ASM Past Papers

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Date: -07thJuly-2017
TIME: 3 Hours PASS MARKS: 100 MAX.MARKS: 200
1. Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 50 marks.
2. Attempt any five questions fromthe remaining 6 and each question carries 30 marks.
Q.1 a) A Ship of deadweight capacity of 8940T (winter), 9335T (summer) & 9738T (tropical) is to load a full cargo of
heavy grain at Bahia Blanca for Kobe via Cape town ad Miri. After discharging at Kobe she is to be proceed in Ballast to
Pince Rupert. From the information given below find the maximum amount of cargo she can load at Bahia Blanca and
quantity of bunkers that should be taken there and at Cape Town and Miri, respectively, with the intention of leaving
Kobe with the maximum possible amount.
Bahia Blanca to Cape Town 10.5 days summer Zone throughout Cape Town to Miiri 16 days – summer tropical, in that
order. Miri to Kobe 8 days – tropical for the 1st 1.5 days, then summer. Daily consumption – Fuel oil 16 tonnes, water 10
tonnes. (Port consumption to be ignored). Fuel prices per tonne are $ 340 Bahia Blanca, $ 335 Cape Town, $ 306 Mir,
$329 Kobe. Reserves of fuel and water to be 5 days supply at all times of sailing. Allowance for stores, etc. consumed –
Bahia Blanca to Cape Town 15 tonnes, Cape Town to Miri 22 tonnes. Provision and Stores (not including water) on board
at Bahia Blanca amount to 128 tonnes. (35 marks)

b) State the Salient features of the Contract of Afreightment and how does it differ from the Contract of Carriage?
(15 marks)

Q.2 Part XII of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 deals with investigation and inquiry, in this context, write short notes on
three of the following:
i) Shipping Casualties ii) Preliminary inquiry and formal investigation
iii) Inquiry into charges of incompetency or misconduct iv) Marine Board

Q.3 a) Define Wreck as per the provision of Merchant Shipping Act, 1958. State the duties of receiver of wrecks and your
responsibility towards him.
b) What is the duty of master under Nairobi Wreck Removal Convention?
c) Briefly describe the limitation of liability for the ship owner under the provision of CLC / BUNKER and Wreck Removal

Q.4 a) State the factors that influence the maneuvering characteristics of a large size ship (oil tanker VLCC full laden).
b) With the help of suitable sketches, show the emergency stop parameters.
c) Briefly describe the uses of these maneuvering capability in berthing and STS operations.

Q.5 a) Define piracy under the article 101 of UNCLOS 1982.

b) Define stowaway and describe the relevant provisions in section 205 of Merchant shipping act 1958 and IMO
resolution 871 (20) which provide the duties of master in the event of detecting and successful resolution of stowaways
on board.
c) Describe the function of IMO’s “Stowaway focal point”.

Q.6 a) Outline the objectives of port state control. State the provisions of the IMO conventions applicable for this
b) The casualty code has entered into force internationally with effect from 1st July 2010, state the salient features of
this code.

Q.7 a) Discuss how as a Master you would comply with the following ISM code clauses which the stress the concept of
“Learning from past mistakes”
i) Clause 9 on “Accidents, hazard of occurrences reporting” ii) Clause 12 on “Internal audits”
iii) Clause 1.2 on “contingency seek to improve safety management skills of shore and ship’s personnel” (20 marks)
iv) Write short notes on Navigation in Ice, through leads and lanes, related to weather forecast. (10 marks)
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Date: -06thMarch-2017
TIME: 3 Hours PASS MARKS: 100 MAX.MARKS: 200
1. Question No. 1 is compulsory and carries 50 marks.
2. Attempt any five questions fromthe remaining 6 and each question carries 30 marks.

Q.1 a) A Vessel of Summer DWT 93542T at Summer Draft of 14.40 TPC 42, Stores and Constant 380T in loaded to her
Summer DWT at Le Havre with 340T of Ballast on board and with FO 740T and FW 350T as ROB. She is to load 350T of
cargo from Gibraltar and 780T from Las Palmas Her Route is essential as follows:
i) Le Havre to Gibraltar: 2 Days-Summer Zone
ii) Gibraltar to Casablanca: 0.5 Days-Tropical Zone
iii) Casablanca to Las Palmas: 2 Days-Tropical Zone
iv) Las Palmas to Abidjan: 1 Day in Tropical then 2 Days in Seasonal Tropical (S) then 5 Days in Seasonal Tropical (W)
v) Abidjan to Cape Town: 11 Days – 1 Day in Summer, 6 Days in Seasonal Tropical (W) and Rest in Winter Zone
vi) Cape Town to Durban: 2 Days-Winter Zone
She has to discharge 1500T Cargo at Casablanca, 1000T each at Abidjan and Cape Town. Required quantity of FO and FW
is to be replenished at Las Palmas maintaining three Days reserve of FO and FW at all times. Daily Consumption FO 34T
and FW 18T
Find how much additional cargo she can lift from Las Palmas if the ballast was pumped out at sea one day prior arrival
Gibraltar. (35 marks)

b) Write Short notes on the Following: (any two)

i) OCIMF ii) BIMCO iii) ICS (15 marks)

Q.2 a) Discuss the following with respect to M.S. Act

Functions of Marine Board and Court of Survey
b) Discuss the Main Salient features of STCW Convention adopted at the Manila Conference June 2010

Q.3 a) What factors led to the development of SCOPIC Clause in salvage

b) What is the difference in scope of the CLC, Bunker Convention, and Wreck Removal Conventions?

Q.4 a) What is the legal nature of the relationship between a Master and a pilot onboard? As a Master how will you
ensure the delegation of “control of navigation” so the pilot does not jeopardize the safety of the vessel?
b) What points are to be taken into account when as a Master you are requested to tow a vessel which is disabled but
not in distress? Describe the procedures to be followed for safe towing.

Q.5 A vessel sailed for a Tanzanian port & one day after sailing the stowaways were detected. Describe your action as a
Master under the following headings.
i) Master’s responsibilities.
ii) Safety & security of stowaways.
iii) P & I cover for the stowaways.

Q.6 a) Why do we have classification societies as a statutory requirement?

b) What are the duties of classification societies?

Q.7 a) In order to comply with the ISM Code, as a Master, how will you ensure the working of Safety Management
system (SMS)? Give your answer by describing the elements the SMS must consist off.
b) Describe precautions for entering and navigating in an ICE Pack

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