Erection Tower Method Statement

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Erection Tower Method Statement


Owner’s Engineer

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A 20. 03. 2019 For Approval

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- - JAW/00/K/U-----CCP3/MS/003
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Originator Document Type Document Status
Method Statement FOR APPROVAL
Title, Subtitle Originator Document No.
Erection Tower
C&T Method Statement Rev. Date Lang. Sheet
A 20.03. 2019 En -15
The purpose of this document is to explain the methods used for Tower Erection works.

This procedure applies to all personnel who are involved in and are responsible for the execution of
Tower Erection works.


Technical Specification and Contract Agreement of 500 KV Transmission Line JAWA 1 CCP


5.1 Man Power Plan.
1 Supervisor 1
2 Safety Man 1
3 Foreman 1
4 Winch Machine Operator 1
5 Workers 20

5.2 Equipment Plan.

1 Gin Pole 30 m 1


6.1. All work will be carried out in accordance with the Client Health, Safety and Environment procedure.
6.2. Administrative Control.
To control the work risks that exist on the erection tower installation, the Transmission Line 500KV
is as follows:
a. Prepare Job Safety Analysis for hazard identification and work risk control technical plans
b. Prepare work Permit to Work to Client.
c. Implement HSE Observation Card to control unsafe acts and unsafe conditions.
6.3. The following Personel Protective Equipment (PPE) must be provided :
a. Hard Hat (Safety Helm)
b. Gloves
c. Safety Belts double lanyards type.
6.4. Climbing
Unattached movement is NOT permissible. Access up and down the climbing leg / stepbolts is carried
out using double lanyards or a fall rope and slide chuck mechanism (cobra). When traversing across
a tower to a work position, it is an essential requirement that the climbers must be securely attached
to a safe anchorage at all times.
6.5. Working
It is an essential requirement that when at the work point, the person is in a secure position attached
to a safe anchorage at alltimes.
6.6. Climbing Belt and Lanyards
All climbers must use a climbing belt with two lanyards. Belt and lanyards should be checked daily
for obvious damage, broken stitches cuts or wear. Checking on safety hooks and buckles should also
be carried out daily.
6.7. All workers have a responsibility to work safety according to the Company Guidelines. lnparticular
they must :
 Wear the safety equipment provided.
 Check that the lower earthing is connected.
 Check their equipment daily and request the replacement of faulty items.
 Climb down from the tower during rain.
 Never erect the tower if the foundation is not backfilled.
 Not work at night unless special provisions have been made.
 All Lifting Hooks must have an approved safety catch.
 All type of steel wire rope and nylon rope must be tension tested before use.
 At every 3 towers erection, gin pole must be checked against crack and rope lightening.
 Anchorage must use anchor drill or other strong tools.
 lf you are not sure about the anchor drill (example : rock area), please install the- spare anchor
drill (2 pieces) at back.
 Maximum lifting capacity for 30m gin pole is 1.000 Kg.
6.8. ln the event that a winch bond becomes snagged on the tower, the lift should be stopped and the
tension reduced on the bond before releasing the snagged portion of the bond.
6.9. The foreman an is responsible for implementing this erection safety procedure. ln addition, a person
should be appointed "banksman" to observe and direct the lifting operations involving the winches.

7.1. The following materials are required for Tower Erection :
 Angle Steel work.
 Plates.
 Nuts, Bolts and Washers.
 Anti Climbing Devices.
7.2. All materials are hot dip galvanized and care must be taken to avoid damaging, scratching or marking
this protective coating. Any defect in the galvanizing should be reported immediately.
7.3. All materials are issued to site from the store. The procedure for storage, batching and issue of tower
materials to site is described in the Work lnstruction for store.
7.4. All materials should be checked for compliance with the specification before leaving the store.
7.5. Material Transportation
9.6.1 Material is transferred from the site store to the tower location by using truck or any
othersuitable means. Smaller truck may be used, for example, where road access is very
9.6.2 lf there is no access road access, the steelwork should be carried from the nearest roadside
point to tower location by hand carry.
9.6.3 The materials unloaded at the tower site must be stacked on timber batons, for ease of lifting
and to keep the steelwork clean (any dirt must be washed / brushed off).
9.6.4 The steelwork should be laid out in the sequence it is required for tower erection.
9.6.5 Special care must be taken to avoid damaging the steelwork in any way. Scratches can be
repaired using 'Cold calvanizing Paint' as approved by the Engineer. Steel work with major
damage must be replaced.


8.1. The tower foundation must be back filled before starting any tower erection.
8.2. The foundation concrete must have reached a strength of specification.
8.3. The surveyor must check the following stub dimensions :
 Back to back (face and diagonal).
 Relative levels of top of stubs.
 Slope of stubs.
As shown in work sheet for foundation work.
8.4. The tower earthing must be installed according the drawings. Make sure that tower earthing has been
installed before erection and has to be measured after erection finished.
8.5. Assembly of steelwork on the ground should be carried out in dedicated areas to avoid people
working overhead.
8.6. Good housekeeping (i.e. keeping the site tidy) should be maintained during the tower erection


9.1. The main equipment and plant required are :
 Winch and Bond.
 Gin pole
 Spanners.
 Gin pole guys.
 Stakes.
 Snatch blocks.
 Nylon rope.
 Pullifts.
9.2. Lifting hooks complete with safety catch.The gin pole is manually handled into resting position on
the chimney of one leg. Head guys and winch bonds are fitted as shown on the sketch below

9.3. The head guys must be secured to a ground anchor such as Molex Anchors or concrete blocks at a
safe distance from the gin pole. The foreman must select appropriate locationsand check they are
correctly installed. lt is not acceptable to use trees of any type for ground anchors.
9.4. The winch must be anchored to the ground using either stakes, molex anchors.
9.5. Leg Extensions
9.6.1 The first lift is the main leg which fits immediately above the stub. After lifting into position
and bolting up the splice plates and bosom angles, a holding out rope is fixed to the top of
the main leg to maintain the correct slope.
9.6.2 The gin pole is then moved to the next leg and the operation described in 8.5.1 is repeated.
9.6.3 The horizontal and bracing bars, that fit between these legs are then lifted into position.
9.6.4 The gin pole is moved on to the remaining legs, in turn and operations 8.5.1 & 8.5.3 are
repeated until all 4 leg extensions are in place with all the horizontal and bracing members.
9.6. Body Extensions
8.6.1 The Gin pole is then lifted to the first horizontal at one of the main legs. The winch bond
passes through a snatch block at the bottom of the main leg used by the gin pole and through
a second snatch block at the top of the gin pole.
8.6.2 The same procedure as described in 8.5.1 to 8.5.4 is followed to compiete the body extension.
8.6.3 Providing the gin pole is 14m long it may be possible to lift the two adjacent main legs into
position by leaning the gin pole towards each leg by adjusting the gin pole head guys. Head
and foot holding out ropes are attached to each main leg to manuver them into position. ln
this way the gin pole will only be moved to one other leg. However, the gin pole must not
normally lean more than 15" to the vertical.
9.7. Common Portion
8.7.1 The gin pole is lifted, as required, to each new level of the tower.
8.7.2 All material can be lifted into position by the gin pole fixed at one leg. The gin pole is leaned
over, as required, by adjusting the gin pole head guys.
8.8.1 The cross arms are lifted into place when the common portion body is complete.
8.8.2 The earth wire cross arms are lifted first.
8.8.3 The top, middle and bottom cross arms are lifted in two sections (an outer and an inner
section). The outer section is lifted into position with the winch bond passing through a
snatch block on the earth wire cross arms take off plate.


10.1. The main equipment and plant required are :
 6T winch (Capstan Winch) and bond.
 Type of gin pole : 30m lattice Steel gin pole.
 3.2T Tirfors.
 3.2T Pull Lifts.
 Head guys.
 Wallace toggles.
 3m and 4m . 12mm Wire rope slings.
 1.5m x 16mm Wire rope slings.
 1T & 1.5T SWL D Shackles.
 Anchor drill.
 Snatch blocks.
 Nylon rope
10.2. The procedure for lifting the steel work into position is the same as for described in section 8.
however, since the tower material is heavier and the base size of angle towers is wider, a larger
aluminium gin pole is used. The 'floating gin pole' methods is used with guys connected to the main
legs of the towers.
10.3. The following safety considerations should be considered at all times.
 The gin pole should be lifted into the wind.
 The gin pole should not be used at an angle > 30˚ to the vertical.
 Lifting hooks shall be completed with safety catch.
10.4. The following operations 9.5 and 9.6 describe the additional information required ti lift lhe gin pole
into position and subsequently raise the gin pole to new levels of the tower.
10.5. Raising Gin pole To The Vertical Position
9.6.1 This is a straight forward operation, which requires good co-ordination to avoid accidents.
Lt is important that the Senior Erection Supervisor attends every lifting operation.
9.6.2 The gin pole is laid out and assembled with its foot on a base plate at the centre of the tower.
Slings are used to anchor lhe base plate to the existing stubs.
9.6.3 The winch is positioned by the supervisor to suite the site conditions. lt is important that the
winch operator has good visibility to all lifting operations.
9.6.4 While the gin pole is lying on the ground, four guys are pulled out from the head of the gin
pole. They are positioned at 90˚ to each other and anchored at a distance equal to the height
of the gin pole.

Item Description Qty Item Description Qty

1 30m lattice steel gin pole 1 7 Erectionn Winch bond dia. 1

12mm with length 250m

2 77m , 8 ,12mm wire rope 4 8 4m * 12mm wire rope sling 2


3 3m * 12mm wire rope sling 4 9 1T SWL "D' Shackles 4

4 6T SWL Erection Winch 1 10 Tirfor 3.2T 4

5 A-Frame for erection bond 1 11 1.5m * 16mm wire rope slings 4

6 Anchor drill 15 12 1.5T SWL "D' Shackles 18

9.6.5 A falling gin pole is then positioned over the base plate. This is typically an a frame made
up from two main legs. lt is common practice to connect a sling from the a frame to the gin
pole to control its fall once the gin pole rises above the top of a frame.
9.6.6 The winch bond is passed through the head of the a frame and head to the gin pole and caught
off at the base plate.
9.6.7 The gin pole is now ready for lifting. Before this operation begins the senior supervisor will
check :
 All the guys are correctly positioned with men at each anchor position.
 The bonds and guys are not obstructed.
9.6.8 The gin pole is slowly raised by the winch. The side guys should be monitored to ensure that
the gin pole rises in line with the winch.
9.6.9 When the derdck is above 45˚ the rear guy should be very closely monitored. lt need to be
applied quickly if there is a danger of the gin pole falling over towards the winch but
otherwise should have some slack to that it does not work against the winch.
9.6.10 After the gin pole has reached the vertical position all four guys are caught off and the gin
pole is ready to begin lifting operation.

Item Description Qty Item Description Qty

1 30 m lattice steel gin pole 1 7 Erectionn Winch bond dia. 1
12mm with length 250m

2 77m , 8 ,12mm wire rope guys 4 8 4m * 12mm wire rope sling 2

3 3m * 12mm wire rope sling 4 9 1T SWL "D' Shackles 4

4 6 T SWL Erection Winch 1 10 Tirfor 3.2T 4

5 A-Frame for erection bond 1 11 1.5m * 16mm wire rope slings 4

6 Anchor drill 15 12 2.5T SWL "D' Shackles 18

10.6. Rising Gin pole To Higher Level

9.6.1 When the gin pole is lifted off the base plate it becomes a “floating” gin poles. It is supported
from pennants connected to all four tower legs. The head guys pass through the blocks at the
top of the main legs and continue to the stubs where they can be adjusted by tirfors.
9.6.2 Position on the main legs is chosen to fix the pennants. This is chosen to ensure :
 One - third of the gin pole remains inside the erected tower.
 The pennants hang at an angle of < 30˚ to the gin pole.
9.6.3 The gin pole is lifted using a "Lazy" bond connected from the winch through a block at the
top of one main leg and on to the bottom of the gin pole.
9.6.4 The head guys are released as the gin pole is lifted. When the gin pole has been raised to the
correct height the pennants are connected and the head guys caught off.
9.6.5 The gin pole is then ready to re-start lifting operation.
11.1. After completion of the tower erection all bolts must be checked tightness, This operation should
follow a logical sequence from bottom to top of the tower to ensure all bolts are checked.
11.2. The supervisor should complete and sign the Post Erection Inspection Form.

ln the steep area or narrow area, to pull the gin pole can use the kick back system (Different with the
normal procedure on Point 9.5)

13.1. Post Erection lnspection.
13.2. Certificate of Tower Earlhing

 Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Determination Control
 Work Flow for Tower Erection.
 Post Erection Inspection Form.
Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Determination Control
Tower Erection Method Statement
Risk Value
Activity / Tools / Control S Urgent Mitigation
No Material / Product Hazard Risk of Operational R Yes/No
NR P PPL Residu
/ Service at Presence Time H S E ELI SUB KTS ADM PPE
al Risk
1 Preparation of Work Resiko

Provide banksman to guide

UU No 22 Tahun 2009,
reversing vehicles. Ensure the
Government Regulation No.
driver already competence,
44 of 1993
Mobilization of Collision with personnel, Competent driver (Has A SIM),
Personnel injury UU no. 1 of 1970 concerning
materials, equipment NR other vehicle and the Method Statement, SOP 3 1 2 2 M Y DDT (Defensive Driving L
property damage work safety chapter III article
and tools existing property Training) Training, Drivers are not
3 1. Streamlining the
in Driving under Influence, Using
transportation of people,
a Seat Belt, JSA Worker
animals, plants or goods

Carry out Toolbox Meetings

before the job starts, the
Permenaker RI
socialization of Job Safety
No09/MEM/VII/2010 UU no.
Analysis about the work that
1 th 1970, Per 05 / Men /
will be implemented to all
Failure of lifting Personnel injury 1985 Lifting equipment Per
NR Method Statement, SOP 3 3 3 2 H Y worker, Do not stay under the M
equipment Property Damage 01 / Men / 1980 K3
lifting area, putting up
Construction of buildings,
barricades and HSE Sign on
the workplaces, HSE
2019, UU No. 1 TH. 1970
supervisor Personnel work
and Standby in field
Carrying out socialization to
UU no. 1 th 1970, Per 05 /
Disturbing public or Coordinating with people potentially affected,
NR conflict with people Method Statement, SOP 3 1 1 3 M Men / 1985 Lifting equipment Y M
person facility Local Authority Coordinating with Local
Per 01 / Men / 1980 K3
Construction of buildings

Follow the manual handling

procedure, using work tools aid,
carry out Toolbox Meetings
before the job starts, the
Manual Handling UU no. 1 th 1970, PP No. 50
2. Erection Tower R Falling Material / Stuff personnel Injury 3 1 3 1 M Y socialization of Job Safety L
Procedure th 2012
analysis of kep dea workers who
will carry out the work,
Maximum of Manual Handling is
25 kg/per person

Meeting Toolbox, Inspection

Electrical Winch, Pre Use
UU no. 1 th 1970, PP No. 50
Steel Assembling R pinched, scratched personnel Injury PPE 3 1 3 1 M Y Inspection to Lifting equipment, L
th 2012
JSA Erection, Wearing hand
protector PPE
Supervise the work of field
supervisors, Supervisors give
UU no. 1 th 1970, PP No. 50
R Incompetence Personnel Unspec Fabrication Personnel Competencies 2 1 3 1 M Y SOP to the implementing Work L
th 2012
and image work, Ensure the
competence of personnel his job
Carry out Toolbox Meetings
before work began, carrying out
socialization Job Safety Analysis
certainly Tower Erection to all
workers who will carry out the
Causing Fatal Method Statement, SOP, PERMENAKER No. 6 th work, carrying out blood pressure
Worked at Height R Worked at Height 3 1 4 1 H Y M
Accident PPE falling 2019, UU No. 1 TH. 1970 tests to workers who will
implement working at height,
Wearing PPE, fall protection
Prepared life line for body
hardness, Stand-by Supervisor
personnel and field HSE.

For workers who will be working

Construction Worker competencies & PERMENAKER No. 6 th at height compulsory Labor
R Incompetence Personnel 3 1 3 1 H Y M
Mistake Certificate 2019, UU No. 1 TH. 1970 certificate from Depnaker, Ensure
Worker competence at their Job

Carry out Toolbox Meetings

before the job starts, the
socialization of Job Safety
Analysis about the work that will
Material Falling from PERMENAKER No. 6 th be implemented to all worker, Do
Gin pole R Fatal Injury Lifting Procedure 3 1 4 1 H Y M
High 2019, UU No. 1 TH. 1970 not stay under the lifting area,
putting up barricades and HSE
Sign on the workplaces, HSE and
Supervisor Personnel work
should be Standby on field
Carry out inspections to the lifting
appliance that is to be used, Not
Lifting Equipment unable Permenaker RI
R Broken Tools Lifting Procedure 3 1 4 1 H Y exceeding the SWL of Lifting M
to Lift No09/MEM/VII/2010
Equipment, According to Load

Permenaker RI
No09/MEM/VII/2010 UU no.
1 th 1970, Per 05 / Men / 1985 Ensure the worker have adequate
R Incompetence Operator Lifting Failure Lifting Procedure 3 1 4 1 H Y M
Lifting equipment Per 01 / skill to work with lifting device.
Men / 1980 K3 Construction
of buildings

Follow the manual handling

procuder, using work tools aid,
Permenaker RI
carry out Toolbox Meetings
No09/MEM/VII/2010 UU no.
before the job starts, the
Checking and tightening Falling from Height, Hand Standard Operation 1 th 1970, Per 05 / Men / 1985
R Hand Injury, fatality 3 1 4 1 H Y socialization of Job Safety M
bolt pitching Procedure Lifting equipment Per 01 /
analysis of workers who will carry
Men / 1980 K3 Construction
out the work, PPE (fallen
of buildings
protector) work at height

Carry out Toolbox Meetings

before work began, carrying out
Cleaning of Working Slipped Personnel , fallen, UU no. 1 th 1970, PP No. 50 socialization Job Safety Analysis
3 R personnel Injury PPE Procedure 3 1 2 1 M Y L
Area scratched etc th 2012 certainly to all workers who will
carry out the work, Wearing
standard PPE
Environment Waste Handling Kepmenaker Ri No.Kep- Waste disposal should be based
Scattered Trash 3 2 2 3 M Y L
Disturbance Procedure 187/MEN/1999 tentang B3 on type (organic un - organic)

Environment Waste Handling UU no. 1 th 1970, PP No. 50 Providing Appropriate amount of

Trash Can not enough 2 2 1 2 M Y L
Disturbance Procedure th 2012 Trash Can

Risk (R) Probability (P)

VH; Very High, H:High,
M:Medium, L:Low, VL:Very 5 4 3 2 1

Very Often Often Sometimes Seldom Never

4 : Fatal VH VH H H VL

3 : Serious VH H M M VL
2 : Light M M M L VL

1 : First aid M M L VL VL

Responsible by

Design Tower

Tower Fabricator
Steel Tower Fabrication

Transportation from Fabricator to Project Store

No Project Store
Receiving in Project Store

Material QA/QC Engineer


Transporting material to Site Project Store

Erection Preparation

Tower Leg Erection

Tower Body Erection

Site Engineer

Common Portion Erection

Cross Arm Erection

Bolt Tightening

Post Erection
No QA/QC Engineer

JAWA-1 Combined Cycle Power Plant 1760 MW















TOWER GROUNDING RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT : _______________  (__________________________)







Name (Signature) / Date :


Construction QA/QC
Subcontractor Owner/OE
Contractor (SCT)
Risk Assessment Title:

Transmission Line Foundation Work

Risk Assessment
R/A Number: - Revision: 0

Current Risk Final Risk

Item Task (Steps) Potential Hazard Potential Incident Existing Control Additional Control Remarks
Seve Freq. Risk Seve. Freq. Risk

Mobilization of Collision with

Personnel injury Provide flagman to guide reversing vehicles,
materials, personnel, other Vehicle to maintain allowable safe
1 4 2 H ensure the driver or operator have valid licence, 4 1 M
equipment and vehicle and the property damage speed limit while within the job site
riding on top of Equipment are prohibited
tools existing property

Stop Work,
Social Problem Socialization work to the community 3 2 M Community involvement in work 2 2 M
Personnel Injury

Failure of lifting Personnel injury Check for safe radius and not to To conduct crane inspection prior to enter work
3 3 H 2 2 M
equipment Property Damage exceed SWL of the crane site

Slipping and
Personnel injury Travel path is free of obstruction 3 2 M To place safety signage at work place 2 2 M

Ensure the weight of material are in

Pinched by accordance with man power
Personnel injury strength
Fall down 3 2 M Use complete PPE 3 1 L
Property Damage If the weight of material are more
Struck down than 1 man power strength, so that
material should lifted up together

Muddy ground Personnel injury Vehicle to maintain allowable safe Provide flagman to guiding vehicle, ensure tyre
3 2 M 3 1 L
condition property damage speed limit while within the job site condition are good for use at muddy ground
Risk Assessment Title:

Transmission Line Foundation Work

Risk Assessment
R/A Number: - Revision: 0

Current Risk Final Risk

Item Task (Steps) Potential Hazard Potential Incident Existing Control Additional Control Remarks
Seve Freq. Risk Seve. Freq. Risk

Slipping and
2 Survey works Personnel injury Travel path is free of obstruction 3 2 M To place safety signage at work place 2 2 M

Working with supervission, ensure First Aid Kit

Animal attack Personnel injury Use Standard PPE (Rubber Shoes) 3 2 M and Energency Response acces to Trauma 2 2 M
Center / Hospital

Slipping and
Personnel injury Travel path is free of obstruction. 3 2 M To place safety signage at work place. 2 2 M

Stop Work,
Social Problem Socialization work to the community 3 2 M Community involvement in work 2 2 M
Personnel Injury

Ensure to maintain comfortable body position

Sprain, dislocate, during working condition, Refrain from
Load too heavy Fairly a rest 3 2 M 2 2 M
fatigue continuous bending position, Max weight per
man = 25 Kg, using heavy equippment if needed

Provide hard base for soft ground area

Rig topple / Personnel Injury, Boring area to be barricaded and
3 Drilling 4 2 H To provide flagman when boring rig 4 1 M
overturning Property Damage clear from all unnecessary personnel

Personnel Injury,
Lifting gear failure Competent boring machine operator 4 2 H Rigger to be trained and competent 4 1 M
Property Damage
Risk Assessment Title:

Transmission Line Foundation Work

Risk Assessment
R/A Number: - Revision: 0

Current Risk Final Risk

Item Task (Steps) Potential Hazard Potential Incident Existing Control Additional Control Remarks
Seve Freq. Risk Seve. Freq. Risk

Lifting gear / Personnel Injury, To check all lifting gear on daily basis prior to
appliance failure – Valid certificates by 3rd party 4 2 H 4 1 M
Property Damage start work
falling objects

Communication Personnel Injury, Only designated person to Brief tool box talk with all involved personnel
3 2 M 3 1 L
error Property Damage communicate during activity prior to commence works.

Noise Hazard Personnel Injury Conduct induction training 3 2 M Use complete PPE 3 1 L

Noise and Dust

Social impact Use maintained equipment 2 2 M Conduct noise monitoring 2 1 L

Noise and Dust Use complete PPE including ear plug

4 Cut pile Personnel Injury 2 2 M
hazard and dust mask

Use complete PPE including ear plug

Flying particle Personnel Injury 3 2 M
and dust mask

Slipping and
5 Excavation Personnel injury Travel path is free of obstruction. 3 2 M To place safety signage at work place 2 2 M

Wildlife animal-
Personnel injury Bush clearing for work area 3 2 M Use complete PPE 2 2 M

Landslide / Personnel Injury,

Ensure land analysis before 3 2 M Excavation material are placed  1 m from edge 2 2 M
collapse Property Damage excavation, if there are posibility of
Risk Assessment Title:

Transmission Line Foundation Work

Risk Assessment
R/A Number: - Revision: 0

Current Risk Final Risk

Item Task (Steps) Potential Hazard Potential Incident Existing Control Additional Control Remarks
Seve Freq. Risk Seve. Freq. Risk

landslide make a proper slope or

install temporary soring

Stone and soil Personnel Injury, Ensure the stone thrown size appx  Excavation material are placed  1 m from edge
3 2 M 2 2 M
struck down Property Damage  10 cm Ensure using PPE

Fall down to the Ensure install barricade or police line To place barricade and safety signage at work
Personnel Injury 3 2 M 2 2 M
excavation pit each the excavation pit place

Drowned inside the Ensure back fill the excavation pit To place barricade and safety signage at work
Personnel Injury 3 2 M 2 2 M
excavation immediately place

Stop Work,
Social Problem Socialization work to the community 3 2 M Community involvement in work 2 2 M
Personnel Injury

Ensure to maintain comfortable body position

Sprain, dislocate, during working condition, Refrain from
Load too heavy Fairly a rest 3 2 M 2 2 M
fatigue continuous bending position, Max weight per
man = 25 Kg, using heavy equippment if needed
Risk Assessment Title:

Transmission Line Foundation Work

Risk Assessment
R/A Number: - Revision: 0

Current Risk Final Risk

Item Task (Steps) Potential Hazard Potential Incident Existing Control Additional Control Remarks
Seve Freq. Risk Seve. Freq. Risk

Failure of Heavy Personnel injury Check for safe work Heavy To conduct Heavy Equipment inspection and
3 3 H 2 2 M
Equipment Property Damage Equipment tagging prior to enter work site

Install rebar, Struck down by Personnel Injury, Ensure supervisor on site when installing the
6 Ensure all worker using safety helmet 3 2 M 2 2 M
formwork, stub material Property Damage rebar, form work and stub

Pinched by Ensure the weight of material are in

accordance with man power strength
Fall down Personnel Injury, Excavation material are placed  1 m from edge
7 Concreting If the weight of material are more 3 2 M 2 2 M
The soil struck Property Damage Ensure all labour using PPE
than 1 man power strength, so that
down material should lifted up together

Dangerous The skin and leg Personnel Injury, Ensure all worker using rubber boot
8 3 2 M Ensure supervise by foreman or supervisor 2 2 M
subtance infected Property Damage during concreting activity

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