CHT305 Syllabus
CHT305 Syllabus
CHT305 Syllabus
Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to
CO 1 Explain the principles of chemical kinetics and determine chemical kinetic
parameters using batch reactor data.
CO 2 Design of chemical reactors under ideal conditions.
CO 3 Design of single and multiple reactions in ideal reactors.
CO 4 Design chemical reactors for non-isothermal operations.
CO 5 Design chemical reactors for non-ideal conditions.
CO 2 3 2 3
CO 3 3 2 3
CO 4 3 2 3
CO 5 3 2 3
Assessment Pattern
Continuous Assessment Tests
Bloom’s Category End Semester Examination
1 2
Remember 10 10 10
Understand 20 20 20
Apply 20 20 70
Mark distribution
Total Marks CIE ESE ESE Duration
End Semester Examination Pattern: There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A
contain 10 questions with 2 questions from each module, having 3 marks for each question.
Students should answer all questions. Part B contains 2 questions from each module of which
student should answer any one. Each question can have maximum 2 sub-divisions and carry
14 marks.
Course Outcome 1 (CO1): Explain the principles of chemical kinetics and determine
chemical kinetic parameters using batch reactor data.
1. Device a mechanism for HBr reaction H2+ Br2 2HBr
2. The following data are obtained at 0oC in a constant volume batch reactor using pure
gaseous A for the reaction A → 2.5R.
Time(min) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 ∞
pA, mm Hg 760 600 475 390 320 275 240 215 150
Find the rate equation which satisfactorily represents the data.
3. Find the overall order of the reaction from the following constant volume data using
equimolar amount of hydrogen and nitric oxide.
Course Outcome 3 (CO3): Design of single and multiple reactions in ideal reactors.
1. Show that performance of a N equal size mixed flow reactor in series approaches to a
performance equation of PFR. Assume reaction is first order
2. Obtain maximum concentration of R for a reaction ARS which occurs in mixed
flow reactor.
3. Derive the performance equation of recycle reactor.
Reg No:______________ Name :______________
(Answer all questions, each question carries 3 marks)
1. Define molecularity and order of a chemical reaction.
2. The rate constants of a certain reaction are 1.6×10-3 and 1.625×10-2 (s)-1 at 10°C
and 30°C. Calculate the activation energy in KJ/mol.
3. Define space time and space velocity.
4. Explain on different types of ideal reactors.
5. Define an autocatalytic reaction. Give an example.
6. Explain on recycle ratio and recycle reactor.
7. List the steps involved in non-isothermal reactor design.
8. Write note on optimum temperature progression.
9. Explain the importance of RTD studies in non-ideal reactors.
10. List the properties of tracers in RTD studies.
(Answer one full question from each module, each question carries 14 marks)
Module I
11. a. Device a mechanism for HBr reaction H2+ Br2 2HBr
b. Derive the integral equation for a second order reaction with equimolar
concentrations of the reactants. (7)
12. a. The half-life period for a certain first order reaction is 2.5×103s. Determine the
time taken for ¼ of the reactant to be left behind. (7)
b. After 8 minutes in a batch reactor, reactant (CA0 = 1 mol/liter) is 80% converted;
after 18 minutes, conversion is 90%. Find a rate equation to represent this reaction.
Module II
13. a. Establish the performance equation of a piston flow reactor, where the reaction is
A R which is a first order irreversible gas phase reaction. (6)
The initial concentration of methanol was 0.5 mol/dm3. Determine the reaction order
with respect to triphenyl methyl chloride and the specific reaction rate constant. (8)
Module III
15. a. Show that performance of a N equal size mixed flow reactor in series approaches
to a performance equation of PFR. Assume reaction is first order. (7)
b. Explain the method to determine the minimum size of two mixed reactors
connected in series to achieve a specified conversion. (7)
16. a. Show that performance of a N equal size mixed flow reactor in series approaches
to a performance equation of PFR. Assume reaction is first order. (7)
b. For a liquid feed (n=1, CA0 = 10 mol/liter) to a plug flow reactor with recycle of
product (R = 2), 90% conversion is obtained. If the recycle stream is shut off,
determine by how much this will lower the processing rate of feed to the same 90%
conversion. (7)
Module IV
17. The first order liquid phase reaction A→ R is carried out in a MFR. The
concentration of reactant in the feed is 4 mol/l. Volumetric flow rate is 200 cm3 /s.
Density and specific heat of the reaction mixture are 1.2 g/cm3 and 0.9 cal/g 0C. The
volume of the reactor is 10 lit. The reactor operates adiabatically. The feed enters at
temperature 200C. Determine the possible temperatures and conversions for stable,
adiabatic operation.
Take ΔHr= -46000 cal/mol and k= 1.8x105 exp(-12000/RT),s-1. (14)
18. a. Derive the expression for conversion for a non isothermal adiabatic reaction
starting from the energy balance equation. (7)
b. Develop the expression to find the variations of equilibrium constants with
temperature. (7)
Module V
19. a. Discuss the importance of residence time distribution studies the design of
chemical reactors. Also obtain the relation between C, E and F curves. (10)
b. Explain causes for non ideality in real reactors (4)
20. a. In a reactor liquid decomposing with rate –rA=kCA where k=0.307 min . Find the
fraction of reactants unconverted in the real reactor of the same size. RTD study
conducted in the reactor gives following data
Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Tracer output, conc. gm/litre of fluid 0 3 5 5 4 2 1 0
b. Discuss briefly on determination of E and F curve in a laminar flow reactor. (6)
Module 1(10 hours)
Overview of chemical reaction engineering. Classification of chemical reactions. Variables
affecting the rate of reaction. Definition of reaction rate. Kinetics of homogeneous reaction.
Concentration dependent term of rate equation. Kinetic models for Nonelementary reactions.
Temperature dependent term of rate equation. Temperature dependency from Arrhenius law,
Collision theory and transition state theory (no derivation).
Interpretation of batch reactor data-Evaluation of rate equation by integral and differential
analysis for constant volume and variable volume system
Module 2 (8 hours)
Introduction to reactor design. Classification of reactors. Ideal reactors for a single reaction-
Ideal batch reactor- Steady state mixed flow reactor-Steady state plug flow reactor. Holding
time and space time for flow reactors.
Module 4 (7 hours)
Non isothermal reactor design - Temperature and pressure effects - single reactions-
Heat of reaction from thermodynamic, heat of reaction and temperature, equilibrium
Module 5 (8 hours)
Non ideality in reactors- Basics of non ideal flow- Residence time distribution studies-C, E
& F curves and their relationships. Conversion in non ideal reactors.
RTD in ideal reactors: Batch and plug flow reactors, single CSTR, Laminar flow reactor.
Models for non ideal flow-dispersion model and tank in series model.
Text Books
1. Levenspiel Octave, “Chemical Reaction Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons, Third Edition.
2. H Scott Fogler, “Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India,
Fifth Edition.
3. Smith J.M, “Chemical Engineering Kinetics,” McGraw Hill.
Reference Books
1. James J Carberry, “Chemical &Catalytic Reaction Engineering”, Mc Graw Hill.
2. K.G Denbigh& J.C.R Turner, “Chemical Reactor Theory- An Introduction”, Cambridge
University Press.
3. Lanny D Schmidt, “The Engineering of Chemical Reactions”, Oxford University Press.
4. Ronald W. Missen, Charles A. Mims, Bradley A. Saville, „Introduction to Chemical
Reaction Engineering and Kinetics‟, John Wiley & Sons
5. Hill C.G., An Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics & Reactor Design, John