Creature Feature Black Stalker

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Creature Feature

By Owen K.C. Stephens

Blackstalkers are a mutant offshoot of garrals -- genetically engineered guard animals created by the
Empire to supplement human security troops (see the sidebar for more information). Like garrals,
blackstalkers are quadrupedal predators with long claws, powerful fanged jaws, and a tail. But that's
where the similarities end. The body of a blackstalker is hairless and covered with an armored black
hide. This hide is actually composed of thousands of tiny scales and is capable of deflecting light
blaster fire. Worse, blackstalkers have a primitive form of Force power, allowing them to sneak up on
the most alert of targets and draw on remarkable combat skills. It's not known how or why the
creatures developed these Force abilities, and no efforts to duplicate the effect in other species have

Although excellent scouts and guard animals, blackstalkers, unlike garrals, are nearly impossible to
train. All Imperial efforts to domesticate or control blackstalkers failed, and eventually the Empire
decided to destroy the breed. Unfortunately, many blackstalkers managed to escape confinement and
find their way onto outbound starships. Hefty bounties were placed on blackstalker heads, attracting
many hunters, but few of the beasts were ever caught. It's believed that an unknown group arranged
for the creatures to settle onto a new, largely uninhabited world. Blackstalkers are extremely rare, but
they continue to make occasional appearances well into the New Jedi Order era.

Occasionally, a blackstalker will bond with a sentient creature, Garrals are genetically engineered guard
treating it as a friend and member of the family. This type of animals created by the Empire to
relationship generally develops only when a blackstalker is young, supplement Human security troops. They
are the result of work by Luthos Garral --
although some reported cases indicate that a wounded an Imperial garrison commander -- and
blackstalker may also bond to an individual that tends to its bear his name. Commander Garral was
injuries. (Unfortunately, such efforts have also been known to well aware that troopers, no matter how
extensively trained, could not remain
result in the blackstalker attacking its would-be savior.) The
alert at all times. To overcome this
creatures seem to bond most often with Force adepts, but once in limitation, Garral genetically combined
a while, they offer their unusual friendship to fringers and scouts, Mantessan panthacs with several less
as well. It's interesting to note that blackstalkers will sometimes vicious predators and a few domesticated
creatures. The resulting animal
accept friends and allies of the bonded sentient, too - but only eventually was perfected as a loyal,
grudgingly. alert, easily handled animal common in
many Imperial outposts in the fringe
worlds. Closer to the Core Worlds,
The only other beings that a blackstalker will accept without Imperial reliance on technology makes
reservation are its mate and its offspring. Blackstalkers mate for garrals less common.
life and have litters of one or two cubs every few years. They're
very protective of their young, attacking any nearby creature that Get more details and game statistics on
the garral in this web
seems even slightly threatening or dangerous. Only a bonded enhancement forAlien Anthology!
sentient can safely approach or handle a blackstalker's young. The
creatures grow to their full length of 2 meters in two years and have a life span of 50 years.

Large fangs and powerful claws make blackstalkers dangerous in combat. They normally attack
creatures of medium size or less with a grapple check (see the grapple rules on page 148 of the Star
Wars Roleplaying Game core rulebook), though they may also use their improved grab ability on smaller
opponents. If a blackstalker succeeds in its grapple check, it has forced its foe to the ground. It may
then make a bite attack in addition to its claw attacks. This is the only time a blackstalker will inflict
both bite and claw damage.
The limited Force abilities of a blackstalker are normally used only to sneak up on prey (using Force
Stealth). If pressed, however, a blackstalker draws on the Force to enhance its combat prowess.

Blackstalker: Predator 6; Init +2; Def 25 (+13 natural, +2 Dex); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 64/18; Atk +8 melee
(2d6+2, 2 claws), +6 melee (2d8+2, bite) or +8 ranged; SQ Damage reduction 7, improved grab, keen
senses (incredibly sharp hearing grants a +5 species bonus on all Listen and Spot checks), scent; SV Fort
+9, Ref +7, Will +5; SZ M; Rep 1; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 17, Cha 10; Challenge Code: E.
Skills: Climb +6, Hide +10, Jump +6, Listen +7, Move Silently +10, Spot +7.
Force Skills: Battlemind +10, Force Stealth +10.
Feats: Force-Sensitive, Multiattack, Power Attack, Track.
Force Feats: Control.

The blackstalker is an example of how an existing creature can be made into another with the
template rules from the Alien Anthology accessory for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. Check it out

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