Getting Started With C2S
Getting Started With C2S
Getting Started With C2S
Advertising Platform
3. Making an Order.................................................................................. 6
Packages on Offer.................................................................... 6
Purchasing a Package............................................................. 8
3. Launching Campaigns...................................................................... 10
4. Monitoring Campaigns..................................................................... 13
1. Registration
1.2 Logging-In
After registering, in order to access the Dashboard and run 2 Login. Navigate to then enter
Campaigns you must login. Refer to point 2 presented on your email address and the password you
the right side of this page. created when you first registered.
2.2 Charts 9
By default, the Dashboard Home Page presents charts
displaying the total number of Impressions, Clicks and
Sales generated by your Campaigns (see points 7-8 of the
screenshot). Click on the ‘Top User Campaigns’ button to
toggle the chart and display the performance figures of the 1 Hide/show navigation. You can 6 Account Shortcuts. Provides
collapse/expand the navigation shortcuts to your Shopping Cart,
top Click2Sell members. menu by clicking here. Notifications and Settings.
3. Making an Order
Before you can use Click2Sell to run a live campaign, you Starter
first need to make an order. In this section we explain how
you can select a package that’s right for you then add funds The Starter pack is ideal for users who wish to take the
to your account. Click2Sell platform for a test run. It offers:
3.1 Packages on Offer • A 20% Welcome Bonus: Purchase $250 and get $300
worth of credit in your account
While you can start running campaigns by adding a • Weekly Market Reviews: Professional commentary that
custom amount, Click2Sell offers a variety of packages can help inform your marketing decisions
that are tailored to users with different needs, budgets, • Platform Walkthrough: A helpful guide for navigating
levels of experience and objectives. These packages offer the Click2Sell platform
advantages over and above what you will receive if you • Online Marketing Ebook: An Ebook that provides a solid
make a custom purchase. background about the online advertising industry
• Live Marketing Session: A personal session during which
a Click2Sell agent will help you setup a campaign
The cost of this package is $250. The full purchase amount
(plus the 20% bonus) will be added to your Click2Sell
The Silver pack the next level up, and is ideal for users who
want to spend (and earn) more. It offers:
The Diamond pack the ultimate account level, providing The process for purchasing a package is simple, as outlined
professional users with the next level of service and access. below.
It offers:
Login to the Dashboard. Use the
• A 100% Welcome Bonus: Purchase $25000 and get 1
navigation menu to select the ‘Buy
$50000 worth of credit in your account Package’ option.
• Daily Market Reviews: Professional commentary every
day that can help inform your marketing decisions
• Platform Walkthrough: A helpful guide for navigating
the Click2Sell platform
• Online Marketing Ebook: An Ebook that provides a solid
background about the online advertising industry 2 Review the packages and choose
one that’s right for you. If you
• Personal Account Manager: You will be assigned an don’t want to buy a package and
Account Manager who you will be able to contact for prefer to add a custom amount,
1-on-1 support. click the ‘Skip’ button on the top let
of the screen.
• Pro Academy Session: You will get exposure to
the most advanced materials offered in Click2Sell’s
• Unlimited Access to VIP Banners: You will gain Select a Payment Method. In this
unlimited access to a set of banners that are reserved example we are going to show
exclusively for Diamond account holders. you how to may a payment with a
credit/debit card (Visa/Mastercard/
• Weekly Webinar: You will be invited to participate in a American Express) using the
weekly webinar with marketing professionals. Multicards payments system.
4. Launching Campaigns
5. Monitoring Campaigns
6 Start At. The date and time when your Campaign was initiated.
7 End At. The date and time when your Campaign will end.
that you allocate sufficient budget to your most profitable 3 Profit. Details the total profitability of the Campaign thus far.
4 Data Analysis. Presents details of Impresisons, Clicks, Revenue and Profit.
In this section we explore several features that will help you 6.2 Updating Account Details
to administer your Click2Sell Account.
From time to time, you may want to update your account
6.1 Uploading Credit Card Details details, including your name, phone number and password.
To make these changes, simply navigate to the ‘Account
Click2Sell enables you to upload your credit card details so Details’ tab, enter your updated information, then click
you can make additional payments quickly and easily. The ‘Save Changes’. To update your password, enter your old
process for adding a card to your Account is outlined here. password (in both fields), then your new password, then
click ‘Reset Password’.
The Click2Sell Dashboard presents a detailed view of your The process for withdrawing funds from your Click2Sell
transaction history, as described below. account is presented below.
7. Other Features
8. Next Steps