Auto Collimator

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Autocollimators are used to detect small

If a parallel beam of light is projected from the
collimating lens and if a plane reflector R is set
up normal to the direction of the beam, light will
be reflected back along the same path and light
will be brought back to focus exactly at the
position of the light source

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Autocollimator contd..
Ifthe reflector is tilted through a small angle (θ),
the parallel beam will be reflected through twice
the angle (2θ) and would be brought to focus in
the same plane as the light source but to one
side of it. The image will not coincide but there
will be a distance equal to focal length times the
angle of reflection (2f θ) where f is the focal
length of the collimating lens.

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Autocollimator contd..
The distance between the reflector and the lens
has no effect on the separation between the
source and the image.
For high sensitivity, a long focal length is
Although the distance of the reflector does not
effect the reading, if it is moved too far back,
reflected rays will miss the lens completely and
no image will be formed.

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Types of Gear Inspection
Element by Element Inspection of
Gear: Laborious, useful in error
analysis, can’t be used by the gear
◦ Tooth thickness measurement
◦ Base pitch measurement
Composite Error Checking: Used in
Gear Inspection by conducting only
one test
Parkinson Gear Tester
01/25/15 MNIT Jaipur 4
Thread Inspection -
Pitch: It is the distance measured parallel
to the axis between the corresponding
points on adjacent surfaces in the same
axial plane.
Lead: It is the axial distance advanced by
the thread in one revolution. Lead is equal
to the same multiples of pitches as the
number of starts.

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Thread Terminology Contd..
Included angle: It is the angle between the
flanks of the thread measured in an axial plane.

Pitch diameter: It is the diameter of tee

imaginary coaxial cylinder which intersects the
surface of the thread in such a manner that the
intercept on the generator of the cylinder is
equal to half the pitch.

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Thread Terminology Contd..
Major Diameter: It is the diameter of
imaginary coaxial cylinder that just
touches the crests
Minor Diameter: It is the diameter of
imaginary coaxial cylinder that just
touches the roots
Helix Angle (θ):
tan θ = p/π d

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Thread Inspection
Measurement of Major Diameter: Bench
micrometer is normally used for this

Ithas measuring anvils so that the thread can

be held between them.

It has fiducial indicator so that the required

pressure can be applied for all the

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Thread Inspection
Measurement of Minor Diameter: Bench
micrometer can not be used for Minor
Diameter. So, another one, Floating
Carriage micrometer is normally used for
this measurement.

In this instrument, the thread is held

between the centres so that the influence
of helix angle can be nullified in this
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Thread Inspection
Measurement of Pitch (effective) Diameter:
Again Floating Carriage micrometer is normally
used for this measurement.

Here, the prisms used in the measurement of

minor diameter are replaced by the steel wires
whose size is chosen such that they pitch at the
effective diameter.

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Thread Inspection
Two wire Method: The two wires used
should be identical in diameter and should
pitch properly between the flanks.

Reading of the floating carriage

micrometer is taken over these two wires
so that the effective diameter can be
calculated using the formula developed.

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Thread Inspection
Diameter of the best wires: If the wires
used make contact exactly at the pitch
diameter, then such wire is called the best
wire. The diameter of such wire can be
estimated from the formula.

Compression & Rake correction.

01/25/15 MNIT Jaipur 13

Thread Inspection
Measurement of flank angle: Flank angle may
be measured using Tool Maker’s Microscope
with a goniometric head. This consists of glass
screen with datum lines which can be rotated
through 3600. The thread is mounted on centers
and illuminated from below.
The microscope is mounted above the thread in
such a way it can be swiveled to be in line with
the thread helix and avoid interference of the

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Thread Inspection
The datum lines in the microscope head
are set to zero and the table is rotated
until the crests of the thread coincide with
the horizontal datum and the angle is

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Measurement of Internal
Measurement of Major Diameter: The major
diameter of internal thread is normally measured
using horizontal comparator fitted with ball end
styli of radius less than the root radius of the
thread to be measured.
When the thread is mounted on a comparator, it
aligns itself with the axis of the machine and
measurement would be done along the helix of
the thread as indicated above.

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Measurement of Int. Threads

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Measurement of Internal
of Minor Diameter:
Calibrated rollers and slip gauges are
used for this measurement as shown

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Measurement of Internal
Measurement of Effective Diameter: The
effective diameter of internal thread is measured
using the horizontal comparator using ball
ended styli of the best size wire.
Measurement of Flank angle: The semi cast of
the thread form may be made using dental
plaster and measurement is obtained as done
for external thread.

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Thread Gauges
Thread inspection can also be carried
out using gauges designed according to
the Taylors Principles:
Limit gauges for Internal threads:
◦ Full form Go Gauge
◦ Truncated Effective Diameter NOGO gauge
◦ Minor Diameter NOGO gauge

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Thread Gauges
Limit gauges for External threads:
◦ This is usually carried out using caliper
type gauges
◦ Full form Go Gauge
◦ Truncated Effective Diameter NOGO
◦ Major Diameter NOGO gauge

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Huygens theory proposes that light is
considered as an electro-magnetic wave of
sinusoidal form. The maximum disturbance
is called amplitude and the velocity of
transmission is represented by frequency.

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Light wave

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Interferometry Contd..
Interferometry is the branch of science
which deals with the manner in which the
monochromatic rays of light are combined
by the lens system, usually the eye.

Let us see the effect of combining two

rays A & B which are of same wave length

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Interferometry Contd..

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Interferometry Contd..
When they happen to be in phase, it results
into the increased amplitude i.e. if the two
rays of equal intensity are in phase, they
augment each other and produce increased

Ifthey are out of phase i.e. the path differs by

the half the wave length, the combined effect
is zero if the amplitudes are equal which
results in darkness. This situation refers to
the occurrence of interference.
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Interferometry Contd..
Interference of two rays may be
demonstrated by considering the two
rays emanating from the same source
and travelled different distances so as
to create the required path differences
as shown below:

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Interferometry Contd..

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Interferometry Contd..
Another simple method of obtaining
fringes is by illuminating an optical flat
over a plane reflecting surface.

An optical flat is a disc of glass or quartz

whose faces are highly polished and
within few microns

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Interferometry Contd..
Consider a case when an optical flat is
kept on the surface of a workpiece.

Due to some reason, it would not make an

intimate contact but rests at some angle to
the surface. If the optical flat is illuminated
by monochromatic light, interference
fringes would be observed.

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Interferometry Contd..

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Interferometry Contd..
Consider the two rays, one reflected from
the bottom of the optical flat and other
reflected from the top of the surface. If the
path difference is half the wave length,
then dark fringe is formed and again the
dark fringe is formed when the path
difference is 3 times half the wave length.

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Interferometry Contd..
The fringe pattern consists of alternate
dark & bright straight bands in case of flat
If the angle of inclination is small,
ab=bc=l/4 and de=ef=3l/4
Change in separation between the optical
flat and the surface is the difference
between ab & de i.e. l/2.
Total change in elevation from the point of
contact to the outer fringe= n l/2.
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Interferometry Contd..
When the optical flat is kept on a
spherically convex/ concave surface, the
fringe pattern consists of concentric
circles. To distinguish between these two
conditions, optical flat is pressed at a point
away from the centre and if the centre of
the fringe pattern gets shifted, then it is
convex or if the fringe spacing reduces, it
is convex.

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NPL Flatness Interferometer
The flatness of the surface under testing
is measured by comparing it with an
optical flat as discussed.
Mercury 198 is used as Mono-chromatic
source of light.
The system consisting of optical flat, the
surface under test, base plate, etc. are
shown below:

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NPL Flatness Interferometer
The instrument was designed by National
Physical Laboratory.

It consists of Mercury vapor lamp whose

radiations are passed through a green
filter giving a monochromatic light. This
light is focused on to a pin hole giving an
intense point source of light which is the
focal plane of collimating ;lens.

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NPL Flatness Interferometer
The parallel beam is directed on to the
component to be tested via an optical flat
so that interference fringes are formed
which can be viewed directly above by
means of thick glass plate semi-reflector
set at 450 to the optical axis.
It should be noted that the optical flat is
mounted on an adjustable tripod.

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