ABB - AppNotes - 2.2 - 1HC0138868 EN AA
ABB - AppNotes - 2.2 - 1HC0138868 EN AA
ABB - AppNotes - 2.2 - 1HC0138868 EN AA
A P P L I C AT I O N N OT E 2 . 2
Overvoltage protection
Metal-oxide surge arresters in medium-voltage systems.
Overvoltage protection of
arc furnace transformers
Overvoltages due to switching and lightning phenomena require
additional MO surge arresters between the phases.
For general information about MO surge arresters The MO surge arresters have to be selected as
between phases see Application Note AN 1.3. described in the Application Guidelines and the
Application Notes AN 1.1 and AN 1.3.
In special cases, such as in arc furnace installa-
tions, switching overvoltages between phases Depending on the expected stresses, electrical
can occur that are insufficiently limited by arrest- and environmental, and the importance of the
ers between phase and earth. Two different equipment to be protected it is necessary to
arrangements can be used when overvoltage decide which characteristics of the MO surge
protection between phase-to-earth and phase- arresters are most important to provide best pro-
to-phase is required, the “six-arrester arrange- tection. In this way the type of arrester (arrester
ment”, see Figure 1, and the “four-arrester class etc.) can be chosen from the beginning.
(Neptune) arrangement”, sometimes also called
“four-legged surge arrester arrangement”, see The examples given below guide through the
Figure 2. principle of the selection process step by step.
Figure 1: Six-arrester
arrangement for
arc furnace trans-
former protection. T
— L1
Figure 2: Neptune
design with four L2
arresters (A1 to A4).
A1 A2 A3
4 A P P L I C AT I O N N O T E A R C F U R N A C E T R A N S F O R M E R S
As mentioned above, for such applications a low Lightning voltage impulse 1.2/50 µs:
protection level is recommended. For this reason 1.3 × Upl = 1.3 × 114 kV = 149 kV
we don’t add a 10% safety margin for the Uc . This
would increase the protection level Upl by 10% as a.c. voltage test 1 min, wet:
well, which is not favorable in this application. 1.06 × Ups
Step c) Nominal discharge current In (Switching current impulse 1000 A => Ups = 60.5 kV)
The nominal discharge current for this type of It follows Utest,pv = 1.06 × 60.5 kV = 64.13 kV.
arrester (class SM) is In = 10 kA This results in Utest = 45.6 kV rms, 1 min wet.
Step d) Charge Qrs and thermal rating Wth The guaranteed withstand values according data
Based on the decision for POLIM-S .. N (class SM) sheet are:
the Lightning voltage impulse 1.2/50 µs: 239 kV
• Repetitive charge transfer rating is Qrs = 2.0 C a.c. voltage test 1 min, wet: 68 kV
• Rated thermal energy is Wth = 10 kJ/kVUc
The housings of the POLIM-S 24 N have higher
Step e) we have to check the lightning withstand values than are required by IEC.
impulse protection level Upl vs the withstand
voltage LIWV. Step h) Short circuit current Is
Required is Upl ≤ LIWV / Ks The POLIM-S 24 N was tested with a short circuit
current Is = 50 kA and meets easily the assumed
The LIWV for the equipment to be protected re- 20 kA.
mains the same. Therefore, we have to consider
LIWV = 170 kV. As can be seen from the arrange-
ment in Figure 4 in AN 1.3 we have to make the
calculation with two POLIM-S 24 N in series.
6 A P P L I C AT I O N N O T E A R C F U R N A C E T R A N S F O R M E R S
Step i) Mechanical loads With the next higher value according data sheet
Special requirements for mechanical loads are we come to a POLIM-S 16 N for the MO surge ar-
not given. However, the type POLIM-S 24 N rester A4 between neutral and earth.
provides very good mechanical withstand values,
see data sheet. Following the same steps a) to i) as in the above
examples we get the electrical and mechanical
— data for the two MO surge arresters POLIM-S 22 N
It follows: the POLIM-S 24 N is and POLIM-S 16 N as shown in Table 1.
the right arrester from all points In step e) we have to check the lightning impulse
of view for this application. protection level Upl vs the LIWV. The LIWV is given
to 170 kV. Considering the safety factor of 15%
2.2.2 Arrangement with three identical MO we come to 148 kV. We have to consider now two
arresters and one with lower Uc cases, the MO surge arresters between two
The same provided information and the assump- phases and the MO surge arresters between a
tions made apply for this example as well. We go phase and the earth.
with a MO surge arrester of type POLIM-S .. N.
Between two phases we have in any case two
Step a) Continuous operating voltage Uc POLIM-S 22 N in series. In this case we have a total
With the equations under chapter 3.2 in AN 1.3 lightning impulse protection level of Upl = 132 kV,
for a simplified calculation of the continuous which is below the required value.
operating voltage we come to
1.05 × Us 1.05 × 36 kV Between one phase and the earth we have in any
Uc ≥ UL-N = -------------- = ---------------- = 21.82 kV case a POLIM-S 22 N and a POLIM-S 16 N in series,
√3 1.732 which gives a total lightning impulse protection
The next higher value for the continuous operat- level of Upl = 114 kV. This is again well below the
ing voltage is according data sheet Uc = 22 kV. required value of 148 kV.
Uc 22 kV 16 kV
Ur 27.5 kV 20.0 kV
In 10 kA 10 kA
W th 10 kJ/kVUc 10 kJ/kVUc
Qrs 2.0 C 2.0 C
3 Summary
Table 2: Continuous operating voltage Uc and protection level Upl for the examples above.
The results of the three possible solutions are 4 Overvoltage protection of the low-voltage
summarized in Table 2. side
It can be concluded that regard-
ing the overvoltage protection
of the equipment the six-arrester
arrangement gives the best
ABB Switzerland Ltd.
Surge Arresters
Jurastrasse 45
CH-5430 Wettingen/Switzerland
Tel. + 41 58585 2911
Fax + 41 58585 5570
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