Iroquois Creation Story

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________________________________________ MYTHOLOGY UNIT _______________________________________

Monomyth, Archetypes & Major Themes


Directions: Complete the following chart using details and/or quotations from the myth in terms of how the myth follows
basic elements of the monomyth pattern and what archetypes it incorporates.

Myth Title: Iroquois Creation Story

Call to Adventure (The Birth) Refusal/Acceptance
● Explain the hero’s “normal” life before this calling ● How does the hero react to his news that he is the
(setting, personality, etc.) “chosen one”?
● Why does the hero leave the familiar?

.Good mind doesn’t leave his familiar surroundings. He This doesn’t occur to Good Mind.
was born the normal way like any other child and since
then, he has been in constant feud with his twin brother.

Supernatural Aid Crossing the Threshold/Belly of the Whale

● Who helps the hero prepare for his journey? ● Identify the point of no return.
● What does the hero gain/acquire before h/she ● Identify the zone of danger.
leaves on the journey? The point of danger is when he was born. Ever since, he has
Good Mind receives help from the Chief of Skyworld, also constantly been fighting with his brother. The zone of danger
known as his grandfather. He taught Good mind all he is his final feud with his brother which resulted in Bad Mind
needed to know about surviving on earth and told him to being banished .
make the land beautiful.

Tests & Trials (otherwise known as “Initiation”)

● What struggles/tests/trials/obstacles does the hero encounter? (Describe three)
● What does he/she gain after each test?
● Who/what helps the hero?
● Identify the hero’s apotheosis.

1. Bad Mind had lied to Skywoman. He blamed Good mind for the death of their mother Tekaweahkwa. As a result,
Good Mind was banished.
2. Good mind created all the beauty on the earth. He created rivers, mountains and trees. Bad mind was very
envious of him. He created destructive hurricanes, planted poisonous roots and deadly berries
3. Good Mind was away creating more things of beauty. Bad Mind stole all the animals and hid them in a cave.
When Good Mind couldn’t find any animals, he became sad. Once Good mind found out that, it was all because
of Bad Mind he released all the animals by splitting the mountain with an earthquake. He also became very mad
at Bad Mind.

The supreme ordeal is when the two brothers fight.

This fight solves all the ongoing problems and issues Good mind wins by defeating Bad mind in a
between the two brothers. Good mind defeats bad fight. He banishes Bad mind. In return Good
mind. Good mind uses his antlers to defeat Bad Mind mind brings a peaceful life. He fills his
and his arrow. As a result of Good mind’s victory he surrounding with the beauty of nature as a
banished Bad mind to live in a cave beneath the result.
The Supreme Ordeal Crossing the Return-Threshold (and Rebirth)
● What is it? How is it overcome, if it is at all? ● How does the journey/quest end?
● What reward does the hero receive? ● What does the hero bring back to his familiar
● How has he changed?

Identify and Explain Major Plot Archetypes Identify and Explain Major Setting and Symbol

Identify and Explain Major Character Archetypes Identify and Explain Major Thematic Archetypes
Identify and discuss the Role of Women in the Myth Identify and Explain the Lessons Learned From the
myth/Reasons for the Myth and Explanations

Identify and Explain the Qualities that the Ancient Civilizations Admire

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