What We Instagram
What We Instagram
What We Instagram
What We Instagram:
A First Analysis of Instagram Photo Content and User Types
ers. Below, we first provide details about the dataset we
used, and later discuss how we develop a coding scheme for
categorizing the photos and the coding process.
0.25 Category Exemplary Photos
Proportion of all categories 0.2 Friends (users posing
0.15 with others friends; At
least two human faces are
in the photo)
Friends Food Gadget Captioned Pet Activities Selfies Fashion Food (food, recipes,
cakes, drinks, etc.)
Figure 2: Proportion of Categories Gadget (electronic goods,
tools, motorbikes, cars,
15 clusters of photos where the similarity between two photos
are calculated in terms of Euclidean distance between their Captioned Photo (pic-
codebook vectors. These clusters served as an initial set of tures with embed text,
our coding categories, where each photo belongs to only one memes, and so on)
category. Pet (animals like cats and
To further improve the quality of this automated catego- dogs which are the main
rization, we asked two human coders who are regular users objects in the picture)
of Instagram to independently examine photos in each one of Activity (both outdoor &
the 15 categories. They analyzed the affinity of the themes indoor activities, places
within the category and across categories, and manually ad- where activities happen,
justed categories if necessary (i.e., move photos to a more e.g., concert, landmarks)
appropriate category or merge two categories if their themes Selfie (self-portraits; only
are overlapped). Finally, through a discussion session where one human face is present
the two coders exchanged their coding results, discussed their in the photo)
categories and resolved their conflicts, we concluded with Fashion (shoes, costumes,
8-category coding scheme of photos (see Table 1) where both makeup, personal belong-
coders agreed on, i.e., the Fleiss’ kappa is κ = 1 . It is impor- ings, etc.)
tant to note that the stated goal of our coding was to manually
provide a descriptive evaluation of photo content, not to hy- Table 1: 8 Photo Categories
pothesize on the motivation of the user who is posting the
photos. We start with RQ1. Fig. 2 shows the different proportions
Based on our 8-category coding scheme, the two coders of photo categories. As shown in this figure, nearly half
independently categorized the rest of the 800 photos based on (46.6%) of the photos in our dataset belong to Selfies and
their main themes and their descriptions and hashtags if any Friends categories with slightly more self-portraits (24.2%
(e.g., if a photo has a girl with her dog, and the description vs. 22.4%). We also notice that Pet and Fashion are the least
of this photo is “look at my cute dog”, then this photo is popular categories with less than 5% of the total number of
categorized into “Pet” category). The coders were asked to images. This corroborates with some of the recent discoveries
assign a single category to each photo (i.e., we avoid dual in popular news media4 . Other categories – Food, Gadget and
assignment). The initial Fleiss’ kappa is κ = 0.75. To resolve Captioned photo contributes to more than 10% individually
discrepancies between coders, we asked a third-party judge but are approximately same among themselves. This is in line
to view the unresolved photos and assign them to the most with the conventional wisdom that Instagram is mostly used
appropriate categories. for self promoting and social networking with their friends.
We further narrow down this analysis to bolster these find-
4 Analysis ings. Fig. 3 shows the distribution of users in individual
categories w.r.t their engagement (which is referred to the
This section presents analysis of photo content and user types number of photos a user posted). For example, 22% users
on Instagram. Our main objective here is to develop a deeper posted 6-8 photos (coded in Friend category) and 26 % users
understanding on the types of photos and active users on posted 3-5 photos about food (coded in “Food” category). It
Instagram. Specifically, we aim to address the following is interesting to notice that both Pet and Fashion have a very
research questions: high standard deviation of 0.5. In contrast, Selfies and Friends
• RQ1: What kind of photos do people usually post on categories show very low standard deviations (SD = 0.11
Instagram? and SD = 0.124, respectively). Such a difference indicates
• RQ2: How do the users differ based on the type of images that user proportions are more equitably distributed – re-
they post? gardless of their engagement – when it comes to Selfie and
Friends photo categories, whereas posting photos about pets
• RQ3: How are these differences between users’ photo
content related to user’s number of followers ? 4
lets-your-pet-take-pics-and-post-them-to-instagram/ and
image. http://digiday.com/brands/fashion-brands-instagram/
Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5
followers than common users in C1? To this end, we perform
how the image data was handled and analyzed to answer
0.1 three fundamental research questions on Instagram. Our
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
analysis shows that there are largely 8 different types of
photo categories on Instagram. Based on the content posted
Figure 4: Clustering users based on the categories of their by users, this analysis derives 5 different types of users
photos. C1 to C5 represent five different user clusters. C1 (or user clusters). We also showed that there is no direct
(n=11, 22%), C2 (n=7, 14%), C3 (n=7, 14%), C4 (n=3, 6%), relationship between the number of followers and the type of
and C5 (n=22, 44%) users characterized in terms of her shared photos, through
statistical significance tests. As a part of our future work, we
want to extend this work by incorporating other features on
Instagram such as user’s bio, hashtags, comments, and social
and fashion have high variance. network. We also plan to analyze sentiments and events
Next, we address RQ2. We perform an analysis to investi- associated with the photos and their associated text (Hu,
gate whether there exist different types of users on Instagram Wang, and Kambhampati 2013).
based on the content they post. To start with, we first cre-
ate an 8-dimensional vector for each user (since we have 8 Acknowledgements This research is supported in part by
categories of photos), where each dimension represents the the ONR grants N00014-13-1-0176, N0014-13-1-0519, ARO
proportion of user’s photos in the corresponding category. grant W911NF-13-1-0023 and a Google Research Grant.
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