4 Globalizacion
4 Globalizacion
4 Globalizacion
Abstract— The process of transformation of the competence II. TRENDS OF IV INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION
approach under the conditions of the 4th Industrial Revolution is
being investigated. The trends in the development of a new era of A. Signs of the industry 4.0
the industrial revolution are explored, new prospects for the
The first industrial revolution began in the second half of
development of world and domestic production and technologies
are revealed. The model of development of engineering personnel
the 18th century after the appearance of steam engines, which
on the example of South Korean companies is considered. The allowed the transition from manual labor to machinery.
shortcomings and advantages of modern approaches to the The second occurred with the development of electricity
formation and management of the professional competences of and was characterized by the development of mass conveyor
engineering personnel are discussed. Recommendations are production.
proposed for improving the competence model in the context of
the globalization of industrial economies. The third industrial revolution, also called digital, began in
the second half of the 20th century with the creation of digital
Keywords— competence; engineering personnel; IV Industrial computers and the subsequent evolution of information
Revolution; South Korea; competency model technology. Our world lives in this era. The digital revolution
at this time goes into the fourth, the peculiarities of which are
I. INTRODUCTION the massive introduction of cyber physical systems into
Economists are increasingly saying that the world is on the
threshold of the fourth industrial revolution. As the industrial revolution describes 4.0 the founder of
the WEF Klaus Schwab, it blurs the boundaries between the
One of the main themes of the World Economic Forum in
physical, digital and biological spheres. By the way, he wrote
recent years was the Fourth Industrial Revolution - 27
a whole book about this, which is called, the Fourth Industrial
meetings of the Fund in 2017 were devoted to Industry 4.0 [1].
Revolution [3], [4]. The first steps of the world to a new
This name was given to the present era of innovation, when
industrial revolution were cloud technologies, the
advanced technologies radically change entire sectors of the
development of methods for collecting and analyzing Big
economy at a stunningly fast pace.
Data, crowdsourcing, biotechnology, unmanned vehicles and
There will emerge a completely new type of industrial medicine based on 3D printing. In the world of finance, this is
production, which will be based on so-called large data and the Bitcoin crypto currency and the Blockchain technology.
their analysis, complete automation of production,
The Big Data concept is a set of technologies that are
technologies of augmented reality, the Internet of things. It is
designed to perform such operations:
assumed that these cyber physical systems will be integrated
into one network, communicate with each other in real time, • handle large amounts of data compared to "standard"
adjust them and learn new behaviors. scenarios
They will be able to build production with fewer mistakes, • be able to work with fast incoming data in very large
interact with the goods produced and, if necessary, adapt to volumes
the new needs of consumers. For example, a product in the
production process can itself determine the equipment capable • be able to work with structured and poorly structured
of producing it, while in a fully autonomous mode without data in parallel in different aspects.
human participation [2]. An example of Big Data can be the Large Hadron Collider,
All these changes and trends require the formation of a which produces a huge amount of data and does it all the time.
new model of professional and managerial competencies of The installation continuously produces large amounts of data,
development engineers and exploiters of new systems. and scientists with their help solve a number of problems in
parallel [5].
The growing pace of technological change and obtained. An unequivocal challenge is the identification by
globalization provided new opportunities, and also highlighted employers of a gap between the expected and real
the importance of aligning the working methods of companies, competencies of employees, as well as the dissatisfaction of
government policies, education and training systems with workers with the knowledge and skills acquired and required
today's skill needs, and also the awareness of the need to in the production. According to the OECD report "Getting
outline a basic joint action plan that brings together the Skills Right: Assessing and Anticipating Changing Skill
authorities, business and the sphere of education. And Needs" for 2015, a group of countries in which both
although the education systems remain deeply dependent on employees and employers identify this gap as large includes
concrete realities, a common vision of the basic principles and such countries with a high level of innovation and industrial
basic characteristics that will best cope with the difficulties development, such as Japan, South Korea, the USA and
and maximize the possibilities of the Fourth Industrial Germany [12].
Revolution appears.
B. The experience of South Korean companies
When formulating the educational paradigm of a new
industrial revolution, we proceed from the assumption that this
paradigm should not conflict with the pa-radium of industrial
production. The presence of such a conflict, for example, in
the situation of training in conditions of a rigid educational
environment and further work that requires maximum
flexibility, significantly reduces the effectiveness of training
[13], [14].
If we follow the principle of the conformity of the
production and educational paradigm, then the need for
systemic changes in the educational environment naturally
follows. Such changes are already being implemented in South
Korean universities and they can be classified as follows:
• digitalization of education. In essence, this means the
expansion, with the help of digital solutions and information
Fig. 1 The influence of the IV Industrial Revolution on the development systems, of students' access to the educational resources of the
of competences best universities in the world, to remote data from the results
Source: Kondakov A. "The School of the Age of the of scientific experiments and research, to the library of
Fourth Industrial Revolution" \ Mobile Electron Education, engineering tasks and problems, and to the creation of
2017 [11]. distributed labor, research and educational teams;
The problem of the need to change the system of training • personalization of training, which means the deepening
the highest qualification for an increasingly active and development of existing practice of the possibility of
technological order began to manifest itself relatively recently. constructing an individual educational trajectory with the
It must be admitted that most foreign universities in the possibility of returning to branch points and acquiring
industrialized countries have long passed the practical additional skills throughout life. Another aspect of
implementation of such models as "Learning Through Life" personalization is the consideration of the requirements and
(Learning by Doing), models of variation learning and some requests of not only students, but also direct employers;
others. • The project approach is an integral component of in-
However, experience has shown that the existing depth education, which allows to significantly increasing the
educational system does not keep pace with the changing effectiveness of the educational process - from the first stage
needs of rapidly developing industrial production on the basis of understanding and identification of problems to the final
of the emerging new technological order. This situation led to stage of practical work. The project approach is inseparably
a conceptual interpretation of approaches to the modernization linked with the adaptive education, the main component of
of the training system, including higher qualifications. which is training through practical activities in the subjects of
the market, industry and science;
Some foreign authors acknowledge that the process of
creating a training system for the fourth industrial revolution, • Integration of formal and non-formal education, which in
which was given the name of Industry 4.0 in the German fact means blurring the physical boundaries of the university
interpretation, is at the very beginning of a long journey. This and shifting the emphasis from the process of gaining
is due to the lack of the necessary amount of empirical data on knowledge to its recognition and evaluation, regardless of the
the basis of which it would be possible to construct actual place of obtaining knowledge and skills;
conceptually other models of the complex interaction of the • Creation of creative spaces that actually act as integration
Human-Machine-Information System and, accordingly, to areas for students of various specialties, real business sector
determine what requirements will be imposed on a person's and industry, academic and professional education. A
qualifications in this system and how this qualification can be
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