Uas PPTK Sem Genap 2018-2019

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Ujian Akhir Semester

TKS 35444 Perancangan Proses Teknik Kimia (3 SKS)

Semester Genap 2018/2019
Dosen: Zulfansyah, ST. MT.

Kerjakan soal-soal berikut tanpa bekerjasama dengan peserta ujian lain. Berbuat curang dalam ujian tidak diluluskan dalam matakuliah ini.
Jawaban soal dikumpulkan paling lambat tanggal 16 Mei 2019, (softcopy) dikirim melalui classroom pada pukul 11.00 WIB dan hardcopy
pada pukul 12.00 di Lab. Pengendalian dan Perancangan Proses JTK Universitas Riau.


1. Consider ethyl-tertiary-butyl-ether (ETBE) as an alternative gasoline oxygenate to MTBE. Although the latter appears
to have the best combination of properties such as oxygen content, octane number, energy content, and cost, the former
can be manufactured using ethanol according to:
C2H5OH + iso-butene ⇌ ETBE
Because ethanol can be manufactured from biomass, it is potentially more acceptable to the environment.
a) Rework Example 6.1 for this process.
b) Is reactive distillation promising for combining the reaction and separation operations? If so, suggest a
distribution of chemicals using a reactive distillation operation

2. A hypothetical mixture of four species, A, B, C, and D, is to be separated into four separate components. Two different
separator types are being considered, neither of which requires a mass separating agent. The order of separation for
each of the two types is:

Separator Type I Separator Type II


Annual cost data for all the possible splits follow. Determine by considering each possible sequence:
a) The best sequence
b) The second-best sequence
c) The worst sequence
For each answer, draw a diagram of the separation train, being careful to label each separator as to whether it is type I
or II.
3. Figure 11.65 presents the PFD of a process for the recovery of methane from a feed stream consisting of 75% methane
and 25% nitrogen. The process feed is first cooled from 90 to −160∘F, and because of partial condensation in the feed
stream under these conditions, the stream is split into two portions as shown in the PFD: from 90 to −120∘F where C =
20 kBtu∕hr∘F and from −120 to −150∘F where C = 50 kBtu∕hr∘F. After cooling, the feed is separated in the cryogenic
column operating at 600 psia. The column bottoms, rich in methane, are expanded to a pressure of 100 psia, heated
from −250 to −100∘F, and then fed to a compressor that raises its pressure to 1,000 psia. The column distillate heated
from −180 to 80∘F also undergoes phase changes and, like the feed stream, is divided into two portions. Note that the
design of the HEN for this process is limited to the usage of one type of cold utility and one type of hot utility.
a) Compute MER targets for this process, at ΔTmin = 10∘F.
b) Design a HEN to meet the MER targets with the minimum number of units at ΔTmin = 10∘F given that the
design can utilize only one type of cold utility and one type of hot utility.

4. Design a heat exchanger network for MER with at most 18 heat exchangers (including utility heaters) and ΔTmin = 10∘C
for the following streams:

When MER targets are satisfied, the hot pinch temperature is 200∘C, with QHmin = 1,170 kW and QCmin = 1,170 kW.

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