00 - HRT 3m Hinduism Unit Plan

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HRF 3O Hinduism

Unit Plan

*Note: Each lesson in this unit begins with the Hindu greeting “Namaste” and prayer lead by a student.*

Outline of Lesson Expectations Assessment/Evaluation

Lesson #1 – Introduction Curriculum - assess prior K/U of Catholicism

- Prayer: Mantra Meditation SC3.08, PF2.05, PF3.07, CM2.05. during discussion
- Daily Greeting: students learn the greeting “Namaste” which students will PS1.04, PS4.14, FLV.03 - collect and evaluate chart for K/U
greet each other with at the beginning of very class and T/I skills at the end of the unit
- Discussion: What does Namaste tell us about Hinduism? What similar CGE’s - assess responsibility during
gestures do Catholics have? CGE1a, CGE1f, CGE1h, CGE2a, CGE4a, homework check
- Handout: students are given a chart to record comparisons between CGE7e - assess K/U when taking-up video
Hinduism and Catholicism that is to be completed throughout the unit sheet
- Video: students watch “Religions of the World – Hinduism” for an
overview of Hinduism
- Homework: complete movie sheet

Lesson #2 – History (text ref. 230-232) Curriculum - assess prior knowledge during
- Trivia: questions about Hindu demographics (*prizes*) PF3.07, PF3.08, PF3.09, PF3.10, RI1.03 trivia
- Note: History of Hinduism - assess collaboration skills during
- Group Activity: map population statistics of Hindus in Canada using 2001 CGE’s group activity
Census CGE1h, CGE2b, CGE3e, CGE5a, CGE7f, - assess responsibility during
- Homework: research Hindu places of worship and organizations in your CGE7g homework check
local community, read pages 230-232 in textbook & create vocabulary - assess K/U when taking up
flashcards homework

Lesson # 3 – Rituals (text ref. 235-236) Curriculum - assess initiative of volunteers

- Story: read Harsha’s story (pg. 229) as a class PS2.05, PS2.06, PS2.07, PS5.16, during class demo
- Note: Hindu Rituals PS5.17, PF3.08 - assess K/U and T/I skills during
- Class Demonstration: volunteers performs Puja with the materials Venn Diagram activity
provided CGE’s - assess K/U when taking up
- Virtual Tour: BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Toronto, Ontario CGE1b, CGE1h, CGE1f, CGE2a, CGE2c, homework
- Venn Diagram: in pairs students complete “Comparing Rituals” handout by CGE4c, CGE5a, CGE6d
writing down the similarities and differences between Hindu’s form of
worship and Catholic worship
- Homework: read pages 235-236 in textbook, complete question #1-4 &
create vocabulary flashcards

Lesson #4 – Worldview (text ref. 237-238) Curriculum - assess collaboration skills during
- Introduction Activity: Each student is given a paper cup and crayons. On PF2.04, PF2.05, PF2.06 group activity
one side they draw a picture of themselves and the other things that - assess K/U and A skills during jig-
describes who they are. CGE’s saw activity
- Demonstration: teacher selects seven cups and through a demo CGE1h, CGE1i, CGE1j, CGE2c, CGE3c, - collect journals and evaluate T/I
introduces key terms (i.e. dharma, karma, samsara etc.) CGE5a, and C skills with rubric
- Note: The Hindu Worldview - assess responsibility when
- Jig-Saw Activity: in expert groups students create similes for their assigned collecting journal reflections
term and then share with home group
- Journal Reflection: students evaluate and compare the worldview of a
Hindu and a Catholic on suffering
- Homework: complete journal reflection, read pages 237-238 in textbook
and create vocabulary flashcards

Lesson # 5 – The Caste System (text ref. 239-240) Curriculum - assess collaboration skills during
- Prayer: Hymn of Purusha (pg. 240) PF2.04, PF2.05, PF3.07, PF3.10, group work
- Role Play Activity: students get treated differently by the teacher CM1.01, CM1.02, CM2.06, CM3.08, - assess T/I and C skills during
according to their caste CM4.09, PS5.18 presentations
- Note: The Hindu Caste System - assess students ability to
- Group Activity: students form groups of four and on a sheet of poster CGE’s independently work on journal
paper indicate whether the caste system meets their assigned principle of CGE1d, CGE1h, CGE2a, CGE2b, CGE2c, reflection
Catholic Social Justice (students present to class) CGE2d, CGE3b, CGE3c, CGE3d, CGE4a, - assess responsibility during
- Journal Reflection: Imagine that your life is structured by the caste system. CGE5a, CGE7a, CGE7e homework check
How would your life be different? How would it affect your plans for the
- Homework: complete journal reflection, read pages 239-240 in textbook &
create vocabulary flashcards

Lesson #6 – Central Beliefs (text ref. 242-244) Curriculum - assess K/U and T/I skills during
**Quiz** SC1.01, SC1.O2, SC1.04, SC2.05, discussion
- Discussion: compare the Hindu Hymn of Creation & John 1:1-5 SC3.03, SC3.08, SC4.12 CM2.04, - assess students K/U and
- Graphic Organizer: Hindu Scriptures CM3.07, RI1.04, RI2.06, RI3.09 communication skills during skit
- Skit: in groups students present stories of beloved Hindu characters who - assess student’s ability to
are role models of dharma living (ex. Ramayana & Bhagavad Gita) CGE’s independently work on storyboard
- Storyboard: individually students create a storyboard for a story that CGE1c, CGE1h, CGE1i, CGE2a, CGE2b, - evaluate storyboard for A and C
provides a moral lesson and a role model for children of how to live a good CGE2c, CGE2e, CGE4f, CGE5a, CGE5e, skills with a rubric
Christian life CGE5f, CGE5g, CGE7a - assess responsibility when
- Homework: complete story board, read pages 242-243 & create collecting storyboards
vocabulary flashcards

Lesson #7 – Deities, Avatars & Epics (text ref. 244-248) Curriculum - assess prior K/U and T/I skills
- Intro Activity: students identify symbols in Christian images SC3.08, PF2.04, RI1.04, RI2.05, RI2.06 during intro activity and matching
- Note: Deities, Avatars and Epics game
- Matching Game: in groups students analyse various pictures of Hindu CGE’s - assess collaboration skills during
deities and match them with their description CGE1a, CGE1h, CGE1i, CGE2a, CGE 2b, group activity
- Assignment: Make it Your Own – Hindu Iconography CGE2c, CGE2d, CGE3c, CGE4f, CGE5e - evaluate assignment for K/U, T/I, C
- Journal Reflection: What do Hindus believe about the Supreme Being, and A skills with Rubric
deities, and avatars? How do these differ from Catholic beliefs? What - assess students’ ability to
questions do these Hindu beliefs raise for you? independently work when
- Homework: complete journal reflection, read pages 244-247 and create completing journal reflection
vocabulary flashcards - assess responsibility during
homework check

Lesson #8 – Morality (text ref. 248-251) Curriculum - assess collaboration skills during
- Think-Pair-Share: What are your four goals in life? PF2.04, CM1.05, CM1.02, PS2.06, mind map activity
- Note: The Four Goals of Life PS2.07, PS3.08, PS3.09, PS4.14 - assess K/U when taking up mind
- Mind Map: in pairs students create a mind map of The Paths of Liberation map
(The Three Yogas) CGE’s - assess students’ ability to
- Journal Reflection: What paths do you see as necessary for reaching your CGE1g, CGE1h, CGE1i, CGE2b, CGE2c, independently work when
goals? What techniques or disciplines are central to each path? Who has CGE3c, CGE4e, CGE4g, CGE5a, CGE6c, completing journal reflection
taught or continues to teach you about these goals, paths, and CGE7b - assess responsibility during
techniques? homework check
- Homework: complete journal reflection, read pages 248-251 & create
vocabulary flashcards

Lesson #9 – Marking Time & Family Life (text ref. 241-242 & 251-253) Curriculum - assess students’ ability to
- Brainstorming Activity: students individually create a timeline of major life PF1.01, PF1. 02, PF2.04, PF2.05, independently work on worksheet
events PS1.01, PS1.03, PS1.04, FL1.01, FL2.04, - assess K/U when taking up
- Worksheet: students summarize the Hindu four stages of life FL2.05, FL3.08, RI1.04, RI2.08, RI3.09. worksheet
- Note: Important Events and Family Life RI3.10 - assess K/U, T/I and C skills during
- Class Activity: mock debate on gender roles within modern and traditional debate
society CGE’s - students assess collaboration skills
- Debate: in pairs students research the pros and cons of arranged CGE1d, CGE1h, CGE1i, CGE2a, CGE2b, through a self- assessment
marriages and conduct a debate on arranged marriages and marriages CGE2c, CGE3b, CGE4c, CGE5a, CGE5e,
based on courtship and love CGE6b, CGE6c, CGE7e, CGE7f
- Homework: complete assignment, read pages 241-242 & 251-253 and
create vocabulary flashcards

Lesson #10- Interreligious Dialogue (text ref. 254-256) Curriculum - assess prior knowledge and
- Discussion: What is the Catholic Church’s position about other religious PF5.14, PF5.16, CM3.07, PS3.08, misconceptions during discussion
traditions? Quote from Vatican Council II on the relation of the Church to PS3.09 - assess T/I and collaboration skills
non-Christian religions (pg.254). during roundrobin activity
- Roundrobin: students in groups discuss the “rays” of truth the Catholic CGE’s - assess ability to independently
Church finds in Hinduism CGE1d, CGE1h, CGE1i, CGE2b, CGE2c, work when completing handout
- Read and Respond: students read pages 254-256 and answer questions on CGE3a, CGE4c, CGE5a, CGE5f, CGE7f - assess K/U when taking up
handout handout
- Homework: complete handout and create vocabulary flashcards

Lesson # 11 & 12 – Unit Performance Task & Review Curriculum - evaluate K/U, T/I, C and A skills
- in groups students create a game that tests knowledge of the key elements SCV.01, SCV.03, PFV.02, PFV.03, PFV.05, demonstrated in board game with
of Hinduism and its worldview CMV.02, PSV.01, PSV.02, PSV.05, Rubric
- students bring in materials and have three days in class to complete task FLV.01, FLV.02, FLV.03 - assess collaboration skills during
- students rotate around the class and play each game as review for unit test group work
CGE’s - assess K/U during review
CGE1h, CGE2b, CGE2c, CGE3c, CGE4f,
CGE5a, CGE5e, CGE5g

Lesson #13 – Unit Test Curriculum - evaluate K/U, T/I, C and A skills
SCV.01, SCV.03, PFV.02, PFV.03, PFV.05, demonstrated on test
CMV.02, PSV.01, PSV.02, PSV.05, - collect notebooks and assess
FLV.01, FLV.02, FLV.03 organizational skills

CGE 1h, CGE1i, CGE2b, CGE2c, CGE2b,
CGE3b, CGE4f

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