Schs 10 BM Lesson 5 Plan

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Grade & Subject: Year 10 Time: 55 mins (2:00 – 2:55pm) Date of lesson: 8/11/18

Lesson Objectives: students explore the impact of choice of colours, shapes/images and house styles upon the consumer reputation of brands/products
Success Criteria: students are able to demonstrate their understanding of why colours, shapes/images and house styles matter when it comes to marketing a
Time Content Task Pedagogy Resources Differentiation
Introduction Introduction of the 1. Teacher (myself) greets Directed instruction: clear, concise Whiteboard, By clearing stating
(5 mins) class/bringing students outside the classroom, directions to students whiteboard markers, behaviour
students into the while asking said students to student notes management goals at
room in an orderly line up in an orderly fashion (if Clear articulation of expectations of the start of the lesson
fashion no mentor teacher is present, class behaviour (and the
wait patiently outside the room consequences
with students). Remind Individualised learning attached to that),
students: 1. Raise your hand if students are likely
you want to have a say; 2. further discouraged
group work today – try not to from being explicitly
talk over each other off task/interrupting
2. Teacher leads students into the class. Can be
classroom and asks them to sit applied, in particular,
quietly behind their desks (if to boys up the back of
students talk while going into the classroom – warn
classroom – take them back out them that today,
again). Teacher writes learning disruption/clear off
objectives/success criteria task behaviours will
clearly on board AND explains not be tolerated. Commented [JG1]: The fact this lesson plan starts with
them to the class quickly. myself politely but forcibly reminding my students of the
Explains what was covered behaviours that are expected of them through each lesson,
last lesson (the importance of is a great professional exemplar of myself putting behaviour
management strategies into action, to create a positive
colours in promoting brands/a
classroom climate. In that, the onus is put on students to
product) moderate their behaviour to accomplish this, not me, the
Starting Scaffolding of 3. Teacher gets 2 students to hand Guided learning: students are given an Informational handout; Students (especially teacher – installing self-control in students.
activity (10 collaborative out scaffolding handout to the active role in learning/revising the highlighter/pen/pencil students up the back
mins) learning task – rest of the class, (informational content that they have already covered, of the classroom) are
were students are handout explaining the in preparation for the more likely to continue
designing a importance of style/shape, collaborative/group work activity in the to be on task/be
brand’s: colours and house style(s) of a next lesson segment. motivated when they
shape/image, brand/product). are taking an active
colours and house 4. Teacher volunteers students to Student highlighting of key points role in digesting the
style(s) read out information on handout information presented
vocally; with the teacher Teacher to assist students in reading to them (by
stopping the class after each information on handout out- loud highlighting). Students
paragraph to get students to are constantly having
underline/highlight the key something to do.

Middle Group work 5. Teacher explains group work Collaborative learning: Students can A3 Paper, coloured Benefits a wide range
activity (30 activity – students task to students (see backside build upon each other’s knowledge/ pencils, pens/pencils, of learners –
mins) demonstrating of informational handout); said understanding of colours, informational handout especially learners
their teacher is to divide students up shapes/images and house styles to (to guide students), who excel with visual,
understanding by into 5 even groups themselves complete the task, together, as a group. creative tasks. Since
designing their (so students are away from their Since every student in the group gets a students will be in
own logo/brand friends and not off task). Each say, every student can demonstrate teacher designated
group is to gather/work on the their successful learning/have concepts groups, motivation/off
learning activity in their own clarified to them. task behaviour should
corner of the room – the group be at a low, as
number the teacher gave Creative learning students are away
students directly relates to the from distracting
task, as if you are in group 1, friends/peers that they
you are doing a brand/logo normally sit with in
based around Toms Toy class.
Factory, group 2, etc.
6. Teacher is to walk around the
classroom and ensure student
groups stay on task/can ask the
teacher for assistance
Closing Report back to 7. Teacher calls a halt to group Higher order thinking: HOW does your Students’ designs Helps students to
activity/pack- teacher/check for work and asks students, at least logo/brand represent effective realise how the
up (10 mins) understanding 1 person from each group, to marketing strategies in relation to learning they have
EXPLAIN WHY they have colour, shapes/images and house conducted today is
chosen the brand logo they style(s) relatable to the
have designed (how does their brands/logos they see
logo take advantage of effective every day – relatable
colours, shape/images and learning to all
house styles to entice the students. By having
consumer?) the students
themselves explain
their brand logo
design, it ensures all
students in the
classroom are able to
from their own higher
order thinking
conclusions (by either
listening to their
peers, or vocalising
their thoughts aloud
with the teacher’s
Topic: The impact of choice of colours, shapes/images and house styles upon the consumer reputation of brands/products

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