1 Respondent's Background and Affiliation: Cylinder Records: Significance, Production, and Survival
1 Respondent's Background and Affiliation: Cylinder Records: Significance, Production, and Survival
1 Respondent's Background and Affiliation: Cylinder Records: Significance, Production, and Survival
Bill Klinger
Association for Recorded Sound Collections
Cylinder records ruled the market, well into the 1900s. For example, in 1901, Edison sold eight times as
many cylinders as the Victor Talking Machine Company sold discs. In 1903, the Edison-to-Victor sales
ratio was 4 to 1. Victor disc production did not eclipse Edison’s 1903 cylinder volume until 1912.
Cylinder-sector sales thus led the U.S. recording industry throughout its first 23 years (1889 to 1912).
Despite fluctuating sales and declining demand, several firms persevered, releasing new cylinder titles
into the 1920s. The last holdout, Edison stopped making entertainment cylinders on July 6, 1929—
ending forty years of musical cylinder production.
in the Bell-Tainter Graphophones. Nonetheless, the six-inch length of that cylinder persisted in office-
dictation products of the Columbia Phonograph Company and their offshoot, the Dictaphone Corporation,
for sixty years (1887-1947).
Similarly, the six-inch-long Edison Business Blank of 1905 led to the ubiquitous Ediphone- and
Voicewriter-brand wax-cylinder blanks, manufactured well into the 1960s.
Between 1917 and the 1940s (and possibly longer), Edison and Dictaphone each distributed multiple
series of cylinder records that provided instruction, exercise, and testing in stenography, typewriting,
secretarial practice, speech, etc.
3 Cylinder Production
The resulting Edison Blue Amberol Record debuted in October 1912. Until the end of 1914, Blue
Amberol Records were derived from directly recorded wax “Cylinder Masters”—closely duplicating the
sonic quality of the master recording. In contrast, most Blue Amberols issued after December 1914 were
mastered by horn-to-horn copying (“dubbing”), from a Diamond Disc Submaster to a Cylinder Master.
Consequently, dubbed Blue Amberols suffer from a noticeably restricted audio bandwidth and increased
noise and distortion.
The Blue Amberols released in June 1929 were the final commercially manufactured entertainment
make original cylinders [and] I have no objection to the local companies making theirs[;] what I want is
the manufacturing of duplicates.”
Edison’s laboratory team had experimented off and on since April 1888 toward the development of
various processes for duplicating cylinder records. In July 1891, Edison was at last ready to offer a
duplication service. He advised the NAPCo sub-companies that, if they shipped their cylinders to his
laboratory, his staff could make “from 30 to 150 duplicates of good quality” for a duplicating charge of
35 cents per record (not including the cost of blank cylinders, boxing, or packing).
Eight of the NAPCo sub-companies confirmed that they were producing records locally, as of June 14,
• Columbia Phonograph Co.
• Kansas Phonograph Co.
• Louisiana Phonograph Co.
• Michigan Phonograph Co.
• New England Phonograph Co.
• New Jersey Phonograph Co.
• New York Phonograph Co.
• Ohio Phonograph Co.
Columbia, New York, and the Metropolitan Phonograph Company had begun recording in 1889. Other
NAPCo local firms, including the Chicago Central Phonograph Company and the Pacific Phonograph
Company, at times made their own records.
Production of Edison Records resumed at West Orange, as indicated by Bulletin No. 1, The North
American Phonograph Co. List of Musical Records for the Phonograph, dated April 1, 1892. NAPCo
endeavored to maintain a stock of 25 to 150 copies of each title, “made exclusively for this company.”
During the summer of 1893, Edison supplied NAPCo with about 9,000 duplicate records per month.
On September 30, 1893, NAPCo Vice President Alfred O. Tate wrote to Thomas Edison, predicting a
market for 150,000 to 200,000 records per year. At the time, Tate could not have known that other firms
would end up supplying those records, after Edison intentionally caused the bankruptcy of NAPCo, in
August 1894 (in a move to regain control of his phonograph patent rights).
The electric-motor phonographs made between 1888 and 1894 were large, heavy, and required messy
wet-cell batteries. They were initially leased (at a rental fee of $40 per year). Unrestricted outright sales
of phonographs began after the July 12, 1892 settlement of a legal dispute. However, since the various
Edison “Class M” Phonograph Outfits cost from $150 to $315, only highly motivated and affluent people
bought them for personal amusement.
Columbia’s sister firm, the American Graphophone Company, pioneered in manufacturing practical
spring-motor machines. Their Spring-Motor Graphophone, priced at $110, was first advertised in August
1894. Truly affordable Graphophones, designed for use in the home, followed a bit later: the $40 Type N
(in 1895) and the $25 Type A (in December 1896). Edison responded with the Home Phonograph, priced
at $40 in December 1896, and the Standard Phonograph, at $20, in February 1898. These low-cost
machines created a large home-entertainment market eager for music on cylinders.
The National Phonograph Company had been organized in January 1896, as an Edison-controlled
successor to NAPCo. The new firm initially concentrated on the sale of NAPCo equipment assets and the
development of spring-motor machines.
Research authority Ray Wile could find no evidence that National Phonograph sold any records at all
during 1896. Wile concluded that the “Edison Records” marketed by the company, starting in May 1897,
were, at first, pantographic duplicates of masters recorded by the United States Phonograph Company.
Edison resumed his own recording operations in West Orange on October 9, 1897, but apparently could
not keep pace with the growing demand for new titles. Between August 1898 and April 1899, the
National Phonograph Company regularly purchased master records from Walcutt & Leeds, Ltd., a New
York City firm. Many titles listed in the National Phonograph catalogs of 1898 and 1899 reflect the
Walcutt & Leeds recordings.
The National Phonograph Company reported manufacturing 87,690 brown-wax records during Fiscal
Year 1897. Their output increased nearly fivefold in FY1898, to 428,310 records.
Production of brown-wax Edison Records plateaud at roughly two million per year, during 1899, 1900,
and 1901—perhaps limited by the capacity of Edison’s pantographic duplication facilities.
The next Census of Manufactures shows that 18.6 million cylinders and 8.6 million discs were
manufactured in the U.S. during 1909.
Between 1911 and 1929, Edison sold 21.4 million cylinder records.
Clearly, hundreds of millions of cylinder records were manufactured, worldwide, between 1889 and 1929.
4 Cylinder Survival
Collectors can be very good custodians of their treasured objects. However, many collectors are not well
informed about the preferred archival practices that would help to conserve their records; others don’t
have the resources to apply the best practices, even if they wish to.
Too often, collectors do not make plans for the ultimate disposition of their holdings. Important
collections that took decades to gather, organize, and catalog are frequently broken up and widely
dispersed, losing the integrity and accessibility the collection once had, as a localized whole. Worse,
entire collections can disappear into the trash heap.
4.1.3 Dealers
It’s no secret that millions of “old records” are held—at least temporarily—by antique shops, resale
stores, record shops, mail-order dealers, pawnshops, and auctioneers. Web-based auction services such as
eBay now facilitate very active commerce in collectibles. More vintage records change hands today,
more rapidly, than ever before.
One downside to the increased movement of cylinders and shellac discs is that the records are exposed to
greater risk of damage or breakage in transit, when poorly packaged for shipment. Sought after, one-of-a-
kind records have been destroyed at an increasing rate, in recent years.
to Columbia (prior to August 1895) came to be termed “the blue cylinders.” Some Columbia Records
made on Macdonald’s troubled blanks self-destructed—“Sweating destroyed the record entirely.” Even
with help from outside chemists, it was roughly November 1896 before Macdonald succeeded in making
blanks free from clouding, “sweating,” and air-bubble pinholes.
The best advice here is to transfer vulnerable recordings, as soon as possible.
Number of Titles Issued and Estimated Title Survival, for each
major brand of cylinder record distributed in the United States
One or more of these criteria can help to identify cylinder records produced during the NAPCo era:
• a channeled end-rim (originally intended to accept a narrow paper ring, printed with title
information—though very few surviving examples are still so labeled)
• a spoken announcement that cites an Edison Record Number (from the Numerical Series of 1892-
• a typically lengthy announcement that includes the name of a NAPCo sub-company
• an accompanying original paper “record slip,” printed in a format and style used during the
NAPCo era, which can be clearly tied to a catalog title of the era
• a distinctive topical title listed in a NAPCo catalog but not listed in post-NAPCo catalogs.
Lacking such explicit identifying evidence, it’s tough to prove that a given cylinder record was actually
made during the NAPCo Period.
Genuine NAPCo-era records are exceedingly scarce artifacts. Their rarity all too often inspires collectors
and dealers to “age” their brown-wax records—erroneously believing or describing a fairly common post-
NAPCo cylinder to have been made years earlier than it actually was.
Collectors tend to prize Lambert cylinders—particularly those dyed a bright pink color—as desirable
oddities among the commonplace celluloid cylinders colored blue or black. The rarely seen “Concert-
size” Lambert Indestructible Records were the only five-inch-diameter cylinders made of celluloid, rather
than wax. The collectibility and rising market value of Lambert records could be skewing their survival
rate toward higher percentages.
Unhappily for Edison and the National Phonograph Company, the “Amberol wax” was not sufficiently
durable. While indeed quite hard, it was too brittle. Customers quickly found that Edison Amberol
Records wore prematurely, mistracked, and fractured all too easily. Mounting complaints from dealers
finally forced Edison to switch to celluloid, for the Edison Blue Amberol Record.
The technical shortcoming of the wax Amberol was linked to the relatively high forces and pressures
applied to the record groove by the mechanical reproducers employed on phonographs of the day. That
problem notwithstanding, the typical Edison Amberol Record was in fact expertly recorded. An unworn
wax Amberol carries remarkably high-fidelity sound, from an era when Edison catalogs proudly listed
acclaimed celebrities of the Broadway stage, leading opera houses, and the best bands and orchestras in
Though thousands of wax Amberols have been damaged, broken, and lost over the years, it’s still possible
to find virtually all U.S.-popular, Concert, and Grand Opera titles, in playable condition.
Among foreign-series wax Amberols surviving in North America, records in the British, German, and
French series are most common. Examples from the other 25 ethnic series are seldom seen. Many
foreign-series wax-Amberol titles were later duplicated as Blue Amberols, which increases the likelihood
of access to those recordings.
5 Preservation Suggestions
Programs to make archival-quality audio extractions from cylinder records (before the original carriers
deteriorate further) can help to assure the long-term preservation of these vintage and historic recordings.
When prioritizing preservation activities for various types and series of cylinders, I suggest that attention
be given first to:
• vulnerable types most in danger of deterioration, coupled with
• series having the lowest title-survival percentages.
Those two criteria point strongly to the brown-wax records of the 1890s as the leading contenders for the
most urgent and careful processing.
Next in line should be molded wax cylinders, followed closely by the celluloid cylinders most prone to
catastrophic failure (splitting), such as U-S Everlasting Records.
6 Acknowledgements
I am grateful for the expert advice, helpful comments, and useful data provided by fellow collectors and
researchers: Tim Brooks, (the late) Bill Bryant, Mike Eert, Patrick Feaster, Allen Koenigsberg, Anna-
Maria Manuel, Kurt Nauck, Bert Pasley, and Ray Wile.