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Getting Started With C2S

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Getting Started with Click2Sell’s Self-Service

Advertising Platform

Introduction................................................................................................ 3 6. Managing Your Account................................................................. 15

1. Registration............................................................................................ 4 Uploading Credit Card Details............................................ 15

Updating Account Details..................................................... 15
Opening an Account................................................................ 4 Viewing Transaction History................................................ 16
Logging In.................................................................................... 4 Making a Withdrawal Request............................................ 16
Restoring a Lost Password................................................... 4
7. Other Features.................................................................................... 17
2. Navigating the Dashboard............................................................. 5
Refer a Friend............................................................................. 17
Summary Data............................................................................ 5 Getting Support......................................................................... 17
Charts.............................................................................................. 5
Shortcuts........................................................................................ 5 8. Next Steps.............................................................................................. 18

3. Making an Order.................................................................................. 6

Packages on Offer.................................................................... 6
Purchasing a Package............................................................. 8

3. Launching Campaigns...................................................................... 10

Launching a Custom Campaign......................................... 10

Launcing a Marketplace Campaign.................................. 12

4. Monitoring Campaigns..................................................................... 13

Campaign Summary Tables................................................. 13

Detailed Campaign Data....................................................... 14
3 | Getting Started with Click2Sell’s Self-Service Advertising Platform


Welcome to Click2Sell, a leading self-service online

advertising platform. The purpose of this Getting Started
guide is to provide you with a step-to-step tutorial on how
to use the Click2Sell advertising platform.

The guide seeks to address the following subject matter:

• How to register with Click2Sell

• How to navigate the Click2Sell Dashboard
• How to add funds to your Account
• How to launch your Campaigns
• How to monitor your Campaigns
• How to submit a Withdrawal Request
• How to review and modify your Account Details
• How to contact Click2Sell’s Support Team
• And much more…

We hope you find this guide to be informative and helpful.

If you have any questions or require clarifications, feel
free to contact your Account Manager or send an email to

On behalf of the entire Click2Sell team, we wish you the

very best on your journey into the exciting (and potenitally
lucrative) world of online advertising.
4 | Getting Started with Click2Sell’s Self-Service Advertising Platform

1. Registration

Let’s start with the basics. In this section we explain how

to create your Click2Sell account, login to the platform and
(where necessary) reset your password.
1 Register. Navigate to
https://platform.click2sell.co/register then
1.1 Opening an Account complete the form and accept Click2Sell’s
Terms and Conditions. Within a minute you
will receive a verification email. Follow the
In order to use Click2Sell you must register, providing your instructions in the email in order to verify
contact information (including email and phone number). your email. You will then be able to login.

Refer to point 1 presented on the right side of this page.

Bear in mind that the email you provide at this step is the
email that will be associated with your account and will be
required each time you wish to login.

1.2 Logging-In

After registering, in order to access the Dashboard and run 2 Login. Navigate to
https://platform.click2sell.co/login then enter
Campaigns you must login. Refer to point 2 presented on your email address and the password you
the right side of this page. created when you first registered.

1.3 Restoring a Lost Password

If you lose or forget your password, you can reset your

password using the steps presented in point 3 on the right
side of this page. If you still have difficulty accessing your
account please contact support by sending an email to 3 Forgot password? If you forgot your
password, navigate to
support@click2sell.com. https://platform.click2sell.co/password/
resets then follow the prompts. You will
receive an email with further instructions on
how to reset your Click2Sell password.
5 | Getting Started with Click2Sell’s Self-Service Advertising Platform

2. Navigating the Dashboard

In this secton we present the Dashboard Home Page – the

first page you will see after logging in to the Click2Sell KEY FEATURES OF THE DASHBOARD HOME PAGE

2.1 Summary Data

1 6

At the top of the Dashboard Home Page we presents 2 3 4 5

summaries of key performance data pertaining to your

account (see points 2-5 of the screenshot). These data
snapshots help you to gauge how your Campaigns are
tracking. 7 8

2.2 Charts 9

By default, the Dashboard Home Page presents charts
displaying the total number of Impressions, Clicks and
Sales generated by your Campaigns (see points 7-8 of the
screenshot). Click on the ‘Top User Campaigns’ button to
toggle the chart and display the performance figures of the 1 Hide/show navigation. You can 6 Account Shortcuts. Provides
collapse/expand the navigation shortcuts to your Shopping Cart,
top Click2Sell members. menu by clicking here. Notifications and Settings.

2 Total Balance. Displays the total 7 My Campaigns. Presents

2.3 Launch Shortcuts funds remaining in your Account. summary data of your
Campaigns’ Impressions, Clicks
3 Your Purchases. Displays the and Sales.
You can use the shortcut buttons to instantly launch total amount of purchases made
new Custom Campaigns and to access the Campaign in your Account. 8 Top User Campaigns. Provides
summary data of Campaigns run
Marketplace (see points 9-10 of the screenshot). 4 Your Campaign Income. Displays by other Click2Sell members.
the total amount earned by
running your Campaigns. 9 Create Campaign. Shortcut for
launching new Custom Campaign.
5 Your Withdrawals. Displays the
total amount withdrawn from 10 Marketplace. Shortcut to the
your Account. Campaign Marketplace page.
6 | Getting Started with Click2Sell’s Self-Service Advertising Platform

3. Making an Order

Before you can use Click2Sell to run a live campaign, you Starter
first need to make an order. In this section we explain how
you can select a package that’s right for you then add funds The Starter pack is ideal for users who wish to take the
to your account. Click2Sell platform for a test run. It offers:

3.1 Packages on Offer • A 20% Welcome Bonus: Purchase $250 and get $300
worth of credit in your account
While you can start running campaigns by adding a • Weekly Market Reviews: Professional commentary that
custom amount, Click2Sell offers a variety of packages can help inform your marketing decisions
that are tailored to users with different needs, budgets, • Platform Walkthrough: A helpful guide for navigating
levels of experience and objectives. These packages offer the Click2Sell platform
advantages over and above what you will receive if you • Online Marketing Ebook: An Ebook that provides a solid
make a custom purchase. background about the online advertising industry
• Live Marketing Session: A personal session during which
a Click2Sell agent will help you setup a campaign
The cost of this package is $250. The full purchase amount
(plus the 20% bonus) will be added to your Click2Sell


The Silver pack the next level up, and is ideal for users who
want to spend (and earn) more. It offers:

• A 25% Welcome Bonus: Purchase $1000 and get $1250

worth of credit in your account
• Weekly Market Reviews: Professional commentary that
can help inform your marketing decisions
• Platform Walkthrough: A helpful guide for navigating
the Click2Sell platform
7 | Getting Started with Click2Sell’s Self-Service Advertising Platform

• Online Marketing Ebook: An Ebook that provides a solid Platinum

background about the online advertising industry
• 1 Live Marketing Session: A personal session during The Platinum pack is an elite level offering aimed at users
which a Click2Sell agent will help you setup a campaign who want to turn their online marketing efforts into a
serious business. It offers:
The cost of this package is $1000. The full purchase amount
(plus the 25% bonus) will be added to your Click2Sell • A 75% Welcome Bonus: Purchase $10000 and get
account. $17500 worth of credit in your account
• Daily Market Reviews: Professional commentary every
Gold day that can help inform your marketing decisions
• Platform Walkthrough: A helpful guide for navigating
The Gold pack was created for users who are ready to get the Click2Sell platform
serious about their online marketing activity. It offers: • Online Marketing Ebook: An Ebook that provides a solid
background about the online advertising industry
• A 50% Welcome Bonus: Purchase $5000 and get • Personal Account Manager: You will be assigned an
$7500 worth of credit in your account Account Manager who you will be able to contact for
• Weekly Market Reviews: Professional commentary that 1-on-1 support
can help inform your marketing decisions • Advanced Academy Session: You will get exposure to
• Platform Walkthrough: A helpful guide for navigating the advanced materials offered in Click2Sell’s academy
the Click2Sell platform • Limited Access to VIP Banners: You will gain access
• Online Marketing Ebook: An Ebook that provides a solid to a set of banners that are reserved exclusively for
background about the online advertising industry Platinum account holders
• Personal Account Manager: You will be assigned an
Account Manager who you will be able to contact for The cost of this package is $10000. The full purchase
1-on-1 support amount (plus the 75% bonus) will be added to your
• Beginner Academy Session: You will be able to join the Click2Sell account.
Click2Sell academy and receive in-depth instruction

The cost of this package is $5000. The full purchase

amount (plus the 50% bonus) will be added to your
Click2Sell account.
8 | Getting Started with Click2Sell’s Self-Service Advertising Platform

Diamond 3.2 Purchasing a Package

The Diamond pack the ultimate account level, providing The process for purchasing a package is simple, as outlined
professional users with the next level of service and access. below.
It offers:
Login to the Dashboard. Use the
• A 100% Welcome Bonus: Purchase $25000 and get 1
navigation menu to select the ‘Buy
$50000 worth of credit in your account Package’ option.
• Daily Market Reviews: Professional commentary every
day that can help inform your marketing decisions
• Platform Walkthrough: A helpful guide for navigating
the Click2Sell platform
• Online Marketing Ebook: An Ebook that provides a solid
background about the online advertising industry 2 Review the packages and choose
one that’s right for you. If you
• Personal Account Manager: You will be assigned an don’t want to buy a package and
Account Manager who you will be able to contact for prefer to add a custom amount,
1-on-1 support. click the ‘Skip’ button on the top let
of the screen.
• Pro Academy Session: You will get exposure to
the most advanced materials offered in Click2Sell’s
• Unlimited Access to VIP Banners: You will gain Select a Payment Method. In this
unlimited access to a set of banners that are reserved example we are going to show
exclusively for Diamond account holders. you how to may a payment with a
credit/debit card (Visa/Mastercard/
• Weekly Webinar: You will be invited to participate in a American Express) using the
weekly webinar with marketing professionals. Multicards payments system.

• Expedited Withdrawals: Your withdrawals will always

move the front of the withdrawal queue, ensuring that
you can receive your funds even faster than usual

The cost of this package is $25000. The full purchase

amount (plus 100% bonus) will be added to your Click2Sell
9 | Getting Started with Click2Sell’s Self-Service Advertising Platform

4 Get redirected to the payments 8 Enter your card details and

page. You will be taken to a secure accept the payment Terms and
URL. Conditions. Make sure you enter
the card number correctly. The
Card Security Code is the three-
digit code appearing on the back of
your card.
5 Confirm the amount, select your
country, then select the payment
type. Check to make sure the
amount matches the amount you
wish to purchase. Click the drop- 9 Review the Billing Confirmation. A
down and choose the country billing confirmation notification will
where your credit/debit card was appear on your screen and will get
issued. Then select the payment sent to your email.
type. In this example we will do a
Visa payment.

10 Start running Campaigns. Navigate

Enter your contact details. Name
6 back to the Dashboard. Then you
and email are mandatory. It is also
will see that the funds have been
a good idea to add your phone
added to your account. You are
number associated with your card,
now ready to run live Campaigns.
as this will increase the likelihood
of the transaction being processed

7 Enter your address. This should be

the address where you receive your
card billing statements.
10 | Getting Started with Click2Sell’s Self-Service Advertising Platform

4. Launching Campaigns

This section provides explanations of how you can launch

new Campaigns using Click2Sell. We start by providing a 3 Select a Campaign Period. You can
elect for your campaign to run from
tutorial for launching a Custom Campaign, where you can 2 weeks (minimum) to 5 months
build your own Campaign from scratch. We then provide a (maximum).
tutorial for launching a Marketplace Campaign, where you
can select from a vast library of pre-defined Campaigns.
4 Select a Category. You have a
variety of categories to choose
4.1 Launching a Custom Campaign from, including Computers /
Internet, Real Estate and Football.
If you would like to run a Campaign for which you will be
able to modify all of the parameters (e.g., Banner, Headline),
your best option is a Custom Campaign. The process for
launching a Custom Campaign is presented below.

Login to the Dashboard then

5 Specify your Campaign Budget.
go to the Navigation Menu and
Your budget can range from $250
select ‘Create Campaign’. You can
to $2,500. The budget determines
also launch a Custom Campaign
the number of Impressions the
by clicking ‘Create Campaign’,
Campaign will generate – the higher
as presented in the Campaign
your budget, the more Impressions
Shortcuts section of the Dashboard
per dollar (on average).
Home Page.

6 Confirm you are satisfied with

2 Name your Campaign. Enter the the number of Impressions you
name of your Campaign into the will receive. It is always a good
Campaign Name field. You can idea to double-check to make
use any name but make sure it is sure your Campaign will receive
something that you will be able to enough Impressions to satisfy your
find/identify it later when you are objectives.
running multiple campaigns.
11 | Getting Started with Click2Sell’s Self-Service Advertising Platform

7 Select your Banner. Each Category 11 Preview your Campaign, then

offers a wide variety of Banners for Save & Launch. At any time in
you to choose from. The Banner is the Campaign creation process,
the image that will be displayed in you can click ‘Preview’ to your
your ad (alongside your Headline). Campaign specifications. Once
you are fully satisfied and ready
to run the Campaign, click ‘Save &
Launch’. Your Campaign will then
start running across Click2Sell’s
partner websites.

8 Select your Ad Placement. The Ad

Placement refers to where your ad
will appear within a publisher’s web
page. For example, you can choose
to display your ad in a Rectangle
(on Desktop or Mobile) or in a
Square (on Desktop).

12 Get confirmation. Immediately

after Launching your Campaign,
you will receive a message
9 Verify your Ad Placement. The confirming that your Campaign has
Click2Sell platform enables you to launched successfully.
see the exact size and location of
your ad. For example, the Mobile
Rectangle shown here is 320 pixels
wide by 100 pixels high (320x100).

10 Select your Campaign Headline.

Choose the text that will appear
alongside the Banner in your final
ad. Note: At this time, you must use
Click2Sell’s pre-sets. Later on we
will likely allow you to create your
own Headlines from scratch.
12 | Getting Started with Click2Sell’s Self-Service Advertising Platform

4.2 Launching a Marketplace Campaign

4 Preview the Campaign. Click
‘Preview’ in order to review the full
Marketplace Campaigns provide a way to start running a campaign specification, including
new Campaign instantly. Below we present a walk-through the number of impressions and the
Targeting (Placement) option.
of the process for launching a new Campaign via the

1 Login to the Dashboard then go

to the Navigation Menu and select
‘Marketplace’. You can also launch
a custom campaign by clicking
‘Marketplace’, as presented in the
Campaign Shortcuts section of the
Dashboard Home Page.
5 Name the Campaign. The final step
before launching your Campaign is
to submit a Campaign name. You
can use any name but make sure it
Select a Category. The Marketplace is something that you will be able
offers a wide variety of Categories. to find/identify it later when you
Choose one in order to browse the are running multiple campaigns.
available pre-defined ads for that

6 Get confirmation. Immediately

after Launching your Campaign,
you will receive a message
confirming that your Campaign has
launched successfully.
3 Browse the available ads. After
selecting a Category, you can scroll
down to explore the pre-defined
ads for the selected Category.
13 | Getting Started with Click2Sell’s Self-Service Advertising Platform

5. Monitoring Campaigns

Launching a Campaign is just the first step. After launching

a Campaign, it is a good idea to monitor its performance SUMMARY DATA FOR ALL CAMPAIGNS
over time. In this section we present the tools that help you
to monitor, and adjust, your Campaigns over time. 1

5.1 Campaign Summary Data 3 4 5 6 7 8

After logging in to the Dashboard, click on the ‘My

Campaigns’ tab presented in the Navigation Menu. This tab
will take you to a page that presents summary data for all of
your active Campaigns in one place. 2

As presented in the screenshot on the right side of this

page, the Campaign summary data is divided according
to Campaign type: Custom Campaigns and Marketplace
Campaigns. By clicking a Campaign’s name, you can
navigate directly to a page containing detailed Campaign-
specific data.
1 Custom Campaigns. Lists all of your Custom Campaigns.

2 Market Campaigns. Lists all of your Marketplace Campaigns.

3 Name. Click on a Campaign Name to access detailed campaign data.

4 Budget. The total Budget allocated to the Campaign.

5 Status. Indicates whether your Campaign is Active or Ended.

6 Start At. The date and time when your Campaign was initiated.

7 End At. The date and time when your Campaign will end.

8 Extra Impressions. The number of additional Impressions purchased.

14 | Getting Started with Click2Sell’s Self-Service Advertising Platform

5.2 Detailed Campaign Data

You are able to view detailed data pertaining to any of your
Campaigns by clicking on the Campaign’s name in either 1 2 3

of the tables presented on the ‘My Campaigns’ page. The

purpose of campaign-specific data is to provide you with 4 6

a sense of how a particular Campaign is performing in the 5

context of its budget and timeline.


As explained in the notes accompanying the screenshot on

the right side of this page, each campaign-specific page
provides you with details regarding the status and expiry
date, the number of impressions, the profitability, and in-
depth data analysis for the selected campaign. Additionally,
it enables you to review the Campaign’s parameters (e.g.,
Headline, Category, Placement) and to purchase additional

The ‘Buy More Impressions’ feature is particularly useful as

it enables you to add more budget to a campaign without 1 Status. Details the time remaining until the Expiry Date.
needing to re-create the Campaign from scratch. In this
way you can maximize your performance by ensuring 2 Impressions. Details the number Impressions made (of the total purchased).

that you allocate sufficient budget to your most profitable 3 Profit. Details the total profitability of the Campaign thus far.
4 Data Analysis. Presents details of Impresisons, Clicks, Revenue and Profit.

5 Toggle Timeframe. Switches between Daily, Weekly or Monthly data.

6 Buy More Impressions. Enables you to add Budget (Impressions).

7 Campaign Data. The key parameters of the Campaign.

15 | Getting Started with Click2Sell’s Self-Service Advertising Platform

6. Managing Your Account

In this section we explore several features that will help you 6.2 Updating Account Details
to administer your Click2Sell Account.
From time to time, you may want to update your account
6.1 Uploading Credit Card Details details, including your name, phone number and password.
To make these changes, simply navigate to the ‘Account
Click2Sell enables you to upload your credit card details so Details’ tab, enter your updated information, then click
you can make additional payments quickly and easily. The ‘Save Changes’. To update your password, enter your old
process for adding a card to your Account is outlined here. password (in both fields), then your new password, then
click ‘Reset Password’.

1 Login to the Dashboard then go to

the Navigation Menu. Then select
1 Profile and Address.
the ‘Credit Cards’ option.
Update your name,
address and contact

2 Click ‘Add Card’, then enter your

details. Check to confirm that your
details are correct, then click ‘Save’.

2 Password. Set a new

3 View the saved details. You can
add/remove cards at any time
by navigating back to the ‘Credit
Cards’ tab.
16 | Getting Started with Click2Sell’s Self-Service Advertising Platform

6.3 Viewing Transaction History 6.4 Making a Withdrawal Request

The Click2Sell Dashboard presents a detailed view of your The process for withdrawing funds from your Click2Sell
transaction history, as described below. account is presented below.

1 Login to the Dashboard then go to 1 Login to the Dashboard then go

the Navigation Menu. Then select to the Navigation Menu. Select
the ‘Transaction History’ option. the ‘Withdrawal Request’ then click
on the ‘Add Withdrawal Request’

2 Review your transaction history. 2 Enter the withdrawal amount,

All purchases and withdrawals will reasons and comments. Specify
be presented in table, detailing the how much you want to withdraw,
dates and transaction amounts. why you are withdrawing, and
include any additional comments
(optional). Then click ‘Submit’.

3 Receive notification. A notification

will be provided, indicating that
your Account Manager will contact
you within 48 hours to process the

4 Monitor the status of your

withdrawal. The Withdrawals table
will indicate when your withdrawal
request has been processed.
17 | Getting Started with Click2Sell’s Self-Service Advertising Platform

7. Other Features

In this section we present several other features of the 7.2 Refer-A-Friend

platform that all users should be aware of.
Click2Sell gives all members the opportunity to earn
7.1 Getting Support funds every time they introduce a new paying user to the
platform. The Refer-A-Friend program entitles users who
Click2Sell is committed to providing reliable support to its introduce a new paying member to receive $100 of platform
clients. Our support team is available 24-hour per day, 5 funds for each new referral. The person receiving the
days per week. You can reach our support team via: email introduction will be entitled to receive a 25% discount on
(support@click2sell.co), phone: (+1 (917) 628-2855 | +44 their first purchase. Each user can get paid for a maximum
(80) 005-88235), and Live Chat (Accessible within the of 10 referrals.
Dashboard area). Additionally, if you have a tech support
request, feel free to submit a ticket by clicking the ‘Get Please note: additional terms and conditions apply, so
Support’ tab in the navigation menu. please contact support for additional information.


18 | Getting Started with Click2Sell’s Self-Service Advertising Platform

8. Next Steps

In this Getting Started Guide we have provided you with

a comprehensive overview of the Click2Sell platform. You
should now have a solid understanding of how to use the
platform – from registering and making your first purchase,
to running a campaign and making your first withdrawal

If you are unsure about any of the information presented

in this guide, please speak with your Account Manager or
a member of our support team. We are always happy to
provide you with additional guidance and to get you further
on your way to becoming a successful online marketer.
For more information, visit www.click2sell.co

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