The J P Transformer Book 12e
The J P Transformer Book 12e
The J P Transformer Book 12e
Product Description
Technology Review
Introduction ........................................................................................................... 4
Burdens ................................................................................................................... 13
Power Quality......................................................................................................... 21
Technology Review
Technology Review
A. The current transformer is designed to connect in series with the line to transform the line
current to the standard 5 amperes suitable to the meter or relay. The voltage transformer is de-
signed to connect in parallel with the line to transform the line voltage to 115 or 120 volts suit-
able for the meter or relay.
To keep the voltage at the meters and relays at a safe value, the secondary circuit must be
B. The polarity markers indicate the relative instantaneous directions of current in the windings.
For current-operated or voltage-operated devices the polarity, or instantaneous direction of
current, there is of no significance. Correct operation of current-current, voltage-voltage or
current-voltage devices usually depends on the relative instantaneous directions.
Technology Review
Types of Construction The principal forms of construction used for instrument transform-
ers, together with standard rating symbols according to IEEE Stan-
dard C57.13 are shown in Figure 3.
Technology Review
Materials Used in In the 1970’s, the insulating medium for the higher voltage (5-34.5
Construction kV) units was butyl rubber. The material itself is excellent, but the
pressures and temperatures necessary to use it as a dielectric were
Butyl Rubber not conducive to the exacting clearances and geometries inside a
voltage or current transformer. Without excess bracing, the core/coil
assemblies would shift during molding and fail BIL testing. With
enough bracing, the material flow inside the unit was restricted, in-
creasing the possibility of voids. For these reasons, another dielec-
tric insulating material was sought. However, Butyl rubber is still
used by some manufacturers.
Introduction to Urethane Polyurethane (or urethane) elastomers are one type of a large family
Elastomers of elastic polymers called rubber. There are 14 types in general use.
All of them have been commercially successful, but they are all dif-
ferent in several ways.
Diversity of Urethane Usage In the electrical industry, polyurethane is used both as a flexible,
insulating jacket on control and power supply cables, as well as a
dielectric and outdoor jacket for 55° C rise transformers. One of the
features of urethane which makes it so popular, is its ability to be
permanently attached to metals and composites very readily during
the molding or casting process. Bond strength exceeding the tear
strength of urethane can be achieved.
Technology Review
Technology Review
Technology Review
Ratio Error and Ideal or "perfect" transformers induce the same voltage per turn in
Phase Angle the secondary winding as that applied to the primary voltage trans-
formers. They also produce the same ampere-turns in the secondary
as are circulated in the primary current transformers, to deliver any
desired ratio of primary to secondary voltage or current. In the ac-
tual transformer shown in Figure 6, the secondary current output is
deficient by the amount of current bypassed by the exciting
branches, Zo and Zi, and the secondary output voltage is deficient by
the voltage drop in the transformer through impedance.
The Effect of Ratio Error and If the Ratio Correction Factor exceeds 1.0, the meters will read low
Phase Angle on Wattmeter and the readings should be multiplied by the Correction Factor. The
Readings effect of Phase Angle, however, is not as obvious. To determine rea-
sonable limits for RCF and Phase Angle, a combination Correction
Factor has been invented, called Transformer Correction Factor
(TCF). This is dependent on both RCF and Phase Angle and may be
used to correct the reading of a wattmeter. Transformer Correction
Factor (TCF) is based on the fact that if the power factor of a me-
tered power load is 60% lagging (a figure selected as representing
about the usual minimum power factor of actual power loads being
metered by watt hour meters), 2.6 minutes of Phase Angle in the
current (or voltage) transformer output will cause 0.1% error in the
wattmeter reading.
Technology Review
Voltage Transformers The ratio correction factor and phase angle must be determined at
the specific burden involved. However, as with an actual measure-
ment, these values apply to the secondary voltage at the transformer
terminals. If the leads from the transformer to the burden are very
long, they may have sufficient impedance to introduce additional
voltage drop and error. From the current drawn from the trans-
former and the impedance of the leads, the voltage drop in the leads
can be calculated. If it is of appreciable magnitude in percent of sec-
ondary voltage, the addition to ratio and phase angle error may be
calculated according to the vector diagram in Figure 6 and the for-
Add this amount to the percent ratio of the transformer to get the
actual percent ratio of primary to burden voltage.
Method for calculating impedance drops in the leads and resulting ratio and phase angle errors
Technology Review
Current Transformers The ratio correction factor and phase angle must be determined at
the specific burden and current involved. Current transformer char-
acteristics at special burdens can only be determined by an actual
measurement. The test burden must duplicate the actual burden, in-
cluding the secondary leads. The secondary terminal voltage and
power factor must be identical to that of the installation. In addition,
these measurements need to be made and applied at the actual ser-
vice currents.
This parallelogram outlines an area in which the measurements of RCF and This parallelogram outlines an area in which the measurements of RCF and
Phase Angle at 100% current must plot if the transformer accuracy is to be Phase Angle at 100% (also at 110%) voltage must plot if the transformer
designated as 0.3 Class, with TCF within the limits of 0.997 and 1.003. For accuracy is to be designated as 0.3 Class, with TCF within the limits of 0.997
example, if the RCF at a given burden at 100% current is 0.998 (99.8% Ratio) and 1.003. For example, if the measured RCF at a given burden is 0.999 and
and the Phase Angle is 3.5 minutes, the point A is seen to fall outside the the phase angle is — 8 minutes, the point A is seen to fall outside the paral-
parallelogram. lelogram. Another example: RCF = 1.002, Phase angle in 10 minutes, both
representing greater absolute errors, but the point “B” is now inside the
Another example: RCF = 1.002, Phase Angle 5 minutes, representing greater parallelogram, and meets the required limits for the 0.3 Class. In the second
absolute error, the point "B" is now inside the parallelogram, and meets the case the TCF is less than 1.003 because the effect of phase angle on the watt-
required limits for 0.3 Accuracy Class. In the second case, TCF is less than meter compensates for the phase angle.
1.003 because the effect of phase angle on the wattmeter compensates for the
error in ratio. The reason for the reversed appearance of Figure 8 compared to Figure 7 is
that phase angle in the current transformer brings the secondary current more
IEEE C57.13 recognizes that current transformers naturally have greater nearly in phase with the load voltage, increasing the wattmeter reading. In the
errors at lower currents, and that error at low current does not usually repre- voltage transformer the effect is just the opposite.
sent significant error in total registration of kilowatt hours. This permits twice
the error at 10% that is permitted at 100% current. The error at the maximum C57.13 requires that the limits be met also at 90% voltage; in reality the
current permitted by the Thermal Rating Factor of the transformer (a multi- performance at voltages down to 5% are not significantly different, at the
plier of 1.5 or 4.0 applied to many transformers) is limited to the same value same burden connected to the transformer secondary. The error limits re-
as at 100% current. quired by C57.13 apply not only at a given burden but at zero burden.
Other Accuracy Classes: In addition to the 0.3 Class, C57.13 recognizes the Other Accuracy Classes, in addition to the 0.3 Class, C57.13 recognizes the
0.6 and 1.2 Classes in which the permissible errors are twice as great (0.6%) 0.6 and 1.2 Classes in which the permissible errors are twice as great (0.6%)
and twice again (1.2%) as compared to the 0.3 Class. Any one of these classes and twice again (1.2%) as compared to the 0.3 Class. Any one of these classes
may be selected for specification by the user depending on whether 0.3%, may be selected for specification by the user depending on whether 0.3% ,
0.6% or 1.2% seem reasonable for a given application. 0.6%, or 1.2% seem reasonable for a given application.
Technology Review
Burdens The errors in ratio and phase angle will depend on the impedance
connected to the secondary of the transformer. This impedance is
commonly referred to as "burden". The calculations required for
determining the performance of a transformer when different bur-
dens are applied, are beyond the scope of this discussion. Therefore,
the standard burdens as outlined in IEEE C57.13 will be used to
represent typical service conditions. Each transformer is rated ac-
cording to its performance at these standard burdens.
Standard Burdens for Many current transformers supply only a limited number of wat-
Current Transformers thour meter elements with a limited number of runs. For metering
and relaying applications IEEE C57.13 has established the standard
burdens as given in Figure 9.
Metering Burdens
Relaying Burdens
* If a current transformer is rated at other than 5 A, ohmic burdens for specification and rating
may be derived by multiplying the resistance and inductance of the table by [5/(ampere rating)]2
the VA at rated current and the power factor remaining the same.
UThese standard burden designations have no significance at frequencies other than 60 Hz.
Actual Burdens for Actual devices connected to instrument transformers often include
Current Transformers an inductor with an iron core, which usually means that the induc-
tance is not constant but varies during the cycle, and varies differ-
ently with different currents. Exact analysis of current transformer
performance with such devices is difficult. Fortunately, the imped-
ances of most instruments and meters are sufficiently constant that
no appreciable error is introduced by considering them to be con-
stant. Many electro-mechanical relays, however, have variable im-
pedance. Analysis of the transformer performance is usually based
on an equivalent value at normal current. This can be justified on
the basis that the burden at higher current is usually less and thus
the current transformer will perform better than expected from the
Technology Review
Standard Burdens for The standard burdens to be used for testing and comparing voltage
Voltage Transformers transformers are rated at 120 volts and at 69.3 volts. IEEE C57.13
specifies that the 120 volt-rated burden will be used for any trans-
former with the secondary voltage in the range of 115 to 120 volts,
while the 69.3 volt burden will be used for any transformer with the
secondary voltage in the range of 65 to 72 volts. This means that the
actual volt amperes in the burden in a given test may be different
than the nominal value of the burden in volt amperes. For instance,
if the standard burden is 25 volt amperes, the actual burden when it
is used for testing a transformer with 115 volt secondary is (115/
120)2 or .918 times the nominal value of 25.
The burdens rated 69.3 volts have an impedance only 1/3 of that of
burdens rated 120 volts and they should not be used in testing or
rating transformers rated at 115 to 120 volts. Transformers rated at
115 or 120 volts should be treated as 115 or 120 volt transformers,
and if they are actually used at reduced voltage, the performance
will not be different if the 120 volt burden is used as a basis for per-
formance. This is because the performance of a transformer down to
voltages of about 5% of its rating is not significantly different from
the performance at 100% voltage.
Burden Impedance 9
Burden Designation Volt Amperes Power Factor 120 V Burden 69.3 V Burden
Technology Review
Current Transformers Relaying accuracy classes for CTs are defined either with a “C” or a
“T” classification.
Accuracy Classes for
Relaying C– indicates that the transformer ratio can be calculated. These are
transformers which are constructed so that the effect of leakage
fluxes on its performance are negligible.
Secondary Terminal Volts
8 Ohm
300 4 Ohm
2 Ohm
1 Ohm C100
0 10 20 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Secondary Amps
Technology Review
Insulation Systems Partial discharges (PD) are minute electrical discharges that result
from the electric field stresses imposed on any insulation system. As
Partial Discharges in the name suggests, they do not cause a complete electrical break-
Transformer Insulation down of the insulation, so their short term effect is not catastrophic.
However, over the long term, PD can slowly deteriorate the quality
of the insulation. In solid insulation systems (such as in instrument
transformers), PD can occur where a void or discontinuity in solid
insulation is introduced Figure 12. Because of the difference be-
tween dielectric properties of a void (filled with air or gas) and solid
material, the localized electrical stress in the void can be higher than
in a solid. This will cause a void to break down although the voltage
across the solid will remain (Figure 12). These localized void
breakdowns, resulting in small, high frequency current impulses,
can be detected by using sensitive instrumentation. Sophisticated,
specialized analysis of PD patterns can then be used to gain insight
to the nature of PD, its possible location, and mitigation. PD is
measured in pico Coulombs (pC) unit of electrical charge. After
many years of deliberation, different standards for different electri-
cal equipment (ANSI, IEC, IEEE) do not consistently agree on the
allowable or maximum limits of PD. Manufacturers of ITs use dif-
ferent ways of minimizing or controlling the level of PD:
· Control of manufacturing processes (casting, curing, tempera-
tures, vacuum, viscosities, etc.) to minimize the introduction of
· Develop designs of ITs that result in minimizing stress fields
· Fill voids with dielectric gas to lower the risk of void break-
· Increase design margin to lower overall electric field stresses
within the unit
· Use different materials as solid insulation system
Technology Review
Overloading, Overheating All insulation materials are deteriorated by the combination of over-
and Aging heating and exposure to moisture and oxygen. ABB insulation sys-
tems are well protected against moisture and oxygen. ABB ITs
meet and/or exceed the IEEE Guides for Loading Applications per
Appendix C57.92.
Maintenance and Inspection Instrument transformer users like to be able to make tests on new
Testing of Insulation transformers, as well as on transformers in service, to assure their
adequacy for service. It is rarely possible for the end user to make a
complete series of tests, but there are some things the user can do
for reassurance.
Technology Review
Voltage Ratings Current transformers are always rated at the line-to-line voltage of
the three-phase system on which they will operate. A 13.8 kV cur-
Voltage Ratings for rent transformer, for example, is designed for use on a 13.8 kV
three-phase system. The actual voltage from the current transformer
Current Transformer
primary winding to ground is only 13.8/Ö3 or 7.9 kV as shown in
Figure 13.
Whether or not this neutral is actually connected to ground, the natural symmetry of the circuit and the equal
line capacitors to ground will cause the neutral to assume ground potential.
Technology Review
Voltage Ratings for Voltage The voltage which may be applied to a voltage transformer is lim-
Transformers ited not only by the permissible voltage to ground (as it is in a cur-
rent transformer) but by the insulation between turns, between lay-
ers, and coil sections. It is also limited by the ability of the core to
carry enough magnetic flux to induce the voltage. The voltage trans-
former is somewhat different from the distribution transformer, and
certainly from the power transformer, in having a very limited ca-
pacity to store energy.
Over Voltage Limits IEEE C57.13 recognizes three groups of voltage transformers for
different capabilities and connections. These groups are explained
by Figures 14, 15 and 16. There is also a fourth group which is
widely manufactured for use in certain switchgear.
Technology Review
These transformers have two secondary windings, one with a rating of 115 volts (except for the lowest rated 14400 for
25000 ground wye which is rated at 120 volts) and another secondary winding rated at approximately 115/Ö3 volts.
The value is not always exactly 115V/Ö3 because, for simplicity, the
primary/secondary voltage ratio is adjusted to a round number.
Technology Review
Voltage Sags and Dips Voltage sags and dips are associated with switching or fault events
in the power system that cause voltages on adjacent or neighboring
circuits to partially collapse. These events can last from a few milli-
seconds to more than a second.
Momentary Interruptions Momentary interruptions are the same type of power system events
as voltage sags and dips, but are caused by lightning and other tran-
sients. The primary difference is that momentary interruptions occur
primarily in the circuits directly involved in the event rather than in
an adjacent circuit. Momentary interruptions are more severe power
quality problems than voltage sags and dips.
Figures 17A & 17B below show statistics of voltage sags and mo-
mentary interruptions in a typical ANSI power system.
A. Pie-chart showing the statistics of voltage sags and B Pie-chart showing the statistics of all PQ event types-note
interruptions-note most events (81%) are sags (between most events (68%) are single phase
0.5 pu and 0.9 pu)
Technology Review
Technology Review
The transformer will carry more current for a time less than one sec-
ond according to the same rule, up to the mechanical current limit
(which is also given for standard current transformers.) At this limit
of current, the electromechanical forces tending to separate the pri-
mary and secondary coils, become high enough to damage the trans-
Technology Review
The temperature at these high currents and short times (less than
five seconds) cannot be measured, but is always calculated on the
basis that all heat generated by the current is stored in the copper for
the duration (not over five seconds) of the high current.
Currents higher than the rated value, but less than the five second
limit, can be determined by the rules set forth in the IEEE Guides
for Loading. The calculation for any given transformer is lengthy,
and as a general guide for standard transformers, the curves of Fig-
ure 18 can be used.
Recommended guide for short time loading of current transformers following rated load for 0.1% loss of life.
Transformers so loaded will reach temperatures in excess of 55o C rise over ambient.
Loading according to this curve is not safe if the ambient exceeds 30o C on the average, or if the overload occurs more often than
once a day.
Technology Review
Higher and Lower Ambient At temperatures over the standard 30oC, daily average ambient tem-
Temperatures perature current transformers should be derated 1% for each degree
over (up to 55oC ambient). At temperatures under 30oC, they may
be uprated 3/4% for each degree (down to 0oC).
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Open-Circuit Voltage in Figure 2 shows that the line current must flow through the current
Current Transformers transformer, and Figure 4 shows that if the secondary circuit is acci-
dentally opened, all the current will have to pass through the excit-
ing current branches of the equivalent circuit. This will develop a
rather high voltage across the exciting branch, which will appear as
a high voltage at the secondary terminals. Because this voltage is
limited by saturation of the core, the RMS value measured by a
voltmeter may not appear to be dangerous. As the current cyclically
passes through zero, the rate of change of flux at current zero is not
limited by saturation, and is very high indeed. This induces ex-
tremely high peaks or pulses of voltage.
Technology Review
Permanent Magnetization If a system short-circuit occurs, with a current of several times nor-
of Current Transformer mal, the voltage at the burden may be rather high. The flux density
in the equivalent exciting reactance (the core of the current trans-
former) may be high enough that if the fault current is abruptly in-
terrupted, the core may be permanently magnetized at a fairly high
flux density.
When normal current and flux variation is restored, the flux varia-
tion starts from the residual value and varies somewhat as shown in
Figure 20. If the flux starts to increase from point a, the flux varia-
tion cannot be maintained in loop a-A in Figure 20, because such a
loop would require direct current to maintain it in its offset position.
The flux loop must shift down to the symmetrical (around the verti-
cal axis) loop c-C. As it shifts down it actually generates a small
direct current in the secondary circuit. The secondary burden will
establish the rate of change. The flux variation will stay in this loop
The slope of the loop c-C will be less than the slope of the normal,
completely symmetrical loop at the origin The peak exciting current
S1´ will be higher than the normal exciting current S1. If the alter-
nating flux density increases, the hysteresis loop moves to d-D and
the slope of this loop becomes nearly equal to the symmetrical loop.
The exciting current S2´ is still greater than the symmetrical value,
but not as much greater in percent, as the difference between S1´
and S1.
The final result is that the effective exciting current, which causes
ratio error and phase angle, is increased if the core becomes perma-
nently magnetized. This will usually cause no more than 0.1% and 3
minutes of additional error in practical metering transformers at me-
tering burdens10. The difference is less dependent on burden and
current than might be expected. This is because the increase in ex-
citing current from permanent magnetism is less at low flux varia-
tion, and moves to a constant ampere-turn value as the flux variation
Technology Review
To allow loop a-A to exist, a direct current must flow, requiring a DC voltage. This in turn requires a downward change in
flux to induce it, with the result that the loop shifts down to c-C which is symmetrical about the vertical axis and requires
no direct current. Operation is stable over this loop. The iron is permanently magnetized by having been at point a, and the
loop c-C will not of itself shift down further. Imposition of a still higher AC flux variation will cause the larger loop d-D,
shifted down from c-C. A very high flux density will restore the original symmetrical loop y-Y.
Technology Review
These high loadings may cause errors greater than 0.3%, but a trans-
former connected line-to-ground on an ungrounded system would
never be used for accurate metering anyway (units connected line-
to-line should be used instead). If three transformers are connected
in Y, the secondaries should never be connected in Delta.
Approx. Ohms
Watt Loading on Connected Across
Voltage Class Equivalent
Secondary to Prevent Corner of Broken
(Primary) Resistance per
Ferro-resonance Delta
Phase (120 V)
Technology Review
B. Equivalent Y circuit
C. Approximate possible curve of current (neglecting resistance components) showing that at some
particular value of voltage (Ep) the capacitor and transformer’s reactive current total zero, represent-
ing infinite impedance, with the result that the voltage-to-ground on this line may reach Ep. This is a
high enough value that excessive exciting current will burn out the primary winding.
Technology Review
Auxiliary Current Many circuit problems can be solved by connecting one current
Transformers transformer to supply another current transformer, usually called an
Auxiliary current transformer, shown in Figure 23.
Technology Review
Fusing Voltage Primary fuses are used with voltage transformers mainly to take the
Transformers transformer off the line in the event of an internal failure. This pre-
vents a failed VT from becoming an L-G fault which requires the
breaker to interrupt the customer’s electric service.
Since modern transformers are much more reliable than older ones,
the fuses may never operate due to internal transformer failure.
Transformer failure may still be caused by overload or short circuit
on the secondary. If such failure occurs, it may involve other appa-
ratuses, perhaps causing an outage.
Modern fuses are more substantial and reliable than older fuses, so
the chance of fuse failure is smaller. Only the exceptional installa-
tion will be so dependent on continuity of voltage, that the trans-
former must be connected solidly to the primary circuit. With mod-
ern fuses, the principal disadvantages are the cost of fuses and
mounting, and the space required.
Most primary fuses will also protect the transformer against partial
short circuit in the primary winding and against secondary short cir-
cuit. Some operators choose fuses which will not operate on secon-
dary short circuit.
Technology Review
New Technologies The technology of measuring the voltage and current is continu-
ously improving.
New Materials Materials used for encapsulating CTs and VTs are continuously im-
proving. Advancements in material science lead to the continuing
New Sensing Technologies Parallel to the instrument transformers, the new techniques of meas-
uring voltage and current are becoming commercially available.
Voltage Sensing
Resistive voltage dividers are becoming a commercially viable al-
ternative to measuring voltage. Although they draw slightly larger
(resistive) current, they can be embedded in a cast of solid dielectric
material (such as epoxy or polyurethane) and provide a stable output
in a wide frequency range, including high harmonics. The voltage
from the resistive divider is equal to:
Capacitive voltage dividers have been in high voltage testing for a
long time. They provide a stable output proportional to the ratio of
Capacitive voltage dividers have very high inherent impedance so
they have to be connected to a high-impedance (light) burden. With
the advancement of electronic relays and meters, this is becoming a
commercially viable option for some applications.
Optical voltage sensors are becoming available for high voltage ap-
plications where the insulation line-to-ground is a major concern.
Optical voltage sensors are based on the electro-optical phenome-
Technology Review
Current Sensing Rogowski coils or linear couplers are essentially air-core transform-
ers that use a power conductor as a primary winding, and an air-core
coil wrapped around it as secondary. The difference is that the pri-
mary current induces a secondary voltage signal in the Rogowski
coil (not a current), which is a proportional derivative of the primary
current dI/dt. This requires some careful processing of the dI/dt sig-
nal to convert to the true measurement of the primary current.
Again, with the advancement of the electronic signal processing,
these devices are now commercially available. Rogowski coils are
very linear and do not saturate, even under extreme current condi-
tions and high frequencies.
Product Description
Product Description
Product Description
General Description ABB offers a complete line of instrument transformers from 600 V
to 34.5 kV. In the 600 V class, ABB manufactures current trans-
formers (CTs) and voltage transformers (VTs), using both thermo-
plastic rubber and plastic casings. In the 5-34 kV category, ABB
provides a wide range of indoor and outdoor CTs and VTs cast in
polyurethane, using a new state-of-the-art casting process. Also of-
fered are specialty items such as linear couplers, bushing type, and
ring type CTs. ABB builds transformers to ANSI, IEEE, CSA, IEC,
Australian and other specifications. ISO-9001 certification was re-
ceived from UL on November 29, 1995. ISO-14001 certification
was received on August 31, 2000.
Product Description
Voltage ranges are defined as low voltage under 700 V and medium
voltage 1.2 kV thru 36 kV.
Product Description
Product Description
Product Description
Product Description
ABB Power Distribution
655 Century Point
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Fax 407-732-2132