Lens History by ZEISS Planar en - CLB - 40 PDF
Lens History by ZEISS Planar en - CLB - 40 PDF
Lens History by ZEISS Planar en - CLB - 40 PDF
H. H. Nasse
Planar is not only a registered trade name Carl-Friedrich Gauss in 1817 long before
for specific ZEISS lenses, but at the same photography was invented, people also
time, it is also a general term used by call Planar lenses double Gauss lenses or
experts for a classic anastigmatic lens simply the Gauss lens. Such original four-
design. This is because Planar lenses element lenses entered the market around
have been used in the lion's share of high 1880. Much later starting in 1933, Carl
quality cameras for decades. A 50mm lens Zeiss offered a wide-angle lens called the
with that layout was sold as a standard Topogon, which closely resembled a pair
lens with SLR cameras for a long time, of Gauss telescope lenses, aside from the
until it was gradually replaced by zoom fact that its lenses had a stronger
lenses. The Planar design has been curvature. It was a standard in aerial
installed in countless variations by a large photography for a long time, and there
number of manufacturers, and new was also a 4/25 version for the Contax
designs are constantly entering the 35mm camera.
However, extremely high-index glass Design of the 5-element Gauss model Planar
materials alone do not solve every 2,8/80 (left) and 3.5/75 for the 6x6 format.
problem. As a matter of fact, they actually
create some drawbacks of its own, as they This 5-element Planar model enjoyed
display high dispersion. This is why the notable success in various camera
development of lanthanum glass in the formats, from the wide angle 3.5/35 for
late 1950s laid an important foundation for the Contax rangefinder camera to the
continued progress. With medium 3.5/135 for the 9x12 large format field
refractive indices, they offer favorable camera. In particular, a number of
dispersion properties and are ideal exceptional pictures were taken with
partners for high-index glass materials. As these optics during the heyday of the
with all other lenses, Planar lenses also twin-lens SLR camera. It is also a
reaped the benefits of the advancements wonderful example demonstrating that
made in glass technology, which, in turn, image quality is not merely produced by
kept an old idea young at heart. the number of lens elements: in fact,
there was also a 7-element Planar model
The Gauss models designed at Carl Zeiss for the 6x6 format, yet it was not better.
Oberkochen never used the Biotar name, In fact, more optical efforts are needed,
but kept the older Planar brand name for as the design conditions for a camera
historical and political reasons. As a result with a swing-up mirror are slightly more
of World War II, the Carl Zeiss company unfavorable than those for a rangefinder
was divided into an eastern part (Jena) or large format view camera that permit
and a western part (Oberkochen). The two shorter back focal lengths, i.e., the
companies manufactured similar products distances of the rear lens element from
and were embroiled in legal conflicts about the image plane.
the use of trademarks that spanned
several years. And since Carl Zeiss Jena The success behind Paul Rudolph's
lodged a claim to use the brand name invention was slow in coming
Biotar, Oberkochen used the name
Planar. Both lens names can be found on Looking back, you could say that the
the twin-lens Rolleiflex cameras made in success of Paul Rudolph's invention was
the early 1950s, as lenses for these slow in the making. In the 1930s, the
cameras were delivered from the east and Sonnar was considered the first really
the west back then. suitable high-speed standard lens for
35mm photography, which was still in its
At Carl Zeiss Oberkochen, Planar was infancy. This was not entirely the case
also a 5-element Gauss model, which, for Gauss models, but we will have a
thanks to advancements in glass closer look at this later.
technology, was invented to simplify the
design without compromising However, after Alexander Smakula
performance. In Jena, this type of lens invented antireflective lens coatings at
was called Biometar. Carl Zeiss in Jena in 1935 and their
broad usage after the end of World War
II, it was possible to tap into the full
potential of the double Gauss lens
without any negative "side effects", and
outstanding lenses were created for a
wide range of applications.
acceptable extent.
0 5 10 15 20
In most classic camera lenses featuring a
u' [mm]
fixed lens element system, the ability to
correct aberrations varies with the
distance or the reproduction scale, some
more than others. This also holds true for
the Planar lenses and it usually increases 100
the higher the speed of the lens. Lenses MTF [%]
Special lenses were therefore developed
for such applications. Unlike normal 20
lenses, they were optimized for shorter
distances to the subject and offered in that 0
0 5 10 15 20
range the best quality in terms of
u' [mm]
definition, edge definition and distortion.
On the other hand, however, they
displayed certain drawbacks when they MTF curves of lens A for large distances, above at
were used at large distances. Zeiss full aperture 2.8, below with aperture of 5.6
distinguished such lenses that were
optimized for close-ups with the letter In the center of the image, this lens is sharp
"S" in front of their type designation. and rich in contrast already at full aperture.
With larger image heights, i.e., in the
peripheral areas of the image (24x36mm), the
image contrast is also good and the curves
for 10 Lp/mm are above 80% everywhere.
A head-to-head comparison of two
macro lenses However, the curves for the higher
frequencies (40 LP/mm) drop severely.
Let us now compare two such lenses, Therefore, the definition there is not so good.
named A and B, and discover how You can expect a good image at lower
differently flattened lenses can be. They magnifications, but the definition is clearly not
are both 6-element Gauss lenses with a sufficient for large magnifications, even when
60mm focal length and maximum aperture we stop down to 5.6.
of 2.8.
Later we will see more precisely just what
property lies behind this loss in performance
in the MTF diagram, but let us first look at
model B:
100 8.0
90 7.5
20 Lp/mm
Objektentfernung [m]
80 7.0
70 6.5
60 6.0
50 5.5
MTF [%]
100 40 5.0
MTF [%] 30 4.5
20 4.0
80 10 3.5
0 3.0
-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
60 Objektiv <<< Defokussierung im Bildraum [mm] >>> Andruckplatte
Focus MTF curves for lens A at an aperture of
20 5.6, black curve in the image center, red and
blue curve measured at an image height of
0 15mm (tangential and sagittal)
0 5 10 15 20
u' [mm] Objektiv B, 60mm f/5.6 u'=0 und u'=15mm
100 8.0
MTF curves of lens B for large distances, 90 7.5
20 Lp/mm
Objektentfernung [m]
80 7.0
above at full aperture 2.8, below with aperture 70 6.5
of 5.6 60 6.0
50 5.5
MTF [%]
40 5.0
This lens is even better in the center of the 30 4.5
the image. Here, you can see that the Objektiv <<< Defokussierung im Bildraum [mm] >>> Andruckplatte
100 40
MTF [%]
80 20
60 0
0 5 10 15 20
40 u' [mm]
MTF curves of lens B in close-up range with a
reproduction scale of 1:10, aperture 2.8 (above)
and aperture 5.6
0 5 10 15 20
u' [mm]
Now, lens A at full aperture in the entire
image field is considerably better and the
curvature has disappeared. When slightly
stopped down, lens B also achieves a good
result, but type A has nearly ideal curves.
With our modern Makro-Planar T* 2/50
and T* 2/100 lenses, we largely avoid 20
these compromises, as the lens
system's key parameters are 0
automatically changed when focusing. 0 5 10 15 20
u' [mm]
MTF [%]
0 5 10 15 20
Photography of a banknote, left: an image corner with a Planar T* 1,4/50 lens and 14mm high
extension ring, right: with a Makro-Planar T* 2/100 ZF.2, both images were taken at f/4.