Westwood History

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They didn’t nickname it “Wetwood” Storms charged with moisture rolled in

for no reason. While there were few off the Pacific Ocean and when they
race tracks anywhere in the world as bumped into the mountains, they Rain Trained
scenic and pleasant as Westwood on a dumped their moisture, usually on
sunny Vancouver day, it wasn’t always Westwood. Frank Allers, who
that way. In fact, it rained quite a lot! Westwood regulars, by necessity, drove my cars for
The track was built on a moun- became experts in the rain or on any years, could be
tainside in what was in reality the other slippery surface. Many did ice counted on to be
Pacific Coast rainforest. Why do you racing in the winter. the fastest in any
think the area has such large trees? wet sessions in all
the pro Atlantic
races we did
together. Why? Of
course, all of those
laps at Wetwood!

Ric Forest in his March 722 Formula B Car, 1972 (Tom Johnston)

LAP 2 The Circuit 37

Frank Allers in the Author's Johnston JM6, 1985. This was one of the few domestically built Formula Atlantic cars. (Tom Johnston Collection)
32 Years of Racing

Three Decades

This section lists significant events that others may have different opinions. the order in which the events are
occurred at the circuit over its 32 I have broken the 32 years into displayed other than chronology.
seasons of operation. The decision three decades for better organization.
regarding what to include is mine: There is no particular significance to

It Wasn’t all Guys! There were plenty of women drivers, workers and officials. (SCCBC Archives)

1959 to 1969 Stars of Decade

• December 6: Sod-Turning Ceremony.
• July 26: Westwood opens for business
with possibly its largest crowd ever;
Pete Lovely sets first lap record,
1:25.7, in a 1500cc Lotus 15.
1960 Sports Racing Cars Formula Junior Mercedes 300SL Bob McLean
• May: Olivier Gendebien, famous Le (All SCCBC Archives)
Mans winning—driver comes to
Westwood and pronounces it to be 1963 1967
one of the top four circuits in the • BC Automobile Association donates • August 20: Author Tom Johnston first
world. the pedestrian bridge. competes at Westwood, winning his
1964 class, edging out local hot shoe Mike
• July 24: First major event, the Gee by a hair.
Westwood International 200, won by • Eppie Wietzes crashes the brand-new
Pete Lovely and Jack Nethercutt in a Cooper-Ford in practice for the 1968
Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa. Player’s Pacific; teammate Ludwig • October 19: SCCBC runs a 10-hour
Heimrath finishes third and goes on endurance race, The Province 10
• October 30: First season-ending to win the Canadian Championship. Hours of Endurance, the longest race
endurance race run, 5 hours, won by in Canada. Of course it rained the
Bob Constabaris and Jerry Barber, 1965
• September 17: First Pepsi Pro race, whole time. Winners were Wade
with two cars (allowed), an AC Bristol Carter and Milt Davis in a Porsche
and a Porsche. won by Chuck Parsons in a Genie.
911S, who covered nearly 700 miles.
1961 • Popular Westwood driver Bob McLean
• Westwood Karting Association (WKA) wins Canadian Driving Championship.
• June 29: The first major pro race for
formed. 1966 formula cars, a round of the Gulf
• June 11: Karting circuit opens. • April 3: Bob McLean Memorial Races. Canada Series, won by Eppie Wietzes
(After winning the Canadian Cham- in a Lola T142.
1962 pionship, McLean tragically died
• May 6: First Player’s Pacific, won by • The first Province 500 endurance
racing a Ford GT-40 at Sebring,
Stan Burnett in his Burnett Special. race.

LAP 3 32 years of Racing 41

Three Decades

1970 to 1980 Stars of Decade

• September 20: The first professional
Formula Ford race, won by Pierre
Phillips of Portland, Oregon, driving a
• Pepsi Pro Race converts to Formula
Formula Ford SCCA Nationals NASCAR Al Lader
• Westwood Towers opens. (Tom Johnston Collection) (SCCA) (Tom Johnston) (SCCBC Archives)

• Player’s Centennial Race of 1974 1977

Champions. • May 26: Allan Lader wins the first • June 5: First Trans-Am race at
• Arleigh Pilkey, Westwood pioneer, professional Formula Atlantic race. Westwood, won by Peter Gregg in a
passes. • July 14: 15th anniversary celebrated. Porsche 934 Turbo.
1972 • July 27: Four-hour Pro Enduro won by • July 17: Future world driving
• Driver Marty Loft sets the Formula Ken Coupland and Bob Beauchemin in champion Keke Rosberg wins the
Ford record at 1:11.4 and it is not a Chevron B16. Labatt’s Formula Atlantic race in a
beaten for a very long time. Chevron B34 Cosworth BDA.
• Honda/BF Goodrich series for Honda
1973 1978
Civic sedans begins.
• July 8: The first NASCAR stock car • CASC National Runoffs (Canadian
event at Westwood. 1975 amateur road racing championships)
• Name Mountain High Racing held at Westwood.
• October 7: Author Tom Johnston introduced.
drives his last race ever, debuting the 1979
prototype JM2 sports racer in the • May 11: The first SCCA National • June 3: Champagne Motor Sport
season-ending Province 500, crashing event run at Westwood; this was also Weekend: 20th anniversary
on the third lap (he continues, to the first SCCA National ever run celebrated.
finish 20th). outside of the US. 1980
1976 • June 1: Jacques (l'Oncle) Villeneuve
• May 30: Marty Loft wins Player’s wins Formula Atlantic pro race.
Pacific in a March 76B.

1981 to 1990 Stars of Decade

• First Historic Weekend event run by
Vintage Racing Club of British
Columbia (VRCBC).
• Tommy Phillips, son of Pioneer
Westwood racer Pierre Phillips, wins
CKLG/MCL pro Atlantic race in a Ralt
Player’s/GM Honda Series Formula Atlantic Frank Allers
RT4. (Frank Allers Collection) (Frank Allers Collection) (Tom Johnston) (Frank Allers Collection)
• May 21: Michael Andretti turns fastest 1987 1990
lap ever at Westwood, 0:58.795, in • First season of the very popular • July 8: “The Last Race”:10th annual
qualifying for the Formula Mondial Player's/GM Motorsport series for Historic Races.
(Atlantic) race, in a Ralt RT4 Chevrolet Camaros and Pontiac • August 5: Mark Dismore wins the last
Cosworth. Firebirds. Player’s Pacific and last Formula
1984 1988 Atlantic race driving a Swift DB4
• July 22: Silver Jubilee, 25th • Westwood Fund to improve the track Toyota.
Anniversary Weekend. started. • October 8: The last race ever at
1985 1989 Westwood, a 7-hour endurance race
• July 21: First Gilles Villeneuve • SCCBC fails in attempt to build a new won by brothers Ross and Gord
Memorial Weekend. facility in Maple Ridge. Bentley driving their self-built sports
• February 8: Deadline for proposals to racer.
purchase Westwood Plateau.
• July 20: Local driver Frank Allers has
his debut Formula Atlantic race in the • August 6: Hiro Matsushita sets
Keen Engineering Johnston JM6. ultimate lap record during Toyota
Atlantic race, 0:59.705, in a Swift
DB4 Toyota.

LAP 3 32 years of Racing 43

Big Races

Over the years, events came and went, The Player’s Pacific was usually (not Formula Ford.
but there were some that seemed to always) held in the spring. The last The third event that seemed to have
continue. Player’s Pacific was run on August 5, lasting power was the traditional
The Player’s Pacific, first run in 1990 and was a round of the Player’s season-closing endurance race. Most
1962, was probably the biggest event Ltd. Toyota Atlantic Series. commonly seven hours in length (it was
at the circuit. Initially the race was part An event often held later in the ten hours one year), it was, for a long
of Canada’s national championship for season was also a major professional time, Canada’s longest road race. For
road racing. The first events were for race. Initially called the Westwood many years it was known as The
Group 6 sports cars (later known as International, it had various names, the Province 500, as it was sponsored by
Can-Am cars); later ones were for most well known would be the Pepsi the Vancouver Province newspaper.
various single-seater formulas, the Pro. Similar to the Player’s event, it The Enduro, as it became known, was
best-known being Formula Atlantic. was initially for Group 6 cars; later it usually run on the Sunday of the
became a mixed event including Thanksgiving long weekend.

Program Covers from Big Westwood Races. From left: Player’s Pacific, 1989; Pepsi Pro, 1974; The Province 500, 1971. (SCCBC Archives)

Racing Series Events at Westwood

Canadian Driving Championship Trans-Am popular with the fans, especially since
There was, for many years, a Canadian By the mid 1970s, the real Trans-Am local driver Frank Allers dominated the
Driving Championship for road racers. came to Westwood, running races for series in the west.
Almost every year one or more rounds several seasons.
of the championship were run at the Honda Michelin Series/Honda BF
Westwood circuit. NASCAR Goodrich Series
From 1961 to 1968 the champion- NASCAR has always had a presence in A series similar to the Player’s/GM
ship was run for sports racing cars and the US Pacific Northwest and Western except all the cars were Honda Civics.
was backed by Imperial Tobacco under Canada. Initially their Western Grand Initially the cars all ran BF Goodrich
their Player’s brand, called the Player’s National Series, and later their Winston tires, later Michelins.
Challenge Series. West Series, would make frequent
In the years 1969 and 1970, Gulf appearances at Canadian tracks in- Canon Yokohama Challenge
Canada sponsored the series, now for cluding, for a few years, Westwood. A pro series for Formula Ford cars run
Formula A, B, and C single seaters. The locals were all ready to see large entirely in Western Canada. There were
In 1971, Player’s returned and the “Detroit Iron” embarrass themselves on races at Calgary’s Race City Speedway
series converted to the smaller Formula the road circuit, and some did, but as well as Westwood. The series began
B cars initially, converting to the newer several teams proved to be quite com- in 1989.
but similar Formula Atlantic in 1974. petent, turning in times similar to the
For the last year, 1977, Labatt’s road racing sedans of the era. Molyslip Endurance Series,
sponsored the series. There were other stock car races at NASPORT, various pro Sports 2000
After 1977, Formula Atlantic Westwood. On July 14, 1963, over ten series and more also ran at Westwood.
continued under various sanctioning years prior to the first NASCAR appear-
bodies and sponsors, and invariably ance, the Early-Late Racing Association Amateur Racing
visited Westwood at least once each (ELRA) from Haney Speedway ran two International Conference of Sports Car
year. Atlantic continues to this day as a 15-minute heats. Reg Royle won both. Clubs (ICSCC or Conference), Canadian
major North American professional Automobile Sport Clubs (CASC), Sports
racing series. Player’s Ltd./GM Motorsport Series Car Club of America (SCCA), and
The Atlantic races were some of the In the 1980s, the future of Canadian SCCBC all ran their championships at
most important and exciting events at road racing seemed to be moving Westwood.
Westwood. toward series featuring identical show-
room-stock cars. The most important of COWPAC
Canadian Touring Championship these was the Player’s/GM Motorsport (COWPAC stands for Canadian Oregon
In the late 1960s, Canada had its own series for General Motors Chevrolet Washington Pacific Amateur Champion-
version of the Trans-Am series for Camaros and Pontiac Firebirds. Many ship), a series of races jointly sanc-
North American–built small sedans. rounds of the western portion of the tioned by SCCA and CASC in the 1970s.
Several rounds were run at Westwood. series ran at Westwood. It was very

LAP 3 32 years of Racing 45


Above: NASCAR in The Esses (Tom Johnston) Below: Trans-Am (SCCA) Below: 1967 Player’s Pacific (SCCBC Archives)

Canon Yokahama (Marty Knoll Collection)

Honda Series Victory Lap (Frank Allers Collection) Vintage Racing (SCCBC Archives)

Player’s/GM Motorsport Series at The Hairpin (Frank Allers Collection) Canadian Touring Championship, 1968 (Murray Chambers)

LAP 3 32 years of Racing 47

Other Track Users

In order for a racing circuit to be venues but still speak longingly about was tragically killed in a freak racing
financially viable it must be in reenue Westwood, as do the SCCBC people. accident. The event was a relay race
use every possible day. The race There could be a book just about the involving teams of one kart, one
events themselves usually do not gen- motorcycle racing at Westwood. I don’t motorcycle and one sports car (hope-
erate sufficient revenue. know enough about it to write it, so I’ll fully not all on the track at the same
leave that to someone else. time).
Other Motorsport Activities Events that featured combinations of One significant graduate from the
Westwood Motorcycle Racing Club the three racing disciplines were ranks of the WKA was Greg Moore, the
(WMRC) and the Westwood Karting common. In 1965 the three groups Maple Ridge driver who went on to
Association (WKA) trace their roots worked together to hold a fundraising great success in CART.
back to the Coquitlam circuit. Both event for the family of the late Bob
continue to race today at other Whitehead, former WKA president, who Non-Motorsport Activities
There are plenty of people who need
access to a private piece of road now
and then. Westwood was rented out to
accommodate such needs for movie
and TV production companies, insur-
ance companies, driver training of all
types. Car manufacturers used the
track to introduce new models to the
press, and to do testing of their own
and competitor’s vehicles.
The locally-produced TV series
MacGyver did one episode about racing
at the track. The plot was not too
wonderful but it was fun seeing many
racing friends playing bit parts.
Some people just need a place to
have a party, and there were some
pretty good rock concerts there in the
SCCBC members at one time raced
something called mudrunners. Run off-
road in the mud they were generally
stripped down production cars, there
were some interesting designs (see
Early Karting at Westwood, Circa 1961. Many familiar faces can be seen. (Randall Family Archives) next page).

MacGyver TV Series

Bikes at The Hairpin (SCCBC Archives)

Motorcycle Sidecar Rigs (Greater Vancouver Motorsport Pioneers Society) Merv Therriault’s Mudrunner (Ed Deak)

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