Edfd472 Parent Information Session
Edfd472 Parent Information Session
Edfd472 Parent Information Session
Welcome to this parent information session about your child’s education and our role,
as teachers, in supporting your child to achieve the best learning outcomes that they
can achieve. First and foremost, the role of effective teachers, in engaging both the
learning and management of student’s learning, is critical. The first step that teachers
do to achieve this, while backward planning our units of work, is to ascertain about
what exact learning outcomes do we want each of our students to be able to display
by the end of each unit of learning? (Wiggins & McTighe, 2012, p. 1-2). Indeed, before
planning any lessons or assessments, effective teachers will develop learning
outcomes for each student’s learning needs, from first asking questions, such as:
“What is the ultimate [knowledge] transfer we seek as a result of this unit; What
enduring understandings are desired; and finally, what essential questions will be
explored in-depth and provide focus to all [the students’] learning?” (Wiggins &
McTighe, 2012, p. 2).
These targeted learning outcomes of each student are designed by teachers in their
response to each of these questions, to ensure that, in this way, students’ can, “make
sense of and transfer their learning through authentic performance;” in order to, “help
them develop and deepen their understanding of important ideas and processes that
support such [a] transfer” of knowledge into varying settings (Wiggins & McTighe,
2012, p. 1-3). For example, such a transfer of knowledge in a History class, would be
seen when students are applying events of the past into current and future events;
which is, in turn, is learning to apply a higher order thinking skill (Wiggins & McTighe,
2012, p. 3). Having students’ learning outcomes, or learning objectives, all planned
out, before we even start teaching them curricular content, also has the positive effect
of both misusing less time re-teaching concepts and supporting a healthy, positive
attitude towards learning as well in your students (since they can see why they are
doing the work in class), (Readman & Allen, 2013, p. 82).
The next step for a teacher, before even planning any lessons, in helping to support
and manage students learning, would be to determine what diagnostic and formative
assessments would be best suited to be implemented in supporting these said
students’ learning outcomes, throughout a unit (Wiggins & McTighe, 2012, p. 5). After
all, formative assessments are especially effective in this regard, as they are
conducted every day by a teacher, serving often as informal assessment that, “collect’
evidence of learning and, on the basis of that evidence… provide feedback to students
so they know how their learning is progressing [/] what they need to do to improve”
(Brady & Kennedy, 2018, p. 16-17). Assessments for learning especially are effective
in offering, “no concern with recording and reporting marks and grades,” and, “[work]
to support learning— it is not an end in itself but is focused on taking learning forward,”
towards the learning goal/outcomes of your children (Readman & Allen, 2013, p. 81).
In effect, the main benefit of teachers using formative assessments for learning, is that
they provide personalised data, in real time, about your children’s progress that help
us to practice targeted teaching; in which, teachers use “accurate information about
what students know and are ready to learn next” (Goss & Hunter, 2015, p. 1). Which
acknowledges the educational reality that: “if the material is too easy, students can
become bored and disengage…if it is too hard, students will flounder and may choose
to misbehave or give up,” but if the teaching pedagogy, informed by data, is covering
what your students are ready to learn – “powerful progress can be made” towards the
improved learning outcomes your students deserve (Goss & Hunter, 2015, p. 6). Of
course, in terms of managing your students’ learning, assessing your students’
progress, instead of directly their achievement, in this way, fosters a, “growth mindset
in students, which has been shown to support future success in life” (Goss & Hunter,
2015, p. 4).
Of course, as teachers we hold in high regard our responsibility to act ethically and
legally in our professional practice of teaching your children. Especially when the
Australian government, which in turn means this school, is a signatory of the United
Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, in which, its decrees serve to help
inform us on how we are to proceed in the best ethical way, when it comes to our
conduct as teachers (Unicef, n.d.). All these decrees are helpful to us as teachers,
however, some of the most important decrees in the convention, that help to inform
our ethical conduct, can be considered to include: Article 3, “[teachers and schools]
should work towards what is best for each child;” Article 12, “Children have the right
to say what they think should happen when [teachers] are making decisions that affect
them;” Article 16, “Children have the right to privacy;” Article 19, “[schools] should
ensure that children are properly cared for and [protected] from violence, abuse and
neglect;” Article 28, “Children have the right to an education,” that respects their
human dignity; and Article 29, “Education should develop each child’s personality and
talents to the full” (Unicef, n.d.).
This is why every teacher at the school, in response to these ethical demands on us,
follow/display general ethical behaviors as professionals every day, such as: speaking
to each student in the public’s view at all times; avoid jokes/discussions with double
meanings; dress professionally; avoid telling students personal details about
themselves; and even keep written records of discipline actions taken against
students, among others ethical practices in the classroom (Australian Catholic
University, 2018, Topic 8). Outside the classroom, both teachers and the school also
take their duty of care, to prevent foreseeable harm/injury to students, very seriously,
by ensuring said students: are always supervised; safe environments are maintained;
and students are protected from bullying, among other things (Australian Catholic
University, 2018, Topic 8).
A more specific, major way, both myself and other teachers, remain ethical in our
professional practice is by refraining to use social media as a tool to interact with
students, whether it be for professional use or otherwise (Russo, Squelch, & Varnham,
2010, p. 1). This is because, while the benefits of using social media (such as
Facebook/twitter) as an educational tool to interact with their students are numerous,
the “privacy and professional risks for teachers are potentially high;” as, “they are
ultimately very public spaces that leave an electronic trail, which can have serious,
albeit unintended, consequences for teachers who breach professional codes of
conduct” online with their students (Russo, Squelch, & Varnham, 2010, p. 2). For
example, teachers, by using social media in this way, run the risk of posting material,
“considered inappropriate and disruptive to students,” and hence, in doing so, fail “to
maintain a professional relationship with the students by being too personal, familiar
and ‘very peer-to-peer like,” (Russo, Squelch, & Varnham, 2010, p. 7). This has had
dire consequences, historically, such as teachers being fired by their school/employer,
having their accreditation revoked by their teaching registration authority, and even
some teachers interacting with their students so inappropriately that they end up in
court (Russo, Squelch, & Varnham, 2010, p. 7-8). So yes, ethically, we teachers tend
to avoid using social media. Commented [JG1]: This paragraph here is a professional
example of my knowledge about how important it is to use
Teachers, like myself, also take seriously our ethical and legal responsibility to partake ICT safely, responsible and ethically, when it comes to
in mandatory reporting of any suspected child abuse or neglect, that may be directed interacting through/using ICT with students as a teacher.