Portfolio Peer-Review Rubric
Portfolio Peer-Review Rubric
Portfolio Peer-Review Rubric
Trait 6 5 4 3 2 1
Unity/Focus (controlled by a presents a cogent, presents a presents an presents an presents a simplistic, presents an
thesisdriven thoughtful, thesis appropriate, thesis inconsistent or inappropriate, or inadequate, thesis
thesis or topic sentence claim)
analysis of or centered analysis of based analysis of or illogical thesis incoherent thesis irrelevant analysis of
response to the text or response to the response to the text related analysis of or tangential analysis of or response to the
text response to the text or response to the text, ignoring the
which reflects an text, one that may topic’s demands,
incomplete suggest some unacceptable
understanding of the significant
text or topic misunderstanding of
the text or the topic;
Two Strengths:
1. You are doing a fantastic job with staying in focus that physical education should be a prominent aspect in grade school.
2. With your argument that physical education should remain prominent, you are providing evidences that support your claim, which makes the
argument very convincing.
1. Although, your paper stays well in focus, but you should explore the similarities that you and the author (Flanagan) have, and explore it to
show a complex and professional paper.
2. Besides providing great evidences to support your claim, you should state what is wrong with the author’s claim (Flanagan), instead of
restating her claim. You can try putting the argument into your own word to show that you understand the argument of the author, and
persuade the audience that your claim is the better choice for physical education.