combined license applications (COLAs) for New Reactors.
The working group responsible for this revision is part of the ASCE DANS committee. Its members are
drawn from the industry, academia and governmental organizations, thus encompassing the potential users of
the standard in different groups. It is expected that the revised document will be available in 2009.
The revised standard will reflect the state-of-the-art approaches for determining seismic demands on
nuclear safety-related structures, systems and components. This document is expected to become the
definitive source for seismic analysis in the nuclear industry and resolve many outstanding controversial


Major ASCE 4 updates are summarized in this paper. The standard is now composed of seven
Chapters, appendices, and related commentary. The entire standard has undergone a major editorial change
in order to implement the new developments in seismic analysis and design, make it more user-friendly;
commentaries are provided right after the provisions for each section or subsection for the convenience of
the user.
This standard is applicable to the analysis of safety-related structures, systems and components (SSCs)
of nuclear facilities. The SSCs addressed include above and below ground structures, above ground or
elevated tanks, buried piping, all distribution systems and base-isolation. Provisions of this standard may
also be applied to other structures and components at the discretion of the analyst.


Chapter 1 was expanded to highlight the “target performance goal” approach and support performance-
based seismic design. Performance based seismic design criteria have been implemented for Department of
Energy Facilities for many years. Only recently, has the nuclear power industry employed such criteria.
Note that these provisions provide many levels of criteria in a graded approach that can be implemented

based on the hazards and importance of the facilities. As a result, these criteria are especially valuable for
nuclear facilities such as fuel processing facilities where potential hazards are significant but much less than
those associated with nuclear power plants. Such criteria have not existed in the past and these other nuclear
facilities have not been designed in a consistent manner.
ASCE 4 is intended to be consistent with ASCE/SEI 43, Seismic Design Criteria for Structures,
Systems, and Components in Nuclear Facilities. ASCE/SEI 43 is aimed at achieving specified target
performance goal annual frequencies. The target performance goals are expressed as annual frequency of
exceeding unacceptable behaviour for structures, systems, and components being designed. For the
definition of “unacceptable behaviour” a graded approach of ASCE/SEI 43 is followed: from elastic
behaviour, Limit State D, to non-collapse, Limit State A. To achieve these target performance goals,
ASCE/SEI 43 specifies that the seismic demand and structural capacity evaluations have sufficient
conservatism to achieve both of the following:
• Less than about a 1% probability of unacceptable performance for the Design Basis Earthquake
Ground Motion, and:
• Less than about a 10% probability of unacceptable performance for a ground motion equal to 150%
of the Design Basis Earthquake Ground Motion.
Commentary to ASCE/SEI 43 shows that the above performance goals will be met if the demand and
capacity calculations are carried out to achieve the following:
• Demand is determined at about 80% chance of not being exceeded for the specified input response
• Design capacity is calculated at about 98% exceedance probability.
The ASCE 4 provisions for determining seismic demand include sufficient conservatism that, when
combined with the seismic design provisions in ASCE/SEI 43, the probabilistic target performance goals are
achieved. Hence, when probabilistic seismic analyses are performed, the demand used for seismic design
should be selected at the 80% non-exceedance level. For deterministic seismic analyses, the conservatism is
contained in the following areas:
• The spectra of time-histories used in analysis envelop the design response spectra, thus introducing
some level of conservatism
• For soil-structure interaction, three cases are analyzed using a range of dynamic soil properties and
the results of the three cases are enveloped.
• For in-structure response spectra, the peaks are broadened.
• In modeling, small structural members and non-structural elements are ignored, thus maximizing
the calculated responses in the modeled elements.
• For structural damping, generally conservative values are specified.
• Demand is generally determined using conservative approaches such response spectrum or
equivalent static methods.
It is the judgment of ASCE Dynamics Committee Working Group that following the analysis criteria
given in this standard will result in a demand that has at least 80% chance of not being exceeded. Thus, it is
concluded that the use ASCE/SEI 4 and 43, together, will achieve the performance goals set in ASCE/SEI
43. At this time, many probabilistic seismic analyses have or are being performed. Once the results of these
analyses become widely available, they can be used as a measure to assess whether the ASCE 4 deterministic
seismic provisions are achieving sufficient conservatism. Thus, it is possible that the ASCE 4 seismic
provisions for analyses may have to be modified in the future such that they are sufficiently conservative.


Chapter 2 brings in the latest developments in seismic ground motions and the various input ground
motion definitions which have come to use in recent years. Guidelines for utilizing the output from a
probabilistic seismic hazard analysis to establish the input to a seismic soil-structure interaction analysis are

Seismic input ground motions shall be specified in terms of smoothed Performance-Goal Based Design
Spectra (DRS) derived from mean uniform hazard response spectra (UHRS) in accordance with Section 2.2
of ASCE/SEI 43-05. These spectra shall be defined for motions in the horizontal and vertical directions. A
single set or an ensemble of acceleration time histories matching or enveloping the design response spectra
may be used in seismic response analyses.
The design response spectra shall be specified as free-field outcrop motions. For sites where thin,
relatively soft layers overlay stiffer competent materials, the spectra and corresponding motions may be
specified as outcrop motions at the elevation of the top of competent material.
The outcrop motions at any depth may be defined as either free-surface motions (computed as a
geologic outcrop with no soil layers above) or as an outcrop motion including the effect of down-coming
waves from layers above the outcrop depth (full column outcrop). In either case, the outcrop motion must be
fully probabilistic and consistent with both the best-estimate and variability of the properties of the full soil
column. The transfer of the outcrop motions from one level to another must consider effects from the full soil
column down to the depth of the uniform halfspace. Transfer of the outcrop motions from one level to
another shall be performed in accordance with the criteria specified in Section 2.3 of ASCE/SEI 43-05.
Foundation Input Response Spectra (FIRS) shall be used to develop the input motion for SSI analyses of
structures. These FIRS shall be site-specific ground response spectra characterized by horizontal and vertical
spectra computed at the foundation level of the structure as free-field outcrop motion using performance-
based procedures in accordance with ASCE 43-05. The soil/rock column used for computation of FIRS shall
be consistent with the free-field SSI model of the structure, as well as being consistent with the best estimate
and variability of the strain dependent soil properties associated with the DRS.


Chapter 4 of the updated ASCE 4 provides a significant expansion on the subject of modal response
combination. Modal response shall be combined in a manner that accounts for the relative phasing between
modes. Low-frequency modes are out of phase with each other (periodic), high frequency modes are in phase
with each other (rigid), and modes in between are in transition phasing as shown in Figure 1. The standard
provides methods for modal combination methods in each region to obtain accurate total responses.
Combination of out-of-phase (Periodic or Low Frequency) modal responses for the Ith component of
motion is calculated using the following double sum equation:

R I = ± ! ! " ij R Ii R Ij
i j
RI = the response for the Ith component of motion
RIi , RIj = the signed modal response of interest in the i th ( jth ) mode
εij = modal correlation coefficients

If the frequencies of all modes are sufficiently separated, it is acceptable to combine out-of-phase modal
responses using the SRSS method. In this approach, εij is equal to 1.0 when i is equal to j and equal to 0.0
when i is not equal to j. If there are closely spaced modes (i.e., not sufficiently separated as discussed above),
it is permissible to use either of the following two approaches for modal combination for which equations for
εij are given in the standard:

• Modified Rosenblueth’s Correlation Coefficient

• Der Kiureghian’s Correlation Coefficient (Complete Quadratic Combination or CQC)

Figure 1. Modal Phasing and the Ground Response Spectrum

Combination of Rigid (In-Phase or High-Frequency) Modal Responses in the high-frequency region

(greater than rigid frequency, fr, as shown in Figure 1), is by algebraic sum:
RIr = ! RIri
i =1 (2)

RIr = the combined response of the Ith component of motion

RIri = the response of the Ith component of motion for mode i
fr = the rigid frequency

The rigid frequency can be identified as the frequency at which response spectra curves for different
damping ratios converge. Note that fr can be less than f zpa, the ZPA frequency.

In the transition region between frequencies f1 and fr, the modal responses consist of both periodic and
rigid components. For these, it is permissible to use either of the following two approaches for modal

• Gupta Method (called General Modal Combination or GMC in some computer codes)
• Lindley-Yow Method

Both of these methods are implemented through the use of a rigid response coefficient, αi, that is
defined in the standard for each method. Note that the frequency at the beginning of rigid response, f2 (fr in
Figure 1) has been modified from that published in many references. Also note that in the previous standard,
the rigid frequency was not different from the ZPA frequency as it is in the current standard. As a reasonable
approximation, the previous edition of the standard permitted a jump in the value of αi from 0 to 1 at a
frequency of 1/2 fr. This approximation is no longer permitted in the current standard. Recent work at
Brookhaven National Laboratory indicated that periodic response is very strong close to the rigid frequency
(Morante et. al. 1999).


The little guidance given in ASCE 4-98 on the equivalent static method of analysis for seismic loads has
been expanded into comprehensive provisions. In addition, a new subsection entitled “Multi-Step Analysis
Methods” has been added to capture the state-of-the-art analysis procedures currently practiced for the
analysis of large facilities.

In the static equivalent method, the base shear for analysis of a structure or a component is defined in
terms of spectral acceleration and dynamic amplification. The latter parameter was applied in the past to all
situations as a constant multiplier of 1.5; the new provisions make distinctions for the cases depending on the
point of application of the load and number of supports. Thus, unnecessary conservatism has been
eliminated to a large extent.
In the multi-step approach, a dynamic analysis of the structure is first carried out to determine the
response parameters of importance. This step is necessary especially for the complex facilities where
dynamic analysis of a detailed model may not be feasible. Thus, a relatively simplified model can be used in
the dynamic analysis, with sufficient detail to capture the seismic parameters of interest, such as
accelerations, displacements and base shear. These parameters are then applied statically as input, to a more
detailed model of the structure or component to determine the maximum response parameters for design.
The second step analysis may also be a dynamic analysis for a segment of the structure or a component,
using the dynamic responses obtained at the attachment points to the overall structure. Guidance is provided
to achieve an acceptable and accurate response calculation that will capture the important response
parameters for design.
Limitations for both the static equivalent and the multi-step methods are defined to help the analyst
make the right decisions regarding seismic analysis. Although many of these provisions are new, they are
derived from the current practice, including some regulatory review experience, to assure that the resulting
design meets the target performance goals.


A significant change to ASCE 4 is the explicit consideration of seismic wave incoherence combined
with soil-structure interaction seismic analyses (Short et. al. 2006 and Ostadan et. al. 2005b). The
assumption of vertically propagating plane shear and compressional waves when performing SSI analysis is
generally conservative in terms of predicting in-structure responses. However, seismic wave incoherency
effects may be considered. The incoherency effects reduce the foundation translational motions and increase
the rotational motions. The differences are larger at high frequencies and with larger foundation dimensions.
Coherency models that represent spatial variation effects as a function of frequency and separation distance
and SSI formulations that implement such coherency models require adequate justification. The coherency
function for hard rock sites that has been approved for use in design/evaluation of nuclear power plants by
the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is provided in the Commentary (Abrahamson, 2007).
The evaluation of seismic wave incoherence in SSI analyses pointed out that SSI effects may be very
significant even at relatively stiff site conditions. For stiff site conditions characterized by shear wave
velocities less than 8,000 ft/sec, but greater than 3,500 ft/sec, subjected to free-field seismic input motion
characterized by high frequency amplification, i.e., greater than 10 Hz, a fixed-base analysis may be very
conservative in the high frequency range, but unconservative in the low frequency range as shown in Figure
2 (Johnson et. al 2007). The structure whose response is shown in Figure 2 is a simplified model of a nuclear
island, supported on rock with varying shear wave velocity from about 3,000 ft/sec near the surface
increasing to over 6,000 ft/sec at depth, and subjected to a high frequency free-field input motion with
significant peaks at about 25 Hz. The figure shows that SSI effects are significant - reducing the response in
the high frequency range.

The assumption of a fixed-base condition needs to be carefully evaluated when considering high
frequency input motions to typical nuclear power plant structures. SSI produces rotations of the foundation
that are not possible in the fixed base condition.


Fixed Base
Soft Rock Site, Coherent Motion
6 Soft Rock Site, Incoherent Motion
Spectral Acceleration (g)

0.1 1 10 100
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 2. Top of Shield Building Response, Horizontal Direction – Fixed-Base, SSI for Coherent Input
Motion, SSI for Incoherent Input Motion

Additional provisions for SSI in the update of ASCE 4 include:

• The direct method and the sub-structuring methods including widely used computer programs SASSI
and CLASSI are described and use of hybrid method for special application are discussed.

• Use of random vibration theory and probabilistic SSI analysis is encouraged.

• Use of strain-compatible soil properties generated from probabilistic site response analysis (for
development of the design motion) for application to SSI analysis is described and the minimum
variation of soil properties for SSI analysis are specified.

• Development of input motion for SSI analysis consistent with its development and its application to
the SSI model is described. The new standard specifically asks for the control point to be specified
at the foundation level of the structure in the free-field.

• For SSI analysis, the same soil material damping may be used for horizontal and vertical excitations
for soil layers above the ground water table. For submerged soil layers a reduction in P-wave
damping is recommended.

• Poisson's ratio, ν, is defined from measurements of low strain S- and P-wave velocities measured in
situ in accordance with the theory of elasticity for isotropic behaviour. Poisson’s ratios developed
from the geotechnical characterization of dynamic soil properties shall be maintained for seismic
SSI analysis, except for saturated soil layers for which the compressional wave velocity of saturated
soil shall be maintained as a minimum.


ASCE 4-98 provided two approaches for determination of the dynamic pressures behind walls below
soil. The first method is called the “Wood’s Method” and is considered applicable to walls where significant
lateral movement is prohibited by the geometry of the structure. The second method, “Mononobe-Okabe,” is
considered applicable to retaining walls where significant lateral displacement may occur. Both of these
methods are retained in the new revision.
It is known that the Wood’s Method is conservative. An alternative approach, “Ostadan’s Method,” has
been added to more accurately determine the dynamic incremental pressures behind the walls of structures
with large footprints (Ostadan 2005a and Ostadan et. al. 1998). In this approach, a soil column analysis is
performed to obtain the response motion at the depth corresponding to the base of the wall in the free-field.
Using the soil mass and the free-field accelerations, the maximum soil pressure is obtained. Vertical
distribution of the dynamic pressure is then calculated using a polynomial which was developed after a
comprehensive study.
Alternatively, dynamic soil pressure may be computed directly from soil-structure interaction analysis
using a computer code such as SASSI. In this approach, soil elements are placed strategically behind the
walls and the stresses in these elements are monitored. The maximum soil pressures are then the normal
stresses computed for these elements.
Thus, the analyst is provided with a number of approaches that could determine the dynamic
incremental pressures with varying degree of accuracy and conservatism.


ASCE 4-98 did not address the sliding and rocking of unanchored rigid bodies. For this reason, sliding
and rocking topic was added to ASCE 43-05 in its initial issue. This addition to ASCE 43-05 was considered
as temporary; both sliding and rocking are analytical topics that rightfully belong in the revised ASCE 4.
Thus, the sliding and rocking subject is now added to ASCE 4-09 and it will be removed from ASCE 43
during its next revision.
The new section in ASCE 4 updates and expands the methodology included in ASCE 43. The standard
allows a static, conservatively biased evaluation for both sliding and rocking and requires 10% higher
resistance than the demand. If this criterion is met, it is concluded that sliding will not take place and that the
rigid body will not tip over about its edge. Then, no further calculation is necessary.
If the static stability cannot be demonstrated, then both sliding distance and rocking angle must be
calculated, using either approximate methods or time-history analyses. If approximate methods are used, the
resulting displacement and rocking should be increased by a factor of 1.5 and the component or structure
should be designed for the increased displacement or rocking. The standard provides approximate methods
of sliding and rocking calculations. Special provisions are provided for rocking of cylindrical components;
for these cases only 10% of the instability angle is considered as allowable. Tests have shown that
cylindrical components tend to roll around its edge if the angle of uplift becomes appreciable. Hence, a large
factor of safety is applied. For non-circular footprint, 75% of the instability angle is considered allowable.
Thus, in high seismic zones, it would be prudent to provide a square footprint for the cylindrical components.
If nonlinear analysis is preferred, the standard requires use of 5 time-history analyses, calculation of the
mean values and assuring that the design can accommodate 150% of the calculated sliding distance and
rocking angles. Alternatively, 16 time-history analysis can be performed and the 80% non-exceedance level
of displacement and rocking angle are established for design.
For buildings, special provisions are provided. Static stability can be calculated using one of the
following equations:
VR=C+N*µ ≥ 1.1VBS, or, (3a)
VR =N*µ+Pu ≥ 1.1 VBS (3b)
where VR is the sliding resistance, C is the effective cohesion force, N is the normal force, µ is the coefficient
of friction, Pu is the at rest resistance (passive resistance can be permitted if all the implications are
addressed) and VBS is the base shear.

In rocking evaluation of the buildings, only compression is assumed to exist between the structure and
the soil. The structure is assumed to rotate about an axis through the point of zero compression. The
maximum uplift of the building is then calculated using simple geometry. The designer must assure that the
resulting displacements will not adversely affect any building umbilicals.


The section on raceways in ASCE 4-98 has been expanded to include all distribution systems, including
piping, raceways, tubing, ductwork, and their supports. Seismic analysis and design of distribution systems
may require operability (Limit State D), leak-tightness (Limit State C or B), or structural integrity (Limit
State B or A). The Limit States are defined in ASCE 43-05. The analytical procedures included in the
standard can be used with any Limit State, together with the acceptance criteria that can be found in the
applicable code or standard.
Both elevated temperature (i.e., differential temperatures greater than 1000F during operation cycles)
and cold piping are addressed. For high temperature piping either static equivalent or dynamic (both
response spectrum and time history) analyses are permitted. Piping supports can be excluded from the
analytical models so long as the dominant frequencies of the piping system are less than the frequency at
peak spectral acceleration.
For cold piping, in addition to the analytical approach, “Design by Rule” or “Load Coefficient Method”
approaches are in use. These more simplified approaches are included in a non-mandatory appendix because
of some regulatory questions regarding their use in nuclear applications.
For both piping, the standard provides guidance on support spacing and fundamental frequencies as a
function of support spacing.
Similar to piping, seismic analysis of the ductwork can be carried out using static or dynamic
approaches. The standard provides guidance on elastic stability and provisions for stiffeners so as to
preclude buckling failure of the system.
Raceway systems may also be analyzed using static or dynamic methods. However, determination of
the dynamic properties of the raceway systems is rather difficult; available experimental data should be used
both in modelling these systems and interpreting the analyses results.
The standard addresses both unbraced and braced systems. Guidance is provided in determining the
spacing of transverse and longitudinal support spacing. Guidance is also provided on the modelling of
raceway systems for seismic analysis and in determining the stiffness properties of the members.
The Non-Mandatory Appendix B describes the Load Coefficient and Design by Rule methods for the
design of cold piping. The Load Coefficient method uses reduced allowable stresses in conjunction with
single span analysis to determine the support spacing. Then the same spacing may be used for similar
piping. In the Design by Rule method, piping is divided into several groups with specific support spacing.
The maximum spectral accelerations are specified for each group. The system is installed using the support
spacing criteria and no additional analysis is required. This system may be used for 6” or smaller diameter
piping. When this method is used, it would be prudent to perform a seismic walkdown of the facility to
ensure no unacceptable seismic interaction can take place. Example problems are included in this appendix
to help the user.


The standard addresses specific requirements and techniques for dynamic response evaluation of seismic
isolated structures. The focus of this section is on structures isolated at their base, although seismic-isolated
subsystems, portions of a structure, may also be modelled and analyzed using similar techniques.
Some of the main requirements of the standard are:
• Nonlinear Analysis: Seismic-isolated structures shall be analyzed using nonlinear time-history
analysis methods where the isolation system is modelled with its non-linear properties and all other
structural elements maybe modelled with their elastic properties if it is anticipated that they will
remain elastic during seismic excitation.

• Design Review: An Independent Peer Review of the isolation system design, analysis and related
test programs shall be performed by a team that includes professionals experienced in seismic
analysis methods and the theory and application of seismic isolation.
• Multiple Dynamic Analyses: A minimum of five nonlinear dynamic analyses of isolated-structure
response shall be performed. The response quantity of interest for the isolator support system and
the superstructure shall be based on the envelope of the five nonlinear analyses results.
• In-Structure Response Spectra: ISRS shall be developed as envelop of the responses from the
multiple nonlinear analyses, without additional peak broadening.
• Minimum Separation: Minimum separation between the isolated structures (including the basemat)
and surrounding retaining walls or other fixed obstructions shall not be less than the 1.25 times the
total maximum displacement capacity of the isolator system.
• Access Requirements: Provisions for inspection, replacement and long term testing of the isolation
system shall be provided. A minimum of two isolators shall be loaded under similar compressive
stresses to the installed isolators and located under the isolated base slab. They shall be tested every
five years in accordance with an approved in-service inspection plan
• Qualification Testing: For nuclear applications, it is mandatory to perform qualification testing on
isolator systems to develop average and variances of stiffness and damping properties.
The committee hopes that inclusion of the detailed base isolation provisions in the standard will provide
the impetus for application of the base isolation system to nuclear plants.


ASCE 4-09 will bring about many advances to the seismic analysis process of the safety-related SSCs. The
improvements include:
• The potential for uniform margin of safety in the nuclear facilities by relating the analysis and design
to specific target performance levels,
• Explicit performance goals for both demand and capacity calculations,
• Comprehensive analytical procedures by addressing all seismic analysis issues in sufficient detail,
• Expanding the modelling provisions to help the analyst in defining the mathematical model needed
for a specific analysis goal,
• Definition of acceptable seismic analysis procedures, including static equivalent methods, multi-step
approaches and dynamic analysis,
• Detailed guidance on sliding and rocking analysis of structures and components,
• Acceptable performance criteria for analysis of isolated structures that may lead to wider acceptance
of the nuclear energy option.
The revised ASCE 4 should provide adequate guidance in seismic analysis of various safety-related SSCs,
leading to a more consistent analysis approach, hence more consistent designs, as a function of the intended
use of the facility. It is hoped that the US nuclear authorities will adopt this document in its entirety, thus
supporting the uniformity of safety goals achieved by the use of the document.

Acknowledgements. The authors acknowledge the members of the ASCE Dynamic Analysis of Nuclear
Standards (DANS) working group for all of their hours spent developing, writing, editing, and finalizing the
ASCE-4 standard. The committee members all participate on a voluntary basis. Without all of their hard
work, dedication and discipline in compiling this standard, ASCE-4 would not exist. The group comprises
individuals from many backgrounds including: consulting engineering, research, construction industry,
education, government, design, and private practice. Members of the DANS working group who contributed
to ASCE-4 are:

George Abatt Stuart Jensen Dan Nuta

Bob Bachman James J. Johnson Farhang Ostadan

Goutam Bagchi Robert P. Kennedy Raj Rajagopal
Said Bolourchi Andrew Maham Jim Rossberg
Shawn Carey Sanj Malushte Mark Russell
Carl Costantino Lance Manuel Mike Salmon
Michael Costantino Ronald L. Mayes Subir K. Sen
Isabel Cuesta Gregory E. Mertz Mohamed Shams
Daniel Eggers Gerald Meyers Steve Short
Orhan Gurbuz Donald Moore Robert E. Spears
Asa Hadjian Robert Murray John Stevenson
Quazi Hossain Dennis Niehoff William H. White
Thomas W. Houston Mike Nitzel Andrew Whittaker
Joe Hunt John North Zia Zafir


Abrahamson, N.A. 2007. Hard-Rock Coherency Functions Based on the Pinyon Flat Array Data, (US NRC
ADAMS Accession No. ML071980104), July.
Morante, R., and Y. Wang 1999. "Reevaluation of regulatory guidance on modal response combination
methods for seismic response spectrum analysis." NUREG/CR-6645, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Ostadan, F, N. Deng, N., Kennedy, R., 2005a, Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis Including Ground Motion
Incoherency Effects, Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, SMiRT18th, August.
Ostadan F. and White W, 1998, “Lateral seismic soil pressure – an updated approach,” US-Japan SSI
Workshop, September 22−23, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California.
Ostadan F, 2005b “Seismic soil pressure for building walls – an updated approach,” J. Soil Dynamics and
Earthquake Engineering, Volume 25, pages 785−793.
Johnson, J.J., Short, S.A., and Ostadan, F. 2007. Seismic Site Response Analysis – Workshop on Seismic
Issues, Sponsored by NEI/NRC, Washington, DC, Canada, August 28-29.
Short, S.A, Hardy, G.S., Merz, K.L., and Johnson, J.J. 2006. Program on Technology Innovation: Effect of
Seismic Wave Incoherence on Foundation and Building Response, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo
Alto, CA and the U.S. Department of Energy, Germantown, MD, Report No. TR-1013504, November.


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