Bow String Girder of 60 M Span With 15 M Width

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Bs RDSO issued standard drawings for RO! 70 R loading Cost sharing 7] ‘no. of No. of an | Wee ofsuper | carriageway | - over ths | _lanes eae eA eats width| deck | foot (wo. 7500 9900 one two) 1] ag 7300__| 0100 | one two 3 a ce der bet 11800 ill = Sao] Composit Girder | —7800_f_AEES we 10500 13400 one as 4| 36 10500 14800, swe ae) 3| 30 wo 5 36] ‘two 7] a2 two 8{ __48] Bowstring girder | 7500 12000 tee a of sai we io] 60 two na] 72 70 R loading For NHAI cases 7 F | No.o ‘Type of super carriageway | overall no. of eae ewes structer width deck | footpaths | _ lanes a|__18] ‘3500 | 12300 | one two 15300 one two 7 24) composite Girder | 12000 3} 11000 | 15600 two two 4 G ciameso two two) 6 36 ‘two two 7 a2] two two 3 48] bow string girder 7500 12000 ‘two. two 3 54} two two. 10} 60} two two. ul 72 two two) loadin for NHi Type of super | carriageway] overall no. of No. of i ‘SING n melpsee structer width deck __| footpaths | _ lanes z 8500 12300 one two 2| 3 ni : Composite cirder |_22000_|__ 15300 one two i 11000 | 15600 | two two 7 42 one four 3] 4a] 9500 for | 12500 for| one four S{ _54] bowstring girder | each two | eachtwo |~one four 10] 60] lane lane one four’ aera ‘one four & vm € OF BEARINGS: € OF EXP. JOINT: BEARING: CONCRETE PEDESTAl: OF BEARINGS OF EXP, JOINT § OF CARRIAGEWAY ai = = s8ho M.S HAND RAIL WITH WELD: MESH 1 po { NL Z 1s00 59, 10800 1500 RRC.C CRASH BARRIER | WEARING !conT 200 TH DECK SLAB 72. tc concrete Suan 2x POT/PrFE—| a aol R.C.C_BEARING PEDESTAL PLICE. (TYP) END CROSS BEAM 1saso| LsHs 220x220x12 R.C.C PIER -3000- 0x150x12 EXISTING_GROUND LVL | | | | IEXISTING GROUND LVL. SECTION A-A (SCALE = 1: 100) 62000 C/C_OF BEARING 63400 OVERALL LENGTH OF THE GIRDER ELEVATION § OF CARRIAGEWAY repo 150 150 1500 _$59 10400 R.C.C CRASH BARRIER /EARING |COAT M.S HAND RAL 100 THK, DECK SLAB 7 70, THK. CONCRETE wie WELD MESH Za Paoler 3000: = 000== DRG. NO. DESCRIPTION RDSO/B-10423/1 | GENERAL ARRANGEMENT RDSO/B-10423/2_ | DETAILS OF STEEL FRAME RDSO/B-10423/3_| DETAILS OF ARCH & TOP JOINTS RDSO/B-10423/4_ | DETAILS OF TOP TIE BEAM RDSO/B-10423/5_| DETAILS OF HANGER & JOINT LO RDSO/B-10423/6 | DETAILS OF BOTTOM CROSS BEAM RDSO/B-10423/7_ | DETAILS OF BOTTOM LONG. BEAM RDSO/B-10423/8_ | DETAILS OF CONCRETE DECK SLAB RDSO/B-10423/9 | SPLICING LOCATIONS GEA Soh LSPLICE CYP) SHS 220X220X12 TOM SSE Beads t t SECTION B-B L. THK. SCREED CONCRETE so mx, senerh cone FOR DRAINAGE PURPOSE none (SCALE = 1: 100) 1. All dimensions are in mm. 2. No dimensions shal e sealed fom this rawing only writen dimension shal be flowed. 3. This ridge span is designed for 3-Lane of Class-A OR tae of Clast-7OR ane of Cas-A and Special Vehicle loading of 357 sper IRC-2017 4. This bridge span ie dsigned for erthquke zone IV. 5 Analysis and design of sel frames a8 perIRC242010. 6 Analysis and design of compose concrete dck a per IRC22-2008. 17. This ridge shal ot be converted into four lane after removal of RCC cash barrier cau idesiged fr ree lane odin ony (ae pr IRC6-2017. {All eat plates wed in fabrication of ie ridge ae of pre Fe 450/008, 9. Gre of concrete for dec, cash barr and concrete panes shal be M40, 10 All material shal pase ena prescribed by relevant IS speciation. 1L-Allsteel week session shal be one in scordance with nian Code. 12. Workshop welding: ‘All workshop fabriation shall be done using SAW (Submerged Arc Welding) proses ony 13. Onsite welding 1. Allweling, other than workshop welding sal be done through Gas Shilded FCAW (Fix Core Are Welding) proces, FCAW wie tobe ued shal be ix core inadion toga cover of 60», Argon orCO,-Argon mixture only. SMAW (Shielded Meal Are Weting) also known as Manual Met Are Welding shall NOT be penned anywhere inthe structs, The gs Shield to Be used in the FCAW proces may be CO y, Argon or CO, Argo mixture. {In FAW process, windscreen and/or enclosures sal be provided around the welding ston o prevent shisiing ga frm Bown ut 4. Welding shal be performed on prepared meta surfaces roe fem rst, ust, mashes. and before every new pas, sag mst be carefully chipped of fom weld surice 4, Welded qualty shal be tested sper welded Bridge Code 15. Pier an foundation used bere ar represent arangement of bow ating de. Actual densions of pie and foundation is se pei. 16. Staircases optional and may be modified sper ste eguremet. 17 All tubular members sal be tight to prevent fom inter corosion. 18. Design of bearing is dependent upn the ne pei ea of the subnroctere and therefore the design ofthe ening shal be considered a part f the subnet for wich the simi forces shall be computed by considering he ine period of the wine bie 19. This design hasnt considered the special congestion contin of Cine No.2044 of RC6-2017 FOR DRANAGE PURPOSE DETAD R.D.S.O. ROAD OVER BRIDGE BOW STRING STEEL GIRDER 60m CLEAR SPAN FOR NHAI THREE LANE AS PER IRC:SP:73-2015 (WITH SPECIAL CLASS LOADING OF 385 TON) GENERAL ARRANGEMENT CDE SNoUTAGSE) sf Sssmau ass) PROVISIONAL RDSO/B - 10423/1 THIS DRAWING W Tat PROPERTY OF RESEARCUT DESIGN AND STANDARD OROANEZATION (WORE (OF RAR WAT), LUCKNOW 20001, INDUC AND SHALL NOT Be USED, COMED OR REPRODUCED IN PART ‘OR WHOLE, WEFHOUT PRIOR CONSENT IN WRITING" “e200. * S200 eao0n c/e 8 seas ELEVATION PE OF BOTTOM LONG BEAM/ARCH OF BEARINGS g oF syuwerey + Coorom cross BEAM OF CARRUGENAY [eee 220x220x12 EOF BOTTOM LONG BEAN ARGH nl | | | i i I i | i FILLET WELD ALL BOX SECTIONS SHOULD BE WELDED FROM ANY TWO SIDES USING 10MM See 0 4 SECTION K-! PL. 220x220x12 NOTES:- 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM 2. NO DIMENSIONS SHALL BE SCALED FROM THIS DRAWING, ONLY WRITTEN DIMENSIONS SHALL BE FOLLOWED, 3. ALL STEEL PLATES USED IN FABRICATION OF THIS BRIOGE ARE OF GRADE FE 4908/490 ONLY. 4. ALL MATERIAL SHALL PASS TEST/ANALYSIS PRESCRIBED BY RELEVANT IS SPECIFICATIONS 5. ALL STEEL WORK FABRICATION SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH INDIAN CODES. 6. ALL WORKSHOP FABRICATION SHALL BE DONE USING SAW (SUBMERGED ARC WELDING) PROCESS 7. SPLICING OF MEMBERS SHALL BE DONE AS SHOWN (IN DETALED DRAWINGS. R.D.S.O. ROAD OVER BRIDGE BOW STRING STEEL GIRDER 60m CLEAR SPAN FOR NHAI THREE LANE AS PER IRC:SP:73-2015 (WITH SPECIAL CLASS LOADING OF 385 TON) DETAILS OF STEEL FRAME PROVISIONAL RDSOSB - 10423/2 ‘HS BRA WING 9 TE PROPERTY OF RESEARCH DESIGN AND STANDARD GRGARLEATION (NESTA ‘GP RAILWAY ) LUCKNOW 204015, INDIA, AND SHALL NOT BE USED, COPIED OR REPRODUCED IN PART "OR WHOLE, WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT WRITING.”

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