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Haward College



Claw of 1839
S H O R T GR- OF T3X MCf-.' JrL.?-'-
' -





N o Dictionary of the Samoan dialect having been

hitherto plihlished, the presellt will alrnmt of necessity
be found imperfect. It c~)ml~rises, hnwever, the sub-
stance of what has heen gathered during more than
twenty-one years, by attention to the language as spoken
by the natives.
In 1851, all the words that I had by that time cot-
lected were examined ~aref~rlly, oiie by oue, with intel-
ligent natives, who acted as p ~ ~ n d i t s .The manuscript
thus prepared was subsequeotly collated with a manu-
ucript v0111meof native songs a r ~ dtrqditions, and thence
enlarged. I t was ;11so compared with the Tongan and
part of the Tahitian Dict~oni~ries.
A t a meeting of the missionaries in 1869, a resolu-
tion was passed that the W o r k should be printed. In
consequence 'of this, it has been again revist-d, and eigh-
teen hundred words have been added to I'k~rt 11. ; a ~ ~ d ,
finally, it has been revised by the Rev A. W. X I tarray.
The size of the volume might easily have been in-
creased, by enlarging tbe Grammar, by adding exanlples
fi.c)tn ilre ilative songs, and by putting down, in very nu:
inerous instances, the same word in its various uses as a
noun. and a verb, and an adjective.
, In consulting its pages, the following remarks should
be botne in mind: All adjectives may have a verbal form
by merely adding the verbal particles : as, lelei, good;
1 ua lelei, it isgood. This is also the case with many
nouns : as,-maci, a disease ; ua ma'i, he is ill ; and, vice
versi, verbs may be made into nolrrls by adding the ar-
ticle, or by introducing the possessive pronoun : as sau,
to conle ; sau, a coming,-o lona luai sau. Often,
however, such nouns are distinguished by an affix, such
as gaysaga, or taga.
Very many words, and even parts of sentences, will,
take the causative faa, and the qualifying particle faale,
before them. Of words so compounded, comparatively
a few only will he found, since a very little knowledge OF
tbe language will enable a learner to find out the shade,
of meaning superadded to the original word by those.
It should also be borne in mind that, although in
those words in which two or more of the same vowels
come together, a break, or palatal sound almost like a k,
occurs in pronunciation ; yet we have in such cases omit-
ted the inverted corllma which we have used as the sign
ef the break. W e have omitted it in these instances to
avoid the printillg of the great number of inverted com-
mas which the insertion in such places would have re-
Matautn, Savaii,
January, 1861.


XJk' f l l t :

T I ~ ESahdan Alphabet conslts of only fourteen letters:-a, e, i, o, y i
f; g, 1, m, n, p, s. t, v.
a is pronounced- 1

Ist, long, as in father; pZ, wall. .

2nd, ratlicr sl~ott,as ih mat; pdti lima.,
3rd, very short, nearly like il ; as, mate, miiliir, viive (vdve).
d, i, o, u, as in the Contir~entallanguages.
g (nga), is always nasal, as ng in sing.
1 (la), the same as ill English, except when preceded by either a , o, or
d, a l ~ dfollowed by i, when it is pronounced by most natives as a soft r,
almost approaching to a d souhd, for which it is substituted, in similar
circumstances, in the pronunciation of New Zealand words-(kid~kidi;
wntten kitikiri) : aliuli, prouounced a~iari.
s, is not quite so sibilant as in English.
The other letters, f, m, ni p, t, v , called fa, mb, nd, pi: ti, vi; a k prb-
liounced as in English.
In addition to these, there is a sound something between h and k, for
which it ik sltbsti~uted. Thib has been represented by an inverted comma.
In our printed books, however, to save trobble, they are only used when
required to diirtihguikh words spelt in the same way, as in the case of the
pronouns lo'u, my, and lou, thy, &c.
Two similar vowels canndt occur together nitbodt a break bitwefn.
When they would come together in forming new words, or in com~nenclng~
a word with the vowel which terminates the preceding word, atid with
which it rtandr in cbse c o n a x b , &? are p~moa3COdby a im-
p b t Of the T&, iu OW? bog V G W :~ tUpt& H 8 s ; u h . -tII.
A few cases o c m r of tbe &nce ddibirrwt mrrb, as m a mn, h r
him, pronounced &na.
Every letter m d i 3 t i ~ ~ +sou&, so that them are no irprqpcr drph-
h'o two consonants can come t q ~ t h e er t h t a w o r d betmen.
Many Samoans are exceedingly c a r e h and incorrret in tbe proonnci-
ation of consonantn, and even e x c L n g e or tn~.sposeconsom~.iswith
out confusion, and almust onnoticed by theii hearen. as &a Ew nG,mu,
layoga for Iwjana; but they are rtry pnrticriar about the pmueiation
of the m e f a .
The only foreign letters which have been introdnced are A, I , and r;
used in writing proper names and foreign names for things for which n o
appropriate Samoan word could be found. In some cases, they change
b h t o r ; nu %psi for H a p i .

Every ryllahle must end in a vowel. No syllable can consist of more
thab tlrree letters ; se fai, mai, tau.
Tho general rule is, that the accent is on the penultima; but to this
thaw arc cxceptions : as, 0 loo i Safotf;; su MuliagB.
In rpcaking, the voice is raised, and the emphasis falls on the last word
in r n r l ~rentence.
W ~ I Aa Iword~ receives an addition, by means of an affixed particle, t h e
uccsnt in mhitied forward : as, al6ftz. alofdya, alofugia.
Itrduplicatcd words have two accents : as, pdlopdla, s&is@i.

:Is Is in both dcfi~~ito

and indefinite; a t least, it is constantl).
nulivcr wl~oretho Englisl~would require the indefinite article ::
Ptri, rurh r ono is n chirf; 0 Ie Alztn, Gd, is dcfrnite.
Se is always indefinite : Ta ~ n a se
i laau, dut me a stick.
Proper names in the nominative case take 'o before them (with the
break) : se, '0 Tayaloa, '0 T q a ; but '0 2e Toga, would mean a Tonga
The plural nominative takes br omits ' A : o tagutn, or simply, tagata.
Wit11 a nominative absolute, it alwnys takes it; and before each of a list
of lhings, if without the conjunction : as, 0 le mulauli, o le anue, d 1e
j l o n , JIIU i'a uma lava.
When the nominative follows the verb, it is nlos~lyo.~~i.ted,except after
verbs preceded by ona : as, Ua puuu uma mai lanu.

Gender is sometimes expressed by distinct names :

0 le alii, a chief. 0 le tamaitai, a lady;
0 le tane, a man. 4 . 1.0 faflne, a female.
0 le tama, a boy. 1 le teine, a girl.
9 le toa, a cock. 0 le matuii moa, a hen.
0 le poC, a ,male animal. 0 le manu faflne, a f e m a b animal.
When no distinct name exists, the gender of animals is known by add:
lng po'a and f o j n e ;
The P l u r a l is known-
I . By the omission of the article.
'2. By particles denoting multitude, and is then emphatic: le uu
i'a, a shoal of fish; o le vao tugatu. (literally) a forest of men; 4
le mou meu, a great number of thiogs.
3. By l e n g t h e l ~ i ~(properly,
~g doublii~g)a vowel in tlle word: as;
tuafijne, sisters of a brother.
Case is formed by prepositions : as,
Si@. ~lurai.
N. '0 le alU 'o alii or nlii.
G. o and R le d i i o or a alii.
D. i le alii, to ialii, to.
mo and ma le nlii, for mo oi ma alii,for;
A. i le alii i alii.
V. le alii e ! alii 0 l
Ab. e and i le alii, brand in i) and i alii, bp and in.
mai, p o r n mai, from.
Proper namps are declined as the plural, except the accusative and
dative, which take i,d: Fai a t u iiE Sina, kc.
Some nouns are derived from verbs by the addition of ga, suga, tuga, &c.
as, tuli, to drive, trtligu, a driving; luluu, to till the hand, luutaga, C
handful; anti, to spit, anusagu, spillle.
&me adjectives are formed froni nouns by the addition of a-like y ih
English ; as word, wordy; seed, seedy :-thus, eleele, dirt, eleellea, dirty;
phlupllu, mud, pllupalii, muddy ; or by doubling the word : ae, ponu, a
knot, p6napbna, knotty.
The pluval is sometimes distinguished by doubling a syflable : as, &a,-
white, pl. s b i w .
Compurisnn is generally effected by using two adjectives, both in a po-
sitive state: thus, E lelei lcnei, a e Lagu lela, this is good, but that i s
bad-i. e. net in itself, but in comparison with the other.
The bilperlafice is formed by the addition of an adverb : such as, matu?i;
k s i , sili, silisili ese, &c. : Uu lclei tasi, it alone is good ; or, n o ~ h i n g
ecluals it. Uu matuii silisili o m lelei, it is very exoeedingly g ~ o d *
Numt ralu and odinu1s.-These arc :
E tasi, one. E-sefulu, hn.
E lun, two. E sefulu ma le twl, e h e n .
E tolu, three. B lua fulu, twenty.
E fa, four. 11 tolu gafulu, thirty.
E llmtl, Jve. E fa gafulu, forty.
E ono, Ax. E melau, one hundred.
E fitli, 8even.- E lua lau, two hundred.
R valu, righft E tolu galau, three hundred.
E iva, nlnc. E afe, a thousand. '
h j n e my mano Is uaed for ten thouranil, but It is doubtful whether it meanemany
mow than a very great numbelr.
0 la ~nuamua,jfrat. 0 lons laa, or le Iun, a e m d .
And so on, adding ya to the others : as, 0 le lflnaga mnsina.
The nutr~eraladverbs, once, twice, &c., are expressed by a h : thus,.
o le utu luu, twice. Alao by pretixing faa: as, Ua ou snu faalua.
'rhc cardinals may either precede or follow their noun : thus, 0 tnea e
luu, or e luu mea, two nrlicles.
Very many things are counted eacli ir, its own peculiar way. A know-
ledge of this is absolutely necessar , as beil~galways used by the nativee ;
and also to revent mistakes : t ]us, to say, 0 iba e luu Inu, instead of
nleaning two Eundrcd, would only mcan two.
The following are tlie principal forms :-
Men nre counted by prefixing toca: e tontaef, 1 ; e toatinoa~fula,10.
Xoung pigs and cocoanute, by suffixing oa, or in couples : as, e lua oa, J ;
e h gaon, 8. The otld one being expressed eepnrately : thus, 0 popo e
OW gaoa ma le popo e t a i l IS.
Qonoenuts by the score, thus: e seaea, '30 ; e luii en, 40; e tolu gaea, 80.
Fowln,.brendfiuit, and some shell-fish : e tccsi, 1 (as o b n with other things);
a lua fun, 4 ;-e tolu gahn, 9 ; e htQafulu, 10 ; e fulr lun, 20 ; e fua se--
l h ~ 100,'
C~uyR~lr : sHen ten, t tu1rngrrhl~~; tu'~lun,3 ~ .
Pish f e lua lau, 2 ; e tolu galau, 3; e lau agtifulu, 10; e lau lua, 20; c lau
selau, 100 ; e lau lua lau, 200 ; e lau afe, 1,000.
Bonito (not called i'a by %moans) :o atu e lua tino, 4 bonitos; e tinoaga--
fulu, 10; -
Taro : e lua mata, 2 ; e matggafulu, 10; e matalua, 20j kc.
Yams : units as cocoanuts, tens as bananas.
Bananas : le 'au fa% I bunch (or stem>; e lua 'au, 2 bunches ; e (au ago--
fulu, 10 ;.e a u l w , 20.
Masi, in round, cakea or balls (potoi): e potoi agafulu, M.
in flat cakes: afl agafulu, 10.
Native made dishea (cooked in leaves) : e f a s o f u a g a f ~ l u10;
~ ofu lua, 20..

Personal Pronouns.
sing. Dual.
N. W agu, (OU; tti, J. (including person addressed)..
0. o and a a6u, of m. [me. N. ' 0 i tiua, we two.
b. mo o'u (mo6u), ma a'u (mi'u), for G. o and a i taua, of us two.
A. ia t e au, or ia te ita, me, in me. D. m o and mn i tiiua, for ua two.
Ab. e a6u, by me. A . ia te i tHu81, or ia Litiiua, us two..
from me requires two prepositions, Ab. e i tiiua, by us two.
mai ia t e au.
'O i mauti, we two (excluding the p e m n addfessed), is declined in the same way;.
'0 i tatou, we (including peraon or persons addPessed) ;
' 0 i matou, we (excluding person or persons addressed) ;
arc decllncd the same as the dual.


Sw. mz.
a. '0 "oe, thou. N. '0 oulua, you two.
G. o and a oe, of you. *G.-o and a oulua, ofyoti two.
D. mo ~ n ma d oe (contracted to m i u D. mo and ma oulua, for you two..
and mtiu), for you. A. ia te oulua, you two.
A:' ia te oe, you. Ab. e oulua, by you two.
Ab. e oe, by you.,
'0 ontou, you, declined as the dual..

Sing. Dual.
#. ‘0 ia,. he or she. '0 i liiua, tm two, declined as o i t5ua.q
G. o ia, and a ia, of him or her.
I). m o and ma ia, mo onn (maria), and ....
m a ana (mina), for him, #c.
A. la te irr, him es her. Plural.
Ab. e ia, by him. '0 i latou, they, declined aa o i tiiua.
Nn,is i~lroused, but only io the nominative:
Adjeclive Pronouns.
Sing. Plural.
Lo'u and la'u, Iota und lata, m y .
Lou and lau, lo oe and 1a oe, thy. I O'u and I'u, my.
Ou and l u , thy.

Lona, lnna, his. u n a and ana, his.
Lo and In m:rlla, or matou, ouv; and RO O and a nlaua, our; and so on tbrougb-
on ttirr~ufihall the pronoun3 dual out t h e duat anti plurkil.
and plural.
Taitasi, each. Taitasi uma, euery.
E6 before a pronoun : as-
So tnana, one of U 3 two.
50 oulua, one of you two, &c.
Sing. ~lural'.
0 lenei, this; sinei, a diminutive. I a and nei, these.
L) lea, o lena, o lela, that. Na, those ; (la).
Sea, sisi, siasi, sinasi, diminutives.
Nisi (ni isi), isi, sonre, others.
Ni, sonze, any. Nai, some (a few).
Se tasi, le tasi, one, another, the other.
Le hi, the other. Sc isi, another.

Relative Pronourzs.
sing. Plztral.
0 18, who, that. I 0 8, who, that.
Ai is also cvndrrntly used in a relative sentence : as, Ona taomia lea, oti ai, then'
he was crushed, by which ho died.

0 ai ? who? singular and plural.
0 le ii? what? (sing.) 0 B ? (plural).
Se B ? what? (indefinite). Ni l ? (plural).
Le fea ? se fea? which ?

(and also used as a future).
dng . Dud.
1. Ou t e pule, I rule. I . Ma te pule, or
E pule i t l u a
2. E pule oe, thou ruleat. 2. Lua te pule or you two rule.
e pule oulua [
P. E pule o ia,. he rulef. 3. La te pula, or
I r Matou te pule, or e pule i matou
Tatou le pule, or e pule i tatou
2. Tou te pule, or e pule outou, you rule.

3. Latou te pule, or e pule i latou, they r u b . ,

Uu, though generally past, also sometimes desig~~atesthe presCnt j
thus, Uu nia'i o iu, He i, sick.
E sometimts denotes what nclw is, and always was so : thus, E silisili
le Atuu, God IS very great.
1. Na afu alofa, I loved.
2. Na B alofa, thou looedst.
3. Na ia alofa, he loved.
&c. Bc. 5.c.
Sa differs but little from nu: Sa a'u nofo, I sat or was sitting.
1. Ua a'u sao, I hatre cscapcd.
2. Ua 6 sao, thou lmt escnped.
3. Ua sao in, hc h a escaped.
Pje. @e. $c.
The pluperfect is expressed by the imperfect, or by adding uma: Uor
trma onu tuele ina ua o mai i htoa.

1, 0 le 6 a'u alu, or B au alu, I a m about to go.

2. O le a G alu, or o le a a111 oe, thou art about to go..
9, O le a alu o ia, he is about t o go.
40. $0. &c.

k. O u to nlu, or t& te alu, I shall go. I 1. MZ te o, or e 6 i m k a ) w e two wild

3. E alu oe, or e te ttlu, thou shalt go. Tl te o, or e cr i t%ua J go.
3. E nlu o ia, or in te alu, or na t e Pjc. $0.
alu, he shall go.

I . Se'i on saili, k t me scck.
2. Inn B saili, or saili, or saili ia oe, seek thou.
I a B sailif do thou seek.
3. I a saili o ia, let hiin seek.

Injniti've Mood.
E saili, to sock.

0 loo snili, seeking.
0 loo ua sailia, bciny sought.
A snili, nbout' to seeh.
Tire Passive
k formed by affixing ina, ia, a , j a , gia, lia, mia, siu', tia t thus; niuil
tuluia (shortened from tutulu, as is often the case); sailaa, i n o j a , cclo~
yia, taulia, silomia, 'inosiu, pulutia.
A ~ u & a t i v e(like Hi@hel);
formed by pref xing faa : as faafupu, to cause to grow. P a a also c
hotes a diminished degree : as faaleluta, not quite a t home. Alsb it
used in comparison : as fautar~tailiiti, to be like a child.

is formed by prefixing fe and affixing ni, a'i, fa'i, sa'i, tu'i, &c. : feal
fani, to love one another ; fealua'i, to go about from place to place; j
lamata'i, to watch for one another.
Continued Action',
(1) is denoted by prefixing tau : as taufualupu, to continue to caul
do grow.
(2) by reduplication : as sailiili. Reduplication is also used to expn-:
htensity: as mu, to burn;. n~umii,t o burn brightly. And alsothe plura,
Bs alolofu.
The affix aina denotes.i~~tensity of aktion, (Piel) : fttiaino,. to be ovei
come, surpassed ; teleuina, to h u n y on ; tuliuina, to drive on.
Ma prefixed makes the sense (1) neuter : thus, sasaa, to spill ;
is spilt ; or (2) ability--can : mafai, to be able ; u a nra miiizaca, he can*
Verbs signifying to abound in " are formed from the noun, by adding:
u : niu, a cocoanut ; uu niua, abounding in cocoanuts.
The prefix yZ expresses equality or companionship : yii'tusa, to be exL
gctly equal ; giitasi, to be tog, ther ; giiirolo, to glide along.
Impersonal Verb.
Fci'i, It is supposed.
Irregular Verbs' 1
&re, first, those which are irregular in formirig their pliral :"'u.ilt
Sing. Plural.
Sau, to come. 0.
Alu, to go. 0.
Pupula, to #him, fepulafl.
Momo1e, to run. femodei and tuaMuli..
Tago, to tahc hold of. fetngofl. w
&cp+b, h o s e which are irregular i n forming their paesives:
Actitre. Pumice.
Aumai, to bring. aumaia.
bvdvatu (ave atu). avatiia.
rphe peculiarity consists in combining the,directive particle with the word,

Some verbs are formed from nouns, by adding the verbal particles : as,
pla, life : u a ou ola, I live. In tb same way, also, do the adjectives be.-
Fome verbs : ,Ua ebelea, it is dirty.
Particles, directives to Verbs,
Mai, direction towards the speaker.
Atu, direction from.
A'e, above : Ua a l u ace, it is gone up.
Jfo, below, down.
Ane, a more indirect motion.

Iinei, here. 0 feu ? where ?

filZ, there. Analeila, just now,
I 5, yonder. Nanei, presently.
Nei, now. Talu, since.
10, ioe, e, yes. Anei, by-and-bye.
E leai, i'ai, no. I-we, quickly.
SOO, often. Faapefeu? how ?
Oi, yes (to a call). Faapea, thus.
Afeu? when? With many others.

tl and a, of. I fafo, without.

M o and ma, for, on account of. I luga, above.
fa (to proper names), to. I lalo, u r ~ d t ~ .
I, in, at, to. I tala utu, beyond.
$9 by. I tala mai, on this side,
Mai, from. I tua, behind.
3 totonu, within. I l u n u , before.
t toto, within,
Ann, if (past). Mu and foi, also, likewise.
E u i Eavn ina, altlrough. Ann le se anon, excel~t.
Peitni and peisui, but. AuZ, because.
A, but. Atocc ma, and also.
Faitai, but (obsolete). N t L i , lest.
Peiseui, like as, as though. E' ui ina meu, notwitl~sta~~ding

Di ! oh !
Oi, Gi, 5i ! oh, 011 ! 2:; ! ) wonderful !
' a!exclamation of delight. Erin! well doue !
Isa! of contempt.
F n a u t a ! behold !
Alili ! utitu !
Eenu ! enuenu ! Pallaw !
Tii fefe! (literally, '' I fear ! ") Tii 'ino'ino ! abominable !
Alss! Se pug2 ! what a pity!


RULE1.-Every noun, word, or sentence standing as a nominative a1

solute requires the 'o before it: thus, '0lona faatoa sau lenei, this is tl
first time he has come.
Exceptions.-I. It is omitted after the conjunction ma: '0 nlii m
2. Before nominatives following the verb it may be omitted : as, U
ligoliyo le ulufunun.
3. In poetry, it is often omitted :
" Fagalii mn Selea le fanun."-Jfuliau ia Tuu.
RULE2.-Verbs preceded by ona and followed by lea take all '0 bcfor
the nominative : as, Ona tayi lea 'o Sina.
L e is often indefinite : thus, 0 le itlii o in, 11e is ri chief.
It is onlitted in the adverbial expressioii i fule, in the lioi~se,or insid,

b This article is rather sparingly used. Its chief use is ill regard to thin;
unknown or future : E te se Amon e n ? are you an Anloan ?
-" rrc'i to se nlntayl felalta'i."-~'iigrc I il. 10.
J J Ase Pii, nrnne lonn s~lafn."-illuliau ia Tuu.
-(If it should be a man child, give him his title).

The Article as a Pronoun.

0 le Atua E fetaloi mui, it is God who is speaking ; propcrly, le e fe-
falai mai, the [n~ie]speaicing.
"0 le Tupu o tupu, o afio i le 1agi."-Viign i.
-(The King of k i w , tsho tlwells in heaven).

The singular is sometimes used for the plural : 1 , In nouns of multitude :

U a o moi le nuu, the people ore come. 2, Where one stallds Ibr a class;
E fausaluinu 1; payotii, the ill-doer will be punished.
The ' o before the second name is dropped : as, 0 Iesu, le Alii, Jesus,
the Lord.
Exceptions.-If the office precedes the camc, then both have it : 0 le
a l i i , o Malietoa, the chief, Malietoa.

The noun usirally follows the verb: Un sau le tamaloa, the mah is
When it precedes the verb, it is usually empllatic, and requires to be
bllowed by a pronoun after the verb : thus-
" Filoilupo ma Lemaluosamoa,
Avatu i l a m e fai ma oso."-Lagieolo ia Taio.
-(F. and L., take them for food on the journey).
Noi~nsstanding in apposition, whatever case thc first may be in, all the
subsequent ones are in the nomi1:ative; as, NU e tugi i 2au tune, o le gogo
This is indicated by the prepositions a or o (soft). As to which of t h ~ s e
sliould be uicd. as well as the pronouns low. lou, lona. Itrna, lo and la
rnllto~i,&c., ir is dificult for a foreigner to know. There is I I O general
rulp which will apply to every case. The goverliing noun decidvs which
~ h o u l dbe used: thus, nlanat~ o le tino; but umirtya a le tino; upu o
Fugono ; but upu a tugrlta.
The followitlg hi~rtsmay serve in some measur? to guide as to which
gome classes of nouns govern :-
1. 0 is used with-
1. Nouns denoti~ ts of the body : fofoqa o le nlii, e r s of the
chief. So of h'a hnit, g
,.; except the beard, whic ti~kesu.
2. The : o Ze toasa o le alii. So of
w$, de:
3. Houses, and all thrir parts; ,canoes, land, country, trees, plan*
tations : thus, pou o le fale, posts of the liouse ; l o ~ i cfurcua,
~ lonu
nuu, &c.
4. People, relations, slaves : o ona tagata, his people ; o le fale-
tua o le alii, the chief's wife. So also of a son, daughter, father, &c.
Exceptions.-Tune, husband; acG, wife, (of a common man),
and children, which take a : lanu avii ma a n a fanuu.
5. Garments, &c., if for use : ona ofic.
Except when spoken of as property, riches, things laid up in store,
11. A is used with-
1. Words denoting conduct, custom, &c. : amio, masani, tu.
2. Language, words, speeches : gicgana, upu, fetalaiga, ujoga.
3. Property of every kind. Except garments, &c. for use.
4. Servants, animals, men killed and c a i ~ i e doff in war : lanu la-
5 . Food of every kind.
6. Weapons and implements, as clubs, knives, swords, bows, cups,
$atooing i~~strumens, &c.
Except spears, axes, and 'oso (the stick used for planting taro),
wilich take o.
7. Work: as lana fale, which he is building for another; l a n a :
Except faiva, which takes o.
s o m e words take either a or o: as manatu, taofi,
Mo and ma governing this case, usually signify f u r : as, Au mai lea ntq
a'u, give that to or for me.
M a also means, on acconnt of, because : Sau i fule, ma le la, come in,
because of the sun.
A peculiar use is, Ou te a l r m a a'u, I will go with me, (i.e. I will take
Tire cause or occasion of a thing is signified by ova o.
This case mostly follows active verbs.
I t is also used in sentences which require the verb to be or to have in
hanslating them : C'a i a te i a le mea, the property [is] to him,' (i.e. he
bas it).
The prepsition i is often omitted after the verb : as, Lafoai lena mga, -
l a is used before names of persons : Ona latoufai a t u lea ia Sina.

The Vocative
sometimes takes the article le : Le alii e! Le ula e ! but most oommody
i t is omitted.
Tfie proper place for the vocativeis at the commencement of a seaen=
Samoan Grammar. 17
It is occasionally found (mostly in poetry) in the middle or at the close d
the selltrnce : . .

" E,ata tapa fua ia t e oe, le Atua e 1 '*-Viiga v.

I t is often omit.ted: as, '' Soufuna, Sins, le tomn fujne!"
When two voca~ivesare connected by the c o r ~ j u ~ l c t ntu,i o ~ ~it is omitted
a b r the second : " Tui e mu Tui! " Sometimes a pro!toun is used in
ruch cases : as, " A lii e, mu outou."
In poetry, the vccative e is used after verbs and sentences : as, '' Faa-
tali utu e."
, from ; ' i , into ; e, by (confined mostly
This is governed by mai, ~ a iai,
to persons).

The adjective follows its noun : as, 0 le tagata umi, a tall man.
There are different ways of expressing them : thus (bellides those already
gwen), E tolugaf ulu i le f u , twenty-four. 0 le aso lima, the fifth day;
ut o le tuusugu e j t u , the seventh year. 0 lona onoya masina tenei,
tbis is her sixth month.
T u a and sautua are used to express times, fold : as, 0 le pa tua lua, a
double wall; 0 le ie sautua lasi, a cloth doubled in many folds. .
Ta'i added to the numerals expresses distribution : E taitolu, three to
each. .

The nm-oun before the verb is often emphatic ; and in that case it ia
repeated aRer the verb : 0 i mutou nei, o le a 5 i matou, we are going;
or, us for us, we are going.
W h r ~ lit follows the verb, the lo of the nom'native is usr~allydropped :
1 Uu sere i muton nei, we are in fault. On the contraly, E le toe suu lava
o ia, he will not come again. Euphony seems to direct this usage.

The Relative is oken understood i n Samoan : 0 le luau L a na agar

lioiinu, that is the plant [whicl~] 1 pulled up. In this caw the passive
tu~ninatiouseems to supply the place of ui. More com~nonlyk is ex-
pressed by ai : 0 le mea lavu lenei nu au manao ui, this is the thing
which I wanted.
0 le ,,rea lea, theref~re,ajid Se a le men, wherefore, are always f01-
baed by ~i after the verb : as, 0 le mea lea na au sau ai.

I l'b I . m m g a t i w Pronoun is mu& used inatead of d b s l negation :

Ou te alu o le a? what sh~uld.I go
for? instead of I wjll not go. $
e ai 7 *ho knows 2 I don't.

33 is used of that which remain3 thesame : as, E p u h le Atua; Eetei

lo_Atua. But, 0,loo sogua le Atuu.
Imperative.-Ina is used in positive commands. Iu is ~recative. Of-
ten both are omitted.
Ror intensity, the verb is repeated, followed by &z: Aiu, ina a l u id,
Go. begone ! A h i a , ina alu !
The future tense is also used as an imperative : E te alu lava oe, go
you, or you shall go.
The fnjnitive sometimes takes i instead of e : Ou te musy i 41u.
Particieles govern the same case as their verbs.
A pe~ultaruse of o loo is, 0 loo mnlnlo, he is well. Ua malolo, in an-
swer to an inquiry, would signify, that he had bee11 ill, but was now re-
Pyssiue for,ms have an aqtive signiftca9on whep the p r y a u n preicqdes,:
&a mu&u saz'lia, we sought.
Many verbs become nyups by qdding ga, saga, toga : a?? spvali, s4va;
liga; tutcito, talosaga; faauma, faaumataga.
> .
The verb to be is used only at Tutuila : as, E isi sou avii? It is e i t h
understood or expressed by some phrase in the larp r islallds : as, P e ai
ea sau acii? Uu i fale. 0 le taui o le agasalu, o le oti lea.
In some cages, the verb agees with its object in number: as, Uu ou
tutu& ia i latou;' Ua na
. L . . I . fufusi
( . ia i k t o u .

- .

?&irpsition iq a sentence.-The interrogative ea shot~ldnot be put

L r on-generally not farthtlr than from the third to the ti fth word : " Uu
Q v eu Gogo?" Fo'i, a conjurictive and also a qualifying particle, about
J r d or foluthb

'I'he adverb is<ofl~n exprepsed by a noun join~dto the verb bv tlie cob;
junction : as, Na ia tuntala mai mu le itu, he talked angrily, (literally, he
y'f(yjr;%fh, o;:in, a,aq;r.
Samoan Grammar. 19

Sometimes the adverb precedes the verb, but mare comfnonly it follo~s:
as, Uu vane oti, he is soon dead. Ua savali toalise, he walks quickly.
Sometimes it is expressed by two verbs : Uu lmona suu,.he came long
ego, (literally, It is long his coming, or since he c~rne)..

The preposition is omitted aRer the conjunction I as, E pule o ia i lb

degi mp 2e lalolagi.

A adversative is oilen followed by a nominative absolute : A o au, oa

i & f s alu, but as for me, I will not 9.

There is a large number of words used to chiefs and strangers : and to
use a n y othrr when addressing such is equivalent to an insult. These
words are never used by a chief speaking of himself.
Amongst these are words used according to the rank' of the person ad-
dressed : e. y. tucrsami, to eat,-a respectful term to a s' tulafaie; " tau-
wit0 a chief; taute-to the highest chief.

The Samoan has many different kinds of poetical compositions. Me

is altogether pnknown ; but tlie best kinds of poetry art. ill rhyme. Th
pre moat1 responsive ; each verse bt i r ~ gcon:menced by a few persol
and is cal ed the ILSU, the remaining half being taken u p ill chorus,
yjth strict attention to time, by all present; it is called the tuli.

Popular songs on passing events.are, as in other lands, very commc

They are sung to the stroke oi' the paddles whet1 on a journey, or wl
engaged on vny work requiring united exertion.
At the time when ~rligionwas beginning to take root, the lovers
Park~teesthus expressed their regrets a t the prospective loss of their pl
ourw :
Tini, tinio, tipio I
Maumau o mea faamiilamat
A tiai e le malo.

11. Wur Songs,

p e tipa i le lo,
Pe t!tli fa6.

Bva le anefe,
To ie alogo.
pla i le ita tui op-o,

]Ill. The Fugnna

ig partly uarytiye, partly sung by one person ::--lst,,
1 .
0 le Fagono. A o Tafltohu la lenei ma Ogafau :
Ane! a o fanau la la tama, ona fanau lea o Tui. Toe funau o Tui ; toe fanau
bI'd ; toe fanau o Tui ; toe fanau o Tui ; toe fanau o Tui ; toe fanau o Tui ; toe
hnrp o Tui ; toe fanau o Tui ; oda fanau lea o Sina. Upu o Fagono ; pe moni ?
Ua leai lava le au ueo* ma lo latou tuafafine : ua soone mnatutud, ma sooda att-
Pmaia, ma lalelei lo lntou tuafaflne. Le au uso o lo ua mrctutuu.
OM fai atu lea lo latou tuafnflne, cc Tui 6,ma Tui ma Tui ma Tui, o leael ua ta-'
h matutua; pe ni 5 d tatou faiva a fai nei? E lelei ina ib tatou ta ti6a." On&
Mihi lea i ai o le nilii : one latou ta ti'r lea. Ta le ti'a a Sma ; mua i tai. Ta
ie tl'a a Sina; mua i uta. Toe ta le ti6a a Sina ; mua i tai. Ua leai lava le fa-
-6 eoona lalelei : un u a a i mata, Its ni atga faal&l&: u mai le tua, un oo Id
arlama i S6ug.t
v a a i a lea e Sina o le gogo sina, ua tipatipa mai tai. One faapea lea o Sina?
" Oi la'u tane ! o le gogo sina.
Ou te m5tmmea i ana ti$."
h a f&iatu tea o le nuii, Seda 6, o fnd ia, ina tatou sailia ie tane ti ~ina:;;
ktou fai 8tu ai lea ia &a, " Siira e, bau ia ; ina e nofo iinei ; a e matou 6 d
W i lau tane, o le gogo h a , e te mbamea i ana tipa. SIua e, aua e te tau-
-.'' Ona lntou u d lea.
l h a t a u d a a u lea o Sins, " Tui e j ma 'Pui ma Tui l " Ona m u ai I& d $die-'
! U e , o le aaualii ; ona fek ai lea o Sina. Ua mu le aitu ; omr moe lea i raa d
O m o mai lea le au urn tuagane o Sina, ma lana tane, o le gogo sina; w a tepa4
&a l a ua i ai le aitu ia Sina, ona tagi lea.
0 Fagono a tagi ; u o tagi le tamaloa :-
'' Soufuna Sina, soufuna ~ i d ,
Le m a fafine, le feagaiga;
Lota thhflne, na e ta'gi i lau tane, o le gogo si63:
E te mnnamea i ana tipa.
Ifo vann, ace vanu, l u manu
A e tg alu ita, ne'i tA paii ; tg lilia e."
A o w sim:
"Sole Tni, sau i fale ;-
'Pui e, sau i fale, i t i g a g ~ ' .
Nagu valaau, o Tui ma Tui!
0 8 mai ai te tasi Tui; o TuWfah'e f 18 m'or nei;
Le tofa i o'u vae neii
Tui e, sau i fale nei."
&a tsgi lea o 18 aupito ane i ai. E faapea uma iava a iaiou hi:
Oorr tagi lea o Sina :
('Bole Tuf e, sall i h l e ;'
Sau i fnle, i 15 M a s e . ,
Na'u vnlaau, o Tui ma Tui !
Oe mai ai le tasi Tui, Tuiletafu'e'; le moe nei;
Tui e, sau i fale nei."
hgrb ~ i i :!
gouhna SiGa, ie timafarin4
h t a tuafdne, le feagaiga,
Na e tagi i lan tane, o le gogo sina ;'
E C manamea i ana tipa.
Ho vanu, agcvanu, l u manu na.'
d' C alu ita nei ; t$ paii; lilia e."
, & .hlJ lei o le uii; na tag'o i l i l i u J l u'eitiii "a' G e fe tadi &afiad ) ; r ~

* 4. a. There was ndne lika them'in beauty.'

t A phrase mennlng beaimtifuk'
22 Suntoan Grammqr.
ulu ; ua ave, nonoa i l e lam. Toe alu ma le toei fnafaqti laqulu; eve, none. i I)
qiu : ua faapea solo i lapu urn& Onn t w o atu lea e le tuagane o Siw, un I
k lima o Sina; ona la sosola lea. Ona oso a t u lea le aitu ; oso i maw, p * ~ l
uma mai laau i sisifo. Ua toe oao Bisifo, olla ptruu. uma mai les. o 1~ r -a
oDa taomia + le ajtu, oti ai,

2nd, The Vii, the most common of all, is used in prsise of chiel.
first half of each verse is syng by some three or four, alld then the 1
half is taken up i r ~full chorus. I t is accompanied with beating om a I&
Idled up, and dancing.
0 b Vii o Leti~taugp.
Faatali atu e ; a o tiu i le manu.
Faatali atu e, Tagigo ; a o t ~ iu le,mnnu,
Ua ligoligo Ic ulufanua; a ua tau matagi.
A aa nintou taumaten, pe ni @Pi o papalagi 7
Qi, 1- tama e ! sa faaolioli rrei lava i le nuu o manu e le tan.
01, le ula! e m w i o le fuai rnamao se alii nei, ua gutu i eita !%dm
Letiutaugi, ina folau ; po o lelei lava le tagata o le atu toelau.
& als,'olo lea ; iaa gas6 me, o le faivo o tama tanao tau.

3rd, The Lagisoto, or funeral dirge, is in fbrm mncl~like the preceding.

It is sung slowly, without dancipg, io honour of a,deceased chief. One d
considerable length, in honow of T&, of Safune, commencee--
0 le li6a mai ; aue, li% mai, LC.

4th, The Vila, the above,. accornpr\nied by clapping. of hands, but ao

dancing. It has also a commencement of ita.own : thus, and a chorur,
Ua taafili i mauga'lega, ua lu*.
Lupe, lupe ulu ivr.
0 le li'a mai, aue li'a mail
Lupe, lupe . d u iw LC.

5th, The Talalo is sung slowly, with motion of the h a d a , and b t i ~ g

the mat. The following is a

Ua tutunoa, tutunoa,
Au 16 foa, au 16 loa,
Tutunoa lend am vale.
E le iloa ee ata sopovale lo6ia e.
Nun a uma ai ata sa tane i le utu tau,
Se vaa TuMele, ma nai lagaall a Maaifw.
Ua b e e ma mu atoa le tulvao.
Nh .die.him a t h o , Yataia e.
Toli mai .-do.q t I u ma- (islo e.
6th. The Fiti is quite new to Samoans, having been introduced from
the Fijiis. It is accompanied with beating the mat, and motion of the

7th, The Fatu is sling in honour of a deceased chief, not danced to,
nor even used at a dance ; more properly in this respect a funeral dirge
thaa the Laybolo.
Imoa Bi munu e i logologo ua'u sau.
Nau eailia mai ae pupii e logoaa i vao.
Soufuna faufau, kc.

8th, The Solo in praise of chiefs' lands and laumua; sung by one.
Nau tipa ifo, tipa ifo i niu-legs.*
Faataulia i tafetafe IOUfla inu le6a.t
Fai atu i fale na, le galu teine ma le galu taulele'a.
Sei latou miia ai se 'ava o i fale na ;
&i taumafa ane alii, a lailoa i le tuueva.
A tufa lava, ia o'u mua, o au o Letuuga.
Ou te faanau ala i Piu ;
Seu ai lota vaa i fanua;
Ou futin se ila Be lautua ;
Faataatia i b taumuk

9th, The Muli'au (including the Mualeva) is l i e the Vii, struck up by

two sr more, and answered in full chorus, accompanied by the beating of
an instrument called the faaalii.

Aoe maugal mauga o Savaii,

E tuu feti'i.
E tiga m a w , mauga o Savaii,
E tuu feti'i.
E fetaitai ma Me,
Ma mauga loa ma Vaetc,
Ma utu a lau fau-
d u e mauga, kc.
Se pule a le i,
Ma maluatea,
Ma mulimauga o Olomeq
Ma le vao na o masa tud.
Lop5 mat i le Nuanua,
Ma le Afida mulimauga.
due rnauga, kc.

A bathing-plsee a t Sathi.
t A harbour.

Acquiesce, usiusitri.
Acquire, maua.
a. se, and sometimes le. Acrid, 'a'ava.
~ndon,tuulafoai. Across, faalava.
~ s h ,faama. Act, fai.
.omen, maniva. Adapt, faatatau.
lor, 'ino'ino. Add, faaopoopo.
e, mafai, lavZ. Adhere, pipii.
d o n , papa. Adjourn, tolo.
we, i luga. Admirable, maeu.
~und,v . a 4 . matui tele. Adn~otlish,apoapoa6i.
but, a, (as, a alu, about to go.) Adopt, e fai m6lla ntalii.
but, silosi'o. Adorn, teteu, teuteu.
,idge, faaitiiti, faasaasaa. Adversity, nlala.
Icess, ma'i e faasua. Adult, tagata matria.-
mud, lafi. Adultery, mul~lua.
bent, e le i ai. Advocate, fautua.
undance, taumafa, tele lava. Afar, mamao.
W, faareaga. Affable, ~tofolelri.
cept, tali. Affectatio~~, faafia, (as of roirdom,
tea, ala e stio ai. hafiapoto).
cident, mao. Affrction, olofa.
compan o gatasi. Affirm, matuii fai atu,
mmpli$ uma ona fai. Afflict, faatign.
cording, faatatau. Afiight, feamata'u.
m l ~ t ,tala. Affront, faaonoono.
Cumulate, faupu'e, fauh'i, aula'i. Afraid, faarnata'utia.
mate, tatac lelei. A h , mulimuli ane.
cow, faahno, fetuu. Afterbirth, fanua.
Worn, faamasani. Afternoon, ua i gagaifo le la.
bc, tiga, giiOi. Agitin, toe (as come again, toe sew).-
id, 'o6enR, Against, opposite, feagaii
Age, tupulagrt. Ant, loi.
Aged, men, toeaina ; women, loo. Anxious, popole.
matua. Any, ni, nisi.
Aggressor, o le na tupu ai le miaa. Apart, tuuesea.
Agifatc. I~tlu.
Ago, (us long ago) leva, anamua.
Apartment, afeafe. .
Apologize, toese.
Agony, tiga tele. A l ~ p ~ r r'ofu.
Agree. in concord, ua Irlei; yield A pparit ton, nitu.
I n , usiusitai ; wme mind, loto Appear, ~liali.
gatasi. Applaud, vivii.
Aground, pa'ulia. Appoint, totofi.
Aha! ue! A~JINOXCII, fc~alatalata.
Aid, fesoasoani. Areue, tinan.
Aim at, ftratcrtau. Arise, tula'i. . .
Air, v. fasavili. Arm, lima, (chief 8 ) aao.
Alas ! oi talofa ! ane ! Arms, auupega.
Alike, tutusa. Army, 'au, itu taua.
Alive, ola. A round, soo, faiisi'esi'o.
All. uma. Arrive, ogo.
Alleviate, faafilemu, e filemu ai. Arrogance, faasiatlia, fhnlaiiillw
Allow, to yield, usiusitai; to w- Arrow, u.
mit, tuu atu. Arrowroot, ma&.
Allure, faalatalata. Artery, ua. I
Almost, toe ins, tGli (a tali oti), 4i. Artifice, togatiti.
Alone, toatasi. na o ia. As, pei, faapei.
Also, fo'i. Ascend, a'e.
Alternate, auaua'i. Ascent, a'ega.
Although, e ui lava. Ashanled, rnri, fhg$id#i.
Always, soo, i aso nmu, e le anlioa. Ashes, lefulrfu.
Amass, faaputu. Ask, ole, faanoi; sili, &a&.
Aniazetl, srgia le mwE. Aslant, hasnpnsapa.
Amhassador savali. Assem ble, iar~potnpoto.
Am higuous, faalepupuh baa uiga. Assist, fesoasoani.
Ambition, fia sili. Asthma, sela.
Amends, totogi, taui. Astonish, ofo, &gig ~Wuli.
Amidst, i totonu, i le va, i lato.
Amongst, faatad.
Astray, see.
Asunder, eseese (as, t u a &W, I'b' !
Ample, telc. put asunder).
An, a. se. Asylum, lafitaga, nialu.
Anchor, s. taula, v. t m tmla.. At, i.
And, ma. Atonement, to~ldilsl.
Anger, ita, (to chi@$) -Hj t6atst- Atone, faalelei.
magi. Attain, maua. .
Animal, manu. Attempt, taainafdi.
Ankle, ponaponhrvae.
Annoy, faasoeaa, fad%.
Attend to, I'aalogolbgo ; ord,
(to be with').
w' ;
Anoint, hau'u. Avail, ao@.
Aasthet, se tacri. , Avarice, miinumanu; &tiip4arn;' fj
Answer, tali. I Avoid, 'alo, igoigo.
. I

- 1'
Austere, nofogata, matapaii. Becatme, me, ona o, aul,
Await, t'tli atu. I Beckon, negonego.
Awake, fafagu ; of om's oum UC-
cord, ala.
Away, ese.
/ Become, avea, liu.
Ezcoe~ing, ( prt~priety) OW, oao-
Axe, to'i; (to ~hiefs) fmsagaese. 1 Bed, rnoega.
I Before, i luma.
I3 I Beg, isi, fautoga, ole, aioi.
' Ekget, fauaua.
BABE, tama m e a m I Begin, amata, afua.
Back, tua. 1 Behaviour, amio.
Back bite, tuaupua @ore.) I Behind, i t u a

Backbone, ivitu, Behold, v. vaai; intej. !-f
Backside, muli, nofoags, I3rlcl1 totomamala.
Backwards, tuumuli. Believe, in u p r o b e , faatuatua; .
Bud, leaga. credit, ua manatu e moni.
Bag, tap. Belly, t~~aniiva ; (of a chief) ala
Rait, mauuu. Beloved, alofaiua, pele.
Bake, o. taa Below, i lalo.
Bald, tula. %It, fuai, tnliwla.
Bale, r. ta'ui. Bench, nofun lwu.
Bale, a. asu, tati. Rend v. lolo6u; to. make croohd,.
Bamboo, 'ofe. faapi60.
Band, fusi. Beneath, i lala.
Bandyleg, vacpi'o. Beueticial, aog6.
Banish, faateva, tuli . Benevolence, loto- alofa, agnklei.
Banner, fu'a. Betlight, pogia.
Bsrb, tala. Beseech, 'ai60i.
Bark, s. pa'u ; v. fisi, fofos. Beside, i tafatah
Bark, v. ou. Besiege,. vagai.
Barren, M ~ W ~ S , . @ Lttem, 16 fua; &st, e sili ona lelei.
had,. lafulafuL Bestow, avatu, foa'i.
Barter, faatau. Betray, faalata.
BPslret, 'ato, ete. Betroth, faufkutane. -
Bat, 8. pe'a. Be~ween,i le va, a'i.
Bathe, v. taele; (to chiafi) tbmiilii,. Bewail, tagi aue.
'uuau. Bewilder, femernea'i.
Battle, taua. Beyond, i tala atu.
Beach, faga, matifag& 131s~Iitele.
Bead, uamea ; string of, lop& Bigamy, nofo lua.
B e a k , gutu. Billow, peau.
&ar,.o. are; toandu~e,onoaai ;as. Bind, fusifuei.
a tree, fua mai ; animtalo, knau Bird, manu.
Beard, s. ava; (of chiefs) EOML Bite, u.
Beast, manu. Bitter, 'o'one.
Best, he,,ta k, uliuli.
Beautiful, la tag5 mimi..
Ekdmed, n 1 me, faifii.
Illecd. toto; tu let blood, tuu le lima. Brain, fai'ai.
Bles*, faamcrnuiu. Branch, la.
Blind, tauaso ; (to chiefs) tauvale. Brandish, ailao.
Blink, faasegosego. Brave, toa.
Blister, v. manunu.
Blood, toto.
Urcadfruit, 'ulu.
13reodth, Ian. i
Bloody, totolma. Break, gau ; cup,&c. ta'e'.
Blossoa~,fuga. Breaker, galu.
Blotch, pe'u. Breast, moa, fatafata, msa.
Blow, v. ula, of the breath ; mata- Breathe, mii~~ava.
Breeches, ofu vae;
gi, of the wind; or savili, or agi
le matagi. Breed, fanau. ..
Blue, uli, lanu moana, kc. Breeze, savili. ,

Blunder, aeG. Bridge, faia, alaniui

L~lundrrbuss, api. Bright, pupula.
Bhnt, matatupa, tulali. Brimful, tumu &saL
Boar, po'a. Bring, aurnai.
Board, laupapa. Brink, auvai.
Boast, rnitamita. Brittle, ta'e gofie. .
Boat, tulula. Broad, vateatea, lautele:
Bod , tinu. Broil, mka.
Boi , v. thnd.
Bbil, 8. ma5 faafoa.
Broil, v . tann.
Brood, v. as chidens, ofaofata6&.

Bold, loto tele, toa. Brood, s. toloa'i.

B O I I ~ivi.
, Brother, uso ; a rider, t u a g a d
Bonnet, pulou. Brown,. ena.
pony, iviivia, paee ; of persom, ti- Bruisei nno'b.
tov vale. Bnish, v. tafitafi.:
Book, tusi. Brush, s. tafi.
Borrlrr of county, tuaoi; garment, Bud, v. togo.
rafatafa. Buffet, tu'i,
B&e, d. vili: Build, fau; fai; ati, of a wall.
Borrow, no13. Builder, tufuga; (tochisfs) mataisati
Bosom, fatafata. Bullet, pulu fana.
Both, o i laua uma. Bunch, s. cluster, fuifui, 'au, ( a i
Bottle, fagu ;for water, vai. 'aufai).
Bol tom, s. taele. Bundle, s. tiai, t 2 G .
Bough, la (laau). Burdeo, avega, faafafa; amogs, tatl~'
Boundary, tuaoi. soa.
Bow, v. ifo. Burn, v. susunu, mu:
Bow, s. aufana. Burnish, faapupula.-
Bowels, gaau. Burst, pa.
Bowl, tanoa. Bw , t a m ; (tochi@) hie lam$-
Bowstring, fu'a. Bus{y, feIefeIe:
Box, atolaau. But, a, peita6i.-
Boy, tama. Butterfly, pepe:
Boyish, rtamaitiiti. Buttock, muli; ofbeasfs,buWip.* .
Rqcl , mHi, faasualua, taitainono. Button, fiamau. . I ..'

, mitamita.-- Buy, faatau..

By, e. Cause, v. fdatupn.
By, n ~ u r i, tafatafa, e lata ane. C a u s t ~ c adj.
, feu.
By and- by, nanei. Caution, o. lapata'i (perfect only).
Bywor.d, muagagana. Cease, uma, ill, mapu, tuu ; eoia
' (imperative).
' Celebrate, v . viv~i.
C Censure, v. a'oa'i.
C ~ B L Emaea.
, Centipede, atualoa.

Cdckle, to'uto'u. Centre, totonugalemu.
Cadaverous, mata-tagata oti. Chain, maea uamea, filifili uameq:
Cage, faga, ioa. Chair, nofoa.
Cake, faapiipi. Challenge, v. 111'i.
Calamity, mala. , Chamber, afeafe.
Calculate, faitau. Chance, tupu h a .
Caldron, '1110. Change, fesuia'i.
Calk, v . monomono. Chant, pzse.
Call, V . valaau, alaga. Chap, mavaevae.
Call, to visit, afe, asiasi. Character, amio.
Calm, of the wind, malii; of the Charcoal, malala.
sea, Inolao. Charge, v. apoapoa'i, fai atu.
Calm, quiet, filemu. Charge, u ylin, utu.
Cdlm, v. faalaulelei. Charge, s. utufaga.
Calumniate, faatuarrpua. Charity, alofa.
Camp, togalauapi. .Charm, v . hi togafiti faataulaitp,
Can, v . mafqi. , tcil~loa.
C h a s ~ v.
Catbe, su!gar. tolo ; rnttan, lafo. Chasm, mavdevae.
Cannon, fanafanua. Chdstise, a'oa'i, sasa.
Cannot, Ir mafdi, le 1avZ. Cheap, taugofie.
Canoe, vaa. Cheat, pepelo.
Cap, pulou ie. Cheek, alalau.
Cape, to lo to!^. Cheerful, mata 'ata.
Capt~ve,tagata-o-taua. Cherisli, tdusi.
Care, popole. Chest, box, atolaau; of the bo&,
Carpenter, tufuga, mataisau. fatafata.
Carry, ave ; on the back, faafuata ; Chestnut, ifi.
by the a i d of a stick, faafafa; ba- Chew, lamr~lamu.
lanced at its ends, amo ; also a Chicken, tamai moa.
p s t , &c., belween two, tausoa. Chide, a'oa'i.
Carve, wood, togitogi ; food, pena. Chief, alii.
Case, faani yga. C h ~ l d ,tama.
Cast, v. lafo, togi. Ch~ldish,hatamaitiiti.
Castle, '01s. Chill, maal~li.
Cat, gose. C h ~ n ,auvac~alalo.
Cataract, a h . Chip, v. tip^.
Catch, v. pule. Chip, s. malamala.
Catch, v . n. by contagion, pipisi. Chirp, tagi.
Catechise, fesili. C ;el, t ~ f i .
Cave, ana. ice, filifiliga.
cavil* a: finau7 ke? t.. laon ; titin8 (qcti
' ao CHO CON
Choose, v. filifili. !ombat, s. taua.
iombiae, faatasi, too.
Chop, t*. tipi, soni.
Clammy, apulupulu. !ombultible, mugofie. .I'

Clamour, pisac. !oilre, sau. . .I

Clang, tagitagi. lomet, pusaloa.
Clap, v. the h a n d , pati limo. lomfort, v. Faamafanafana, fh
Clasp, v. firei. talaloto.
Class, vasega. lommand, v. poloai, hi atu. ..
Clatter, pa%. lommar~drnent,polmiga
Claw, of u bird, vae. :o~~rrneruorate, farlnanatu. '

Clay, onlea. :on~mence,an~ata.

Clean, mamk. :otnrnetrd, vivii atu.
<ISlr:anse,u. faamam:. hmmit, tuu atu [e tausi].
Clrllr, manino. ;o~nniotr,tu~rtele.
Cleave to, pipii. :on+n~otion, s. nunuvale.
Cleave, lo .*pLit, isi, taisi. :omtnntion v. vevesi, ua1010.
Clever, poto. :olnpailion, tmlua.
Climb, a'e. :on1pauy, faapotopotoga.
Cling, pipii. :ompare, faatusa.
Close, v. pupilni, faaaoo. :ompssion, alofa.
Cloth, s. le : native, siapo. :ompel, faamalasi.
Clothe. v. faa'ofu. :ompeasate, totogi, taui.
cloud,' ao. :oinplain, muimui, tagi atu.
C'lou tlv of day IagilagiI ; of nyht, :ompleta. faiatoatoa.
I,\giv;~lca. :on\pl~x,v. felefele., magaka. >o811ply,usiusitai.
Club, uatoel. :o~npour, a song, fatu.
Cluck, v. to'uto'u. >on~prehe~~d, lagona
Cluti~sy,visivhsi. ;oinpt~te,faitau. .
Cluster, fuifui. Zomrade, toallla.
Clutclr, 'u'u. >oltceal, 81an6,ufiufi.
Cobweb, apogaleveleve. :o~~ceited,faa6amea.
Cock, toa. ;onceive, th.
Cockcrowing, vivini o moa. ;onch, faafoa.
Cockle, pipi. :oncili~te, faalelei.
Cocoa. niu. hncise, aaasaa.
Corlual, tutura. 2oncours8, faapotopetoga.
Coffin, raa ; (of a chbf)al&lafa@ Sondemn, faaoda.
Coeitnte. rnafaufau. Condescend, fiiarnnnlnlo.
CO], taai. Conduct, s. amio.
Cold, maalili ; water, &c. miliilii. Conduct, v. ta'ita'i.
Colic, maniiva tutui. Cunfer, v. tautalatala faatad, fit
Collar bone, ivi tau'au. hatasi.
Collect, men, faapotopoto
- - ; thing6 Confess, faaali, h'u.
faaputu. Confirm, faamaoni.
Collection, faupu'ega, faula'iga. Confllet, 8 . b u r .
Confounded, ,fernemmi
Color, lanu. Conpegate, faapotopoto.
Comb, s. relu. Conjc~ture,thurnbte.
Connect, faasoo, fqa@si. Corner-stone, tulima~lu.
Conquer, manun)alo. Corpse, tagata oti.
Conscience, loto fuatiaifo. Corpulegt, tutula, pula,.
Consent, v. usiusita.i. Correct, v . a'oa'i.
Consider, manatunatu. Corrode, 'a'ati.
d o n s i p , v. tuu at? Corrupt, v. faaleaga
Console, v. faamaise,faamafanafana Corrupt, adj. leaga.
Conspicuous, aliali tele. Costive, ~niitiitii.
Conspire, v. talrpulepule. Cotton, laau aliila.
Constant, tumau. Cobenant, feagaiga.
Col~stantly,soo, e le auno+ Cover, uti.
Consterl~ation, segia m a ~ ~ l i . Covet, minumgnn, matqpe'ape'a,
Constipation, magi mGtij,t,tu, mamqu monlo'o.
l e Inanava. Cough, tale, (chief's) mgemalq.
Construct, fau. Cout~cil,le au faipule, le fbno.
consuit.' filifili. Coul~t,v . faitau.
Corlsume, v. I'aauma. e , ; (chief's) fofo-
C o u n t e l ~ a ~ ~ cmata
Consun~ption,ma'i faaivi. ga.
Contagious, pipisi. Counteract, faalaveltve, faaleaogii.
Contaminate, fdaleaga, Counterfeit, faatagi.
Contemn, 'i~~o'ino. Countless, 16 masino, lE mafqitaulia.
Contemplate, mafslufau. Cou~itry,nuu.
Contend, 6nau. Couple, when more tlcan one, suck
C o u t e ~ ~ loto
t , mglie. as, e lua oa ; met&and birds, ulu-
C~rltention) finauga. ga .
I Contest Courage, loto tele.
I c o n t i g u o u s , tuaoi, Courteous, agal~~alii, migao.
Continual, soo, e le aunqa. Courtezan, o le fafine tali tane.
Cor~tinue,tumau, Cousin, uso.
/ Contract, v . shrink, meme'i. Coward, pala'ai.
Contrivance, togafiti. Cower, lofa.
Controvemy, finauga. Ccy, scgisegi.
Col~tumacy,finauvale. Crab, pa'a ; lard, mali'o.
Convene, v. hiipotopoto. Crack, ta'e.
Conversatiolr , faatalanoaga, .tautala- Crackle, gase; o f j r e , talali.
talaga. Craft, faiva.
Convert, liliu. Cramp, pe, gase.
Convey, ave. Crave, faatoga.
Coo, us u pigeon, 010. Crawfish, ula.
Cook, s. faiqrr~u~ Crawl, totolo.
- Cook, a. fot'ui, tao. Creak, 'Pi.
Cool v. faamkidii. Create, fai.
Copious, t$le. Creep, totolo.
Copper, 'apa.merqea. Crevice, miivae ; in the reef, vvpi-
C+ulation, 'moega. ania.
C-4 ' a w lap, p u g . Crcw, auvaa.
Cord, maea tuqty% manoa. Cricket, sE.
Core, tau. Crime, pagot&
Ca-, vtq~ ral; tulk Crimson, totototo, mfirnti.

. .
Cripple, pipili. Daunt, faamata'u.
Crisp, pa'a'a. Dawn, le tafa o ata.
Crockery, ipu omea or uamea. Day, ao ; natural day, aso.
Crook, v. faapi'o. Duzzle, sesega; (puss.) ~cgaia.
Crook back, tuapi'o. Dead, oti ; to a chief, ~naliu;
Crossway, ala faalava. mal, mate, p5.
Crouch, lofa. Deaf, tutuli.
Crow, vivini. Deal, rmt, tufatuh.
Crowd, v. fetuleni. Dear, pele ; in price, Qugata,
Crown, pale. Dearth, oge.
Cruel, sauii. Death, le oti.
Cr~lmb,n~omc~i mea. Debate, finanga.
Crur~~ble, v. momomo. Debauch, faaleaga.
Crumple, manuminumi. Debilitate, v. faavaivaia.
Crush, nuti. Decapitate, vavae le ulu or uta (
Cry, tagi. ver used except in cursing),
Cubit, laui'a. Decay, pala.
Cumbar, faalaveluve. Decease, oti.
C u n ~ ~ i n gpoto.
, Duccit, pepelp.
Cup, ip~l,ipi. Decent, teu lelei.
Cure, fa;lrrlaI616. Decide, pule, uma le filifili.
Current, au, tafe, Deck, a. teuteu.
Curse, l'rtuu. Deck, s. fog&vaa,
Curve, lolo'u. Dt,clare, tala'i, faailoa.
Custom, tu, niasani. Decorate, truteu : theperson, tifiti
Cut, v. prm, tipi ; down, tuu; of, Decoy, mztilei, faalata.
vavaeese, Decrease, n~aui,tbaitiiti.
Cut, S. n~anu'a. Dedicatr, faasa, tapui, taputapu, .
Cutlass, pelu. D e r . ~ ,loloto. vaulalo.
' Curly, piipii. ~ e f i ; l n e fa;l1eaga,
, tuaupua.
Defeat, v. tulia, lafoia.
Defend, leoleo.
Defer, tolo, faatuai.
Deference, ava,
DAILY,DSO h i SOO, o leu qso ma lea Defiance, h'i.
aso. Deficient, le atoa, le lava.
Dallial~ce,ula, taaloga. Defile, faaleaga.
Damage, 77. fkasaunoa. D<>fine,tusi tino.
Damp, nliiliilii, Deform, faamtitag:. .
Dauce, saa, sivn, . D&.formed,n~atapuaa,'auvale,
Dare, v . faan~alos~. Defraud, pepelo.
Dare, v. to defy, lu'i. Defy, lu'i.
Dark, p~gisa,poulisli. Drgrade, faap~fi,fao. lr igoa.
Darling, pele. Delay, faatmi ; faatamala (in a
Dart, v. vrlo, smse).
Dash, v. lafotii, palasi. Dvlib~rate, qanatunatu, fil&
Daughter, a nlnn's, afafine; of a Delicious, sua mklie.
chief, al~fafinc;of a woman, ta- Delight, fiafia, 'di'oli.
p~@ teine., Deliver, tuu atu e alu ; fw,
DEL DlS 33
re, lo!o. 1 Die, v. a. fxdlartu.
ion, pepelo. Die, v. n. u~timuls,mate ; man, oti ;
~lisli,faaul~la,1e;leti. (chiefs) maliu.
~ n ,aitu. Differ, escese.
1, faafitigs. Difficult, faigab.
-t, alu ese. Diffident, ma, matamuli.
~ d faalagolago.
, Diffuse, faasalalau.
pulate, faatuufua. I Dig, 'eli.
se, faapa'ii, fao le igoa. Dilatory, telegese.
rve, faaleaga. Dim, faalepupula.
I, loloto. Diminish, faaitiiti.
ty, sui.
e, tauemu.
nd, ifoifo.
ndant, fanau, aiga, gafa.
i Dip, v . fufui.
Dire, n~ata'utia.
Direct, v. faasa'o, faasino, faatonu.
Dirt, eleele.
rate, soli. Disagree, taofi eseese, masesei.
t, 8 . vao. Disappear, mou, le iloa.
t, v . tuulafoai. Disaster, mala.
n, manatu. Discern, hailogaina.
?, manao, mo'on~o'o, naunau, Discharge, s. from a wound, stla-
I. vai, alou.
:, tuu ; prohibition, soia. Discharge, v. gun, &c. pa.
ate, tuufua. Disciple, soo.
~ir,ua leai se toe faamoemoe. Disclose, faaali.
~tch,faavaevave. Discompose, faanun~inumi; mind,
cable, faatauvaa. faatiga loto.
se, 'ino'ino. Discord, misa, maseiga.
~nd,vaivai le loto. Discover, faailoa.
ute, tuukafoaiina, mativa. Discourse, tautalaga ; laugn.
~ y faauma,
, faatdfulia. Discourteous, faalemigao.
h, tuu ese. Discriminate, faailogaina.
, talata!a. Disdain, 'ino'ino, faasiasia.
1, taofi. Disease, magi; ( t o chiefs), grtsega-
t, rnalla. se, &c.
wine, uma ona filifili. Disfigure, faasaunoa.
t, 'ino'ino. Disgrace, faamii.
te, ws6. Disgust, ‘ino'ino.
e, togafiti. Dish, tanoa.
d, aunoa. Dishearten, faalnata'u, faavaivai le
e, faasa, faat6. loto.
~ r ,lotulotu 'ai. Disl~evelled,scuseua.
mu. Disinter, laga.
m, pale. Disjoin, tuu eseeae.
9, gagana. Dislike, 'ino'ino.
cue, tautnlatalaga. 1 Dislocated, e e [le ivi].
ragm, ga'o p11nip11. / Dismiss, tun atu e a h .
ma, manavii tat&. I Dismount, v. iz. lab.
e, 'ow, suo. Dismou~~t, u. n. alu ifo.
na faia. Disobedient, vsogatu, fi~alogogata.
.34 Dl9 EAS
Disown, faafiti. Draught, j u i d drank, inumaga
Disperse, faataape. Dread, mata'u.
Dispirit, faavaivai le loto. Dream, moemiti ; (of a chien
Display, faaali, faalialia. lepo.
Displease, faaitaita, faatiga le loto. Dregs, 'alu.
Dispossess, fao; tuli. Dress, v . faa60fu.
Dispute, finau. , Drill, s. fkavili.
Disregard, I5 mat~atn~tatu. Drink, v. inu.
Disrespect, lG ava, IS iaualoa. Drip, v. sisina.
Dissemble, pepelo. Drive, tuli.
Dissever, vavae ese. Drivel, tafe le faua.
Dissimilar, eseesc. I )roilfry Ikinriaga.
Dissipate, taapeape. rlroap. of t r ~ t liutagitagi.
~ ,
D~ssolve,liu suavui. Drop, v. sisina, faatplutulu ;
Dissolute, ulavale.
111~1:lnt,mamao. Dropsy, fula.
Distemper, ma'i. I Drown, maletno.
Distend, fefete. ; Drowsy, tulemoe.
tl~xilo~airca, filitaa. Drum, logo.
L)i>trrsq. a t ~ l i t t u ~ a l ~ .
DistriOutr tufatufa.
District, itu.
Disturb, faaatuatuvale, faalavelave. Duck, toloa.
Drunk, oni.
Dry, popo, mago ; of herbs,

Ditcl~,utu. Dull, aLoa'ogati ; of tools, ma* ;

Diye, toJil. i tupa, tulali.
Diverse, eseese. / Dunib, giigii.
Divide, vavae, pena ; t u ~eseese; ~ , Dung, tae, otaota.

turatufa. 1 Dungy, savasava.

Divorce, alei.
Divulge, faaali.
1 Dumlrlr, nnsprti.
1)uring. prep. a o.
Dizzy, ~ i i ~ ~ i v a . I Dusk, segisegi. ,
Do, hi. Dust, efu.
Docile, aLoa'ogofie. Dwell, nofo, mau.
Doctor, fonia'i. Dysentery, sana toto,.
Dog, n~aile,uli. Dyspepsy, tooala.
Dolpl~in,masiu~asi. Dysp.nea, sela.
Dolt, vale.
Dominiou, 1na13.
Doom, fsasala. I3
Door, faitotoa, pupuni, puiyui. I
Dotage, fitavalen\atua ' EACH, taLitasi.
Double, sautualua,~ailua. Eager, tubinanau. 1
Doubleuiinded, faalotolotdua Ear, taliga. .. I

Doubt, v. masalosalov?le. Early, vave. I

Dove, manutagi. Earnest, naunap.

bown, i lalo. Earth. eleele ; lalolagi,
Downward, ifo. I E~rtl~cluttke,mat'uie.
!)rag, tosc). EartlnVornr, .anufe:
1)rilkc: t.ol&t [IO'II. Easc, ti1c.tl111.
I .
Enst, gaga'e, sasa'e. ( Eucountcr, s. tatla.
Easy, faigofir. I Encourage, Faamaf:anaf:ana, faama-
I losi, Kaamatalaloto.
Eat, 'ai ; ( t o chiefs) h u m a h , taute. ,
Eatable, 'aina. ( Encroacll, faaaimago.
Eaves, tulutulu. i Encumber, f'aalavelave.
Ebb, maui. 1 End, i'u, gataaga.
Ebullition, pupuna. / Endeavour, taulnaki.
Endless, le i'u, faavavau.
Echo, s, i'uleo.
Eclipse, of the sun, gasetoto; moon, Endure, o~losa'i.
gaseeleele. Enen~y,le ita mai; the object of
Edge, mata. hote, fib.
Edible, 'ai~la. Enfeeble, faavaivai.
Educate, a'oa'o. Enforce, faa~ualosi.
Eel, tuna. Eogage, in combat, tau.
Effeminate, arnio faafafine. i Engrave, togitogi.
Effulgent, pupula. Enjoin, poloai, h i atu. ,

Egg, fua. Enjoy, tiafia.

Egg, v . a. faaoso. Enkindle, faamu, tiitk.
Eight, valu. Enlarge, faatele.
Eighteen, e scfulu ma le valu. Enlighten, faamalamalama.
Eighty, e valu gafulu. Enough, lava.
Either, po o. Enrage, fawitaita, faalili.
Elate, faafefete, faamaualuga. Ensigl~,tagiivai.
Elbow, tulilima. Enslave, faapologa.
Elders, toeaina. Entangle, faalavelave.
I Eldest, aupito matua. Enter, ulu, ulufi~le.
Elect, v. filifili. Enlice, faalata, 'ole, faa'ole'ole.
Elegy, lagisolo. Entire, atoatoa.
Elephantiasis, feefee, vaetupa. Entrails, gaau, totoga.
Elevate, sii i luga, fdaea. Entrance, ala.
Eleven, e sefulu ma le tasi. Entrap, fi~amailei,sele.
Elude, solasola. Entreat, 'ai'oi.
Emaciate, faa'iiva. Envelop, aui, taai.
Eluasculate, faalave ; animals, faa- E ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ ef'aitau.
' po'a. Envoy, savali.
Embalm, at~~alalaina. Envy, matau'a.
Embassy, savali.
Epidemic, faama'i.
Embellish, teuteu. Epilepsy, ma'i maliu.
Embers, malala ola, malala aasa. Equal, gatusa.
Embrace, fusi. Equivalent, mea e tusa.
Emerge, miirlu. Erelong, toe itiiti, e le pine.
Eminence, mauga, mea niautietie. Erect, tu sa'o.
Emissary, o le lalo. Err, sese, st?.
Emmet, loi, Errand, feau.
Empty, tuufua ; le'i'o. Eruption, skin, fotuga ; mageso.
Emulate, losiloai. Escape, sola,
Encamp, to lauapi.
Enclose, pupuni, si'osi'o.
hcompass, fi~ataan~ilo.
Essay, v. taurnafai.
Establish, faatumau.
Escort, v. leoleo, momoli.
Etern:~l, faavavati. xterior, i tua, i fafo.
Evade, 'alo. xterminate, faauma, tinei.
Evasive, fe'alo'alofa'i. xtinct, mate.
Even, lailgatasi. xtirpate, lio'i.
Eqeninr, afiafi. ,xtol, vivii.
Ever, e taavavsp. :xtort, fdo.
Every, taitasi uma. :xtreme, aupito mawao, tupito, ,'

Evident, mautinoa, pupula. :xtremity, icu : pito.

Evil, leaga. lxtrica te, lavea6i.
Evil-speaking, faatuaupua. lxuberant, uluola.
Eulogy, viiga. :xult, 'oli'oli.
Exact, v. faatauanau. !ye, mata; (to chiefs) fofoga;
; apruise, vivii.
Exalt, f a a n ~ g u a l u ~ your own, lauifi.
Examine, bamasino, suesue; 'ilo'ilo lyeball, ioin~ata.
Example, faaaoao. lyebrpw, fulufulg i mata.
Exasperate, faalili, faaolloono. {yelid, laumata, u
Exceed, faasilisili. {yesore, matag:, a
Excel, aluatu,
Except, p r ~ p .tau lava, na o.
Exchange, faatau.
Excite, faaoso. 4
Exclaim, uio, ulaga. FACE, mata ; (chiefs) fofoga, .;
Excrement, tae. Face, v . fesagil'i.
Fade, wither, mamae.
Excuse, glan/. 4
Execrate, fetub, tu'i, faahno. Faint, v. matapogia.
Execpte, fai. Fair, lalelei.
Exemplify, faatusa. Fair, weather, laofie. I
Exempt, taga (applied to things tc; Faith, taofi ; faatuatuq.
plci). Faithful, faamaoni. !
k i e r t , taumafai, fagmalosi. Fall, paii.
Exhibit, faaali. Fallow, faavaoa.
Exhort, apoapoa'i. False, pe elo.
Exile, v , faateva, firaiiumau. Falsehood: tala pepeb.
f2kpand, fofola. Falter, a s the voice, nanu ; faatcp
gxpect, fil~tr~li atu. pe tope.
Expectorate, feanu. Famed, ta'ua.
&xpedlent, v . tatau. Family, aiga.
E~pedient,s. togafiti. Famine, oge. ,
$xpedite, faataaliae. Famieh, faamatelaina. i
Expel, tcilia Fan, ili.
Expert, poto. Fan, v . aloalo.
Expiate, togiola. Far, mamao.
Farewell, tofa.
Farthest, e aupito mamao.
Fashion, s. tu. 1

Fxtelluttv, faamiimii.
Fast, v . anapogi.
Fast, udj. niau.
Fasten, faamau.
Fasttlan+.d, limqvale, 1
Fastness, '010. I
Final, toe.
Fat, a+. men, puta ; animals, peti. Find, maw.
Fat, s. ga'o, lnea lololo. Fine, v. faasala.
Father, tams. Finger, tamatamai l i d .
Fathom, gafa. Finish, v. faauma, faaiu.
Fatigue, Iailoa. Fire, s. ati.
Fault, seG. Fire; a. faamu ; gun, &c.
Favour, alofa. Fireshovel, salefu.
Favourite, pele. Firewood, fafie.
Fear, mata'u, fet'e. Firm, maul malosi.
Feast, tausamiga. First, muamua.
Feather, fulufi~lu,fuh. Firstborl~,ulumatua;
Feeble, viivai. Fish, i'a.
Feed, fafaga, Fish, u. fagota.
Feel, with the hand, tagotago ; men- Fishhook, mitau.
tally, lagona: Fisherman, tautai.
Feign, faatsga. Fissure, miivae.
Felicity, manuia. Fit, s. pu'ega.
Fell, v. a. f'aapa'ii, tuu i lalo. Fit, adj. tatau.
Fellow, toalua. Five, e lima.
Female, fafine. Fix, v. faamau.
Fence, iii. Flabby, viivzi, venia.
Ferment, fefete. Flag, v. faaiv5.
Fern, vao tuaniu; @ant fern, nase. Flag, 8 . fu'a.
Perocious, fe'ai. Flame, afi mumii.
Fertile, lafulemu. Flank, puimanavu.
Fervent; naunau. Flannel, ie mamoe;
Fester, faapepe. Flap, wings, palalu.
retch, aami, aumai. Flat, salafalafa.
Fetid, mug&. Flatter, faalupe.
Feud, maeeiga, misa. Flavour, manogi.
Fever, magi vevela. Flaw, pona.
pew, itiiti. Flay, fofo'e le pa'u.
Fibre, of cocoanut husk, moia'a. Fka, 'utu fiti.
pickle, fefoLifo'ia'i. Flee, sola.
Rrce, fe'ai. Fleet, fua.
Piifteen, e sefuIu ma le Ema. Fleet, adj. tele vnvei
FiRh, o le lima. Flesh, aano.
~dtieth,o le lima gafulu. Flexible, vavai.
Piy, e lima gafuiu. Flinch, ne.
pil mati. Fling, togi:
Fight, v. tau ; with jists, f ~ u . Flint, maa-afi.
Figure, tino. Flirt, faatcine, taalo.
Fi, ili. Float, opeope.
Fill, faatumu. Flock, u. loIofi ane ;
Fillip, 6ti. lupepe.
m, mea l e a p , sava, ekele, ota- Flog, aasa.
Flood, s. lolo.
Flounder, taafili.

Plou~.islr,c. uluola. Formerly, anamua.
Flow, v . taft.. Fornication, faitaaga.
Flow, s. fana'e. 'I Forsake, tuulafoai.
Flower, fuga. d Fort, '010.
Fluent, in speecl~,plau upu. 1 Fortitude, loto tele, rnaloei-
Fluid, s. soa. Fortunate, manuia.
Flute, fag~ifagu. Forty, e fa gafulu.
Fly, v. lele, sola. Foster, v. tausi.
Fly, s. lago. Foal, eleelea, leaga.
Foam, of the sea, piapia ; from the Fouodatio~\,faavae, no'opa
nrouth, faua. Founder, tofatumoanaina.
Foe, lii ita ~nai. Fountain, vai p~lna..
Fog, puao. Four, e fa, e soani.
Foil, v. faiaina (passive only). Fourlbld, sautuafa.
Fold, sautua (us twofold, sautualua). Fourfooted, vaefa.
Follow, v.. mulirnuli. Fourteen, e sefulu ma le fa.
Follower, soo. Fowl, moa.
Folly, valea. Fowling piece, fana manu. .
Fond, faapelepele. Fragile, magaugofie, ta'egofie.
Food, mea e 'ai ; (to chiefs) rnea e Fragrant, manogi.
taumafa. Frail, viivai.
Fool, vale. Frame,. v. fair
Foot, vae ; (to chiefs) aao. Frantic, valemalosi.
Footpath, ala. Fraud, pepelo.
For, mo, ma, ona o. Free, sa6010to.
Forage, faioso. Freight, uta [o le vw].
Forbear, onosa'i. Frequent, soo.
Forbid, vavao. Fresh, not salt, magalo; new, fbft.
Force, faamalosi. Fretful, itagofie, tagivale.
Ford, asa. Friend, uo.
Forefinger, lima tusii Frighten, faamata'u.
Forefoot, lima. Fright, te'i.
Forego, tuu atu. Fringe, pau,.
. Forehead, muaulu. Frisk, taalo.
Foreign, papilagi ; cloth, i p a p i - Frivolous, faatauvaah
' Iagi. From, mai, nai, ai.
Foreland, tolotolo. Front, i lutria.
Foremost, muamua. Front, v . fesaga'i.
Forenoon, oauli, aoauli, oatea. Frontier, tuaoi.
Forest, vao matua, vao puanea, &c. Froth, piapia; from the mouth, &
Foretell, vavalo. ua.
Forget, galo. Frown, faanonnou mata.
Forgjve, not to be angry with, loto Frugal, faatoto rnea.
nralie; in reference to punish- Fruit, fua.

ment, faamagalo. Fruitlessly, fai fua, noa.
Fork, tui. Frustrate, faaleaoga. ;.I
Forked, migamaga. Fry, s. pine (a swarm of smaU&k*t
Forlorn, ausage. es).
Fornl, tirlo. Fuel, fafie. .
Fbgh, i n t e j . isa f C~nger,'avapui.
Fulfil, taunuu. Gird, f u i
Fulgent, pupula. Girl, teine.
Full, tumu. Give, foai, avatu or aamai.
Fumble, vasivasi4 Glad, 'oli'oli.
Fun, taaloga. Glare, pupula.
Furbish, faapupula. Glass, t~oata.
Furious, faavalemalosi. Glisten, pupula.
Furniture, rneZL Me. Globnlar, lapotopoto.
Further, rnarnao. Gloom, segisegi.
Futile, le aogii. Glorify, vivii.
Future, atali, amuli. Glow, 'a'asa.
Fy, isa l Glutton, omomi, 'ai tele.
Gnash, with teeth, lilivau.
Gnaw, gali.
G Go, a h , aga.
God, Atua; aitu.
, GAD,v. tafatafao. Godliness, arnio-atua.
Goggleeyed, mataslpai
Good, lelei.
Gore, s. toto.
Gore, v. sua.
Gorge, v. ma'ona a pa.
Gossip, talanm.
Govern, pule.
Government, malo ; le au fdipule,
Grace, alofa fua.
Granulate, ea.
Grapple, fagatua.
Grasp, 'u'u.
Grass, mutia.
Grate, 010.
Grave, tuugamau.
Gravestones, loa.
Gravel, 'ili'ili.
Gravy, sua.
Greasy, lilg.
apito. Gceat, tele, latele.
gata. Greedy, faawnuurnua.
Green, usiusi, lau'ava.
Greensickness, lopoto.,
Greet, alofa.
Grey-hair, uhsiaa.
Grieve, faanoanoa.
Grind, 010.
Grindstone, foaga.
Gripe, u. a. 'u'u.
I C~I,p%60co. Gripe, v. n. tutui..
I %let, vili. Gristle, ua.
41I (;RI HEA
(;riritly, fefe~~a. Halt, F. setn.
Grotn, 6i. j Halve, v. vaeluagalemu.
Gro'n, tega. ! Hamper, a. faalavelare.
Grope, tautitpotago. I Hand, lima ; (chiefs') a m . a

Ground, eleele. kinndfi~l, uutnga.

Gro~adless,fua. I landkerchief, soloaolo.
Grow, tupu. Handle, v. lote.
Growl, gu.
Grub, 8. anufe,
Grudge, v. mnimui.
Grudge, s. faalotoloto.
I Handle, s. 'au.
Handsaw, 'ib.
Handsome, manaia, 'uuletei (of
only) ; lalelei.
Gruff, voice, leo pualii. Hang, v. tautau.
Grumble, a. muimui. Hank, i'o faa'afaga.
Grunt, 'ua'ua, Hanker, naunau.
Guard, a. leoleo. Happy, manuia.
Gaeoe, mate, taumrte, tau$. IIarangue Inugn, fetaldga.
Guest, mU6. Harbor 'evn, taulaga.
Guide, ta'ita4id [lard, ma a'a, rnllo.
Gaihy, nofo saIa. Hardly, faigata.
Gull, 8. gogo. Hark ! sei faalogo atu !
Gullet, a l i 'ai. Harlot, o le fatine talitaoe.
Gulp, lotulotuinu Harm, a. faatiga.
Gum, pula. Harpoon, tao uamea.
Gums, tainifo. Harsh, taste, 'a'ava; c d t r c t , MU&{
Gun, .Faria. Haste, ti. faataalise, vave.
Gonpowdcr, one. Hasty, in temper, itagofie.
Gunwale, oa. Hat, pulou.
Gut, gaau, fifi. Hatch, v. fofoa. i!
Gut, v. faatiau, Hatchet, mgtau, to'i; (to chkfij',
Hatchet face, iauvaa.
H Hatchet-head, ulu tobi. .
Hate, 'ioo'ino.
HABIT, masani. Have, maua.
Habitation, fale. lIaughty, Elasiasia, fiarnaualaga .
Habitual, soo. Haul, toso. ..
Habituate, faamasani. Haunch, nofoaga. . L

l l ; ~ c k ,v. tipi. Havock, faatiifuna, faauma. ,.I '

Haft, s. 'au. Haze, asuasu. .?

Hair, fulufula ; human head, lau- I He, 0 ia. ...
ulu ; (of a chief) lanao~
Hale, malosi.
Head, ulu ; (chief#') ao.
Headland, tolotolo.
Half, vaeluaga, uaeluagalemu. Headlot~g, titzifo. i:
Half- full, osaosa. I Icudctrong, finatlvde.
Half-way, tuluaga a I'e ala Heal, faamiblii.
Half. moon, on i h increase, matua- Heap, fau pa 'ega, faula'iga. .:c.
tua ; OR I& decrease, matofitele. Hear, faalogologo; (to chi@) b8 .
Hallow, faapaia, faasa- fofoga. .
Halo, li'o figota. . qi
Heart, fatu; seat of affections, lo- Hoarse, fa le leo.
' Hobble, v . setusetu.
to ; (to chiefs) knagalo.
Hearth, ta'iga afi. 1 ~ o g puaa.
Heat, vevela. Hoist, sisi i luga.
Heathen, faapaupau. Hold, taofi.
Heave, v. a. sii. Hold ! interj. sa'ua ! soia !
Heave, u. n. polepolevale, sapotu- I Hole, pa,
Heaven, Iagi.
Heavy, mamafa.
Hollow, '0'6.
Home, aiga moni.
Honor, V . &va.
Heel, muEivae. Hoof, atigivae.
Height, maualuga. Hook, matau.
Helm, foeuli. Hooked, pi'o.
Help, fesoasoani. Hoop, taai ; piece of, tsiva;,
Helve, 'au. Hoop, u. rnallu, 'u'u'u.
Hem, afe. Hope, faamoemoe, faatuatuagar
Hemorrhoids, sila-i lalo. Horizon, tufatafa i lagi.
Hen, inatuii moa. Horn, nifo.
Her, lona, lana. Horrible, mwta'utia.
1 Herd, lafu. Horrified, mata'utuia.
1 Here, i inei. Horse, solofanua.
Hereafter, amuIi. Hospitable, falimalc, tote,
Hot, vevela.
Hotheaded, lot&.
Hover, faapepe.
House, fale.
Household, aiga.
Householder, matni.
Housewurming, ulufalegar
How, faapefea?
However, e ui ina mea.
Howl, ui6, tagi aue.
Hug, fusi.
'epu'e. Huge, mat& teIe.
Hum, gii.
Humane, alofa.
Humble, faarnaulalo.
Humid, eii, mblliilii.
Humourous, Faianaga.
Humpback, tuapi'o.
Hundred, selau.
Hunger, fia'ai.
Hunt, tuli.
Hurl, lafo.
Hurricane, afe.
Hurry, a. faetaalise,
a m a lea Hurt, u. faatiga.

I Husband, tane.
Hush, v . a. faanIL
Implore, faatoga, ole, 'ai'oi.
Hush! i n t r ~ . soia le pisa! faalolo-
Importune, nati, tauanau.
go! respectfully, aua le toia le va !
Hush-up, tanu, utiufi. Impose, a s a burden, faaee.
Husk, a.puti, pa'u, pulu. Imposition, y p e l o .
Husk, v . fofoe, n~ele'i. Impossible, e mafai.
Hut, fale 00. Impotent, lE lava. .
Huzza, ii'B6ii. Imprecate, tu'i, fetuu.
Hymn, pese, vii. Improper, le tatall.
Hypocrisy, pepelo. Improve, v. n. tnuiiu ina lelei.
Impudent, mata I; m2i.
Impnnity, 16 sala.
Impure, Ieaga.
I, o a'u. In, i.
Jagg, faagafoafoa. Inability, le lava.
dangle, tauaiupu. Inaccessible, of persons, nafogatii
Jargon, nanu. places, 16 masaofia. I
Jaw, ivi auvae. Inactive, paiel
Idiot, vale. Inarticulate, le mataia, nanu.
Iucspable, le mafai, 1G lav8.

Idle, paie.
Jealous, fuii ; matau'a. Incarnate, tino tagata.
Jeer, tauemu. Incessant, soo, le aunoa.
Jest, ulaga. Incest, faivale.
If, afai, a. l~icision,tuu.
Ignite, faamu, tiitii. Incisor, muanifo.
lgnoraut, valea. Incite, faaoso.
Jingle, V . faatagitagi. Inclined, sapa.
111, bad, leaga ; sick, ma'i. Include, pupur~i.
Image, faatagata. Incon~parable,silisili ese, e leai son$ C
lmilgine, fn (us fa te a'u). tusa.
Imbolden, faalototele. Incompatible, 1E tutu3a.
llnitate, b a o a o . Incompetent, 16 mafai.
Immature, of fruit, moto. Incomplete, 16 atoatoa.
Immediately, adu. loa. Incomprehensible, e le mafai om
Immerse, faagoto ; fufui. iloa.
Immortal, ola pea, e le %u oti. Incongruous, e 1G tusa.
Immoveable, lE mafaagaeetia, mau- Inconsiderable, faatauvaa.
sat. Inconsistent, I6 h t a u , 15 ono.-
Immunity, taga. Inconsolable, faanoanon pea lav
Immutable, e le Zu liua. Inconstant, faalotolotolua, e 1ii
Impartial, I5 fni~iloga,1s faapito. mau.
I m p d t i e ~ ~lE
t , ma onosa'i. Incorrect, 15 torlu.
Impede, faalavelave. I ncorrigihle, vaogatii.
Impel, faaoso. Increase, tupu.
Imperfect, le atoatoa. Incumber, faasoesa, faaiavelave.
Imperious, faaalii. Indecent, matag%.
Impertinent, faariasia. Indeed, e moni, lava.
Impetuous, osovale, faamalosi. Indefatigable, le au musu, taaga.
Ill~plnl~t, tot;. Indefinite, faaletonu.
ble, e le matafi. Innumerable, e le mafaitaulia.
cate, le ma. 1 Inquire, fesili.
~ n i f y ,taui. Insane, vPlea.
:rniined, le iloga se mea e fai. Insatiable, e lE ma'ona.
ite, faailoa. / Insecure, e le mau (of anything with
erent, faalenaunau. fastenings).
ent, mativa. Inseparable, e le mate'aeseese,
nant, toasa, lili, mateilili. Inside, i totonu, i fale.
nity, faaleagaina. Insignifican I, faatauvaa.
:ct, faalesa'o, faatafatafa. Insincere, lii faamaoni.
:reet, f'aalemafaufau. Insinuate, faali'a.
:riminate, e le faailogaina. Insipid, le manogi.
~osed., mentally, e le mafai, Insist, finau, tausisi.
.su ; bodily, ma'i. Insnare, sele, mailei.
:inct, of an object of sight, faa- Insolent, faasiasia.
upula ; of sound, faalelagona. Inspect, iloilo.
ent, musu, pas. Inspire, v n. miinava.
irrious, ga6. Inspire, v. a. faamatalaloto,
iate, ona. Instability, faaletumau.
cacious, 15 aog8. Instantly, lon.
p e n t , 16 mau upu. Illstead, e sui ai.
table, e le ma 'alo. Instigate, faaoso.
iaustible, e le uma, e le mate. Institute, Faatu.
)edient, e faaletatau. Instruct, a'oaLo.
~erienced,e le iloa ; e lemasa- Instrument, o le mea e fai a'i,
Insufferable, I6 rnaonosa'i.
lert, vasivasi. Iosuficient, IS lava.
ible, e le masese. Ir~sult,v. soli, faaleaga.
lous, ta'uleagaina. Insupportable, lE maonosa'i,
t, tama rneamea. Iusurrectio~~, fouvale.
t, taapipisi. Intelltion, m a n ~ t u .
:or, faatauvaa, le tnsa. Inter, tanu.
ite, e leai se mea e gata mai ai. Iutercede, pupuIu.
n, vaivai. Intercept, pupuni, sisi'o:
m, v . n. ta'u. I ~~terchange, frsuia'i.
Ige, soli. Interdict, vavao.
,titude, agavale. Interior, i loto, i totono.
)it, n ~ a u ,nofo. Intermediate, vailoto.
e, manava. Interminable, le au iu.
h n c e , tofi. Internal, i totonu.
mall, sau.2. Interpose, pt~pulu.
ity, arnioletonu. Interpret, aamatala.
~ctlon,poloaiga, fctalaiga. Interrogate, fesili.
e , faasaunoa. Interrupt, faalavelave..
tice, anrioletatau. Interval, va.
vaitusi. Interview, feiloa'i.
d, i uta, gauta. Intestine, s. gaau.
der, utifanna. Inthrall, faapoioga.
s t , i totonu. Intimate, fefaauoa'i, faaaumea,
Illtiinidate, faarnata'u. Jug, ipu faaofuofu.
Into, i, i totonu. Juice, sua.
Intolerable, lc maonosaLi. Jumble, soona nunumi.
Intoxication, onii. Jump, oso.
Intractable, le mataofiar Just, tonu.
f ntrepid, totoa. Justice, amiotonu.
Intricate, faafelefele, faafrlavci. Justify, faatonu ; ta'uamiotonu,
Intrude, sau fua. Justle, faateto'ai
Intrust, tuu e tabsi.
Invade, oso a$u.
Invalid, s. magi, viivai.
Invert. v. faaVa6.
Investigate, su'esu'e, falrnasino. KEEL, tgge?e.
Invidious. e t u ~ uai le matau'a. Keen, maal.
Invigorate, faamalosi. Keep, taofi ; tausi, leoleo,
Invincible, e le rnafai' ona to$lalo. Beeper, leoleo.
Invisible, e le ma vaaia. Kernel, a'ano. .
1avitr, valaau. Kick, a'a.
Inundation, lolo.. Kid, tama'i 'oti.
Invoke, valaau atd. Kidney, fatuga'o.
Inure, faamasatti. Kill, fasi, fasiohi : animals,fasimat
Inward, i totonu, Kin, aiga.
Jocose, faianap. Kind, agalelei.
Jog, tu'itc'i. Kindle, tiitu, faamu.
Join, fnasoo, faatasi. King, tupu.
Jolnt, giugiivi. Kinsman, aiga.
doke, ulaga. Kiss, sogi.
Jostle, feto'ai. Kitten, tama'i gosi.
Journey, malaga. Knee, tulivae.
Joy, 'oli'oli, fiafia. Kneel, toot~il;.
Ire, ita ; (of chiefs) toasa. Knife, polo, pena.
Irk, musu. Knock, tu'i, ta.,
Iron, u'amea. Knot, pona.
Iron, v. iuli. Know, iloa.
Ironical, faatanemu. Knuckle, tugelima,
Irouwood, toa.
Irrecoverable, e le t6e maue.
Irrefutable, e le miiutali.
Irremediable, leai se togafiti.
Irreprehensible, e 15 aoaiioa. LABOP.,gnluegft mamafa.
Jrreproacbable, e l i mataguleagaina.. Languish, fuaviiivai, faai*;..
Irresolute, e faalemau le manatu. Languor, tino gagaae.
Irreverent, 15 migao, 16 ava. Lap, v . etoeto.
Irritate, fhalili. Larboard, i ama.,
Island, nuu tuloto, nuu tutat Lard, g2o.
Issue, alu atu ; tafe ; iuga. Large, latele.
Itch, mageso. Larynx, faai.
Itiuerant, maumausolo. Lascivious, mntiitu!
Judge, v. faanlasino, faasala. Lash, saga.
Lass, teine. Liar, o le tala pepelo,
Last, tupito. Liberal, matamau.
Lasting, faavavau, anagata. Liberty, saLolotoga; tuu faitalia.
Laud, vivii. Libidinous, faamataitu.
Laugh, 'ata'ata ; ( t o chiefs) soisoi, License, tutr faitnlia.
Laundress, ta ofu. Lick, etoeta.
Law, tulafono. Lid, uff.
Lawless, le taupulea, Lie, s. tala pepelo.
Lay, a. tuu. Lie, v. duwn, taoto.
Lazy, p~iG. Life, olaga, ola ; (to chiefs) soifua,
Lead, s. pulu. Lift, sii.
Lead, v. a. ta'ita'i. Light, s. malamalama.
Lead, v. n. muamua, Light, a+. mima.
Leaf, lau. .Light, v. tctu, faamu.
League, feagaiga. Lighten, v. a. faamamasagia.
Leak, mgmi Light-headed, faalernafaufau ; valea,
Lean, v. lagolagor Lightning, uila.
Lean, adj. tinovale ; of animals, Like, pei, faapel, tusa,
paeLe,iviivia. Like, v . manao
Leap, 'osg Likeness, foliga.
ham, a'oa'o. Limbo, fafl.
Least, aupito itiiti, Lime, panisina ; bird-lime, pulu.
Leather, pa'u. Lime-tree, tipolo.
Leave, s. tuu faitda. Limit, tuaoi; le mea e gata mai ai,
1 have, v. tuu. Limp, v. setusetu.
Leave off! soia I Limpid, manino.
Leaven, f,lafefete. Line, jishin.q, taa, paala,
Leavings, toe mea. Lineage, gafa.
Lecherous, faamataitu. Linger, faatriai.
Leer, iaasl'ula [ona vaai]. Liniment, vai rnili.
kes, 'ah. Lip, laugutu ; lau.
Left (side), tauagavale. Liquefy, v . n. liu suavai,
Leg, vae; (of a chief) a'ao. Liquid, faasuavai,
kgislator, faipule. .Lisp, nanu.
kisure, paganoa, nofo allnoa. Listen, faalogologo; (to chiefs) faa-
Leisurely, hi failnolie. fofoga.
Lend, avatu e toe aumai. Little, itiiti.
Length, umi. Live, v. ola ; (chiefs') soifua,
hagthen, v. faalevaleva. Liver, -ate, finagalo.
Lenity, agamalii. Lizard, pili, moo.
Less, e itiiti lenei i ]en$. Lo! faauta!
Lessen, faaitiiti. Load, amoga ; carried on the back,
k t , ina ne'i. avega.
Let, allow, tuu. Load, v. a gun, utu.
Let, hinder, faalavelave. Loaf, pot&.
Ltter, ntata-i-tusi ; tusi. Loathe, 'ipo'ino.
Level, laugataei. I ~ c k bf
, hair, s o p .
Lodge, v . o. %pi.
krity, tala.
Lewd, faamataitu. ,

Lofry, maunluga,
,ng, ogalaau. Main, udj. sili.
ins, sulugititi, tauupu. Main, s. vasa.
Loiter, tafatafao. Maintain, taofi pea; tausi.
Lonely, ausage. Majority, le toatelc.
iong, umi, loloa; leva. Maize, sana.
.ong, v. narlnau, tinol. Make, fai.
Look, vaai ; to 1001; info, su'esu'e, Malady, ma'i.
iloilo. b
Male, tane.
,oak! in!. faauta ! Malediction, fetuu, tu'i.
Looking-glass, faaata. Malefactor, pagot.;.
Loose, tatala. Malice fnalotoloto.
Loosen, a. faamatagataga, faa'o'o. Man, tagata, tane.
,ooseners, (diarrhea) nlanava tat5. Manage, v. n. pule.
-op, v. ta, sala. mangle, faasau~~oa.
ioquacious, tautala soo. Manifest, aliali.
Lord, alii. Manifbld, sautualasi.
Lose, le iloa. Man kind, tagata.
Loud, taalili. Manner, amio.
,eve, alofa. Mansion, maota.
Lounge, faapaiE. A l anufacture v. fai.
A)USf!, 'utu. Manumission, tu'usa'oloto.
-nsv maulalo ; (not loud) leo itiiti. Many, tele.
,ower, v. tuutuu ifo. Mar, v. faasaunoa.
hwer, v. n. faamalumalu ifo. blare, solofi~nuafafine.
,owly, faaniaulalo. blargin, taf.*tsfk ; of a river or
kcid, pupula. ter, auviii.
i c k y , manuia, man:. Mark, faailoga.
iuff, milaga. Marriage, fa3falealiiga ; the n
,ug, toso. faiavii ; the woman, nofo tang
,ukewarm, faaleogalua. Marsh, taufusiga.
Lull, v. a. faanme. Marvel, le mea e ofo ai, vavega
Lull, wind, moe, Mash, or Mesh, matiiupega.
Lunatic, s. vale. JIawacre, soona fasioti.
Lunatic, adj. vulea. Mast, fans.
Lungs, mCim6. Master, alii ; of a family, ma'
Lure, rnailei. of a sclrool, aoao ; of a dog, 1
,urk, lamalama, lafi. la.
Luxation, se'e le ivi. Masticate, lamulamu.
hxuriant, uluola, tauluuluola. Mct, papa ; sleeping mat, &la;.
mat, ie toga.
Match, v. tutusa.
Matchless, ua tasi lava, e leai o
MAD, vales, fc'ai , faavalemalosi. Mate, le toalua ; soialii.
llapnil'y, faatrle ; vivii. Materials, mea p. fai a'i.
3.!a<nitude, latele. Matrinlony o le fai avG. ,.

JInitl, t;~upou. Matron, matuii fafine.

Rlaidservant, aaaulia fafine. Matter, of a sore, al~u,,
blaiu~etl,niut~l. Mature, matua.
Maybe, atonu. Might, nialosi.
Meagre, tinovale ; animals, pae'e. Mild, filemr~,agamalii.
Mealy, mapo. Mildew, taetaepalolo.
Mean, faatauvaa. %]ilk, suisusu.
Mean, v. manatu. hlilkyway, aniva.
Measure, fua. Mimic, faaa'oa'o .
Measure, v. gafa. Mince, tipi nitiii.
Mediate, pupulu. Mind, atamai, mafaufah.
Mediator, puluvaga. Mind, v . faalogo.
Medicine, vai laau. Mine, lo'u, la'u, Iota, lata.
Meditate, mafaufau. Minele, palu fehloi.
Meek, agamalii. M~nistrr,auduna.
Meet, tatau. Minority, o le toait~iti.
Meet, fetiliaLi,feiloa'i. Mint, mili.
, lfeeting, faapotopotoga. Minute, u 4 . la itiiti.
hieliorate, faafeoloolo; Mire, palapala. .
~lellow,01%. Jlirror, faaata.
Mellow, V . fai10t5. bfirth, 'ata'ata.
Melt, fat, usi ; ~rretals,liu suiivai. Misapprehend, faalogoese, sese.
Memory, manatrr. Misbecome, le tatau, It. ono.
Menace, faan~ata'u. Misbehave, amio leaga, faalevao.
Mend, toe teu ; a net, fai masae. Miscarry, p5ipi.
; Mend, v. n. fdafeoloolo. Mischievous, faasaunoa mea.
Mention, ta6u. 3'Iiscount, faitau sese.
Mercenary, nlanurnanu, faifetaui. Misderneanour, faasoesk.
Merchant, 15 faatau oa. Miserable, malaia.
Merciful, alofii mutimutivale. Misfortune, mala.
Merciles*, lG aloh, saui. Rlisgive, masalo.
Merely, na ona. Misguide, ta'ita'i sese.
Meridian, tutonu o le la. . Mishap, mala.
Meny, 'ata1ata. Misinform, faasese.
Mesh, m a b upega. Misinterpret, faamatala ese.
Mess, v. 'aai faafasi. Mislead, faasese.
Message, fesu. Mispend, maumau.
Metal, ulamea. Misrepresent, tala pepelo. .
Metaphor, faatusa. Miss, v. 15 iloa, 16 maua; ses5; fe.
Methought, fa te au (perfect only), silia'i.
always erroneously. . Missionary, faifeau.
Metropolis, laumua, tulnua, le pule. Mist, puao.
Midday, tuton~lo le la. Mistake, sese.
Midway, le tuluaga o le ala. Mistrust, masalo.
Middle, i totonu, i loto, tuloto. Misunderstanding, ti~aseiga.
Middleaged, pate. Misuse, faasaunoa.
Middling, faafeoloolo, faaleogalua. Mitigate, faamiimk, faafeoloolo.
Midnight, tulua o po nia ao. Mix, faafefiloi.
Midriff, ga'o punipu. Moan, 6i.
Midst, i totonu. Mock, tauenill.
!lidwife, le na te faatosaga le fa- Moderate, feoloolo.
Ilaup. Modest, m a t i ma.

Moist, malfilii. Mute, faalologo, 1; gagana.
Molest, faalili, faasoesa. Mutilate, faamutu.
Mollify, faamolemole, faalaulelei. Mutiny, fouvalega.
Money, tupe. Mutter, v. n. muimui.
Month, masina. Mutual, fe prejxed, and a'i, i, OF
Monr~rnent, ha. ani su@xed, (as fealofani, m u h d
Moody, ita. love.
Moon, masina, mauli. Muzzle, gutu.
Moor, taufusiga. My, 10'11, la'u, lota, lata.
Moral, amiolelei. Myriad, manomSn6.
More, e sili. Myself, a'u lava.
Morllillg, taeao.
Morning-star, fetuao.
Morrow, taeao.
Morsel, mama e tasi, momo'i mea.
Moss, limu. NAIL, atigi lima ; fao.
Most, e sili ooa tele, e aupito tele. Naked, telefua, telenoa, 1Z l a v a l a 6
Moth, pepe. Name, igoa ; (chiefs) suafa.
hl orher. tin5. Nape, t u i ua.
Mother of-pearl, tifa. Narrate, ta'u, tilatala.
Motherly, fafine fai tama. Narrative, tala.
Motion, gzoioi. Narrow, lau itiiti ; va apiapi.
Rlould, pologii ; eleele. Nasty, leaga, eleelea.
nlorlld~r 11" efuefu. Nation, nuu.
Moult, funa, n~auluo fulu. Navel, pute.
Mount, u. a'e ; tietie. Naughty, loaga, vaogata, ulavala
Rlountain, mauga. Nauseate, 'ino'ino.
Mourn, faanoanoa. Nautilus, sesEma.
Mouth, gutu ; (to chiefs) fofoga. Navy, fr~avaa.
Mouthful, miimii. Nay, e leni.
Much, tele. veap tide, masa totii.
Mnck y, aavasava. gear, latalatn.
Mucoua, vavale. Nearly, t5i, tHli (as &li 00).
Mud, pabpala. Neat, matagofie, teu lelei.
Muddy, u. faanenefu, faagaepu. Necessary, ao, tatau.
Mulberry, paper, tutnga. Neck, ua.
Multiply, faatupu ; faatele. Neckcloth, fusi ua,
Multitude, vao (as o le vao tagata). Neckerchief, fusi ua.
Mumble, nanu. Kecklace, asoa.
.Iluniticent, matamau. Nerd, mativa; ao*.
M ~ l d e r fasioti tagata, fasi fua. K ~ ~ t i l enu.
Murderous, tpto
Murmur, mulmul.
ma. Ne~rlle-work,su'i o h .
Seglcct, faatamala.
Muscle, 'anogase, a'ano. Nwghhour, tuaoi.
Muscle, j s h , tofe. Neigh bo~~rly, tuaoi lelei,
Muse, 81. mafaufalr. Nest, ofaga.
Musket, fane. Net, upega.
Musty, p o l o ~ \ o g i . Nether, i lalo.
)Jutable, fe oifoia'i, faaletumau. Kettle, ogoga
Betile, v. faaliii. I N o w , 11ei.
Nevertheless, e ui ina mea. Nowaday?, rrei ona po.
Neuter, soliti (appliedonly t o lun& 1 Nudity,
Noxiour, ass;, fnstig.1.
tdefu;~,le lavalavi.
nut joining a war).
New, Sou. Nuisa~~ct.,sues:.
Next, aupitp ane. Nullrry, t?tala, faaleaoga.
Niggard, Iimavale. 1 Null~b,pe, gase.
Nigh, latalata. 1 Number, v . fcitau.
Night, p. 1 Numberless, le mdsina
Nightly, o lea po ma lea p. 1 Numerous, tele.
Nimble, vae vave. I Nurse, v. tausi,
Njoe, iv3. N u t , coeorr, niu.
Ninefdd, sautnaiv~. Nutmeg, atone.
Wineteen, e seSdu ma le iva. Nutshell, ipi niu.
h'inety, e iva gafulu. Nutrirnent, mea e "a%
Nip, iai.
Nipple, mat: susu.
No, e leai ; (prohibitory) 'aua. D
Noble, odj. sili.
n'obody, e lcai se tasi. OAB,foe papalagi.

Nod, nego. Oath, tauto.
Boise, of things, pato; of voices, Obdurate, lotd maaa, f i u a u v d ~
pis. Obey, usiuGtai, anaana, gauai.
Noisome, soesi, leaga ; el% Object, v. .I5 mahi, vavao.
Nominate, ta'u. Obliging, agalelei, alofa.
None, e leai. Obscene, matag;+ rnvtaitu.
Nooplus, v. fetnemea'i. Obscure, pouriuli.
Nwo, tutouu o le la. Observe, vaavaai ; faalogo, tau&
Noose, u~atiisele. Obstacle, faalavelave.
Nor, 1; fullowed hy pe .or po. Obstinate, fioauvale.
North, itu i mat6 ; wind, rn5t.C. Obstreperous, ~isapijao.
Nose, isu ; (clriefs) fofoga. Obstruct, pupur~i.
bstril, pogai isu. Obtain, mw~~
Not, e leai. Obtrusive, faasoes5.
Notch, tipi. Obvious, p~rpulamai, iloa t i n a
Note, vaavaai lelei ; faalogologo. ' Occasion, le mea na tupu ai.
Noted, t a k a . Occult, lilo.
Nothing, e ieai se mea. Occupatiou, e mail ai ; faivo.
Norice, vaavqai ; faalogologo ; ma- Occupy, v. man.
natu. Ocean, vasa.
Nolify, ta'u atu. - o d d , fiisoa (of cocouwuts).
Notion, manotu . Odious, '~nosia.
h'otorious, lau iloa. Odour, sweet, uamu lelri, manogi;
Notwithstanding, e ui lava, bad, namu leaga.
Novel, bu. Of, o, a.
Nought, leai se loen. Off, ese (as lele cse, to fly of).
Novice, le mastarti. . Offrnce, mea e tausuai ai ; agasa'l
Hwrisb, fafaga. Offend, fautiga le loto, agasala.
#p*~rnt, alra e 'ai.

Offer, blafda; ilvatci.

Offering, taulaga. lverawed, mata'utuia.
Offspring, fanau. lvercast, of day, lagilagia; of ni
Often, soo. lagivalea.
Ogle, vaai faasi'ula. lvercome, manumilo ; ( pasr
Oh ! oi ! faiaina, toilalo.
Oil, U'U, sukufu. lverflow, oso.
Old, leva, loa ; man, toeaina ; wo- Iverhang, faamolumalu.
man, loo~natua. herhead, i luga.
Omen, faailoga, s k i . lverlook, vaavaai ifo.
On, prep. i luga, i. 3vermuch, silisili ese.
On, adv. i luma. herplus, mea oa totoe.
Once, faatasi, atu tasi. herpower, fantoilalo.
One, tasi. Dverrun, v. n. soloa, ufitia, 080
Onerous, mamafa. Dverset, fi~li.
Only, tau, na o. Dvershade, faapaolo.
Onward, i luma. Dversleep, moeloa.
Ooze, v. tafetafe nirrii. :herspread, solha, ufitia.'
Opaque, nenefu, le manmo. Dvertake, niaua atu or mai.
Open, tatala. Overthrow, fuli i lalo ; tuli ; fa!
Openhanded, lima lelei, m a r w . lalo.
Opening, avanoa. Overturn, lafotu, fuli i lalo.
Openly, faaaliali. Ought, tatao, tusa.
Ophthalmy, ma'i mata. Our, (dual) lo or la maua or ti
Opinion, manatu, taofi. , ( p l . ) matou, &c.
Opponent, le finau mai. Ourselves, o i matou lava, w ti
Opportone, tdau lelei, feagai. tiiua, ancl miua.
Oppose, tetee, halavelave, finau. Oust, tuli, fao.
Opposite, feagai, fesagai. Out, i fafo, i tua.
Oppress, faasaua. Out of, prep. nai, mai, ai.
Option, t u ~ faitalia.
i Outcast, s. taas6, tulia, faakva
Opule~~ce, niauoa. Outcry, uio.
Or, PO, pea
Orange, moli.
Oration, lauga ; (chief's) fehlaiga,
Outdo, faiaina.
Outer, i fafo. .
Outlet, s. avauoa, ala ; py..
afioga. Outrage, faaleaga.
Orator, failauga. Outright, loa ; matui.
Ordain, totofi, faatu. Ostroot. lia'i.
Order, sauniga, pule, poloaiga, fe-
t~laiga; a rank or class, vasega. j
Outrun, (pars.) tu..,,.
Order, v. fai atu, pule, poloai. Outside. i fafo. le tua.
Ordure, tae, owota. outward, i fafo.
Orifice, pu. Owe, le tauia.
Origin, le mea na tupu ai, le ama- Own, e ona, e ina, &q
t;~ga. Owner, 16 ona, lii inq.
Ornament, e u g a ; p e r s ~ n a l ,tifigq.
Orphan, matua oti.
Oetentatious, faalialia.
Other, k taai, le iai.
Oven, umu. P 4 c . t Y~, faalaulelei, faam~lemq
over. i lug-g. Paddle. v . ~;I~IP!o,alq.
5 .
Paddle, s. foe. Passage, ala.
Pagan, faapaupau. Passellgel., iiuoso, auee.
Page, itu laupepa. Passil~g,ddj, silisili, mltui.
Pain, tiga. Passion, lotoa.
Paint, vali. Past, mavae atu.
Fair, e lua, one pair ; e lua oa, two Pastime, faataaloga..
pairs, &c. ( o f pigs and nuts) ; Pat, s. po.
uluga ( o f men and birds). Pat, adj. tatau.
Pale, sesega.
Pale, ai 1
I Patch, s. fono.
Pate, ulu.
Paling, )
Palllate, faamimii.
Path, ala.
Patience, onosa'i, faatoatca, faapale-
Palm, fan-palm, niupiu. I pale.
Palm, of the hand, alofilima. Patriotism, lotonuu.
Palpable, tino. patter^^, faaa'oa'o.
Palpitate, sapotuvale, polepolevale. Paucity, itiiti.
Palsy, supa.
Paltry, faatauvaa..
Pave, tanu, fofola i msa.
Paunch, manava ; (chief's) alo.
Pander, soa. i Paw, lima.
P ~ n g ,tiga. Pay, totogi, taui.
Pant, ga'ega'e. Peace, ola le taua ; filemu.
Pap, matasusu.
Papaw, esi.
P e e ! i n . faalologo! ( t o chieJs)
aua le toia le va !
Parable, faataoto. Peak, turnutumu.
1 Parade, faalialia. Peal, taalili, gogolo.
Paralytic, supa. Pearl (in the eye) muiilili:
Paramount, silisili. Peck, togi.
Parcel, ta'ui, ta6ui'ui, afi. Peculiar, ndv. faapito, fuataoi.
Parch, pa'a'a, faamu. Pedigree, gafa.
Pardon, remitting a punishment, Peel, v. folo'e, fisi.
faamagalo. Peel, .s. pa'u.
Pardon me, vaeane oe. Peep, tilotilo.
Pare, fisi. Peerles~,e leai sona tusa.
Parent, mitua. Peevish, itagofie, 'ote ooo.
Parley, fai fetalaiga. Pelt, togi, fetogi.
Paroxysm, pu6ega. Penalty, sala.
, Parocpet, sega. Pendant, tautau.
. Parsimonious, limavale. Pending, faaletonu.
, Part, nisi, s e mea e tasi, tufaaga. Penetrate, ati (when it puoscs quite
: Part, v. tufatufa, tuu eseese. through).
Part, a. n. faarnlrvae. Penitence, salamo.
Partake, e rnaua sc mea, au mea. Pensive, faanoanoa.
Partial, hapito alofa. Penthouse, faase'e.
Partially, e le soo, e le atoatoa. People, nuu.
Participate, i u mea. Peopled, iina (puss.)
Partition, tufatufaga. Peradventure, atonu.
Partner, le toalua. Perceive. ilo:~.
Party, E au faatasi. Percll, tuln.
Pose, v. alu ano; sopo atu, uLu loa. Perchance, atonu. .
Perdition, malaia, maurnau. Pipe, (pandean) faaili.
Pique, faaitaita.

Perfect, atoatoa.
Perfidious, faalata. ' Pish! isa!
Perforate, ati. 1 Pismire, Ioj.
Pkrforce, faamaksi. Pit, lua.
~ e r k r r n ,fai. Pitch, pulu.
Perfume, s. mea manogi. Pitch, v. pulnti.

Perhaps, atonu. I Pith, uso.
Perish, fano. Pitiful, aiofa rnutimutiv~le;faatau;
Perjury, tauto pepelo. vaa.
Permanent, tuniau, anagata. Pitsaw, ili tele.
Permit, tuu. Pity, alofa mutimutivale.
Perpetual, faavavau. Placable, e faamolemole gofie.
peiplex, faalavelave. Place, ~ n e a nuu,
, fasi.
Perplexedness, fememeai Place, v. t u u ; upon, faaee.,
Persecute, fnasaui. Placid, filemu.
P e r s e q e r ~ ,Gnatinau, tausisi, filig:. Plague, faarna'i.
Persist, finafinau. ' Plague, v . faalili, faasoesi.
Person, tagata. Plain, Iaugatasi ; pupula;~
Perspicuous, malamalarna. Plaint, aue.
Rerspire, afu. Plait, lalaga.
Persuade, taufofb. Plan, togafiti ; faautautq.
Perturbation, atuatuvale: Plan?, 010.
perverse, tinauvale, faapl'opi'o. Plank, laupapa.
Peruse, faitau. Plant, v. Loto.
Pest, soesa. Plantain, fa'i, moe, soa'a.
Pestilence, hnma'i. .Plantation, faato'aga, maumaga,
Pet, rcnimul, ragafao; men, pele. (as tofa'i).
petition, ole, talosaga. Plaster, panisina ; vai fusi.

Petty, fatauvaa. Plaster, I?. vtili.

P l ~ a ~ ~ t oaitu.
~i,, Plat, v. lalaga.
Physician, foma'i. Plat or plot, se fasi fanus
Physic, veikiau. ' Plaudit, faaneeneega, tini.
Pick, filifili. Play, taalo.
Piece, fisi." Plead, fautua.
Pierce, tutu'i. Pleasant, fiafiiifia, malie.
Pig, prlan ; ( l o chiefs) ulou. Please, faalotolelei, faafiaha.
Pigcolt; lupe. Plebeiau, t i g a d nau, tagqta

Pile, v. fiupuie, fdu!a1i. i Plenty, tek, tuumafr.

Piles, sila-i-lalo. Pliant, vavai ; faigofie.
Pilfer, gaoi. Plot, pulepukga.
Pill, v a i folo. Pluck, segi, fufuti.
Pill, v. (peel) fofo'e, fisi. Plug, morno~~o.
Pillage, vete. I Plu~nage,fulnfulu.
Fillow, nafive, ali; soft, alqsa. Plump, puta ; rtninccrls, pet$
Yin~ple,po'u; Plunder, vete.
Pincli, una. I Plunge, v. (1. lolon~i.
Piue, v. eoloalofa. PLinie, L?. n. oso.
I:- , .
liili~. Ply, tau~isi,. t .i ~ ~ a.iti~?~~.

Pod, atigi. Piecipice, to&.
Poet, fatctpese.
Point, mata.
'' Predict,
Precipitate, tit&
Point, v. n. tusi, faasino: Preeminent, silisili.
Poison, v. a. faaoni, 0115 (puss.) Prefer, filitaa.
Polish, fdapupula. Pregnant, to.
Polite, arnio-alii. Prepare, sauui ; for a journcy, ta-
Pollute, faaleaga. oso.
Polygamy, taunonofo. Preposterous, sese, o le ulaga.
Pomp, faalialia. Presage, iite, vavalo.
Pond, lepa. Prescr~be,pule.
Ponder, mafaufau. Presence, i luma ; (to chiefs) alali;
Ponderous, marnafa. afioga.
Poor, matira ; faatauvaa. Present, tt.e i ai.
POP, pa. Present, a / , nei.
Populace, tagat; nuu, tagata lau- Present, s. tnea dofa, mea foa'i
tele. fua.
Popular, manaomia, alofagia. Present, v. avatu, foai atu,
Populous, tagatii. Presently, nanei, nanei nei.
Pork, puaa. Preserve, faaola, faasao.
Porpoise, rnunua. Preside, pule.
Port, taulaga. Press, oomi ; lolomi ; tauanan.
Portent, saG, faailoga. Presume, fa (as fa te ia).
Portion, food, tt~faaga. Pretend, faatagi.
Pow, v. faafeniemeai. Pretty, lalelei,Amatagofie,manaia:
Possess, m:lua. Pretty, adv. feoloo1o.
Possible, mafai. Prevail, manumil6.
Post, pou. Prevaricate, pepelo.
Posteriors, muli, nofoaga. Prevent, taoti, faalavelave, vavao.
Posterity, tupulaga arnuli. Previous, rnuamua, mua'i.
Postpone, tolo, fnatuai, faatainala. Price, tau, tbtogi.
Potent, malosi. Prick, tui,
Poverty, mativd. Prickly, toitui, talatala.
Pound, v. tu'i. Pride, faamaualuga.
Pour, liligi, sasaa. Priest, faitaulaga.
Powder, (gun) one. Prime, 1e mea sili.
Power, pule, malosi, maua. Prince, alii, alo o le tupu.
Powerful, malosi, mamana. Principal, sili.
Practice, masani. Print, s. faailoga ; of a foot, tlllag2
Practise, v. faamasani. vae.
Praise, faaneenee, vivii, faalupe. Prior, muamoa, mua'i, lua'i.
Prate, tautala soo. Prison, fale puipui.
Pray, tatalo, faatoga, ole, nioi. Private, 1110; toatasi, na '0.
Prayer, talosaga. Privilege, tofi.
Preach, lauga. Privy, fale ui, rnaliuga.
Precarious, faaletonu. Probable, ai lava, atonu.'
Precede, muamua. Probation, faata'ita'i.
~recapt, poloaiga. Probity, faamaoni.
Phoiour, a o g i tele. Proceed, alu atu..
6-4 PI t 0 PUR
Proclaim, tala' i, folafola. Prostitute, fafine talitane.
Prorrastitiate, faatamaia. Prostrate, taatia.
Procure, maua. Protect, faamamalu.
Prodigal, faamaumau. Protest, faatu'iese.
Prodigious, silisili, ese. Protract, faalevaleva.
Produce, v. faaali ; fanau ; fun. Protrude, tutl mai, oso mai.

Productive, soil, lafulemu. Protuberance, patuyatu, fufula, pe-
Profane, soli, faaleaga.
Proffer, ofo. Proud, faamaualuga.
Proficient, poto. I Prove, faata'ita'i, tofotofo.
Protit, aogii ; me8 ua maua ai. Proverb, mu5 gagana.
Profound, loloto. / Provide, sauni ; /br a journey, ta-
Progeny, fanau. om.
I'ro~norticate, iite, vavalo. Provision, for a journey, oso.
Prol~ihir, ~avao. Provoke, faalili, faaonoono, faaits-
Project, 6. togafiti. ita.
Project, v. faasilisili mai or atu. Proximity, latalata.
Prolific, gmu fanau, fanau tele, lo- ' Proxy, sui.
pu tele ; soil, lafulemu ; trees, fua Prudent, fai faautauta.
tele. Pshaw ! isa !
Prolix, Ievaleva nauZ. Public, faaaliali.
YroIn~~g,faalerale~a l'ublish, tala'i, faailoa.
Prominent faasilisili, tu mai Pucker, numinumi.
Prnn~i~caouc, soooa fefiloi, le faa- Pilerile, faatamuitiiti.
ilapina. Puff, oj' wind, tl'utacu.
Prunrl'ie, folnfala, ta4u. Puff, v. ula.
Pro~nontor;~, tolotolo. Pugnacious, tia tau, faaminn.
Prornote, lesoasoani. Puke, puai ; (to chiefs) tulei.
Prompt, loa (as tali loa, a pronapt Pull, toso ; down, lepeti, aofai; up,
answer. lia'i.
Prompt, v . fadalo, vainiu. Pulp, aano.
Pro~nt~lgatc. ~ale'i,faailoa. Pulpit, tulaga.
Prone, fauno'uno'u ; fa6; masani. Pulse, manavanava o Ic ur.
Pronounce, ta'u. Pulverize, tu'i pala, ti19 ia efu.
Proof, faailoga, mau. Pungeut, feti.
Prop, te'e. I
Punish, aoabi, faasala.
Propagate, faatupu tele. Punishrnert, sala.
Propel, tilei, faaoso. Puny, la itiiti.
I'roper, tatau, tusa. Pup, v. fanau.
Property, mea (as ana mea, his pro- Pupil, soo ; of the eye, io-i-mab.
perty) ; oloa. Puppy, tan~n'i uli, si uli.
Prophesy, o. vavalo. Purchase, faatau.
Propinquity, latalata. Pure, lelei, mamii ; le suir.

Propitiate, faalelei. Purge, faamamii.

Propitious, lelei ; agalelei, alofa. 1 Purloin, gaoi.
Proportion, v. hatatau. ! Purple, pauli.
Proprietor, 16 ana, 16 onr. Purport, uiga, i'u.
Prosecute, finatinan, tuliloa.
Pronperour, manuia.
Purpose, rnaoatu.
! Pursue, tuliloa.
PU k
Phrulent, aloua.
Push, tiilei.
Pushing, finau. R ~ B B L Elc, vao tagata, R U U .
Pusillanimous, paiani. Rabid, fe'ai.
Pustule, po'u. Race, aug5 tagata ; tausincoga.
P U S ~ U ~ Opo'upo'ua.
IIS, Radiant, pupula.
Put, tuu ; dourn, faapaii ; of, faa- Haft, fata.
tuai, faatamala ; on (as clothes), Rafter, fatuga.
faa'ofu, (oneself) 'ofu ; out (as Rag, 'ie'ie, le fisi iej saega ie.
u light), tinei, (to expel) tuli ; Rage, lot6a.
to it, fememeai, popole ; up, faa- Ragged, masaesae.
ee, teu ; up with, onosa'i, faapa- Rail, s. laau faalava o le ai.
lepele. Rail, v . upu leaga, faifii.
Raillery, upu faatauemu.
Putrefy, pala, elo.
Puzzle, Lmemeai. Rain, ua, timu ; itr the rnolrtltain8j
Rainbowi nuanua.
Q Raise, sii, faatu.
Rally, faamau ; faatauemu.
QUADRUPED, vaefa. Ramble, evaeva ; sed.
Quake, tetemC, giitetc. Rancour, faalotoloto.
Qualify, faetatau. Random, soona fai.
Quality, uiga. Range, atu (as atu fale, range of
Quantity, tele. houses).
Quarrel, misa. Rank, tiiuluulu ola.
Quarter, s. lona fa, o le vaega e fa. Rankle, FdapepG.
Quarter, v . to give quarter, faaola, Ransack, vete, sailiili.
faasao. Raosom, togisala, togiola.
Quash, nuti. Rap, ta, fiti.
Queasiness, faagagafu. Rapid, vnve, faataalise; saosaod:
Queen, masiofo, tapu' fafine; Rare, seiiseii.
Quell, faataape. Rascal, puaa elo.
Quench, tinei. Rase, lepeti, fuli i lalo; tinei:
Querulous, tagkale; Rash, s. mageso.
Query, fesili. Rash, adj. osovale.
Quest, saili. Rasp, ili.
Question, fesili. Rat, imoa, iok.
Quick, vave, lise, t a d i e . Ratan, lafoi.
Quicklime, panisina faatoa mu. Rather, sili.
Quiet, filemu. Ratify, faamau.
Quiet, v. u. faanii; Rattle, pa'&
Quill, fulu. Ravage, faataumaoi ; veie;
Quit, tuulafoai ; totogi. Rave, ui6.
Quite, matuii, lava. Ravel, filifili.
Quittance, totogi, faui. Ravish, toso.
Quiver, tete. Raw, mata, ota.
Quotation, upu sii. Raze, lepeti, fuli i lalo, tinei;
Razor, tafi.
Reach, oo, maua atu.
Read, faitdu. Irfiise, faahti, le mahi.
Ready, saunii~,taalise, Ioto. lefuse, s. mea ua totoe, rnea ua hC
Real, moni. foai.
Rear, s. muIi'an. legard, matlatu, ava.
R e a ~ ,v. tausi, firfaga. legion, itu, nuu.
Reascm, mafaufau; o Ie mea lea, legret, s. saafiga, saIam6.
that i s the reason. legular, tatau, fakoo, e le a u n a
Be-, this pwticle is rendered by ieg~~late, sauni.
" toe." iehea~se,tak.
Reassemble, toe potapoto. Zeject, tetee, lafoaL
Rebel, fouvale. teign, v . pule.
Rebuke, aoai. Zeign, s. nofoaiga.
Reeant, faatoese. Zein, taofi.
Receive, tali lejnice, fiatia, 'oli'oIi.
Recent, fou ; time, latalata nlai. %ejoinder, tali.
Reciprocal, fe followed by ani, i telate, ta'u, tala.
er a'i, (us fealofani, reciprocar ielative, T i t .
tove. telax, faavaivai, faarniimi.
Recite, tatu. Itelease, t ~ t a l a ,tuu ntu, tau sa'@
Reckless, soona fai.' loto.
Reckon, faitau. Relent, malulu.
Recline, faalagolago, taotb- Reliaoce, faahgolago.
Recognize, -iloil. Rerive, v. a. fesuia'i, fesoasoad
Recallcct, manatu ifo. Relieved, v. n. as of pain, GIG, f e
Recommend, ta'ulelei, vivii. oloolo.
Recompense, taui, totogi. Religion, l o h (Tongan].
Reconcile, fadelei. Relinquisll, tuu, tuulafoa?.
Recover, t m ma1616 ; toe maua. ReLh, manogi.
Recount, tala. Rely, t'aalagolago.
Recreate, faafiafia.. Remain, nofo; behind, faarnult-
Recriminate, fefaaleaga'i. Remainder, mea ua totoe.
Rectify, faatonu, faasa'o. Remedy, togafit;.
Red, miimii, ulaula, tototob. Remember, manatu $0.
Redeem, togiola. Remind, faarnanatu.
Redress, faatonui Remiss, faavaivai:
Reduce, faatoilalo. Remission, faarnagalo.
Redundant, faasili. Remnant, toe.
Reed, 11. Remorse, salam6.
Reek, ausa, asu. Remate, malnao.
Reek, v. pusa. Remanerate, totogi, tau$:
Reel, v. tautevateva. Rencounter, feto'ai, taua.
Refer, tuu atu. Rend, ssei.
Reflect, manatunattr ; toe ta'u. Rerldezvous, Ie mea e potopoto a%-
Reflux, maui. Renounce, faafiti.
Reform,. toe faafou, toe amata, to Renowned, ta'ua.
funtai. Repair, v. a. toe teu;
Refractory, finauvale, vaogrtta. Repair, v . n . alu.
Refrain, taofi, onosai. Repast, taurnafatags..
Refuge, lalitaga, malu. Repeal, tatala le tulafona, fa&-
Repeatedly, soo. Rest, a/$, nisi ; ni mca ua totoe.
Repel, tetee. Restore, toe avath ; lo health, tde
Repent, salamo. malGl6.
Repine, tagi, faanoanoa. Restrain, taod.
Replete, matfia tumu, tumu saiaai. Result, i'u.
Reply, tali. Resurrect ion, toe tii.
Report, tala, ganagana. Retain, taofi.
Repose, v. a. faalagolago, Retaliate, taui ma sui.
Repose, v. n. moe, milGl6. Retard, faalavelave.
Reprehend, a'oa'i. Retch, ta~ipuai.
Represent, faaali, faatusa. Retire, sola, alu ese lemu.
Repress, faatoilalo. Retreat, solaaga ; lafitaga:
Reprimand, asoa'i. Retreat, u. tuumull":
Reproach, s. luma, gao. Retrieve, toe maua.
Reprocif, a'osLiga. Retrograde, tuumuli.
Reptile, mea totolo. Return, r. n. ,toe fo'i.
Repudiate, alei, tuli, lafoai. Return, a. a. toe avatu:
Repugnance, 'ino'ino, muad. Reveal, faaali.
Repulse, tetee. Revenge, taui ma sui.
Reputable, ta'uleleia. Revere, ava.
Reputed, ta'ua. Reverse, faafao.
Request, manao. Review,, toe manattf ifo.
Require, fai atu. Revile, faifii; upu leaga; ,
1 Requisite, tatau, au. Revive, toe pnpula, toe ola:
I Requite, taui. Revolt, sola.
I Rescue, laveai, faaofa. Revolve, mafaufau.
Research, s. su'esu'ega. Reward, taui.
Resemble, tusa, foliga faataei. Rheumatism;- gugu:
Resent, halotoloto. Rheumatic, gugua.
Resentment, ita ; (to chiefs) toask. Rib, ivi 'aso'aso.
Reserve, taofi, tau. Rich, madoa, mau mea, tarhoaig&
Reside, nofo, rnau. Rid, te'a.
Residence, fale, mea e mau ai. Ride, tietie.
Residue, toe mea. Ridicuk, tauemu-i
Resign, tuu atu: Rifle, vete.
Realgnation, usiusita'i. Right, tatau, tonu; tusa. -
Resin, pulu. Rigid, maaa.
Resist, tetee. Rigour, faamaalili.
h l v e , tuu i le loto. Rim, tafatafa.
Resort, potopotoga: Rind, pa'u.
Remund, taalili. Ring, s. nllimli, .
R m r c e , togafiti. Ring, v. tagitagi.
Respect, avz. Ringworm, lafa.
: Respire, miinava. Rinse, ta, fufulu.
Rip, sae.

Respite, mapu.
Raplendent, pupuh: Ripe, otii.
Respond, t.ali. Ripen, v. a. faaota..
Rest, v. m51616, mapu, moe, filemu; Rise, tula'i, alu'a'e.
frnm work, minava. Rival, v. va.

Rive, isi. ( RIIS~,'ele.
River, vaitat'e. Rustle, gaG.
Road, nla. Ruthless, le alofa, 8auai
Roam, tafao.
Roar, tagi.
Roast, tunu.
hob, fao.
Robust, malosi. SABI.E, uli.
Rock, papa. Sabre, pelu.
Rock, v. 1Clii. Sack, taga.
Roe, fua, ami. Sack, v. vete,
Roll, taavalevale, Sacred, sa, tapu, paia.
Roof, fale. Sad, faanoanoa.
Room, afeafe ; space, vateatea. Saddle, nofoa 0 le solofitnua.
Roost, moe. Safe, sao.
Root, pogai ;j b r e s of, 'a'a. Sage, adj. poto.
Root yp, lia'i. Sad, la.
Rope, maea. , about, felauiau; to set,
S a ~ l v.
Rose, aute. lib.
Rot, pala. Sake, ona (as ona o ia, for his #a
Ilave, tafatafao, Salary, totogi, faaoloaga.
Jtough, taIataIa ; ground, gaosi ; Sale, hatau.
wrather mataql ; sea, sou. Saline, miii.
Round, lapotopoto. Saliva, anu, feanuga. *
Round, adv. soo. hal~vated sasao.
Rouse, fafagu ; faaoso. Sallow, samasama.
Routed, la tbia, taaape. Sally, oso mai.
Row, s. atu. Salt, masima (introduced).
Row, v. alo. 5.1lvation, olataga.
Rub, 010 ; as trees, femili. Salute, ofo, fcnsogi.
Rubbish, otaota. Satne, lea lava.
Rndder, foeuli. Sant't~fy,fanpaia (introdwed),
Il n t h , Faalevao, faalemigao. Sand, oneone.
J t IIP, snlamb. Sandstone, pugaone.
H sftian, f,~asanG. Sap, uso.
Ruffle, faanuntlmi : faatupuloto. Sapiellt, poto.
Rugged, talatala, ponapona. Sarcasm, upu faatauemll.
Ruin, v. lepeti. Satchel, tag5 tusi.
Rule, pule. Satiate, ma'ona ; pasi (of 'qer t

Rumble, gogolo. ears).

Rumour, tala. Sat nfl, faalaulelei, halotomalie.
Rump, tulai'u. Saturdap, auo tdona'i.
Rumple, faanuminumi. Savage, fe'cti.
Run, momube, (pl.) femo'ei, taufe- Sauce, ibis
over, oso I tua;
tuli ; otrrrr!,, SOIR; Sauce, a. 'ina'i.
~ f t ~ , ; oat, mgmii; us a Save, faaola, f a a w .
river, tafe ; wild, iiivao. Saviour, fa?ola.
Runt, avilu. , Saunter, tafatafaonle, Ulchi 1
Itusll, oso. tiiuga.
Savour, manogi. I Scrub, olo.
Saw, '11i. ( Scruple, masalo.
Sawdust, ‘iligalaau. Scrutinize, 'IIo'IIo, su'esu'e; faama-
Say, fai ; (to chiefs) fetalai. sino.
Scab, faapa'upa'u. Scuffle, misa,
Scaffold, fatimanu. Sculk, lafi.
Scald, mu ; manunu i le vai vevela. Scull, ulupoo.
Scale, una. Sculpture, togitogi.
Scale, rr. a'e ; jish, unafi. Scurril, upu leaga, fiifii.
Scalp, le pa'u o le ulu. Sea, tai, ~ a m i vasa.
Scamper, sola tele vave. Seacoast, rocky, tai pupii ; sandy,
Scandal, v. faatausuai. faga oneone.
Scant, lauitiiti, faatauvaa. Seasick, puai.
Scar, iliganoa. Seaside, matiifaga.
Scarce, itiiti. Seawater, suasami.
Scarcely, toe ina le mafai. Seal, f , ~ a n ~ a u .
Scarcity, oge. Seam, SO'O.
Scare, faamata'u, Search, su'esu'e, saili.
Scarlet, nliimii. Season, tau.
Scatter, salalau, taape. Seasoning, 'i'i.
Scent, mnnogi, namu. Seat, notoa.
Scent, v . s6giGgi. Seaward, gatai.
Scheme, togafiti. Secede, teva, vavae atn.
Scl~olar,soo. Second, le lua, lona lua.
School, a'oga. Secret, na, lilo.
Schoolmaster, a'oa'o. Sect, itu aiga.
Scissor, seleulu. . Secular, mea faaletino,
Scoff, tauemu. Secure, saogalemn.
Scold, 'ote. Secure, v. faamau.
Scoop, sali. Sedate, filemu, faatoeaina:
Scope, uiga. Sediment, lnea to'a, ' a h .
Scorch, mu. Seduce, ta'ita'iese, faasese.,
, Scorn, 'ino'ino, ta'ufaatauvaa. Sedulous, finafinau, ga6.
Scour, 010. See, vaai, iloa.
I Scourge, sasa. See ! int. faauta !
Scout, asiasi ala. Seed, fatu, fua ; fanau.
Scowl, matanono, popogi. Seek, saili.
Scramble, taufao. Seem, peiseai ; ataga ; faataga.
Scranch, paagugu. Seemly, ono, matagotie, napagofie.
Scrap, mom01 mea, fisi mea. Seine, upega.
Scrape, valuvalu. Seira, 'u'u, puce.
&rat&, fe1a6u, (pass.) osia; valu. Seldom, seasea.
Scream, 'i'i. Select, filifili.
Screen, paipui. Self, lava (as o a'u lava, myself ).
Bcreen, u. faamamalu. Sell, tau, faatau.
Saew,s. fao fana. Semblance, tusa, tino.
Scribble, v. soona tusi. Senate, taupulega.
fkriptures, tusi paia. Senator, faipule.
hohh, pato. Scnd, au, feau; for, aami.
60 SEN ~ H U
Senior, nupito niatua ; toeaina. Sllcd, a. n. maligi, masaa;
Sensitive plant, laau fefe. Sheep, mamoe.
Sensual, faaletino.
S e ~ t t m e n t ,manatu.
Sentinpl, leoleo.
i Sheet, ie afuloto.
Sl~elf,fata : a t sea, a'au, to'*
Shell, atigi ; pule.
Separate, tuu eseese, vavae, alu ese. Shellfish, figota.
Sepulchre, tuugaman, lo& I Sli~lter, malu, lipoi, lafitagri.

Seq~tel,i'u. / Shelter, v . a. iaamamalu.

Serene, filemu. Shelter, v. n. lalafi.
Sermon, lauga. Shelving, tafato.
Serpent, gala. Sllerd, ta'egiiipu.
Servant, auauna, tautha, sogd. ShieId, v . faamamlu.
Serviceable, aog5. Shield, s. talit5.
Set, v . a. t u u ; toto: aside, lafoai; , Shift, sui:
up, faatu. Shift, s. togafiti.
Set, v. n . alu ifo, got@. Shin, tuasivi vae.
Settle, v . a. sauni lelei, totofi. Shine, v. pupula.
Settle, v. n. to'a i lalo; mau. Ship, fiilau, vas papalagi;
Seven, fitu. Shipwreck, vaa tudia.
Seventeen, e sefulu ma le fitu. Shirt, ofutino.
Seventy, e fitu gafulu. Shiver, v . n. tetemii.
Sever, vavae, tuu eseese. Shiver, v . n. nutiniuii.
Several, e tele, eseese. Shoal, mea papa'u.
Severe, s a h i Shoe, seevae.
eew, su'i, tu?. Shoot, fana.
Shade, paolo. Shoot, v. n. totog&.
Shade, v. faamalu, faapado. Shore, matafaga, faga o n e o ~ :
Shadow, att3. Short, saasaa, puuguu.
Shaggy-mat, ie sina: Shortly, e le .pine.
Shake, lulu, luelue. Shortwinded, sela.
Shake, v . n. gatete, tete. Shot, p u h fdn&
Shallow, papa'u. Shove, tklei.
Shallow, s. fbta. Shovel, v. asu.
Sham, 04.faatagii, pepelo. Shovel, s. suo.
Shame; ma, misiasi. Shoulder, ta'ulau or tautad.
Shameful, mataga. Shoulder-blade, ivi aa.
Shape, ti&. Shout, ui6.
Shard, ta'egaipa. Show, a. faaaIi.
Share, a. tufatufa. Show, s. faalialia.
Share, s. tufaaga. Shower, ua 'ale.
Sharer, o I6 puIe, o li4 faitsoa mea. Shred, fssi [te].
Shark, milie, tgnifa. Shriek, i'i.
Sharp, ma'ai. Shrill, i'i.
Sl~arpen,hanlata. Shrink, meme1i ; from contact, I&
Shatter, nutininii. Shrivel, manuminumi.
Shave, tafi. Shudder, tetemii.
She, ia. Shuffle, amio peplo, fe'alo'aloFoai.'
Sheath, faamoega. Shun, igoigo, 'a10 ese.
Shed. v . u , sasa'a. 1 Shut, pupuni, puipui.'
:r, pola. Skiuuy, pa'u nlu ivi, iviivia.
ma, segisegi. Skip, musa.
nla4i; pua'i. 3kipper, aliivaq.
itu ; of a river, &., auvai. Skirmish, taus
u. 'au. , Skirt, pito ofu.
vagaia. Sk ittiell, s~gisegi,faaulavale.
mipuitiga,. miipuda. Skreen, faapaolo, faamalu,
, vaai ; maimoa. Skulk, lafi.
y nmtapfie. Skull, atigi ulu, ulupoo.
faailoga, sasi. Sky, lagi.
I, s. faailoga. Sky color, lanu nioana.
I, udj. sili. Slabber, tafecle-&ua.
y, fuailoa. sl.ick, sa'unn
.e, lG tautala, IE gagana. Slacken, faamatagataga.
:e ! int., faalologo
, ! aua le toia Slander, tuuaifua, fatufua upq.
ra ! Slant, faalifa, faatafatafa.
faavalevalea. Slap, po.
ir, pei, tusa, foliga. Slate, maa tusi.
?, fiatusa. Slave, pploga, soga.
e, valea. Slaughter, fa@oti.
bgasala. Slay, fasi, fasioti.
, talu. Slcrp, nloe ; (of chief*) to%, tpL+
re, faamaolli. Slet~rlcr,laitiiti.
', ua. Slirle, se'e.
pesc. Slight, vaivai : laitiiti.
, mu ; a pig, tolo. Slight, v. 16 .ava.
r, usu pese. Slim, laitiiti.
e, tasi, tiutasi, toatasi ; un- Slime, palapala ; pulu.
rried, taataanoa, fetn. nofofua. Sling, s. mnatii.
v, ta Itas]. Sling, v. sasau.
Jar, ese, uiga eSe, tasi. Slink, alu ese lemu, sola lilo.
goto. Slip, se6e.
r, tagata agasal,~, Slipknot, niatiisele, noaunu.
miti, mitimiti. Slippery, mase'ese'e.
11ii. Slit, masae.
., of u brother, tuafafine; of a Slobber, tafe le faua.
'er, uso. Slope, x. ttafa.
iolb ; bitds, mae. Slope, v. faalifa, faatafatafa.
of a house, &c., tulqfale. Slappy, palapalii.
ono. Sloth, paie.
en, c sefulu (pa le Ono.. Sloven, faainaelo.
, le ono, ono a'i. Slough, titufusiga.
, e oug gali~lu. Slow gesegese ttlecn~ulu.
latelc. Sluggard, tagata pai5.
*, s. hi. Slumber, moe ; (of chiefs) to%.,
11, poto. Slut, fafine faainaelo.
s. pa'u, iliola. Small, laitiiti.
v. fofo'e. Smart, v. maini, tip,.
Iii~t,liniavale. S~neaj,...
a. nilti.
. .
6% s3.1E SPI
Smell, sogisogi. Son-in-law, tane a le abfine ; of a-
Smile, 'ata; (of chiefs) soisoi. rcomaw, taue a lana tima.
Smite, fasi. Song, pese, vii.
Smitten, toia. Sonomus, taalili.
Smoke, asu. Soo'n, vave, E pine.
Smoke, v. n. ifi. Sooth, faalaulelei, faamolemole.
Smoke, v. u. faaasua. Sooth~av,vavalo.
Smooth, lamolemole. Sooty, tialia.
Smother, a mole, le mamanava. Sore, s. papala.
S~uutty umuumua, tenu uli. Sore, v. le atapaia, tiga.
Snail, aisi vao. Sorrow, faanoanoa, tiga.
Snake, gata. Sovereign, tupu.
Snap, gau lua. Soul, agoga.
Snare, sele, mailei. Sound, s. logo, pa6, taalili, leo.
S I I ; ~gu.
~!, Sound, a$. 1s ma'i.
h a t c h . ~egi. Sour, 'o'ona.
Sneer tnuemri. Source, le mea e tupu aci, puoq,
Sneeze, v . mafatua. ala.
Sniff, v. isu miti. South, le itu i toga.
Snip, sele motu. So% pua'a fafine, aumatua.
Snivel, u. mona. Spacious, vateatea, tele, lautele..,
Snore, tagalu. Spade, su6.
Snot, isu alu. Span, aga.
Snout, isu. Spare, faasao.
Snuff, s. matapa'u. Spark, aloiafi.
Snuff, v. sogisogi. Spatter, pisipisi.
So, pei, faapei. Spawn, fua o ica,
Soak, faavai. Speak, gaguna, tautala; '(to ch&fi)
Soap, moli. fetalai.
Soar, lele i luge. Spear, tao.
ta'utino, faaalitino.
Sob, masfisti.
Sober, faatoeaina.
Sociable, nofogotie.
ZF~E~L', ilaila.
Spectacle, mat~r'aga.
Soft, miiliilti. Spectator, maimoaga.
Soil, eleele. Spectre, aitu.
Sojourn, iiumau. Sppech, gagana, tautalaga, fetalal-
Solace, faamatalaloto. gas
Sole, s. alofi vae. Speed, faataalise, tele vave.
Sole, udj. toatasi, tasi, na 0. Spell, faatatau.
Solicit, 'ai'oi. Spend, faauma, maumau.
Solicitude, popole. . Spew, pua'i ; ( t o chiefs) tulei.
Solitary, ausage, toatasl. Spider, apogiileveleve.
Solve, faamatala. Spill, v. u. sasaa, liligi.
Some, nisi. Spill, v. n. masaa, maligi.
Somebody, se tasi. Sl>ine ivitc.
Something, se mea. S p i t i ~ u ~talatala.
Sometimes, se aso ma se aso ; seg- Sl)itit, agsga.
sei. 1 i,,iritual, knlcagtga,
Spit, feanu,
&I), atitlii ; (qf a clticf) alo.

Ibv con?1'
W '
Spite, faalili. Start, te'i, maofa.
Spittle, anuga, Gus. Stawe, faaotilaina, faasalofia ; one.
Splash, pisi. self, faapa'upacu.
splendid, matagofie silisili. Stave, t~l'ia(pass.)
Splinter, v. autininii. Stay, nofo ; faamuli ; tali mai.
splinter, s. malamala laau. Steady, mau, li5 gaoioi.
split, v. a. isi. Steal, gaoi.
Split, v. n. maisi, ta'e. Steam, ausa.
h13011, s. rete. Rtedfast, mausali.
hp011,a. fnnlragn. Steep, adj. t!~.
sponw, ornonll. Steep, s. tofi.
~pont,~nmus, fua. Steer, v. foemnli, uli.
Sport, fdsulnula, taalo. Steersman, tautai.
spot, ila. Stench, elo.
sprain, mkui. Step, laasaga.
Steril, pa ; of land, IafulafuZ.
Spray, afusigalu.
spread, fofola. sosolo.
Spring, alu age, puna, tupu ace.
, Stern, a*. coupttenance, matapai.
1 Stern, s. taumuli.
springtide, tai susu'e. Stick, s. laau ; tootoo.
sprinkle, luluu, sausau. Stick, v. tutu'i ; pipii.
sprout, s. moemoe. tickle, fi nauvale.
Spurn, 'ino'ino. Sticky, apulupulu.
Spy, vaavaai, tilotilo ; lamalama. Stiff, ma'a'a.
Spyglass, faaata. Stifle, v . n. mole.
Squabble, misa. Still, adj. l i gagana ; malC1; 1; g+
Sql~alid,eleelea, oioi.
Squall, ui6 ; ta'uta'u. Stillborn, fanau ua oti.
Squeqk, 'i5. Stimulate, faaoso.
Squeeze, oomi. st in^ uoqo.
squint, matasipa. Stingy, limavale.
qu~rt,fana vai. Stink, elo.
Vah. tutu'^. Stipulation, feagaiga,
' <t il)le, n~auaali. Stir, seuseu.
Staff, tootoo. Stomacl~,tnga 'ni, puta.
Stagger, tautevateva, Stone, maa, f ' i i t ~ ~ .
stagnant, lepa. Stone, a. fetogi.
Gtaln, nini, fai lanu. Stony, gao5, gaosii, fatufatua,
Stair, ala faaapefa'i. Stool, nofoa.
Stale, adj. mafua. Stoop, faano'unocu, punou,
Stallion, solofanua po'q. Stop, v. a . taofi, pupuni.
Stammer, nanu. Stop, v . n. tu.
Stanched, a. utu. Storm, afa.
stanch, adj. tumau. Story, tala.
stanchion, totai. Stout, malosi.
Stand, tu, tula'i. Straddle, magai.
standard, tagiivai. Straight, sil'o.
star, fetu. Strait, apiapi.
Starbard, matau. Strand, matafaga.
h e , palato'q. I Strpnct, v. pa1u1ta,
Strange, ese. h c h , faapea.
. Stranger, tagata ese. Suck, mid; susu.
Strangle, titiua. jucker, tatupu.
Stratage111, togafiti. Suckle, faasusu.
Stray, sE. Sudden, faafuase'i.
Streak, pulepule, tusitusi Sue, faatoga.
Stream, vaitafe. Suet, ga'o.
Strength, nlalosi. Suffer, onosai ; tuu at*
Stretch, fal6. Suffice, lava.
Strew, fabtaape, faasalahu. Suffocated, v. n. mole.
Strife, misa, finauga. Sugarcane, tolo.
Strike, v. a. ta. suggest, ta'u ; faamanatu,
Strike, v. n. to'a. Suicide, toa'i.
String, manoa. Suit, tatau, tusa.
Strip, faatelefua. Sulky, mata non6, faaiiq.
Stripling, tama 1; ta. Sultry, vevela.
Strive, finau, taumafaj Sumn~it,tumutumu.
Stroke, s. ti. summon, tala'i, valaau.
Strong, malosi. sun, la.
Struggle, s. finauga. Sunday, aso si.
Strumpet, fafine tali tane, taalaa i Sunder, vaelua, tuu ese-
le ala. 31indries, mea eseese.
Strut eavali faalialia. 3unny, la.
Stubhorn 6nauvale. Superabound, taumafa.
Sti~bby sanma, putaputa. Superfluity, silisili.
Study, a'oa'o. Superior, sili.
Stumble, tausuai. Supine, faataliaga : faatitipa,
Stump, tagutu. Supper, tilisua.
Stunted, avilu. Supple, vavai.
Stupid, valea. Supplicate, 'ai'oi.
Sturdy, maca'a. Supply, v. a. sui, avane.
Stutter, nanu. Support, lagolago, te'e.
Subdue, faatoilato. Suppose, masalo.
Subject, faatoilalo, faausiusitai. Suppress, faatoilalo ; na ; lolomi,
S u l ~ ~ n e r g chagoto.
, Suppurate, aloua. .
Submission, ~ ~ ~ u s i t a ' i . Supreme, silisili.
Subscqueat, mulimuli. Sure, mau, faamaoni.
Sul~servc,fesoalonni. Surmise, masalo.
Subside, to'a. Surpass, muamua, sili.
Substitute, sui. Surplus, mea ua totoe.
Subterfuge, le mea e 'a10 ai. Surprize, fememea'i, ofo, t e L i
5 ~ r t ) l l c toptiti p n t ~ pepelo.
, Surrender, tuu atu, ifo.
Subtract, itveese. Surround, si'osi'o, vrgavagai.
Subvert, fuli i lalo, Suspect, masalo.
Succeed, mulimuli ; sui ; manuia. Suspense, fitaletonu.
S~~ccess, manuia. Swallow, folo.
~ u c c e s s i ~ eSwaua'i:
, Swamp, fusi.
Succaur. ftsoasoar I. Swap, fesuia'i,
Succumb, i~biusit*'i, toilsrlo. Sway, pule:

Swear, tauto. rempest, afi.

Sweat, afu. remple, m5lumillu.
Sweep, tafitafi. remporal, faaleolanei.
Sweet, suamalie. rempt, tofotofo.
Swell, fufula, fefete. Ten, sefulu ; men, tmsefulu. (see
Swerve, sea& GRAMMAR).
Swift, tele vave, saosaoa. I'enacious, taofi mau; pipii.
Swim, aau ; opeope. rend, leoleo, anaana, fawaga.
Swine, puaa. Tender, adj. IE atapaia.
Swing, v. taopeope ; taupe. Tcndon, ua.
Swing, s. taltpega. Tenth, le sefulu.
Swoon, rnatapogia. rerrnination, le mea e gata mai ai.
Swop, feauta'i. rerrible, matalutia.
Sword, pelu. rerriljr, faamata'u.
Symptom, faailoga. rerror, fefe, mata'u.
restify, molimau.
rext, mattia o le upu.
Thanks, faafetai, faamant.
I'hat, lela, lena.
TABLE, lalo'ai, laulau. rhatch, lau.
Taciturnity, faalologo, le gagana. The, le.
Tack, sua. Their, 16 or la latou ; (tlual) 10 or
Tail, i'u. la lam.
Take, ave ; take hold of, ttago. Them, ia t e i latou, or l i u a (dual).
Tale, tala. Then, ona . . . ai lea (as ona eau a i
Talk, tautala. lea).
Talkative, tautala soo. There, iila, iina.
Tall, umi, maualuga. Therefore, o le nlea lea.
Tame, lata. These, nei.
Tangle, tilifili. Thev, o i latou ; (dual) 0 i l h a -
T a p , tat2 malie. ~ h i G k , mafiafia.
Tardy, tcle gese, tele mulu. rhief,. gioi.
Taro, tillo. Thigh, ogavae.
Tarry, faatali ; a t home, faiimuli; rhimble, atigi lima.
faatamala. n i n , manifinifi ; laitiiti, tinovale ;
T a r t , oona. animals, paece.
Taste, tofo. Thing, mea.
Taunt, fitaleaga, faahma. Think, manatunatu.
Teach, a'oa'o. Thirst, fiainu, galala.
Tear, s. loimata. Thirteen, sefulu ma le tolu.
Tear, U.a. saei ; (puss.) masae. Thirty, e tolu gafulu.
Teaze, faaIili. This, lenei.
Teat, mat is us^^. Thorn, laau talatala or tuitui.
Tedious, faatvlegese. Thorough, matug.
Teem, gaau fanau ; fdnau palasi. Those, o i latou ia.
Telescope, faaata. Tholl, oe.
Tell, ta'u. Though, e ui lava.
Temerity, soona hi. Thought, manktu.

Te~npcrilncc, fi\at;ctan ((1s 'ai faatn. Thousallcl, afe.
Thraldom, nofo pologa. Tolerate, onosabi.
Thrash, taisi, sasa. Tongs, iofi.
Thread, manoa, fih. . Tongue, laulaufaiva, alelo; (chiefI
Threat, faamata'u. fofoga.
Three, tolu, f i i t . Tools, faatufugaga.
Threefold, atufia, atutolu. Tooth, nifo ; grinders, gao.
Threshold, faitotoa. Top, tumutumu.
Thrive, tupuolaola. Torch, sulu.
Throat, ponaua ; (chief's) polls fo- Torment, faalili, faatiga, saunoa.
foga. Torrent, alia.
Throb, sapotuvnle ; heud, gaoi. Torrid, mu i le In.
Throng, le vao tagata. Tortoise, volu.
Throttle, s. faa'i. Torture, faasaunoa, fttatiga.
Throttle, v. titina. Toss, lafo, togi.
Througlro~~t, uma lava. Total, atoa.
Throw, lafo, togi. Totter, tautevateva.
Thrush, eaea. Touch, papa'i, pabi.
Thrust, tiilei. Touchy, itagotie.
Thumb, lima matua. Tough, fefeu, fefena.
Thump, tubi. Tow, toso.
Thunder, faititili. Toward, mai.
Thunderstrike, to'ia i le faititili. Town, aai.
Thus, faapea. Toy, v. faaulaula.
Thwart, faalavelave. Trace, faailoga, tulaga.
Tickle, eneene. Tractable, vaogofie.
Tidings, tala. Trade, s. faiva.
Tidy, teuteu lelei. Trade, v. faatau.
Tie, nonoa, faamau, faapona. Tradewind, toelau.'

Tight, fusi mau. Tradition, upu tun.

Ti\& seia. Trail, v. to make, asa.
Timid, poipoi, fefe. Train, la'ei.
Tin, sheet, %pa. Traitor, le faalata.
Tingle, mainiini. Trample, v. soh.
Tinkle, tagitagi. Tranquil, filcmu.
Tiny, laitiiti. Transact, fai, sauni.
Tip, tumutumu. Transcend, faasilisili.
Tipsy, oui. Transfer, tuu atu.
Tire, musu, pasi ; vaivai, le lava, Transfix, sosoba ia ati.
lailoa. Transform, liliu.
Tiresome, faasoesi. Transgress, solitulafono, seG.
Title, ao. Transient, vave mavae.
Titter, nene'a. Translate, faamatala
To, i (to nouns) ; iii (to persons' Transmit, avatu.
names). Transparent, manino.
To, (before the injnitive) e. Transplant, sua ma toe tot&
Toe, tamatamaivae. Trap, mailei ; rat's, vaii imoa.
Together, fiiatasi. Trash, mea faatauvaa, otaota, d
Toil, v . fai galuega mamafa. vale.
Token, sisi. faailoga. Travel, alu malaba.
~ l l e r ,malo.
cherous, faalata, pepelo.
d, soli, tu ai le vae.
. Twice, atu lua.
Twig, la.
Twilight, segisrgi.
son, faalata. Twins, masaga.
sure, oloa ua teu. Twine, taataai.
ty, mavaega. Twinkle, emo.
I luau. Twirl, lialia'i.
~hle,tete. Twist, milo.
en do us, 1natu.i mata'utia. Twitch, segi.
IU'OIIS, tetetete. Two, lua.
ch, s. utu. Twofold, sautual~ra.
idation, gatete. Tyranny, faasauk
lass, solitulafo~~o, sopotapulaa.
, tofotofoga ; fi~ami~sinoga.
~ l a t ~ o natuatuvale,
, puapuag;.
:, togafiti pepelo.
ile, sisina. UGLY, matapuaa, 'auvale, 'aupiu.
?, s. mea faatauvaa. Ulcer, papala.
;el., amoti. Ulnbrella, faamalu, Me.
, teu. Unable, le mafai, le lava.
ti~usuai. Unattended, toatasi.
e, sautuatolu. Unawares, faafuasei.
nph, mitamita. Unbecoming, le ono.
p, 'au. Unbend, faasa'o.
ble, atuatuvale. Unbind, tatala.
blesome, faasoesa. Unbounded, e leai se mca e gata
gh, vai. tnai ai.
sers, ofuvae. Uncertain, faaletonu. '

moni, faan~aoni. Uncivil, le tote.

Ipet, pu, foafoa. Uncle, paterrial, le uso o le tams;
dle, faatanvalevale. nruternal, le tuagane o le tin;.
:, faalagolago. Unclean, leaga.
faataitai, tolbtofo, taumafai. Unclothe, tatala ofu, faatelefua.
of hrcir, sope. Uncommon, seisei iloa.
toso. Unconstant, faaletumau.
blr, pa6&. Uncover, toese le ufi, suou'e.
d , fufilln. Uncourteous, le tote.
ult, pisapisaii, mist ; nunuvale. Ullction, faauu.
, t'ati. Unrtuous, lila.
id, nenefu. U~lculpable,16 sala.
ey? pipi Uncumbered, e leai se faalavelave.
lerlc, lega. Uncurse, piipii, faamagalo le fetuu.
oil, atuatuvale, popole. Undamaged, 16 afaina.
, liliu. Undecided, faaletonu.
e, laumei. Under, i lalo, i lalo ifo.
! isa ! Undergo, onosa'i.
, nifo. Undermost, aupito i lalo.
ve, sefulu ma lc lua. Understand, lagena, iloa.
~ t y ,e Ir:a I'ulu. Undertake, tago, oii.
IJndo, tatala. Utlravel, talatila.
LTr~dresa,t:ttaln ofu. H~tripe,nic~to,16 matua.
iJnernp!opwl, nofo paganoa. Uurol, tatala.
Unevcn, I6 ~ n t : ~ s1i8, tu sa'o. Ur~ruly,vaognti.
Unexpected, faafuask'i. Unsatisfied, lE mhlk, 15 ma6rta.
Unexpert, vasivasi. Unsiglltly, matag5.
Unfasten, ~atala. ~ ~ ~ s k i l f16u imasani,
, vasitasi*
Unfatl~omed,I; ft~atia. Ut~successful, malaia.
Unfledged, E fuluf'ulud. ~nsuiiable,16 tclsa.
Unfold, faamatalii. U~~thankful, I6 faafetai, agavale,
U~~forti~nate, malaia. Untie, tatala.
Unfrequent, seisri. U ~ ~ t ise'ia.
Uni'rtmcl~ented.lG uia. Ul~trc~e, pepern.
Uncovernrtl, I6 taupnlea. Unusaal, segsel.
Ut~lrnndsnrnr, 'anvnle. Utlwholesome, feaga, c tuptl ai mall
Unhandy, 16 niasa~~i. U~~willing, le aiafai.
Unhappy, malaia. Unwonted, seisri.
Unhonored, 16 tnualoa. Up, i luga, aLe(a particle).
Unl~ospitahle,16 tote. Up ! i ~ i t e r j .tulaLi.
Unllirrt, it. afqinil. Upbraid, faasHLi.
Uniform, gatusa. Uphold, taofi, fesoasoani.
Uni.~jured, I6 afaina. Upon, i luga.
Unintentional, mao. Uppermost, aupito i laga.
IJuintermitted, fai sod. Uppish, faasiasia, faamatialuga.
Union, faasoo, faatasiga. Upright, tu sa'o.
Unite, faatasi. Uproar, l!isa6.
Universal. a6a6. Uproot, I~a'i.
unjust, 16 tusa, 16 tatatl. Upside down, fa6.
I!nkind, agavale, 16 alofa. Upward, fassaga i luga.
Unkaoin, I6 iloa. Urge, fidaoso.
Unlawful, si. U r i ~ ~ emiaga.
Unless, vagani, eei iloga; (past) US, ia i tatou, t h a , matota, mhaa
ana le se anoa. Use, aogii, n~asani.
Unlike, 1.5 tusa, eseese. Use, v. faamasa~ri.
Unlikrly, e ilogii. Useful, aogii.
Unlock, talala. Usaal, masani, fai MH).
Unloose, tatalli. Usurp, fao fua.
Unlucky, malaia. Uterus, mauiva.
U~~mannered, fnalevao.
Unnlnrried, nrnlt, taataanoa ; tco-
mcr)t nofrrrtrn.
tTllmeasi~ral~l~, 1; fuatia.
Unmercif~ll,saak. VACANT, tuufua.
1Jnrnov~allle.mausali. Vngabond Cioset-aae\~aln;~i~~a.
Ilnnridlhoorlv, t~raoivale. I'ai11, fe aogG.
Unob.rr\-cd. I;? n~anatua,le iloa. Vainqlorioc~s,fualialiat-ab.
Unpaid, lE tauia. Vale, vallu.
U~lpardoned,I6 a~agalo. Valediction, fda~navaega.
Un~wofitable,I5 aogo. \'iiliaat, toi.

Valley, ranu. Vindicate, faatonti, f a q s ~ ' ~ .

Valuable, aogii, tiua. Vindictive, faaloto!oto.
Van, mua 'au. Violate, soli.
Vanish, rnou. Violent, faavalemalosi.
l'auqi~ish, fdatoila!~. Vil)e19,gata.
Vapour, ausa. Virgin, ta~lpolr.
Variable, E tumau, feliuliua'i. Ti-it asi,~si.
Variance, maseiga. Visrr~,fatint! 'ote.
I'aricty escwe. Vocation, t'aiva.
\'fist nlatl~atcdc. Voice, leo ; (chief's) sinfofoga.
Vaunt, mitamitit vale, Void, I6 iiina, tuclfua, gaogav.
Veer, liliu. Volcano. ltlauga ml.
Vegetable, laaa ; (111.) mea e 'ai ; Volume, lautusi.
taro, &c. Volulltarily, Sai fua i le loto.
Veil, v . ufiufi. Vomit, v. pua'i : (chiefs) tulei,
Ypin, 11i8. Voracious, lotulotu'ai.
Velocity, IPICvave, saosaoa. Voyage, fola~ga.
Ventl, tkatarc
\$nernte avn.
Venesrction. t u r t le lima.
t'engrance, tau ma sui.
Venom, mea o'ona. WADE,asa.
Venomolls, 11ogo. Wag, the head, lialia'i.
Verbal, upu I le gutu. Wages, totogi.
Verify, faamaoni. Wail, au6, tu@;iauS,tagitn'i.
Verse, fuai tau (in poetry). Waist, sulugatiti.
Versed, masani. Waistcoat, taofu.
Vertex, tnntutumu. Wait, tali, faatali.
Vertigo, niniva. Wake, ala; ( c h i e f s ) malei fua ;
Very, n~atua. matgala.
Vesicate, manunu. Wake, v. a. fafagu.
Vesicle, po'u. Walk, savali.
Vessel, b u ;' vaa papelagi. IVnl king-stnff, tootoo,
\Te3tiK~, t uhgivae ; faailoga. IVall. pa, nllpa.
vex, i:taltll. \Vallorv, taati li.
Vexatious, S O ~ S ~ . Wander, seG.
Vial, fagu laitiiti. Wane, gase.
I'llxatc, tetetcte. Want, mativa, monao.
Vice, ulavalr. pnmta. Wanton, ulavale, faalnataitu.
l'lctor, 16 uit niiilo. War, taua.
Victory, ntanumalo. War, v. tau le taua.
Victuals, mea e 'ai. Warm, mafanafana.
Vie, losilrjsi. Warm, v . faafnna.
View, a. vaavaai. Warn, a r p o a ' i .
Vigilant, mataala -'Wrirp,
Vigorous, malosk. I I V . 6. 0.
Vile, leaga.
V i l i , faaleaga.
Village, faoa aai
Wasp, lagornumu. Whale, tafoli.
Waste, v . a. faarnaumau. What, o l e i i ? s e a ?
Waste, v . n. faatinovale. Wheedle, faaoleole.
Watch, v . a. leoleo, lamalama, vaa- Whelp, tamaLiuli.
vaai. When, pe a (fut.) ; intenog. ana-
Watch, v. n. mataala, leoleo. fea? (past) ; afea ? (fut.)
Water, vai, siiivai; (to chiefs) tau- Wheuce, maifea? naifea? ifea?
fa. * Where, o i fea? o fea ?
Waterfall, afu. Wherefore, o le mea lea.
Watery, suivaia, viivsi. Wherret, nati, faasoesii.
Wattle, faati'a. Whet, faamata, faamaai.
Wave, penu ; breaker, galu. Whether, pe, po.
Wave, v. the hand, &c. tapa. Whetstone, faamata.
Wax, pulu. Which, o 16 ; o le fea ?
Way, ala. While, 1 ii 6 ; manii (only in szpter-
Waylay, lamalama. Whilst
. ~ j sions denoting fortunatu-
We, o i matou or tatou ; (duul) ly, 6-c-
miua or tiua. Whip, s6sa.
Weak, vaivai. Whirl, lialia'i.
Weal, faalavalava o lc ta. Whirlpool, vili.
Wealth, oloa. Whirlwind, asiosio.
Wean, faate1a i le susu. Whisker, vaega 'ava.
Weapon, auupega. Whisper, v. musumusu.
Wear, ofu ai. Whistle, mapu ; a bird, valovalo.
Weary, lailoa, 1s lavfi, vaivai ; of the White, sinasina, palepa'e.
ear or eye, pasi (as pasi i vaai). Whitewash, vali faasinasina.
Weave, lalaga. Whither, i fea?
Web, (as cobweb) apogaleveleve. Who, o 1s ? o ai ?
Wed, of a man, faiavi ; of a wo- Whole, atoatoa.
man, nofo tane; nofo. Whoop, 'ululii.
Wedge, tina. Whore, ftlfine talitane, fafine taa i
Wednesday, aso lulu. le ala, fafine mulilua.
Wee, laitiiti, uinii, tii. . Why, a i s e i i ? s e i i l e m e a ?
Weed, vao. Wick, vavae.
Weed, v . vele vao, ini. Wicked, ulavale, agaeala, leaga.
Weep, tagi. Wide, vateatea, lautele.
Weigh, fua. Widow, fafine ua oti lana tane.
Weighty, mamafa. Wife, av: ; (chiefs) faletua, mati-
Welcome, v. ofo. ofo.
Well, s. vaieli. Wild, aivao ; feai ; segisegi.
M'ell, a*. malol6, rnalosi. Wile, togatiti pepelo.
Well, adu. lelei, maeu. Will, loto, manao; (chiefs) fim-
Welluigh, toetoe. galo.
Wellspring, . Willing, rnafai, loto.
Welter, taafi i. Win, ua sini, malo, &c.
Wen, piitu. Wince. 1 rneLime'i.
Wench, teine ; fafine talitane. Winch (
West, sisifo, gagaifo. Wind, iavili, matagi.
Wet, sii. Wind, v . taai, taataai.

Windboand, puni matagiina. Wreath, fili.

Window, tka~lialama. Wrecked, tu'ia.
Wing, apaau. Wrench, mimilo, fa'i.
Wink, emo. Wrest
Wipe, fufulu, talimatu. Wrestle, fagatua.
Wise, poto. Wretched, malaia.
Wish, manao. Wring, mimilo.
With, i, ma. Wrinkle, mannuminumi.
Withdraw, alu ese. Wrist, tapulima.
Wither, nlamae. Write, tusi.
Withhold, tao6. Writhe, vili.
Within, i totonu, i fale. Wrong, seaE.
Without, i fafo, i tua. Wrong, v . agaleaga.
Without, conj. sei iloga, vagani. Wry, pi'o-
Withstand, tetee.
Witness, molimau.
Wo, aue, le pagii. ' Y
Woman, fafine.
Womb, maniiva. YAM, ufi.
Wonder, ofo. Yawn, miivava.
Wonderful ! int. ola ! maeu ! Ye, outou ; (duul) oulua.
Wont, v . masani. . Year, tausaga.
Wood, laau ; vao matua. Yearly, lea tausaga ma lea tausaga.
Woof, fausa. Yearn, mutimutivale.
Wool, fulufulu o mamoe. Yell, uio.
Word, upu ; (chief's)fetalaiga, afi- Yellow, samasama.
Yes, ioe, e, oi.
Work, v. galue. Yesterday, ananafi.
Work, s. galuega. Yet, e ui lava.
world, lalolagi ; a the wmld,9' Yield, usiuaita'i, gaua'i.
salemausau uma lava. Yonder, i 6 .
Worldly, faalelalolagi, faasalemau- You, (sing.) *;(dual)Oulua; (PI.)
mu. outou.
Worm, anufe. Young, child, tama; man, taulea-
Wormeaten, atiatia. lea ; animal. treq &c., tama'i;
Worse, e sili ona Ieaga. animals and birds, toloa'i, ofaga.
worship, tapuai, ifo. Your, llu, 1% ; (dual) la oulua;
Wont, aupito leaga. (pl.) la outou.
Worsted, toilalo, tulia, faiaina. Youth, taulealea.
Worth, aogii.
Wound, manu'a.
Wrangle, femisa' i, feupua'i. z
Wrap, aui.
Wrath, ita; ("f chiefs) toass, toa- ZEALOUS, ~ O S ~ I;Om;l'ele@.


A I A'aLa, S. an odoriferous plant used

for scenting oil.
t letter of the S a m n n alphabet. 'Aai, s. a town, a village.
s a long and short pronuncia- 'Aai, v. ($. of 'ai), to eat.
and, in some few wards, it is 'Aao, s. an arm, hand, or leg of a
~hort,almost like G : as in ncate, chief,
,vaue, fimfZnuv. 'Aao, a. proud bearing.
1. of, or belonging to. Aau, s. a reef.
. when. 'Aau, v. to swim ; pl. feausi.
but, if. 'Aau, V. (pl. of 'au), to send.
, of surprize. 'Aafia, v. to be taken away (of
n. what 7 (as Se ii leu ntea ?) things) by a relation, without the
Ign of the future tense, when permission of the owner ; to be
about to do a thing. ~nvolvedwith others in trouble.
affix to some verbs, to form 'Aafu, v. ( p l of 'afu), to cover up.
3assive ; (as ave, uvea). Aaga, s. a kicking match.
affix to nouns, to form adjec- 'Aala, u. to smart ; intensive, fe'a-
,signifying full of, abounding lasi.
(as niu, a cocoanut : niua, 'Aale, v. to be prompt, to do things
,f cocoanuts). wid1 despatch.
n of the dual and plural, in- 'Aalii, s. a species of taro.
1 of la, before the pronouns. 'Aalo, a. deceitful, avoiding open-
fibres of a root ; family oon- ness, covering up.
ion. 'Aalo, v. (intensive of 'alo), to avoid
a kick. constantly or repeatedly.
to kick ; pl. k a a ; pass. aa- 'Aalu, s. dregs ; tlle cocoanut oil
partially formed ; (as 'alu).
, ,the name of a fie11 ; the 'Aalu, v . to be only partially formed,
a s substance which grows (applied to seraped nuts which d e
d the cocoanwt. See d s o not readily yield oil).
'AA. I . & I ute which fan
t . an exclarnati~ad ( JP themselves.
ation. en; pass. lamia;
'Lmi'ami, to fetch one after ano- Ai, s. a fence, a railing.
ther. Ai, v. to fence in ; pass. iiia.
'Aami'a, s. the name of a shrub. Ai, s. a concession made in defer-
'Aalnu, L-. to whisper discontents ence to another party.
with ridicule. Ai, pr. who, whosoever.
'Aano, s. flesh; the kernel; sub- Ai, pr. him, her, it, that, which.
stantial food. Ai, adv. there ; probably, very like-
'Aapa, v. to stretch out the hand in .
orderito take hold of somethiug. A i, prep. fron~,(as nai, mai).
'Aapo, v . (pl of 'apo), to nurse. Ai, the reflective particle, referring
'Aapu, v. to draw the wind, (applied back to the nominative, or to the
to a sail). cause, time, place, consequence,
'Aha, a. & v. glowing hot. reason, &c.
'.4aui, v. to scratch; to scrape fu- 'Ai, v . to eat ; pl. 'acai ; pass. 'aina.
tuga. 'Ai, s. a present of raw food, (an
'Aata, v . (pl. of 'ata), to laugh. introduced word) ; the stone with
(Se1dom:used). which children play hide and seek;
Aatilsi, s. a species of cress. a count towards the numberwhich
'Aati, v . to eat in, as an ulcer; to determines the game.
gnaw off (as tlie skin of sugar- A'i, a particle denoting the cause,
cane). means, or instrument.
'Aato, a. complete in counting en- Aia, v . to be galled or chafed.
tire tens : (as, e sefulu 'auto, 4c.) Aii, v. (mostly preceded by a ne-
'Aava, a. bitter, acrid ; scorching gative), to have no authority in
hot (of the sun). or over.
'Aava, v. to be bitter ; to be scorch- A6ia'i, a. true, genuiue ; adv. very,
ing hot ; pass. 'avasia. truly, really.
Ae, int. used in chasing a wounded 'Ai'aiga, v. incomplete; partly con-
bird, or in forbidding a dog run- sumed ; applied also to the moon,
ning at something. when either waxing or waning.
Age,v. to go up ; to ascend, as from 'Ai'aiga, v. to go out to beg food.
fishing, from banishment ; also 'Aiau, v. (lit. to eat the gaU),to be
used of the waves. cowardly ; (also ate'ai).
ALe,adv. up. 'Aialii, v. to supply a chief with
'Age, v . to ascend, as to the top of food and otherwise to assist him
a liouse, a tree, or a mountain ; in expectation of getting property
pl. fe'a'ei and tausili ; pass. 'a'ea, in return.
to be taken (as a fortress). 'Aialiiga,
Aea, s. a score. 'Aialiitaga s. the office of 'aialii
'A'ega, s. a stick used as a ladder. 'Aiisi,
. .
v. (fiom 'ai and hi), to beg
A'zga, s. an ascent; food prepared food.
before going to catch pigeons. Ai'oi, v. to beg, to entreat, to im-
'A6egafale, v . to be provoked; to be plore.
angry with. Aioge, s. one who removes to a m
A6tg5fale, s. a number of houses tiler land on account of a scarcity
built at tlie same time. of food.
Aemaise, c. also, together with, (as 'Aiuli, v . to make much of by 811p
amaise) ; enpecially. plying with good things, and giv-
C,\cano. s. a n p ~ c i ~ol's land clSal). ing tho bast of everythi~~g to.
'Aiuli, s. ostentatious kindness to a fcru; ;I title of dignity given to
chief. chiefs.
'Aifanua, s. a tenant ; a person cul- Ao, a. ten, (used in counting in
tivating another's land. games).
Aifoi, s. a shellfish which has re- Ao, v. iinpcrs. it is right, proper,
cently shed its shell. fitting, necessary.
Aifuna, . to lay by food for the
Ao, v. a. to collect, to gather toge-
husband. ther, as stones, &c.
digs, s. a family; relations; mar- Ao, v . to be perfect, as a house,
riage (as the beginning a family). boat, &c.
*Aiga,s. the act of eating; a meal. Ao, iioao, v. to search, to look for,
'Aigamea, s. a part of some food, especially ill the bush.
being not a complete joint or por-
'Ao, a. small made, slender.
tion ; a contemptuous term for a A'o, a'oa'o, v. to teach.
diseased person. Aiia, s. a fish trap ; a bird cage ;
'Aigaaleafi, s. ashes. the hole of the cuttle fish.
Aigofie, s. a club match. Aiia, s. the banyan tree.
Aigofie, a. pretty (of a village). 'A'oa'i, v. to reprove, to correct.
'Ailao, v. to fence or flourish a club.'ALoaLiga,S. a reproof, a correction.
Ail?, s. a cocoanut just formed. Aoao, a . excellent, surpassing, su-
Aimilii, v. to be victorious, (mostly preme.
of animals). Aoao, v. to be supreme.
'Aimama, v . to eat chewed food ; to A'oa'o, s. a teacher. See also A'O.
be severely beaten with fists or 'Ao'ao, s. the armpit; the sides of
clubs. a canoe.
'Aimeo, v. to be angry on account Aoauli, s. noon (not so late as 12
of or in connection with food. Aoatea o'clock).
'Aina, a. eatable. Aiiatai, s: a large branching sea-
'Kina, v. to be inhabited. weed.
Ai~aga,s. a cl~ildgiven to the gods.Aoula, s. a day dance.
'Aiwe, v. to beg food a t a feast. Aofilbi, v. n. to collect together, to
'Aisila, v. to beg fish. come together ; pl. feaofa'i.
Ahla, v. to steal property from re-Aofa'iga, s. the sum total.
lations ; t o steal a wife. Aofaga, s. a collection ; a searching
Aitia, s. a child's game. Pdrt Y.
Aofia, v. to be assembled, to be col-
Aitio, v. to dance about in triumph.
J~itu, s. a spirit ; a god ; a feast in lected.
honour of a god. Aogii, a. useful, valuable, profittlble.
Aitua, a. to be haunted. A'oga, s. a teaching ; a school.
'Aitoto, v. to have a bloody mouth.Aogalemu, s. broad daylight.
Aitu6, int. the call in tautapa. Aotele, v . to gather all i n one (of
Aitutagata, s. a murderer by means things).
of tlie foto. Aotelega, s. a general gathering to-
Aivao, a. wild, (applied to animals gether in one.
which have run into the bush). Au, s. a sharp thorn on a fish ;
(hence) a needle ; a tatooing in- d
'AivaIe, a. to eat improper articles of
food. strunlent ; the gall : the liver ;
Ao, r . a cloud ; day ; daylight ; a the heart, as the seat of the af-
chief's head ; name of a kind of fections ; n currcnt at Sea.
All, n lxivittive pnrtirle prefixed to Auala, s. the bier a f a d e ~
vt>rhx; (as, E fe iiri SUW, lie Ires 'Aualii, s. a tulie heel; a I
ttot conle at all, or Ile has never Aualofa, s. a keepsake, sc
A'u, pro". I ; also tg.
'Au, s. a stalk of a plant; a handle; ,
/ to keep in remembranct
sent or dead. '
Aoaluma, s. a company
a bunch (of bananas) ; a troop; ; ladies.
a class or gang ; a shoal (of fish). I AuamB, s. property of a t
IAu, u. to rend: puss. 'auina; au
mai, to bring.
/ kind, and so causing :
those giving it. (The01
Au, auau, 11. to carry away (as the
stones of p wall) ; puss. &I. Au ane, v. to take the nr
~ A u Rv., irnpers. don't. head of a family who har
Aui, c. because, on accourlt of; just
so, to be sure; used also as a par- 1 so11 or brother).
ticle gf dissent, as, Why, but. AuG, int. alas! oh! (of wc
Aiia, s. a young anrce. Au'ee, s. a passenger, QIIC
'Auao, s. attendants of the aitu, be- a passage in a canoe, (a!
ing inferior spirits. Auega, s. a crying sf au6.
Auau, v. to pick out (as the bot~es 'Aueva, s. the shed skin c
of a fish). and shellfish.
'Au'au, s. the ridgepole of a house. 'Aui, a. to wind round ; 'r
'Au'au, v. to swim abollt, (from wind round and round.
'aau) ; to bathe (to chiefs). Aui, a, ten (bn$oto) ; alsp
Au'au, v. to review troops, to make fulu.
a rlirplay before going to war. Au'iliili, v. to take all ; to
'Arttautau, F. to agree together (in tiuitaliga, v. (from a ~ , itc,
r~qnrtlto dotng someth~rlg). be led away by reports.
Ti~~iluli, S. a tree wl~oscfroi t Misters 'Au'o'a, s. one kind of yat
the skin. Auoso, s. one who begs a
'Au'auloa, v . to pass right on to the (as Suee).
journey's end without calling in Auosogr, s. the carriers o
on the road. chief's bier.
'Au'auna, s. a servant (from 'au, Au'upega, s. wetipon* of o
to send). 'Aufa'i, s. a bunch of bans
'Au'auna, v . to serve. iiufana, s. a how.
'Aucaumaile, s. one kind of wild ,?t~fnnaua, a. childless (frc
yam. of cl~ildren).
cAu6aumami,a. not causing shame Auhsa, u. to rise (of the
(as property of a good quality, (as Gna'e).
and a troop or travelling party of Aofiti, v . to writhe ip pain
good-looking men). Aufono, s. a division o f a la
cAu6afa,s. tine mats, (SO called as in some places instejrd 0
being tied up with 'afa). 'Auga, v. to lmk up to, t
Auaga'e, s. (from au, aga, and age), on, to depend on.
a current setting eastward. Auga, s. a makc s11iR.
'Auagefulu, a. ten (applied to yams AugBgau,s. a rcvielv e d
and bunches of bananas). troops lxfore golug. to w
Auala, s. the roadside. AugGfhtu, s. a removing
lleaps of stones placed to attract Auhli, S. a sunkell rock.
fishes. Aurnii? v . to what purpose? of what
'Augamiilie, 2,. to come oppmtunely, use ?
(as taigalemu). hurnau, s. an alien, a stranger.
A ~ g a n i V. , tc swear. hurnau, v. to sojourn.
Augapiu, a . very ugly, exceedingly Aumafute, s. the wood of tlie papet
bad, (applied to men, houses, &c.) mulberry after the bark is stripped
(as aupiu); off.
'Augati, a . disobedient. Aumiiga, s. the body of yoltng men
Augitagata, 7 s. the succession of of a land who chew tlie 'uva, and
Aug%tupul;~ga$ generations of men. attend on chiefs.
'Augarale, a. mortal, perishing. 'Aumngeo, s. one kind of banana or
'.4ugotie, a . o b r d i e ~ ~ t . plantain.
'Augutuava, s. the sides of an open- 'A~~malaia, v . to be c o n t i ~ ~ ~ ain
ing through the reef. adversity.
'Aulii, s. the top part of a Samoan 'Aurnalie, s. one kind of banana.
sail. 'Aumanuia, v. to be continilally
Aula'bt~a, v. tb be killed in war, and prosperous.
have the head carried off. 'Aumatua, s. a breeding animal.
AuIa'i, v . to be heaped up, to he in Aurnat~lii,s. an orphan.
abuudabce ; pl. aulalai; (as fau- 'Aumea,
hi). 'Aunlearnamar 1
Aula'igatagata, s. a generation of Aulnoe, v . to sleep away from Ilome;
s. an associate, a

me& to go out courting; to sleep in a

Aulaomea, s. fish gills. woman's iamily with a view to
'Aulrlo, v . to swim off in order to making pro osals ; pl. '5umomoe.
fish. 1
Xumoega, s. t e party going to make
Aulama, s. dry cocoanut leaves ; proposals to a Itldy.
dry logs of' the ijlele. Aumuli, s. a current setting west.
Aulapata'i, s. tlie level land a t the Aunifoa, u. toothless.
foot of a hill ; (also luputa'i). Aunoa, v . to be without; k aunoa,
'Auldpe, s. witnesses or lookers on to be unremitting.
in the game of tologu, whose bu- 'Annofo, s. troops in reserve.
siness it is to see that the tupulaa punu'ua, v . to dwell away liom
or boundary is not passed by the home.
players. A U I ~ I I Is.I Uthe
, name of' a %moan
'Aulelei, o. handsome. month answering to our May.
Auleleia, s to be carried nshore by 'Ar~pii,s. a line of wall.
the current; to g e t s chieftai~~shipAupaa, v. to be 011 a par, (used only
or other honor. ill reproof).
Auli, a. pl;rio [water] : vai auli. Aupiu, a. ugly, def~~rmed,badly
Ail;, s. a clothes iron. made, (as augopiu).
Aulia, v. to renrh, to arrive; to be Aupito, u . very, exceedingly.
taken in war pither dead or alive. Aupito, v . (followed by utrc), to be
AuIiuIi, n. sl,arious. f'lrthest off; (fullowcd by n ~ u i )to
AuIiuIigid, v . to be far from, to be be nearest.
free from blame. Aupitoaluga, a. Ilighest.
1 , 1 s. the stell1 from which Aupui, v. to splash.
'Aulw!oso ~ u t s i l ~ s a S.
tllc c o c ~ ~ ~ r have , steam, viipor ; mctnphor.
k!tll pichcd. (lf ""C'.
'Ausa'alo, s. the wooden seat to Afa, s. t!le name of a trce ; a small
which the cocoanut scraper is stick used in making nets.
fixed. Afa, s. a storm.
'Ausaga, s. a company of swimmers; 'Afa, s. cinet ; the name of a fish.
anything to assist in swimming. 'Afa, v. to be proper, to be fit.
Ausage, v. t o be left few in num- 'Afa'afa, s. name of a fish.
ber ; to be desolate. 'Afa'afa, a. strong, robust, (applied
'Au'ausi 1 a. good looking, (applied.
to men, plantains, &c.)
Ausia, v . to pass (as the dart thrown
to men).
'Afa'afai, 71. to wind cinet round the
handle of a weapon.
in the game of tagati'a). Afai, c. if.
'Ausiva, s. the band of singers a t a 'Afa-5'0, s. a hank of cinet ; (also
night dance. fau'ufaga).
Ausoa, v . to dance by companies a t Af'aitra, v. (from a f a ) , hurt injured;
a night dance. (used only interrogatively and ne-
'liutii, s. marks of burns inflicted gatively, as, Uu afuina e a lou
on the death of a chief; a drum. linza 7 E le afaina).
stick used to beat the wooden 'Afauto, s. the rope a t the t o p of a
drum or bell. n~t.
'Autii, s. the agitation of the sea Afafine, s. a daughter.
aftor a breeze. ' A f ~ g a ,s. the bandage for t h e feet
Autafa, v. to take out the bones in in climbing the cocoanut.
the side of a fish ; to take the Af'aga, s. a small beach.
thorns from the sides of the paogo Afagafaga, a. stiffened (as a limb
leaf. from disease); tightened(as n rope
'Autafa, s. the sloping side of a hill. overstrained) ; metaphorically ap-
Autapu, v. to swear, (as au,qa?zi). plied to anger.
Aute, s. the Chinese rose, or black- 'Afi~taai, 1
s. a large roll of cinet.
ing plant. 'Afatagai j
Autonu, v. to keep things in order Afatia, u. to be in a storm.
in a village or a family. Afato, s. a large edible grub found
Al~tii,S. the Icader, director, or prin in dry trees ; (also moeeseese).
cipal agent. 'Afiivae. s. the rope a t the foot of
Autupua, v. to curse, to imprecate the- net ; (also fauvae).
a curse on. Afe, a . a tl~ousand.
Auva'a, v . (always used with the Afe, u. to call in a t a place, house,
negiltivo le, as e le iiut:u6n), not &c. ; pass. afea.
fit, not proper, (applied to work, Afe, v. to turn up an end or corner,
words, and cot~duct.) (as of a mat, Imok, &c.) -
'Auva'a, s. a crew. Afea, adv. when ?
'Auvae, s. the chin. Afeaf'e, s. a room.
'Auvaealaln, s. the lower jaw. rlfei, zr. to line with leaves (as a
'Auvaealuga, s. the upper jaw. basket, or the hole for rnuri).
'Auvai, s. the brink of i~river, well, Afega, s. a person living at another
or of ally water. land convenient for his pawing
'Auvale, a. ugly (of men) ; bad (of townsmen to call on.
bananas). Afetualaina, v. to call on casually,
A ~ ~ v a l eva., to be carried away by not having intended to d o so on
the cllrre~tt; to lose a cllieHiiin- settilrg out.
s!ril) out ol'a lh~tlily. Afi, S. tire,
AGA 79
Afi, s. u bundle, parcel, package. 4fu6afu, s. the peritoneum ; the
Afi, T?. t o do up ill a bundle ; pl. hymen ; a true brother.
afifi. ,fulelea, v . (from LEfu and lelea), to
Afia, s. the name of a shrub. be completely withered away.
Afia, v.puss. (from a$), to be burnt ifu!oto, s. bedclothes used under
accidentally. the tainamu.
Afiafi, s. the eveninq ~fulu,v. to be overcooked.
Afiagafulu, a. ten af z, or small bun- Lfulugii, v. to be rotten, (applied to
dles of fish, masi, &c. taro which has been planted in
Afi avao, s. the name of a trec. the stump of a rotten tree).
Afio, u . (followed by rnai), to come ; Lfusigalau, s. the sprdy risiug fronl
(with atu), to go ; to be present ; the waves on the reef.
t o die : pl. afifio ; (only used to iga, s. a span : limasaga, five span ;
high chiefs). j'itusagu, seven span.
Afioaga, s. a chiefs residence ; a iga, s. conduct, manner of acting.
chief's scat. Iga, v . to do, act, go, come : ogii-
Afioga, s. a word, a speech, the pre- qa mai ; ~ecipr.feaga'i, to go np
sence of a high chief. and down.
Afitio, v. See AFIO. iigaese, s. an axe, (used in the pre-
Afilaau, s. a great burning on ac- sence of chiefs instead of to'i).
count of the death of a chief. Agai, s. attendants on a chief.
Afilua, a. twenty bundles of fish, Agaiati, v. to make a burning for a
masi, &c. dead chief.
Afinamea, s. the name of a fish. Agaiotupu, s. a complimentary name
Afisi, v. to carry under the arm ; t o for a carpenter or tatooer.
carry a child on the hip. Agafaafafine, v. to act as a woman,
Afisiga, s. an armful ; a load car. to act with mildness.
ried under the arm. Agafaanlanu, v . to act without
Afi~ulia,s. about 8 or 9 p.m., when Agafaapuaa thought.
most of the lights are out. Agafaavalea, v . to act as a foolish
Afo, s. a fishing line. person.
'Afo, v. to be seriously wounded ir Agaga, s. a disembodied spirit.
war. Agaga, v. to devise,, to plan ; to
Afolau, s. a long house. challenge.
Afono, adv. perhaps. See ATONU Agagafulu, a. ten spans.
'Afu, s. a wrapper of siupo used a! Agagamca, a. skilful.
a sheet. Agalelei, s. kindness.
'Afu, v. to wrap 11p in the 'afu. Agalelei, v . to be kind.
Afu, 8 . a waterfall. Agiilii, s. (c.ya a alii) rhieflike con-
Afu, v. to perspire ; to be heatec duct; well behaved.
(as an oven); to wither (as an Agamafu, v. to be ripe, (only of the
nual plants). chesnut).
Aftla, s. a feast made when the wif; Agamalll, a. mild.
is fouud to be pregnant. Agamasesei, s. bad conduct.
Afua, afuafua, v. to begin. Aganuu, v. to act accordiug to the
Afuafu, s. a light shower. custorlls of one's own couut~y.
Afuafu, v. to curl over as a wav Agasitla, s. si~l,(aniotroduced term).
about to break. Agatele, v. to abuse, to use ubusi~e
Agatonu, v . literally, to go straight; as one interfering in a .qu&
applied to the people of n village rel).
having a chief over them ; to a Ala'u, v. spoken of anythmg nd
head of a family in regard to vi- nearly finished ; always interm 4
sitors by giving tl~elnfood ; to gatively or negatively, as,Ua ah% '
one who has never been fined. ea? E le ala'u.
Agaviivai, a. mild, gentle. Ala~lsu,v. to start the first thing h .
Agavale, v. to be left-handed ; to the morning.
come empty-handed ; to be un- Alafa, s. fungus growing on rottea .
grateful. wood, highly phosphoreacent.
A ~
Agiagi 1' v, to blow, of tlre wind. Aliifau, s. the cheek.
Alafaga, s. a morning angling.
s. a chief's speech, (used Aliifale, s. land belonging to theailr
on y in a jocular way on Savaii).
""Ti, of a village.
Agina, v. to be put in motion by tlie Alafia, v. pass. (from ala), to be ,
wind ; to blow straight out as a able to head for : to be able to
flag: n1etnphor.applied to speech- get at (as at a tree in order to cat
es not meant to end in doing any- it down).
tlii~tg; also applied to the ears of Alafia, v. to be hurt by joining in
one running away; redup. agina- anotlier's quarrel, o r through hh ,
gina. own wickedness. See ALATAXA. .
Ayini, v. to tuck u p the luvalava Alaga, v . to shout out, to call out;
'so as not to o b s t i c t the wearer. pl. alalaga.
Agipo, v. to blow a t night. Alaga, s. a shoi~lderor leg of an
Ago, s. the turmeric plant. See animal.
LEGA. AlagRlima, s. the shoulder.
Ago, v. to mark with turmeric (as Alaga~nea,s. a small net.
the planks of a canoe in fitting Alagavaa, s. a sore caused by mb-
them); to draw the lines for ta- bing against tlie canoe in
tooing. the name of an artificial r 'y-hook
Agoago, v. to deviie, to plan. for catching the bonito.
Agosi, v. to be wasted away from Alala, v. (alnala, from ala), to sit
sickness. up at night : to sit or dwell, ( a p ,
Ala, s. a path, a way, a road, a plied to chiefs) ; a form of even-
passage : the warp ; a cause or ing salutation.
reason. Aliilat'arra, s. a number of people sit-
Ala, v. to spring from. ting together a t night: a c h i 8 8
Ala, v. to awake. See MALEII'IIA. d w e l l i ~ ~; ga chief's coffin.
Ala, v. to angle in the morning. Alilafutu, s. tlie name of a fish.
AIR, s. a stone woru smooth by the Alamea, s. a stinging shellfish. .
action of water. 'Alamisi, s. one kind of land crab.
Ala, 7). to scratch; pl. f e a l ~ ,to 'Alamu, v. to go quickly; to godi
srratch with both hauds. rect to.
Ala'a, s. the name of a tree. Alana'i, s. one who dies with him
Ala'afl, s. the mark of cinet tied oppol~ent.
round tlie body. Ala~ia'i, v. to take with; to c a q .
Ala'alo, s. a bye-road. See ALATUA. away as plunder ; pass. aIatui"
Alai, 7r. to I= forward in speaking Alani, s. an excuse.
(as a cllild I,,-forc its elrlcrs, and Alasca'c, s. a bye road.
Alksii, s . the row of ends left to fas- / fish, &c.) : a chiefs belly; a
ten off a mat. chief's child.
Alitaia, v . to be hurt by joining an- Alo, v. to paddle, to pull a canoe ;
other's quarrel, or by h ~ owns wic- to go out bonito fishing; pass.
kedness. See ALAFIA. I?lofia ; (also ii'oalo).
Aliitua, s. ti back rodd. Alo, v. to fan ; gloalo, to continue
'Alava, s. the skin of the flat part of to fan.
the stem of the cocoanut leaf; a 'Alo, v. to conceal, to 11ide; to get
prominent veil1 ; fibrcs of the out of the road ; to elude a blow ;
wood and stem of the cocoanut. to make excuses ; pl. 'a'alo, fe-
'Alava6ula, s. a species of' shark. 'alo'alofa'i ; puss. 'alolia.
Alavnlavti, v. to be fibrous, to be 'Aloii, s. a worn out 'usi.
stringy; to 11.1veprominent veins; Aloalo, s. the space between the reef
applied to one scoldil~g. and the bcach.
'Ale, s. a slrellfial~. 'Alo'alo, s. the flower of the yutoe.
Aleala, s. a c o c o a ~ ~ uint which the AloaloF~nua,s. the name of a plant.
kernel is just b~~ginning to form ; Aloalovai, s. the name of a plant.
a term for a coward. Alo'ava'ava, a. hasty, irritable.
Alei, v . to drlvc, to chase ; to di- Aloi, v. to remove dirt from a bot-
vorce ; pass. aleia. tle by i~~trollucing a stick.
Alelo, s. the tongue, (used only i n Aloiafi, s. sparks.
cursirrg). See LAULAUFAIVA. Aloil~iu,s. the ioner side of the Ler-
Alrva, s. the namc of a bird like a nt.1 of tlie young rlut.
cuckoo. Aloipopo, s. the inner side of the
'Ah, s. the bamboo pillow. kernel of'the hard nut.
Aha, s. a watercourse; the dry bed Alou, s. matter, pus ; a pig, (used
of a river. before chiefs).
Alia, s. a double canoe. Aloua, a. having matter formed (as
'Ali'ao, s. the name of a shellfish. an abscess).
Aliali, v. to appear; (also iili). Alofa, s. love, compa~sion. J"
s. a chitf. Alofa, v . to love, to compassionate;
Aliita'i, v . to have as chief over; to salute ; pl. aloloh; prrss. nlo-
to be subjt,ct to a chief. faina, alofagia ; recipr. fealofaui.
Aliitia, v. to be inhabited by a chief, Alofa'i, v . (fhom alo), to paddle, to
to have a chief residing in the pull a canoe.
land. 'Alofd'i, v. (from 'ulo), to conceal
. Aliga, s. the name of a semi-trans- (as food or property).
parent calabash. Alofaga, s. the expression of love.
AligaIiga, u. smooth and shining, Alohga, s. the distance w hicli a ca -
(applied to an abscess whrn near noe has to be pulled from one
bleaking) ; thin (as tlie plank of place to another.
- a canoe). 'Alofagii, s. a place f'or avoiding dan-
Alila, int. pshaw ! ger.
Allli, s. the name of a shellfish. Alofi, s. the circle of chiefs.
M i , r. a cricket. Alofi, v . to sit ill a circle.
Alititai, see I LITITAI. Alofilima, s. the palm of the hand.
; Alitivai, see ILIT~VAI. Alotivae, s. the sole of the foot.
hvu, a. long ago. See A v r ~ u . Alogalu, s. the slopir~gside of 8
b,8. the under side (as of cloth, wave.
Alogo, s. tllc yarne of a fi::l~. Lmo, 21. to carry on the nl~oolders.
Alnlifa, s. the nanle of n flat turtle. Lmoga, s. a burden ; the name of
Aloputa, s. t l ~ ualne
e of a thick tur- a c!nster of stars.
tle. inloti, s. the trigger of a gun.
'-4lova0, s. one w l ~ ogets out of the irnoti, v. to pull the trigger.
way of \ isitors. AWU,S. a branching kind of coral.
Alu, U. to go ; pl. o ; rcrlupl. illu Lmu, 71. to speak thick (as the voice
~ I L :I rccipl-.ft.al11a'i. I)/.feoa'i, to of a dyiug person).
go barltw;lrtls ancl f(irv:a:ds; (in imuia, 21. to be blessed, t o b e hap-
sorlle places h'alumn'i is used, also p y ; (used orlly i n cot~gratula-
t'raltialr~r~~a~iand Ikalualua'i). tion).
'Alu, s. dregs, lees. Atr~u'~lla,s. red coral; a name
'Alu, v. to arlive opportu~lely. given to the dolphit~.
Alualu, 7,. to exwed, to exccl; to Inluli, udv. hereafter.
drive, to cl~ase. lrnutia, v. as a ~ n u i u .
'Alu'alu, s. a species of starfisl~. itla, s. a cave.
'Alu'alutoto, s. clottcd blood. h a , c. if; (used only i l l t h e past
Aluga, s. a soft jrillow. time).
Aluga, 11. to place the head on a l n a , a particle expressive of past
pillow ; yl. i~luluga. time.
Anla, s. t11c outrigger of a canoe. kna, pr. (pl. of l a ~ a )his,
, hem.
Amn, v. ignorant, unable to d o ; Ana, s. a soft kind of coral used as
(always used wit11 a negative alld putnice stone.
applied to one who is haudy a t v. to obey.
ally kind of work, as, E leui se Aun'ana
m i a e amu ui). inaana. a. full of raves.
'lima'ama, s, a species of crab found Ana'sna, s. a s~nallfreshwater fish.
on the rocks. Ana'ana, 21. to go into danger.
Alnaise, c. ii1~0,tog( t l ~ e with,
r 411ae,s. the mullet.
cially. Anai, 71. to rub with 'nnrc; 'ana-
Anlana'i, 21. to llrap up, to exceed ; 'anai, to rub repeatedly.
Anaoao, s. the name of a thorn tree.
Y a
to keep ill 111it1d811 ~ I I J I I ~ or
fdvollr. Anafea, udv. whtn ? (of past time).
Aniata, 7r. to Iwgin, to commence. Anifiati, udv. this evening, (of past
Anlntaga, s. the comme~:cemznt. time).
A me:#, ;! plu.asc. rtecxl soll~etimt>s in
Anaga, s. a joke, a jest.
ansbvering the cluestio~l,W l ~ y&c, ,,Ar~agati,a. durable.
" It was I~ecar~se," 8.-c. ,Allagofie, a. perisl~able.
Amcto, s. t l ~ cnanlt ol' a small rrab. 'Analaufa'i, s. a species of 'am.
Ami, s. t l r roc of cri~bsailcl slicll- rloalrila, adv. to day, (past time).
hs11; ~ C I I ~ S . LlnalGseauoa,c. except, uttless. ( p a s t
'An~ia,rr. puss. of 'a:l~ri. time).
Alialnlu, adv. quite dark.
Anamagi, s. the full grown i t l a p .
~ n ~ i o k i v.
o , to go about ia the di Anamua, udv. formerly.
rectiou of. Al~anafi,ndv. yesterday.
A n ~ i g s~. ,a fetcl~ilig; the party wh( AnapO, udv. last ~~iglrt.
go 10 felcll itnotlter. Anapofiamaina, adt*. recently; (li-
Amo, s. the stick 011 wI,i(-l~ 1>11rdcn! terally, thrce n i g l ~ ago).
arc c;~l.ri~,tl, a ?(:kc.
APO 83
Anapogi, a. to fast; pl. anapopogi. Anufe, s. a caterpillar ; a worm.
'Anapuga, s. a,species of ' a m . Anufea, a . l l a v i ~ ~worms,
g full of
Anataeao, adu. this morl~ing,(past worms.
,. time). Anume, s. the name of a tree.
- .-,'Anava, s . the clul? of a great war- Anus;, z r . to treat a superior with
rior handed down as an heirloom. greet disrespect, to insult griev-
Ane, a particle used after verbs, de- ously.
noting gei~erally indirect a tion, Anusa, adv. botwithstandi~~g.See
(as, Uu u1u une, he l ~ a sgone NUSA.
along). Anusaga, s. spittle.
Ane, s. the white ant. Anusia, v. pass. hated, (literally, to
Anea, v. to be eaten by white ants. be spit upon).
Aneanea, u. of 1or1.g standitlg, (ap 'Apa, s. copper; sheet ti11 or slit et
plied to the mulo); large qnanti- iron.
ty, (as property too much to be
attended to, and hence ccncu). 1
' A pamemea s. copper, bras^.
Anei, udv. by-and-bye, (used con- Apaau, s. a wing.
jecturally). Apaa~~tane, s. a part of the e ~ of ~ d
Anefe, s. name of a small fish. the roof of a Samoa11 house: a
Ane hatfi, 1 people distinguished for prowess.
Ane sosolo \ s. species of the ane. 'Apa'apa, s. the fin of the shark ;
'Ani'ani, a . -large, (applied to meli the name of a small kind of fish,
and beasts). (the young of t h e j l o a ) .
Aniva, s. the milky way. Apipilagi, s. foreign cloth.

Ano, v. to yield to, to listen to. 'Apatil, w. to clap the wings.
Ano, s. the crater of an extinct vol- Ape, s. a blunderbuss.
cano. 'Ape, v . to pluck out the eyes ;
'Ano, a. good, (seldom used). puss. 'apea. See SALI.
Anoano, a. a great quantity. Ape ane, v. had it been.
'Ano'ano, s. the grub .of the lago- Apeape, v. to be scarce.
mumu. Apeh'i, s. a ladder.
Anogase, s. the Ira11 part of flesh. 'Apegatala, s. a species of t u u ~ ~ i i i .
Anomalae, s. those l i v i ~ ~nearest
g Apele, v. to be full ; pl. apepele.
the malr~e,being of more conse- 'Apemagauli, s. a species of taamu.
quence than those on the outskirts Api, s. a lodging house.
of the village. Api, v . to lodge ; to be near.
Anomanava, s. the discharge in me Apiapi, a . narrow, strait.
norrhagia nnd flooding; a true 'Api'api, 71. to patch a cracked ca-
brother ; eupho. testes. not with bamboo.
Anomate, s. the lean part of flesh ; Apitau, s. war lodgings.
(U Anoynse). Apitaga, s. (from api), a tempoiary
6 'Anomoea, a . wide, roomy, (applied hut of boughs.
to a house). Apitiigalu, s. the place where the
AaovaIe, s. filthy talk. waves break along the silore.
- Anu, a. to spit; inuanu, to spit A p6, v. be quick ! (literally, " I t
Wnstantly. will be night.") See A POULI.
'hafiagi, v. to treat a superior with 'Apo, w. to nurse; to take care of
Feat conten~pt, to insult griev- (as land, &c.) ; ptrss. 'apoia.
d y . See A s us.$. Apoa, s. the name of a fish.
84 APO
Apoapo, a,. to ~loisethe spear, (as negative, as, E l e asinn ni ma tt
.fflfl ). fui, there is iro knowi~~gwhattodh
Apoapoa'i, 71. to exhort. 'Asi- tabnu, s. the name of a dk-
Apoapoaipi. s. all cxl~ort:~!ion. case.
A poilli, 11. be quirk ! (," It Aritoa, s. the name of a tree.
will be d:~rku;g!lt.") ririvai, s. the nattle of a tree.
A po fiii, urlv. three nights ago, (as .\so, s . a d a y ; o le as6, to-day.
rrirn po,fi(l). 'Aso, s. the sn~allrods fernling the
Apogi~lt-vclevc,s. a spitler ; a cob- roof of a house.
wtab. '.411oa,S . a necklace.
Lilpu. .F. a cup or tlisli rnatle of a L : \ ~ ~ ' a sS .~ a, apc,cies of yam.
1caE ~looaso,adu. (from nso), rnany dap,
Apugalt~vrlrve,.we A P ~ G . \ T . E V F . T . F . V E continually.
',-lpula~rtalo, s . n tilro leaf cup ; life Asoasoulnmoa, s. a species of yam. i
(as b t . i ~ ~1'1.aii
g ). Asosi, u. to persist in making offen
; i l ) t ~ l u p ~ ~al.u (froin
, p c ~ l u ) ,sticky, of mi~rriagc!after having been re-
rcsino~~;. jected ; to persist in n
iipulupulutia. v. pass. to be daubed when overmatcl~ed: and also to
with anvthing sticky. persist in a fruitless attempt.
Aputi, s. the Ilusk, the shell of seeds. ASII,v . to dip out, to bale. ..
Aputiputi 1 11. to cover u p (as the Asu, s. smoke.
body, or a native ovell, AsIra, v . puss. smoked ; also asmna.
or breadfruit).
Asa, s. the fin of the bonito.
'Asa, v. to I)e without, to be lack-
Asuasl~, s. haze ; dense atmo-
Asuas~~sii sphere arising from
smoke, spray, &c.
iijg, to be destitute o f ; puss. 'asa- Ata, s. a shado\v ; twilight; a spi-
ia, sometimes 'asalia. rit ; the einblem or representative
Asa, v . to wade through (as water of an ailu.
or grass). Ala, pron. my.
Asaga, s. a Ibrd. 'Ata, v. to laugh ; pl. fe'atani ; W-
Asamo, v. to beg raw food. dnpl. 'ata'ata; pass. 'atagir, lato-
Asamogn, s. a party bcpgiiig food. 'atagia.
Asi, 4. the name ot' a tree ; sandal- Ataata, s. the red sky after sunset
wood. Ataat:~,91. to treat with p r o p r re-
'Asi, s . t l ~ e n;ltlle of a shellfish ; spect.
the shell of the same used to Ataatai, v. applied to the moo11 two
scrape l u l ~ t y ; c ~thi> sl~ellof t l ~ e nights after full.
sele used to scrape breadfruit ; a 'Ata'atamamala, s. the name of a.
cocoanut sllell used to scrape taro fish : a poisonous shellfish.
with ; tlrr name of a disease. A taeao, ndv. to-morrow.
Asi, u. to tisit ; asiasi ; Atafa, s. the frigate bird.
'Asi'asi, s. tllr name of a fish ; one Ataga, s. (from attr, a shadow), t h
kind of clam tis l ~ . mere appearance of a thing, not
Asiosio, s. a wl~irlwitld; a water- what it is in reality).
spout. 'Ataga, s. laughter.
Abiti, S . a stratum of hardened sand Atagia, v. to glisten (as from a re-
under the soil. ffected light) ; to b x o m e evident.
Asilal~iti,-9. the name of a tree. (as anger).
Asino, 7:. it1tpr1.s. 1110stly11se(1with a Atali, ndv. hereafter. . 1
Atalii, s. a son. 'Atoa, c. also, togetller with.
Atamai, s. the mind ; servants, or Atoaga, s. proi~ertygive11 or1 occa-
attendants on a chief. siou of a death.
Atan~ai,u . clevrr, it~telligent, sell- 'Atoaga, a, j o k i ~ ~ g .
sible ; pl. atatnamai. Atofa, v. to appoint a time.
Atamea, s. a breadfruit tree which Atofa'i, v. to ttiatch with ; to throw
has been barked, and bears a large with.
crop. Atofaga, s. the act of thatching;
Atapa'ia, see LEATAPA'I A. the thatchers.
Ak'ai, a. cowardly; (literally, liver- Atone, s. the nutmeg tree.
eaten). Atonu, v. impers. it is likely, it is
Ateatc, s. the name of a plant. probable ; also natanu.
Ateatea, a. wide, spacious, (as vii- Atu, a particl; denoting action from
teateu). the speaker.
Ate, s. the liver. See FINAGALO. Atu, s. a row or line of thing3 (as
Atepili, s. the spleen. houses, mountair~s,&c.); the bo-
Atevae, s . the calf of the leg. nito.
liti, s. a speech in the n~ulae. Atu, a. times, (as utu Ilia, twice).
Ati, v . to pull up, (applied to 'ava Atu, v. to be distressed, perplexed,
a n d tigupula) ; to pierce through. troubled ; pass. atua, atugia.
Ati, v . to build u p (as stones in a Atua, s. God. See Aitu.
wall) ; atiati. Atuao, s. the row of posts round the
'Ati, u . to eat in, (applied to wood house ; the stick on which ttie last
eaten by worms, to cloth, mats, thatch rests (in some parts so
&c., eaten by insects, and to ul- called).
cers) ; pass. 'atia, 'ati'atia. lituaulia, v. to be overtaken by dis-
Atia'i, a. to watch for faults ; to lie tress.
in wait in order to beat ar~otlier; Atualo, s. a bonito taken inside the
atiatia'i. reef.
'Ati'ati, s. the inside fibres of the Atualoa, s. the centipede.
p o q o fruit ; worms in stagnant iituapaoa, v. to be frightened.
wat~r. Atuatuvale, v. to be greatly dis-
I Atiu, s . the name of a plant. tressed in mind.
, 'Atigi, s. broken food, pieces of food Atufauua, s. a group of islands ; (as
partly eaten. A t u n u u , a line of lands).
Atig, s. a nail ; hoof; shell ; husk. htuga, s. distress of n~ittd.
s. the skull, (seldom used Atuga, s . the fin of a fish (except
the sllark a ~ bonito).
~ d
Atuliulau, s . all lauds.
ceedingly. Atule, s. the herring.
Atilo, s. the core of an abscess or 24tululuga,s . lands to the west. See
Atiloto, s. the disease called shin- Atu~luu,s. a group of islilnds.
gles. Atusasa'e, s lancls to thc east.
Atita, int. see ALILA. Atusisifo, s . lands to the we,-t.
Ate, v . LO thatch; to throw a stick. Ava, s. ail opening in ~11ereef, a
Ato, s. a basket. boat passagr.
* A m , a. all, whole, complete, per- Avi, s. a wife. See FA LEI.^^, h l ~ -
&-t; atoatoa. BIUFO.
8d AVA
'Ava, s. the brnrd ; (see S o m a ) : a Pvega, s. a burden.
root. (piper nrylliisticum) from 4vegalaf0, s. a hearth.
\vhich all intoxicating drink is kveloloa, s. one species of bread-
nlade ; food. fruit.
'Ava'ava, s, the name of a small 4venonua, s. phymosis.
tish ; 111et.a man who cannot be 4vesaa, s. a species of breadfruit.
raiight in war ; the oppressive Aveaa'o, v. to be convalescent; to
heat of a hazy day. get a title wi~houtbeing disputed.
Avaava, s. a small opening in the Avesega, s. a withered fruit of the
reef; full of openings. breadfruit.
'Ava'avau, v. to speak over loud (ei- Avevalea, a . badly reported.
.ther. in quarrelling or public speak- Avi, n. desirable (of a kind hue-
'Ava'avatua \ s. long pepper.
Avii, s. a species of crab.
Aviivii, s. the nfulo io the winged
Araga, v. to harry, (applied only state.
to the wontan). Avilu, cc. stunted, old.
Avagaga, s. a marriage. Ariti, s. a great tale teller ; a liar.
Avaqalafn, s. a fireplace, a hearth. Aviri, v. to give a false report, to tell
See TAI(;AAFI, MAGALAFU. lies ; recipr. feavitia'i.
Avagilima, v. to carry sometlling
in tlte hand for the sake of ap-
pearance, (as a walking-stick, a
The second letter in the Samoan d-
'Avalaau \
1 s. different kinds of 'ava. phabet. Its sound is like a short a, I
Avane, see AYE. or like e in obey. 1
Avanoa, s. an open space. E, pr. thou, (used with verbs).
Avanoa, v. to be open (as a door- E , pr. those.
w"): E, v. to forbid by calling e l pasr.
'.Avapui, s. ginger. eina.
'Avasi, s. a poisonous pladt. E, the sign of tlie vocative, coming
L A ~ a ~ Vi .a (1x1~s.
, of 'uLalia), to br after the noun.
burnt in the sun. E, tlie sign of the infinitive r n d
'Ave, v. to take; to give; to carry; E , the sign of the presetit ten=, in-
to become, (in tire passive) ; tc dicating that which always i eo.
conduct; to take away. Con- E, the sign of the filture tense.
tracted with the particles intc E , adv. yes ; as ioe.
avatu and avune. (Pass. 'avea: E, prep. by.
aveina ; recipr. fe'avea'i). E, int. an affirmative, (used a t the
Avr, s. a sunbeam; the feeler of a beginning of a sentence, mostly in
cnttle. fish ; red lines proceeding poetry); expressing desire.
from a swrlling. 'E'a, v. to do deliberately. S 6 6
'Xve'ave, s. oue species of the yam. MA'E'A.
Avei, s. the cord fur tying up the
acega ; also rcceace.
Avei, s. sympatlletic consequences
of a complaint (as pain in the
hcatl fi.0111earache) ; revengc.
'Ea, v . to Fall away, to waste a w a y -
Ea, v. to rise (as a diver to t h e s u r -
face, as captives to their o w -
land, &c.); to grtlnulate (ae
wound or sore).
'Ea, tile sign of a question. chiefs); eupirem. for the menses.
Eaea, s. the thrush, aphthae. 'Ele'elea, u. dirty.
E'e, v . to ab . u ~ (as
~ d fruit lying un. 'Elei, v. to make ~ ~ a t i vcel o t l ~ ;~ 1 2 .
der the trees) ; to be piled u p ; tc 'elelei.
raise on supports (as a canoe) 'Elemutn, s. a worm in rotten wood.
See E'ENA'I. 'Elemutua, a. worm-eaten ; rotten.
'E'e, 'e'c'e'e, v . to pay respect to 'Eli, v. to dig.
' to reverence. Elilua, v . liter:llly, to dig a hole ; to
'E'e, v . to be dead, (applied to ani. swear (implying the curse, May I
mals) ; to be low title. be buried if, &c )
'E'S, r. to squeak. Elkopo, c. to dig down to the very
'Eieu, v. to ward off in every direc. end of' thp yam ; to kill all i l l the
tion; to be full of: to be tame (as war so as to leave none to increase
pigs). again.
'E'ef'u, u. (the pl. of 'efu), reddisll 'Elo, a. reddish brown (as the skin
brown. of some natives).
'Eega, s. anythii~gused as a buoj Elo, v. to stink ; prtss. eloiia.
t o support one ill the water (a: 'Ema, a . shining black (as siupo
the outrigger of a canoe, k c . ) and marks of' tatoo) ; (also e.emu
‘Eels, see 'ELA. and 'emu'etrlu).
'E'ema, see 'EMA. 'Emo, v. to wink ; jgu~.atiue, to
'ELemo, v. (pl. of 'emit), to wink. take a nap ; to flash ; pl. 'e'emo.
'E'ena, a. (pl. of 'enu), yellowish 'Emo'emo, v . (from 'emo), to wink
brown. repeatedly ; to flash ; to glitter
E'enaLi, v . t o abound. See E'E. (as glass ill the sur~sl~ine).
'E'enu, int. pshaw! S e e ' E ~ u ~ ~ x Ena,
u , rnaena, a. yellowish brown ;
'1'1x0. pl. eena.
Eetaga, s. anything used to bear up Ena, int. That's it! (denoting ap-
a swimmer. probation).
'E1eva, t.. to be weak in the joints Eneene, v . to tickle.
from illness, hunger, or swim- Enu, s. the net for catching ulule.
ming. Enu'enu, int. pshaw! See 'E'ENu.
Eu, s. the point or corner of an axe. Epa, s. native mats and cloth on
'Eu, V . to remove, to take away; which a dead chief is laid in state.
'Eu'eu to snuff a lamp. Epu, 1 v . to stir ahout, to stir
E ci lava, c. altho~lgh. Epuepu j round (as water, &c.);
Eutasi, s. a fell~ngaxe. pms. epua.
Efu, s. dust. Ese. 'ese.ese, a. different, strange.
Efu, a. reddish brown. Ese, adv. away fl.on~; differently.
Et'u, u. to become dust. Esi, s. the papaw.
Efuefu, s. dust.
'Ela, u. mattcry, (applied to the Esiesi V . to drive away; pass. eda.
eyes, also to the hands and mouth Ete, a basket.
a h eating baked cocoanutjuice); Eti, v . to blow freshly ; 'Eti'eti,
a term of reproach to a bastard, 'e'eti.
ulu 'ela'elu.
'Ele, s. red earth ; rust.
'Elea, u. rusty.
30, v. to lick ; to lap.
) v . to limp, to br la~ne.
'Ele'ele, s. earth, dirt; blood (to &.u;etu See SF:^ LT.
Eva, 1 v. to take n walk, especi- shaggy thrum rug worn by la-
Evarva ally by moonlight ; to go dies).
about; to walk a t liberty. 'Ie'ie, s. a rag of cloth; a species
Evaga, s. a moonlight walk or play. of vine w e d in making fish-traps.
'I'i, v . to give a prolonged squeak.
I'i, s. sauce, or nearrr to t h e Scotch
" kitchen," atiytlling as a relish,
or to qualify other food.
The third letter in the Samoan alpha- li, s. a small herb.
bet, pronounced as in the continen- I'i'o, a. (pl. of'i'o), full, full grown.
tal languages, or as coin been. 'I'ila, odu. there (at some distance).
I , v. to take away the breath (as 'I'ila, v . to shine, to glisten o r g l i t
from a blow, from anger, or from ter ; applied to the eyes abusively.
crying). I'ina, v. (from i'i), to be for '' kit-
I , ccraslonally used ns a sign of the chen '' or sauce.
imperative and subjunctive. 'I'ir~i,adv. there (close a t hand).
I, ad?^. yes. I'inei, udv. Itere.
1, prep. in, at, with, to, for, of, on, 'I'ini, u . to do things slowly. See
on account of, concernir~g. 'INI'INI.
'I, s. a fly. See LAGO. 'I'ino, int. pshaw! See 'INO'INO.
15, prep. before pronouns and names 'I'ite, v . to predict; pass. 'itea. See
of persons, instead of i. VAVALO.
I:, int. used in response to " toso!" 'I'iva, u. tall, (as vao a iiva); r e d
in pulling any heavy thing. 'iva'iva.
-la. pron. he, she. l'ivi, a. (pl. of ivi), bony.
la, pro7i. these. lo, s. a long strip of fish or flesh.
'Ia, the sign of the subjunctive. '1'0, a. full (as a well, a bottle) ;
l a , before the imperative, as a pre- full sized (as a taro or yam) ; co-
cative ; and ,after the imperative vered (as a bone wlth meat); pl.
when used imperatively. 'i'io.
l a , an affix to sonle verbs to form 1'0, zf. to wind (as cinet round t h e
the passive. arm).
I'a, s. n general name for fish, but lo, ioe, ada. yes.
not ilpplied to bonito or shellfish. '10, io'io, s. t l ~ ecall of a chicken.
I'aafalelo, s. tlie name of a tish. 16, ioi6, udu. yonder (afar off).
I'ai, udv. no, not so. Ioao, see lo.rua, (uscd on Upolu).
lao, s. the name of a bird. loalo, s. the strip of fish or flesh
I'at~i,s. the name of a fish. from the belly.
I'asina, s. the name of R tish. Ioio, s. the tlcsh by the side of the
Iato, s. tlir bars conuecting the back bone.
outrigger with the canoe. 'I'o'i6o, u. to coil transversely; pau.
Iatolo, s. boils in the head. 'i'otia.
ie, v. to out. 'I'o'imata, s. the eyeball.
I'., s. the mallet tbr making native- loti, s. tongs; pincers.
cloth. Iole, s. a rat. See IMOA.
'Ie, s. a fine native m a t ; cloth. Iotua, s. a strip of fish or flesh from
(The differcmt kinds of the fine the back.
mat arr the IrIlaga, ie tiiua, ie I'u, s. the tail ; the end, t h e ex-
'ulu, ill~dtlle ie sinu or si'uloa, a tremity.
I6u, v , to finish, to end; to fulfil; I lalo, prep. under.
to come upon. lla~nutu,s. cousins, the relationship
l'tlaioa, 11. to come to an end, to sustained by the children of an
die. aunt to the children of her brother
I'ufono, s. the decision of a council. after the brother and sister are
I6up, s. ending; determination or dead ; a father's sister. See TA-
decision of a deliberation. MA.3A.
' I'uleo, s. an echo. lli, s. a fan.
I'umatagi, s. the end of a storm. 'Ili, s. a rasp ; a file ; a saw.
I uta. adv. inland : ashore. 'Iliasina, a. of a light colored skin.
I'utagata, s . the last of a family. lliili, s. cravel.
1 fafo, adv. without. 'I li'ili, see L E ~ I L I ' I L ~ .
1 fale, adif. within. Iliilifia, v . to be blown about by the
I fea; ad?]. where. wind ; to feel the wind caused by
Iti, s. a chesnut tree ; a chesnut. a passing missile.
lfi, v. to blow s n ~ o k ethrough an ~2 Iliola, s. the outer skin.
leaf on to a diseased person ; to Iliui, s. a dark skin.
amoke (as tobacco). Ilifia, u. to be thrown down by the
[!:?'1 s. species of chesnut.
as sing of a stone close to a per-
son ; to be blown dowu by a wind
lti'ulu, s. a smooth grained i j l e l e . (as a bottle, &c., standiug 011 the
Itifatu, s. a hard kind of ifilele. ground).
Ititi, s. the name of a trre. 'Iliganoa, s. a scar.
Ifilele, s. the name of a valuable Ilimanifi, s. a species of the banana.
timber tree. 'Ilimatu, v. to be partially dry.
Ifimea, s. one kind of chesnut. 'Iliti, v. (fi-om 'ili), to be pained by
Ifisogd, crs IFIFATU. walliing over sharp stones.
Ifo, V . to bow down ; to descend (as 'Ilititai, s. the bed of the sea.
from inland to the shore). 'Ilitivai, s. the bed of a river.
Ifo, adv. down. Ilo, s. a worm or maggot in putrid
Ifoa, v. to have repeated attacks of flesh.
a complaint ; to produce largely 110, v. to know. '
(of nuts). Iloa, v . to see ; to know ; to under-
lfoifo, V. to descend (as from the stand.
top of a tree or a house). Iloilo, 1 1 . to look at : to examine.
Ifoga, s. a bowing down, an act of Iloga, v. to be known ; to be deter-
I su~lissiol~. m ~ u e don, decided on, settled.

Iloga, v. inzpers. it is doubtful.
u. to run away.
I loto, prcp. in the midst.
]go, igoigo, v . to be wearied with, 1
to be tired of; (nearly a s j u ) .
lgoa, s. a name.
a. innumerable ; 100,000,
(modcrn use).
1 luga, prep. ahove.
Igoa, v . to be named, to be called. I luma, prep. before.
Ila, s. a mother's mark ; a mark in Imoa, s. a rat ; see [OLE& SUMU;
the skin. the name of a tish.
naila, a. marked, spotted. 'Ina, s. the sea-egg ; the throat, (a
'Ila'ila, v . to glisten, to shine, (ap- term of abuse).
plied to the eyes in abuse ; 'I'ila. 'Ina, v. passive of ii.
See PAPA'I'ILA. Llna,c. because t h a t ; whcll.
Ing, a particle marking the impera- to be beaten in wrestling,
tive. (only used by the conquc
lna, a particle affixed to verbs to party, a?;, Uu toe iso u;?)
fb;m the passive. Isu, s. the nose; the snout.
lualC, v . to be wearied of. Isu, int. a term expressive of
I n n ia, c. in order that, that. ance and contempt.
Ina'ilau, s. a row of thatch. Isumene, s. a small nose.
'Ina'inau 1 v. to contend, to strive;
to be fierce in reproving.
Ina ne'i, c. lest that.
Isumiti, s. a sniffing nose.
Isupapa, s. a llat nose.
Isupr, s. mucous from the now
Inafo, s. a shoal of bonito ; a great Isupii, s. a diseased nose (partly
number of people, (mostly applied en off by ulcerati0.n).
to cliiefs, as auo to common peo- Isuvaa, s. a large nose.
ple). Ita, pron. I, me.
Jnaga, s. the name of a small fish Ita, s. anger.
having no bones. Ita, v . to be angry : pl. feitat
'lni, v . to take hold ofwith the nails; pass. itigia ; recipr. feitaga'i
to pinch ; to beat ; to kill ; to I tafiitafa, prep, by the side.
pull up weeds; intensive, 'ini'ini; Itagofie, a . irrrtable.
pass. 'initia. I tala atu, prep. on that side,
'lni'ini, v. to do a thing gradually, yond.
(as to bring taro in small quan- I tala mai, prep. on this side.
tities so as to make the plantation Itiiti, a . little, small ; few ; pl.
eke out. toaitiiti, a few persons.
'Irliini, s. a n old cocoanut without I totonu, prep. inside.
juice. Itu, s. a side.
*Ino, s. excrements ; (as ofaota). 1 tua, prep. behind, a t the bac
Inoino, v. to demand ; puss. inofia. Ituaiga, s. a division or branch
41~to'ino,2'. to hate, to abominate ; family.
pass. 'inosia. Ituaso, s. a part of a d a y ; an i
Inofi, a. beautiful, gaod-looking. Itu i rnatu, s. the nortl~.
lnu, v. to drink ; pl. feinu ; pass. Itu i toga, s. the south.
inumia. Ituitu, v. to be tired of, to be
Inuitino, v. to drench (of heavy rain). ried with.
luutnaga, s. a draught, a drink. Itula, s. a'part of a day ; an hc
Inupo, v. to fast till night. Itumea, s. a division, a portion
Inusami, s. a half-starved pigeon. food mostly).
Ipi, s. a cup, (ipi niu); an axe (lo Itupo, s. a part of the night.
chiefs). lva, a . nine.
lpiipi, s. an edible cocoanut shell.
Ipo, s. an ed~blemud worn].
Ipu, s. a cup.
lvaivii1 v . to be exhausted, tc
Ivaiva, s. the name of the lo w
a ,
I wisa1 int. get out ! Out upon you!

Isi, a. some.
for shame !
grown large.
'Iva'iva, a . tall.
Ivagafulu, a . ninety.
Isi, v . to beg, (mostly of food). Lvi, s. a bone ; a portion of the 1
Isi, 7*. to split ; intens. isiisi. of the pig.
Iso, v. to ncknowledgeoneself unable Ivi, v. to brcome bone (as the t
to solve a riddlc, (" 1 give it up;") Iviauvac, s. tlle jawbone.
1VI OOT 91
Ivi'aso'aso, s. the ribs. cOaluuluu, s. a mixed payment of
Iviivlmaaa, a. strong. oloa and toga.
Ivifaali, s. the shin bone, the tibia, Oatea, s . noon. SeeA OATEA.
!!!, s. the shoulder-blade.
'Oavale, s. property of snlall value.
Ivitii, s. the spine. 'Oe, pron. thou, you. See 'E.
'Oe, adv. yes. See '0.
Oi, int. alas ! oh !
Gi, v. to groan ; pl. fe6i.
Oi, v. to touch; to cut down ; pass.
The fourth letter in the Samoan alpha- oia.
bet Its sound is the same ae a long 'Oi, i n t . oh ! (expressing astonish-
o in English ; as o in bone. ment) ; inlens. 'oi'oi'oi.
'0, the sign of the nominative ab- 0 5 , v. to creak; to grind the teeth;
solute; also used with a nomina- intens. o'io'i.
tive aRer the form ona . . .. ai 0 iiea, adv. where? See OFEA.
Zen. Very rarely used when a '0'6, v. to be slack ; to bc 11ollow:
nominative follows the verb. to be lomiely tied ; to be loose or
0, the sign of the genitive ; of, be- light (as the soil).
longing to. 0'0, S . the spongy substance inside
0, a sign of the present participle, of a cocoanut just begiuning to
in some instances instead of o loo. sprout.
0,before dual and plural pronouns. 0'0, v. to arrive at, to reach t o ;
0, v. to go ; (followed by mai) to pass. o'otia.
come ; (the plural of alu and sau). 'Ooa, s. pl. of 'oa.
0 , adv. yonder. 'Ooa, v. to praise one's own deeds,
'0, adv. yes, (in answer to a call). to boast.
See OE. Ocooco,v. to visit (as a sick person).
Oa, s. a couple, (comn~encingwith '0of11, v. pl. of 'Oj-u.
the second couple, as e lua oa, e 'Oola, a . half-cooked.
tolug& o 1 , &c.) ; the gunwale. Oole, v. tn s l ~ r i ~to ~ kshrivel
, up.
'ba, s. lather, soapsuds ; pl. 'ooa, '0010, a . il~distilrctuttrrance, hoarse.
'O'a, s. the stick for husking nut5 'Oomi, v . to squeeze or press in ;
with. See MELE'I. A tree, the pass. 'omia.
juice beneath its bark is used for 'Oomo, a. indeuted, sunk in. See
marking the native cloth. 'OMO.
'O'a, v . to Ilusk nuts. 'Oona, a . bitter, sour.
L - s. property, goods, riches, (com- 'Oono, v. to be patient, to endure ;
prising all foreign articlvs, also to bear down (as a woman in la-
houses, canoes, kc.) See OLOA. bor). See O X ~ S A ' I .
'O'ai, v. to mark or pailit native 'Oopa, a . weak ; of weak speech,
cloth. i g ~ ~ o r ain
r ~rr~aki,,g
t a speech ; in-
10' alga, s. a marking of native-
tens. 'opa'opa. See 'OPA.
cloth. See ELEI. 'Oosi, v. to scratch ; pass. 'us'a.
Oaoa, s. a scarecrow. Ootaga, s. propcrty tflken 011 occa-
Qao'a, s. a stake stuck in to the sion of a chief's death.
sand to secure a canoe to. 'O'oti, see WTI.
I .
(lacod, s. delight. See FIAFIA. Ootia, v. to be beaten and abused,
Oauli, S. ,loon. See AOAULI. (applied to travellers).
'Ou, projz. I. 'Ogiumu, s . the hole in which the
O'u, pron. (pl. of lo'u), my, mine. native oven is made.
Ou, pron. (pl. of lou), your, your's 'Ogiilaau, s. the trunk of a tree; a
Ou, a. to bark. large log.
OU,id. fie ! for shame I 'OgG~aanava,s. the side of the belly
'O'u, 11. to be uneven ; to be shri- above the hips.
velled (as siupo, bark of trees) ; 'OgHmatilgi, s. a circumscribed gust
iatcns. 'o'u'oLu. of wind.
Oulua, pron. you two. 'Oganuu, s. a l a ~ ~ad village.
Outou, pron. you. Oge, s. a famine.
Ofa, s. the gravestones of a chief. Ogeluavai, s. a great famine.
See Loa. Ogo, s. a dismse of cl~ildren'aeyes.
O f ofa, s. the sea egg. Ogo, v. to scorch (as the sun); to
Ofiiofwi~~a 1
Ofaofala~rago, s. two kinds of ofa-
Ofaofitta'i, v. to cover with the
be pained (as with words or by a
disease) ; p u s . ogotia ; intens.
s i l ~ g s; to cherish. Ogogo, s. the nettle.
Ofaga, s. a nest. See PATASIGA. Ogogo.osina,s. a herb.

'Ofe, s . a bamboo. s. species of the diseaae

Ofra, adv. where? See 0 I FEA. j 090.
Ofi, v . to enter; to cover, (applied Ola, s. life; a fish-basket.
to male animals.) : pass. ofia. Ola, v. to live.
Ofo, s. astonishment, wonder. Ola, int. wondrrful ! surprising I
Ofo, v . n. to he aston~shed;to won- Ola'aga, s. life-time.
der ; intens. oroofo. Ola-aso, v. to threaten to kill when
Ofo, ,I. to salute on meetiog; to opportunity offers.
make an oHer of food, services, Olaola, s. the wedge in the handle
&c. ; to shout before a wrestliibg of an axe or a hatchet.
match. Olaola, y. to flourish, to thrive.
Ofo, s. the first speech on present- Olaga, s. lifc~time.
ing food to visitors. Olemea, s. the name of a tree.
Olbuu6, v. to salute with wailing. Olapito, s. the name of a tree. SCd
'Ofu, s. a garment. MATALAFI.
'Oh, v. to put on n garment; pl. Olasina, s. the name of a tree.
'oofu. Olataga, s. a means of deliveraoce ;
'OAI'O~II,v. to envelope in leaves salvation : a saviour.
(for cooking). Olavai, s. the name of a species of
'Ofuu-fatine,s. a gown. wild coffee.
'Ofr~lua,a . twenty leaf-dishes of na- Ole, v. to ask ; to beg.
tive food. &Ole,v. to deceive; intens. 'ole'ole;
'Of11-ti110, S . a shirt. pass. 'olegia and 'ole'olegia.
'Ofu-vae, S . trowsers. 'Oli, s. tlre oame of a tree, called
'Ogii, 5. the trunk of anything ; a also fena.
rlivision; a part cut off; a prin- 'OliLoli,s. joy.
cipal part. (Always used with 'Oliboli, 2,. to be joyful.
another noun, as oyiilaau). 'Oliui, s. the dark specips of 'oli.
Oga, v. to have t l ~ esnumes ; irtens. Olinla'ol~a, a . good-looking, wcll-
ogaogi. proportioned.
'Olitoto, s. the red species of 'oli.
010, v . to rub down : to smooth ; Oneuli, s. black sand.
to plane ; to destroy, as if every- Onega, s . a place in which a river
thing were brought to a level with is lost or terminates without rcach-
the ground ; to coo as a dove. irig the sea.
010, s. a plaue. Onepata, s . coarse sand.
'010, S. a fortress. 0110, a . six; becomiug, appropri-
'010, v. to consider ; to be about to ate.
attempt, (in reference to under- 'Ono'ono, v. to suffer under an in-
taki~~g anything difticult to pvr. sult or injury.
form) ; intens. 'olo'olo. Onogaoa, a. six couples (of nuts,
Oloa, s. property, (as houses, ca. young pigs, &c.)
noes, cloth, &c.) ; a chiefs tooth. Onogafulu, a. s~xty.
Oloamanu, s. the name of a Samo- Orlomea, a. b e c o n ~ i ~ proper.
~g, See
an month (Julie). 0x0.
Oloataua, s. property (or even a 'Onosa'i, s . patience, end~trance.
wire) given to a chief to illsure 'Onoso'i, v . to endure, to be pa-
his assista~~cein war. tie11t.
Oloavale, s. property of small value. 'Onosi, v . to strain, as in labour,
See OAVAI.E. &c.
Oloolo. s. an uninhabited haunted 'Opa, a. weak ; ignorant in making
place; a method of fishing by a speech ; intensive, 'opa'opa,
rubbing down poisonous plants. 'oopa.
'Ologo, s. (from' 'olo), waiting for Opeope, v . to float ; pass. opea,
fair weather to set out on a JoUr opeopea.
ney. Opoopo, v . to carry in the arms.
Olotii, s. an old pigeon. Oponi, v . to strengthen by adding
Onla, s. a kiud of d o e s collar. another beam, &c., to one da-
i 'Oma'i, v . to run in (as a bay or maged.
; illlet). See ' O M ~ A ' I . Osaosa, s. a partly filled measure,
Omo, a. indented; bent in ; pl. bottle, &c.
'oomo ; intens. Lomoor~io. Ossosa, v . to be partly full.
'Ornoa'i, see 'OMA'I. Osi, v . to make; to do ; to build ;
Omomi, s . a sponge ; a glutton. pass, osia.
'Omota'i, see 'OMA'I. 'Osia, v . the passive of 'oosi.
Oua, pron. his, hers, p l . ‘Oso, s. a sharp poi~~ted stick used
Ooa, conj. beca~iseof, on account iu planting and digging.
of; since ; now that. Oso, s . food for a journey.
Ona, adv. then. (It is always fcl- Oso, v . to jump : to rise I I (as~ the
lowed by leu or ai lea coming sun) ; to rush up or^; to throw
after the verb). oneself down ; to overflow.
'Ona, s. the lower part of the ab- Osofua, v . to go uncalled ; to inter-
domen. fere without calise.
' h a , a. bitter ; poisonous. See Osopuna, v . to jnrnp over.
'Oosa. Ososua'i, v . to use bad language.
'Oni, v. to be poisoned ; to be in- Osovale, as OSOFUA.
toxicated ; pars. 'onasia. Ota, pron. the plural of lota ; also
One, s. gunpowder. used in the singular, as, Si ootcr
, heone, s. sand. manao e !
Oneonea, a. sandy. Ota, a. uncooked ; unripe.
Ota, v. to eat raw food. 'U'a, s . the name of a shellfish.
O t i , a ripe ; pl. ota1.d. IJa'ale, s. a shower of rain.
Otaota, s. rtrbbish; tilth, ordure. Ua'i, v . to turn towards. Sce U.
Otuota, a . full of rubbish. 'Ua'ua, u. to grunt.
Otai, s. a native dish of food. ULau!a, see U'A.
Otaotugase, s. srnall rubbish. Uaua, see SOLISOLI.
Otalala'oa, v. to eat raw fish un- Uaua, s. a slight rain ; a lever.
washed. Uauata'i, v. to raise by a lever.
'Ote, v. to scold ; pass. 'otegia. Uaga, s. heavy rain.
Oti, v . to die (of men) ; to faint. Uagalr~,see FUATAGALV.
'Oti, s. a black pig. Uagani, s. the rlanie of a tree.
'Oti! v. to cut, to clip (as the hair); Uagani, v. to divide, or cut off (u,
pl. 'ooti ; inlens. 'oti'oti. the end of a post).
Otiola, v to be dead alive, (applied Uali, v. to be rainy wit11 sunshine; '
to a lazy perso~l). to have intermissions of pain a d
'010, v . to pluck Iraves ; to speak ease.
appropriately ; dintin. 'olooto. Ualolo, s. rain with a flood; crow& .
'Otopuupua, s . a child's game. of people passing and repassing;
'Otu'otti, u. stiff, hard, (applied to pl. fe~a1olo~~'i.
cloth, cocoanut leaves, &c.) U'amea, s. iron ; beads ; earthen-
'Ovi, v. to be I r ~ n ~ p yto: be uneven, ware ; anything very good.
(applit d to citrons and to palsied Uamuli, s. those who assist with hod '

fingers) ; y2. 'oovi ; pass. 'ovi- on the interchange of property.

'ovia : intens. 'ovi'ovi. Uarnuli, v. to prompt a speaker.
Uasami, s. the s ray rising like n i i
and carrird in and.
Uatea, s. rain with sunshine.
Uatogi, s. a war-clrrb.
The fifth letter in the Snmoan alpha- Ue, int. ah !
bet. Its sound is that of oo in fool. Ui, a . dark colored, (mostly suffixd
U, s. a reed ; an arrow ; a brother. to the noun which it qualifies).
U, 71. to direct towards. See UA'I. Ui, v . to go along, to pass along; ,
U, v . to roar (as the waves). to have young (of animals) ; to go
U, 7 ~ . to bite ; pass. utia ; recipr. to stool.
-fruta'i. 'U'i, v . to solicit ( a woman).
'U, v. to look angrily towards, to Uii, s. the youngest, the last born.
be sulky. Ui ina, conj. altho~lgll.
Ua, s. rain ; the neck; sinews ; Ui6, v. to cry out.
veins. Uiuiga, s. a chief's canoe.
Ua, the sign of the present and per- I Uiga, s. explanation, meaning; man-
fect tenses. ner, way of acting.
U'a, s. the paper muIberry ; the Uila, s. lightning.
bark of it; a young breadfruit ; Uilelei, a. to be a good breeder,
the temporary fastening usrd in Uisila, s. the name of a fish.
making canoes; a net made of Uitolu, v . to have three a t R birth.
t.he bark of the breadfruit tree. Uivi, s. the malauli in its stage of
U'a, u'au'a, a . tough, tenacious, growth before becoming u l w .
glutillous. Uivale, a . to be R bad breeder.
U'a, u. to cnvy. See MATAU'A. U6, s. a friend; a bosom compaaioa
ULU 95
Eoago. s. the name of a' fish. ly diffused ; covering extensively.
Uouo, s . the name of a fish. Jfu, s. the name of a fish.
Uogo, v. to sting. Uga, s. the soldier crab.
'Uu, s. the name of a shellfish. Jga, v . to beg (as the use of tools,
'Uu, v . to take hold of, to grasp ; assistance at work, &c.)
pass. umia. Uga, a . rotten, (applied to the
Uu, s. oil. teeth).
UII, v . t o oil ; to soap ; to rub with Ugauga, a. partially grey (of the
leaves as swap; to besrrtear the hair).
-head. Ugamea, s. one kind of soldier-
Uii, s. a large land crab which feeds crab.
- on cocoanuts. Ula, s. the crayfislt ; a term of re-
'U'ii, v. to be rotten ; to weep ; to spect to a woman.
smell fousty oi. swrsnty. Ula, s. a necklace.
Giiii, int. a shout of triumph. Ula, v. to blow with the mouth ; to
'C'ufatu, s. one kind of 'uu. smoke (tobacco) ; ~ e d u p ulauld
. ;
Uufisoa, v. to anoint, soap, or wash pass. ulaf a.
wit11 j s o a . Ula, v. to joke, to sport ; pass. ula-
'Uumala, s. one kind of 'uu. ~ia.
'Uumi, a. pl. of 'umi. .EL, 1
lUlaluls I U. red ; joyful.
'Uuna'i, 2,. to take hold of; to urge,
to compel. Ulauliifiti, s. a small shrimp.
'Uunu, s. the name of a tree. Ulafa, s. a term of familiarity ap-
Ufa, s. the posteriors ; the rectum. plied to a man.
Ufamea, s. the rectum. Ulaga, s. a joking, a sporting.
Ufi, s. the yam. Ulala, s. a term of failtiliarity ap-
Ufi, s. a lid, a cover. plied to a man. See ULAFA.
Ufiufi 1 v. to cover ; to conceal ;
pass. ufitia : (with the in-
strumental particle) ufita'i.
UlPpo, s. the f u . 7 ~when full grown.
Uliivai, s. a freshwater prawn.
Ulavale, a . mischievous ; dissolute ;
Ufi-'ula,* pl, ulavavale.
Ufi-poa, 1, s, the different kinds
Uli, s. sprouts from the taro.
Uli, s. a dog.
Uli, uliuli, a. black; blue; any dnrk

Ufi-sina, of yams. color.
Ufi-tali, Uli, v. to steer ; pass. uligia.
LT fi- toga, Uli~ilipato'i,a. deep black.
Ufi-vao, Uliga'i, v. to steer more before tire
See LO'ALO'A. 'winti.
t Varieties of this are ujZei'u2a and Ulima'o, s. an incomplete rainbow.
yfilei'ulu. Ulit6, 71. to steer right be!ore the
UGloln, s. a yam half rooked, which wind ; to persist in anger.
is slii~perywhen skinned: astrong Ulitu, v . to steer in a standing pos-
man uifficult to be caught. ture.
U fipula, s. anotlier name for the soi. 'Ulo, s. a pot ; acauldron ; a cask.
Ufisasa, a. anytlting which excels, (Introduced).
excellent. Ulu, s. the head ; a grove or clump
Ufisoi, s. an edible soi. of trees ; a jutting point of a
Ufitafagafaga, a. aboundiug, wide. suuken rock.
96 G1.U UME
UIII, a. trn. (uscbd i n g.1111es). UIl~ga,s. a couple ; a man and hi
'L'lu, s. the breiiclfruit. wife. (ulugii tuyafa) : a coupkd -
There nre Insny kind@,ns 'ulu-em, birds or fish.
~ u - r n c r c r ,L ~ ~ u - ~ n c r3;r.
n~'a, Ululasi. v . to be very numerous.
Ijlu, 11. to enter ; pnss. ulufia. Ululen~*ii,v. to go a b u t with dt
Ultr, r l . to make double (of a mat); water unwasl~edfrom the body(u
puss. ullla, uluinn. if the salt bad entered the body);
Ulu, v . to r r -t l ~ a t c l ~ . to be higl~lycriminal.
Llua, s. the ,~ulnsli when full U l u l ~ ~ a , s. a
Ulu'aau, s. a jotting poi~ltof a reef.
Ulumi~nu, s. a portion
shaped hpld
of the tam
Ulua'i, u. lirst. 1 ing.
Ult~'ao, s. the name of a fish; a ) Ulumatautu, s. a stony point
~11lal1 n13n wit11 a l o ~ ~ head.
g I n i ~ gout into the sea.
Ulu'au, s. the le;tvcs of taro; a na- j Ulnmatua, s. the first-born.
tive dish of h o d made of taro ; Ulupirle, s. the head of a club.
Iraves. See Pa~.csaarI. ! Ulnpii, s. curly hair.
Ul~~';iuf'~~i, s. taro leaves rooked wit11 Ull~poo,s. the skull.
salt wilti-r. Ulusini, a. grey-headed.
LIui, 1,. to tempt, to urge on, to ex- Ulrltrgn, s. the groin, the top port
cite. of the thigh.
UlaLia,v . to be o r e r b u r d v ~ ~ e dto; Ulatil~i, a mI,atehet-lleaded. ,
be strailled (as by a fall, when Uluto'i
tlle bones are put out of joint). Ulutale, s. a bald head.
Uluia, 21. to have a splinter i l l the 'Ulutunu, s. a broiled breadfmit;
body. See ULUFIA. the name of a gelatinous fish.
Uluitiuo, v . to enter the body; to Ulututuga, s. a bundle of scraped
possess (as by at1 uitu) ; ap,,lied bark of tutugu. i
a150 to great rain. Uluvao, s. the trees of t h e bush.
Uluivale, us ULUI. 'Ulna, a. all.
Uluoln, 1,. to grow luxuriantly; to 'Urna, v . to be finished; 'uma suci,
increase. to be all come.
Ulul~lu,s. foliage; anything spread- Urna, s. a wide chest.
ing about (as a body of people) ; Uma,
tlte namr of one k i d of net; the Untauma
outtar edge of the reef; a mctl~od
1 v . to intend, t o purporie,
(applied to a journey or
work p r p o s e d t . be
~ undertaken).
of fisl~ing. Confined in its use to qucstiorn
Uluulu, v. to remove the rtones asked by other parties: P e urn-
from the cooking-place before u m a alu qfeu lau 7nalagu7
lighting the oven. Umaurna, s. an unfledged manuma.
Ul~~ulumatifblau, v. (from ulu, m a - Umi-tagata, s. the l~ulnantrunk
ta, and ufolau), to enter house when dismembered ; a cripple.
oftvr house ; to go from heart to Ume, s. the name of a tish.
Ulufilto, v. to go out.
Ulufale, v. to enter. U~nelolo
) :teli:"erent
Urn paleva,
Urnelei. s. kinds qf

Ulufia, v . to conlmit ad~lltery,(ap- 'Umete, s.a wooden bowl; the name

plied to a chief's wifi.) ; to have of a disease.
a splinter in the body. , 'Umete-tata~~u,s. a disease.
UMI US0 97
Umi, v . to desire ; to resemble. Unususu, v. to pine away for want
'Umi, s ten fatl~oms. of the breast ; puss. unususua. -
'Umi, a. long ; pl. 'u'umi ; intens. Up:, s. the ngme of an illsect.
'umi'u~l~i. Up;, a . sniall, bad-conditioned, (ap-
'Umi, v. to take food or property to plied to bananas).
family con~iections; recipro. fe. Upega, s. a net.
umia'i. See Usr. Upeti, s. the frame used in printing
Umiumi, v. to -follow after ; to native cloth.
stretch out to. Upolu, pron. I or me; (as Uu le-
Unlu, s. a cooking place ; the food agu upolu i le lo).
cooked there. 'Upu, s. a word; a knot in a bamboo.
Umuumua, a. dirty, smutty. Upua, a. wordy.
U~nusi, v. to give property and Upuia, v. to be often reproved, to
food on the completion of any be found fault with.
work. Uputoina, v . to be cursed; to be
Urnu~aga,s. p r o p ~ r t yand food given devoted to destruction.
on the completion of any work. Uputuu, s. a tradition.
Una, s. the scale of a fish ; tortoise Usiga, s . the proper time;, about
shell. the same time ; a proper result ;
Una, v. to pinch; to split off the a proper portion to give, ( ~ ona s
top of the taro; to fetch out a usaya ia).
person privately ; pass. unafia and Usi, s. the name of a shrub ; one
unatia ; pl. unauna. kind of banana.
Unii6a,s. a fish scale ; a speck in Usi, v. to be green, (applied to the
the eye. ti leaf before it turns yellow) ; to
Unafi, v. to clean off the scales of a nielt (as lard) ; to make smooth
fish; to pulI u p taro irregularly by adzing; to take food or pro-
I (one here and aoother there) ; to
kill one hy one.
perty to fatnilp connections, (as
' z m i ); to be ashamed in presence
Cnani, v. to break off piece after of superiors ; to placate.
piece from food reserved ; to fetch Usi, usiusi, usiusita'i, v. to defer to,
taro sparingly, that it may last. to obey.
See ' I N ~ ' I N I . Usi'ulu, s. one kind of the usi.
Unavau, s. the name of a poisonous Usiusi, s. the nanie of a fish.
fish. Usiusi, a. sleek, in good condition ;
'Une, v. to grunt a request ; pass. green.
'onea. Usiusita'i, v . to defer to, to obey;
Uni, s. the one who begins the (as usi).
game of tayati'a. Sse SAUSI.
, Unoo, S . a bruise.
Unoo, v. to stink (as fish); to be
~ s i t u a n i u)
s. different liiuds of usi.

pained at heart. Usivao, s. the name of a shrub.

Uno, s. the strainer used in making Uso, s. tlie pith of a tree : the heart
of timber ; the root of tlie 'nva ;
Lki;: the name of a tree.
Un&lo, s. the stick used to tight-
a man's brother ; a woman's si%-
ter ; brothers and sisters ; COII-

en the unu. sins; (if two, le uso, if three or
Unosi, v. to pick out the full-grown more, le a u rso) ; the umbilical
taro ; to pick out the chiefs in , cord.
order to kill. G -
Usoitama, s. the cliild~rnof one fa- JtEfuiono, s. the inner side dth
ther. uautilus shell, used as an om*
Usoitina, s. the childrcn of one rno- went.
ther. Jtete, s. the name of a h d n g
Usoga-ea, s. tlie strong love of a plaything; a jewsharp.
wife or brother, leading to die Jto, s. the small spongy substam
with the husband or brother. inside of a fullgrown cncoaoot;~
Usotaufeagai, s. the cli~ldren of ei- tlie corks on the upper edge of 8
ther the same father or the same net: the floating bait to cut&
rnothcr. flying-fish ; the head, (a term d
Usu, usuusn, v. to start off early in abuse).
the n~orning. i'to'i, v. to peck as a fowl.
Usu, v. to lead the singing; pass. J t ~ u t os., the buoy of a Fshiug-6oe;
usuina. a buoyant canoe.
Usu, a. to g o to a fono; to take Uto'uto, s. the name of a tree.
food to visitors ; to make amsi; Utu, s. the lonse ; an insect which
pass. ~lsuia. eats the skin of the hands d
Usui, v. to spear with the hands d e feet ; a rush.
pressed ; to praise undeservedly. J t u , u. to draw water; to finabot-
Usnisni, a. t o put a h i t into the tie, &c. ; t o b a d a gan; pl. ti+
hole of an eel; to urge to come; utufa'i ; puss. utufie.
. t o urge on, to enrice. Utu, adv. nnceasingly, without in-
Usuitau, s. a year or season. ter~niasion; (compounded with
Usuga, s. those who start off to verbs, as ututau).
work early; food given to a tra- Utuutu, s. rushes ; duckweed.
velling party; a formal visit to a Utuutu, s. the sea eIose along the
sick chief; the preparing of masi. shore.
Usunoa, s. the first day of the a p Utufaga, s. a charge of powder; 1
peariag of pulolo. pipeful of tobacco.
Usupese, s. a singer, a leader ol Utofiti, s. a ffea.
singing. Utupiipu, u. to store u p in a b s ~
Usupo, v. to start off' before day- boo : t o take great care of.
light. Ututdia, v. to be continually paioa
Ususui, see U s v ~ s u r . or afflicted.
Uta, s. ashore; inland ; a load of a Ututau, s. a succession of war;; I
canoe, boat, &c. cartridge.
Uta, v . to take heed t o ; to look Utuvii, see LEUTUVA.
ahead ; to consider beforehand ; Utuviimua, s. the rnontli answerin(
redup. utauta. to January.
Utiifanua. s. inland; a person living
inland ; an ill-mannered person.
Utalilo, u. to be concealed from
view; to be fir back from tht
road (as a plantation).
The sixth letter in the Samoan alpb
Utatni, v. to go from the plantatior
bet. Pronounced as the En*
to 6sh : to be pained with ilices.
sant work. F A , s. the stein of the taro leaf, b
Ute, s. the tail part of shellfish; tlic nana leaf, &c. ; tho name ef
best of anyth~ng. fish.
;. four. See SOANI. Faa'ala'ala, v. to refuse to help ; to
]refix to verbs with the nega- impute misfortune as a judgment;
not much, not quite, as f a - to rejoice in the oppressions of a
la, not quite complete. See chief who had been brought to the
place against the wishes of the
to b e hoarse, to lose the party.
: pl. fafa. Faaalata, v. to strike a blow in or-
to borrow, (applied only to der to commence a club match;
)wing a boat or canoe). to give a speech in order to com-
lrreg. to suppose erroneously. mence a fono. Sce F A . ~ L A ~ ~ A T A .
, fn i t a , fit'zi mai,f u te a ' u , Faa'aleale, u. to m a k e - a s ~ ~ d hos-
~ u g l l t ;f u oe and f u te oe. tile descer~to n ; to come upon
question it merely i~shsan suddenly.
011, P e ni ii f z oe? What is ' Faa'ile'ale, v. to act heedlessly.
opir~ion? Faaali, v. to shew ; y a ~ e .f.n..ialia ;
ie causative prefix ; with the interrs. fhaaliali.
tive it is used to signify :* not Faaalii, s . a wooden drum.
1," " not quite," see F.4 ; as Faaalii, 2,. to act the chief; to Ije
~rnparative, (as fuutoeainu, provoking.
an old mall) ; sometimes it Fanalitino, v. to shew distinctly.
s to be added without alter- Faaalo, v . to pay respect to; inleno.
he sense of the word, (as PO- faasloalo.
ogu, fnapotoyotoga). Faaalo, v . to commence to blow a
:, w. to d o things expediti- gale.
Faa'alo, v. to deny having somc-
3, v . to make red hot. thing belonging to another.
s . the forfeit paid by the Faaalofa, v. to resemble the father
of a game. (of a son) ; to love Fdlsely, faaalo-
ago, w. to encroach ; to claim falofa.
~ e ' sown land, &c., which be- 1 Faaalu~naga,s. a portion of food for
i to aliotl~er; to cheat. I one person.
latij, w. to have weak eyes Faaailoa~ro,v . to bc very m~lch,to
old age. be i l l large quar~tities.
1'0, v. to imitate. Faaata, v . (pronoonced.fu'ii/a), to
oina, v. to be left alone, to . shade the eyrs or to partially close
u~ined. See F . ~ A A G A G Athem ~~A in -order to see clearly.
Faaata, s. (from t l ~ eaboue), a look-
a, s. a slight squall. ing-glass ; a spyglass.
ieamarnae,v. tortlake friends, 1 Faaata, faaataata, v . to treat with
on terms of intimacy. respect.
v. to cause to turn aside, to Faa'ata, v . to make to laugh.
: to call in. Faaatuatoa, v . to complete.
s. the ilarne of a month, Faaatu%tnutali, v . to be afl-aid of
cl~). gods waylaying ; to be distressed
, u. to lay the firewood ready or afraid a t work, war, &c.
ghtiog,. Faaavauoa, v . to open.
gnnonlna, v. to be shunned, Faaaviavi, v. to shew peculiar fa-
: left alolie. Sce FAAAOAO- vour to, to show p~rtiality.
Faaea, v. to raise up ; to exalt. -
Faaec, v . to place llpon ; to place 'aa'ofuagafi~ln, a. ten (native dishes
oneself upon or ill a ranoe. of food cooked in leaves).
Faa'eefunuu, v. to be sulky. :aa'ofuLoTr~,a. deep (as a jug).
:aaola, s. a saviour, a deliverer.
~ ~ : $ ~ k tu.e to take care of. baol3, 1. to make alive : to save,
Faai. s. the larvnx. to deliver ; to proclaim peace,
Faaiaveloa, v. to continue a long (fuuola le tauu).
time. 'aaolaga, 1 s. a means of deliver-
Faaiivu, v. to be emaciated. Jaaoldtaga ) ance ; a deliverer.
Fa;liLu,71. to finish. Faaoleore, r . to entreat, persuade,
Faaifif'dta, v . to persevere under dif- induce.
ficuIties. FaaGoIe'ole,v . to deceive.
Faaifo, c. to make a hostire de- Faaolioli, v . to nrake a display of a
scen I. young chief or a young lady; t o
Fanifoga, s. a pigeon newly caught; quiet a cross child by amusing it.
a captive. Faa'oli'oli, v. to make joyfrtl.
Faaigoa, v. to give a name, to name. Faaoloa, v. to give property; to
Faaigoigo, v. to be we'lried of. See Pay
1~0lGo. Faaoloaga, s. the giving of pay o r
Faadi, s. a whistle. property ; tile property given..
Faa'ilimatii, v , to dry in the Iiouse Faaoloolo, w. to ask sideways #by
(as clothes 04 a wet day) hints.
Faailoa 1
Faailo, v. to make known ; to
Faailoga, s. a sign, a mark.
Faaoluolna, zl. to be lumpy ; to be
uneven. See Ovr.
Faa'ono'ono, v. to provoke.
Faailoga, v. to mark ; to distin. Faaopeope, v. to float ; pass. ha-
guish ; pass, faailogaina. opeopea.
1:aaLinaelo, a. slove~~lp. Faaopoopo, v. td put to, to add to-
Paatinatoil, a. tough (as overgrowr gether, to join to.
tcrro and tirrrniu). Faaoso, s. food for a journey.
F a a ~ n r ~ i n u , to make off to wind.

ward (as a shoal of bolrito).

Faaita, r f . to provoke to anger.
Faaosooso I 2,. to stir up, to excite,
to incite.
Faaosooso, v. to tempt.
Faaitaita, u. (a dimiuutive of f a a Faaosoosoga, s. a temptation.
ita), to teaze. E'aaoti, zp. to ripen, to mellow.
Faaitiiti, v. to make smaller, tc Faaotiiga, s. bananas ripened io the
abridge ; pZ. faaiti. earth.
Faaituitu, v. to be wearied of, (a! Faaoti, 2.. to put an end t o ; to kin
a'tuitu). one already dying.
Faaivi, 7,. to be worn out, to bc Faaotiitua, y . to propose something
wearied, to be exlia~~sted. else after a plan has been agreed
Faa'oo, 2'. to looseu a fdster~ing; t( on.
make slack. Faaotilaina, v. to be starved.
Faaoti, 7.. to b ~ i n g through ; tc Faa60topuapua, v. to be dose t o g -
cause to enter. ther (as troops, fleets, &c.)
Faaof'o, 7.. to give (as a title to ; F m u , o. to insist on, to urge upon;
chief; or food to a village). to shut in the sides' of a house
Faa'ofil, 21. to clrenu :~notlier. with reeds ; to fish at niglrt with
the pa.
FAAF 101
F a ~ u a l o a ,v. to endure long. Sc Faausuusu, 1,. to provoke, to stir
FAAI:U.\LO.I. up, to incite ; pass. t'aausuia.
Fnaualolo, 11. to run about in con Faausugasega, 1,. to cause t l ~ sega
fusion (as parties taking h o d to to come fro111 its place ; to com-
funo, &c.) niit all .indocelicies after the pe-
Faauarnau, 11. to water a t the mout ulu.
with desire. Faauta, int. behoki.
Faaui, v. te call o a t ; to disentangle Faauta, v. to behold, to attend to;
to remove from s hook, nail, &c. pnss, faautagia.
to lead through. Faautduta, v. to devise, to plan, to
Fa'au'i, o. to beseech. consider.
Faauii, 21. to itlake t'rier~dswith, tr Fanutuutun~anu,v. to reside in a
associate with. family while waitiug for native
Faauouo, v. to walk with an arrn o property.
each round the other's neck. Faafa'i, a. fed on1y with tJ~emother's
Faauiivale, v. to I,e in confusion o lriilk.
disordrr (as a concourse of people Faafao, v. to turn upside down.
troops, wdves, &c.) to feel
Faafauf:du, I , . to bc qual~i~ish,
Faauu, v . to auoint. Mck.
Faa'ubu, a. angry lookirig,..suiky.
Faauga'o, v. to be skinned over (o )
FaaTaula'i, v. to heap u p
a sore) ; to have n~ixcdrods (mo, Faathfh, s. a burdell carried on t h
new alrd old, i n a l~ouse; to in back..
dulge altgry teeliugswithout shew. Faafafh, cc. rakish (as a mast).
ing it. Faahfine, a. belonging to women
Faaulaul;i, v. to joke. (iis work).
Faaulavale, see ULAVALE. Faafilfealiiga, s. games; also a k r m
Faauliulitii, v . to have inveterate applied to one who is learned in
hatred. all tlre ancient lore ; as also to
Failuluulu, v. to cry out, to shout. one who excels in games, fight-
Faaulufalcga, s. tlw i n d ~ ~ c t i oof n o ing, &c.
chief; the o p e n i ~ ~ot'g a chapel. 'aatilega, s. the intermarriage of
Faii~~lugogo, v. to beg in a shame- Families.
faced way. :aafalemaii, v. to he ill constantly.
Faau~~liurnii~oa, v . to lose interest in 7aafalttiir~u,a. rainy.
everything fiorn grief. :aaf,cna, v. to warm up food.
Faaurnuuoluii, v . to eat all alone; :aafano, u. to curse, to devote to
to be greedy. destruction.
Faabulie, I , . to grant a request; to Taafatati, I ! . to bc high i r ~the eaves
ask the loan o f ; to leud. See (ol' a house).
'ULE. Taafatufatu, v. to persevere ir~dcfa-
Fa;~ui~trsusua,v. to p i ~ ~away
e for tigabl y.
the breast. 7aafe.10, v. to accompany as a pro-
F;~a'uputoina,see ' U P U T ~ ~ N A . tector ; to guard, lo protect.
Paausi, s. a native dish ot' scraped Taafe'ia, s. ornamental siupo.
taro or yams. :aafeoloolo, see 1:~or.oo~o.
Faausi, u. to be ash:imed ; to adze ?aattlavei, fhafelcvci, v . to inter-
smootlr ; to snlootl~. cept ; to ii~t-rrupta speaker.
Faitfefete, s. I r a v ~ n . ' Fanfofoga, c. to hear (to chiefs).
Faafetbte, 7 1 . to cause to s\ve\l ; to Faafogxupoll~,s. an easterly w i d
be p ~ ~ fdf tI I wit11
~ pride. See M ~ T A U P O L U .
Faafe-aga'i, see FESAGA'J. Faafogafoga, v. to listen (to chiefs).
Fuafetai, v . to t l ~ a n k; puss. faafe- FaafGrrG, c. to call to.
taia. Faafua, v. to rise (as a waveoras a
Faafetaia'i, v. to cause to meet ; to g-rouod-swell).
meet purposely. Faafua'ava, v. to do a thing with-
Faafetalri, v. to knock together ; to out c.)nsulting others coliceroed.
jangle. . Fi~afualoa,see FAAC:A LOA.
Faafete, 7 1 . to threaten without do- Faalilan~anava,v. to be startled.
ing ; to make a great sl~owof a Paal'uase'i, 8dv. suddenly.
little. Faaruata, v. to carry between t b
Faafetuaoiai, 1 1 . to p!ace alternately shortldera. d
different kitids of thing3. Faafuavaa, sre F.~AI:UA'AVA. .C
0 ,

Faafetuaoivai, 7 1 . to rinse a bottle Faafulu, v. to be overdone. I

with water. Faafutefutca, 11. puffed up, swollen'
Faafia, a prefix to vcrbs, signifying (as in sickness). See VENIA.. :
to p r e t e ~ ~to,
d to assume. Faagaart, s. a strip of cloth worn-:,
Fiiatia, u. pretenr\il~g,assuming. roun? the loins.
Faafi;talii, 1,. to assume to be a Faagaec, v, to stir; to rouse up.
chief'. Faagaepu, v. to stir up, to make
Faafiafia, v. to plrase. nluddy (of water).
Faatiamalosi, v. t o pretend to be Faagaitoito, a. tall and thin, lank.,
strong. Faagaoi, v. to steal from fanlily con-
Faafiamatai, v. to assume to be a nections.
wutai. Faaguugau, v. to bend down, to
Faafiamca, a. presumptuous, as- bow down the I ~ c a d .
sun~iug. Faapaga, v. to ask pern~ission.
Faafiapoto, v. to assume k~~owlcdge.Faagagao, v. to abuse indirectly.
Faafiat)~~le, zl. to assurne the direc- ITaagagafu, r.. to feel sick.
tion or al~~~ropriation. Faag:~gali.tiamoe,v. to be sleepy.
Faafiasili, v. to assume to be the Faaptla, v. to desire eai.nestly (as
cl~iefor b ~ s t . for absent friends); pass. faega-
Faafil~ola,e. to be beaten within an laia.
inch of life ; to be sick almost to Faagalogalo, v. to forget; to put
death. from oner mind.
Faahui, c. to cause to entwine (as Fnagaw, v. to sit quiet and silent:
the vine of a yam O I I a stick); to to hide behind a r ~ y t h i ~ redupl.
add to a \~er.;on'swords wresting fjagasrgase.
their meaning.
Faafiti, a. to deny ; to refuse.
1 Faagaseg~iise, s. an epiden~ie, (tip
1 plied to chiefs). See FAAMA'I.
Faafitiga, s. a denying.
Faat'oa, s. a boil. E:~$ii1 to to
2..son ~erslrade
eat. a sick per-
Faafo'i, v. to cause to return ; to Faagogolala, v. to beg in a low tone
bring back ; pcrss. fdafo'isia. of voice. .
Faafo'iita, v. to cause anger to be Faali, v. to expose to the eun.
restrained ; to chiefs, hafo'itoa- Faalaa, s. a stranger, (used with a
tan)~'i. negative in speakiilg of \uarr&):
they are not Jkficalau (strangers), pl. faa!alanu ; puss. faalanumia ;
but your own children. w'tilii the instrumentul particle,
Faalaa, v . to pass one thing over faalanuma'i.
another (as in twisting a rolw with Faalata, v . to cause LO conle near;
the hand) ; to interiupt a speech. to tante; to betray ; intens. faa-
Faala'ei'au, s. a messenger to call latalata.
out the troops for war. See LA- Faalava, s. a cross bar ; wood in
'EI'AL'. roof nf a lrouse ~ I I R I I I I parallel
Fijalai, v. to induce a man to bring with tlte wall-plate, purlin.
food by raising Salre lro~e-ofgiv- Faalava, a. across, crow.
ing a clanglater in m rrlage to Faaaalnva, u. to illi~ceacross ; to rnake
him. up a complement; recipr. faace-
Faaiao, v. to carry things prepara- lavasa'i.
tory to work. Faalavaau, V . to kill (a chief) in war.
Faalaolao, v . to finis11 up any work Fanlitvalava, s. a weal, the mark of
(as weeding, I~ori..lebu;lding,&c.) a stripe.
Faalau, s. a large sinpo. Faaliivalava, n. to p l ~ on t the Zuvn-
Faaltiua'itele, V . to spread abroad a lava ; to give clothes.
report. Faalave, V . to puke a turn of a rope,
Faalauko, a. to shut in the sides of k c . ; to kill a champion ; to cas-
a house with thiitch. trate ; to bring good property, in
Faalaulelei, v . to malie level ; to ap- order to g r t the best ie i l l the togs
pease anger. to be divided.
Faalagdti, V . to give a blow in or- Faalavelave, s. a hindrance, an inr-
der to commence a club match ; peclin~ent; a hinderer.
t o give t l ~ first
e speech. See FAA- Faalavelave, v . to hinder, to ob-
ALATA. struct.
Faalagi, ti. to cornpliment ; to call Fualeaoga, a. to make of no value ;
over names and titles. See F a n - to Lre~~t wilh disrespect.
1-L'PE. Faaleaga, v . to abuse ; to i'l-use.
Faalagilngi, a. to I,e angry on ac- Faaleiila, v . to be disrespectful (a
count of disrespect sl~own. term of abuse).
Faalagolago, v . to lean upon. Faaleilcia, V . to speali with lire voice
Fu;llila, s. srri~pedtaro and cocoa- of an uitcc (as when inspired to
nut. See FAAIISI.
FaaEla, u. beau titill. 1
deltvcr an oracle).
Faalcoigaluu, u . rnicldlia!g.
Faalalao, v. to lily waste, to destroy. Faaleoralua
Faalalano, V. to brill$ deatll up011 ~ a a l e o i o ,
t ~ yail ifogn. i a. sl)al,by, unbecon~,
RmlCano~nra i ~ ~ g .
Fialalo, a. to stir cp, to excite ; to l'aalele, s . the oalnc of one of the
tell of the enen~y's~noverner~ts. circle of I~onses used in pigeon
Faillalo, v . to i~~tercede.See FAU- catcl~ing.
Faalele, 1 ~ . to c~luseto fly.

Faalalolalo, s. self dcpreciatiol~. Faalelei, v . to ~.econc.ile; to propiti-
F a a l a ~ ~v.i , to cause, to produce (as ate an ofended pnrty.
a quarrel or di.-e.~se). Fa;tleleo, v . to c o r ~ t i ~ rallgry.
Fialanu, a. to wash o:f salt r a t e r ; Faaltlto, adv. secretly.
to remit punishment ; to remove Faaleltlrlea, V . to allow to fly.
&nce by ul~dergoing;I penalty; FaalG~nigao,c. to be disre~pectful.
Faalepa, v. to lie too ; to break ofl Faalotolelri, v. to satisfy, to appeaso.
a speecll fbr a time ; to dam up Faalotoloto, v. to cherish revenge.
or stop the course of running wa- Faalotolotolua, v. to bein twominds,
ter. to be urldecidcd.
Faalepo, s. a cliief's dream. Faaloton~alir,1. to satisfy ;, t o ap-
Faaletaupulea, a . ungoverned, law- pease ; 8s fualotolelei.
less. Fanlototoga, v. to be without love ;
Faaletala, I v. to treat with unde- to be greedy; to he revengeful.
Faaletala5 j served contempt ; re- Faalua'i, see FAAMUA'I.
dup. faaletalatalae. Fiialuma, v. to stigmatize ; to cause
Faaletatau, a . incorrect ; incongru- to be reproached.
.OIIS. Faaluma, s. a jester.
Faaletino, a . relating to the body. Faalumaga, s. a disgrace, a re-
Faaletonu, v. to be undecided. proach.
Faalevao, a . boorijl~,disrespectful. Faalupc, v. to be like a pigeon,
Faalevaleva, v. to lengthen (time). (applied to an only child).
Faalevivi, 1 a. insignificant, of no Faalupe, v. .to complimet~t; to call
Faalevbvo j account, treated as out names and titles ; redtip. faa-
useless. lupelupe.
Faali'a, v. to insinuate ; redupl. Faalupelupe, v. to be left alone, t o
faaliLali'a. be shunned.
Faalialia, v. to make a display. Fiiamii, v. to put to shame.
Faalialiavale, v. to make a display Faaniaai, v. to sharpen.
causelessly . Faamaauga, v. to be most excellent.
Faaliu, v. to hollow out (as a trough, Faamaalavaina, v. to abuse side-
&c.) ways ; to provoke.
Faalifa, v. to draw in the aldornen. Faamaalili, v. to be chilly; to be in
Faalili, v. to teaze, to worry, to ir- . tlte cold stage of fever.
ritate, to provoke. Faamae, v. to put by a fish till it
Faalili'a, v. to frigllten. is mite.
Faaliliu, v. to turn round. Faamaela, v. to laugh scornfully;
Faaliliu, a. covetous, (of one who redlip. fitaniaelaela. See Faasra-
turns all to himself). SUASU.
Faalilo, v. to do secretly ; redupl. Faama'i, s. all epidemic.
faalilolilo. Faamii'ioi. u. slow, eluggisl~, not
Faalilolilo, adv. secretly. prompt.
Faaloaloa, v. to stretch out; pl. Faatniiilei, v. to entrap.
faaloloa. Faamaise, v. to colnlort those weep
Fualogo, v. to hear; to obey; in- iug.
tens. t'aalogulogo, to listen. Fiian~ao'i,v. to be in earnest ; to
Faa!ogoese, v. to misunderstand. speak the truth.
F'aloloa, v. to stretch out. the legs; Faan~aofa,v. to startle.
plural of faaloa!oa. pilamao~~i, see F n ~ n r ~ o ' r .
Fualolo'i, v. to desiie earnestly ; to Fnamau, s . a 11ing.e; a fastening. '
be d a ~ kand Faaniau, v. .to make fitst ; to make
Faalologo, v. to hold one's tongue; a stand in war.
to be s ~ l t n t . Faamaualnga, v. to be proud.
Raloloto, a . close-fisted, miserly, Faamaulalo, v. to bc Ii~rrnble; to
stingy. humble o~;esc.IC
Faama'ulu, v. to slip away quietly; :aam%lii, v. to bathe (to chieJs).
t o steal off unobserved. >aamalu, s. an umbrella.
F a a n ~ a ' u r n a ' ~v.~ ,to endure, to bear 'aan~alu, v. to shade, to protect.
with. :aamaluC%rga, s. a strong stout
Faamiiumau, v. to waste. man.
Faamaunu, v. lo bait a hook; to 'aamalumalu, v. to overshadow.
slacken a fastening; to leave a Taarnnmii, v. to lighten ; to trmt
saqfaiga quietly. lightly ; to extenuate ; pass. taa-
Faamaupao, v. to stop from going mamasagia.
on. 'aamami, v. to clean ; to lay wuste.
Faamaritii, v. to stand firm. 7aamamalu, v. to protect.
Faamafanafana, v. to hearten, to Taamamanu, v. figured, carved. ,
encourage, to cheer up. ?aarnamasa, v. to enclose tish a t
Faamafimali, v. to use threateniogs. high water, leaving them to be
Faamifcala, v. to spread out the tin- stranded a t low tide ; to starve
gers. out.
Faarnefolafola, v. to spread out ; to ?aamanaia, v. to dress up, to adorn;
explain. to act the ntccwuia.
Faamafua, s. a decoy. Faamanamana, v. to attribute an
Faamafulifuli, v. to waddle from acc~dentor m~sfortuneto super-
fatness ; to sway the body t'rom ndtural power. S e e I ' u u n r a ~ a .
side to side (as in colttempt or Faaman;ltl~,v. to remind, to put in
anger). mind of.
Faamaga, v. to open the mouth ; to Fanmanava, v. to cause work to
gape; pl. faan~a~naga. stop.
Faanligalo, v. to remit a fine; to Faamanavaii, v. to have a swollen
forgive. .
] Faanlalama, s. fire, a lamp; a win-
belly (of children).
Faamanii, v. to place a gift on the
' dow. head, to thank.
Faamalama, s. heathen customs (as Faarnanu, v. to call o u t ; pl. faa-
war, dances, &c.) An introduced mamanu.
word. Faamanu, v. to imp'overibh.
Faanlalamalama, v. to cause to bur11 Faarnanuia, v. to bless ; to make
brightly; to make clear, to ex- prosperous.
plain. Faa~nanuga,s. one method of tish-
Faamalinlali, a. disrespectful. Ing.
Faan~alimali,v. to speak with great Faamapa, v. to cause to crack ; to
fa~ltiliarity; to talk disrespect- make a smacking noise.
fully to; pl. t'aamamali. Faalnapuila, v. to stir up the nlud
Faamalo, v. to act as a conquering in water, to muddy: to recall or
Party. stir up old grieva~~ces.
Faamalotie, s. a chief's dog ; a ble- Fnamdsil, see F,\,i8xaar~s,\.
mish in the body caused by an Faamasa~~i, v. to accustonl.
aitk Faamasavai, s. wnter-bottle emp-
Faamalofie, v. to make a display, tiers, (dpplied to children, as be-
to show off. i r ~ guseless in it canoe).
fianlalosi, v, to strengthen; to en. Faamasiasi, v. to put to shame.
courage ; to act with the strong Faamasino, s. a judge ; a consul.
Ililr~d; to act wit11 vigour. Faamasi~to,v. to e x a n l i ~ ~ to
e ; judge.
l:i~aniisofa, v. to upset ; to break Fiianioega, s. a feast before war.
clowll. Faamoemoe, v. to expect, to hope;
E.'aan~i\suisiii,v. to begirl to be in to prepare for war; to lay wait
labor, to lrave slight paius. for.
Faan~ata,v. to sllarpen ; to have o F%amoemoega,s. hope.
desire for. Faatnnl~mol~, v. to make smooth ;
Faamata, a prefix expressing to look meluph. to sniooth down anger.
like, to have the app~ar:\nceof. Faamorno, v. to break to pieces;
Faamatiaai, v. to desire to eat fish ; intens. fiiamomorao.
to have no appetite for ordinary Faamu, v. to kir~dle,to set fire to.
foocl except there be something to Faarnua, s. a joke.
relish it; pl. fanmata'a'ai. Faamua'i, v. to forewarn.
ITaamotub~l,v. to frighten. Faan1u:t6i,v. to send oil a h sad, pro-
Faanlatag:, v. to make ugly ; to mising to follow and not doing so;
make bad looking. redtcp. faamuamua'i.
'Faamatagataga, v. to make slack, Faatni~amua,v. to send on ahead.
to make loose. Faamiili, v. to remain at home while
I:aaiuatala, v. to loosen so as to be others go ; to sl~outr l ~ e na fish
cnrily 1111ticd ; to explain ; redup. or a pigeon is caugl~t.
tfhanb;ltaT:italn. FaamuliLupil,v. to gr~imbieaRer a
F~t;+mrctiil;~lotn, v. to comfort. thing is decided on.
Paanlnta~naI, v. to look ill. Faarnuinii, v. to cause to burn
Faamatatiaiala, v. to gad about brightly.
sigl~t-sec~op Faa~nutu, v. to cut off a part, to
Faanlatavale, v. to be ugly; to look mutilate.
omi~lous; to look lialf asleep. FaanG, v. to quiet a child ; to con-
Faamatclaine, v. to starve. ceal ; intrns, f,iiininii.
Faamatii, v. to dry in the air or Faanau, v to drs~re,to long for ;
sun ; to drain sea eggs. intens. fi~anaunau.
Faamatua, s. tlringspreparecl against Faana'ana'r, a. very great.
tlic death of a parent. F ~ R ~ : ( I I I I s.
~ Idesire.
F3am:lvar v to take leave of, to l~:lanarnr~qtrt:i, v. lit. to make to
bit1 Eirrwell. s111ellof punisl~~ilr~lt, (al)plircl to
Faa~ileagotoimoa~la,v. to bury in tiiose wllo had hitherto been un-
obliviotl. punislied).
Faalnco, v. to fret, to cllnfe. Faanamutacia, v. (lit. to cause to
l?aamclr, v. to refuse, to reject; to smell of war), to do some l~ostile
tlt preciate, to disparage. See act to bring on a war.
~IEI.E. FiiananLmoina, v. to be all dead;
Faan;emelo, v. to look at angrily. to be laid waste.
&'~anlisa, a . querrel..on~e. Faaninasua,
Faan~isa,v. to pick a quarrel; to Faaniilisuaga
stir up a quarrel.
I v. to re-joice in ; to
delight to talk
ahout; to sliow lionor to. See
Faamoe, v. to put to sleep; to pre- also P,
pitre a speech ; redup. faaluoe- Faananinarli, v. to speak indirtinct-
lnoe. ly ; to speak as a cliild.
~ : ~ a n i o v.
e , to make a feast prcpa- Faanapagofie, v. to prepare before-
ratory to war. hand, to be in readiness.
I.'aicn,oeg;r. 8 . u rase, a shcath.
Faanape, v. to tie loosely ; to speak Faapalalau, v. to put off on others;
in similes. to he half hearted,
Faanati, v. to be urgent ; intens. Faapal;lpala,v. to be remiss, to grow
faaliatinati. weary; to be discourzged.
Faa~icenee,v. to" praise; to make Faapale, v. to catch liquid in any-
much of, to pet. thing.
Faaneetaga, s . a praising. Failpale'aute, s . a fine mat with a
Faanefu, v. to make muddy, to stir red border.
up (water). Faapilega, v. .to be exempted from
Faanenefrr, v. to be indistinct ; to work ; to be made much of. See
be dim of the sight and of words. FAASEENEE.
Faanevaneva, v. to walk about idle; Faapalepale, v. to bear patiently.
pl. faaneneva. Faapapii, s . a flat cake (of masi).
Faaniutii, v. to ascend straight (as Faapapafu, v. to be bulky and filt
a colurnn of smoke); to act proud- from always sitting in the house
'Y. (as a cripple or blind man) ; to
Faanifo, v. to make forlied (as the eat all alone (as frrnumzlum~Z).
end of a post). Faapapana, v. (from pana), to hin-
Faanifo'oti, s. a blubber knife. der, to prevent, to keep under (as
Faanifonifo, a. toothed, jagged, u n - a disease, a wur, &c.)
even. Fanp_apateaina, v. to be all dead.
Faanoanoa, v. to inourn, to grieve. Faapatapi~ta,v. to bully when help
Faanoanoaga, s. grief, mourning. is near.
Faauoi, v. to ask prrmiasion. See Faapavaina, v. to talk on one sub-
FAAPOI. ject otlly; to keep on doing one
Faanounou, v. to frown, to scowl. thing, going to one place, &c.
F a a n o ' u ~ ~ o ' uv., to stoop, to bend Faape, v. to guess.
the back. Faapea, adv. thus.
Faanotb, s. a secondary wife intro- Faapea, v. to say thus ; to do thus.
duced by the first; the slow cry Faapctlpea, v. to move off, to move
of' the manutagi. out of the way.
Faanofo, v. to cause to sit u p ; di- Faapcli, adv. like.
nlin7i/iz*e,faanofonofo. Faapefea, a d v . how ?
Faa~~nga'i, v. to c a s e from, to rest. Faapelep~le,v. to take care of, to
Faar~uuu,v. to create a disturba~~ce; niake much of.
intens. tbanulrunu~lu. Faapcna, adv. like that.
Faaniir~ii,v. to luok displeased.
II Faapepe, v. to fester.
Fanpa, v. to cause to explode, to Fi~apepepepe,v. to hover: to flut-
tire od' (as a gun). ter about (as loose parts of the
Faapa'ita'u, s. jesting. dress).
Faal~mlo,v. to shade ; to protect. Faapi'opi'o, v. to make crooked;
Faapa'u, s. a frying-pan. to act crookedly.
Faap", v. to throw oneself down ; Faapiu, v. to swrng.
to cause i ~ ~ i o t h toe r fall down. Faapiuga, s. a swing.
Faapa'iifiic, v . to prostrate oneself. Faapili, v. to bring near; to de-
Fedpaupau, s. a Iieathen. cpy ;, pliss. tiapilia ; redupl. faa-
Faapa1upa6u,v. to be scabbed over PIIIPIII.
(as a sore t~ealit~g
F ~ ~ p i ' u ~u.l . to
~ ~srrrre
, oncselL 1
Faapilia, v. to place or hang u p
F~apilitia (as 011 the b r a ~ ~ of cl~a
trec) ; to be caught or entangled ; Faasaui, v. to bc oppressive, to be
to strain out (as ntusoa or soi tyrannical.
through a strainer). Faasauaga. s. an act of oppression.
Faapito, v. to confioc to. Faasaulala. see FAASAUA. ~ ~

Faapo, v , to go out to work till Faasaunoic, v . to ill use, todamage.

night ; to Kill ; to bring to a close Faasausili, a. haughty, affectii~g -
tile oiyoje. superiority.

with tisli.
Fa;lpola, v. to castrate. See YAUA.
Faapoa, v . to feed young children Faasautarnai, v. to be imperious;
Faasautoga to be oppresaivr.

Faapoi, v. to tl~reatento strike; to Faasautii, v. to shake (as a sail in

raise the h a d in a threatening the wind) ; applied a!so to a pet-
Inan ner. son who, attacked 011 all sides,
Faapologs, v . to enslave. . callnot reply.
Faapolopolo, s. the firstfruits. Faasautu, ?/. to refuse to acknow-
Faapona, v. to knot. ledge lawful al~tliority.
Faapopo, v. to dry. Faasaga, v. to direct to, to point to,
Faapopoa, v. to leave nuts to accu- to k c e to ; redupl. faasagasaga.
mulate on a piece of land ; to Faasaga'ese, s . a l~elved axe (to
scent the water with tish in order chiefs instead of to'i).
to attract other fish. Faasaga'ese, v. to go out bonita
Faapotopoto, v. to gather together, fishiog. See A1.o.
to assemble. Faasagafulu, v. to be ten nights old
Faapotopotoga, s. an assembly. (of the moon).
Faapuii, v . to put a heavy tine o n a Faasiigiti, v. to be cnld.
small offence. Faasala, v. to fine, to punish.
Faapu'e, u. to heap up. See FAU- FaasalaG, v. to abuse iudirectly ; to
PU'E. address one and mean it for ano-
Faapuga, v. to crouch down (as ther.
l'rum fear) ; to prepare to spring Faasalalau, v. to scatter.
on (as a cat). Faasalasilla, y . to be oppressive.
Faaprlpula, v. to make to sliine; to Faasalotia, v. to be starved.
explain. Faasamoa, a. according t o Samoan
F a a l ~ t ~ ta.~ ~ to, gather together custom.
(tl~ings); redupl. faaputuputu. Faasaniaani, v. to entreat the sick
Faalfi~tttga, s. a gatlieril~g (of to eat ; to urge to make a will.
thi~lgs). Faasanosaoo, tadsasa~~o, v . to desire.
~ , close together. Faasapavapa, a. aslalit.
F a a l n ~ t u p u t ~a.
See P U T ~ P U T ~ . Faasapilima, v. to take from a r s
Faasft, v. to make sacrcd ; to con- lative without permission.
secrate ; to prohibit. Faasapisapi, v. as fuusupilirna; also
Faasaau, s. a piece of cloth worn to provoke ; to be saucy to rela-
as all apron. tions.
- Fuasaci, v . to provoke. Faasasa, 71. to stand aslaut; to speak
E'iiasi'i, n. to upbrad. indirectly.
Fnilsi~n,? J . to save, to spare. Faasasau, v. to b!ow (the trumpet).
Fitasa'o, a. to make straight ; to Faa~i~sill~o, see F A A S A X O ~ A N O .
direct ; to explain. Faasavala, u . to lorlg after aome
F ~ i ~ o i I/.
~ uto, bedc\\. particular t'ood.
Faasavili, v. to air ; to cool oneself to eat and destroy food before
in the wind. going to war.
F i i w e , v. to slide on the breakers. Fmsiva, v. to tie hands and feet
Faasee, s. a small shed built against together crossways, the left to the
the side of a house. right and the right to the left.
Faasegao, s. a large mouthful. FGasoa, v. to apportion, to distri-
Faasegosego, v . to blink from short- bute, to divide out.
sightedness. Faasoa, r l . to seek a wife for ano-
Fasselevei, v . to interrupt a speak- ther.
er. See FAAYEI.EVEI. Fansoasoa, v. to deliberate about
FaasesG, v. to cause to go astray, the distribution of food or pro-
to mislead; to bring the head of petty; to be prudent.
a c;Inoe to the wind so as to leave Fansoata, s. crooked posts used i n
the sail flapping. building boat sheds and cooking
Faasetoa, v. to express sympathy houses.
by setou. Faasoesa, v. to annoy.
Faasevasevaloa, v. to be a vaga- I'aasoo, s. a war messenger.
bond. Faaaoo, v. to join together ; to e n -
Faasiasia, a. haughty, contemptu- croach on adjoining land.
ous. Faasoosoo, zt. to deliberate about
Faasi'ugutu, v. to talk to a person the distribution of food or pro-
while looking away from him. perty. See F A A S O A S ~ A .
Yaasi'ulii, v. to look askance, to Fassoosoogatii, a. incomparable.
dart angry glances. Faasola, v. to cause to run away.
Faasifo, u. to bow down, (applied FGasola, v. to kill.
to chiefs instead of ifo) ; to de- FaaGlogi, 71. to answer indistinctly. .
vote to destruction ; to eii~brace Faasolornoo, v . to be slow and di-
Christianity. latory.
Faasigano, v. to leave notches (as Faasosongaloto, v. to try means for
in cutting a breadfrnit in halves); satisfaction sake, without much
to make uueven (as a necklace hope of success.
with large and small beads) ; to Faasualua, a. brackish. See FAA-
make dovetail. TAITAINOSO.
Faasili, v. to go beyond, to prqject; Faasuapanupnnu, v. to make a butt
to be superior ; intens. hasilisili. of, to continue to jeer at.
Faasili, v. to take oft' sleepiness by Faasufi, v. to endeavour to draw
I having a nap. out a confession of guilt.

I Faasiliiletnauga, v. to sleep (chiefs). Faasiigal~lgalufale, v. to be bed-


Faasilitofo, v. to be relievcd for a
time; to have a partial relief in Faasuliimuaina, v. to act or talk
sickness. saucily or haughtily. See FAA-
Faasino, 21. to point out, to show, SAPISAPI.
to point to ; pass. faasinomia. Faasulusulu, v . to desert from ill-
Faasisasiaa, v. to have a mi3under- usage (as a wife her Iiusband, &c.)
standing. Faasusu, v. to suckle, to give tlie
Faasisila, v. to look on while food brcast to.
or property is being shared out ir Faata, v. to forbid.
order to get a share. Faataa, s. the fibres of the cocoanut
Faasisina, v , to cause to drop down ; ready twisted for making &let.
Faataa, v. to adze off the white 17aatSugi, v. lo ill-use.
wood from timber. Faataulkitu, 71. t c pretend to be r
Faataafiti, v . to make restless ; to tnuliiitu, to pretend to inspira-
cause to struggle (as an a ~ l i ~ n a l tion.
tied up) ; to struggle. Faatiiuma'oi, v. to ill-use.
Faataali'oli'o, v . to encircle. Faatiiumanufua, v. to be laid on cw,
Faataalije, v . to make haste. as juat to touch without being
Faataalo, v , to make to sport ; pl. fastened ; to engage in anything,
faataaalo. or to dwell a t a place, temporari- 1,
Faataaloga, s. playing, sport. ly; to pay little attention t o ; to
Faataalutulutu, v. to shake tllr lutu; have no heart in. r;
to shake against one another (as Faataunuu, v . to bring to pass. -;
tliings in a basket half full). Faatiupou, v. to bring u p as a vi- ,:
Faataamilo, v . to go round about ; gin. !
i~ztens;faataamilonlilo. Faatausuai, v. to cause to stumble;
Faataam~losaga,s. a tour. to offend.
Faataape, v. to scatter ; intens. faa- Faatintala, v. to ill use; to brink
taapeape.. disgrace upon.
Faataataa, a. to let loose, to let go Faatiiutonu, v . to- keep on with
(of animals) : to bark a tree. some work just for appearances
Faataatonu, v . to be lucky, to be while the principals are absent.
fortunate. Faatautupe, v. to take place, ( a p
Faataavalevirle, v . to roll round and plied to a war or a marriage). '

round ; pl. hataavavale. Faatauvaa, a . of small account, oi

Faata'esea, 1). to be refused, not to little value, trifling.
be received ; to be driven away. Faatafa, s. a chiefs illness.
Faatai, v. to go to fish while otl~ers Faatafa, v. to step on one side, to
go inland to the plantatio~~s (fua- get out of the road; pl. faata-
utg). tafa.
Faataio, v. to call out, to shout. , Faatafdgafaga, v . to draw u p all
Faataimua, v. to predict a calamity. the pola of a house.
Faatiitai, v. to make approaches to Faatafatafa, adv. on one side, indi-
(of one who formerly kept away). rectly.
Faata6ita'i, v. to try, to prove; to Faatafatoina, v. to be driven away
imitate. by one's people or kindred never
Faataitainono, u. brackish. to return ; to be disinherited.
Faataoto, s. a parable. Faatafiti, s . . the plaited cocoanut
Faata'oto, v. to ldy down; pass. leaf forming the outermost cover-
faata'otolia ; pl. faata'ooto. ing of t l ~ eridge of a house.
Faatau, 11. to buy, to barter; to Faatafiti, see FAATAAFIT~.
conteni .or the privilege of being Faatafuna, s. a place for rubbish.
spokesman. Faatafuna, v . to lay waste.
Faatau, adv. equally, alike. Faataga, y . to take off the sa,or
Faatauanau, 9 1 to importune. prohibition ; redupl. faatataga.
v. to mock. See TAU- Faatagii, zg. to pretend to, to feign.
E 1 : z t U ] EMU. Faatagata, s . an image, a sculpture,
Faatau'oa, s. a merchant. a picture.
Faata~~futin~isa, 2,. to provoke a Faatagata, u . to dress out, to adorn.
cluarrel. See FAA>IAXAIA.
Faatagataotarra, v . to treat like cap-
Faatagataga, v. to put in readinzss,
:aate'itelivale 1 v . to cl~llon a prr-
son without hav-
ing any particular business.
to have a t hand. :ilatefua, s. a widower; a single
Faatiila'ese, v. to refuse sauciiy ; to man.
disobey haughtily. Taatelc, 17. to enlarge, to iacrease.
Faatiila'u'ula, v. to take unwar- :aateleteleirCi,a. to make Iraste, to
rantable heedom ; to present nn- run quickly ; to be oppressive, to
warral~tablerequests. act overbearingly.
Faatalale, 1 7 . to neglect, to disre- ?aatt.mutemu, v. to take slight hold
gard, to take no care of. of.
Faatalatalanoa 1 v. to take it easy,
to sit idle.
Faatali, v . to wait lor; redup. faa-
'aateva, v. to banisl~.
'aatiau, v. to disenlhowel.
Faatiu, s. a northerly wind.
talitali. Faatigii, v. a. to cause pain.
Faataliaga, v. to 1.1y % person on Faatigii, v. n. to be in labor.
his back,-(applied also to things). Faatigatigii, v . to be pained (as with
Faatami, v . (lite~aily,to be as a travelling, work, &c.)
father), to wait on a chief. Faatilitili, v . to be s p a r i ~ ~
of,g to use
Faatamabima'i, v. to be small, (ap- sparinglv.
plied to size, quantity, a r ~ dmen- Faatif~ifu,V . to be cloudy.
tal capacity). Faatinifuga, s. persons incapable of
Faatamaitiiti, v. to act like a little fighting.
child ; to quarrel. Faatino, v . to grow stout ; to.finish
Faata~nala,v. to procrastinate, to plaiting the body of a double
delay, to neglect, to be remiss. basket.
Faatamatama, v. to act like a cll~ld Faatiti,.,, to be dangerously wouud-
in dress and play. ed.

Faata~lo, v . to llumble oneself, to
Faatanoa dcbasc oneself; redupl.
Faatitino, v . to be greatly increased
(as pain,-drought, famine, &c.)
Faatitipa, v . to be careless.
Faatnsi, a . oltce. Faatitti, v . to cast headlong, to pre-
Faatasi, v. to adcl to ; to join to. cipitate.
gether : to be togetlrer. Faato, v . to give over (as land sold
Faatasi, udu. together. or given) ; to curse.
Faatatau, v. to tit ; to apply; tc Faato'a, a. new ; first, (used as su-
imitate. perlative, 0 le fuuto'a nta'i tele).
Faatataga, a. to eat food consecra. Faatp'a, V . to comineuce a planta-
ted to c~itu. tion ; to cultivate grourrd for the
Faate'a, v . to cast off, to reject ; tc first time.
expel. Faato'a, adv. for the first tirne.
FaateLaga, s. expulsion ; banish Faato'aga, s. a plantation.
ment. Faatoatoa, a. to bear patiently, to
Faatpi, s. younger brethren anc er~dure.
cousins who are markcd wit1 Faatoeaina, u . sedate, sober.
their brother. Faato'ese, a. to ask pardon, to apo-
Faate'i, 1). to startle. logize, (used when relati~tg the
Faateine, a. to act the girl ; to dres fact). See T O ' E ~ E .
out, to adorn. Faato~lalo,v . to subdue.
Faatoga, c. to bcbg, to entreat. ing a suciden noise by callilig ou
Faatolo'ulu;o. to find fault after a tlilou!
decision lias been come to. See j Faatulolo, a. bowing, inclining (ah
FAAMULIUPU. ; a wall about to fall).
Faatololi, o. to make a grating
Faatonu, u. to direct ; to instruct ;
1 Faatulu'ipaepae, u. to be haunted.
Faatulutulu, o. to dmp.
Faatunmu, o. to cause to stand fast.
to put right. Faatumu, o. to fill.
Faatosaga, o. to act the midwife. Faatupolo, u. to act a s a t~rpolo.
FaatGtGlnea, a. frugal, (contracted ' Faatnpu, u. to cause to grow; tr
from faatotoe mea). See PAN.^- cause : to raise (a post).
PA. Faatupuloto, o. to provoke, to makc
Faatotope, v. to be too rapid, (ap- angry.
plied to speaking aud paddliug) ; Paatusa, s. a comparison.
~ e d u p .faatopetope. I Paatr~sa,c. to compare ; redup. fna
Faatu, o. to cause to stand u p : to tusatusa; pl. faatutusa.
place on e18d (as a post); to ap- Faatiitii, o. to ask fbr a share 01
point ; pl. faatut~i. food taken to visitors; to ask a
Faatiiii, o. to pul~ish, to fine. See larger share of the same: to re-
F a a s a ~ ~ ( trllore
l ~ e general word). fuse ; to walk about with a clrild
Faat~lai,o. to pl.olong ; to put off; '
in order to quiet it.
to delity ; ~ e d u l ~fdatuatuai.
l. Paatutue, u. to wait about for more
Faat~taupua,o. to backbite. food after being already supplied.
FaatuiimaLo,o. to tell some message Faatiitiimalu, o. to act the protector
after the time for attending it is witl~outhaving the power.
past.. Faavi, u . to cause a rivalry; redup.
Paatuatna, o. to delight in some faaviivi.
acquisitiot~; to hope for some- Paavaaasiga, u. to be treated ar, a
tlling promised ; to trust, to rely conquered party.
on ; to cherisl~revenge. Faavae, s. a foundation. See Noo-
Paatuatuaga, s. sometiling to rely PA.
on. Faavae, u. to lay the foundation.
Faatuatuana'i, o. (lit. to put betiind Paavaegugu, o. to do a thing slowly
the back), to forget. and deliberately.
Faatu'i'ese, o. to obiect, to oppose. Faavaesnpe, s. a club foot.
Faatuituia, u. to indulge angry feel- Faavaevave, u. to hasten, to make
ings. haste.
Faatuo6a!a, V . to refuse angrily; to 17iavai, u. to place inwater; to soak.
upbraid. See PA.I'AI.AAI.A. Faavai, o. to cook.
Faatuu~nalia,o. to apply an acci- Faavaitausoa, s. wiuds a t variance
dent as bei~!ga juclgmeot ; to re- causi~igrain.
joice in aliotl~er'sli~isfortu~~e. Faavaivai, o. to make soft ; to muke
Faatuutuu, c. to yield t o ; to be tender; to make watery.
diwouragcd. Faaviiivai, u. to weaken ; to lose
Faatuf'ugngu. s. carpenters' tools. heart.
Faatugi, u. (from ttcyii), to give Faavaoa, u. to let lie fallow.
trouble (as l ~ ycalling unexpect- Faavaotula, u. to be destitute of
edly). trees, to be desert.
Firat111011,t q . to apo!ogize fur ~ n a k -, Faavaovaotoafa, s. a scrubby bush.
Faavauvatl, u. to grieve, to niourn. 1 Fai'ai, u. to get food ; to bri~ig up
Fauvagavaga, u. to sit all round in I!y hand.
a circle ; to leave a space where Fai'ai, s, the braill ; cook,,d juice of
the chief is seated. the cocoa~lut.
Faavigarta, u. ro talk without eat- Faiaina, c. to be overcone.
ing. Fiiiaga, s. a ~ ~ t i c playiilg
s, the fool ;
Faavalea. u. to act lbolislily; redup. , inrproper corlduct (gt.tir~rally).
faavaleralea. Faian~uga,u. to coule aRer the 111i1,g
Faavalemalosi, a , like araving Inad- is fini~hrd,to be too latr, (alwiiys
man, outrageous. used wit11 a nt gative).
Faavalematua, u. to act as one in Faianaga, s. joking.
llis dotage ; redup. havalevale- Faiaso, s. a cannibal ; ail oppressor.
matila. Fiiaso, u. to be a l o ! g time ago.
Faavavan, s . a stone connected with Faiavi, u. to marry.
a legend. Fai'ili, s. a skate the bone arid skin
Faavavau, u. to be perp tual, to be of which are used as a rasp.
lasting. Faioso, u. to forage ; to s.ek food
Faavela, u. to burn, to set fire to, in war time.
(before chiefs for suszcvlu). Faiuln, s. the teeth of a shark used
FaavSvG, u. to do a thing by halves as scissors.
or ineffectually. Faiuniu, s . a cook.
Faavevela, u. to ripen by burying ; Faifai, u , to become, to happen. See
to warm up. also PEAPEA.
Faavevesi, u. to put in con~motion; Fiifai, u. to abuse ; pass. faia.
to create a disturbance; redup. Faifaifeoloolo, u. to be better, to be
faavesivesi. more tolerable.
Fasviivii, see FAAVEVE. Faifai~nilie,u. to do a thing delibe-
Faavili, s. a drill. rately ; to act with n~oderation.
Faav6v6tuiii I 21. to go about in Faifeau, u. to go on a message.
crowds confusedly. Paifeau, s. a missionary, (by cor-
Faeme, s . tlie name of a fish. ruption of the above).
Fai, u. to do ; to say, to speak ; to Failesia, u. an apologetic term used
get, to obtain, to possess ; to be- when dissenting from atlo~her:
come, to be for; to make sail ; T u fuifes'a!
~ i t or bestia!ity ; to Faife~arri,v. t , r a y for ; to avenge.
to c o r n ~ ~iticest
cotlabit with ; pass. faia ; intens. F'i'ifui~i iu. u to pick out an itldi! i-
Fai, s . the skate fish.
Fa'i, s. the banalha or plantain. See
Fii6i, see FA.
I dual n o d r t ~ purrish.
Fiiiga, s. a a')usi~rg
: labor pains ;
c;anoc s keep 11g tog :tlit,r In rac ng.
Faiga, s. the getting ; the making;
the doing.
Fa'i, u. to break off; to pluck ; to Faigi, s. diffi ,ult.
extract; inte~ls.fa6if8'i; p1 $k1i. Faigimea, s . any or:casiou on which
Fiiii, s . a bridge; a n~atri~nonial property is given or exc1la:lgt.d

F " y 1
conr~ectionbvtwe~ntwo lands.
adv. exactly so ; that 's
Pa6iraei it, that's true.
(as marriage, hou ;ebuilding, kc.);
bitdly mads propsrty.
Faigad, a. difficult. See F ~ r c a .
Faiaai, s. a liew st,t[lement, a I ew Fa~gotie,a. eaay.
village. Failauga, r. a speaker.
114 FA I FAU
Failiinaatifiiga, v. to set sail as cacl~ Fa'itoga, a. one bind of banana.
cranse ir ready without waiting for Faitoto, v . t o take blood from h e
one another 1 eye.
Failele, s. a suck1il.g nc m;lll, a wet- 1 Fiiitoto'a, s. s doorway.
1111rse. Faiva, s. a f i s h i ~ ~ ga; trade, an w-
h i l t le. v. to sl~clrle,to nurse. 1 cupation.
Fainmi, 1,. come together, (a call). Faivaiulima, s. an occupationweak-
Faimanu, s. a bird catcher, a sports- ening the arms ; metaph. aapeech
Faimanu, 1
Fainala \
s. specie5 of the skate.
/ s u ~ n o s e dto hnve riven offence.
~aiv;, u . to act an%ecomingly, to
act scurvilv :- to commit incest.

Faipes~ga,v . to accompany music Fao, s. a wooden p c g ; a nail; a

wit11 s i n g i ~ ~ g . kind of punch used in making ca-
Fiiipo, 2,. to be 101.gago. See F A X - noes.
ASO. Fao, v. to seize, to take violently,
Faipule, s. a councillor, a ruler. to rob ; pass. faoa.
Faisoa, s. one w l ~ oteaches thesoa; Fa6, v. to be upset, t o be ttlrned
a nlan who has ;I large family and bottom u p ; to lie 011the face.
so ext mpted from the necessity F a o ' a ~ ~ g u t us., a small open canoe.
of working. Fao'ato, v . to pack in a basket.
Fiisoa, s. an odd one, (applied to Faofao, s. a long shell Ibrmerly used
things countrd by pairs). as a punch i n making the holes
Faisoo, adv. contin~~ally : aso fai- for lashing together the canoe.
SOO. Faofao, v. to nail.
Faisua, s. food taken to relations Faofslc, v . to bring in, to cause to
when arriving in the ncighbour- enter a house.
hood. Faofana, s. a screw.
Fiiisua, s. the c l i ~ ~fish.
n Fau, s. tlre name of a tree; the
Faita, v. methought. See FA. string for tying u p the hair; pe-
Pailaa, v. to c o ~ l ~ mfornication.
it culiar ways of fastening on the
Faitaagn, s. fbrnication. hook in bonito fishing; the cir-
Faitn'i, cottj. but, ~~rvertheleos, (sel- cular beams in a house.
dom used). See P E I T . ~ ' ~ . Fau. v. to tie together, to fasten by
Faitau, zJ. to c o ~ ~ n tto; read ; to i tying ; to b u ~ l d ; pass. f ~ a s i a ;
get leaves to cover in the oven ; 1 inrens. fa~rfar~.
pl. faitau.
Fa'itafa, s. the top row in a bunch
of bananas.
Faua, s. saliva, spittle (as iasuing
from the mouth).
Faui, v. to drivel. I
Fait:jla, v. to give news; to be a ' Faurllii, s. a native custom in coo-
talrbearer ; pl. either of persons ~ ~ e ( . t i owith
n exchange of pm-
or t1:inps; f;litala. ~)crty.
Faitalin, u. a + I , you, &c. please. F a ~ ~ r p v.a , to prepare the property
Faitanla, v. to br 111otherly;to take on which a dead chief is laid in
care of its young. state.
Faitioina, v. to be done under the Faui, s. the name of a tree.
t-yes of' those watcl~illgfur fdul~s. Fiiuk:~faltgn,v. to betroth a c b i k .
Faitit.~li,s. tl~under. Fiut;~u,v. to fi~sten on, to tie W-
Fiiititili, 21. to tl~und.r. gether; to feel sick.
Faito.nga, s. a dclive er, a saviour. 8. uhiutane, t.. to betrothadaughtu.

FAG 1l.i
Fauf li, s the c,ord used by a woman taken to a fisherman pr,,pardtory
to fasten hcr bl~rdento her b , ~ c k . to comn~ittinga fisl~ingcanoe to
Faufilita, v. to come bdck e~npty- him ; I~oarseuess.
h a ~ ~ d e (using
d, the faujli to beat FafEi, v. to bring taro fr011111-lc
off the flies). pla~itation; to scrspe off the o11tt.r
Faufilo, s. perineum (of the man). bark fiorn tutugu, &c. ; to atju-c,
Faugati, a d~fficultto be brought (pi. offGifui).
to obey the string by which a pi- Fafa'i, v. pl. of fci1i.
gpon is tied ; clisobedic.i~t. Fafio, v. to p:lck into a b;tskt,t ;
Fiiula'i, v. to be 11capt.d up: to p/iss. faoa a ~ r dfaoina.
;~bou~~d. Fafiu, v. to fasten on (as an utlze
Fiula'iga, s . a heap. handle, or an outrigger).
Faulalo, s . the lohest fuu in a house. Fahga, 11. to reed ; puss. hgain;~.
Eaulaln, 21. to interc~dr,to advise. Fafbga, s . a woman's burden.
See FAUTUA. Fafagu, v. to waken, to rollsc f,onl
Fiulalo, u , to f4stc.n on the outrig-
ger a u that the calroc3 nlay lie flat "
in the watrr ; to dr~tltuuoueself, Fafano, v. to wash the hands a~ltl
to hu~tibleo ~ ~ r s e l f . mouth ; ititens fal:ofano ; to mis-
Fa'u mai, v . i~ripers. It is said. carry, to :~bort.
Fsumau, v. to hold tirn~ly,to stick Fafdno, a. n u d e small by stretch-
to an opil~ion,&c. ing (as string).
Faupata, s . the name of a plant Fafasa, a. foolish, mad, crazed.
from which white mats, native Fafasi, v. to force ope11 (as the
string, &c., are made. mouth); to beat, (pi. of fasi).
Fiupu'e, 11. to be heaped u p ; to Fafati, u . pl. of f a t i .
be abundant. See F A U L A I . Fafdtu, 2). pl. of f u f u .
Fiupucga, s . heap. Fafie, s . firewood.
Fausa, s . the woof; a bllndlc of Fafil~e,s , a woma:).
tuume or dry leives ready for Fafo, prep. outsid,,.
burlling. Faga, s . a bay : a fi*h trap ; a ve1.y
Fausaga, s . a fastening. acrid species of tftnt~rti.
Fausala, v. to fasten on wrong the raga, see LEFAGA.
110ok for bonito fishil~g. Fiigiti, s. the hidiug l~iaceof t1,e
Fausngii, s . the Ilamt: of a plant. bi1.d shooter.
Fiiutane, v . to betroth a d a t ~ g l ~ t;e r Figa'ilupe, s. t l ~ etinlc ofcl:~yabui:t
iatcns. faufku tane. 9 o'clock.
P a u t ~ ~va., to i~~tcrccde.S L FAU-
~ Figafao, s. a11 au;~rl:tl fed in tile
LALO. Irousr.
Fautuuaina, v unrestrained, un- Figafaga, s . a snrall !,:IF; t11c ~ l s u ~ c
checked, (of a child left entirely of one kind of ti.
to take its own w,~y). Fagafaga, s . the hair at the tc.111-
Fauvae, s. the rope at the h o t of ples.
the net. See AFAVAE. Fagafagalfisi, v. to have Indlly dif-
Fafa, v. to carry a Ilcrson on the ferent topics (ol' ii b j ~ ~ . t c h ) .
back. Fagaga, s. a herd.
Fa&, s. the S.~rnoanhades. Fagaloa, s. a deep bay: one ~ 1 ) c c . i ~ ~
Fafa, s. taro tops uelrudrd of the of taro.
leaves and stalks ; cooked food 8. o specie3 uf he fi.
Fngatasi, sr e 'fur\.rasr. Falehle, s. plarcntn. See fast:^.
Fiigatua, I , . to wst,stla. Falegase, s. a numerous oyspring
Fiigatuaga, s. a wrestling. all tlyirlg ; tltil~gstaken fro111 a
Figono, s. a title intermir~gledwith Fanlily by their aitu and b11rit.d to
song ; boasting. bring nlisfort~rneor death.
F i g o t a , 1). to fish. Palelanasi, zl. to bury, (applied to
Fagotaga, s. w tishi~!g. high chiefs).
Fi~gu,s. a snlall sl.t,cies of gorud ; Falenla'o, s. a house nmdr of ma'o.
the frnit ol'it uscd as a bottle ; a Falruiu, s. a house in which the
bottle. people of the land gather on the
FaguLgu, see FAI~.A(.~T. d e a t l ~of a chief.
Faguf;.gu, s. a flute. Paletama, s. the children of a poly-
Fala, s. the rlame of a tree, (the gamist.
pallclanus); the line apple; a Fiiletele, v. to be not very large.
rleepi~lg-mat. Falettsle, s. the large house of a fa-
F i l a , I ! . to clear the l~olein which mily or of a village.
the t a ~ ois plantrd. Faleto'a, s. a cl~ief'ssleeping house.
Falafala, s. au old n:at. Filetolu, v. to unite for ally pnr-
Falafalarla'i, 1,. to lit, down, to re- pose (three lands or villages); SO
cline, (a terin of respect) ; also also f&Zelun,filefa, &c.
to take thi11g.seasy. Faletii, s. a family without a head.
Falaga, s. the work of clearing out Faletua, s. a small back house; a
the llole in w l ~ i c l the ~ taro is cl~icl"swife.
planted. Falevao, s. a liouse made of com-
Falilgii, s. the name of a tree. mon wood.
Fiilala, u . aslant. Fali, s. a species of grass.
Fale, s. a ho~ise;an umbrella. Faliu, v. to turn, (of the sun .Rer
l'ule, v. to dwc.11 i l l (as in a house). noon).
Fale, prcp. within, inside, ir~doors. FSliu, v. to turn the head, to look
Falea, a . full of I ~ o ~ ~ s c s . back.
Faleau16, s . a strc$rlgrr,an alien, a Falo, 71. to stretcli out.
person r r s i d ~ ~ ~ g his OM n
away Filute, ) zr. to gather up evrnly,
l a ~ l d (a, teinl of rcspect). Falutelute $ (as the ends of the ti
Falealo, s. cliildien of a chief by Icaf in m a k i ~ qa t i t i , a quantity
differei~twives. of cloth, sheets of p a p r , &c.)
Fale6cSe, s. a cooking-house, (so Fana, s. a gun : a syringe.
called before chiefs). , to shoot.
F a ~ l a v.
Fale'esea, v. to dwell apart (as a Fana'asa, 1 ) . to shoot beside tbe
sick person, a husband driven mark, to miss.
away by his wife). Fana'e, t / . to rise (of the rnobn).
Faleoo. .v. a small Ifark I~ouse. Pina'e, v. to rise ; redupl.
Fulrolu, s. a Ilc~u.;~ built of oltrmea; na'e. to conlmerlce to rise. -
a nun~c,rollsolLp i. g. Fana'ega, s. a number of
Faleuli, s. :I cool,i~~g house. S e e one person.
FAI.I:~I.~K. Fana'ela, see F A N . + ' A S . ~ .
Falv't1111,s. a 1)r1adfi-uit I~ouse. F a ~ ~ a ' i os., the mime of a tree.
Fulculjo!r~,.v. t l ~ c t hotly of citizens ; E'ar~au,v. to L r i ~ ~fnrtl~ g ; to exude
the p:ol,le, ( a ~ ( . I . I I I of reapect in- gum (as the rrtr;uli); pl. t i m a n 4
st~ildof I l l / ] .
)* i~tterls.f i ~ ~ ~ v f a r;i ptirs.
: ~ u fvnoua.
F ~ M ~s.I IoKspriog,
, cl~ildren. moan doublc calioe; a11e n ~ i ~ ~ e ~ t c e ;
Far~a~igir,s. chiid-beaiiiig ; off- a bluff point.
spring. Fatanlanu, s. scaffoldillg.
Faiiaulciiu, v. to bring forth pre- Fatai~iga,s. a nest ; a nurnber of
n~aturzly. snakes iutertwin?il.
F a ~ ~ a u p a l a svi ., to have children in Fiitataign, s. cl~iefjaud heads of
quick successio.~. famiiies who coinpose t h e coun-
F a ~ ~ a u s e r l s.
a , a loot presentation.
FanaEdna, v. to fire off guns re
peatedly ; to go out sllootir~g. Fati, v. to break ( a s waves) ; to
Fanafanaga, s. a shootiiig. brtak off (as twigs of rrecs); pl.
F a n a h n u a , s. a cannon. fal'iiti; plcss. fatia; redupl. fati-
F a n a ~ n a n u s.
, a Sowlir~g-piece; In- fati ; recipro. t'ekttit'dtia'i.
dian shot. Fatia'ina, v . to relapse (as in sick-
Fiii~asc.,v. to doctor the eye. ness).
Fanavale, v. to shoot beside the Fatiatinta'i, s. unevennesses in the
m a ~ k ,to miss.
Fano, v. lo die, to perish ; to be
1 ground ; abrupt rucks stasding
in tlie ro(~d.
madc a11end of: Fititua, 7/. to alter plans, to change
Fano, udu. along, passing along. the mind.
Fanoauluga, 7/. to die off' one after Fatiuli, v. to steal, (a term of ridi-
another. cule and coiitt~xlpt).
Fanofano, see FAFANO. Fatiratiala, v. to be near being boru.
Fanua, s . land ; the fastening of a. shady, (only used in poe-
the. bonito hook ; placei~ta.
Fanusmamala, s. the n a u e of a
Fanuatan~r,s. a stone pavement. stone ; the core or stone
Fasa, s. the name of a tree.
Fasa, a. foolish, mad, crazy ; re-
dup. h l i s a .
Fasataua, s. the riame of a tree.

va:e parts, (will1 o genitive).

, f a u f u t z ~fuLuju.u
, fiLtu).
Fisi, s. a piece; a place ; the pri- Fatu, v. to make a t i t ( ; LO con>-
meltce plaiting; tv tidsteil ffoatr
Fasi, v. to beat ; to kill ; to split ; to a net ; to co~r~pose a song; ta
pl. fdfasi ; intens. f8slt:aai ; puss. raise a fblsc report.
fasia, pl. 15sia.
Fasioti, v. to kill ; puss. fariotia. I Fitua6i, v. to lay up in the memory.
Fatuius, a. tlie uailie of a rhrllhsh.

contrliue beating. I
Ftsifiisi, ,u. tu split up in pieces; to Fatuamo, s. the part of the shoul-
d r r on wliich the burdei~n sts.
Fasig.1, s. a beatir~g. Fatua~noa, v. to hnve a swollen
I:ata, s. a raised llouse for s t o r i ~ ~ g shoulder froin bruring burdens ;
yams ill ; a shelf; a ltaud bdr- to be hard worked.
row ; a bier. Fatu'amu, s. a heap of 'atnu, made
Fata, 1:. t o carry ill a f u t a . to attract fish.
Fatai, v. to sit cros.ili~gged; pi. fi- Fatuati, s. a hLbap of stones and
tatili. coral to attract tisll
Fatafata, v . the chest, the breast. Faru'ulu, u , to t l ~ a t r h over old
Fatitlele, s . a ljart of the old Sa- thatcll ; to storc LILJ g.i ~ v ~ ~ l ~ c e s .
Fatufala, s. a specit,s of brt,adfr~~it.Fe'alo'alofa'i, 71. to evdde, to make
v. to lbld up ; to lay cxcus~s.
up word<; to p0ndr.r : Fea!ofa'i, 71. to commit adultery or
/ fornication secretly.
l'atufatua, t r . stony : having small I Feilofa'i, 7,. (pl. of iilo), to paddle.
.rto~~es. ( Fe'alofi, v . pl. 01' 'ulo.
Fati~fua,t r . to raise a false rrport ; j Fealua'i,
to accuse f;
Fatuga, s. tht>tin~bersto wl~ichthe
v. to go about, to go up
and down, t o walk
backward< and forwards; redrip.
pullills of n I~ouseare fastened. fealualua'i.
Fatr~gn'o,s. the. kidneys.
Fat11gugi1,s. a fatty tunlour.
I'atul;~~~, s. old ttiatch.
, /
i Feanu, 1). to spit.
Frasof.l'i, r . to rush upon ; to run
madly about.
F ; t t ~ ~ n ~ a n as. v a the
, motion of the , Feasogi, v. to salute by rubbing
E ' a t ~ ~ ~ n a ts.
1 noses.
a ua, worn-out l~atchet. : Fe6atani, 1 1 . (pl. of 'rrta), to laugh.
1'81 ~tpese,1 I Feavca'i, v. to b~ a talebearer.
~ : j S. a~ Poet. ~ ~ Fc
~ aviti(l6i,i 11. to ~ tell a tilz
~ in differ-
F:atllto6i,s. a worn-out hatchrt. ent ways ; to prevaricate. See
Piittrtfi, s. a I ~ r a pof stones in tlre i AVITI.
SPR left tbr a long time without F G v ~ a ' i ,v. (recipr. of ace), to take
t ? ~ et'sll being disturbed : an in. / about.
dr~striousman. I Fee, s. the cuttle fish.

Fituvalu, s. a bad siapo. / Feefee, r. elephantiasis.

]',I, a prefix to vrrlw, with i , a'i, , Feetieti:lCi,v. to bedriven from post
t o ' i , o 7 i i , &c. suftix~d, for the ! to pillar: to be ordered on differ-
most part dt.~~oting reciprocal ac- / ent meswges a t the same time.
tion, but in some instar~cesonly ' Fvi'a, s. ornomentally marked na-
tbr~nirlga plnral. , tive clotl~.
l:ra, mdz). where ? FeitagnLi,v. (rrcipr. of i t n ) , to hate
'a'ei, r l . (pl. of o'e), to climb. / niut~~i~lly.
I.'$':~i,IL. fierce, savage. ' Friiatitni, v. (pl. of i t n ) , to hate.
l.'cno, v. to pllard, to protect; to Feitt.iteii6i, 71. to sce indistillctly (as
lil'pl) O I I ro~nlrany.
~ at t.wiligl~t) ; to be distinguisl~a-
l~c:ioli'i,I ) . to collect together from blr : as, Lia feittifea'i uitu ma
(lifii~n~r~t p!ar8.s. See A o . ta!/n t r l .
12c.'au, s. a n~esra;~. , Fe'i:etele, s. the moon a little past

1:(*';111,7.. to send fbr. ' filll.

1:cs.ili~i,v. (pi. of 'narc), to swim. FeotPo, s. branching coral.
1:r:lr;li. 1 1 . to b*.opposite each o t l ~ ~ , r Feofoolo, : 1,. to I)ts n~oderated,to be
to t.orrc-l~o~irl ; to dwell togc,ther itrlproved, to be better.
(an ;I chirf wit11 his ~)(,oplc j. Ft il,u . pullgent, acrid.
l'cs:~:?;lig:l,s. ;In estal~lisl~rcl rt.lation- Feir. 7,. (pl. or' , I ) , to bite.
d l l l ) I ) t\vlt,l~clifft.rt,r~t.pilrtics (as Fe'u'ua'i, 1.. to mutually lay hold
bel\\.i~c~t~ I~ro~lrt,rs a~ltlsi-t:,rs alld i of.

J i ~ l e ) : ilfl~pted to mo,:l gt*ser;llly r 1

tht ir cl~ildrc-n,cl~ic!f:i a ~ l d fctla- i I:e,lLun'i, v , to jostlz ; to more a
~ housrlrry
i barlwards
all itgree~l~el~t, a coveual~t.
Fr'alaai, 7,. to smart. See i a i d fc~riv.~r(I~.
~ t u f e u a, . tough.
Fefr, s. fear. Fenavunavua'ilsa, v. te be beaten
Fefe. 11. to be afraid ; to be wrin- about the head with a club.
kled. to be shiivelled .: v1. fefefe. Fenii, v . to make a join in plait-
Fefena I z

a. tough. See F l r ~ r n .
ing, &c.
Fepanipania'i, v. to ply with blows
Ft-filoi, 1). to mix. or words.
Fefo'ifo'ia'i, v . to be fickle. Fesa'eaina, v . (from sasu'e), to be
FegalegaltaLi,v. to be driven tirst torn to pieces.
one army and then the other. Fesaeiaina, v . (from suei). to be
Feganavai, a. (recipr. and pl. of pulled to pieces.
gugana),to speak to one allother. Fesaga'i, v. to be opposite each
Fela, s. e c t r o p i o ~; ~the eye (only in other.
abuse). Fesanui, v. to whisper together.
Fc*la'u, v . to scratch ; to scratch in- Fesiita'i, v. to lilt from place to
decently. place.
Felaulau, st. to sail about. Fesiiti, v . to take in the lap (as a
Felaulaua'i, v. to spread out quick- child).
ly ;. to bring various charges Fesili, s. a question.
against one. Fesili, v . to question, to ask a ques-
Fela'ula'ua'i, v. (from la'u), to be tion.
a tell-tale. Fesilia'i, v. to pass one another un-
Felaulautasi, v. to be the alone nitti~lgly.
speaker (with whom none con- Fesoani, u . to accompany another.
tends for the privilege of speak- Fesoasoalii, v. to help, to assist.
ing). Fesusui, v. (pl. of susu), to suck.
Feliita'i, v . (pl. of lrltu), to be near Fetaaloloa'i, a. to be in confusion
together. (as a crowd moviug backward and
Felavei, \ v . to be intertwined, forwards).
Felavc1avea.i ) to be i~ltricdte, to Fetai, s. the name of a creeping
be involved. plant.
Felefrle, a. bushy ; complicated, Feta'i, v. to lead others.
involved. Feta'i, v. (froni ta), to fight with
Fclotoia'i, v . to be intermixed. clubs).
Feluaoi, a. (from luu, two), to go Fetaia'i, v. to meet.
two togrtlier. Fetaiaigafa, v . to c o n ~ ~ c cbyt mar-
Frluuluu, v . to fill tho hands with riage.
several d~fferentthings. Feta'ita'i, v . to take I~o'dof hands.
Femaomaoga'i, v . to do mr~tuallya Fetaolafi16i, a. to make the tire burn
thing to no purpose. See MAO. brightly.
Fc~l~rina'i, v. pl. of m w ; allo, to Fetaoma'i, s. one kind of bana~w.
do quickly. Fetaoma'i, v . (111. of' tutool, to
Femrmea'i, v . to b: confbundtd. press.
Frmili, z'. to r l ~ htogether. Fetau, s. the name of a tree.
Fr~no'ei,v . (111. of niotnole), to run. Fetau, v. to reproach, to upbraitl.
Fulls, s. the llame or a tree. See Fetaui, v. to clash together (as two
'0~1. trees falling).
h a , s. sleepi~iess,weariness, ex- Fetaufutulia6i, v . (recipr. d t ~ u j ' e -
haustion : as, LJu t u Le fena. t u l i ) , to run about.
Frl~avil~avia'i,see F E L . ~ V E L A V E A 'Fetau1a6i,
I. v . to meet \a8 two roads);
to ]lave a concurrence of misfor- Fetulia, v. to ruri after, to givecbuc :
tUl1~~S. to.
Pt taulaigi-ala, s. a place where t wo Fetuliga, s. a chasing.
rosds I I I C ~ , ~ . FetutaLi,v. to join by a knot; pl.
Ftt:lgofi, r . (pl. of tayo), to take fetututa'i.
hold of. Fia, a. three. See TOLU.
Fetiila'i, 7:. to confess one to ano- Fia, v . to wish, to desire.
thrr i l l order to ascertain for whose Fia. a particle suffixed to some verk
sake one of the family is ill. to form the passive.
F e t a l a ~ v., to speak, (used ofchicfs). Fia, adv. how many ?
Fetalniga, s. a cl~ief'sword; a chief's Fiainu, s. thirst.
speec:h. Fiaui, s. a dark kind of pigeon.
Fetai~iga,see F.~I.AXIGA. Fiai.a, s. joy, delight.
Ferima'i, see FETOM ~'1. Fiafia, a. joyfill.
FrtinaLi,v . to be pressed together ; Fiafia, v . to rejoice, to be delighted.
to be choked for room. Fiasega, s. one kind of umbrelhr
Feto, s. the eyes, (only used in platit.
abuse). Fiu, v . to be wearied of, t o be tired
Peto'ai, a. to clash together, to fall of.
or run one against another. Fifi, s. the s~nnllintestines.
Fetoa'i, (1. to be rtndrcided, to be of Figota, s. the gerteral name fbr
two nlinds ; to take what belo~igs sl~elltish,including those of a ge-
to another in mistake for your latijtous nature.
f i t o g i , v . (PI. of royi), to stone, to
throw at.
El!%1 a. quiet, easy; redup. 6C
Fili, s. one who is hated by ano-
Fetolofi, r. (pl. of totolo), to creep, ther.
to crawl. Fili, zT. to plait ; pl. fifili.
Fetiima'i, v . to rn~ltl~ally encourage. Fili, v. to be entangled, to be io-
Fetii, s. a star. volved, to be intricate; tochocwe,
Fetiiao, s. the morning star. to select; to deliberate ; irztcru.
Fetuan;tLi, o. to convey from one fili6li.
place to a ~ ~ o r l ~(applied
cr, to the Filitiliga, s. a deliberation.
non combatants in war taken Filifuea, v. to be entwined and
about for protection); to sit with choked by the f u e .
the backs to each other. Filigii, s. perseverance, diligence.
Fetuiitust~a'i,v. to sit with the backs Fiiigi, a. diligent, persevering.
to each other ; to be a t variance. Filiga, v. to be persevering, to Be
F r t r ~ i v, . to pile the stones of the d~ligent.
oven on the firewood. 1 Filiga, s. the quantity of cinet phi+
Fettiu, a. tu curse. ed.
Ftdttlu~~i, 1,. to accuse falsely one Filigata, s. a number of snakes in-
after ariothrr. tertwincd. See EEGA.

FCtuuturla'i, u , to br taken from
F e t u ~ i t u ~ ~ ~ ~one
fanlily to atmtl:: r.
a ' i branch of the
Filiu~oto,s. the nnnie of a tree.
I:ll~taa, v. to prefer, to give t h e p
ference to.
Fetb;clt., s. a s l ~ c c t i ~ rstar.
g Filo, s. twine ; thread.
Fetulrni, v . (fiom fulei), to press on Filo, v. to mix ; pl. fefiloi.
anottler, to crowd upon. ,
I Filoa, s. the IIarnv OF a tish.
FOG 12 1
Filou'a, s. envy. Foagn, s. the young of wild birds.
Filofiloa, s, the name of a tree. Foagafanua, s. pigeons hatched early
Filotai, s. the name of a shellfish. in cultivated land.
Fimalie, adv. easily, gently; intens. F ~ a g ~ ~ n l a g o gs.o ,pigeons hatcl~cd
f i t inlalie. at the same time with the gogo.
Finau, v. to strive, to contend ; ~ T L - Foe, s . a paddle.
tens. finafir~au; recipr. fefinaua'i. Foeuli, s. a steering paddle ; a rud-
Finauga, s . a dispi~tatioa. der ; a stver-oar.
Finaun~iua'i,v. to persevere till ob- Foemua, s. the bow paddle.
tained. Foernuli, see F o e u ~ r .
Finauvale, v. to be obstinate. Fo'i, v . to return ; pass. fo'isia.
Finagalo, s. a chief's will or desire; Fo'i, conj. also ; a dimitlutive in
the liver. qualifying assertions ; as, Sn urr
Finagalo, v. to will, (to chiefs). fori, It did rain, but not mucll.
Finagaloa, v. to be angry, Fo'isa'i, v . to send back.
Fisaga, s . a gentle north-westerly Fu'isaga, s. the place from which a
wind. party returns ; the party who re-
Fisi, v. to peel ; to entwine as a turn.
vine. Fou, a . new, recent.
Fiso, s. a species of reed; the flow- Fou, v. to rise agaitist ; to attempt.
er of the sugar canc. Fouvale, v . to rebel.
Fisoa, s. a plant. Fofo, v . to doctor. See Fo.
F i d , s. a steep place: food brought Fofo'a, v . to eat loathesome food ;
to visitors : as, Faafetai fils ! to eat voraciously.
E i d , a. difficult. Fofoa, v . to break the shell, to
Fitatita, a. courageous. hatch ; to begin a taro planta-
Fiti, s. tlle name of a plant; one tion.
kind of song borrowed from Filji ; Fofo'e, v . to skin ; to bark ; puss.
a somersault ; a game. ~fo'ea.- . ~
- -

Fiti, v. to tillil,; to give a portion Fofoga, v . to sing a song.

of food ; pl. titititi. Fofoga, s. a chiets hcaLt, face, eye,
Fitia, v . to be restless with desire rnoutll, tongue, or ear.
for war. Fofola, see FOLA.
Fitipuu, s. a short jiti used in the Fofolo, v. to go and look 011 in or-
ganie of j t i . der to get food.
Firoi, s. a brothrr or sister to whom FGfZmomono, see F U A F U A M ~ I ~ N O .
to look for assistance. (See U). Fotbno, v. to send on a message one
Fitu, a. seven. who has just cotne in ; to send to
Fo, 8 . the trame of a fish. forbid a party comitig orl.
Fa, u. to doctor, to apply remedies; Fofota, v. to have elepharltiasis in
redctp. fofi ; prtss. tbia. scroto; to be always s i t t i ~ ~i~bout.
Foa, v . to chip (as a hole in a shell); Fopa, s, the hairtied up in a knot;
to break (as a rock); to break a knot of false hair.
(the head) ; redup. foafoa. Foga'ele'ele, s. the surface ol' the
Foa, 8. a fracture of the head. earth.
Foa'i, a. to give ; puss. foaiina and Fogaitua, a. the knot of hair tied
foa'ia. OII the top of the head wlrrtri about
Foafoa, s. the trumpet shell. to tigI1t.
FOV, I . I grindstoue. Fopau, s. a setter of broken bolleq.
Fogafoga, s. a great talker and liar. fonotia ; to eat ; to patch ; LQ in-
I'ogafogtola, v . to look lively (as lay.
on recovering from sickness). Fon6, v. to shout, to call out.
Fog:~fogavale,o. to look sickly ; to Fonofono, v . to go and meet on the
look frightened (as troops about road.
to run away). Ftioofono, 21. to patch. (Sec FOKO).
l:o@lele, s. a precipice. Fonoluluu, s. the council held before
Foganuu, s. a night breeze from off going to the war.
slrore. Fononlanu, s. a co~tncilllastily call-
Fogsse'i, s . the hair tied in a knot ed by the crier.
and the end pulled out so as to be Fonotalaga, s. th:! council held at
firm. the close of a war.
Fogatai, s . the surface of the sea. Fote, s. the soil deposited by rivers;
I'ogitoafa, s . the bush skirting a a large quantity of anything
toufu. brought.
Fogavaa, s . the deck of a vessel. Fotaga, s. a larger deposit of soil
Fogiivai, s. the surface of the wa- that1 fotn.
ter. Foto, s. the barbed bone in the tail
Fogi, v. to blow the nose. of the skate.
l.'ugit'opi, s. the part between the Fotu, v. to fruit; to appear, to
nose and the lip. come in sight; to be stingy.
Fola, T I . to spread out ; to unfold ; Fotua, s. a large fo.
red~rpl.fofola und folafola ; puss. Fotuapalolo, s. a party seldom go-
fulasia. ing a journey.
Folau, 7J. to applyointments or other Fotuga, s. a crop of warts or pim-
external applications to a wound ples; property given after the
or sore ; to go a voyage ; to die. death of a chief by people from
Fola~l, \ s. a voyage ; death ; the another village.
1:olaliga j crew and v ~ ~ s s;e lpl. f6- Fua, s. fruit; seed; an egg; a
lau. good looking child of a chtef ; a
l.'~~l;li;~la, r t . to spread out ; to un- fleet; a measure.
till11 ; to promise ; to preach. Fua, a particle .uffixed to the units
l..c~l;~fi~l;tga, s. the procl;limi~:g; the in c o ~ ~ n t i breadfruits,
r~g shelltish,
II~UIII~SI~I~. &c. ; prefixed in counting 'tens.
Fo!asi, 21. to spread about a report. Fua, v. to produce fruit; to pro-
l'olt., s. the nume of a sl~elltish. cerd from ; to begin ; to measure;
l'olr, 71. to be s u n k ~ n(as the eyes); to collect tlle leaves of the sugar-
tc~IIV wasred away. cane for thatch, &c. ; to poise the
Fc~liga,v. to bc like, to resemble. spcar.
Ft,lo, v . to swallow; redupl. tbtblo. Fua, u d r ~ .willrout cause ; witl~out
i,,rews. folohlo; p ~ s s fologia.
. ' I succtss ; uselessly ; to no pur-
I.'t,lomClpa,s. I he ltlorsel swallowed. / pose.
sw;illow without chewing.
1 .ol~11a'", v. to swallow wltol?, to Fua, s. jealousy.
Fua, v. to bc jt-'a I OUS.
1-onln'i, s. a ductor. Fu'a, s. a bowstrir~g; a banner 01.
1:otlo. s. u council, a legislative as- flag.
; food ; a p1~11kof a Fu'n, v. to cut the hair.
s t . ~ i ~ b ! ycold
ral,oe; a patch i l l a gart~lcttt. Fua'aga, a. the brgirlliity ; the
1:o11o, v. to lldd a cou~lcil; paw. 1 caust:.
F~lainpu,s. a single sentiment in a Fne, s. a creeper, a wild vi:w ; a
speech. , fly whisk.
Fua'ifa'i, s. a single banana I Fue, v. to beat (persons) ; p l . fi~fue;
Fua'isisila, v . to measure by the pass. fuea.
eye. I Fu'e, v. to put illto a baskc-t : to
Fuaitau, see F ~ ~ A r2u.I U uncover an oven of bod ; /whip.
Fua'ikai, s. a single water bottle. t'u'efu'e ; pl. fufu'e.
Fuio, v . to be excellent ; to be su- , one kind of f u e .
F u e u l ~ s.
prerne. Fu't~fi~a,see S A U A T O ~ .
F~ia'ij.s. the name of a bird.
1 Fuefue, v. to drive off flies.
Fuauli, see ULI.
Faafua. r. abscesses in the hands or
ftet ; a young anue.
1 s. differe~~t
kind of f i e .
nalnes of one

s. names of different fzte.

Fuafiia, v . to rnealure ; to weigh ; Fuetij
to ponder: to take aim with a Fui, .F. a cluster of nuts.
S ~ F ~ T . I Fuia, s. the name of a bird.
Fu6afu'a, s. the name of a tree. Fui'ava, v , to ent.
Fuafi~a'irli,s. p'mples. Fuiono, s. the i~autilus.

Fuafuan~omono,v . to doctor a sore Fuifui, v . to dip. See F v ~ u r .
Fu~fui,s. a bunch 01 cluster of fiuit;
Fuafuati, s. a lock of hair.
Fuaga, s. a crop ; a clrildrrn's game
1 a flock of birds ; a sueccssion of
with native oranges, &c. See Fu~fuioso,s. a s~rccession of leaps
FUATA. / (as of bathers. dancers. fishes).
Fualeva' 1 be lotlg since'
1 ~ u i ~ a nv.i , to d* with the pani.'
Fualoa Fufi~i.v. to din : to bathe: to bake.
~ u i l u ~ a , ' s blindness;
. as, uu ~nctlu (before chickinstead of tczo). '
fuiiluga. Fnfulii, v. to swell : redup. f~~lafula.
Fuiimaniva, v . to be startled. Fut'uli, z3. plural of fuli.
F ~ i ' a p i ~s,
~ i the
, name of a tree. , FuSulu, v. to rub; to wash; to wipe;
Fuapolo, s. otle kiiid of cliesnut. redup. f u l ~ ~ t i ~ l o .
Fuasou, s. the jabble produced by Fufuti, 71. to haul in the fish l i ~ ~ e ;
the current in an opening in the also p1. oF.futi; pnss. fi~tia.
reef. Fuga, s. flowe~.s,blossom ; the name
Fu:rta, s. a crop of any fruit ; tlie of a fish.
handle of a spear. Fugalugiimutia. s. grass seed.
Fuata'i, v . to begin. I
Fula, s. dropsy of the btblly ; food
F~i;tti~u'upu, v. to place the hands ' taken to visiiors, ( a c o m p l i m r ~ ~ t -
0 1 1 the loir~s(as when quarrelliiig). i ary ter111 used by the visitors i l l
I'uiltautau, s. a spt.cies of banarla; thanking).
a pail. of scalL.s. Fula, cc. stout. (a jocose term) ; aldo
I't~.ttaga.s. the quanfity of sugar- a tcSrmapplird to tlre rleap tidtns.
cane leave5 collcctrd by one per- Fulafula, s. swellings on the I)utly.
of property in Fulafula,

son ; the displayi~~g
the nialue. Fufula, v. to be swollea.
I?~iat*i~+tlu, s. a succession of heavy Fulaga'i
rollers. Fuli, v. to tu:.n over, to capsize ;
F ~ ~ u t a svi., to be confined to, te be pl. fufuli ; redup. fulifuli ; prcsa.
culiar to. fulisia.
FulitLG, 71. to turn upside down.
I:c~litaelva, v. to be turned keel up.
Fr~litr~a, 2.. to turn the back to (as
in anger or in flight).
The seventh letter in the Samoan d-
Full:, s, a hair ; a feather. phabet. It has always the n d
l:ului, s. a ki~ldof entropion. sound, as ng in stnging.
Full~fulu,see FCLU.
F ~ ~ l u f u l u a ,. hairy. GA, a prefix to some few verbs, as
... v. to be Iiasty in quar- gatusa, yiiso'o, l n a k i ~ ~them
g neu-
relli~~g. ter; also prefixed to sollre a d v e r b ,
Fuluga, s. the rubbing of anything. as yufeu 7 gutai,yuutu, indicat-
Furla, s. all epithet ill addressing a ing only a short distance in such
female. direction ; it is suffixed to verbs
Funa, 71. to moult. ill order to form ~ ~ o u n as e , yiilue-
Funa'i, v. to rezide temporarily a t ga, work, from galue to work ; a
a place ill order to fish for bonito. connective particle ill counting
Fu~rafuna,s. the name of a gelati- couples, tens, and hundreds, about
nous fish. two of each, as e tolugaoa, e fa
Frrnamc a , a . frugal. See PANAPA. gafulu, e li21ta grt!au; it is used
I'une, s. the Cole of the breadfruit. in particular cases in cour~titrg
Fusi, s. a belt, a girdle; a piece of units and ten : thus, for bread-
a swamp ; a portiori of the tatoo- fruit, e limaguj'uu, five, e fuuya-
iug. fulu, ten.
Fusi, v. to tie, to bind, to gird; to Ga, s. the name of a fish.
enibrace ; pl. fufusi ; intens. fusi- Ciaau, s. entrails.
fusi ; pass. fusia. Gaauafea, v. to be starved.
Fusiua, s. a neck haodkerchief, a Gaaufanaua, s. a prolific wonian.
cravat. GaClusalo, v. to be starved. See
Fusit'usi, v. to bind h,ind and foot; GAAUAFEA.
pas." fu.<ifi~si,t. tia'c:, v. to b r ~ a t h ehard ; to beout
Fusig;~,s. a u~arsh,a swamp. of breath ; redrip. gii'egabe.
Fusipuga, v. to tic: very tightly. Ga'ea'i, v. to sct agoing ally d i 6 -
Fusu, 21. to box, to hght with fists; cult work.
pl. ~ I I ! U S U . Gaee, v. tc~move (as a stone by
Fusuag,~,s. a b o x i ~ ~match. g means of a lever); to stir up. to
Futaniea, a. fat to excess, (applied excite ; to toss about (as a per-
to pigeons and jocularly to men). son in pain).
Futi. s. the bai~ana. GaLega'e, 1). to be out of breath; to
Futi, v. to pluck feathers or hairs ; be asthmatic.
redupl. fufuti ; ptrss. fulia. Gaegae, v. to be loose, to shake.
F~rtia,s. a cinet r i ~ ginto which the Gaele, a . soft, yield~ng(as the body,
e r ~ dul 111etishing rod is inserted. nruddy soil) ; redupl. gaeleele.
Fulia~lr s. ~ l i rbasill of a waterhll. Gaepu, v. to be stirred up, to be
Futu , he llalne of a tree. troubltd, to be agitated (as wa-
P I I ~ I I, . to be a long time since. ter) ; rrd~ip.garpltepu.
Gai, v . to be surprized, t o be asto-
niahecl. (A jocular word).
Chi, v . to he pairled or injured in-
GA I CTA L 1.25
Gai'oi'o, v. to wriggle (as snakes Giiugau, zl. to fold up ; plural of
and eels); applied to a lanky gau. See GAGAU.
man. Gaugiitino, s. a joint. See Gauaa-
Gaigai, v . to be exhaust1 d (as by IVI.
work or exposure to the sun). Giiumata, v. to die young; to die
Gaito, s. the name of a fish ; a tall suddenly or by accident.
lanky man. Gauta, adv. towards inland.
Gao, s. the double teeth ; a re- Gautou, v. to break straightthrol~gh;
proach. to die young ; to die suddenly or
Ga'o, s. lard, fat. by accident. See G A L T M A T A .
Gii'o, a. diligent. Gafa, s. a fathom ; ancestors ; de-
Gaoi, a . rough, stony; redr~p.gao- scendants.
gaoii; Gafatii, s. marriages into another
Gaoi, s. a thief. land or family ; also tile child or
Gaoi, Y. to steal ; ptrss. gaoia. children of such marriages; pl.
Giiii, Y. to throb, to ache. gafatatii.
Gaoii, a. restless, active (as one Gafea, udv. whereabouts?
who is always at work or doing Gafigafi, s. an old siupo used to
sornetlling). wrap up native property ill ; a
Gaoioi, v. to shake. rich man.
Gazfe, a. brndi~lg, yielding, flexi- Gafoa, v. to he notched (as a knife,
ble ; reduy. gaofeofe. axe, &c.) ; to be daybreak.
Giiogao, a. empty, deserted. Gafua, v . to be made common : to
Gaogaoina, 11. to be reproached. have the prohibition removed.
Ga'oga'ooletai, s. one who has many (Used both of the sa and pain).
methods of catching tish. Gaga'e, v. to spring up, to arise (as
Gaolo, v . to rattle; to crepitate (as a disease, a wish).
broken bones); tc abound (as Gaga'e, adv. eastward, a little to-
p ~ o p l ein a family). wards the east.
Ga'opunipii, s the midriff. Gaga'& adir. eastward, at some dis-
Gaosi, a . rough, stony; redup. gao- tance (as at the next village).
gaoji. See G . 3 0 ~ . Gagaifo, adu. westward, a little to-
Gaosii, v . littered, in confusion. wards the west.
Gaosi, v. to make, to prepare. Gagau, v. to break ; to fold up.
Gau, s. the lranle of a gelatinous Gagafa, v . to measure with the arms;
fish ; the rlar~leof a tlisease. illtens. gafagafa.
Gau, v . to break ; to chew sugar- Gagafo, adv. westward, at some dis-
cane or ti root; to yieid ; pl. ga- t a ~ ~ ctoe the west.
gau und giiugau ; pass. gausia. Gagalu, u. to be rippled (as by a
Gaui, v. a . to break ; intens. gau- canoe or tish s w i m t ~ ~ i;i redup.
pui,; pass. sing. gauia ; ptcss. pl. galugalu.
gauna. Gagana, s. speech, language.
Gana'i, v. to yield to, to obey. Gagana, v. to speak to ; recipr. fe-
Gauaugutu, u. raised ut both ends, ganavai.
but low in the middle (of a canoe). Gilala, v. to have intense thirst, to
Gaualofa, v . to yield from love. be parched with thirst; to long
Ganolosaa, v . to di ,, (applied to sa for.
Tuula). Galegale, s. a you~~e; cock not full
Gaugiivi, s. a joint. grown.
( ;alegirlrata, v. to be dawn. : Ga-e, a. palsied, lifeless, lanq~id;
(;alel)u. v. to be stirred up, to be ! pl. gaxr;lee.
troubled, to be agitated (as wa- : Gase, v. to be languid, to be lifeless;
tt,r) ; intetts. galepultbpu. ,Sees G.4- to die ; to wane as the moon.
Y.YC. GnG, v. to rustle.
Cali. 1,. to gnaw; redtip. qaligali; Gase'ele'rle, w. to be eclipsed (of
ititens. g a ~ a l;i prtss. galiii. he moon).
Gali'o, s. a sea serpent. : Gasegase, s. a chiefs illnras.
(;;lo, s. a fill1 grown cisiaxi. ' Gasrgasemalii, s. a chief's ulcer.
(;;lo, v . to pass out of sight. , Gascmoe, v. to die.
(iirlo, v. to forget ; ])I. ~ ; I ? ~ I I O . , Qasese, a. industrious.
Caltr, s. a wartb, a brc.;ikcr ; a num- Gasese,
I)er of yoong prrsons. , Gasesega 1 s. an oven of food being
prepared, ( t o chi,iefs).
(;ah, v . to btn roi~gh,!o break Ilea- : Gasetoto, 7). to be eclipud (of the
rily on the rcef. &(.. sun).
:: i
C;:tlue, ? I . to work, (particularly of QBzolo, a. swift (of canoes).
ct~ltivatingthe grou~id); pl. gii- Gasolo, w. to pass along.
lulue. 1 Gisobao, u. to die, (spoken of the
Giilue, s. food titken l ~ ythe who!e ! highest chiefs).
town to visitors. I Crasi, u. to be wet (of the bush).
Giluefaafnti, s. food consistir~gof a ; Gata, s. a snake.
pig and a basket of vrgc~tableej Gata, s . a custom of giving proper-
taken by each head of a family to ! ty when girls first metlstruate.
visitors. I Gata, u. to fiuish, to end, to t e d
Galoega, s. work (especially bus.
Ciluelili, s. a smail !liilue.
I nate.
Gats, sutEred to verbs to erpna
difficulty ; as maugatii, difficult d
Ggluetali, see G.II.U l;.P:!.4FAFA. attainn~et~t.
Galugalu, see GA(:ALU. Catl'aga, s. the end.
Galulu. v . to s l r ~ k e(as a nut not Gitabe,a. to be cracked, to besplit.
full of juice ; w e l o ~ ) hof
. a land Gatae, s. the name of a tree.
influe~~ced bv a chief).
Giitai. adti. towards tlte sea.
Galulu, v. to h v e the hradar?~c. ~ ! t a l a ~ a , S. two kinds of snakes,
Galutaa, s. waves r o l l n ~from west Gdtawli
to east, or the opposite. Gatala, s. 'the name of a fish.
Galutafi, s a high wnve which takes Gatasi, a. equal ; together ; inlens.
the rubbish irom the beach. gitasitasi.
Ganagana. v. to be talked about, Gatasina, s. one kind of snake.
to be the subject of conversa- Gkrtrte, u. n. to shake ; to be trow
tion. bled ; intens. gitetetete.
Gina@na, v . to talk, to converse, Gati, s. one kind of song sung by
to chat ; puss. giinaia ; recipr. fe- three or four.
ga~aavai. Gi~tila,u. to grow in great numbers,
Ganagad, a. diffic~llt to be per- to increase gn.i~rly.
sr~tided,disobedient. Gatogii, s. the bonito season.
Ganagofit., a. easily persuaded, obe- Giitu. s. the stick used to rub fin
dient. with; tin old siupo wed as-a
c;iil,e, W. to be broken : pl. giipGpE. wrapper.
Gapii, s. tish taken to rel~tiens. Gatu, u. to make llciltl qnarten;
to come to one poiul from diffx- Gutu, u. to excel.
ent places. Gutu, v . t o e a t his own food bv
Gitusa, a. equal, alike ; intens. gii- himself alone ; to trespass against
tnsatusa. -011ese1f.
Gege, u. to die (of animals, applied Gutuaitu, s. a man full of wortis; n
to wen abusively); to be paitled scold.
(as with the sun, cold, &c.) ; to Gutuaopo, a. sore-mouthed. Sea
be very slow. Gu*ruso~oso~o.
Geli, s. a cat. See GOSE. Gutufagu, s. one kind of breaclfluit.
Geno,*u. to nod, to beckon ; intens. Gututiloa, ts. promiuent n~outhed.
genogeno. See NEGO. Gutugutu, v. to promise and not
Gese, a . slow ; intens gesegese. perform.
Geti, I. a full-grown lomu. Gutulei, s. the nanle of a bird.
Grtigetia, .I. fat. Gutcunoo, a . small-mouthed.
Gigi, u. to obry. Gutupoto, a. clever in talk.
Gjta, s. the head shaved down the Gutusega, a. beardless.
middle (as practised by virgins). Gutusolosolo, a. sore-mouthed. See
Gotie, suffixed to verbs, meaning GLTUA~PO.
easy; as nsaugo$e, eiisy of attain- Gutusua, a. jesting ; redup. gutu-
ment. susua.
Gogo, s. a seagull. Gutusumu, a. small and pron~inent
Gogofala, s. a bird having a small moutl~ed.
voice ; a child's whistle.
Gogolo, s . a rushing sound.
Gogolo, u. to make a rushing sound;
t o come in crowds.
Gose, s. a cat. See GEL^. The eighth letter in the Bamonn alpha-
Goto, o. to sink; to swamp (as a bet ; pronounced, for the moat pnrt,
canoe); to set (as the sun) ; in- and by some nntives always, ns the
tens. gotogoto ; pl. gogoto. English 1. When precrded by a or
Gotouga, u. LO sink like an uga, to o or u, and followed by i, it has, w i t h
s i ~ ~tokthe bottom. most natives, the sound of a soft (not
G u , s . a dark colored artificial fly- a rolling) r.
fishhook. L A , S . the sun ; a sail ; a branch.
G u , u. to growl ; to make a mur- La,, pro)? they two, (abbreviated
muring noise (as the voice of men tro~nluttu; used before verbs).
a t a distance). La, a par~icleof emphasis, much
GuSee, s. the name of u fish. used in the eastern part of the
Gugu, s. rheun~atismot' the joints. group. It might perhaps be ex-
Giigu, a. dumb. pressed by then, a t once; asS11c~
(fugu, u. to scranch. See PAAGU- la i r / , Come then, or a t once.
G U. La, v. to be intensely hot (of tltr
Gugua, a . rheumatic. son) ; puss. l a i ~ ~ to
a , be exposrtl
G U ~ U I sU. ,a great talker who dis- to the sun.
rrgards truth. Laa, v. to step ; to pass over ; re-
Culu, o. to sleep ; redup. gulugulu. dup. lalaa, laalaa ; pass. lansia.
( A jocular term). Laai, v . to break over, (the wave
Gutu, r . the mouth (of men, a ~ i - rising on the one side of the ca-
mals, wells, bottles, &c.) noe atid making a breaclt cleal~
over to the other side) ; to pass u9ed as a table; a trble. See
over; to join another's quarrel ; LAULAU.
recipr. Velaain'i. La'oifua, v. to be well, to be in
Laau, s. a tree ; wood, timber ; a health (of a chief). In use on
club. Upolu.
Laaualda, s, the cotton t r e. Laofie, v. to be fair weather, to be
Laaufefe, s. the sensitive p l a ~ ~ t . fine.
Laaulalaga, s. tlre cotton tree. Laolao, a. smooth (as the sea); fi-
Laauta, s. a stick for strilcil~gthe nished (as the body of a canoe, a
sea to drive fishes into the net. bush being cleared, a taro plant-
Laalltaut;, s. a long stick for driv- ation).
ing fowls out of the Iiouse. LGolao, s. an open space in the
Laauvavae, s. the cotton tree. See bush free from trees.
L A A U A L A LLA A,A U L ~ L A G A . La'ola'o, conj. no wonder that; for
Laasaga 1 s. a step ; a stepping
Laalaa, v. to step over something
that reason.
Lau, s . a leaf; thatch ; a lip; the
brim of a cup.
sacred. LHU,s. breadth.
Lee, s, the space between the cor- Lau, a particle used in counting fish;
ner of the mouth and the cllin. as, P a e lauugafulu ma i'a s lua
Lara, s . the usiusi when grown to a lau.
moderate size. Lau, a particle prefixed to some
La1ei, v . to wear a train ; to dress verbs. indicating uniformity, uni-
for a review of troops. versality, as liiufola, liiuiloa.
La'ei'au, s. a messe1:ger to call to LEU, pron. thy.
war. La'u, pron.. nly.
La'ei'ar~, v. to exercise at a re- La'u, v. to clear off, to carry away;
vitw; to have got all re:idy for (with mrii), to bring; intern. la'u-
war la'u.
Lai, s. the name of a fish. LR'II, see LELA'U.
La'i, s. a wrsterly wind. b u a , pron. they two.
La'i;~,v. to be blighted by the west- Lnu'aa. s. the Gbrous substance
erly w i ~ ~ d . which grows ronr~dthe cocoanut
Lailoa, v. to be exhausted, to be tree, (the stipule).
t i r ~ d ,to be pained. Lauani, s. the town (in opposition
L a i ~ ~v.a , to br starved; to be hun- to the bush).
gry ; also passive of la. Lar~aitu,s. a weeping, a wailing.
La6ita, s. a cocoanut bearing large Lauao, s . a c l ~ i ~ fheir.
clristers of small ~ ~ u t s . LauautE, s. a plant. See I.AUPALE.
Laitiiti, n. small ; pl. laiti. Lau'afa, s. the larger ciuet fasten-
La'o, s. the nume of a fish. ing<.
La'o, v. to be low tide ; to be saris- Lauafia, s. the name of a tree.
fied with food ; to be experienced, La~ialo,s. a mulauli caught i d -
accustomed to. the reef; the belly of a chief.
Laoa, v. to be choked ; to have Laualou, s. one kind of breadfruit.
somctl~inglodged in the throat. Launluga, a. to be on the top, to b
Ldoa'i, v. to p111l i n the " sheet " of uppermost.
a boat sail. Lauama, s. the Upolu fleet.
L.'oLai, r. a plaited cocoanut leal Lauapi, s. a war lodging homc
I.~III~III>;I, s. t l i t , S:~v.~ii
l.auL.~va,( I qroell.
flcet. I Laulau, v . to lay out foo.1 : to liar-
rate ; to ahr~iei~itlt-ce*.tly.'avi.avi, n. o ~ kill11 ~ c of I~alii~na.: La'ula'u, v . to be rott n ; to be vcary
I.alrbelc.'elr. s. 1411d. soft ( a 4 ul~l'trrt1.
Laui'a. s. a tisll cookcd in a cocoa- Lal~lautlriv;l,s . t l ~ vI~II:II,..
nut Iral'; a measure t'rrltn a h w e I . a ~ i l ; ~ r ~ fs .i ~the u I I ~ I I I 01'I ~ ~:I fisl~.

tlle wrist to tlre tips of the till- l.a'uld'uuoa, sce I..\.I.I.rLt:.
gers. Lntrlau~11, s. c:,~c.o;c~iut- 15.;tf' I~ouse
Lauiti, s. c.111:stliutI(~;ivcs;the eyes built on occasio~~ of tllc dea~I1of
( t ~ s i io o~ V I ~ ) ! a c11i~:f
1.iuil0~1,o to be ~ I I I ) \ ~ ItoI all. Lar~lautii.v . to sta,i(l 1111 ~~.,g-:rl~~.i. ;,rr. Ilarro\s ; / ) I . Iauiti. pl. laulaututti.
Lauo'o, s. a leaf of il y o ~ l ~cocoa- ~y Lanlagi, s. the I~irir of tlre lligtlest
111rt. c'ii~,tb.
1.al1'0.0, s. one ot'ttlt: u ~ l ~ b r e l -I,atll;~l;t,s . the name of a plant.
lit l)It111t. ' Laulalo, u. r ~ ~ ~ d e r ~ u8idt.r~llost.
I > i t t ~ ' ~S.f ~O I,I C stage iu tile grot! t11 Lalllalo, 1,. to bc at the botto111,to
ot' t l ~ er i t u l e . 1 be u~~derneatlr.
J.auolaol;l, v . to grow Ir~xl~ri~intly. I I aulata, s. a levt.1 11l;tct:~ I ;II III J U I I -
Lauu'a, s. the paper ~llulbrrrp;the tain's side or at its foot.
bark of it prel~ared. See iu~vc;,\,, Laulcag~,u. ulievell.
fur which word it has bee11 sub- ' L~ulelei,a. even, levrl ; si~tisficd.
stituted on a c c w ~ n tot' supersti- I,ir~lelei,11, to be wt!ll, to be reco-
tions i l ~connection with fishing. vercd ( o f u chief ).
Larrulu, s. the hair of the head. Lar~loa,s. ouc nlethod of catching'ulu, s. a breadfruit leaf. fish.
Laul~siusi, a . shinil~g grcen Lauloto, v. to be between, to be in
1.aufi10, s. the name of a pla~lt. ! the ~niddle.
Lauloto, a. n~itldle.
L a t ~ h t k .s. a supp'ort for the j a w of ! I.a~lm;lii, s. tllc llallie of a tree. See
;I dei~dpersol]. LA~FA,~~., s. t l ~ ellalne of a tree. Laun~ailc,,s. t l ~ c[lalllt: ol' ,111 od. ri-
Loukile, s. h r i ~ ~ l c l and ~ e s leaves used ferolrs cl.eeper.
11) covvr over ~ l l e.f,rle se.u; tile Laun~alie, z3. tu I>r euoug!~, to I)e
Iln:lie o f a plant. See L A U A U T A . coi~il~lete : to be in go.ld health,
Laul'a~iua,s. tile cul~iv~itt,d Idnd. to be well.
I.aufBtu, s. tlie !lame of a tree. See Laurnasalnasa, a. narrow (of nets).
I.AcII(\.I. Laumantaa, L?. to be eaten by t h e
L a ~ ~ t i ls.a ,one kind of the unlbrella I! white ;lilt, (spoke11 01' the liviilg
piar~t. trer).
Liufi~la,u . strady, without squalls Lao~nata,s. all egel'tl.
(as tlre wind). Larl~nea,s. 1rar.e~of trees; a cou~l-
Lauga, s. a s1) : a sermon. try, an islai~d: a I,rrge fish or a
1-a'ug~,s. a citrrgi~lg(iff. large tree floating out at sea and
Laug ltasi, a . even, level. attracting 6311 to it.
Laugutu, s. tile lips. Laurnea, udv. a long time ago.
Laulau, s. a temporary cocoanut- Laumei, s. tlte turtle.
leaf lrou~e. See uCeo LA'O'AI. L P ~ ~ u S. R ,irpplied to Sagana ae
Litili~u,sce ATULAULAU. leuding land in the Tuama-
saga. (The lau was the t~ipefirst bus11 ; 111.1;llnfo: intens. lafolafo.
thrown). Lafo, s. prciperty given to ttll~rfal~.
Lafo. 1 s, the rattan oane.
Launiu, s. a cocoanut leaf; a ham-
boo. (so called before chiefs).
r ,

Laupae, v. to sit together.

1 Lahi (
~ a f o a ' i ,v. to throw away; to de-
Laupapa, s. a board, a plank. sert ; to reject.
Laupata, s, the name of a tree. L a f o p , s. a game ~ l a y e d w i t htupe.
Lausar, s. a p ~ r t i o nof the tatooing. Lafolafo, v. to deliberate ; to be.
Lausoo, v. t o Ee spread over (as with jabbly.
weeds or men, 01. as the heavens ~ a f o t i i r, . to throw down.
wit11 clouds). Lafu, s. a herd.,s. dry banana Icaves. Lafb, v. to prohibit the killing of
Lautiigitagi, a. drooping (as lcaves pigs.
of a tree). Liifulafir, s. one kind of taro.
Lautaliga, s. toadstool. See h10- Lafulafu, a. dingy, dusky (as the
LO'AU. body for want of oiling). See LA-
Lautalotalo, s. a shrub. LAFU.
Lautele, u . wide ; widely known; Laful:~fuii,a. barrrri, unproductive,.
comnlon pt aplc ; p!. la~~tetele. exhausted (of the soil).
Lauti, E. a t~ Icaf; a bamboo, (be- Lafud~mu,a . riclr, prod~rctive.
fore chiefs, instead of i of^). Laga, v. to rise to arms; to raise
Lautiti, s. a leaf of the t i t i ; fish up ; to rise from sitting; redup.
caught in numbers ; men killed lagnlaga.
in irumbers in war: Ua i~rotule Laga'ali, s. a plant, its flowem used
lautiti. 1 to scent oil.
Lautoi, s. one stage in the growth Lagauta, v. to carry a large load,
of the atule. (applied to cauoes and mcn).
f i u t o l u , s. three lands going toge- Lagalapa. s. a stick used t o raise
ther on an embassy. the flat coral used to keep down
Lantua, s. the name of a muluuli fish traps.
w h w found outside the reef. Lagalaga, v. to raise up (as a l~eavy
Lauvao, s. the wild ti plant. weight).
Larlvale, a. bad, wo~tl~less, (only in Lagalaga, v. to reconnoitre (applied
a question and negative sentences: to a small party sent out before
Ye lauvale ea mea a lena tuga- -
the advanced guard to reconnoi-
la ?) tre).
Lauvale, a. thin, a falling away of Lagalagaola, v . to raise the finger
the body previous to being- ill. nails from the flesh.
~auvivilu,-seeV I V I L U . 1 Lagarnuli, v. to gain the victory
Lafa, s. the ringworm. after having been frequently do-
Lafalafa, s. the level top of a moun- feated : applied also to a speaker
tain. who after being severely reproved
Lafaslipa, s. an ulcer supposed to afterwards gets the better of his
illdieate paralysis. opponent.
Lah, I:. to hide oneself; pl. lalafi. Lagapaia, o. to be struck accident-
Lafita'i, v. to l ~ i d eaway ; to con- ally.
ceal. Lagapalo, c. to contend with o n e
Lafitaga, s. a hiding place. who has co~ic~ut.rt.d allother ill a
Lafo, r . to throw; to clear off the clul, matcll.
Lagapapalc, c. to bcar with, to en Lagomumu, s . the carpenter bee.
dure. Scc FAAPALEPALE. Lagona, v. to understand ; to feel.
Lagavaa, see L \GA PALO. Lala, v. to be pierced wilh a spear
Lagi, s , the sLy ; lieavcn ; customs which remains in the body; to
observed or1 the death of a great stand against (as tirewood against
chief. a tree) ; to star~cl up (as a comb
Lagi, s . thc head of a chief. ( I t in the hair).
has the plilral form). Lala, s. (pl. of la), branches.
Lagi, v. to siug ; r c f l ~ ~lagilagi.
p. Llla, a. greasy.
Lagi, v. to call out tire diferer~tpor- Lalii, v. to leap upon (as the male
tions of food and the partits for animal).
whom intelrded. Lalaa, see LA'A.
Lagifelo'ua'i, ) v. to marry irlto an- Lala'oa, v. to have a fishy smell.
Lagifetaopea'i $ other land or fd- Lalau, v. to be in leaf (of annual
~llily(of chiefs). plants).
Liirilagi, v. to w~lrm anytlii~igat Lalau, v. to speak, to make a
the fire ; pl. 1,tlngi ; pass. lagia. speech.
Lagilagia, u . cloudy, tl~reatening Lalafi, s. the name of a fish.
rain. Lalafi, v. pl. of luj.
Lagiiagimua, v. to remind those Lalafo, v. pi. of Zufo.
about to distribute food or pro- Lalaf'u, u. dingy, dusky. See LA-
perty of solue party having a FULAFU.
claim, that they might not be Lalaga, v. to weave, to plait.
overlooked. Laiaga, s. a fine mat partly finished;
Lagisiva, s . a singer. a new fine mat.
Ligisolo, s. a long song, unaccom- Lalagi, v . to broil, (used before
panied with dancing. chiefs instead of tunu).
Lagivalea, v. to be obscured by Lalage, s . a chief's bamboo pillow.
clouds (of the moon). Lalago, v. to ward off a blow ; also
Lago, s. a fly ; plops of a canoe. pl. of layo.
Lago, v. t o lean ag'iinst or upon ; Lalama, v. to be ripe, (applied to
to raise 011sl~pports;to take part c h e s t ~ ~ u t sbananas,
, and y a h s ) ;
with one against another; pl. la- also pl. of' loma.

lago ; rcdupl. lagolago; pnss. la- Lalano, s. the name of a poisonous
gur:~ia. plant.
Lago:, a. cranky (of a canoe); 2alar10, u. deep (of water).
easily displeased (of chiefs) ; re- Lalanu, v. pl. of lunu.
dup. lagolago%. ;alase, v. (pl. of lose), to clear off;
Lagoia, v. to be covered with flies. to destroy.
Lagogaleniu, a. steady, not cranky, ;data, v. pl of lutcl.
(of a canoe) ; quiet in disposition, Lalato, v. to l ~ a v etlie mouth stung
not easily provoked. by acrid substances. See S A L . ~ T U .
Lagolau, s . neatly plaited cocoanut Laliltoa, s , tlie name of a shrub.
leaves used to keep the ends of hleags, a. bad looking, ugly.
the thatch from h n n g i ~ ~down.
g ;alelei, a. good lookir~g, fine look-
Lagolemu, see L A G ~ G ~ \ L E Y U . ing.
Lagomau, v. to be the confidence Lnlifau, s. mucous from the mouth.
of, to be the support of, (in war, Lalilali, v. to mistuke in naming
work, &c.)
persons, culling by the wror:a : tlre eyes ~ I O I I I not ixi11g exposed
name ; pl. lal.ili. 1 wl~erltlistasrtl).
Lalo, s. a mt.ssc1lgt.r sent srcretly. ; T.annnroar~a. a . sky-colored.
J.alo, 11rcp. below, elowl~,under.
I.aloaoa, L.. to bc g;cthr,ring (as
' Lapa, s . a f a t species of coral; a
flat slab at, the root of large trees
clo~lcisi l l the part of the heavens acting as buttreeses to the trunk.
,IS if 1111dt.r the b u n , thence spread- Lipa. T-. to warn.
i11g :ill over). Lapaln pa, s. the stern of the cocoa-
I.:~loF'~lr,s. co~rtluc~ of a fi~~~lily. nut leaf and banana leaf.
i , i i i o ~ ~ i i ~ ~11. o n0versl13(\~~vecl,
plil,tl to ;I ~ t ~ l a ~ilalrt;ttiolr,ll
,(;I[) I.'ap;tta'i, s. the level Iilnd a t the
alld 1 foot ot'a llill. Ste AL~I.AI~AT.+'I.
to a 31wt'ch i~rrcrr~rptcdby ano- i I,apatabi, I:. to \Tarn See LAPA.
1111.1.). I I.alravale, s. a slip of the tongue, a
I.;~lo!;~gi..v. the woritl ; a part o f

I:~lov;~si~, r. tit,: ~11iic.ebetwen n

I blunder.
tlrr \vv.lrl : ;Is, I: It. lZn l a l o / u g i Lapvale, 1,. to n d e a dip of the
tollgue,to~~~ispronounce; tomake
cltii11)lt.caunot:; t l ~ espace betwren a blunder i n speaking.
;I ci;tnoo ;:ntl its o111ri;rger; scro- Lape, s. a rt:an who sits and aishea
t~lnr.( t ' i ~ l ) l l t , l r l .ti~r i so). bat1 luck i n tccy~rti'c~.
L ~ I I I s~. I1l1e , candlell~~t. Lape, I:. to sit and wish bad luck to
Lil~ria,1.. tcl f i l l 1 with torches; pl. the opposite party i l l tuyati'a;
litlil~~ii~. pr~ss.lapea ; redltp. lapelape.
I,all.a, 1.. to watt-11 for, to lie in I , a p a , 13. to be visited by a calami-
a i l i t ; interts. l a ~ ~ ~ a l a ; l l pl.
r a la- ty after warnings rejecttd ; redup.
Iilnra ; pciss. Ii~matia; recipro. fe- lapelape a.
1it111i1tit.i. Liipo‘a, a. large ; pl. lapopoca.
I,alnnga, s. a fishing with torches. I,apotopoto, u. globular.
Lan~nla,r . n drougllt. LapusaLi,z-. to reproacll as the cause
1,anlobil~~obi, 11. snrall. of calamity.
l,anioler~~olc,(1. slnootll; good Lase, o. to scrape off' (as warts);
luoking. pl. lalase.
I , ; ~ I I Ir~. - to , chc~v; rli)nin. laniula- I,Hs~,u. many.
11111. ! Laso, s. scrotr~rn. S e e LALOT,\*A.
I.alla, IIIYJ". Ilis, her. : J,:lta, u . tallre, doniesticated ; a t
Lallinii, ~ 1 . s~nall. i 1lo111ci l l a place.
Lano, s . a lake; liquor alnnii, (tclso 1 I,iita, prori. lily. See Lacu.
la~lu). I,itta, 1.. to he Irear, ~.erfup.latalata ;
I.anu, s . color ; liquor nmnii, (so to be tame : to feel a t Irome; pi.
some). lalata.
Lnnu, I : . to \ ~ i l ~off h salt water : to T.atafanua, 1:. to be attached to
oil rljc I~otlyall over ; to be free Latauuu
li.11111 i ) l i ~ ~ i i l t ~ i~f'rcr
1 one's ow11 lalld. .
~ ~ i t tllc i T,nta\.;tle. a . not afraid of strangers,
~ ~ rpayillg
~ 1 , ~ l l i l;l t /~) l . l~llil1111. i 1:ot shy, e:~silymade friends.
I 2 i t i ~ ~s ~. i sore
(,yes ; 111. l i n u i ; I,atele, u . large ; pl. latetele.
~ ~ I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I U ~ L .LaLou, pro". they.
S. a11early scttillg ~1111. ! Latulatu, S . the l ~ m of c a chetter-
Lilr11161lr;1, c. to I)e dim (of a fly- i11g birtl ; a I I ~ ~ I I\v11u
I talks ra-
l i r l ~ l ~ u o; l )tu I)r. ob$cl~red (as J ~litlly.
Lava, s. ornallrcl~tsworn : I C ~ O X Sthe r.t', or!. the. (It i.i L I I . ; ~ o t ' t e ~t~.;rtl ~
s11ouldcrs.- i \vl~ert!t11e I?~rgli..I~\VOIIICI rc(1111re
Lava, ndu indcrtl, vt r ~ ~ . / the i~ltlefin~te articltb).
Lhva, s. a p;~ymentgive^^ on catch- ! LC, pro,t. nxlio, tlii~t.
ing a shark.
Liva, v. to be enough ; to co~nplete, Lea, pron. that.
1 I.E, llot.

the coniplemrnt. Lea, a particle following tho verb

Lava, u. to be able ; pass. lavatin. I
r l r e i i it taki,s ena bt.Inrr it.
Lauasu, u. to call, to call out t o . Le'a, s. "Ire kind ol. ' u u r ; one kind

puss. lavaauia. Sce V.LL.\A u. ' of cocoanilt.
Lavai, s. the leaves of the 0.0 used Lcai, udu. no, 11ot.
as s t u f f i ~ ~tog baked pigs. Lei~is,v. to hare no say. power, or
Lavar~lipua, a . black ill the fore I ailtl~orityin.

middle. -/
and hind parts a~ltlwhite i r ~the ; Leausilia, u. not to be exccedid,

Lar:~l;iva,s. tlie \vrapper worll round Leaga, u. bad. -

11nt to bc s~~rpasscd.

the l o i ~ ~ s . I Le'ale'a, 1,. to be one 11igIrtafter fir11

Lavalava, o to put on the wrapper; , (of tlie moon).
to dress. i I,eatap:~'ii~, z>. 110t to bl-ar being
Lavalavao, a . clan~o~.ous, noisy. See / toucl~etl,to be t c ~ ~ di111d er pai~~f~tl
PISAPIF.\O. I to tlrc tor~ch.
Lavasi, v. to tie round and rouud ; i Lei, s. \rIra!c's teetli; n neckluce of
to e n t w i ~ ~(ase a serp?.~~t). I \vl~ale'steetli.
Livasi, v. to entwine the Iiand with i n t l ~ ehelve
;I cord so as to form a b ~ x i n g -
glove, ( t l ~ ecest uu).
LavnlaCi,see L.1 r..~.r,\~r. / Le'i, rittu. not (past tirne).
Lave, s. a part. ot'a 1ie;id d r e s ~ . . ; Le'ileai. A dimi~~utive ac-
h e , c. lo steer tiee, to keel, before : h ~ ~ o a l c d g i t!~eornissio~~
ng of'so~ne-
tilt. w i d ; to take a turn ot'arope ! thing w11ich kllol~i~lI l i l \ . ~ bt,r~i
round a pin, Bc. ; to be of great dorre.
anice I I I a fit~~iily:
cdk (as,sub.,t*cts to be di-cussed,
to be intri- Le'ilr'i, s. anythiiig very gnnd ;r a
goocl-lookii~guian, a I~ouse,'ucu,
Bc.) ; tile Ilanie of a tree.
Layea, u. to be struck ; to be I.eilt.ia, 1 cq. to be frightened by a
clloked ; to be ren~clvrtl(as a d ~ s -1 Lt,'ile'ii~$ tuulaitu prete~icling to
me). See S.rFI..A. be i ~ ~ s l ~ i r e d .
layea'i, r. to extricdte, to drliver. I.e'ilisili, adc. u~rbeco~~~irlgly.
Ldrei, s. O I I kind
~ of taro. 1 Le'iniai, a h . long rinct..
Laveitig;, C. to save tiro~n pain or Lc~o,s . t11c voice; ;I S O I I I aI ~g ~ ; ~ard,
: n tratcll~~iiin.
Lhvrlave, s. a el~ortfisl~ingrod. ( Leo, v. to watch, to gual,d ; retlop.
Gvrl.~:c, 1.. to t ~ r t ; t ~ ~;g to
l e I)c in-i leolro ; pl. leleo.
1triwilrt.d ; 10 OC i ~ ~ t r ~ ( (as
. i ~st rv~ b - Leotharnatn;i'i, s. a do!ef~~l voict,.
I('(:is ulder d~scuss;oi~) ; p l s s . Ir Lr,olroL, u. loud rrlking, clu~norous.
r- qr~iay.
8. tlie uanie of a fiA. J,eoleo, s. a guard, ic watc'l~inan.
t,, to Ile struck side- I,roleng.i, s a watcllillg.
"ays so as LO t3rcapt.the full force Leoleu:abi, v. tu natclr.
L c o p ~ ~ d is.i , a good \nice. xnei, adu. now.
Leo, 2,. to knock against accident- xnei, cnnj. therefore.
ally, to strike nccidrntally. &pa, s. a pond, stagnant water.
Lculcu, s. i l l ) oltl siapo. ;epa, v. to be stagnant ; to lie ta
Leutr~vii,v. to be uniutermitting. (of a vessel).
LEfaga, z.. to be inseparable from, Lepeti. s. one kind of brendfruit.
to follow without fail. Lepeti. u. to break down ; pa&r. le-
Lefea, pron, wliicll. petia.
Lefu, a . ugly. Lepu, u. to be stirred u p as water;
puss. lppua.
- - Lepulepu, v. to stir round.
Lega, s. >turmeric (prrpared). See Lesolosolou, u. to have no remission
AGO. of pail], to be no better; to have
Leg-aoiii, a. quict, mild, chaste. no cessatiou (as in the arrival of
Legalcga, n . yellowisli (as the body visitors).
from sickness. Sr!e SEG~ISEGA. Letiiitai, v. to be not near, t o be far
Lelii, adv. that ; tl~cre. off; to be wide of the mark.
Lelavalavii, a. naked, (euphem. for Letaualoa, u. to be treated with dis-
telefutr). respect.
Lele, v. to fly; to escape, to rllr LEtauiZ, u. to be disregarded, to be
away; pl. fclelei ; pass. lelea ; treatid as of no account.
redup. lelelelea. Letaupules, see FAALETAUPULEA.
Lelca, v. to be carried away by thc Leteigatoi, v. to be not near the
wind ; to be driven off by a strong 111ark; to be not near finished.
wind (of vessels). LFtalatalaE, v. to despise, to treat
Lelea'i, u. to be puffed up with pridc with contempt, to make no ac-
011 account of sudden pronlo. count of.
Leleaga, s. a party driven off by i Letatsli
strong wind.
Letalitslia, v. to be unrestrained ;
cannot be restrained.
cliccked, or stopped.
Lclei, t i . good. Letioa, v. not to be blamed, not to
Lclei, I * . to be on good terms, to bc be found fault with. See TIOA.
reco~lcilc~d, to be at peace with. Letuli, cldu. not only.
Leleo, u. pl. of leo. Leva, s. the name of a tree.
Lclefu, 21. to be burnt to ashes. Leva, a. l o ~ i g(of time); pl. leleva;
Lelcthn, s. a sprcies of u~oth. redup. levaleva.
Lclena, c. to sprcatl out. See Fo Leva, r. to be long since ; redup.
Y0I.A. levaleva, lelrva.
Lelovi, a . rude. See L I : M ~ G A ~ . Leravao, s. the name of a tree.
LErnaCti, zT. to be unwilli~~g ; to bl Li, s. the cinet whicll secures the
unal,le ; pl. I c ~ i ~ a f i;~ hpclss. i le ~ r the canoe ; the name
o r ~ t r i g g to
mafi~ia. of a shelltish.
L c ~ n i ~ n (o1 ., disresprctfiil, rt~de. Li, u. to set firn~ly(as the teeth).
I.Enlu, n r l t ~ .1111ic.lly ; privately. I.ia,s. a n e t , a l o ~ ~ s e ' s e g g . .
Lena, s. t l ~ eI I ~ ~ I of ~ plant of t11'
I I il Li'a, s. a cliief's dream. See FAA-
yalll kind. 1.E 1'0.
L L ' I ~ ; ~0 ,1 1 . t l ~ a;t I L ~ C there,
. (near Lia'i, c. to root u p ; to pull up;
er 111a11I ~ / i i ) . to throw away; pctss. liaLiu and
Cenei, 1)n1n. t l~is. Iia'ii~~a.
1 ) 4 1 . . to tiic sl.tltle~~!y. I-ou, 7 . to t11r11r o i ~ n d ;to stcer a
I.iuiolu \ ! canoe.
~,iboi,s. a sl~clt.,r,R [~Iaceof refuge Lou:, a. trooblcso~iir, ~ f i 1 1 s i v;2 .
frotll u S I ~ V I I I . infens. IoulooS.
Lipt~i,s. a Iritf-t'ul or (!fit lo. . ' Loulollii, 1:. tu hi: very ill (of u chief).
Lisp, adv. quic:kly. I See MAI.OMAI.OA.

I,isega, s. a rniri~!,l~.See VAVEGA.I.ofia, O. to co~vtfrdow~i',to C ~ O I I C ~ .
J.i\ ~ l ia,\ z, t l ~ ccilrular \)late of a Lofata'iinn, v . to cn~lsc!to croucll.
drill. : T,otia, v , passive of Ir~lo.
Lo, s. the nilme of a fish ; the aame Lotitiiir~a,I.. to be overwl~elmrdby
of'the nlon~lla ~ ~ s n e r i rto~ gApril. i waves.
Lo, tlic pos-c,s*ivta prefix to the Logat:, v. to be ofensive. See
t111alant1 l)l~c~.;tl of' prorlouns when I S*res,t.
I o is s i ~ g ~ l i ~s , r0: i f , Lcg:~,S. a r ~ p o r ta, sor~ntl; a wood-
.ru(e. j ell drum.
I.orl, s. g,r~rlivestr~ni~s ; a grave built : Lcgo, r . to h ~ a r ;to feel.
ovc I. tv1111 stt.nc2.. 1 Logo, 1: (I to report ; pl. Inlogo ;
Lca, a . lolrg ; I,/. loloa ; redtcp. ; rctlrip. logologo ; pnss. logoina.
loaloa. I.opooli, s. the I arnr g i v r ~to~ the
I.on, r. to I)e lo117 S:IICC. I nlaornno when it clial~gescolor
I.oa, crdi:. cli~.r.ctly,instantly. / preii:lritory to bccon~ing a pa-
Lo'nlola, s. a I I I I ~ J yI ~l n: . See UFI- ! Zn'irl.
'L‘I.A. i T,ngc~l(~goii, a. famed, renowned.
Loalo%\alr,s. he ~nidlllefinger. Logologo~a'i, r. to report. See
Loata, s. a large vel~emoi~s ant. L:)co.
Loi, s. thi! iirit. i Logosn, 1.. to hlbnr. .
].tjCi,s. a s l i ~ t lhrlilt 0 1 1 to thc side 1 Logri~loil,tq. to be deaf.
0 ' a I I ~ I I I S:P a pigsty. I,ogos;~'iina,r . to listen to, to obry.
Lola, s. fill1 of alllr.
I.()Ta. 1.. to be s r ~ r ~ i t ewith d
I rich /
T.ogitti~io, 1:. to rcjoire b-cause of
s~~rc.c.s.cin fi.slling, s!looting, k c .
I'c~cltl: I Logoval(,, o. to rcl~ortcrl.oneo11~1~.
I.c,illli. s. ollc. 1ci11rlof ant. I Lola, r r . l ~ a r d 5tiu11g
. ; raw.
] . ( , ~ ~ ~ ! I I ' ~ I I Is.
, ;I 1 1 ~ 1 t 1 1 v1lis11of cocoa- I, I.o!;lli~la,1.. ; I I I ili(lt.ctnt ttrnl used
nut jlrirt.. by a wornan i l l rtalielling a mall
J,oir~~i~ $. t ia~ tv~lr
. / i n i p o ~ t ~ 11er.
I.r,~~i~lli:il,ii, 1.. to 1 : ~~l111tlip (as i LoIc, 17. 10 rt;b J I ~ ~ O O(as ~ ~ bread-
I:ig; i l l a sty, or n ~ i . 1 1i n a hut). fruit in rna!\i~lgIeir,fi lo): to beat
].(,cl. t11(. s i ~ l iof' the 11rreent parti- !LC.;pm.
arid ~ I O W I I a tall~111
c.ipIt,. I lolea.
I.ook~li,.) I : . to s r e ; ~ kfirst, to give I.oli, s. thr sea slug.
1.oofi~l~c~ \ t ht, rrl:t.~~il g xila. 1.11at a Lolo, s. a flood.
r~t;111~ci1. Lolo, v . to overflow ; pass. lofa.
l . r n l ~ ~ ; t t ~ sl .: , .~ I I I oltl \voInan; pl. Lrbl(~,s. the c:ocoaIlut ~ ~ r c p a r efor d
I t , 5 11,ii11 I I I ~ I . rnahi~tgace,.ted oil.
L, 11. s . a Ii~r.: l,ol(> with a rrook a t 1,616, v . LO be n e t (of clothes).
111 (nil 11sct1111 gathtring bread- Loloa, s. the 1l;lrnc of'a tish.
:.\..I. Loloa, u . pl. ot' lo/c.
I t . I I . 5 I . Loloi, s. a native dish of taro and
j I . , 1 , I . c A i c.ocoatlut juice.
Loloi, r . to bind on another stick Lotoalii, ( I .
when the outrigger ia. tuo small Lotooti, v. to be courageous.
by itself. 1 Lototale, s. the inside of a lioc~se.
Lolo'u. zl. to b e d , to bend down, Lotoniaulalo, s . deep holes within
to bend round. / the rcet:
Lolouta, s. a flood corni~ig down Lotomau1:ilo. a. rofouud, thought-
frorn inland. i ful; humble.
Lolofi, c. to crowd to, to flock to- / Lotonlasaga, v . to love as twins.
wards. I Lotornoniotu, u . u n k i ~ ~ dneglecting
Lologo, v. pl. of logn. / the family.
Lolomi, v . to pressdown; to knead; , Loton iu, s, love of country.
to shampoo; to print; redup. lo- 1 Lotopa, s. the inside ofan enclosure.
rnilo!ni ; pass. lorniit. Loto~aia'e,s. (fro111loto, tuitrri, and
Lolotai, s. a flood frorn the sea. age)! sllallow holes within the
Loloto. a. drep. reel.
Lomaloma, v . to be quiet, to cease, Lotot5ia'e, a . shallow-brained, of

to internlit (as the wind, a war, sn~allunderstanding.
&c.) Lototele, V. to be ot' good cheer, to
Lon~ea,s. (from lo and memelt), the be courageous.
ger~rralnanie for a class of s ~ ~ \ a lLoto~oga,
l u. ungratefu1,ungenerous2
fishes, including ~ h lo, r the anefe, 1 stingy.
and the loloa. Lotovii, s, self-praise, love of praise.
Loai, v. to knead gently; to press Lotu, s. religion : religious persua-
on the sprit of a canoe in order to sion; a religious service. (A term
adjust it properly. int~oducedfinin Tonga).
Lomu, s. the name of a gelatinous Lotu, v. to turn over from heathen-
tish ; a coward. isn~.
Lona, pron. his, her's. Lotu, v. to make a hollow aou~idin
Lona, v. to be pailled i11 swallowing tl~t!water with the 11,lnd; intens.
a hard unma-;tic-atcd substallce. lott~lotu,to dl) SO continually.
Lopa, s. it ~~rcklac.e.See Asoa. Loluilga, S . the ni+rne of a 111ontl1
Lopoto, s. anicncrrhopa. correspondifi~gwitli October.
Los~,s . rn.ulation ; redup. losilosi. , Lot~lottl,V. to do i ~ ~ ~ ~ t l ~ i n g h a s t i l ~ ,
Loai, c. to erliulate; t~ be jralous 1 to nlahe haste; to be urgelit.
of, to envy. 1 Lovi, a. to be respcrtfi~l.
Lo~ivalr~ (I. to be jealous of, to be / L u . S. a native dish of taro leaves.
er~vious. Lua, s. a l~ole; a pit.
lot,^, pron. iny. Sce LO'r. L I I ~a ,. two.
Lot!,, 11. tc, Ilandle, to pull about; L U A]Iron. , Yo11 two. See 0 u r . t . ~ .
redup. lotelote ; p t r s s . lotea. Luili, 21. to spit out.
Lo:o, 8 . the hrart as the seat of' 11le Luii'i, s. the I~olei l l whicti taro
afl;ctio~~s: the dt,sire, the will. other vegetable is planted, or
. Loto, s. a dt:rp place in the sea in- been plsntr-cl ; ~ 1 1liole
c i l l wllic!~
side tlre rcet'; the interior (as of I musi is n~adc.
I L l ~ a ' i (1., tir.4.
a house, lutrfli~lr).
Loto, u. to r t ~ ~ a r twith
l affection; I Llra'i, 1 . . to give the taro its 1a.t
to yreitr ; to desire : to will. w c r d ~ n g: to incite to anytlling
d Lotnii. J. a11 enclosure. (as a quarrel, &c.)
Loth, $. allgc.r, passiurl. LuaSign, s the first weeding of tam.
3 ii~i,p r t , , ~ . ~ ' ~ ~ I I I I .
hli~i,11. III~;I(;!,~S~I.
hliii. 1.. 10 I)c I~racliish.
hla,i, .s. S I ( . ~ I I ( I, ~ ~S~, > :~;IIICLSS. ISIS,
) X'laise, t.. to cluict, to rotnfo.t one
Miisi, tl. to he split, to be cri~ckecl.
See GATA'F, ~ ' l l i c his U S U ~ L I I Y S U ~ -
Alitbl, I . . to be 111. ! stituted f'or this ~rorcl.
Rlil'i, ut!i:. \cry : as 7na'i itlnrule ! Maisrl, s . tllc name of a gelatino~~s
III.\V \-t.ry ~~~iiclrievous! (as if it fish.
\\-err a ci~seasc). Ma'itaga. s. a lying in, a confilie-
Rli~ia,1; p,~ssiveof mii~zrtr. nlcut.
hlalinlrala, s. a disease that admits Maitolama, s. the. name of a tisl~.
of' a remrdy. Mae, s. a 11111in tile wi~ld,or raves,
Bla'ialii, s. p;rr;~lgsis. See SUPA. or r a h .
&la'iLi,2.. to be slow in doing any- Mao, s. an ncrictent. /
thir~g; redrrp. nl:r'i6ii'i. Mao, v. to conre or go f r l ~ i t l e ~ l l y ;
Muio, s. a s111ul1
piece of pork. See
I to (lo ;L thing accide~~tally
Rlaioa, u. exprersive of ~iegatiorl, Mao, udr. accidentally; to lln pur-
to be without ; very variously ; ~ p - pere ; by ~ ~ ~ i a r ;a ki teuljn inten-
or in

plied. sities a proliibitioll : as, hTe'i nroo

hla'ioi, a. slow. s n v , don't c o ~ n eby ally 111ea11s.
Maioio, a. distinct, clear (of the Man, .r9. to be far oft; (compounded
voice ill speaking). wit11 other words). &e MANAO.
R1ai'u'11, S. the tinger nail. See hla'o, s. the name of a wee.
MATI'U'U. hlaoa, v. to make a chopping or
Mi~ifra,udv. whence ? llau~ll~eril~g noise.
Ma'iga, s. arl rpidemie. i\laoii, v. toscold.
klaile, s. a cllic~t"sdog. Slaoania, r:. t o steer towards lie
hlailei, r. a trap. anla; to ?peak so as to give of.
Rlailri, v. to cr~tl.ap. fence.
Ill;lili, v, to c~1l11111cnce to blo\v, to Ma'oi, s. partiru1:lr kinds of food
s!)l-i~~;:U ~ Ia s a breeze; dimin. denla11dt.d t'ronl t l ~ r conquered
ti~;~iIiili. pttrty.
Ali~llo,4 s. :I 1~1si;c.t i l l 1vl1ic.11 fnnftsi Mi'oi, r . to a c t contrarily.

or -111tri1,gt11hl1 t i ~ rit eirk per-on.;l'~, I:. to Ilave c l r l , h i ~ ~ ~ l ~iu I
A.;t6iloj is 5t.1.1.t.dul, ; a ipitloon hla'o'u, c. to b ! ~U I I P V ~ I I to
vrlleti (as si(cpo, bark of a ~ r c q
a s,i a k c . )
. be sbri-

the 11 g.
31a.11aa.1.00.r*. to 01. u h r ~ill.~
b l i t L i n ~ i ~.v.l i ~epi11,l~sy.
/ Jla6ot~i, s. one kind of m d o .
Aiaoh, v. to be rti~rtlcd.
I Illaoll~ac~, s. tllc ilanle of a young
i i ~ ; ~ Is. i 1 , I r. See A poloir~.
nlainlcln, I . , to Itrc~k ;it., to view as .\.la'or~la'o,s. the name of a bird.
; I I I i1bj1rt of r ~ ~ ~ i o s i t y . %lao~ia,c. ro subside, (applied to a
; ; I s. a 1 I I s t e . wa\e, aud II,,IICC to a1lp.r). .
~ ~ ~ ; I It . I, Ito: I >,I I I I ~ ~\(I!'
S II~c). hl:r60nn, c. to be s;rtisnc.d (with
i I . to I I I I CI f.:~Ci); 10 I J ~ovei-loadcd ( o f a
\ri; 11 111. r~ty;~ti\.e /c> gllli) ; 111. n l i ~ ~ o ~ o ~ ~ i t .
~ I , I . ~ I,. ,. I 10 . 111;glt3,to sn:art; re- k l a o ~ ~ .os , 111 I I ~ I I I ;of ~ a fi4. .
(11,j;.~ I ; < I . I I I I ~ ~ I I ~ . 3l5.opo, .s. 1117. I I ~ I ~ I nt'
I ~ . t u ~ rki:~dof
l \ l ; l . ~ ~ l ~ . ~s.~ ol.i~:aly*is
!o, I
rlf the Icgs. brcaclhuit.
hlaopooi~o,n. con1pac:t. rlosc in tex- a for111OF salr~tatirr~tI I J ( . ~ at \la-
tu?e ; retentive ill nlrlllory. l1uL,.l.
Rla'osi'osi, v . pailled wit11 scratches; Ma'u'u, s. grass a ~ l dweccls IISI d to
obtained with pain ; u ~ ddifficulty, cover rouiid t l ~ eroots of tl12 taro.
(applied to food, esl~eci~tlly of food \lau-upu, v . have a c o ~ ~ l ~ ~ of ra~ld
i l l war time). lailguage, to excel in e;~eukir~g.
Rla'osina, s. one kind of rnu'o. ML'u'utoga, s. the n;ilrle of a wt.t,d..
Maota, s. the name of a tree. Vlauga, s. a hill, i l ~ n n r l ~ l t a i *a ~ ;
Manta, s. the premises of a chief. r e s i d i ~ ~agt a pl'ice (frorn ~ttuu1.
Maotarnea, s. the name of a tree. llaiiga, s. thy d r a i i ~ i ~o~fg or run-
Mit'otra, s. the name of a tree. ning away (as of water) : the re-
Rla'oti, v. separated (as a branch sult. (Chiefly used ill the verbal
from a tree) ; 111el11ph.expressive form).
of onelless of 111indand purpose. Mangatta, (1. obtained with diffi-
hlaotrla, a. far b x k , (applied to a culty.
cave, also to past time, a11dalso \la~rgofie,a. obtained easily.
to a Illan of ur~derstaoding). Maulalo, a. low ; deep ; pl. luaula-
Rlau, s. a testimor~y. lalo.
hlau, r l . to be firm, to be fast ; to I\.liuli, s. the moon.
have plenty of f w d ; and by add- ,\lauli, s. the heart (in the expres-
ing mea, olo ,, toga, k c . , to pos- siou segia murili).
sess plenty of such .articles; to Maulu, v . to creep under, to creep
dwell; to be decided, to be un- througl~: to swim under water.
wavering. .kla'ulu, v. to sprinkle with rain ; to
Maii, v . to run off, to drain through shed feathers ; to fall through ;
(as water through sand); to sink to drop (as dew) ; intens. ma'ulu-
down (as earth); to depart, to 'ulu.
disperse (as large numbers of
people ; to result, to terminate (as
a fono).
Sla'uluola 1
~ f a ' u l u ' ~ ~ l uv., to be very weak ;
to be very Ijtigued,
as if about to drop to pieces.
blalla, v . to get, to obtain, to ac Maumau, 7,. to break otit!'s own
quire; to reach, to get t o ; to head (with a stone) ; to abuse.
o\ crti~he ; to Catch ; pl. miua. Miumau, v . to wdste, to lose.
Illrtiia, p ~ . o n .we two (excluding the N a u m a ~ ~ a g 11. a , to practise buffoon-
person iiddrt!ssrd 1. ery, to play tricks. See \I.\L'AGA.
&Iau'aca, ti. to get roots, to take Maulltausolo, v . to move from place
rout; to I I : I V ~ connections in a to plact~,to br unsettled
1;111d,aud tlll.oug11 who~n a right Aliumaga, s. a plit.~tationof taro.
to dwell tllcrr. k1a1111u,s. a pigc.011 lor~g tarlle;
Rlauap;i, s. jokil~g,sporting, dalli- 'jOI1Ng ~ Z L ~ U Y 11la:lt~.

ance ; i ~ l l e t l s ,m;lnlnallaga. \ l i i i ~ l u s.
, a bait.
hlaual;~lo,#.- low; dcprcssed ; deep. kliCnu, v . tr) bait.
,See \ I AZ'I..\J.O. Jlaupipii, 17. to rtvnnin, to c o ~ ~ t i ~ ~ u e .
Xlaualugii, u. I ~ i g;l ~elevated ; tall ; Miup~i'epu'e, s. a rising ground.
pl. t~laui~lt~iuga. Mausa, s. an emblem of a chief or
klaui, v. lo ebb (of the tide); to land ; ironiodly applied to con-
subdide (as a swelling, or war) ; duct: as, 0 lonrt m;lusu le gwi.
to tall rlt)\v~~ (its a cl~rsrerof nuts); Mausali, a. lo be tirlnly tixcd, to be
l o txccl i l l tile ;:IIIIC 01' t(iyCliLu; i~nmovablr.
1-12 MAU MAG
Marltali, v . to have an answer, to be extensive, to be wide; to be plain,
able to answer (as an accnsatiotl). to be perspicuous.
Miifu, s. the fat of a pigeon; the
v. to know certainly. pieces of faausi.
~arlti'eti'e, s. a riuiug ground. See Mafu, a. stale, musty, (applied to
MAUPU'EPU'E. cooked food).
Mantofi~,s. the name of a shrub. Mafi~,v . to l~ealup.
hlautofiitai, s. the name of a weed. Mafu, 7,. to burn : to emit a sweet
Mafa, s. the brow of table land. smell, and of cooked food.
Mafa, v. to be d i i p r ~ ~ o r t i o n a t e l yMafua, s. the young fishes wliicl~
l a ~ g ein q u a ~ ~ t i or
t y number (as serve as fijod to the larger, and
food, or nlany houses and few peo- used as bait for them ; the ripe
ple). seeds of trees attracting pigeons,
Mahi, v. to be willing; to be able; and thus making them easy to
pl. mafafai. catch; a dead man lying betweeu
M5faLiftr'i, v. to be broken out, to the combatants, and thus tempt-
be extractc,d, to be wreliched out. ing oll~ersto be killed in the at-
hlat:~lii,a. wide spreading, umbra- tempt to carry him O K
geous. Miifua, v. to cause, to originate.
Mafamafa, a. somewl~atheavy. MafuiLe,s. an earthquake.
Milina, s. a married person who is Miifi~fi,v. to l a ~ ~ gsuppressedly. h
not allowed to marry again ; a Mafuli, v. to be turned over, to be
husband who gets plenty of pro. 11pset ; to have the heart set on.
perty through liis wives; a species Miif'ulif~~li,v. to be cranky (of a
of crnb. boat) ; to be unwieldy (fkom fat).
Mafanafana, v . to be warm. Mafulu, a . disagreeable (of con-
Mafati, v. to be easily broken off duct) ; bright (of tatooing lately
(as branches) ; red14p. mafdtifati. finished) ; very fat.
Mafatia, s. the distributior~ of pro- Miifuna, a. rugged, not having a
prrty a t the deal11 of a head of a sniootl~surfdce ; redup. mafuna-
thn~ily. funa.
Mafaria, v. aeigl~eddown, burden- Mafuna, v . to prcl off as the skin.
ed, oppressed. Miifuta, s. con~mr~nion, association,
kliihtua, v. to sneeze. dwelling together.
I'vIafcga-ala, s. [lie place where a Miifuta, v. to dweil together; to be
branch road joins the main one. roused from slecp.
Mifia, u . thick ; redtip. miifiafia. Miifutamoeafiafi, v. to go to sleep
hlatiuga, s, the origin, the cause. early in the evening.
Ma fine, s. a woman, (a tern] ef re- Maga, s. a bmncli (as of a tree, a
spect). road, a stream, or anything hav-
Miifiti, a. blustering, quarrelsome. ing a branch, or forked) ; the
Mititi, a. to spring out (as a spark curved or hook part of the artifi-
fro111the tire) ; to spring up (as a cial fly-hook.
sl~liuterof wood). Kliiga, s. a moutl~fulof ' a v a chewed
R'lifoa, s. t l ~ enallie of a tree. See for n~ixiog.
MAALI. bliigaegae, v. to be loose, to be
Mifo'r, v. n. to be skinned ; redup. moveable (as a stone, a tooth).
mntb'efo'e. Magai, v. to sit astride.
Mafola, v. to be s p r e ~ dout ; to be Magaugau, v. to be broken.
MAG M AL 143
Magaugau, a . brittle (of wood). full of ridges (as a road and the
Magauli, s. the name of one kind of olou10).
taro. Magu, (1. dried up (as grass in the
Magaulitalimoli 1 s. different kinds

Magagalo, 7). pl. of magalo.

of -ntagauli.
sun, or as blood on a wound; re-
d,up. rnagulnagu.
Magugu, v. to be scranched; to be
Magilafu, s. the hearth. See AVA- scranchahle ; to be c r a c k ~ d or
GALAFU. broken (as a bone) ; to make a
Migalo, s. one kind of taro. noise as in walking over gravc.1.
Migalo, a. fresh, sweet, (not acid, Blala, s. a calanlity.
as the vi, &c.) Mala, o. soft, as fuu mnla, fu'afu'u
Magdo, v. to be fresh (not salt) ; . malo.
to b e sweet (not sour); to be ex- Mila, s. a new plantation.
piated, to be atoned for; to be Malae, s. the open space where
forgiven. public meetings are held.
Magalogalo, a . partly fresh. Mala'i, v. to do a thing in the
Maplua, a . having two branches. morning (mostly used in reproach
Magamaga, a . braliching, forked. to an idle person).
M ~ ~ r n a g a l i r ns.a , the divisions be- MalaLT,s. the name of a fish.
tween the fingers. Milnia, s. a calamity.
Magamagivae, s. the divisions be- Malaia, a . unhappy; unfortunate;
tween the toes. miserable.
Mag-asiva, s. a branching kind of Milaia, v. to be unfortunate; to b e
taro. dead.
Magavaai, v. to see double, to be Malaise, s. the block for beating
failing in sight. cinet on. (A new term for siigu).
Mageo, s. the name of a shellfish ; Malau,
/ the shell of the same used to scrape Malnuatu,
the t u t q a .
Magele, s. the name of a tree.
Mageso, s. the nettle-rash, prickly- Malauli,
M akul'ulu,
Malauloa, (as
1! s. nanies of fishes.

Ileat ; the itch.
Mageso, a. anything which irritates malauatu>
the skin. Malaumatapuaa
Magi, s. a hero ; a fearless man ; a Malautala,
hard-working man. Rlalautea,
Magi, a. courageous; redup. magi- Mal:~ulau, a. new, fresh (as food
magi. cooked the first time); applicd
Magiigia, v . to be set on edge (of also to a young man.
the teeth). Malauvai, s. tlie name of a fresh
Mago, s. a small eel. water fish.
Mago, a. dry ; pl. mamago. Malafatr~,s. one kind of hanana.
Magomtlgoa, n. persistil~g in (as Nlalaga, s. a journey ; a travelling
. work, war, &c.) party.
blagoni, see MAXOGI. Malaga, v. to cause, to originate ;
: Migoto, v. sunken low (as a deep to luff (in sailing).
canoe); to have the property of Malaga'auseuga, s. a party going a
ninking ; redlip. migotogoto. journey begging i~nplerneatsfor
Migotogoto, v. to be uneven, to be the seuga.

hlulaz?ih~a,s. a party J o u r ~ ~ c y i n gRIi~lt,lelelt>, n. ovrrl~;~t~ging.
to bey f i s h i ~ ~i~nl)lL g il~e~rte. Malemale, t:. to l~nvea cortglt (,fa
iMalula, s. charcoal. chirf ).
Mal;~la~bla, s. livr ronls. RI;tlemo, v. to be under water (of
Rlalali. c i . smootlt, d i p p ~ r y(applied tl~ings); to be drowned ; pl. mi-
to a road, a. rock, a nos~,lessFact., lelemo.
;I (,anor witl~nntany places to tie Malena, a. swelled out (as a basket
R I I F ~ I S t o ) ; T C ( / . U ~ .nialalilali. crammed full) ; rcdup. n~aletlale-
Ttli~lnliila,s the Ilanje of a fish. na. See MAI.OSA.
Miiliin~n. .s. t l ~ rInonn; a light, a Malepe, 2. to be broken, to come
lamp. to pieces, (apjrlied to I h i n p which
Malalua, s. 111~~ i~inth111ont11 of preg- are put tog~ather,as boats, houses,
nnilcy. l,oxt~s,k c . )
hIalc,n~a,I ! . to be light (as at day- Jliilel)elepe, e. to be p~rtiallybro-
dawn or from a fire). ken, to be ricketty.
RJalarr~ala,s cliips; small pieces of 'Malia'i, see M A I , I .
fis11. Malit,, s. a shark.
hlilamala, v. to have a bad taste in Malie, v . to be satisfied with drink;
the ttiouth from eating poisonor~s to thank : as, Mulie tnuirnoa !
hod. thanks for the sight ! to fly high
Mali~n~alama, s. light. (of' tame pigeons).
Malamalama, a. to he light : to he Malie, s. a good message: Pe 1
aware of evil and not forbid it, mulie, pe ni tanrubi.
hence to be gr~iltvbyin1plicatio:l; Milie, a. well, agreeable.
pnss. malamalamagia. Malie, v. to be right, to be proper,
Malamalatoa, n. (lit. chips of iron to be agreeable.
wood), hard, (applied to taro and Malie, adv. slowly, agreeably.
toom7c). Mali'o, s . a Iantl crab.
Mi~lasina,s. refuse of t~rrmeric: a Slali'olari, s. one kind of land crab
clislt ot' food ~nadpfron~the refuse whicl. breaks off its ow11leg when
of t ~ ~ r l i ~ e rai c~ scraped ~ d cocoa- polluted with filth.
nut. Slali'olagi, 2,. to abominate e x d -
Rlsl:~toilnra,s. a calamity coming ingly.
I I I ~thiirg.. Maliu, L. (with a t u ) to go ; (with
R.ILLI;i\.a, S . a !nrye kind of lo. mai) to come ; to die, (of chit$);
Slillt., s. :I cl~irf'st o11g11 ; red~rp. pl. nriililiu ; recipr. femaliua'i.
malctni~le. Maliuga, s. a privy.
Mile s. a native game. Maliulin, v. to he aide to turn.
hlilthif'ui~,v. to awake ( t o chiefs). Malihlifa, s. a Ilullow, a eunke
Rlalrfi~,r , to disperse, to break up pl,tce ill the grout~d.
(of' ail a3senlbly). Miligalign, s . the temples.
Rlalele, s. on!, kind of the ve'a. .l.lasl~lsr~l., 7.. to say something in a Maligi. tq. n. to spill, to be pou
p ~ b l i cs1)eech in order to satisfy down.
the lx~biicwitl~out intending to Maligi, a . pouring (of rain).
rarry it out. Malila, s. the name of a plant1
hlal~li.,1'. to let fly (as a spear). comnlon people.
J l a l , ~ l r ~ ~s.i ia, flight uf a tame pi- Malili, I , . to drop from .a tree, (a
plied to fruit anti lo perso~ts).
Miilili, s. the name of a tree. Milii, a. cool ; redup. n~iliilii;
Malilitr, 1.. pl. of ntnliu. eased (of pain).
Malirnali, see M A M A L I . MGlua, s. a hole in the reef.
3l:tlivan a an insect that burrowl Miiluauli, v. to return safe from
in timber. war.
Malo, s. a narrow girdle worn ir Milualii, a . stout, large-bodied ;
war. dignified.
MalG, v. to hang down the tail (as Mtiluapapa, s. a sheltering rock.
a dog wl~enafraid). Mali~ia,v. passive of m n ~ t a l u .
hlGl6, s. tlie coi~queringparty; vi Malufanua, v. to be hidden under
sitors. the shadow of the land (as seen
hlGl6, v. to be victors in games 01 from the sea).
in war. MGliilC, v. to be cool ; to impart a
Malo, a. l i e d ; redup. mal616. feeliilg of cold ; puss.. malugia,
M.iltoa,v. to have visitors. malr~lugia.
Miloi, v. to he out of sewon (oi Maliilii, a . soft. See MALU.
the bonito); to be free from vki- MalilG, v. to be shakeable.
tors. Malr~~nalu, a. overcast, c.toudy.
lalofie, s. n~oo~~liglit sports ; a MGlunialu, s. the residence of a dclty
chief being tatooed. whether a house or tree, &c.) ; a
Milolo, v . to be subdued, to be temple.
conquercd. Malumoea, v. to be overshadowed,
Milolo, s. the flying-fish. so as to hinder growth (trees).
MilGl6, a . hard. See MALO. Miilupo, s. the shades of evening.
lilGl6, v. to rest: to be recovered; Mama, s. a ring ; a lcak ; a mouth-
to be well : as, Ua mulolo eu? is ful.
he recovered ? 0 mulolo eu ? is Mama, v. to chew ; pass. maia.
he in health ? Mama, v. n. to Icak.

1 Mil6!6g,a. s. a resting place.

Malomnloi, v. to be it) pain (of n
chief ).
Mama, a. clean ; free weeds.
Mama, v. to be clean ; also plural
of ma, to be ashanled.
alalona, o. to be filled out, to be Wii~nii,s. the lungs.
swelled out (as a basket); redrcp. blimii, a . light, not heavy; trifling.
n~a!ot~alona. See Mnr.v.xa. Mimii, v. to be light ; intens. ma-
Milosi, a. strong ; pl. n~alolosi. masagia.
hlilosi, v. to be strong; dintin. nia- IJamaa, v. to be trodden down (as
losilosi : pl. nialolosi. grass, from people walking over
Blal6si, v. to smart, to tingle (of a it). See As.*.
sore). Mamae, s. one k i d of banana.
Miilosigr~tci,v. to be stronger in talk Mamae, v. to withcr, to fitde (as a
than at work. leaf); to be unwilling to lend or
MGlo..ilusi, u. a little strong; begin- give.
ning to regain strength. ).latnac6~rla,s. one rarieky of the
Malu, v. to be slleltered, to be tight, mumae.
to Oe i~iipervious; to be sliadcd ; k1amaLi,v. plural of ma'i.
,to be protected. flamao, v. to be far OK, to be dis-
Malii, a. soft ; redup. n~aliilii. tant.
Bialii, v. calm, Irilled (of the wiud). datnao, a h . far off, distant.
Jlaniau, 11. to be fast, to be fi,.m ; ~ ~ ~ I T I.we ~ Il !~. \ rI ~I: .,
( s e e 31 .\I:) ; to he costive. ) Jlnni;~sa,sce A ~ A ~ A .
:\lii~ii:~tk, s. wcipl~t. ll:lmiisagia, 1.. (ir~tchus,of ntiil~tii),
3li1niaf>, t r . I~cavy;bad (ilpplirtl to to I>e very light; to
word^). ' I)c niatle light of'.
Malnilth, I . , to IIC Ileavy ; 1 x 1 ~ s111:1- . Jlii~i~asi, a. s n ~ i l r t i ~ ~ tirrglirlg.
g, See
fiitia, to ha bl~rtlrnrd. ! ,\[.IT,:IsI.
3l;lniati, 1.. to 11cI~o~!orecl. I ?iilnlnta, see Il.\~.4arn.r.+.
.?1;11nagi,s. a creeping plalrt ; 1 ? , f ; ~ ~ n a o.t e ,ploral of ntote.
;\laningo, I. ~ ~ l r ~ofr aml r r ~ o .
M.\ar.\r,ci>~.);the Ilillne of a dis- JIarniitia, 7,. to Ile easily sett!etl, to
11r a light matter; to treat as a
I ligl~tmatter.
I \ I a ~ r ~ i ~.r..l a the . oiinle. of a tree; (act! : Jfn~no,s. t l ~ enanlc of a fish.
F,\s\-r..\sr.\>r .\I..\): food, (SO called j Jl;~rnne,s. a s h i ~ p .
t oI t i I S ) / ?,!ani11111,tl. to slip t l ~ r o u ~ to l ~ slip
~ I ~ I I I : I ~( 1;. I dicri~sc
. 11ro(ltici11g, (spa- off.
lien of a I I U S L ~ Ior ! . ~v;if~:~ l l ois : J!;)na, s. supernatural power. See
sull!losi.d 1 0 c o r n n i ~ t ~ i ~ cclieeilsc. ~ite I 31. \ M . \ S . ~ .
to t l ~ rpart~rcr,and of a nurse 01. IIaua, L'. to exert s~rpernnt~rral pow-
BIan~ala,I . . to 11~1vea bad taste ill pron. with the prep. ma ana,
the rnoutli after eating poisonous
food. Niinaia, s . a nlan having moretlran
5?:1maln, itrt. well clone ! capit;?l ! one wife.
hl5111ilava,s. the n;ime of tree. Manaia, a . fine-looking, lrandsome,
3lamiili, I.. to he dis:esprctful to ; ?.lanaLo, 2'. t,o desire, to \vis!~; pass,
t . c t l , ~ l ~malimali.
. n~ann~o~nia.
.\l:lnialu, s. g!ory ; i~!iiucace. I\rnnaLomia,n. desi:al)le, coveted.
3!;1111nl11,11. o\.ersliudo.~vi~~g ; ill f i l l - l!iina'on;~'o, (.. to desire c o ~ ~ t i n u a l l ~ .
e11ti;tI. 3!nna'onaioga, s. earnest desire.
3lanial11,1.. to oversllildow ; to pro- I \ r ; ~ n : ~ r s. ~ i ,tl!c name of a tree.
trc,t ; pass. t n a l ~ ~ i l . 1 ilalinfa, (1. inc!r~strious; having
_l!ari~ill~l)c, s. tlic name of a plant; i as, ii~riilttnnafa.
( . < r e '.1,\\1 \:;I) ; t'uorl pl'el);~rc~l for ! \ I ; ~ I ~ ; I Fs.; I a~ ~ p;p , (b:af.~rechiefs).

I ! I ~ I ~ i ' l c o : ~ - c . : ~ t cmntcl~vs.
I I I s. u
,5/Y 31 \ ? . \ . . .
0 .1 ?i!Sn:~go!ic-, ( I . ensily ~cttlcdIRS a
qa;trnl colifil~rdto cue family or
olle vil!agcs).
I ~ I I I I : . t, I ,0 t >!nr~:,ni;r~,a.1.. to 1:e;)r conqtnntly in
I I I I S I ~ ~ itlid
~ I I ~~~i c c ) . SI!C;V~.\X:\- ' l ~ l i ~ l d10, t , ~ : I ? I ,:I .V
n~r,rv: a3, ~!rc?r,:tnf~~rn
, ~
in me-
i t o m ; be
31nrn;11111, s. tl:e name of a fi.;ll. it fir f:o1i1: :I$, Nc'i ~ I I ~ I I I ~ I ~ U R ~
.IIirnlal~r~, .<. Iigru.ctl work i n clotll, toc sc;rt, neirt,r I,t.rer rrturl~.
clllbs, ciii-t, kc*. .\lan;~n~a~l;iilo!o, 7.. to r c ~ ~ ~ c r an ~ ~ b.e r
,\Inntal~o,c. " S ~ I I I yorlr ~ moutll," (a injury, to cl~erisl~ rttvcml,ge.
wort1 of recrin~i~lntion used to a J l ; i u n ~ n : ~ ~ ~ ; ~ l2,.o l oloa . llold in the r
reprover \rlio is hir~~st:lf1:dulty) ; I,reat,l~( a s in (living).
to :~Lu-ca r ~ p r o \ ~ c r . J l n ~ : ~ i i i i ; t t ~s.~ ast1~t.l.natura1
, power
,\:amapo, 1.. to S ~ I O Welf, t(1 put 011 of a p a r r ~ ~Iiririging
t. a curse On a
il~rs. ( l i ~ o ! ~ . ~ r lv!~iI~.l.
llc.n, 1. to desire, (of limitct J r n ~ i o a., a 111vriad,i~ g r ~at ~ I I I I I ~ ) : , ~ .
i i c Y l * io11 ). (.l'llis wits tlic I I ~ I I I ~ ; . I,!,u~~cls
~ of
iG, c . to talk togetlier in : countirlg).
i,oicc ; r(r?ztp. I I I : I I I ~ ~ I I I ~ I I I ~ I Jliit~oa,
I~, s. thrclnrl, s t r i n ~ .
I L I LsI , the I I ~ I I I ~ol'a ! trce. Jli110atui11i1,1.. 1 0 11 11 111 1~1ckor
11, s. a t l ~ o a g l ~ t . ii~tc*rr~~l)!ecl ill I I I ; L ! , ~ I CI
I~~ l ~ c ~ ~ l ~ .
11, r . to t l ~ i l ~; kto re111e11iI)~r;J l a t ~ o o ,S. t11c I I ~ ~ I oI ~I ': ~ tti.11.
1:,511;1tl1 ; redtcp. ~ n h ~ ~ i ~ t; u ~.\l:lr~:)gi, ~ o t u ( I . o d o r i ~ ~ ~ r osi ~w. ; ,~ snit ~ t 11-
;. l~~,lll;ltllil. ing ; hy ruphcm, al)l)licd to n dcad
:I, .s. I I I ( ~ belly: t l ~ cwornl); body b(~gi1111ing to Ilr o f i ~ n s i \ ~ e .
ii:,terio!. f i ) l , t : ~ ~ ~c;f c l cl~i!drcn,
lc 11;111ogi1!ngi,(1. O I I ~ ; ivl~os,,~ opl~nSs-
:I, 1.. to tl~rol); to rxist or1 sive acis arc I ~ o r ~ lt er i ~ !bycause ~
:I sick In;l:i 011 mater i i i o n ~ ) . of his f;)rmcr c ! ~ i ~ ~ ; ~ c t c * r .
a . 1.. to i)r.c;~tllr;to ~.c.;tfrom ~ I : I I I o I I I( 1?. ~i~l~tri~ncrable. ~~~~,
k : to pclli~itatt,, to ~lnlsatr. J i ; ~ u u s., a bird, ( t l ~ rgeneral Ilanle
;l<llr,i;. 1.. to lovc, to colll~l'is- fol.): a b.,ast.
:I!?. to be br~lr.vol(,rlt. J l a n u , o. to be poor, (a1)l)lied to a
!i a. persrveri g. finlily).
iig,,, s. a c o n ~ p a : ~~gc t u r n i n g TIf:inii, s. luck. good fi,rtu~~e.
I work. J l a : ~ i i(1d11.
, \ r . l ~ i l ~(a!ways
t, i l l ;I p o d
.arl;lva, s. arterit~laction. sense).
.nie, ( I , karfcll. Jlanll, o. i m p e n . it was a s if, all
s. o custoln, a habit ; one but, r ~ ~ e t h o u g:l ~as., t Nu ntutrii
i ot' ~1vl1;ti. nut. 0.11 oti.

, s. tile name of an insect. Manil, r . to rise above (as a rock

, 2.. to willk ~~ro~r:lly. out of the water, or a tree above
, 2,. to b, gill to rise ( a s the the rest) : to flt,at high (as a ca-
, or n p t , r s o ~sitlill~. ~ cloivn). noe) ; to b:>conlewtmll k ~ ~ o w; nt o
a , s. a c~is:oln,a II:I!,~L.,Tee sliow itsrlt' t l ~ r o u g l t~l ~ eclisguise
r 1:. att!,nrf)tecl ; rctlrrl~.ni511r1a11u.
I ; I I I Is.~ , all e t i i i : ! ~away OF the J l a ~ i u ' a ,s. a cut, ii wountl, a bruisc,
of ~ I I V I ) J I , I I < of L I I ~I I ~ I I I : ~; I I I ~ a scar.
;ole s 0:' tI1c. Ii.i,t. 3f;111u'a,s. a wc:u~ltlcti per.ou.
1 I I I ( . ;a I ,. \vori~~-c'atcn. I l a n u ' ; ~ ,r , to be w u ~ ~ n d e; d111.111ii-
c , 1.. to 111s slow in w liking, llulluLcl.
1,tc.r; to f i l l s!on,ly ( ; I S f r u ~ na Jlanu:io, s. t l ~ narnc r of ;I Ijirtl wh:cll
i I I l ~ cc ' r ~ i n~;~tc,l~c.;).
) whi;tl[js a t dayl~renk; a song in
I I ~ IsI. , :I . j11.111t: ;I gristly sub- pr'iise of a cl~iet's u ~ while ~ g walk-
[,c i l l ;I 111; < I I ~ ; I C I . ing alor~gt l ~ eroad.
, r i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; rei/:lIl. n~,inifi~~ili.\fa,:u'ag,~,s. a party of wounded
. s. tl!e nalnc ot'n fish. men.
: ~ ~ si .i ,tlic: t c n ~ l i s. l ~ See Jia- \fa:~ualii,s. the name of a bird,;,l. (rnn~lua i.ii).
, .r.. t l ~ cI:ame of a fish. lfanuenn, s. a white sentinel gull.
,, n. clcjar, 11ot cli3t:lrbc.d (of \ianui, a. figured (as cloti~,clul~s,
<I<). posts of the house, &c.) ; redrcl~.
3, s. I""CC. manumanu, mamanu.
1, 71. to be calm, to be qujet; Uiinuia, a. happy, fortunate, lucky,
. n ~ S i ~ i ~;~ red. o ; i rna~~illooino. prosperous.
3fa1111'in.1.. to c;111 o ~ to ~ t :!(I[) a Alnpnitiga, 1.. to sigh.
thiel. Q-r. JIapngat ima'i, v. to breathe hard,
3Ii11116, 1.. to ~lroclairrialoud. specially from anger.
Alnr~uuta, .F. bircjs wl1ic.11breed in- TIIipnn~ipu, I ~ . to whistle relwat-
land. edly.
Jlanrrlele, s. the general name for R f i i ~ ~ ~ ~ m ar..p uto, grumble, t o be
- -
1 s. names of birds.
Mipuna, v . to sprain, (applied to
t l a bark).
hlanumili;, r. to have in shun- Mipuna, 29: to spring from, to aria.
daric~. j Miprrni, v. t o be sllnt.
,\lanuni~lG,L', to be victorious. Mnpusaga, s. a resting place.
l l i ~ i u m % l ~s.u ,the tootll-ache ; the Rfapnsela, v. to brearhr hard from
face-arl~e. fatigue, pain, or anger.
R f i n u n i a ~ o. ~ ~ covetous.
~, See ulso MRSR,v. to be low tide; to be sour:
lI!\s~i~. to have all offensive smell ; redup.
Jlallr~lna~lua, n. to have the tooth- man:asa.
aclle. Mirsaa, u. to be spilt.
3lanunit.a. s. the name of a bird AfZsae, v. to be torn ; itrtens. ma-
now alnlost extinct. saesae, to be torn to rags.
hliinnnn, s. t l ~ cnarrle of a tree. Masa'i'i, v. to be dead low tide.
Mnnu~iu,a . blistered. Blasau, a. very large, exceeding
Rlauusa, see 3 1 ~ s l i ~ 1 . 1 1 . great; pl. misasau.
ll;~nutaele,s. the part of the belly Jfasaga, s. twins.
untlcr the navel. 3fZsagRlei. s. twins, one of each
M a n r ~ ~ asi. , a s!ln-bird. gender.
Manrrti~gi,s. tile name of a bird. Jfnsag5t;rrna, s. twills, both boys.
I\l;t~~ut.nsi, 0. of one lcark (as clot11 >faSa~%t~inf?, s. twins, both girls.
of o l ~ epiittern). Rlasagi, a. light (as a burdeli);
Ila~rrrti,( 1 . friable, brittle (as dried ~ the eaves of a
ninlble ; l ~ i g l(as
leavc~). house j.
llnlil, I . . to snap, to make a crack- hlasalo, s. suspicion, doubt.
ing noise. Mawlo, 1.. to suspect, t e doubt; re-
,\fall('lII, 1 . . to l ~ r n dto , stoop, to bow d i t p . misalos.~lo.
~ O M ' I ;I TCIIIIJ). I I , ~ ~ C I I I ~ ) C I L I . Yiralos:rlovnle, r . to i r surpiriolas
l(l;ir~e~a, to t\c.i$t the foist. See
I?. witllout ciluae.
P.\ITv.I. lfasamasa, 2'. to lie falling (as tile
.\lnl)o, u. rne:ily : p l . rna~niipo. tide). See I . n r ~ n r ~ ~ ~ . \ r . + ~ a .
~ I ; I ~ J ( Ntc.I I~nt'i~ly
~ ~ I , arrd solt. , JI:~sarnr,s. tht: na~nt,of a tree.
~ I ~ ~ ) u I ~1.. I to ~ o , pretc.l~sions, 1 lIasani, s. a crrstom, a habit.
; Lnialic
to ti~lk largely, to exaFgerdtc; I Jlisaui, v. to br accustomed to, to
spplicd also to one who 1s urgent be in the l~abitof.
that his oliil-lion be adopted in J.bsnt6, t i . to be very low title; so '
preference to one thought bctter. dup. ninsatot6. See ~ ~ : \ Y : I ~ I ~ I .
Map", I:. to whistle; to rest; pl. liasee, s. the name of one kind d
mamaprl ; redzcp. mnpllmapu. breadfruit.
Ifapr~'e,s. a rise, a I~illock. Maseesee, n. slippery.
M i p r l ~ a .c. to hreatl~ehard, to be Masri, s. a rnisunderstanding, r
out 01' l)rcatl~. mistake ; apl)licd it1 a vcrlill fom
31 AS MAT 1 49
to so~~letliing that llas resi~lted Masofa, v. to be broken clown ; to
badly, al~llouglltione wit11 a good disperse suddenly ; redup. n~aso-
r Ua tn.usei ia fe iu-.
i n t r n ~ i o:~as, fk~ofd.
Rlasei, a . u~igrateful,i ~ l i ~ r o p(cun-
Rlisei, v . to be ~~ncoverrd,
Masuli, s. one kind of'banana.
Mosoli'ula, s. differeut ki~lds of
to be Nlasolisii~a. mCso!i.
exposecl (of the budy) ; to act h'lasologa, s. a walkiilg about i l l
sha~net'ully(as ~ndrrying a rela- company.
tic~~r) ; to use words giving of Jliisomaso, s. the tail of the ~rgn.
fence. PuliisCi, s . the sourid prodr~cedby tile
hlast.iau, s. slaugl~ter,n~urcier(ofa waves forcing he air tlii.oug11cre-
chief'). vices in the rock ; the hard breath-
Rlaseiga, s. misu~tderstanding; re- ing of a d y i ~ l gperson.
dup. maseiriga. See M a s e s e ~ . Masua, v . to rut1 over, to spill from
Blaseu, v . see MASEI; also to be beiltg full ; to be pourrd out (as
able to steer. anger) ; redup. masuasua.
Masele, s. a temporary moderating Miisua, v. (derived fro111the above),
of rain. to run over with bad wo.d.4; to
Masele, a . sharp, cutting; redup. praise oneself; to promise alld
rnaselescle. not prforln. See also .\I A T E L E .
Masepu, s. a fault, an error in word Masuasu, v. to laugh scor~rfully.
or conduct. Masu'e, v . ro be forced up, to be
hlascsei, v. to be at variance, to have raised u p ; to be turned up ; to
a misunderstar~dil~g. break up as c!ouds ; rectly). ma-
hiasi, s. fernrented breadfruit. su'esuLe.
Rlasiasi, v . t e be ashamed. .Mnsui, v. to act perversely.
Masii, v. to be raised, to be lifted Jliiaui, v. to be put out of ,joint;
u p ; to be oft' on a journey or retlup. miisuis~~i.
a war. MasCisG, v . to sob.
Masiiii, s. ~ n a s inlade of cllestr~uts M'lata, s . the eye ; tlie face, t l r ~
instead of breadfruit. countcuance (ill the p111ral); the
Masiofo, s. t l ~ ewife of a high chief, point of anything ; tht. edge ; t1.e
a queeu. boundary (in con~pourid words,
Masitil'i, s. mnsi made of bananas. as mu tiiutlo).
hlasi~tia,s. salt. Alata, a. raw ; unripe ; used- i n
hlasimasi, s. t l ~ edolpl~iu. couuting taro, as e tol?rgn n ~ u t t r .
Alasinlasi, s. tlie p,iiu ot' a wound or Mata, ( 1 . luoking ; as, ~t~cila fiui,
bruise. ficrce-looking.
B!isina, s. the rnooll ; a I I I O I ~ I ~ I .k l i t , ~ ,v . to loo:< at, (corrlpountlctl
blasi~~o, v. to be c o u ~ ~ t a b l eto; be will] nouns, as ?ttiitofo?uu).
con~prel~e~rsibl~ ; rcdup. ~ ~ ~ a s iMatila,
~ ~ o -v, to be sc.l~aratttrd (as t l ~ e
sin& t l ~ eI I U ) ; to be ri~isctl,
Masisi, v. to be broken to be lotlse and separated (as the
Masisi, s. the piece of woud urccl in s b i ~ ;~ red) ( p . nl.,luutaa.
oper:iti,,g for trijtco; a terrll ot' Ylatad'iiigi~, a. 11. Ii~i11gt11e fLi~niIy.
reproach. &1ata6.~i, v. to dcsi1.e to ekit 11~11,k c .
Masitalo, s. nrrtai made irom taro. as inu'i.
Masoi, s. ar,owl-out. M;jta'aiga, v. to eat dc~li!jcr,,t~l~.
blasoi, a. til:l~y(01' \rords). Scc S.\
Rlat;~afi,s :I I ; I I ~ ( > fir? to clcar up ' >!;tau, s. a f s l ~ l ~ o o k .
the \vtrocl i l l ;L I~~.lllt:lti~ll. ;\lat;ku, s . ;ln a x e ; the right-hand
Mat lLag;l, s. ; I I I c11)s~rv;~toi.y ; a side, the sta~bo'Ird.
war( 11 tower : I ~ : r . l i < , r ~ - o ~ ~ . i\/lata16, c . to look cross.
Xl;ii:~ala,1.. to be nakrl'ul, to watcll. hlatacu, s. fear. d

Rlalai~li,s, a biig1:tc.d tillen cocoa Jlata'u, 21, to fear, to be ;~fi.aid;pl.

nut. r ~ r ; i l a t a;' ~11rrss.
~ ~n;~t,~'utia.
nlatn:~li,1.. to h11 hefore mature (as Alatar~~a, a. jealous, e~ivious; yl.
11uts 1. i~ves). niatatau'o.
illai;ibata,., a snIilil~gco~rr~te~!anre. ;\latiilia, s. a drop of rain.
Mataei~cii,s. tlle name ot' a sliell- Matauli, a. dt!g-hced, r~gly.
fsll. h!atSt~ptga, s. tile mesl~esof a net.
Rlat;ic>ae:~,c . to lock iliclined to kli~tar~pulu, s. an easter!y wild. See
11e;il (of ulct~rs). I:A,IFoc,\L!~~oLc..
nlatir;~lrLelc, s. {lie name of a fish. Alataupu, s. a subject of discourse; .
See T.11 L-I.,ISL,. a cl~a~~ter.
R I r m ~ : ~ ' cs. ~ ua; c~l, ~ c s t n ~left
i t in store Matautu, s . a poi!~tof land running
till it scpalates from the skin. out into the sea.
Rlntai, s. a Ireatl of a fiilnily. fi~latn'uruia,L?. to be terrified, to be
Riatai'a, s. one k:.rll to see fish ; gro;~tlyfrightened.
olie portion of a fish. R'latafi, s. btiils on the face.
Alataiolo;~,s. the best article amongst hlatii'ai, s. tlle side of the planta-
lot of gooc!s. tion from w l ~ i c lthe ~ taro is being
Matiipu, s. llle top half of a nut- pullet1 u p ; old people likely to
sllell. dic first.
Rlut;~isau,s. a carpenter (a respect- EIatihiga, s. the bench, the seaside.
ful te1.111). See 'I'L.I..L.C;.I. ; ~ , aiud~vardelid of
; \ I i ~ t i i f l ~ ~s.~ uthe
Rlntairagata, s. a gootl Ic.ohi11gman. all island.
hlataitc g ; ~ s. , (lie best toyu sp~.ciid1 klntaflit~i,a. 11;1rd,uni~~~pressible (as
O I I ~t l ~ e!::st. oftlic~lot. one struck by a club and yet not
Rliitiii:~~, s. ( ? n , r t c ~ti,
, tcitii), lascivi- Lilli~~g); 1101asll;inlrcl (as our cast
011s Iuoks. tiif by 11is \\.ilk aud yet rcnrdil.i~~g
Rlat;i'i{usi, s. a lettcr 01' tllc alpha- io her tarl~ily).
1)c.t. Matati, el. to be swcpt or blown
hli:t:r(~l~~. (1. :i\ looking (as urlea.. a\vay as cl!~utls; to b ~wtsll, , to be
Ila~~.lrtlI)y u c ~ ki or w : I ~ ); rc. in good I ~ r ; t l ~ l~
(c?f'c/tiejb); redup.
\i\ctl i~l'trriichllc:.~; l;~scivious- r~~iit:~titali.
lool;i~~g ; rrrlt~l~ o~at;~ola~:la.
. fil,i!;t;:i, u . b ~ t loolii~lg.
Rl;iti~'oi~lo,.s. ii S L I I I ~ ~ cI Ig e ; pl. ,\illt:~;.n,s. one bind ot'drngon-fly.
I I I ~ I I ~ I 'O
O IIIO. Al;it<~ga,1.. to bc 1ooseuc.d ; redup.
R ~ ; I I ; I O I I ~s.> , t l ~ cli:llllc 01' n gc1ii~i11- ~ l ~ i ~ a g t t t a g a .
011s 1;-11. .Il;~t:~gnoi, 1.. to Ilare a tliivrs look.
31.11 oiic, , I . sc!fi iofn n,~tivcgrind- &liit;~g,~tagn, 11. e n y ut' tlisposi~ion,
> ~ I I ,(,;. as lofo ,~cGl(r!/nlrcyu.
n l , l ~ ; l ~ . t cI . ~ oI I I I)c 111.cs.~c,tldown as .Ili~t:~gi, s. tlic I V I I I ~ .
I)! ;I \ V ( , I ~ ~ I ~ . Rlat;cgi, 1.. to blow, to be windy;
A l : i ~ : ~ ~ i i((.i ~ >lbt,;~r
r. poii~tctl. 11r1.w. n~xtaglii.
AI;I!;III. 1 . . t o r . . 11. i..~,:.,to 1n.lrli a t - Ill;~tugi~o'o,s. bastions defending
tc-~~tivt !y ; /, .ss. rn ;: I ~ I ! I . I . I t!:c e ~ ~ t ~ aol'a i ~ cCurt.
Matagofie, a. pleasant to the eye, ,\I~ttirnoson~oso,s. the Ilanle of a
, beautiful. plai~t.
JIataia, 27. to be open ; to be U I I . ~ l d t i i u ~ u s. a , the title-page, the first
folded ; to be u~~ticcl ; to 111ake page.
l l a ~ t e; I ' C ~ U ~ Jlllatklldtdld.
. JIariin~ua, a. brazen -fi~ccd, not
?tlalalnti, s. t l ~ enallic of a tree ; asl~aliled; r e r l ~ ~ p~ .~ ~ a t a u ~ ~ ~ a ~ n u i ; .
aetigej lor t l g f l t e ~ the ~ ~ AI:tt?111iuli,
~ i ~cjliet (L. s11a111e-f:iced; pl. I I I ~ -
t h s t e ~ ~ i l ot'c,i~~oes.
~gs ta11111ll111li.
Jlittalusi, to be various, to be Afdtanan;~,u . bonstful.
complicated. Matanti, a. inctstuous.
Ma~alake,v. to be i~~tricate 1ooLi11g. Alatiil~il~, s. the eye end of a 11;llf-
MatalGula~~usa ro.
J l a t a l e ~ n a ~ ~ u ' as., two kiuds of td-

s. a ~~ortli-easterly
Jlatauouou, a. surly-looking.
wi~ld. Illatapi, s. a fimcc.
See PAATIU. Al~ctal.~:~'~, s. tile snuff'of a torch or
JfatalGl~opo'uiu,( s. two kiuds of lanlj~.
Mataletalrga 1 ta~o. Jlatapau, a. of a forbiddillg asprct.
Alatalii, s. the ljalrle of a cluster of i\ilrtnl)Llapuli~,(L. prosperuus (of a
stars. h s l ~ e r ~ l ~auda n a illan WIIO gets
llatarnai, v. to look tuvfards (as a ~)lt!~ityut' p~.ope~.ty tl~rough his
man desirous 01' joining a f C ~ ~ ~ ~ i lwives). y,
or as property c o n ~ i r ~ill g tu a fk- JIatai~eLa[)e'a, a. covetous.
luily). J l . i t : ~ ~ ~ is.s u ,one kind of shellfish.
,Ilat;imau, v. to be unyielding; to &lat,a;,u, a. blind.
I~ilvethe appearaiice of plei~ty;tv Ilitapo, u. to look a t a night-dance.
be liberal; to be sti~rgy(on Sa- Il;ltapoo, s. sunken eyes ; 111. ma-
vaii).; p1. nlatalnair~au. . tilp,11'00.
JIatamalae, v. to look about UII- JIatapogi, a . forbidding- looking.
y one about to ell- ;\i;~tapogi;~,
d a u ~ ~ t e d l (as v . to faint.
gage in a c111b-111atc11). h l ' ~ t s ~ ~ uo. ~good ~ a , lookiug.
J l a ~ a l ~ ~ a l a s.l r , Llle ci~sease call(:d Jlatal~oto, s. the oalne of a s l ~ ~ l l -
Iup11s. tisli.
JIirtau~;l~~u'a, s. the edgcs of a hIi~t;+poto, (6. sl~arp-sigl~tcd to avoid
\rou~~d. a sl!tXar.
I\lii~ir~llata, L'. to looli at, to vicn ; \I'it;ll'~la;l, u . ugly.
p l . 1llall1at~l. Sliital~ulil,s. tlrt: Ilalne of a fish.
3L.1~;inia1a, s. a 1~1rge c~fufo. \I,~tasi,s. a blirltl pigc.o~~ ; a biii~tl
hl?it,Llliat~, ,A. 1 l d b lllg l < t C & t 2 l l l C ! ~ ~ l ~ ~I .I I ~ ~ (ill
,\ilrt:~~~lri,aui~t ga, .s. a la:gc ct~b\\'cb. \ I ~ t a s i s i ,s. t!~endllle of a sl~<sll-
I\laldir~al~~ s.g t, ~
! ~ e\$ r11c1 a C j ' c ' , tile lial~.
c(r1;titer I'IUIII i i i i ~ c l ~l l ~ e W I I I ~ \ l ~ ~ t i a ~s.~al tnoosc. ~,
LJ:ui\.s. \l;it;~sc l~ii, ( 1 . scl~ii~~t-cyc,d ; 11(. r1i;l-
;\la~,;rrlea,s. o:rv ki~,tlof'crub. tn~c.s'el);c.
~I',1iilll~il,t~;,, s. tI1c i,.llIle uf i L s1:1r. \latilsuiul~a,s, sure cyrs.
,\la~:llllu~, u. s l c c i q . \li~tS.;~rol~, S . a

sl,,tallloc~, s. a , , i c ~ v tLtrl, o ~ t p o s lor t il,~titn,s. I I I C t,dgt: or li~lcof C I I ~ -

hccl,illg wutc:l! at I I I ~ ~ I ~ . t i ~ ~ (alji,lii.(l
g, to 1l1c 1i11evl' I,~lsl~
JI;itallluc, c . to \iatcI~,10 keep guard aloi:g \v!~icl~ trees Ilitvc I K Y J I I C I I ~ ) .
d11ri11~ 111gl1t. Uatatai, s. a clc\.cr ti.11, ~ I I I ~ I I I .
152 M.4T hlXF
M ltatau, u. ltavitlg fightiltg looks. Xli~tilil,s. a short fishing rod.
3fitata'u, v . p l u ~ ~oft l mutu'u. l l a t i ~ ~s.i , all offering of branches of
Matitiiga, see J l . \ , r a ~ ~ . certain trees to iudnce uitu to
hlat*iitalo,s. the eye or upper end pass over w i t l ~ o ~calling
~t in at
of the taro. the place where tl~eseare huug
Ilatatiaiala, 24. to go gadding about up.
nfter siglrts. Mitipitipi, u. having an edge.
Jfiitatili, c. to sprout. to gcrmilrote Ilativa, tr. poor ; pl. n~atitiva.
(as yanrs, &c., left above ground); Jiativao, s. one kind of the muti.
to be I~orritied. See T u ~ e u o c e . Mato, s. a steep place, a precipice.
Matitutti, s. a nut scraper. Mato, u. precipitous ; redup. ma-
,ILi~tatu'ii'ai,a. greedy. ttto.
Jlatatutra, s. one of the divisions of lfatou, pron.. we (excluding the
a cocoanut husk. person atldressed).
llatatupa, u. blunt. See TUIALI. hiitofi, 2,. to be split ; to be qurr-
Ilativai, s. a spring, a fountain. tered (as the ~ I O O I I in the last
3htiva0, s. the edge of the bus11 quarter); redup. n~atofitoti.
towards wlricl~the plantation is Mntolitoli, a. scral~chable(applied
atlva~icing. to things less lurd than to paa-
3Iaiiivao, s. a reconnoitering party. guyu, as gristle, cocoanut, &c.);
Matavao, P . to die in war. t e ~ ~ d (of
e r pork, &c.)
Matavale, a. dull sighted in avoid- Jfatolutolu, u. thick (only of pork).
ing a spear. Matosi, a. scratched, marked with
Natavale, is. to look like a coward ; scratches ; shrcded ; redup. ma-
yl. matamatavale. tositosi.
BIatavalea, a. ignorant-looking. 31\2atl,s. a northerly gale.
3iativarra, s. nails. Aliitii, r . to be dry, (a compliment-
Mute, v. to d:e ; to be extinct (as ary word to those returr~ingfrom
aliinrals trees, tire) : to be upset batl~i~~g).
(of canoes) : to be benumbed, to Matu, s. the name o t a fish.
be craorped; pl. mamate. Matua, s. a parent ; pl. nGtua ; a
Blitte, (7. co guess ; pfrss. matea. gallre.
3Cirt~ilili, r. to be enra~ed. 31atoa, u. elder ; mature ; pl. ma-
Jiatele, t*. to run sw~ftly; to be tutua.
pulled swiftly. Matua, C. to frequent, to make a
>l,li~teie,r. expressive of iutensity ei. llo~neof: as, E ntrrtttn mni i ; n t i .
tl~erof thought or action; to ex- 3iatlla, ct. rcry, altogether, qctite,
cced, to go beyond (its in abus- (used to mark the superltitive de-
ittg) ; redup. n~atelctelc. gree).
N-Jte~nate,r. u means, a plan, a Matua alii, s. an aged chief.
3ii1tevalt.a,u. very ignorant.
Jiittua'i, rr. very exceedingly.
Mituaisu, s. 1111 old pigeon.

?tl:~ti,s. a specics of fig. Ilituaoti, s. an orphan.

JLnti, ( I . stale (as water long clrawn, hlatuifiifil~e,s. a r~ratron,an elderly
or nuts picked some days). wom:tn.
Jl;~ti'u'u, s. tlre tinger ~ ~ a i l s .See M,ltulnroa, s. a lien.
&IGtcratua,u . d i u ~ i ~ ~ ~of~ matua.
Jl;ctilhnua, s. one kind of the $filt1lu, s. a cralle.
mati. &luti~lltu, s, the nirnlc of a fish.
MAT $1 IT 15'3
RllitiitG, v. to be dry; to be costive. I Rlcmea, s. t l ~ euilrue of a fisll.
Mavae, v. to pass by ; to be at an 1 hienlee, v. to boast ; redup,. mee-
end. mee.
RiIRvae, s. a parting. Men~e'i, see Me'r.
Mkvae, v. to be split, to be cracked M e ~ n u ,v. to rnove tllc lips as if
o l ~ r , ,to be cliapptd ; intens. ma- sljeaking.
vaevae. M e n e n ~ e ~(~I . esmall
, (of the breasts).
hlavaeifiui~naih~r~ea, v. to commence Miaga, s. urine.
the development of the licr~lelin Mio, 1 ) . to warder about, to go
the ct~estout. round about ; to act strangely,
Miivaega, s. a parting command, to be cool towards (as a tiusbard
engagement, or proniise. and wife) ; redup. n~imio, mio-
Mavava, a. to express wonder. mio.
blavava, v. to yawn. $ligao, v. to S ~ C Wrespect to, to
Maveu, v. to be in confusion, to be reverence.
unsettled ; redup. nlavellveu. bl igi, a . curly ; red~rp.rnigi~nigi.
Maveve, a. dry aud clotty (as the i Migimigi, s. dry cocoanut husks.
earth, arrowroot, &c. / ~ i l i v., to rub; ro r u b in (as an
Mavevc, v. to have a thick head of '
long hair ; to be thick with f e a 1 ointmeiit); pl. rnimili, Lmili; in-
tens. n~ilirnili.
thers (as an ornanleut of rcd fca- Milo, s . the llarne of a tree.
thers). 1 Milo, r;. to twist ; pl. miniilo: pass.
Mea, s. a thing ; a place ; an ani- niilosia ; redup. r~~ilomilo.
nral; the private parts wheu used Milosi, w. tobe twisted; to becross-
with lou, ~ V ~ &c. LU, grai~ied; to be perverse ; r e d q .
Mea, v. to do, to .prepare. - rrlilomilosi.
A'lirni, v. to make water.
'leaaaitu, ') v . ~t was our luck.
Meaarnanu $ h f i ~ ~ ~v.i oto
, be pervtme. See Mlo.

0s a chief, by adzing the trees. 1

hleai, v . to tapui nuts on the death Mimili, v. to rub togctller. See
hleit'ale, s. furn~ture, household , Mirl~ilo,v. to be perverse.
gcods. Misa, s. a quarrel.
Meafo~io,s. fdod taken to a fono; Iilisii, v. to quarrel ; to make a
cold hod. ~roise,rrs PIS;\; recil~r.f(~nriaa'i.
BIearnca, a . young (of infants). hlisnaga, s. ;I quarrel or1 a s~naller
Meavale, s. the populace, colllrnon scale than misu.
p o p l e ; anything vile and h d . Misi, u . to make a kissing
MuLi, u. ro shrink, to shrivel ; re- liiiiilofa nc~isewith the lips as a
d r l p y ~ ~ ~ r r n euie'irne'i.
'i, tuker~of aff'iction.
hleo..,v. to be sulky; pl. memeo ; Mitamita, v. to boast; nii~nita.
2 d j ~ r P~neon~eo.
. M ~ t i s.
. tlre name ot' a snl;~llbird; a
- ldele, v. to ret'usc, to reject. drcan~; rain or ri~ist011t l ~ enioun-
BIelc'i, s. the stick used to husk rains.
. nuts with. Miti, 1;. to suck; to sip; to kiss;
klele'i, v. to husk a cocoanut. See to snuff up, to sniff; to make a
OC.4. hissi~lg11oi5ewit11 the lips.
- Jlelon~clo,a . red ; pl. memelo. Mitimiti, v. to call to by ulakinS a
hlernt,a, a. yrllowish brown; sear kissi~rg noise; to suck out a
(as leaves). bone.
310, prc11. for. &Ioemoeg.~tiima'i,v. to bc unpic-
Alo;~,s . a fbwl; the r ~ of~ adbuncll 1
of l > ; : ; l . l l l i l . ~ ; t!lC llt 3I1y 11i1rt ol JIirclnoetonu, v. to be prepared over
t lie I I : L / ; ; tl:e c l.ig:i. 1: i g : region ; night.
il c 1 ,111.1 a top; tl:c ~ ~ : i , l ~(as
'8 i i c of a hloenoa, a. inconsidcrate, t h o ~ ~ g l i t -
r o ; ~ dor ri,,.cr). less ; 1.edrcl1. rnoc~no-IIW.
IIo;ig:t, s. t!i? n ; ~ m eof n 6511. !vlo't.t,~'i,v. to rrlll wiLll a tliir~g,to
h:oilllli, s. t l ~ ecall c.t' tlle ulili; a convey spredily.
S~JCT!' iil t l ~ eeye. >IoctS~i,v. to druam of busi~tessin
Bluaulo;t, s. tht~I:itme of a fi~l1. I~ar,d.
hlo'al~ro'a, t t . slack, n o t stretchctl MoLi,U. true. See M o s r .
out ( a s a ~ ; c t k, c . ) Rloia, v. It is e l ~ o u g ;l ~leave off.
P.!oi~~noalegu,s. one kincl ot' bread- Sce Soli\.
fruit. Rloi'a;~, s. fibres of tlie cocoanut
i\lo;:;~n,s. the dm p sen. husk. See Ili1o.rr'a.i.
iiicja~~a, u . SCB bl~~c.. h~oimoi,s. the narlle of a large fish;
B!o;l~~;t~~li, s. tllc [I, cp bl~icsea. the snlall fish lest ill tlie net titkcr
I\ioi~i,as:u:::~~~, s. the great ocean. the lnige oncs are taker^.
h!~~;~ila:aIt.\.alc, ( L . fill. out to sea. No'imo'i, a. snlall.
bioe, 71. to a!ec,lr ; to be congealed ; Moo, s. a 1iza:d ; the nanie of a
to sit (as a hen); p l . nlcimoe ; fish.
prcss. 1l:ora. Moo, 71. to be surprised.
h!oc, I I ~ L ' . to no purpose, usc~essly. Moo, irlturj. of surprise and admi-
see al.\(~. ration.
RIo'G, s. a general name for the bn- RIoo!;I~o,s. a cocoanut eitlier with-
nalla. Scc FA'I. 0i:t :;iice01. witl~outlnuch keriirl;
h i u c i t r ~ 71., to sleep in fear. a (! ..:ase.
X!oiiil111;1;1, v. to slctlp so~il~dly. Rl6om6u, see X l o ~ o o .
hiot:Leseic2;c,s. the (lfuto, ( 5 3 c d l l d lllooiii(~og3,S. covetbus desires.
L::,li)rc: cl~i:.fs). hlou, 2. to vnllisl~.
hloc:.ii~ti, c. to s l ~ u tihe eyes forci- itloti, t i . maliy; (~lsedin a grum-
Illy. b i i ~ ~way,g as when h a ~ i ~ lclone g
J!ociLul 1 , 2,. to dc!iglltin, to rqjnice. ~ 0 1 1 1uI~1~cccssary
3 work, Se rticrrt
hioeiiai, 1.. to go tu s l t ~ c l ~ , l ~ ~ ~ i ~ glri ya a. ) .
f i i v t ~ u ' c~.~to , be rcstlL,sstroll1 11iilll. Jlclg.~;;:aga, s. a roach ; a beetle.
h:v~Iili, re>ti?<.<i n >lCtp. hlu6:', .<. I~urril)i!atior~.
J i , ; l g ; ~s. , a s l t e p i ~ ~place, g a bcd. Alob~:.~, a. s l l~ivcilt!cl l'roni cold or

::. a coIl;tbi~:i~g. fi-is;;!,also of bad taro ; redulr.

n!Oc.g;t-i,L.. to C O I I Y I . ~01-rr 1iig11t; u~!!::.. Il1ogt.a.
t o r,,~~i.c so, v;is to ilc i l l rcadilicss k l r . ' . ~ ' ~u., to corlvey, to take beck,
over 11igl;t. (al:irii..d to a prl.+t nt taheu by t l ~ c
fii,,c.g;isc*,7%. to slt~:pS O I I ! I ~ \ ~ . pt:, sun, ;l~ici also to ~ l l ecolivey-
R l o ~ ~ ~ ~ i t i r[I. t i 'to
i ~ ,1r11ti l l tlic tilo alic~,by n llicli Ilc is taken).
c , \ . r 1:igllt ; ti, rca'ly over ;\Io!:!~!.I,s. pr0l~ert.ytaken wit11 a
11igllt. a . I l l In trn I1t.i. r, Lurrl to ller 1 1 ~ s -
h!oc.l~~oc-, s. a S I J ~ OaI Is1100t. ~, L ; I I . ~ ~fi1111iIy.
3 . 0 I~I I ~ , v. ~ . ,to rlcci) lig!~tly. blol ,, ::. a sott oily mattcr between
31 oc.nic,cg:~:~:alir, 7.. to I)c,;~r('(l t11,. s ~ o ~ i111tl ~ g ytill: hard lierllel
over 111g!11. 01' i l l 1 [rl(l l~ll~~~r:lllllt.
M o l ~ z*., to be failit, to bc rxlinust- IToli:ole'a, s. tlie ii:ilne of a tree tile
ed (as wit11 I~or~ger,tl~irst, or nood uf \rhicl~is vei y brittle ; a
pain) ; to be sufFocated ; to die ; weak man.
pl. n~omole. Monioli, c. to carry, to bring ; to
bllolemole, a. smooth. See 310- report a p~~rsoii's c r~tlr~ct, to ac-
310LE. cuse : rerlup, molin~oli; pass.
nloli, s. t11c orange ; soap ; one nlolia, moliniolia.
kind of song. \lomonlo, c. to brt,iilz in pieces ;
Rloli, s. oil. See Sunru. I I [ L S S . nior~ioiaaiid i n c ~ l n o ~ ~ ~ o i ~ ~ a .
Molianiolia, v. to be disappoilittd or MGmGna, a. fat, rich (as pigeons,
deceivetl, (as to bc promised aid fish, &c.)
~lrento be left unsl~p;~orttd ; klornono, v . to cork ; tu plug ; 7.e-
to have plenty followed by a dup. tnooornollo.
dearth). klomose, (1. bcautii'ul, Ilnndso~ne,
Molioo, v. to carry or convey all tlie pretty ; redup. mosemose.
way. hlomoto, a. plur.~lof nzoto.
Moliga, s. the sending, the convey- Mo~notu,v. plural of litofzr.
i~lg. iLIorla, v. to burst ,ftriai
M(i1ima11,s. a \vit!iess. from t!~e leaf dish) ; to have a
Rlolimal~,u. to bear witness. motion \vllile seated (as a cl~ilcl);
;iIolimoli, v. to accompany a pnrt of to snivel, to run a t the nose ; to
t11e way ; to carry about to dif- mudcly tlic feet ; to exccl in f a -
ferent t'aillilics (as po~tions of !/r~tiu; to work wit11 all the nlight
fcod). (as one wishijlg to disprove die
BIolimua, v. to send off R party charge of lazi~~css : Uu itu le mo-
wlrile the sender stops himsclt'. ?lU).
Rlolimuaina, see > I ~ L I , \ ~ I o L I ~ I . Moni, a. true.
hIolitasi, v. to report as the words kIoiioi, v . to come in quick succea-
ot' olle persol1 the sayings of a sion (as tro~~i)l!,s, a:ilictiu~~s,Ac.)
wl~c,lcconlparly. a l o ~ i o t ; ~ g as., the poi.tio11 of hod
Alolrti~~o, L'. to tell pl.kiiily. ~ x t ' p ;cd ~ . by all ir~clibidual to take
h I c J o ' u ~ ~s., a todd tool. wit11 ;]I1 t l ~ crest of ~ 1 1 2vill,~geto
Aloloiuti, s. a gouug y a m ; redup. a party o f visitors.
~noloriiolui~lfi. J!ol~oii, 21, to cork, to pl~rg. See
filoloi'i~lu, s. the blosso~l~ of tlie Rloaroso.
breadfruit. Illost~niosc,see Mo:,~osr;.
S l o n ~ o ' a ,rc. ni11c11,aboundiilg ;-in- Alo.i, s . a you g cr;iy.isIi.
teusc (as paill). I\iosrn~o.ii,s. a y o u ~ ~ frcsl~w;~t~.r
Jlollioe, c.. (111. of tuoe), to slerp. I ) ~ , I w;~ a snia"1 (is11seeu the clay
hionio'e, v. to lun ; pl. t'c~rio'ci, bcfore the l i r ~ l r * / o .
. tuuti:tuli. ;IIosooi, s. tlrc nalnc of a tree bear-
i , crun~bs, as w o ~ n o iu j ,
h l o ~ ~ r t is. i ~ i gn ~ o dfraglx~rtflo\vers.
c,rir~nbsof yalll. Rlo.icioitai, s. the 11;1111eof R para-
h l o ~ ~o,i l 1%.-to express covetous de- sitical i11,11it.
sirtts ; to loug for ; to exprcss I\.Iosomoso, s . the rlarile of a birtl.
atlli~rration. 3rlo:i, L', to burn t l ~ c a r ~un n accol~nt
hlonlole, ( 1 . sn.ooth. S t e R 1 o ~ c - of' the dcn(1.
>IOI.C. Mo~i'a'a,s, tlic fibre of 1111: cocoil-
hloniolc., c. 111111.aluf nlole. ~ i u Ilusk.
t Stc hlor',\.\.
&to, a . unripe, not mature; pl. ' Mua'i, see F A . ~ ~ I U A ' I .
u~un~oto. Mc'aifi, s. the young leaves of the
RLoto, u . to strike wit11 tlie fist; pass. zy.
n~otoia. Muiu111,s. the forehead.
3Lotornrrt0, s. a part of tlie inside of RZuRfofoga, s. the lips ; speech.
a tul.~lt~. Muagagat~a,s. a proverb; a pro-
310tososo6a, s. a straight blow with vcrbial expression.
tlie tist. Mu'dgutl~,see MUAFOPOCA.
A,lotn, v. to be broken off; to be Mualeva, s. tlie uame of one kind
s n a p asunder, to be severed ; pl. of song.
motnot11; redrrp. ~ ~ ~ o t u n i o~t IuU ; S SMuamalaga,
. s. those who go on
motusia. ahead ill a travelli~~g party.
illot~~ s., an islet : a district or vil- 1\Zuamua, a . first. See Mua.
Inge ; the people of a place ; a Muamua, v. to go before.
n~ultitude. M u ' a ~ l ~ u ' aa. , grern ; i ~ ~ l m a t u;r e
Afot~~tliu, 11. childless, having none easily c o r r u p t i ~ ~ (asg tlie dead
to succeed to. body of a g o u ~ ~person). g
AlotuFdu, o. to get loose from a Muii~~ifo, s. tlie front tLeth.
string (as a 1,igl.o~); to be set Muivae, s, tile projection under tlie
free fuom ; to be quite discon- foot a t the root of'tlie toes.
nccted ~vitli. Mui~nui,v. to murmur ; pass. muia,
Rloturnea, v. to cross the place where n~uimuia.
they are c a t c l ~ i ~ pigeons
~g ; to Mule, s. tlie scraped nut collecting
cross tl~rough the house where in a lump in the tauaga, and so
cl~iet'sare s i t t i ~ ~ g . the juice not expressed.
3Iotumot11, s. a firebrand. Muli, s. the end ; tlie rump.
3fotumot11,v. to be broken or torn Muli, u . young (as men, women,
in several places. and trees in their prin~e).
A l o t u ~ ~ ~ o t us. gaa, ragged clot11 or RIulia'i, aclv. last.
f i l l [ : mill. M~~lia'itii'iga,c. to follow on iu the
XTotusi, I , . to break off, to tear. rear.
Alut~~sia, t7. to come iii small and 31uli6au, s. tlie rrar of an army ;
drtaclrtd quantities, (i~l)l~lied to the lrame of one kind uf song.
the pc~/r,bo,oil tlie first day of iip- Muli'a~rloa, v , to follow in great
l'earing). n u n ~ l ~ e r(as s inen, tish, or a ~ i i -
>lotusaga, s. the 6rst day ufpulolo. mals).
nlll, s. t l ~ er~anleof a fish. RIuliitt'e, c. to con1111it adultery re-
n l n , (1. to burn ; to glow. peatedly.
3 1 ~ 3(,L . first; rtdtcp. Inunnlua. Nulidtca, s. the rnmp of tlie turtle.
Rlu'a, s. a coco:u~utwith the ker- Mulidva, s. tile end of all opening
1)t.llrait' for~ned. t I ~ l . o i ~ tgll~~creef w l ~ i c lis
~ o u tile
nIllcil,a. tender, young, green, (ap- outside of the reef:
plied to the nvw growth of vcpe- JIuliil~u,s. the bottom half of a nut-
tatioi~,as bougl~s,young trees, sl~rll.
k c . ) ; rcdul). riiu'amu'a. M~~li'olu, s. the 11i11dpart of a fort-
&[ua4:,u, s. the van ot'.al~army. ress on t l ~ einside.
3l11aava, s. t l ~ epart of all opening Jlulioluga, s. tlie e ~ ~ dofs taro left
i l l the reel' totvards the allure. al'ier r ~ : u l i i ~jiiuusi.
~p See ML~LI-
Jlu,thi, ( I . f i i ~ t . >I.\I'L~,
Mnlione, s. the name of a gelatinous lumlltu, a , plural of m ~ ~ t 7 1 .
fish. furtn, v. to g r u n ~ l ~;l eredlcp. mu-
3i11liul11,s. the hack of the head. namuna.
MulitE. s. the name of a month, Iun~ra,s. the porpoise. ,
(September). lusa, v. to skip, to 11op ; redzcp.
illulifa~rua,s. the lee end of an is- mllsatnusa.
land. Busu, 71. to be indisposed, to be
a , to commit adultery; P I .
h f u l i l ~ ~ v.
-Ifulirnauga, s. the hind part of a

s. indolence, ur~willingness.
rlusrlia; v. to be dsonled to be killed
?rCnlimafu, see MVLIOLOG I\. or otllerwise pulii4hed.
hf~~lirnafua, s. the trees wlrose fruits $~lsumusn,v. to whisper.
are last eaten by the pigeon. vlusuvii, v. to whisprr together.
3li1limal0, s. an ornament worn like duta, v to he finished, (a chief's
a tail ; a bunell of red feathers. word for ztma nlai, gala mni).
M~~limatagi, s. ttre place where the fiutin, s. the general name for grass.
wind ends at. bfutiarnoa,
J l u l i m ~ ~ lv.i , to follow after, to come hfutiatai, s. different liir~ds of
afier. Mntiato~a
3f11linluliane, cidrr. afterwards. Mutim~~ti, v. to yearn over.
hluli~uuliii, v. to dirt about from Ilutimutialofa, z.. to commiserate, to
r~laceto place (as young children compassionate, to love fbndly.
do). Mutinlutivale, v. to be distressed in
Jl~rlisrra, v. to prompt. See VAI-
Ai~llitau,v. to commit adultery. See

Mutitini, v. to be fiercely hot (of
the snn).
MULILUA. \lutu, s. the name of a fish.
Mulitataga, a. obedient. Mutu, v. cut off, defective, inconl-
Jfulivne, s. the heel. plete ; pass. r n ~ ~ t ~ r i ; ~ .
AI~~livai, s. the mouth of a river or Mutuia, v. to be forbidden ; to be
stream. cut short in a speech.
Mulo, s . a young ynm.
JIulu, v. to IIC slow; to grumble;
to sil'ge a pig, (in Atua); tc
M ~ ~ l u i v. a , to be rut~bedoff (as the The tent,h letter in the Samoan alplio-
skin). bet. Pronounced as in English.
3Iulutriea, 2.. to 11,1ndle covetously.
~ ~ to
h l u l ~ t n l u l v. , r u b ; to wash; tc N A , a particle used before verbs to
warm oneself by the fire; puss mark the imperfect tense.
n~ulrria; mutnuluina ; pl. mu. Na, pron. he, she ; (used before
mul~l. verbs ; as, Na te sau).
l~fun~G 1). , to burn brightly, to glow Na, pron. this,, these, those ;
h f u n ~ u u, . red. (it always brings the accent from
&l;lmil, v. to be in swarms (as ffie! the penultirna to the last syllable:
or small tish). O i le nuii nu).
M~rmulu,v. plural of ~nu!umulu. Na, v. tn quiet, t o hush (as a cry-
Jlr~nlusr~, a. plural of rnusu. child).
i\'n, 1.. to c-or~~-t~;il. to (!t I I ;~ redi:~~. ' Y\'fi~n~ln, 1.. to I)e filll of rnr~sc~uitoes.
11a11,i:III(I 11iiiG; ~;II!,.S. II:I:~;I. N i ~ ~ r ~ ~ r lS,e gtal ,~ ename of a tree.
Ka:!. P i ! ~ i ? IIIIIC. to ?:.l:i(.l~ the net Yann, s. a swarm of soldier crabs.
ti~r on rirtt~1ri;ryii.; fixed. K.:;III~. I.. to urge a reclucst, to per-
I . o r; 1 ~ cI - i siit i n as!Li~!g; to hoast.
~it~tive. xi14 N*.
K;I:,prrp. from. Sr,c7:1.\1. Nar~,i
N : I ~ I F. I ~ 11111
~ . ria:!ic of' a fis!~. i\'un;t~nu.7.. to be fragrant, to give
K;~is;si,L.. tu ti> 011, to se!cct I)cfore- a s\vcct sn~*,ll.
I~ar~d. Niinaw, 2'. to ~ T O \ Vrankly (as wercls
i : I . i te r I t is t on a good soil): to ttb01111d(as
rc-:~:orr: as, K(:ii:/:iso!ciliv la Je- tlrc dry sug:rrcane leaf used as
ttc(~o. Src S$~.\.io.l. tlratcli).
K:~i.o,s. the I I : I I I ~of~ ~a trcc. Nan: a, c . to bc s~~fficient.
Ni~i:o?an::~, s . r'ir naruc of a Bs11 ; Narlci, r r d ~ .by and-bye, prezer~tly.
( I I I O ~ ?l;:,o:,: ly I ; ~ I I ~ ~ O / ~ I ~ T C ISancirrei L). ane, cidu. preserbtly, very
N;I & o ,, (lr. or~ly. sl~~rtly.
&ao~.::o,s. t111:Il;lnie of one kind of Kani, 21. to tnllc inc\i,~tinrtly(as a
i111t. cliild) ; rpdirp. naninani.
Nao!lao, 1%. to fcvl for (as for fislics Ka!lrl. 1.. to starnlner, to pronounce
~ I 11o!~s).
I nr.ongly : recip. fenanui.
Kilonnofi~ga,s. the fis!:ea carlglrt by Knrille, s. tlre nanle of a fish.
~Z(IO??RO. : I , talk uorrsense (as a
S ? ~ ~ I I I1.. ~ to
N ~ I Is., tlie name of n crcepil~g dtalirious person).
plnut. K i ~ ! i r g i ~ n a ~ i tc.i ~ to
n , ask for pro-
N n t ~ ,I-. to desire earne3tly, to long I~eityas a sick nitin talks, (applied
{'or ; rc/ltrp. naunau ; prtss. nau- to tlrcrnselvcs by tl~osewho go t o
tia. bce Ilclp in r~ativeproperty).
Kitb115. mrli), w r y , cxc$'c~di~;gly. Kip:igotie, zq. to prepare bcfore-
Fi~r~li~:iti, a. dry, t l ~ t s t i t ~of ~ t ewater hai~d.
!:IS ;I cwrlntry 0;. dist~ict). ?Taj>t~,2'. to bc entangicd ; redup.
X : I I I ~ ; I r*.I I ,retlrtp. of' n t r u ; to be 1,apennpc.
vc1.y rr;.at ; to exccrcl. Naw, s. tlrc ginlit ferrl.
l\':~~r;(\solo, s. t!lc nanle of a c,recp Nwe, n. I,:~tlfl.~\,t.urc.d,unsavory
i l l ? IJ!;III~. (;is tllc. flc-slr of wilt1 pig*).
NitIl~,s. n native tlr~rm. Piasr~,S. tile E I . ~ S J ,leaves, Bc., used
Nnl:i, 1.. to n\~lloi~\t (as an opponent to ~ t ( : ~ with.
i ~ : ~ ; h'ast~, t.. to covt,r tl!e enrtll round
irr ?;r rc!;rc, or i l l it c , l : ~ b ? ~1nntc.11,
or to nl);)<)i!ltwith \\.llo~nto ladgc tlie taro \\,it11 Ic:~~.cs, Nrc.
in so:llcXp.rcnt ft.stiv;~l). ' Nitti, 1.. to ttuse, to I)c in~l~ortunate;

~ t r ~ t i1 . i to, I I i ~ 10 I , ]I/. n w ~ a t i ;rerl~!l~.n:~tirrati.

lily 111) i r r nlt.moiy. 1 Nativa!~, 2%. to be ulld~rlyimportu-
~ .$,i s. tllc 11!;1ccwl~cretllc net is ( I~atr.
Iridtlrn (rro) to t;tl;c t l ~ cfi.11. I R':IVU,s. lime.
N a r ~ ~ os., ;I 1;1g!>on or s~ua!l bay Savrr, v. to dress tlre hitir with
; t l ) o ~ ~ r r idn i ~ fif.11.
~~ lime.
R'nn~rr,s. tllc ~ i ~ t r ~ q u i t o . Navrra, 7:. to break the Iread.
N a m l l ,?;, a srnc>ll,ill1 otlo~rr. , Xr, 7,. to drarv back from a diggu~t-
N ~ I I I I II.. I . to II;IYL, i r 11~:tI SIII 11. irlg 01. ir~jl~~.ior~s oljjcct.; to keep
l~ack( a i off'ctisive words); to witl~x
draw from slndn~e.
Kce, P'. to hcar u p , to lift u p (as R
1)o;tt by tlte \r:trcr): to i~~fliite, to
p ~ ~ up f f (as with prille) : ~.edtrlj.
tlcuee, neencc ; prrss. neeria.
Keelaza, zs. praises, ffattcri~lgatten-
Ki111nc3 \
R'iulc'n' s. two kintl5 r l r cocoanut.
Sittpir~,s . t l ~ cf;in j):il~ni.
tions. K i~~s:rrl,i, s. t!i,, roco;irt~lti n t,?relasf
Y e i p r o n . t l ~ i s; (pl. of knei), il~ese. st;~gebcfiirc I)~c~orni!l~ /~opo.
Kei, ad/*. now., s. a pale lanfi,tl c ~ ~ c o a ~ i u t .
Ne'i, odv. lest ; not. Nir~rno,s. tl~tbI:nmc of x plilnt.
Nefu. 21. to be st iiretl 1111,to be tur- Kifr), s. a too*11: a horn ; a tusk.
bid, to bc m11tl:ly; rerlol~.rleue!'u ; R'i!'on, n. \~,~r.itrg t~~th.
r l i ~ n i n .r;efirni.h~. Nimo, 1.. to be out of sic11t : to be
h'ego, 2'. to beckon ; rcdup. nego- U I I ~ I I O ;~ rcd~rp.
! ~ ~ri~~irrno, 11i[no-
rtc'go. nilno.
Nrnt., s. the name of a game of Nina, 1,. to convc~.sctogetl~er (as
play . friends alin~rtto p.?rt).
h'ene'a, I ! . to Iar~ghheartily, to con- Nit~i,2,. tn tl,~ull,to smear.
tinue to la!~gll.
Kenre, v. to act the manaicc. See
T?AA>I .\x.i~~i.
Ni11i 6 I
Nini ane, 1 % . tn lje fir o f , (in re-

~ ~ l r i c at
fere~ice to so~r~ctlring
l i last cntnca upon a per-
Np11efr1, v. to be dim, to be indis- son').
tinct. Nirlii, a. small.
Kei-a, tz. friendless, destitute of fa- Ninifi, v, to adorn. See TITIPI.
nlily connections ; (a terrn of re- Nini~no,see NIJI:I.
1)roacll). Niniva, v. to be gitltly.
h'i, a. soune, any. Ni;i, a , sorne, any.
Xian, v . to desire, to long for. Kivnga, s . a gi:ltly l~ciglrt.
Kiinii, a. sn~all, ~nirrute. See NI- No, 1 ! . to borrow ; 7.etlul). not16 ;
311. ~ ( I S S .~ ~ o g i a .
Nico, s. the rope of the old Samo:~n Noa, v. to strangle oneself; to corn-
sai!ing canoe niit s~ticide.
Pii'o, t 3 . to catcll backhanded: to Noa, arlv. \vitllo~ltol~ject,without
cover u p :I bad word u!tered ; to cause. See Frla.
say s o t l ~ e t l ~ i nand
~ , t en try to
; Noa~rtiu,s. il slip Itnot.
deny the ~nc:lui~!g Nonnoa, a. calm, quiet, hr;shed (of
a t t , 1 0 ' > 4to it:
to nlake exclries; to :i:rrt aside the witid).
a n d take tllirlFs belonging to all- Noanon, v. to tic hand atid foot.
o t l ~ e rrictller t l ~ a nyour own, or Noanoaga, s. bo11tl3,fa at en in^^. h:
o ~ l ~thanr r yhu ougl~t,& r . Noarag:~,s. a tie ; a ~placcto t ~ eto;
R'irr, s. t l ~ ecocoanut trce, also the a law ; rerltrp. tioanoata::r.
fruit. Noati, v . (111. of ~ z o ~ ~ o to n ) ,tie r ~ p
h'iuai~noa,s. the name of a plnrlt. ani~nals.
Ki~l'afir,s. a cocoanut frornr wliich Noi, v. to ask permission. See FAA-

Ej:;;lava, 1
cir~cti s made. SOI.
s. two kinds of cocoa- Noo, s. t l ~ eItips.
r~r~t. Nooia, v. to be pressed down : to
Niui, c . to apri~rklewit11t1.e juice 01 t ~ ebent in ( a i 111ectlge ol' a hat-
160 NO0 NUN
chrt): to be p:iinetl at heart; to Nofotane, v, to be married (of the
1)e forl~idclet~(as to continue a / woman).
sl>wch). Nol'r~, s. tlre name of a stinging
Noopa, s. a foundation. See FAA fish.
I"o'n~~o'u,v. to bend down, to Ncpa,
Nognti1'i 1 u. to be quiet, to be easy
(as from pain); to leave
off; to leave; redup. nonoga, no-
Ko'l~tua,v. to bend down the back gatloga'i.
(as in cati~ig,p a d d l i ~ ~ag canoe, Nono, s. the name of the white ant
kc.) when being winged it swarms ;
Nofo, o. to sit: to dwtsll; to re- the cord used to wind round a
milin ; pl. ~ ~ ~ n ;oredup. fo nofo- canoe; the string attached to a
nofb ; pass. nofoia. stolle talcen down by a diver.
N o h a , s. a ?(tat. Nono, v. to make a pause in a
R'oToaSi,79. to live in virginity; to speech waiting for the prompters.
sit ancl talk ovpr ~rews. XnnG, v. to borrow. See No.
NoSonign, r.. a rcig:~; t l ~ etime d r ~ r - Nonoa. t7. to tie, to bind ; redup.
i ~ i g\vliicli a tlli\n bears the fanlily noanoa ; puss. noatia ; pl. noati.
nallle. Nonou, a. cross, surly lo3liing.
F;otirno, 11. to be a titled cllirf. Nonu, s . tlie name of a tree.
KoSo,il5, v. to have four pullers ill ?;onu'ulu, s. a large kind of the
a canoe. (The same also with nonu.
any other number, as 71ofoClua, Nonufi'afi'a, s. a fruit tree.
kc.) Nonuvao, s. the wild ~ionu.
Nofoiifbno, s. a seat in the council Nuaga, s. a gratiug down (as of ar-
l~eldin t l ~ enlnlae. rowroot, turmeric. &c.)
Nofonga, s. t l ~ posteriors;
r tlre place Nuanua, s. tlre rainbow.
in wl~iclrone sits. ic;r~'anl~'a,s. the name of R plant.
R ' O ~ ~ R PS.P Itlie
I , seat usrd in pigeon Nui, 1 1 . to be great, to increase (as
c;~tcl~ing. tlre w i ~ ~ pain).
Kofo;ttau, s. the war stool. Nuu, s. a district or town ; a coun-
P\Tofoi, 7,. to be in a sitting posture. t r y ; pcople. '

Kofofun, 1,. to be single, to be un- R'U~IIIO,uhi. for~nerly, in oldcn

n1arril.d. Nuutu ) times.
xofngata, a. innccessihle, of a re- Nuutr~matifaga,s.a maritime place.
sr.rvctl and cliitant trmper. Nur~tutai,s. an islet near the main-
Nofogof r , m. accrsail)l~~, of ;in easy larrtl.
dial~osition. 1 Numi, 1,. to be involved, to be in-
R.oti)luis, s. a bigamist. (111 the ! tricate; to be jabl~led(as t h e m ) ;
salne way with the otl~crnumbers, pl. ~ r l ~ r ~ u;m
i n u n ~ i a ;redup.
a9 ~(!fi!olu, IIU~I~IIUIII~.
of on of on on, v. to l ~ ~~nprepared
e ; Nunfi, v. to be angry, (applied to
to I,e d o i ~ ~notlring.
g cliicfb and the gods).
r \ ' o l ~ l l o f o t oI,.~ ~ ~ , prepared, to Nunrr, s. a gathering, a c o ~ l c o u m
11c waiting for. of peol~lcgatlrered in one villnge.
~ofollofovale,see N o ~ o s o ~ o s o . ~ .Nunu, tT. to crowd together ; to
xof'opologa, 1,. to be a slave. grate down.
~ ~ , t i , ~ at..l ato, be under condemn- Nr~nr~nli, 1.. plural of nlrmi.
irtio11. 1 Nunr~ti,I.. ~ ~ l u lof
a l nuti.
Nur~uvale,v. to be in confusion (as Paapaa, s. small crabs.
troops, &c.) Paatea, s. a poisonous crab.
Nupaui, s. warts. See TONA. Pa-atu, s. a large fly-tishhook for
Nus;, corrj. even although, notwith- bonito.
s t a ~ t d i ~ ~See
g . ANUSA. Pae, s. a seat erected in the open
Nuti, v. to crush in the Itand ; to air; a house built on poles.
break in pieces ; pl. nunuti; re- Pa'e, u. white ; redup. pabepa'e.
dup. nutinuti ; pass. nutiia. Pilea, a . friendless, poor.
Nutimomorno, v. to crush to atoms. Paea'e, v. to sit together.
Nutini!lii, v. to break up very solall. Pa'e'e, a . lean, skinny (as animals) ;
h'utipala, v. to crush to dust. poor, having no relations (a term
of contempt) ; pl. pa'e'e'e.
Paega, s. a supper held with a sick
cllief or in 11011or of a dead one,
or a ball.
Pa'epa'e, a . white.
The eleventh letter in the Samoan al-
Paepae, v. to heap up, to pile u p ;
to go to a supper prepared for a
phabet. It is sounded as in English.
sick chief; to sit down together.
P A , s. a wall ; a fly-fishhook ; an Paepae, s. a pavement.
indentation in a tree. Psepae, v. to lay stones (as i n mak- ,
P a , v. to explode (as thunder, a ing a road, pivement, k c . )
gun, k c . ) ; to burst (as an ab- Paetau, v. to be in battle array, to
scrss) ; pl. pap; ; to burst forth be ranged for battle.
into lamentations : Ua pa le luu- Pai, s. somebody, such-a-one.
a i t u ; to be barren ; to turn (as Pa'i, v. to touch ; redup. papa'i,
the tide a t full: Uu p u le foyii- pa'ipa'i ; pnss. pa'ia.
lai). P?i, v. to reach to ; to arrive a t ;
Paa, s. the general name for crabs. redup. papa'i ; pctss. pi'ia.
Paa, v. to be scarce (as of food). Pa'i, s. masi made from refuse food ;
Paaa, a . crisp, dry, niaking a crac- anything of little value.
kling noise when trodden on (as Pa'ia, u . sacred ; (a tern1 applied
dry leaves) ; oppressive ; bully- to titled chiefs).
1ng. PaLiau,v. to be heart stricken, to
P$au, v . to come down upon the be greatly grieved.
enemy (as in making a hostile de- Pu'i'au, see PAAU.
scent from inland). Paie, a . lazy.
Pa'auLau, v . t o be full of water (as PaLi'u, v. to dart the ti'a so that
the water holes, from rain or high only the end of it shall touch the
tide); to be swolleo (as the belly); ground ; to engage in battle.
to be surfeited. Pd'it'ailelea, v. to die in childbed.
Paart, s. a titi dyed black. Paipai, s. one kind of crilb.

Paqptotino 1
Paagatago~ino, s. a black titi ;
true relatiol~s(as
children, or a brother's children).
PaLipa.i, s. the ndlne of a fish.
Pa'ipa'i, see P A G A!
Pa'isa. v. to abound.
Paagugu, v. to scrancll as bones.
P a ~ t ua
s, a jesting.
Paala, s . a small fly-fishhook. Paito, '.s a cooking I~ouac. See
Paalirnago, s.' a Idrgc sea crab.
162 PA1 PAC4
Pa'irao, v. to work quickly in clear- Pa'u, s. the skin; tlie bark of treem;
ing the bush; redup. pa'ipa'ivao. the rind.
Pa'ivalea, v. to be struck accident- Pa'ii, v . to fall, to fall down; pl.
ally ; to be set or1 fire by acci- pa'u'ii ; pass. pa'iitia; rm'pr. fe-
dent. pa'iiti.
Pao, s. a fringe. Pau'i. v. to attend to the duties of
Pao, v. to stop, to check (as a flying a family.
pigeon by a string to its foot); to Pa'ii'ii, s. a footfall, the sound of a
correct, to chastise. footstep.
Pigo,s. one kind of chestnut. Paut'u, s. one kind of chestnut.
Pa'6, v. to make a cl~opping or Piuli, a. purple.
hammering noise. Pa'ulia, v. passive of papnru.
Paso, s. the butt end of the cocoa- Pa'umatii, s. a place left dry by the
nut tree. water.
Paoa, v. to be overawed. Pa'upaogo, a. beautiful.
Pa'o'a, v. to use too much o'a in Pa'upa'u, s. a scab; a shallow; a
coloring the siupo. dry titi.
Pa66'i5, s. the bony covering of a Piiga, s. a plaited cocoanut leaf ~rsed
fish's gills. as a boundnry in the game of fa-
Paofu, s. the name of a fresh-water foga tupe; the hard earth s f t a
fish. tlte sand is c!eared away b r the
Paoga, s. the tree f ~ m .. game of tagiifi'a.
Paoga, a. tall, running up high and Pa@, s. trouble, distress.
slender (as the cocoanut at the Pagi, intetj. How annoying! how
top of its growth). unfortunate ! how sad ! alas ! re-
Paogati, u. disobedient ; redup. dup. pagapagii !
paopaogati ; pl. paogatati. Pagai, v. to strike on both sides;
Paogo, s. the name of a tree from to give a double blow; recip. fe-
the leaves ofwhich the house mat pag;tialina.
is made, (the pandanus). Pagalemu, 1 v. to arrive opportune-
Paogofie, u. obedient; redup. pao- Piigamalie ! ly.
paogofie. Paganoa, v. to be a t leisure.
Paolo, s. shade ; protection. Pagiitia, v. to be in distress, to be
Paolo, v. to be shady; to be pro- in difficulty.
tected ; pc~ss.paologia. PZgGti1a, s. the ground cleared for
Paolosauni, v. to connect by mnr- tuyiiti'a. 4
riage ; pl. paolofesaunia'i. See Pago, v . to forbid (from envy) ; to ,
GAFATATA. forbid things being given to 0th- :
Paopao, s. a small canoe. in hopes of getting tliem himreK;
Paopao, v. to forbid ; puss. paosia. I redup. pnpago.
v. to keep in tile rear; Pago, v. to have a command of 1 ~ -;
Paopaoitua9 to proceed with cau-
tion (as in speaking).
p a g e and a knowledge of title3
&c., in speaking.
Pau, s. the name of a tree from Pagoa, a. stony, rugged.
which clubs are made. Pagoa, s. the well of the OM Sa-
Pau, v. to be as far as, to reach to, moan sailing calloe.
to be bounded by. See also GA- Pagoagoa, v. to persist in (as
TA. ing, quarrelling, eating) ; &p
Paii, u. dreaded. pagopagoa.
PA& PAL 163
P5gopagoa, v. to work alone. Palavao, v. to be rotten from being
Pagoti, s. a transgressor, an offen- left in the ground too long (as
der, a criminal ; pl. pagotati. taro).
Pagovivilu, a. grasping. Pilavale, s. dry ti leaves.
Pagugu, v. to scranch as bones. Pilavale, v. to liquify only (as n ~ t t s
See PAAGVGU. scraped for oil).
Pala, s. a muddy deposit in the sea; Pale, s. a head dress, a frontlet ; a
a black mud from the swamp used crown.
to dye with. Pale, v. to put on the frontlet ; to
Pala, v. to rot; to be rotten ; pl. show anger (as if it were on the
papala ; pass. palagia. forehead).
Palaai, u. cowardly ; pl. palaai, pa. Pale, v. to catch water (as in a leaf,
laaai. &c.); to catch a pigeon missed
Piila'aia, v. to bc surfeited, to eat to by another ; to decline to the
satiety. See PALASIA. west (of the moon).
Palai, s. a hard kind of yam ; a Pale, v. to row, to paddle; redup.
trowel. palepale ; (a complimentary term
Pala'ia, s. the name of a fish. on meeting a canoe: Ua pale
PidauFau, v. to be full of water (as mai).
river beds, &c., reaching to the Pale, v. to be over the ahoal of bo-
fau leaves). nito ; pl. papale.
Palagi, s. the name of a fish. Piilefogatai, v. to be on the ebb.
Palalau, v. to drift on to, to drift Paleni, v. to line a basket with
along (as by the wind or current); leaves so as to keep the contents
to lean upon others ; pass. pala- from falling through.
laoa. Palepale, s. sticks or bamboos fixed
Palalau, s. the name of one of the to the posts of a house, which
houses in which they sit to catch serve for a shelf.
pigeons. Palepale, v. to hold up. See TALI-
Piilalii, s. the noise made by the TALI.
wings in flying. Palepaletao, s. a place over the out-
Palana'i, see TALANA'I. rigger of a canoe on which the
Palapala, s. mud. spears were placed.
Palapala, a. mllddg. . Piilepo, v. to start on a journey by
Palapalai~,s. itch between the toes sea during night.
caused by mud. Pilepoi, 4 s. a plaited cocoanut leaf
PalapaIanasi, v. to lean upon others, Paleta J stood up against the
to be guided by others. osts around the house.
Palipu, v. to smoke, to send forth
smoke ; to light the oven ; (used
Pa etua, s. a stick for the steersman
to lean against.
before chiefs instead of pusa). Paletua, v . to lean upon.
Pilasi, v. 10 drop down (as overripe Piiletualapalapa, v. to lean upon a
fruit); to fall down (as a person weak support; (a depreciatory
from a tree) ; to fall down with term used by a land to those seek-
violence (as a house); pl. pilasi. ing their aid).
P i e i , v. to dash to the ground (as Pali, s. pubes.
a child). Palo, s. a defeat in war or in games.
Pilaalasia, v. to be srrrfeitcd, to eat to Palolo, s. a small sea worm found
~atiety. See PALA',\IA. floating in some openings of the
16.1 llAL PAP
reef for a few hours only twice a Papa, a . plain, level, fiat; redup.
year. papapapa.
Palolo~nua,s. the name of a month Papa, s. a general word for the titles
(July). of high chiefs ; one method of
Palolomuli, s. the name of a month fishing.
(August). Papa, see PA.,
Palopalo, v. to be beaten ; to be Papa, v. to miscarry, to abort.
overawed. Papaaegata, v. to ceage from evil.
Palu, s. the name of a fish. Papae, v. to take supper with visi-
Palu, v. to mix, to stir together with tors or sick cliief.
thehands; redup. palupalu; pass. Papai, s. one kind of necklace.
palua. Papa'i, v. to reach to, to tonch. See
Palui, a . to dc~preciateanother ; to PA'I.
try to imitate. Piipa6iila, s. a bare rock.
Palumitbina, o. to kill a person af- Papa'o'a, s. a siapo hardened b y
ter t l ~ ewar is over. too much 'o'a.
Palusami, s. taro leaves cooked with Papaofo, s . a rock showing through
the expressed juice of the old co- the soil.
coanut. Papaone, s. a sandstone; redup.
Piilutu, s. the name of a shellfish. papaoneone.
Palutu, v. to bent ; pl. palutu. See Pipaono, s. the name of a tree.
Pa*ru~u. Pnpa'u, v. to be shallow ; pass.
Pana, u . stunted, slow of groFth. pa'ulia, to be left aground by t h e
Pana'i, 7,. to llrap up (as deprecia- tide.
tory words of the speaker, or i n Papafu, a. fat, bulky from sitting
abuse, or tliil~gsto be cooked in in the house (as a blind man o r a
the oven). cripple).
Panapa, u. frugal. See F A A ~ ~ VPapafu,
T V - v. to remain silent (as t h e
~IEA. z,e'a).
Paura, s. the name of a shellfish. Papaga, s. a neighbor ; the hole of
Piinepanee, a . ripe, fi~llgrown (as t l ~ esea eel.
taro). Papigati, a . difficult to be brought
Paui, s. the nanlc of a tree. to perch dowu, (applied to pige-
Pani, I . . to go to stool in the road ons, also to fish difficult to catch);
(as a cl~ild); redup. pauipani. disregardful of reproof.
Pani, I . . to smear the head with Papagi, a. palsied in the fingers and
mud. toes.
Piniloa, s. n pig with a white spot Papala, s. a sore, an ulcer.
on the forehead. 1 Papola, v. to l ~ a v earl ulcer, to be
Panisina, s. lin~e; mortar. ulcerated.
PanoLi,r . to heap one thing on to Papilagi, s. a foreigner.
another ; redup. panopano'i. Papilagi, u. foreign.
Panuu, 1,. to touch or call a t on a Papale, v. to go to the aid of, to
journey by sea. lend assistance (as a younger bro-
P i ~ ~ u p a v.u ~to~ ,be srneared over, ther to the elder olie, or cl~ildrrn
to be bedaubed (as a mat with to their father) ; to go to be chief
filth or food). or speaker to a land which bad
Papa, s. a rock ; a floor mat; a none ; also plllral of pale. ..
board ; one kind of b a ~ ~ a n a . Pal~dliii,s. a fine house-mat.
Papalu, s. 'to plant land ~ l i i c hliar Pala, a. blustering, bullying when
beeu laid waste or left desolate;
to seize the testes in quarrelling.
(see Deut. xxv. 11). Patarniimii
help is near; redup. piitapata.
Patamemea, s. red gum ; patches
of red in' the skin of
P a p a ~ ~s.i , the cross poles of a scaf- infants.
folding. Pitato, v. to make a hammering or
Papanu, v . to be bedaubed (as wit11 chol)pi~ignoise. See PAO.
mud); to be overdone with cinrt; P i b t i i , v . to resound ( a s the beat-
to be daubed on thickly (as paint, ing of the Inat a t a night dance).
coloring on cloth, &c.) Pate, s. a small wooden d r ~ ~ m .
Papapapa, u . even, level (as a rock). Pate, a . aged (but still strong); pl.
Papasi, v . to be accuston~edto one papate.
. unotl~er(as a husband and wife). Patealonlea, a. middle-aged.
Papata, s. a shc~llfisli; anythirlg Pati, v. to clap hands ; co smite the
done quickly : Uu se pupata. hands together as a sign of grief
Papata, a. large patterned ; of coarse on receiving bad news ; redup.
texture. patipati ; pl. papati.
Papate, u . plural of pate. Patilima, v. to clap hands.
Papatetele, s. a coarse house mat ; Patino, v. to deliver a message to
a woman who has committed for- the person himself for whom it is
nication while professing to be a intended.
virgiu. Pato, s. a duck.
Papati, v. plural of pati. Pato, s. scrofula in the neck.
Pipdtoa, s. a bare rock. See PA- Patu, s. a fatty tumor.
PAIILA. Patua, u . having a patu.
Papatu, s. a standing rock that can. Patuminii, s. a kind of phyrnosis
not be moved; a hard-working occasioned by the operation of
man : a corlrageous man. ttrfuo.
Pipiitu, v. to crack while standing Patupatu, a. lumpy.
(as a tree about to fall) ; to get 'atupatu, s. a shellfish.
reports befotetiand of sometiling 'atntu, v. to beat. See PALUTU.
about to happen. 'ava, s. the name of a tree.
Papatua, v . to clap the wings on ?avii, v. to speak evil, to use bad
first flying (as a pigeon). language.
P a p e v ~ v.
, to stumble; to make a 'e, a restrictive particle in count-
mistake in s p ~ a k i ~ l g . ing : as tqsi pe, only one.
Pasapasa'i, v. to spread abroad what 'e, s. tile matter of an abscess; rot-
was secret. ' ten breadfruit.

Pasi, v. to be wearied, (applied to 'e, v . to be dead (as animals and

the eyes and ears); redup. pasi- trees) ; to be extitlguished (as
pasi, papasi. fire) ; to be dead low (as tile
Pasu, n . 1,irge ; i l . papasu ; redup. tide) ; to be dried up (as water).
pasupastl. ? e , cnrrj. or, whether. See Po.
Pata, s. one kind of banana. Pea, adu. still ; continually ; yet.
Pata, a . coarse (as s a d ) . Pe a, adv. when (future).
Pata, v. to be swollen, to be lumpy, Pe'ii, s. t l ~ vanlpire
e bat ; a Samoan
of the skin in sonle eruptive com- title of ~~obility.
plaints. Peau, s. a wave.
Peaua, a. rough, boisterous.
166 PEA
Peapea, v. to act thus ; to continue Pen;, adv. about this time.
thus : as, Anei peapea pogia. Penapena, v. to soap the heed, (to
Peapea ane, v . to move away, to chiefs instead of u'u).
stand aside. Penei, adv. like this; about thin
Pe'ape'a, s. the swallow ; a child's time.
toy. Penu, s. scraped cocoanut.
Peapeafua, v. to scold causelessly. Penu, u. old, soft from wear (as
Pe'ape'avai, s. a very small bat ; (so siapo) ; redup. penupenu.
called at Manu'a, in other parts Penupenu, s. the name of a fish.
called apauuvai). Pepe, s. a butterfly ; the cornem of
Peepee, s. a number of ujlei grow- the tula or round end of a native
ing together ; the expressed juice house.
of the cocoanut used as a sauce. Pepe, v. to flutter about ; redwp.
Pei, v. to be broken (as a cup) ; to PePePePe.
be broken in halves (as a cocoa- Pepe'ava, s. one kind of butterfly.
nut) ; to be divided (as the malo); Pepee, a. cripple from tma on tbe
pass. peia. soles of the feet.
Pei, udv. like. Pepeigalemu, v. to be broken in
Pei, udv. like as if, as though. See halves (as a nut).
PEISEAI. Pepe'u, a . decrepit. See PEPELU.
Peiga, s. the division of the malo. Pepe'u, v. to be disgusted (m with
Peisa'i, conj. but. See PEITA'I. , filth or with abusive language) ;
Peiseai, adv. like as if, as though. to walk with di6culty.
Peita'i, conj. but. Pepefui, s. one kind of butterfly.
Pefea, adv. how about? A peculiar Pepelo, s. a lie.
use of this word is, Ne'i ai se pe- Pepelo, v. to lie, to deceive ; paw.
feu, lest anything should happen pelogia ; redup. pelopelo.
to some of us. Pepelu, a. decrepit. See PEPE'U.
Pefu, s. salt water crystallised on Pepena, v . plum1 of p a .
the body; small weeds hanging Pepenu, a. dry (as the core ~f a vi,
about the net. sugarcane, &c.)
Pefupefua, a. covered with salt;
(on 'T~ituila)dusty.
Pela, s. the name of a fish. See
Pelii, adv. as if, as though.
] s. names of butter-
Pepeti, a . plural of peti.
Pele, a . dear, beloved, petted ; re- Pese, s. a song, a ballad, n bymn.
dup. pelepele. Pcse, v. to sing ; pl. pepesc.
PelE, v. to serenude, to sing in Front PEsega, s. singing accompanid by
of a house in order to get food. music.
Peleue, s. a coat. Pesi, v. to beat upon, to come with
Pelu, s. a eword. force (ae a storm, an e idemic) ;
Pelu'i, s. a billhook. to dash dowu (as somet! ing beat
Pelupelu, s. one kind of yam ; the against the ground) ; to come in
name of a fish sometimes fatally large quantities (as a crop of
poisonous. breadfruit).
Pena, s. a knife ; a snare, a noose. Peti, a. fat, good-conditioned (an
Pena, v. to cut up; to mare; re- animals and bannnae) ; pl. pa-
dup. penapena. peti.

Petogi, v. to throw at, to stone. cling to ; pass. piitia ; recip. fe-

See FETOGI. piita'i.
Peva. s. the name of a gelatinous Pipili, s. a cripple.
fish ; a weak man. Pipili, v. plural of pilipili.
Piapia, s. froth ; scum. Pipimalosi, s. an advanced stage in
Piapi6, s. an outcry, a shouting. tlie growth of the chestnut.
See P i s ~ ~ i s a o . Pipine, s. the name of a fish.
Piasua. s. arrowroot cooked with Pipine, see PINE.
expressed jr~icc: of the cocoanut. Pipisi, v. to be infectious, to be con-
(Pia, the old name for arrowroot). tagious ; to be influenced by ex-
Pii, s. a throwing by entangling the ample; pass. pisia.
feet in wrestling. Pipiviiivai, s. a lcss advanced stage
Pii, v. to draw up (as the pola of a in the growth of the chestnut than
house); to cling to: to fold (as pipimalosi.
t l ~ earms) ; to climb. Pisa, s. a noise, a confusion of
Piilin~a,v. to fold the arms, (a sign voices.
of distress).
Piimau, v. to cling firmly.
Piipii, a . curly.
p i s 1 s. an outcry, a shouting;
redup. pisapisaii.
Pisi, v. to splash with water ; re-
Piitaga, s. a person through whom dup. pisipisi.
others are connected with a fa- Pisi, v. to fall.
mily. Pisu, v. to be spread abroad (as a
Piitul~,v. to pursue closely. report).
Piivaa, v. to stick to the canoe (as Pito, s. the end of anything, aspito
a good steering paddle, thus mak- luau.
ing it easy to steer). Pitopito, s. anus.
Pi'o, a. crooked ; wrong, in a moral Po, s. night ; redup. pop&
sense; pl. pipi'o; redup. pi'o- Po, v. to be night ; pass. pogia, to
pi'o. be benighted.
Piboi, v. to make crooked; to be Po, v. to slap ; to seize, to catch as
perverse. a cat or an owl does ; pass. po'ia.
Pili, s. the lizard. Po, adv. by night : as, Ua sau po.
Pilia, v. to be caught, to be lodged Po, conj. whether. or.
in, to be entangled (as one tree Poa, s. one kind of yam.
falEng against another, &c.) Po'a, s. a male animal.
Pilipili, v. to be near, to approach ; Poapoi, a . fishy-smelling.
pl. pipili. Po'e, a . awkward at work; redup.
Piliti, s. the name given to the freeh- po'epo'e. See V a s i v ~ s ~ .
water prawn by some chiefs whose POI,s. the name of a small fish.
emblem it is. Poi, v. to venerate, to pay deference
Pilo, v . peditum pedere; pl. pipilo; to; to stand in awe of; redup.
redup. pilopilo. popoi, poipoi.
Pine, s. fry, a shoal of small fishes. Po'i, v, to kill flies by slapping.
Pine, V. to be long ; redup. pipine ; Po'ia, v. passive of po.
(always negatively : E le pine). Poipoi, s. a shoal of poi.
Pipi, s. the cockle ; the name of a Po'itau, v. to be a lo~tgtime, to be -
tree. of long standing.
Pipi, a. the turkey. Poo ifea, adv. where ? also Poo tea.
Pipii, v. to stick to, to adhere to, tc Pou, s. a p a t , n pillar.
Po'u, s, a pimple. / food leaving the bulk to be di-
Paula, s. a night dance. vided out.
Poulir~li,s. darkness ; ignorance. Poiepolevale, v. to palpitate (as the
Pouliuli, v. to be dark ; ignorant, 1 heart).
(in a good sensc implying inno- Polili, s. tile second crop of taro.
cence : as, " Ua pouliuli alii o Polili, v. to have a second crop of
le au maize; " as now used sim- taro; to strike a second blow; to
ply, ignorance) ; ptrss. pouligia, repeat a bad word.
(a salutation at night). Polo, s . Chili pepper; a knife.
Poumuli, s. the name of a trce. Poloa'i, v. to send a message to, to
Po'upo'ua, a . covered with pimples. command a person a t a distance;
Poupoi~'i, v. to put posts into a to leave commands (as on going
house; to support, to bear up (as a journey or when dying); redup.
a sick person). polopoloa'i.
Pogai, s. the root and stump of a Poloa'iga, s. anlessage or command
tree. to one a t a distance.
Pogaimata, s. the eye of the cocoa- Pologa, s. a slave.
nut, taro, &c. ; applied abusively Pologi, a. mouldy ; redup. polo-
to the human eye. See lor pol~~gi.
MATA. Polovao, s. the name of a tree.
Pogaiisu, s. the nostrils.
Pogapogi, v. to be alone.
Pogati, s. flat slabs of wood rising
from the ground to the trunk of
some trees.
Pona, s. a knot: a lump ; a fault.

s . the throat, that part

called Adam's apple.
Ponaivi, s. the projecting bones (as
Pogi, a. harsh, sour, severe. the elbow, &c.)
Pogia, v. passive of po. Ponauli, s. the budding of the fluit
Pogipogi, s. twiliglrt. of breadfruit.
Pogisa, s. darkness. Ponaulia, a. mildewed, (only ~ p -
Pogisa, v. to be quite dark. plied to nets).
Pola, s. a plaited cocoanut leaf used Ponapona, a . knotty ; lumpy.
to shut in the Iiouse. Ponaponiivae, s. the ankle.
Polani, v. to carry on a pola (as a Pone, s. the name of a fish.
pig>. Ponoi, v. to do a thing frequently,.
Polapola, s . a double pola used to to keep on doing (as eating, send-
carry food to chiefs. ing messages, asking for property,'
Polata, s. a layer of the trunk of &c.)
the banana peeled off; firewood, Popo, s. a cocoanut fully ripe.
(used to chiefs instrad of f a j e ) . Pepo, a . d r y ; pl. popopo.
Polataufafo, s. the outside pola of a Popo, v. to be dry ; pl. popopo.
house ; metf~pk.s t r a ~ g e r shaving Pop6, s. one method of hlih~ng;.
no c o n ~ ~ e c ~with
i o n the fanlily, or P6p6, v. to pat gently (as a child
knowledge of their doings. in order to quiet it to sleep).
Polatanfale, s. the inner pola. P6p6, see Po.
Polavaa, s. plaited cocoanut leaves Popoa, a. aboundingin p n p ; fishy-
used to cover a cattoe. sn~elling(of the sea).
Polepole, s. the portion of food for Popoca, a. large.
a favourite child. Popoa'i, v. to be many nights (in a
Pol(,pole, u. to eat a part of some place) ; to be a long time gone.
Puipui, c. to shut ; to sl~utoff; tc shining appearance a t the .bottom
shut up ; pass. puipuia. of the sea, on the outiide of the
Puou, s. a species of the breadfruit reef, in places where it is not blue
Puoso, s. the part of a canoe u~ldel deep ; a slice of yam cut for the
the half-deck. conve~~ience of cooking.
~ , short ; p!. pupuu.
P u u p u ~ a. Piilapula, v. to shine a little.
Pufao, s. a shell u s ~ das a gougeir Pulasina, s. one kind of pula.
baildirig canoes. Pulato'ii, v. to stare at, to look fix-
Pufatu, s. a sl~ellused as a trumpet edly.
Puga, s. the general name for thc Pulavale, v. to stare (as from fear,
larger kinds of coral ; the groin ; anger, &c.)
a disease. Pule, s. a command, an order; a
Pugi, a. mouldy, (applied only tc decision ; authority; certain landa
mast). on Savaii which have the direction
Puga-alH, s. a species of puga. in councils, and to whom it per-
Pugai, see POGAI. tains to divide out food ; a shell-
Pugaone, s. a kind of sandstone. fish having a white sht.11 used to
Pugaii, s. a stinging kind of coral. adorn canoes, &c. ; the general
Pugauti, s. a species o f p y a . name for sllells.
Puglpuga, s. small pieces of cowl, Pule, v. to order, to command ; to
gravel. decide ; dirnin. pulepule.
Puke, intel-j. Catcll you ! (a word Pulea, v. to be decreed (as the death
used to startle another). It and of a person).
the following compound are the Puletloao, v. to be supreme.
only instances ill which the k is Pulei, v. to be mixed alternately (as
used. new and old aso in a house, or
Puketii, interj. an exclalnation ol different colored beads in a neek-
triumph in the game of tagati'a. lace).
Pula, v. to shine (as fruit yellow Pl~le'oto,s. the name of a shellfish.
ripe). Pulega, s. a determination, a deci-
Pula, s. a general name for one spe- sion (as to kill a party) ; the par-
cies of taro. ty who cdrry out the decision.
Puli, s. the eyes, (a term of abuse). Pulega, v. to determine on (ar a
Pulii, i n t o j . the answer of the per- war).
son sneezing - to the exclamation Pulepule, s. small shellfish.
Soifua ! Pulepule, v. to decide secret1
Pulaa, s. a species of wild taro. Pilepule, a. spotted ; s t r i p d with
Pula'au, s. one kind of pula. various colors.
Pulaii, s. a species of~wildtaro, Puleta'ifee, s. the name of a shell-
rotten taro. fish.
:::al''; s. varieties o f p u ~ a .
Puli, s. a species of banana.
Pnlou, s. a covering for the head ;
Pulafui, s. a species of wild taro. a hat ; a bonnet.
pulamauu'a, 1 -s. varieties of the pu- ?ulou, v. to cover the head, to put
Pulanefu j la. on a hat or bonnet; to cover over
Pulapo, v. to shine at night (as the with leaves (as the native oven) ;
glowworn1, &c.) to be overhead (as the m n at
Pulapula, s. the root of a tree; a noon : u a pulou tonu le lu).
PUS 171

Pulotu, s. the native drum ; (see down ; pl. punonou ; redup: pu-
F A A A L I;I ) the residence of the Ilopul~ou.
gods under the sea. P t ~ n u a n ~ a n ~al young
, ~ ~ . bird, espe-
Pulu, s . glue, gum, resin ; shot; cially the tuvu'e ; a fat, child ; a
lead ; the husk of the cocoanut; white head-of hair.
a species of banana. Punupunu, s . a cluster of parasiti-
Pulufana, s. a bullet. cal plants.
Pulunaunau,- v. to be urgent with, Pupa, v. to shut the mouth, to hold
to persuade, to conatrain. the tongue, (a term of abuse).
Pulupulu, s. a large cloth to wrap Pupu, s. a clump-of trees, as pupu
round the person. vao.
Pulupulu, v. to cover the body with Pupu, v. to be distressed, to be per-
a cloth, &c. plexed, to be agitated.
Pulnpului, s. a number ofcocoanuts Pupii, s. a cliff, a bold coast.
tied together. Pupii, v. to give out the heat (as
Pulupulusi, s. a chief's sickness. from an aperture in the oven,
Pulutai, s. the name of a weed. leaving the h o d uncooked); t o
Puluti, v. to glue, to pitch ; to ap- shew forth anger ending in no-
ply pulu to anything. thing when the time for action
Pulntia, v. passive of pupulu. comes.
Puluvao, s. the name of a tree. Piipii, s. a sheath ; a case.
Puluvaga, s. a mediator. Pipii, v. to gargle ; to rinse out t h e
Pumala, s. a species of the trumpet niooth.
shell. Pupua, see POPUA.
P u n a , s . a spring. Pupu'e, v. to have a fit of any com-
Puna, v. to spring u p ; to boil up, plaint which affects two parts of
to bubble; to rebound, to ffy up; the body, as the teeth, &c. ; the
to leap ; redup. pupuna. plural of pu'e.
P u n e f i ~ s, . an old man who is look- Pupuiono, s. the name of a shrub.
ed up to as an able councillor. Pupuu, see PUUPUU.
Puneft], a . strong smelli~lg(as fish Ptipt~ga,S . a person diseased in t h e
often warmed, old siupo, k c . ) groin.
Punefu, v. to be disordered and Piipuga, s. the removal of a curse
dirty (as an uninhabited house). by spirting cocoanut juice from
Punialo, s. pubes. the mouth over the party.
Yunifaga, v. to be nearly full (as the Pupula, s. to shine ; pl. fepulafi ;
moon). redup. pulapula.
Punin~atagi, v. t o be windbound; Pupulu, v. to interpose, to mediate;
pass. pu~~imatogia. puss. pulutia.
Piinimatagi, s. trees planted to screen Pupuna, v . to boil, to bubble up.
houses. Pupuni, v . to shut, t o inclose; pass.
Punipti, see GA'OPUNIPU. punitia ; redup.
Punipuni, v. to shut in, to close in Pcpiisolo, a. full o P ; Z ' l i .
(as many apertures) ; to cover Puputa, s. a species of banana.
over (as holes in tuluga). Puputa, a. plural of puta.
Punita'i, v. to stop with. Puputama'i, v. to beenraged, to be
Punivaia'i, s . a large crop of chest- angry ( t o chiefs).
Pupuvao, s . a clump of bush.
Pusa, 23. to send up a smoke, ( a l w
applied to spray, dust, and heat) ; Saafi, 29. to regret, to grieve for; re-
to light all oven ; puss. pllsagia. dup. saafii~fi.
Pusaloa, s. a comet. Saatiga, s. regret, grief for a loss.
Pusi, s. a sea ec 1. Saaga, s. the bratlrl~of the pigeoe's
Pusi'ula, perch.
of the sea Saalo, see AUSAALO.
1 Saaluu v , to shake.
Saasaa, a. s l ~ o r;t pl. sasaa.
Puso, s. the head of a fish or a pig; Siissia, see SAA.
applied figl~rativc.lyto head quar- , Saati, 21. (pl. of sasna), to pour out.
ters, scat of authority, chief divi- Saatula, s. the name of a shelltish.
sion of a land, &c. Sae, v. to tear off the bark or skin;
P u t a , s. the ston~ach. redup. sasae.
P ~ l t a ,a. f i t ; pl. puputa; dimin. Sa'e, 77. n. to upset (as a ca~ioe):
putaputa, ratl~erfi~t. to elevate one leg (as in the act of
Putagaele, u . shaking with fat. falling ill a cluh match).
Pute, s. t l ~ enavel.
i I Sage, s. a naked dance.

Puto, s. the purse of a pigeon net. SaGi, v. to tear ; recipr. felaeia'ina,

Putu, s . a feast. to be torn to pieces.
Putu, v. to make a feast. , Saele, v. to swing the arms (as in
Putuga, see PUTU. walking).
Putu~~onofo, v. to live joyously. Saesae, udv. brightly, brilliantly (an
Putuputu. a. close together. atire).
Puvgva, v. to talk, (used only in Sa'esa'e, s. a species of crab.
abuse). Sa'esa'e, v. to carry between two in
Puvaavaa, s . ribbon, (Tahitian). the hands.
Sai, s. So-and-so, Such-a-one; as,
P a i m a Sai.
s Sai, s. a pigsty ; a tightly-bound
! bundle (as of tobacco,. &c.),
Sa'ili, v. to seek ; pnss. sailia: re-
The twelfth letter in the Snmoan alpha- dup. sailiili ; p2. siili.
bet. Pronounced as in English. Sa'iliga, s. a seeking, a search.
S A -, u-. forbidden, prohibited; redup. Sa'ina, v. to tllrow down (as a bur-
sasa. (Tliis word was formerly den of food brought as a present).
used to mean sacred, and is still Saisai, a. full to overflowing, full so
much used in that sense, as aso as to require to be bound up.
su, fuze sa, &c.) Saisai, v. to bind round, to tie t o p -
Ea, v. to be blind (of a pigeon) ; a tlier ; pass. saisaitia.
term of abuse to man. Saisaigilaut:a6i, s. filtl~y converaa-
Sa, a distributive particle used be- tion.
fore prollnuns, either, one of; as, Saisaitaga, s. a binding u p ; the
sci l u t o t ~mea, one a~ticleof their's. bindil~gsor hstenings.
Sa, a used to mark the i ~ n - Sao, s. the appointed portion of
perfect and aorist tensrs. proprrty or food brought by each
Sa, a particle used buli)re names of individual preparatory to present-
persons, sig~lifyingthe family of. ing.
SdLa,1:. to (1:111ce; redrip. saasaa. Sao, a . unblamealle, without fault
Saa, see P U U . or blemish.
S s o , v. to enter as where there was Saualii, s. a god, (the respectful
diffic~~lty; to escape; pl. sisiro ; term for an uitu).
puss. saof a. 3iuratoa, s . a canoe hollowrd out
Sao, v. to collect together food or of one tree.
property preparatory to present- jiiufono, v. to cut the p l a ~ ~ kfor s a
ing; pl. sasao. canoe.
Sao, v. to sit in a circle ; redup. Siufua, a. to utter cries rapidly (as
saosao. the mnnutugi) ; to make a speech
Sa'o, s. a term applied to a head of without calling over names and
a family ; the principal chief or titles; to do anytl~inghastily.
cliieftainess of a village. 35uga, (1. strong sn~elling,pungent.
Sa'o, a . straight ; correct, right ; S i ~ ~ g a f o nso., a cutting of planks.
lollg, tall. Sa'uli, s. the name of a fish.
Sa'oau,~lunia,see SA'OTAMAITAI. Saulala, a. oppressive, cruel. See
Sa'calii, s. a pri~~cipal chief, with SAUA.
whom it is to determine what is Saulalo, v. to prepare the- material
proper (sci'o) to be done. for mdking nlats ; to prepare the
Saofa6i,v. to sit round in a circle : materials before building.
redup. saosnofa'i. Sauleia, u. w~thered, blighted (as
Si~ogalemu,v. to enter safely; to taro).
be in safety ; to escape dangers ; Sa'umi, s. a species of the banana.
rc dup. saosaogalen~u. Sauni, s . he who begins the game
Sa'oloto, v. to be a t liberty, to have of taguti'a.
freedom. Siiul~i,v. to prepare, to get ready ;
Saosao, s . t l ~ ename of n fish. pfiss, saunia ; redup. stluniuni.
Saosao, v. to collect food from house Pauniga, s. preparation.
to house for a travelli~lgparty ar- Siunua, v. to tlarnage, to injure, to
rived late in the day. maltreat; to beat the wooden
S;~osaoa,a . swift. drum ; to make a rattling noise
Saosao'o, s. one kind of fishing. to please a child ; to be engaged
Sa'otamaita'i, s. a chieftain~iesswho io gnmes ; redup. sauno,tnoa.
has the direction. S i i u ~ ~ o as. g ~games
, ; war ; conver-
Sabotulafnle, s. a tulufule as above. sation ( o f chiefs).
Sau, s. the dew. Sa6unu, a . wrinkled ; puckered ;
Sau, v. to come ; pl. o mai. slack : redup. sa'unu'unu.
Sau, v. to fall as the dew ; pass, Sausau, s. the name of a fish.
sau tia ; redup. sasdu. Sausau, v. to s p r i ~ ~ k;l eto build up
Yiu, v. to angle. a part of a wall that had fallrn
Siiu, pron. thy, your. down.
Sa'u, pron. my. Siusau, s. the mallet used in tatoo-
Siua, v. to have a return of sick- ing.
nrss ; to be ill of an epidemic. Sausau, v. to flutter the wings as
SauL, a. cruel, oppressive, despotic when about to fly; to throw the
Sa'ua, ijrtelj. Stop ! wait a little. tishhook.
Sau;tuli, s. a placc where pigs arc Sautia, v. (pass. of sau), bedewed.
allowed to range. S i u t ~ ~ a l a sai ., manifold, many thick-
Sauafa, v. to fasten with cinet. nesses.
Sauiga, s. oppressive couduct, ill. Siutualua, a . twofold, double ; (so
treating. nf any other uuml~er).
Safea, v . lo be struck ; to bc re- Salato, s. a stiuging tree.
moved (as a disease) ; to be Salato, see LALATO.
choked. Salefee, s. the land of aitu, the Sa-
Safole, s. the name of a fish. moan hades.
Safue, v. to beat. Salefu, s. an ashpan, used to carry
Saga, s. the dowry, property given the hot ashes to the mots of treea
by the woman's family at her mar- to destroy thcm.
riage. Salefuga, s. the-third day ofpalolo.
Saga, adv. continuedly ; redrcp. sa- Salemausarl, s. all the world, a great
gartaga. concourse of people ; (derived
SHgassgatea,. s. one species of the from a tradition of Maukh).
banana. Sali, v. to scoop out; pi. nmli;
Sagatonu, v. to be in a straight di- pass. salia.
rection, to face towards. Sali, s. the name of a fish.
Siigiga, s. rejoicing, boasting (most- Siliga, s. a girdle of leaves ; (a
ly ca~~seless). called before chiefa for titi).
Sagini, v. to talk of work and not Salisali, s. a thin layer of h e flesh
help at it ; to forbid a thing and of the young cocoanut adhering
do it himsclf. to the shell after the bulk of the
Sagisagi, a. light (as a burden) ; kernel has been removed.
nimble. Silo, v. to tell a thing over and over
Sago, v. to boast of a quantity of again : to tell all the particulars;
food or received; to move to grumble, to complnin of; pass.
the lips as in eating or talking ; saloa.
(a term of abuse) ; redup. sasago Saloa, interj. thanks ! thank you I
and sagosago. Selofia, v. to be starved ; pl. salo-
Sagole, v. to ransack, to pull about; lofia.
redup. sagolegole. See TAGOLE.Salulu, v. to shake.
Sala, s. a fine, a punishment. Silulu, s. a chiefs anger.
Sala, U. incorrect, wrong (as a hook Salusalu, v. to prepare the keel of
fastened wrong, or a word in n II canoe.
speech). Salusalu, v . to rejoice in prospect
Sala, v. to cut off, to lop ; redup. of some good ; to hope.
sasala, salasala. Sama, v . to stain yellow (ae the akin
Sala, adv. contin~~cdly.See SAGA. wit11turmeric. the Samoan rouge).
Salaamu, s. the uame of one growth , Sama'aga, s. t l ~ capplication of tur-
of the atule. meric.
Salaiavala, u. (sala ia Vala), to be Siniaivao, s. a pigeon cau lit from
purlislled on account of the head the bush llaving one eyeDblind.
of the family. Samaola, v . to look yellow while
Salafalafa, u. flat ; pl. salalafa. alivc; (a reference to the practica
Salalau, v. to be scattered, to be
spread about.
Sa!Zma, v . (sala arna), to cut off
ilr turmeric after death).
applys. t le end of the suati of a

the outrigger of a canoe ; to leave Siimanu, s. a chief's anger.

off the moniiug fishing. Samasama, a. yellow.
Salanlo, v. to repent. Sa~ni,s. the sea; salt water; a co-
Salal~i,s. gravel, broken pieccs of coan~ttin the stage before beaim-
coral. lllp 1)01~10.
Sami, a. strong tasted as if brack- to a canoe ; redup. saposapo; pl.
islr, as, o le niu sami.
Samialnina, v. to be redde~~edby
exposure to the sun on the salt
Sapotuvalr, a. to palpitate, to flut-
Bapupuvale ter (as the heart).
water. Sasa, s. a scourge, a rod, a whip.
Samilolo, s. a native dish of food. Sasa, v . to beat ; to reprove in a
Samonn~oa,a. dried up ; become a speech ; pass. siiia.
skeleton (as fish dried up from S k - i , s. a sign, a portent.
being cooked often, or a skeleton S%s?i,a . forbidden.
from which the flesh has dried Sasaa, a. plural of saasaa.
UP>. - Sasaa, v. to pour out ; to show the
Samusamu, v. to pick up crumbs cause of anger in order to making
and fragments, to eat the remains friends; the plural of suo, 10
of food- dance.
Sana, s. Indian corn, maize. Sasae, v. to tear, to rend; pass.
Sana, pron. his, hers. saea.
Sana, u. to spirt out (as blood from Sasa'e, s. the east ; the stick for
a vein) ; to rr~akewater (as into a spreading out the hot stones of
bamboo) ; to shoot, to dart (as the oven.
pain from one part to another) ; Sasa'e, v. to capsize, to upset; to
redup. sasana. move a house; pass. sa'ena.
Sanatoto, s. dysentery. Sasan, v. to terminate on some part
Sani, s. a law, by which all pigs (as an internal complaint break-
found in the plantations were kill- ing out into a rash, &c.); to bo
ed and eaten by the finders, or to salivated ; plural of sao, to collect
puliish any infringing on things together food or property.
prohibited ; as, Ua lu le sani. Sasa'o, a. plural of sa'o.
Sano, v. to long fbr, to be intent %sao, v . (\,I. of sao), to enter.
upon ; to abound (as property, Sasau, s. heavy dew.
speeches, &c.) Sasau, a. mischievous, unrestrain-
Sanoola, v. to earnestly desire to able (as animals breaking into
live. plantations).
Sanuu, v. to be loose (as a rope not Sasau, v. to fall (of the dew).
tightened) ; to be wrinkled, to be Sasau, v. to sling a stone ; to swing
puckered. See S A U X U . the arm (as in giving a blow); to
Sapa, n. to be unequal (as a paddle blow the trumpet shell.
larger on one side than the other, Sasau, s. one kind of cuttle fish
the sun more to the west than the having long feelers ; a loug legged
east; the night more than half crayfish.
past: Ua sapa i ao). Sasauli, s. a species of taro.
Sapasapai, v. to take in the arms; Sasaga. s, a bottle rack.
to take hold of (as any one's Sas:lgi, v. to boast of, to rejoice in,
words) ; pl~ss.sapilia. (mostly used wl1t.n causeless).
Sapatii, s. the name of a fish. Sasala, v. to be diffused (as a per-
Sape, u. club footed. fume) ; to be spredd abroad (as @
S;~pi,a. quarrelsome, snarlieh. report); pl ural of sula, to cut off.
Sapo, v. to catch anything thrown ; Sasali, v. p ural of sali.
to catch up a word and answer Sasalu, u. to eat or work very deli-
it ; to put i n a new plank or keel berately; to make a thorough
1;ti S.\d SEU
g long I Se ii, prom what ?
c.lenrnnc.e of a ~ ~ y t l l i ;~ rto
fi)r : to rc.juit.c ill prosl~cctof ally Sea'e, a. back; as, a l a reace, a
~qc~ocl. back road.
Sns~llni, rr. (111. ol' srttni), strong- Sraea, s. a score of nuts.
titsttad a* it' brackisl~,(allplieil to SEasGa, s. the name of a tree and its
cocoanrrts). fruit ; a child's penis.
Sasnnn, SCL' S.ISA. Seisei, udv. seldom.
S:rsi~l~o. 7,. to cetcli in tl~t.n~o~ltll (as Seasiasi, s. one species of the sS.
n dog); ~)luralof supo. Seirtrra, interj. an expression of as-
Sasave, s. a csocdanut having 110 tonisliment on escaping from dan-

stel11 to tlre fruit. ger : It was by the power of God;
Sasi, v. to make a slip of the tonglle as, Seatua ma i matou.
in spr-akilig ; to tiilk nonsense (as Sce, s. a nrethod of catching fish.
i t 1 delirirru~);rcdrqr. sa..isasi. ' Sec, v . to slip, to slide, to glide

Hatirne, s. I~ill~dsolue men. along ; to be dislocated ; to beg
Sutia, v. to be eaten ; to be torn (as food ('ui see) ; redup. s e e , see-
by dogs, k c . ; ap11lit.dto pigeol~s, see.
footl, f i ~ ~n~ats).
c Seea, a. weak (as the hair, lauulr
S:~tlrla,s, the I I ~ I I of
I ~ a slrellfish. seca).
Sava, s. filtlr, ordure. S e e p , s. the party gliding on the
S.iv;14i,s. one species of the seaegg. ! waves.
Savala, r . to desire toeatrich things. ; Seesee, s. one kind of taro.
Siivali, s. an an~baieatlor. i Seesee, v. to drag orreself along sit-
Savali, v. to walk ; pl. siivtlli and t i l ~ gon the ground.
siivnvali. Seeti, s. a sandy plain a t the mouth
Savaligd, s. a girdle of lcaves. See of a river; a contrivance for bring-
TITI. in:: a canoe more on a level by
Siivaliga, s. a walk ; the distance to wrdges driven under the iato.
be walked. Seevae, s. a shoe.
Siivalivali, v. to walk on, to keep , St$ s. a flower put into t h e hair or
niovi~ig. / behind the ear.
Savasava, u. bemircd wit11 filth. Sei, v. to put a flower into the hair

Saveve t
Savelu, sce Sa'eu.

Savili, s. a breeze.
Saviii, v. to blow, to be windy; pass.
or behind the ear ; redup. seisei.
1 Se'i, 23. to jerk ; puss. sesia ; tedup.
be'l, a slgn of the imperative mood,
used prccatively.
saviligia. Se6ia, conj. (se'i ia), until, till.
Savilivili, 7 j . to blow gently. Scilala, s. the name of a tree.
Se, a r t . a, an. Se'itnai, see LE'IMAI.
SS, s. Friend ! (a call to a man). Seisei, v. to adorn the head with
Se, s. the general name for the I flowers. See SKI.
grass11opl)er. ; St:'ise6i, v. to jerk repeatedly (as a
se, u. afraid, as tt~unuvuAS. rope i l l order to disentangle it).
Se, v. to wander ; to mistake ; re- Seu, s. tlie method of catching mul-
d,rp sese ; rccipr. fesea'i. let.
Se auoa aua, conj. if 1 had. Sen, v. to stir round; to turn the
Sea, s. the name of a tree ; the in- . head of the canoe, to steer to; to
side of the lotrtu. i catch in a net (as pigeo~rsor mul-
let) ; to ward off a blow ; to in- Segisegi, s. twiligl~t.
terrupt a speech ; to present (as Segisegi, see SEOI.
a figl~tbetween lands); pl. scseu ; Sela, s. asthma.
dimz~r.seuseu. Sela, v. to be out of breath ; to be
Se'n, s. the llaule of a seabird. See asthmatic.
SI:'~J-I':~~EA~. Srlau, a. a hundred.
Se'u, v. t,o move up and down the Selauselau, a . very many.
featllrrs of the tail (as a manuolii Sele, s. a snare; the name of a shell-
w11c.n frigl~tenedand about to fly fish.
away) ; applicd figuratively to a Sele, v. to cut (as the hair); to
co\vard : lJrc se'u le f u l t r . snare.
Seuga, s. the method OF catching SEle, s. the name of a sharp-cutting
pigcons \\ it11 a net. weed.
S c ~ ~ g a ' iudv.
, to I I O purpose, use- Selea, v. to be cut ; redup. sele-
Ics5ly. selea.
Seug;iLirniti,s. a y o ~ ~ t l not i , a full- Selei, v , to cut, to slash.
grown mari ; fa term of contempt). Seleulu, s. scissors.
SF'c~lu,s. otle ki~idof sZ. Selefatu, s. the shell used to scrape
Srust.11, s. leafless I>rancl~es. breadfruit.
S ~ I I . Gv~. Ito I , stir round repeatedly. Selesele, s. an evenly cut head of
S V ' L I J ~ '1I, .I ,to be niatttd together hair ; a cloud bringing a squall of
( a s 11i1irfro111wet 01. dirt). wind and rain.
S e ' ~ ~ t n l x a st.~ the, rlalrle of a sea- Sdesele, v. to cut into several pieces;
bi~ci. to shear.
Sel;~,s. the name of a weed. Seleseleafo, v. to be in commotion
Sefea, pron. which? (as the sea is by a fish dragged
Sefca, adu. whence ? through the water a t the end of
Sefulu, a . ten. the line, or when rippled by a ris-
Sega, s . the general name for the ing breeze).
parroquet; tlie tail of the fly-fish- 3iilogolog0, s. a name given to some
hook. kinds of sS when they come into
1 s . two kinds of sega.
the house.
jelu, s. a comb ; the feathers on a
cock's head which are erected
Srgasega, s. the name of a fish.
Srgasega, a . yellowish (as the body when he is beaten : Ua tu le selu.
from disease). See LEGALEOA. Selu, v. to comb; topraise; redup.
Segasegama'u'u, s. one kind of se- seselu, seluselu ; pass. selua.
9a. Seluga, s . praises.
Segavale, v. to stare from fear ; to jemLi, s. Friends ! (a call for atten-
shine dimly (as the sun througha tion).
mist). jema, s. a red siapo.
Segi, a . wild, shy, not tame ; pl. :,ma, v. to agree with another to
sesegi ; redup. segisegi. be his antagonist a t a club-match;
Segi, v. to snatch, to catch away ; to sop up the sceuted oil as it is
pass. segia. produced.
Segi, v. to burn a scar as a beauty jenlanii, adv. hardly, it was as if.
spot. jiimatapia, s. oue kind of sS.
Segiamauli, v . (literally, to have jemu, v . to cut off what is above
tile heart snatched away), to be or beyond the rest (as a post too
I78 SEN Sl t!

in addressirlg any aged person. stir.!-: OII il~livtlit~r.

mats arc m n d ~ .


: I : o I i I I i blow inclub matches: to lift

I;:-;..;. tngetller; to bring property all

v ,.
: i.

3 . i
!' r ~ ' ~ , I ~ I ! ~ lrinl~-oT-
.,, ,'
( j f

/ torether.
RiiiaLi. v . to make larger than ne-
>....% . 1

t ?i,-v;,!s ':: 1 S,n, ct ,c~sg~aaS.,r;yatolifting exaggerate.
; the party lift-
c'.erc' ! ,
. I ing.
. . i . . . .;- : :::;,
&.:c ,. :, : : I i : :;;to, rq. to si'omia;
I: . . . i . 1 .
c t ~~, ~ ! 1 1 1 1
7 ( p . si'osiio.
97i :.'-.. ..
I Fioioit:~, a sslrtation. See TALOFA.
~ e t u z., : r : ilr.lil; I . L . ~ ~ I (setosetu.
Sevaa, s. ;::- kil!cl 4 1 : SF.
~ ~ .
1 s i c l l , S . tile o f a fishm
Siru, s. thr extremity, the end, the
Se\,e, s. . .,clr.a one : ns, Prri 7na corllrr (as tile mouth, a
L:$?ti 7:. fc Ttti n t c ~Se7.e. wilve, &c.) ; tlrr rc!r~se of t u r m ~
Si, r!. 1i::'o ; (a t1in:inukive particlz , ric..
o f ~ e c,:.j'~.c"ii~:g
i~ clirlenrrne~~t::IS. I :.:i'llnall. a. a l l of the reef.
Si cina ;;~ 7 ~ 1 ) . I ' i i ' ~ ~ . t r. I . s. OII,. ~:c.intor o~lterextre-
Sia, prox. t?:i;. I I: ~ I Y i f f . I I I { ; ~ C I I ~ iI l Il ~tlie reef.,
SIS 179
Si'ufofctga, s. a cl~ic.t"svoice. Silo, s. the cntrails of t l ~ esiiark.
Si'll~allt,s. t l ~ extremity r ot'a ware. Sina, art. a, (a din~i~ruiive).
S i ' u g ~ ~ t ts. r , a corrler of the mouth. Sina, s. a gourd.
Si't~rnant~t~u, s. the name of a fish. S i m , u. some.
*See A I . \ ~ . \ ~ \.r.\vu.\,\.
~JI Sina, a. white ; p l , sisir~a; ~,ctlujj.
S i ' ~ ~ n r a t as., the outer corner of tile sirrasina.
eye. Sir);, a . grey (of the h ~ a d ) .
S i ' u n i ~ ~ rsi., the name of the l r t l t ~ j Sil~ii'aiuga,rc. greyl~eatLcdI'rorn ('at-
\ ~ ~ l l c ! l lf u l l :ro\v11. i r ~ gthe uya.
Si'usi'u, s . the point (as of :I knil'e, Sir~asi,pron. that (of a nlore dista~lt
swortl, k c - ) ; t l ~ restrc~r~ity (as of objvct t l ~ a rsiusi).
; I titil, lt,;~!',i ) I I I I I, ! ~~ Z~L , . ) Sirlei, pron. this.
Si'117t3:1,s . O I L , , I<i:,(l o f I I I C ! i p!x~it. Sini, s. the goal in racing, alirl i l l a
S i z a ~ ~so. , tlr:, fruit of t l ~ ftrltr. c gnme.
S i p , see ; \ r v - : t i < ) . Sini6, v. to race.
Si'a, ::, ail I I I ~ I V11f ;I r,~i!~I~c)-,v. Sinioga, s. a race.
Si1.1,1 ' . tu I>c ;~;lla.ric(l: Urr ailst l e Sinoi, a. to find fault with another's
1 ! 1 / 1 / i I t , , l!/!//</fl. conduct while doirlg the sarne
Fii,~~il:~:i, s. ; I : * I I I < , I r i ! ~t l ~ eIJ-I(,~<. I~irnselt
s ; l , i ~ l l ~ l ,s.
l l ~ilil,~<.
, Sipa, s. the name of a fish.
SiS:lfilg;l, S. a cliic,Fs \ i e w i ~ ~ g01, , Sipa, v. to be awry, to ir~clirre to
sight. one side; to make a mistnke i l l
SiI,~:,it. t ~ 1). ,5siv(, ol's;si///. speakir~g.
Si!;~~it;ri!i~!;>, I * . to v i ~ , \ v I I I C \rit~tl Sisi, s. tlie freshwater wirrkle ; a
; l i : t l wc!i~ti:erof tile l:i..ct~. fissure or hole from whicl~water
Silata6i~nat;~gi, s. the silri whicli trickles ; streams in tlie saud a t
brings wind ; a clrief' wlro causes low water ; the two lrard eyes i l l
war. the cocoanut.
Sili, u . ~~rinci1)3l, b ~ t I~iglrest.
, Sisi, pron. t l ~ a t .
Sili, v. to lodge in, to s t ~ c kin (as Sisi, v. a. to hoist up, to draw up.

ar~ytliingbehir~dI I I P e:~r). Sisi, v. to trickle down.
Sili, u. to inrillire, to ask ; pass. si- Sisi, v. to make a Irissing noise (as
lia. green wood in the lire).
Sili, ( t d ~ ' escec~clit~gly.
. ; Sisii, %r. to lift ; to 111aliegreat, to
Silia, v. to Ivt ~):ts.i, to ji;~.x o\.cr; /' n~alce oneselt' g r ~ u t :as, A sisii,
~ o tI l S i t 1 r : t i ) . % ~ ;I jicrs011 C O I I I I I ; L S ~ I I ~
ill ; L I I Z W ~ to

Silit';iLi,1:. t r . to go I)c~yc:r~tl
n ~ a l i i ~n~tl(.to~~l.
g n t ~ ( LIIII.
tI1c flar~kof (Ire c ~ ~ e ~ ~ r y ) .
Sillga, s. tlre 11l;rc.e to stick i l l tlic
IIy 6slrl11)ol~.
(as troolis a s n ~ ; ~ tl ll ~ i ~to~ ag I ' I I ~ C ; to be
1ur11i11g pro~rdwil111111t C : I ~ I Sto
( ~use
; :I~)II-
-S ~ L L . I a r ~ g ~ ~ ai ng ae Il;lr~gIrty111~111-
$isii, I!. to 111:1lie SIIII;,,:; ,I!>" the
$ilig;r, I , . to Irave got I),,jo~rtltlrt: , l)/tir:11of,>ii.
I I ~ ( ~ I I or C ~ <,~j,u~tc ( l ; to Ire Si-iLo,1 1 . to (,ir(:~~~nverrt.
i too lut(a, ~labt,gor~cby. Sihiti], $. \rtmst.
Siligifbnnr~n,o. to I)c too old to Si>ila, 1:. to lu41k (of rl~icfs); pttss.
b r i ~ rcl~iltlrcn. sili~fia; r e d ~ ~ psilasila. ; recipr. tb-
8 ~I\~~U v.I to I I Ia,s c e r t i ~ col.r.ectly.
i~~ ~ ;
Sllivalr, v . to gl.crl~lble; to rebel. Sisila, s. the fixii:g o f the cye in
.r. see 1 ~ 1 s o'I'.\(.Iv.\LL. d e a t l ~: L7u IU le si:ila.
+I..I?I..<, a !! l r ~ ~ :lI ,e ,111.tI:a,r. ~ Sor+>c. .,. T I L I I I I ~ lilro L . ~ I c ) ( I ~ J .
> I ? I \ I,., . i t n l b t G I I I ,~, I I ; I I J I I ~ . ~( ~; I\ < t I l c S 8 i . s. ;I sl)t~ci(~s of ~ I I I I .
i!.lit.r. 1'1, I I I ; I n:~l~.Il.oiirst-!; 111 S11.i. 1 . . 10 s\v;trn) ( ; I < n~ice, men,
+ 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 (lnr: .;I.: 1!:1;11 i ' 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 OI:C R.c. :; I ~ I ~ so'i?ioLi.
p:.rt I*!'I ; ) , , I I I . ~ ! ) I I I ; I ! I I . I ~ ~ I , I , ) . , Stai;~.; ~ t / t , j~. . I I O I I ~ ~desist!
I ! let it
h > I ! ~ I , I I ~ . I , ... :I ?.in( ( h (11' 1111' A;.,;.
,b I)(,!
& I . 1,. 1 1 ) I ! ; ~ , II I~O ~ I I . I I I I I I I I : SI,I*II!;I. .s. I I : I (ki1111
~ uf .wi.
. .
I I I I . . , ~ . * I I I ; I I ; I ; I . I , ! I I s~II,:..~II:I.

5 i ~ i i i 1 0 ..s. ;I >~j;tiI.
4 s. "I".'. ..I\+ , 01' s i s i .
~ I ,(of (-lti/.rs).
S I I ~ ~ .c.I I lift*
, SoiS11i1.I - t r l 1is.r (c!f'rltir:fs).
S ~ ~ i t ' ui:!/llj.
i~, Ijl(.ss roll! I I I ; I ~ yo11
livc ! ; I I I cl;ucula~ior~ to onc sll~es-

511.11. eill~c.~.. clue of, s o Icttorc, ~ I I I Sni+oi,

~ 1 to 1a11gt1( t o n clrid').
OIIC of' ~ I I C I I I . Scjisoil'~ii~ , i '"
Soii, .s. ;I C ~ I ~ I ~ ) ;aI Isecontl , . Suo, c r . ; I I I ~: a*, soo se lurru.
I ~ O I;~or~c
w l ~ o11rc1(.11rvsa wiili: fur a~~otlrer; . 800, 1.. tu c~nc~irc~lc, to s t ~ r r o t ~; ~to~ d
;I ~lnllrewit11 song.
Soi;\, s . a n~etllotlof fisl~irlgby 11igl11; SOO.
join ; p h ~ .sootia ; intens. sol,-

tllc brace of a hor~se; a gun. Sou, trdv. frequently, cor~ti~iuedly,

Soaa, s. the nlc~~intain
+oilbili, L'. to steal food to eat.
~)lant;~i~i. I
wit110ut i~~termissioti.
i Soo. a. to be painerl, to be troubled:
soa~l'ulll, s . varieties of the soan. i as, so0 ~ t (iu, a RLc.
SoaasG 1
Sobai. I.. to 11o11se.
, Sooga, s. propprty given to the fa-
1 ~ r ~ i of'
l v the wife on fetchina 11t~r
S i ~ i o ., I I I I I i s , llorllr nftcrascl)aratio~~; perineum
I j y \\.11i1.11 111t.y arc, ~lraisctl. / nlulicbrc.
S ( ~ ' ; ~ i t Lu'., to speak witliout P ~ I O W - Soona, urlv. a t random, any how;
i ~ rcspttct.
~ g 1 very.
Soafafi~~e, s. t11c female scrvant of a So'~~so'o,r . to be joil~c!d in many
lady. i places ; to bc close together.
Suiin~oe~noe, s. the leaf' just un- Sou, rc. roug-11, fban~ing; rcdup.
foldccl. S011S0U.
Soani, rl. ILur, ( I I S C ~on Ynvaii). ; Sou, ]17'011. thy (so ou).
Sl~mnia,1,. (ti I I I I I sou), to I)c c.onlljn- So'u, pan. tu.y ( s o o'ti).
nio~letl,to I l ~ v ca sec>ondor C ~ I I I - Su'u, L.. 1ct me (for sc'i o'u).
panio~~. Solla, (I. laboring i : ~i l cross sea ;
SoLi~sobii, I . . to s ~ ) ~ fis11.
ar bcset wit11 toilgues, scolded on all
Soi1so5, .st e S . \ I \ : \ I . sides.
Soata, s. a stoily tract of l a ~ ~ t l . Souful~a,s. a call to a wornan. See
Soatau, s. a large canoe made from Fc!sa.
one tree. Sohi, 2:. to break dow11; to bieak
Soatau, s. an armour-bearer; a cow- t11ro11gl1 (as troops); pf6SS. sofaia.
panion i l l arms. Soga, s. a shaver, a servant or at-
Soivaa, r. two or three canoes go- tenda~~ peculiar
t to certain chiefs.
ing t o g c t l ~ ~ ~ r . Sogii, s. a plant fro111 the bark of
Yoesa, cc. tlisagrccnblr, offensive, w11ic.h nets a n d rcd shaggy m~its
i11111oyirlg; retlrlp. so~~sorsii. n1.c 111:1dc.
Sog:~sog;l,r,. pc.rsrv~ring(asi l l work, w;lr Tor a ti111e; to fo~l)id,as a
ktugt,r, &LC.) travellitig ~ ~ a r ttroop" y, k c . , f'roni
Sogi, 7,. to rub noses, to salr~te; 111. proct~cdi~ig.
t;,asogi. Solo, s. a land slip.
Sogisogi, ij. to sn~ell; pass. so,git;ir. Solo, 1.. to slide away, to f:111 dowu
, ~ l flrslly
S l ~ g o s. ~ e e r ~ dot' .)I-
t l ~ c t (as a wall); to 11i1ss al(lng (as a
dier crab ; a cl~ild'sprr~is. : I I I I I I I ~ of'~ J~
~ ( ~ o pi lll rt l ~ rroad).
sol;^, 1 % . to run away, to esc;ij,cS, I ( , Solo, trrlo. along, from place to
fly away ; pl. sosola ; 11crs.q. so1,t- i place.
tia ; rerlup, solasola. 1Solo, s. a song i l l pri~isrof' a cl~ief"s
Soli~';igt~, ?;.a fligl~t;the ty I . I I ~ I lil~lds,Krc. ; a to\vcl.
ni~~ g ; pl. sosola;~ga.
:rwi!y Solo, 11. swilt.
I 1%. f l J l ' l l l l W a y llllllle (:IS a Soh);l, ])a*~iVeOf s/JsO~O.
\rom:ln r a ~ r ~ ~ hour i i ~ g Iicr Irus- Soloa'i, 1%. to goalong to a ~ ) l i ~(as cc
l);~~cl). troops to t l ~ esrat ol'war); to suc-
So!irsi~lu~C~l~r, 7.. to flcc fi~raway. ceetl to a lit Itx or posst~ssio~~.
Solata'i, 7:. to ; t l ~ ~ c o twith, ~ t l to carry Soloalofk, v . to pine at'tt,r (;ISw cl~ild
off. for its al)sent parer~t).
S o l ; i t a ~ q.s. a colnpally of Ilersol1s Suloatoa, v. to be all i l l a ~ ~ i e c tto ,,
fleeing. l ~ a v euo break or join.
Soldtia, s. a rl)ec-ies of' c ~ . a l ~ See . SG!oi, s. a towcl.
P.~.II.A['II.I. Soloi, 7'. to wipe ; pass. sGloia.
Soli~tia,v . to be avoidrd, to I)e rle- Soloi, o. to throw clown (as a wall);
~ertcstl. to slide dowr~(as a wall or a pile
Sole, s . t'riend ! (a call to a man). of' stones) ; prtss. soloia.
See SIC. Soloil~~ma, z7. to irnprovc.
Soli, 1 3 . to tread upon. to tr;~nil~!eSoloitua, v. to get worse, to dettario-
o n ; IKLSS. solia ; retlttp. sosuli, riilta.
solisoli. I Solofir, u. to slip d o \ v ~to ~ ,run c l o w ~ ~ ,
S(J!i:tail, 7.. to bcg .se76 i m l ~ l r ~ ~ n e ~ ~tot sfall ~ O W I I .
of'a killage en11~loyc.dill s e ~ y u . S o l o t l ~ ~s~. ~a~I~or.;e.
Soli aitu, s. large gatl)el.ings ot' peo- Sololclci, v . to pass a 1 o 1 1 I~~ a l ) p i ! ~
r,le for wrestli~lg and games on slid \\ithout accitle~~t.
r c . n ~ o v i ~a ~~g~ r o l ~ i b i tfiom
i o l ~places Solon~ua,e.. to go al~citd,to take
111;lc1esacretl to t l ~ egods. the Il'ad ; to be I)ef'orel~arrd(as a
Soliga, s. natile c l r ~ t lgiver1 ~ as pre- cro11 of b r e i ~ d f r ~ ~ i t ) .
s c ~ ~I)y t s a vi.gi11. Solom~rli,77. to Im-k 111rpaddlcs, to
S o ! i g ~ - a a ( s.r , a bvggir~gparty seek- plrll I)arkwar.tls ; to bc: b:~liilld-
i ~ i gS P U ~ Ui ~ ~ p I r r ~ ~ ~ : n t s . 11alid ( ; I S a cro11ot' Orl,;dt'roit) ; to
~ o i i l c l r l o ~ i 1 1 1 1r0. ~to, 1Ilave
, a I~ouse- walli b a ~ l i w i ~ r;d ilo go b.~ck.
1%; \ I rni~rgl)y a ~ ~ o c t l a . Solosolo, s. the I I ~ ~ I ~ofI Va fish, (see
SijIi-Gli, s. [ ~ I ' ~ ? t l . i i t;i ~plllr t t i ~ ~t gl ~ e i , ' s i r \ ~ ); a l ~ ; ~ ~ r ~ I ~ , ~ ~ r c l ~ i e t ' .
solt.s of the cliict"~kt:t agail~st Soio.;olo, 1.. to .lij, ; I M ~ (il, I ~ tl~e eal.tli
tlit, Ixtln~sof tlrc Illrr~dsalrd tile o ~ rtile side ot'., 11111).
l.l~ceks. Solusull,i, see L r : . i ~ ~ ~ . u ~ o r . o u .
Sol~soli,2.. to tran~l),to tread. Solovi, s. a wort1 ~ l ~ t r u t c , tout l on
SoliiGli, , I . to c.omIllcsncea taro plan- getting tlre \ ~ c i o ~ . y .

tatrot!. See U A L . . ~ . , S ~ O V V . ?to, slide down.

S,~Iitn,I.. t o r t r ~ ~ u i iaway i from the Soma. see ,a2\,
S , , I I I O,s,, t l r v ~ I I II I I ~scrr<tio11011 1 Fo.ogo, r. to sti~ellof lrrilr:-.
I I S r i I r ~ r c r r i ~ ~ . Horoli, v. to rrc ad O I I ; to chat t11:ngs
So11oa, I . . to Ira\ e 111cc,!.cs ;;gglr~ti- which were rel~rewntatiursof the
nait~cl. I gods.
Fo~noson~o, a. n sn~illlsl)ro~~t. 1 Sosolo, 1,. to ru11, to spread (as li-
Polla, ~ J T ~ lU~.i s 11cr's , (so o~ra). q~rid.. as fht when nielting, or as
$ ' o ~ ~Ii: ., to cllol) ; rcilrcp. sor~isoui. c ! e r l ) i ~ ~lrlants);
p to act co\\ardly;
Sorii, s. :I wairr boitle. I puss. solrla.
Soilt', s. a lock of hair lrft longcr ' Soqoni, s. n cutting 11lov~i l l e club-
tlrau tlle rcst. I 1natc:Ir.
Sopo, o. to stcp o r r r ; to 1::rss ~ V ( >' ISosol~i, .; 1.. to rllol) ; to notch.
111. sosopo ; ~ c ~ l ~X e( J pI J .O W ~ ) O; t , c - SII, u. wt t ; tvilxg (as taro) ; pl.
vipr. fesopoa'i. / susii ; &!/in. susii.
So;.o;tga, s. a stvp. j Sna, 29. to ~ ~ l o u g lup, l to grub u p
Sol,ol:~gi,1.. ro \lass over tlre hra (as the soil); to toss as a bull;
vens, (api~lit~d to tlrc n~orniogsinr pc~ss.suatia.
wlten seen in tile evrl~il:g; and Sua, s. cooked food (especially a s .
looked upon as a sigr~of deatlr to , preiarrd for the sick) : juice o r
tlle farnily of Pc'a). I licluid of' ally kiud, as suii susu,
Sopolill, 1:. to tral~sgressthe laws of ! milk.
bolrito 'fis11il.g by stcppi1.g o w r , Sua, 1.. to corltain liquid (as a bot-
the catroe. j tle!; to nlatter (as at,
So;x~mpo,r . to pass over; to tr;~ns- al~ecess); to tacl; (of a boat or ir
gress; to raise tlle fcct in \valkir~g s11ip); 111. S I I S U ~ .
so as to leave I I I I ~ a snlall trail : Sli;~,1.. to jest, to joke ; pl. sr~sua,
t o marry or al~l,ro:~c!lto a rela- Sua:~!atla'i, 2'. ti)r one chief or his
tioll. / follo\veis to speak against another
Sdl~~sopuloloa, 21. to take lol.gstel~s;, clriel' to tllc lady to whom he is
to rnn1.c. 1o11pstages ill ;I jorir~~t.y. 11:tyillg addrt~ssrs.
So!,ctnf,~g;l, s, adultery \sit11a clrivf's S r ~ a r ~su. , oil.
\vi<e. i S I I ~ IS.~ ~tl111 I , Ilanie (of chiqfs).
S o ~ x ~ v a l c ; (to !
~ . pass over u~lcrrenlo- S~laga,s. thc tilckilig of a s i ~ l p; the
n'orrsig ; to use bat1 words to a of a pip ; jesting.
cl~iet: a male fiiend ot'a wotnan
Scsia, a. rirlies or property spread itlea of illicct inter-
out to view. I .
SEsij, r*. to move lo^ g : to d::lw , St~:rla;~, rr. b:acki.;ll.
near (aitll 111tei) ; to ~rlove ofl' Srr;llnulic, u: swept.
(wit11 rctv). Suall~u;r,c. to be first in speaking
St:so, 1.. to drcay bcfore grolvillg 1 tigl~tillg,k c . ; rcrluI~,suasuatttua.
again (as I1111l,ousroots. Sua!~lrili,1.. to be last i n sl,e,rkil,g,
Siso, 2). to turn f'lwn siC1~'toside, to fi;:lrti~rg, (Ec. ; ~.erlcc~~. sussua-
I)e rcstless (as i l l i~ f'cv~tr); ),cdup. t~luli.
Su:lsr~a,L~. to root up, to turn up
tlie grorrntl (as a pig d ~ ~ e s ) .
Slias~~iri, ) v . to work Iliird t'orotllem
Srr;~.;116j (its a illnil i l l the wife's
f , ~ r ~ ~ or
i l y\, ic.? \
S ~ I , L ~ Is.S I111iIk.
S1JA SUL 183
S~~;ltilga, s. a ti1c.k oftlrc slrip ; t l ~ c s11,ill fur~~islr 1)igs for a travelling
I-ooting ot'a pig,'. 1)" ty) ; to scul(l on ircc.711t ~ tof a
huati, s. iio outrigger on the rigl~t sn~all contribution; ]J!. susuti ;
side or a ca:.oc, to keep r l l t . r , r ~ c r c , pass. sutia ; redup. sutisufi.
frorr~beiug subnierged wher~sa!l- ; Sugale, s . a s1,ecit.s of taro; the
I I I ~ . I 11a11le of a fisl~.
Su:~ti,u. to spit out ; to t1:roiv oiii ' :lt~~ale'~lla,
; to ust: b , ~ dI c ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~: S~r~aicgasufi,
s. water ; foocl (so c.~i:carl Su;yale~l~atiipitogo,
1 s. the d i f f r r e ~ ~ t
kintls oftht: tislt
bel'ore ellieis).
S i ~ r s.
1 Sl~girlel)agotii
, a hsh, (son~ctinles11oisoi1- Sugalu, s. tirro left till over ripe;
1 called suyule.

ous). it11 old pigeon ; the fishing by geu,

S I I ~2:., to prqjc,ct (:ds the bc,lly of' a (a tern1 of rcsj~ect); an old per-
pig v r a Lt I N , ~ S O; III .) ~ ~ Isue- I ~ J . sou who is st ill good-looki~~g ; an
>ue. old arrow taken great care of:
SuCc, I , . to searcl~, to t~xanii~ic ; ai)l)lit.dalso to some other t h i ~ ~ g s
1)"s. SLI'~:;I; redup. st~'esn'c. w l ~ i c lare~ old and good.
Su't,, v. to Irllew tire c i ~ ~ . ,tts t ~ : n - S u g C t l i ~ a u n l ~ rs~, ~ the ~ a , refusal of
i ~ ~ OF g sa calioe. ~)roi)osiilsof ~narri.~ge.
Sli'esu'c, see s c s u ' c . SugaluLtiva, s. a tern] of respect for
Su'esu'c~rga,v. to sc~al.clrdiligently. ;ill j;liru, as pigeon-catcl~itig,to-
Sui, o. to dilute ; I[) a(lcl frcslr in- Zoyu, &(:.
gl.t,die~rtsto a butell of oil; re- Sugkriuvai, s. the i j j fibuod in tlie
dup. suisui. ~vutt:r; a good looking man.
Ftii, s. a sr~bstitute. Sula, v . to praise O I I a c c o u ~ ~oft
Sui, (I. to substitutt, ; to be a sub- riches, b:auty, k c . ; redup. suln-
stitute; l,ecipi,l. li.suidbi, to ex- sula.
cl~:~r~ge. Sula'ese, v. for otl~ersto praise us
Su-i, s. a you~rgc o r o a ~ ~ u 11avi11g t, and [lot oue's own self or in~unc-
011;ywater a11d 110 he1.11e1. diate relations ; pass. su1;r'est.a.
SuGi,v. to do needlework ; to thread Sulali, s. the I I ~ I I of I ~ a sl~clllislt.
"11 a string ( a s beads, &c.); to Sulusuli~,s. olle spvcies ol' the ba-
twist ttle sugarcalle leaf on to a nalla.
tulle (as in r~ral,ilrg thatch). Suli, s. a you~lgbanalla ; tlte true
S~ril<~palal)a, s . the hips. son of a cl1it4'.
hlliru, o. to cxclr;i~igestanding (;IS Sulisuli, s. a sl)ceies of starfislr.
t l ~ cgirdle of Ieuvcs); to exclra~~geSulu, s. a torclr ; dry le;ives ot'puo-
a 1.oLte11puat i l l a house ; to Lakc yo; j!,tcr. tire cyc ; the true son
a substitute oft' Irul~d; to take tli~: of a cI~it,f;(uscd oil Sirvaii instead
tl~~lrer's place. i ot'suli) ; :i sou~ll-\rt~str~r-ly wind ;
Sue, s. a slfirde. ;I yclluw~.I~ Ily-li.l~lrook. '
5"". L,. to ~ltil\ v i ~ ltire ~ I~cndbo;.i~~gSulu. u. lo liglit by ;L to.cll : p n 5 s
I I I ~ I I 111eg r o ~ ~ ~ ~ d . 1 s u l ~ ~ ;i , 1~1i susu 1 1 .
: 3 t ~ a . ~ i~. . ~to ; i ,Iheg k'uotl aker I ~ a v i i ~ gh ~ i l u ,1.. to 111r11.1 i ~ , t u ;to C I * ~ ~ ,oil II
ul,e.ttly got a l , ~ i ; , c ! ; i ~ ~ c ~ . (;is L I I I~ I : I I ~ ~i vCy , l q ~ ! c )to ; i111111;e
S I I O S I I:e(! ~ , SI.:\>L . \ I . i1lt0 (;IS ;I g s c ~ ~ i ~ ~1 1: 1 , [ l i t ' \ Y , I Y < ' S , ;
Silti, s. t l ~ cI I . I I I I C 01' OIIC kind of to take rcfugc ill; to t c ~ h , ,\ l i t ; -
SUII~. , dcrty to tllc tk~~,iIy U I ' I clcCtclclricf;
h~rti,L.. 10 cl~ooie,to selcct (as -1~1~1.
S I I I I I. b~t r, I..~I.+I.I.L-I. i~~rlirnte tlli~tthe war is to br con-
S u l ~ ~ t ' a1 ,~. i10, t,tl<tb reft~gt.will>. 1 tintd to thrn~srlvcs.
Stllulb'ipt, s . a rrtirgt:. : S I I I I I I ~s.I ,a I ) I I ~ I I ~ I I ~ .
S~I~UF,'" s. r)rol)e~ ty given alter a , S I I ~ I I S U Is.I Ithe I , I , u r ~ ~bnsh
t where
cllief s t l ~ ~ : t I)? t l ~tllosc 01' his co~l-! a pla~~tation is made.

"' 1
ncvl ions l i \ i11;t;it a distant,?. u l ~ a s.
, paralysis.
- ..
~ l l l l a , to be palsied ; pl. susupa.
S U ~ I I ~ ; sI. ~tllc: I ~ I1)lact'
, wllere the Susu, s. the brcast; thedug or teat
titi is I ' L I S ~ C I I I Y ~; tlie loins. ; of a ~ ~ i ~ n a l s .
Sulun~a'i, r . to tl~rust or 1)us111 SIISII,I - . to suck the breast ; pl. fe-
througl~. I SIISLII.
Suluma'ia, 1.. applictl to a hoat or : S I I ~ r~~I pluril ., of su.
canoe whose b o ~ tis buried in the ' SIISG,I - . to come (with m n i ) ; to go
waves or surf, also to a I)t!raon I (will1 a t u ) ; ( m l y used to titled
carried I~eadlo~ig illto a cilve, cVr. I cslliefs).
by the surf, arid one, ~ v h oI'iiIIs i S k u , a little wet; a little waxy
head foremost ir~tna Ilolc ; to dir / (as of' taro).
having previouslv bee11 Iicaltl~y-; SiIsiI, I:. to be pierced so nearly
looking. I tllro11g11 that the point of the
Sulumua, s. the pieces of tortois(,- i spear sllons on the opposite side.
sliell near the head of tllr tortoise. i SIISII;I, (1. plural of suu..
S ~ ~ l u m u ls.i , t l ~ epieces of torto~sc- SU>II;I, c. p111:al of sua.
shell near the tail. SIISII'C, 1.. to lift up, to open, to un-
Sulusulu, zl. take about a torch to
i' rcrer.
look for somethil~g; to pcrs~vr'rc Sus~l'e, z3. to be spring tide, (so
in. cnllrtl because it l i f s u p the vines
Sulusulua, a. ripe, hill grown (as "11 tllc beacl~).
taro). S I I ~ I Iv.' ~ to, Fasten on the tauniupz;
Sumu, s. the name of a fish ; a to pierce a hole in a youngcocoa- ,
cluster of stars ; an alnbassador uut ; t11c plurnl of suLi.
from the camp of the enemy pro- Susrl'ia, 19. to tingle, to smart (as
vokii~gt o war. t l ~ eheel) ; sul~l~osed to be a sign,
S~rmu,11. to tie on as the ridgepole; that some one is speaking ill of
to enter (as a spear into the the persol).
body 1. Susuga, s. the speecl~ of a titled
S~rni,s. the Ilarne of a tree from cl~ief.
wl~ichgarlands itrc nlatle ; tlle S u s ~ ~ g iai ., having little n~ilk.
piece of tutuya used as a sponge S u s ~ ~ l v. c , to s l ~ i l ~(as
e the moon,
to take up the scented oil as it. fire, &c.); to be handsome; to
forms. plunge under (as a canoe in the
Suni, c . to polish t l ~ el i ' n ; rerlfc~). waves) ; to be good-loolci~~g but a
sunisuui. cripple ; pass. suluia ; also the
Sunisr~ni,s. t l ~ enalllc of n sl~ellfisl~. plural of sulu.
Sunu'i, v. to t!~rust in (ils a stick S U S L I I ~a.L Ito, burn up ; pass. sunua
into the grourld). cr~ctls ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ u i n a .
Sunu'ilaun~u,v. to illsrrt acoco:111~1tS i s i I t a n , ~ . s~rorlgfbr war.
illto t11(: boulltli~ry on tach Siitulia, v. to be fri;I~it.ncd by being
side of two cl~nrv~rdit~g p a r t i s , to constarltly buatru.
s. a detarlled c l a ~ ~ i f i salso
i Titaf~~i\. l~;
~ ~ ~ l i t,trlrtrrr~.
T Ti'aga, s. a sl~oal; a Ilerd.
T a a l a ~ l , ~s.~a, wide or bald fore-
The thirteenth letter in the Snmonn al- Ilcad ; a ljeardless c!lill ; spec.
pl~abet. It is pro~iouncetlas i n E n - pll(lelld. mlllic.tlre drpile.
glish. TaaLielae, u. open (as the country
T.4, s. a stroke, a blow. without trees).
r 7
T i , pro,). I. laalno, I ) . to finish up (as any job
Ta, p m u . we two, (abbreviated fro111 of work).
~('LILQ). Taale, s. the soft inside of the top of
Ta, I : . to strike ; to reprove ; to cut a cocoal~uttree; the head, (a term
down (as a tree); to tatoa ; to of'al~use).
open a vein : to beat time to a Taaligoligoa, a. quiet, still.
night dance ; to j u ~ r ~ap somer- Taalili, a . resounding, sollorous.
sault. Taalili, v. to resound; to co111e in
l'a, a prefix to vr.rbs expressing re- crowds.
peattld action, as ttrtu'zr, &c.; also 7T'aalisr,ndu. quickly.
al,l,lic,d to the p!urality of tl~ings. Taalise, 0. to be quick ; pl. taalilise.
Tw e, s. child ! (a call to a chi!c\). 'l'salo, tt. to play, to sport ; to d d l y
T a i , s. a small tislri~igline for pr~ctlu. with : pl. ta'a'alo.
Tail, s. tlie party who go to a wo- Taalogu, s. play, sport ; dalliance.
man's f ~ ~ n ito l y carry prol~osalsot' Tiialolo, s. t l ~ etaking of food to vi-
marriage from their chief'; tlle sitors by severit1 villages at ooce.
fuotl taken on such orcasioi~sa s a 'l'aalolo, v . to go in crowds.
present. 'l'aaloto, s. a s~nallinclos~rrefor pigs.
Taa, 1,. to go at Inl-g?, as animals Taaloto, v. to put pigs into all in-
a ~ r dfish ; pl. tutna ; rcd~cp.taa- ciosr~re.
Taa, u. to conlmit fbr~~ication.
'I'aai, 1.. to \vi~,d~ O L I I;I ~edu11. ~
T I I u. to go about with a
I'.~an~itlaia I I I U ~ Lin~p:ucIi~~g.
taa- Taami~nuis,v. to go about attended
taai. b y P rnsperity.
T a a ~ l ~ ~rl. oto, go round about; re-
Taai, see ' A
l a ; ~ ' i r ~ 21.
; ~ ,to be g;~tl~ercd togetl~rr dtrp. ti~!~~uilornil ).

(as tilt, gww1 I,y tile waves) ; to 'l'aan~u,s. the nameof a plant, (arum
bc tlr;lwn in, to bc iudr~ced;to costutu~~l).
st;~ggcru~ltl<.r a 11e;ivy io:~d. Tuaneva, s. the name of a tisli; a
Ta:lir,ai, s . irou ]loop ; (corrr~l)tcd miill w a l ~ d o ~ .about i ~ ~ g frir~~dless.
illto !Cic.cti). 'Sit;~~li'o,v, to go r o u ~ ~abuut d ill
'I':I'~III,1,. to stiikv tile Ilandlc of the sl~i,;iki~~g.
I>;i~ltllea g ; l i ~ ~ sthe t gul~\vale i l l T ~ , ~ I Is.~ an ; I ani~nal
, that is ~v~aanrtl.
1~11lli11g. 'I(.I'III~~I,S . a detacl~ed cltin~tish; a

'l';t;rliilr~, scc T L ' . \ . ~ A . \ T ~ \ I ~ L ' . uis~ or~ w o r ~ ~n.11ose a ~ ~ h~~.;l~.ind or

T,,'ali, s. rugs ot' siccpo; redrrl). tn- \vili. is tlodd or gone ii\r.,~y.
6,c~i'afi. T a a ~ ~ ov. a , to be a t Iil~:,rty( ; I S a11
?';l;ttili, 1 . . to roll; to wallow ; to u r ~ ~ n ~ ~ rIllan
r i ~ .qrwoninll);
tl rrdo11.
s t ~ . n ~ n~. l~ut ;l ~T I / . ti~afitili. tantaii~~oi~.
,I .>;ifiti, I.. to srrllgglc allo~lt, to Ile Ta;rnuu, v. to w a ~ ~ d c 1'1.0m
r li111dto
rtst1es.i ; I.C<!IIII,laatitillti. la~~d.
'1'?11.;1.1 . . to I,r reaclled, to rr:lrl~to.
.-I*LI:~~'II!(I : ti!oiJ.
/ ' ~ , ; ; I , ~ J I. , , : I ; > <

lil 1 ; t : l i l t i J ; l , ;I, t' 1 : (l.';l<!, ,.

'1';lt~ao s. t l ~ cn ~ o r ~ ~;i ntog nlorrosr..
lic'ei, ,c. to b:eak to 1~irct:s.
i , l ! ~ , t l to =u111c i1:-11 c.l! 'l'at.i'a, s, the rich part of tile fa-
l a ;.- ~S .~ o~ witiltir~el-,
, %

, i i ~ i alie~r,( a tru.\i.

. trrlll of' ~.epl.o:lc~I~).'

I .;~asC,i * . to \\-i~~:dca~ I'ron~IIOII!~.
Til'eililii, r-. to break 11psmall.
Ta'eina, v. to be t'orbitld-11, to be
l aa.ji, 2,. to c.11t salitl.i!\roocl. driven away.
lanrn I , s. a sp:.cit.;i o1'~1.;1sj.
Ti'eu, v. to scratch tl~r!gl.o~rntl(as
'l'ililt~il,U . S!l'ullg. a Fowl); to ~ . a k ea\\.uy (a* rub-
'L~at;~aslc~i!;i, o . \ve!l kilown ; coln 1)'~Il).
I I I O IoI ,r c l i ~ ~ a ~ y . l'n'cg.ii;,u, s. a sl~erd.
'I';tati~a;~lt.ala, 1.. to br a prosti~ute. Ta'ele, s. t1.e heel ; tllr botto~n of
'l';~;~ta:~n:~a, st e 'I'a.\>u.l. a box, l):iil, &c., &c. ; a red
'i7;iaiaaroat;lsi, r . to go i ~ l ~ o:110nr. l~t shaggy Illat.
T :I.: 1.M, ,' A , a 1;1g be!w~gi;:g to tllc T;lLcle, v. to bathe ; to open a dent1
wltole vill;;ge. body ; p1. ta'e'ele ; pf1s.q. ta'elra.
T a a t ~ a 2'.. to i)? prostratr, tu I)c ly- l'aelelii, i n t e r j . 110s hot is the sun !
ing d o w ~ l ;yl t;ii~titia. ?'a'elctG, u . deep keeled.
T l a t l i ~ ,1.. to dit: (applied o ~ ~ ltey Tii'eletoto, v. to be bathed i l ~ b l o o d
c11ic.t~styled Tagaloa). (as fro111woutlds).
Ta;~tua, v. to sit apart from the TaLclt~pc~l;lpola, a. flat-bottomed.
cl~ief's; to be c o ~ ~ t i l ~toe da few T i l e t u a t ~ s. ~ ~a, spccies of'breadfrliit;
(it3 a title 11otgetlerally kiiown). a specitss ol' bnuana.
T t ~ ; ~ ~ r ~ u i ~ sr .~ food a l a e ,give11 in the Tiemo, v. to wir~krt-peatedly.
nrcllrce as all offer or' n~acriagc. T'aeuabi, v. to g a t l ~ e rtogether (on
l'aati~uo, I - . to be abo11t to separnte tish, food, property).
( a s I'ri(~1111s \\ 110 ha\-e b(xt11 s i i t i ~ ~ g 'Ila'e~iu'e~~u, see T a L ~ s o l ~ s o .
togctl~e:.i l l tIic dusk) l'aepu, a. pedrre.
Taat~llalo, r . to rullrl,lc (as t l ~ u n - Ta'esea, v. to be blown off by the
der). willd.
Tnavao, c. to w a ~ ~ t lin , ~ rtllc brlsll ; Taetaq see TAR.
to ~irkcto the busl~. 'I'a'tttit'e, see ' ~ A ' E .
'y.. ~,c I .\ i~uga,s. a w a ~ ~ ~ l e r iin~ l the g Taetaepalolo, s . niildcw.
busI1. Taetaepaloloa, v. to be miltlewed.
. ..A , , I - . to roll ; 1~1.tanvavale ; Taetafe, s. rubbid1 b ~ . o u g ltlosn
T.,I,I\ ~t by
~ctlrrl~. t;~avalcv;tl(: rivers.
1.. .
- 7
,IC,L uls, u. vtXry fat (as me11 and l'aLctu, v. to limp; redup. talctu-

Ti~ctr~li, s. a species of glowworm.

'I'ai, s. the sea ; the title ; pl. tai ;
a 1i11111br.r : as, se ttci limu, (ot:ly
i l l e x l ~ r c s s i ~inability
~g or ur~nil-
li~lgllcssto tlo i l ~ ~ y t l ~ i l ~ : ) .
'I';II,s. tllc 11c.irt of M tree.
' I . I ~odr..
, 11~ilrI5. See TALI.
'J';t.i, s. t l ~ er ~ ~loi t~ ryaw.
'L'il'i, ;I tlistl.iI~t,~l\.c ~~al.tit-le
to I I ~ I I I I C ~ ~l:eill~ing
. ~ ~ ~ ! BUCII.
Ta'i, c. to attrnd lo tl:e fire, to keep Tailo, c. I rlorl't 1<11o\v,(horn tn te
up t l ~ eflan~e; to lpacl a troop. I le ilocc).
Taia, n. to be m;itu;.t~, to bc lit to ' Titill~i~lie, S. ;t piece of good fortc~nc.
IN cut ( a s t r ~ c s;) to I N l i t to be ; Tain~;tli:., 2.. to collie opportunely.
tatoot d : also pila::i\ c! ui' Irc. S;c! T . \ l n a l . ~ ai:. l
'Tiia'ta, 2.. to be sl~;~llow. Ta'itl~ila,s. Ic:ader, o:ie who goes
'l'nLiL;r.u,P . to Ic;I~I ;I 11001). :I little ;!l~~acl rr I I Y I ~the
~ w,ly.
,, TaLilla, see TAA'IXA.
1 n;;lfati, s. all c , v r ~ , i ~ low ~ gtide.
'fiiial:~, see 'I'C>UI.\I,.\.
I:~II;II~III, v. a n~usq~lito curt air^.
fiiitfulu, s. the pi1;t of the timber ' Tiiit:ifo, s. tllc! gu111s.
between tilt! w l ~ i ~illid e rod. I Ta'ir~o'iuo, itatcrj. I 11attt!
Tii'i'i, s. the elepl~a~~tiasis of an old : T i ~ ~ i l ~ i v. s a ,to walk alollg singing
person. arltl sllotttillg.
TiLi'ia, v. to llave elepllantiasis; to Taillul~ii,s. an ironbound coast.
be abnsed. Tdisi, v. to smite, to beat; to break
Taiilela, v. to fish \vl~iletlie SUII is : rip (as tirewood)
higl~. I Ti'isi, s. vegetables coo!ted in leavrs.
Tdi'itama, s. loc!~ia. ' Tiisini~,s. the wliite licart of wood.
Ta'i'o, s. the nanle of a sea bird. Taisusu't., s. spring tide.
Taioa~rli,s. n nooll low tide. Taitaclao, s. a n~ornioglow tide.
'l'aiulu, s. a yaiil top, kept lor 11l;lnt- Ta'ita'i, S. a11yt11ingcarried in the
i19g. hand.
TaifiaLi7s. a row of a buncli of ba- TaSita'i, v. to lead.
nartas. IT- h i- . see L ~ ~ ~ A J T A I .
Ta'ifau, s. a dog, (so caltcd before ~ a i t a i i ~ o ,
cljief'sl. S e e hl A I LC. 1 Tilltaiit,,, ,s. the name of n tree.
l'aifeite, s. flood title. l a i t : ~ i r : o ~ (~I .o ,I)r,~ckish.

1)lilce St e :\v.\G,\L.\Fo.
'1 s6igaali, s. the llrartll, t l ~ elirc- Ti:ita!o!u, r. to lirrc :I s ~ n o o t sl r l l c ~ y
i boltom illside the reeL
l ' i ~ i ~ ~j lv.~ to ~ be~ ~just '
u , in tiule, TiiL~tazi, rr. ci~ch.
laijial~t;~lic. j to cotlie ol~l)ortu~~ely. Tititetelr, s. flood tide.
.. Sce P.\c;.\~~.~ e.r . r
l;iilcla, see '~(AIII.ELA.
?"tiic.tele, s. large gittllering.; of pro-
pic ; apl~liedalso to ~ ( ' ~ J o I ~ s
'I'ail(~I;~gi, c. to be exalted (as the kllown us bring brave, or Iltliltl-
cl~i!drel~ of a nicall lrarecit tllr011gll sollie, or as guotl s,~e,ikel.sable to
t l ~ esupel.ior rai:li ai' the otl~er]la- atl\\Ver a s , ) c ~ c lat i :I g ~ t ! i i t , f i ~ ~ ~ :
rrllt). $is, 0 le Irr,f/,~too k. t<ilefc,/e.
Tilileltti, c. to l~avcdeep \rater \vi:l~- Tiitlla, s. it I~urk!~atidt.d biow.
i 11 the ret I: / .13iitna, r . to br drgladrd (as tlie
chiltlrcn of a chief or latfy wllo
'J';ti]elci;l, v. to be I)ruxperous, to be
\veil fkd o n :I jol~rrlcy. Iri~s ~~~:irric.d belleat11 llij or lIcr
l'itilelui~,7,. to be sick, to vomit. stilt 011).
'I';)iIi, 1.. 10 th11 (as it hre) ; to 1)low Tiiikai, srfe T,\.\IV.\I.
(as (11c \viilcl); to si.11~1about 'I'iliiitle, S. slliill~\vI > ~ ; I C C \vitlIill
cI111~1co~~tif;u;~ily O I I n1css.tgcs; 1 1 1 1 t a rt:ef; il fi.tIlit!g or 1i)w title.
~ ( d ~t:~ili'li.
p . Taivt11e.1,1,. 11)be I I I I I ) ~ O S ~ Jto~ ~ I ~ I I I ~ S
Ta'lli, u . sioliy, grnvcslly (rspecially i ) I~I I I L \\ell o11 u ~ o u ~ . l l ~ y .
i ~ ~ gsoil i t 1 dig , 'l'tto, 1:. lo bake ; 11). t : ~ t , t;~,,,,,.s.v.
wl1211t - o ~ ~to~ >io!~y
gillg) ; ,~,/t,11.t i ~ ' i I i * i l i . tiiv,~U I I i<ioi~iu.
1st: 'ITj\() TAU
'1.ito. ,s. ;I >;war. 711rr in. ; (ollly used in the second
7',10',1vc.. .s. :I ct~c.od!~ut t rcc very aud tl~ird~)ersol~s).
prn(it~(,tivc. Tau, a prefix to verbs, denoting in .
Tao'ofi~,s. a \r;~istcoi~t ; a s11;1\vI. tensity, or c o n t i ~ ~ action
~ ~ e d ; and
Taoti, fa. to r t . t ; ~;i ~to~ Ilo'rl to (as sornetimes united wit11 fui, fornl-
an opinion) ; to hold oo ; puss. ing the plural, as tdrrf(~ilrryi.
taofia : redvp, raofiofi. Tau, a prefix dcl orirlg tililt wllich
Taofono, 1:. to cook foot1 the day br1011g.sto, or has respect to : as,
before wit nted. toln tuuulii, reports corlcerning
Ta.oti~,2'. to wash clothes. cl~itfs.
Taogasea, 1.. spcnrrd by i~ccident. Tau, udv. only.
Taolroleo, s. a l a ~ ~ c ea , spear not Tau, v. to press out. (as juice): as,
thro~v~~. tiill SUSN,to milk : t,r,rlcrp. tata~r.
Taoma'i, v. to press down with. Ta'u, 2:. to tell, to mention ; 111. ta-
Taomaga, s. t l ~ i ~ ~[)rr<st?d. gs ta'u ; ta6uo u n d ta'uina ; reclul~.
Taornea, s. food, &c. taken order taLuta'u.
to beg a pig. Taun, s. a mar, a fight.
Taomi, u. to press down by weight Ta'ua, a . talked about. well known,
or by force ; redup. taotao. famed.
Taorla'i, 2,. to bake h o d the day be- TRua, a. precious, valuable.
fore giving it. Taiia, pron. we two.
Ta'osi, 2%. to scratch. Taua'i, u. to be woundrd slightly,
Taoso, v. to prebare for a journey. ~ ~ i lol at dangerous part.
Taosoga, s. the preparirlg for a jour- Taua'i'upu, ,o. to fight with words,
ney. to quarnbl wit11 abusive language.
Taotilo, s. the name of a fish. Taua'ifusu, 2:. to box, to fight wit11
Taotao, r. to press down (as by fiats.
weights). Tar~a.irnisa.17. to quarrel.
Tnotaoanla, s. the name of a fish. Taua'iveeverii, see P~sao.
Ta'oto, v. to lie down ; pi. ta'o'oto;
di~ttin,tuLot.u'oto. 1 Ta'
1s. tile shoulder.
Tau, s. Itaves us-d to cover in the . tapui which impre-
~ a u ' a ' u , ~the
native oven of' food ; a year ; a cates death by t l ~ e'a'u.
season ; a price ; sometl~ilig to T a r ~ i u ,v. to tentl towards, to be an
sell. the tlecline, to be on tlit* 'I ncrcase.
Tau, a s i g ~of~the plural, applied to Tauaga, s. a press, a strai;~er.
birds, lc tliu nlu~izi. Tauagahu, s. mild couduct ; kind-
Tau, a. fixed (as cvloring in clotl~). ness. See Ac,\>r,\r.u.
Tau, I * . to tight; pl. tatau ; puss. Taungavale, o. the lel't.
taulia. Tau;~la,z.. to luff; to watch by tbe
Tall, z.. to arrive at, to r18d at ; to sick a t nigl~t.
fit in: t o lrit or stt.ike against; to Tau'alalia, c. to make attempts; to
I)? ;~l~c.l~orcrl; lo buy ; to pluck attenlpt to go; to f'eig~las tl~ouglk
1i.11itwith t l ~ e11a11d; to br. swttl- about to strike.

leu r~niformly (as in c o ~ ~rmed fi Taualo, 0. to row or paddle, toco11-
elt:l I~a~~tianis). tini~eto pncldlc.
Tau, i a e r ~ ~ r c s i iol.
r e syml)atl~ywit11 Taualoa, r . tu be treated with re-
itllu:her's pain or t~.ouble:its! / ~ r t r sl'tc.t.
fo,111i111 i1;t:~l)sivel)!11ri11 : ;IS. :,11 ' T ~ I I I S O I O Is.I ~ U t o, ~ f i d o made with
t ; l ; l / l ! / ; , tlI crv. CCrIJililllt.
' ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ! i ~ ,s.t i ttil l~i, ,;(~prii
dl ; 1 t l 1 I)v t11111l(lc':..
, il~~pr(>ci:ti~lg

T:tlr1i~o,1.. to scr;~nt;>lcfor, lo take Tnr~fota,see Forr,i.

t'ro111o11c n11other I I Ibrrc.
T;ll!flru, 1.. lo I:lsh togc~ller;to V X -
i ' ~ ; I I I ~ I I ~.s.~ :t ~ uI If oI ~l o,made wit11
si~ltw a f ~ r .

T ~ I I ~v.I Ito~ rc3turn

\vit!lolct any fish.
I. from fisliing

!:o. 1.. T i ~ r ~ f i ~ i i ~to~ i1.) ~ afruit

I?. r i l l clusters.
' L ~ I I I ~ : !I *: I. ,to 1 3 1 1 ~ 1 : a p : ~ ~sot as to 1 r ~ : ~ ~ ~ l ' ~(,. ~ l11:1iry.
tvi(l~,~: ;:IS t l : ~I ) I I ~ I I ( ~grov;ilt:
\ over i T ~ I I I ~ I Ij S ~ ,
a i.o:~rl,ortllt. i~!tcrsticcsofir 1);1skct Tiu~filsiga( "' "u'"n('' '
$11 as to I)e i~bl:!t o :~l~strit('t sollle- T:~l~fi~tifi~ti, I ) . to b y continually;
ti1i11g). to c n ~ ~ t i r ~to r i ebe tronbleso~nenf-

I I I s, I
( I . having watrr at llie
r,,o: ; I < :I K I I I I ) .
t it i .
I tfr tl~t:other party has given up
l'1:11g.n,S , t!le Imsket of provisions
T;l~~liilr, 1.. ;'ur one to sit M it11 tllc rescrvetl for the next mral ; food
carl,twtcrs ~ v l ~ i lact work or1 his ta!ietr to a fcrnale as pmpoxnla
hnl~sr. citl~erof marriage or concubill-
Taufiili~gn,s. a brancli of a tree nze.
Ilnnging clvel. a 1~lantatio11 ; geue- Tiil-i, v. to do as he likeg, t o acst
rally a bra11c.11. l~rrvcrselv; to waste. to neglcct :
Taufar~ua.2.. to be from off the land as, U(Ltaugii le mnlii.
(as 2 wi1111). T;ln:iii, 17. to I)e speared in a mortal
T a ~ l f i n u u s, . clouds risiig fro111the 11xt; to be poinet1 nit11 words.
m o u n t a i ~ ~inland, s and gratl~~allyTa~lga,s. a fighting, as tatcgii m w .
sprcarlin; tounrtls th2 sea, during Tiugaitu, v. to be illdependent, to
tlie rniddlc of the day. at8tindependently.
Tautitt~r,2.. to tie on a storlc as a T a u g a ~ ~ a. l i , dirty, black, unwashed.
\veigI~tto tlrc lishliook. Tnr~g;~l;itulatu, s. tlie chnt.tering of
Talr;ltl~ati 1 s. stones collected to-

to form a 11;irlmrfor fijl~. reef
kitukitt~; the l~oiseof many talk-
i r ~ fa11
: togetl~tsr.
see P l \ c . \ a r a r , ~ ~ .
Tal~fthtuli,I - . IJI. to r u n . Tarlgnl(lloa, s. n long girdle of lcaves;
Tailti, I:. to cover in the nativc: oven n br~rtherlh n ~ ~ g i l llow. g
wit11 leavrs. T a r ~ p ~ ~ ~ asee l i cP;\OA>I~\T.IP..
T;itrfiIoga, s . the making of twine l ' a ~ ~ g a t a. a , Irigh-pricrd, difticult to
for rlrts. buy.
Tauroc, s. tllefuste~~ing of 1.1:~slccr- I T i r ~ z : ~ t ia. i , d i S c i ~ l tto rlral with ;
ing I!a(ltllt?. I striI<ii~g ha!.rl I)i~rgitins.
Tatlfo,,, r . to tic t!~e cl~tlof tllr 11i- I Ti~~~::;~tii~n;i'i, 1,. to cotrie inol)pr-
c ~ - ~ s~f r' is~ : gto the srri I~ousc.; to 1 'i':~r~q:~v:~lc , j tu~~cly.
\vul.n, to cr!~ol.t. i ' ~ . : I I I ~ : I v scc ~ I ~rr.\~~r[!.i.
T ; ~ ~ l f i , e ~rc.a l itli.;ol)edici~t.
, I 1 :III<O(~C, U . eilsily p ~ ~ r c l ~ i;l low ~rd
7 .

, I . I I I I to ~ n t . ~ ~ r i c , c , t l .
,lyitl~ l~c~::i(.~ r t~~l I: ~i ~r r t ~11)1 1:i~ ~' l~' ~ i ~ ~ ~ v.
, o f i(,:IS?
( ~ , to (lt.:11 1vi111.
t , 1 ~ : 1 1 r c ~or l I Y I I P I ~ U I I P i< ,111zry). ' 'I';III~;I, .<. 311: i i 1 < ~ 1 1 ~ ) 1 ~ .
,< #I 11i1+ivc (Ii.11 o f I I I I > : I ~ ~ -'ri1119,.s. t l ~ rlioc1)cr os fvcdcr of a

~ ' 1 ~ 1 ;II~I.I
1 ~ V!I(,II;I:!III. c , l i i c . I ' 5 rlog.
Ta~lIa,11. to 11e broirgl~t to a l ) ~ ~' nT;i~~!fx..rlt.'.~~
- .q. ;I i - o + j ~ nl:ln;
~r I1!,
tlantly (as food alld proprrty coil- , .. ICIIII~I~~.;I:
tinnaiiy 1)rorlqllt lo a chief). 1:1'1111~a~~~iii~>. F P . I > V \XI(\ repc)rt.

'I';~t~lii, s . a sailili~canoe. ~
.l;l~l'a'i,1%. to a~lclrorc-ill1 : to an- / enIt)It.n~01' S~IGJ-III
ii. ~ ;I fish : (the
I I : I I I I ~nt'
c~ilor to ; to l ~ a r ~111) g wit11 : to : Tn'ulelria, rl ol' good ?cpc~,.t.
I l n n ~or. to (as alyc!.. I I O I Jk~c ,. ) 1 'lkuli, ( I , tlirty, 1181,cruprd (as taro
' i t s a i t I ' I i a bakrcl wit11 tile ski11on).
doctor. Tiililia, 9.. to t ~ edirty ; to bc found
' l ' , i ~ l ; a g ~s., a sacred offcring : an L i ~ ~witli.
a:icl~orage. T i ~ ~ ~ lv.i a ,(pa;sivc of I r ~ u ) , to 11c
T:llllagii, s. the roost of the vampire f'o11~11t (;IS a b;~t~ll-:) ; to be err-
bat : a Illace wl~erefisl~rscoilgre- g a p d ( a s troops ill a fight) ; to
gate. contend for tht: privil~geof spenk-
'r;luI;iga, v . to endeavor to raise (as irlg ; to hr I,.dgcd i r ~(as a spe;lr
a sw;lmlx(l canoe, o s a conquered in the hody) ; to be interrupted
linrtv). (as n,fcno) ; to br bought.
~,t;ll;l$ii.a,s. a place frequented by tau lo'^^, s. the nalnr o i a plant.
63h. T ; \ ~ ~ l o tso , to desi~e.
TaulagZpc'a, s. a tree frequented by T;~!~lrr'o:l'igr,( s. the middle, the
t l ~ evampire bat. 1 1 1 o t o a 4 Iialf' way.
Taulagi, see Ta~~.r.:r..ic.r. ' T ; ~ ~ i l uv, . to l)c i t 1 grrirt pain.
T;~~llogi, v. to s i ~ : ga song atl;l;)tcd l ' a ~ r l ~ ~s.a ,a r w ~ ~ ! ~qf.o:rring le toge-
to t l ~ edancing ; to In tke all ap- tlier i l l a c l u ~ t r r!a; fi.~rit.);a cou-
pi.opri;~tespcc~rh. ple 11u11gtclgetl~er(as water but-
Tsul:lgi, s. a chief-s bli~~dncss. th).
T:i~i!ngil:~gi, u. to put in mind (ns Taulua, s. a pair (as two cl~iltlren
tIrorc t!i\itling out food, of some equally proi~ed, or two canoes
visitors resent, or a speaker of nr~cllored together, or two dogs
~ l gbe said).
s o n ~ e t l ~ i to fed by one limn).
Taulalo, s. a crouclrin,v action in T a ~ ~ l u ~ r l ~ ruo.l au, n ~ b r a g ~ o u sflow ,
dancing ; a pig's cl~eek; a low rirhir~g; abounding (;IS in peoa
place i l l a rock or Ilill ; a promp- ple).
tpr to a sl)c;tker, or to one dijtri- Taululn~~ti, s. a top of the ti plarlt
b11ti11g' I I Z . ~ ~ . used as an e~nblemof a mc.sangc
tau la!^, i,. to let the 11ands drop of peace.
; con- Taumaa, see TAUFATU.
dowll i l l a c111b~ ~ ~ i l t ctol lbc
C ~ I I : P to~ illterced~.
~ ~ T511man,V. to contin~re,to relllain
Tir~l;rlo,v . to l ~ a low ~ ~ (as
g fruit). firm, to persist in.
Taulalot,sr, u. to tuuloloout of time Tal~rnaunu,v. to bait; to entice.
ill d a n c i ~ ~ ; gto speak against. Taumafa, a . plenty, abundance,
Taul:~rii.s. it slnnll canoe take11 in many.
a large sailing canoe, or goin:: in T i r r ~ r ~ a Fv, ~ ,to e a t ; to drink ("f
cornlJanv wit11 it to distant fisl~ing chic$?) : P I . t a n ~ n a ~ n;i lIl~(l~SS.
grounds. taumafirtia.
Til~lata, to llang near the body Taun~afai, v. to strive, lo ellden-

~f tljr i , ( T i ilr iruit) ; to be near, i

to I)(&a t I.antl. 1 T ; ~ u n ~ ; ~ f i ns.l the ~ ~ analile , of'a ~ I I ~ ~ I I I ~
( Novrn~l~t>r).
. ~ . , I I I I I , , I I ~.*. ~ ;II ,111, I ~ i,l lI. , ' l ' i ~ r l ~s.~ ~a rvirgin.
' I ' ; I : I I I I ; ~ !t: .I ~I"~ ~[)a11 I . ii \ I , . . $ I I I ~ I I I . I ' ' I ' ; I I I ~ H )SSCE
~ ~ T.\1,01.4.
I I ~ . D ;t Jl , t:n~ \\, i1.11 ; to C I I ~ i1ti111r t11 'l'i111~311;i~i, v . to retch.

l;lis,, ( ; I $ ;I \ s , ; ~ h ' . LC(*.) : I ~ I I I I ) I IS. ~ :aI pit-cc

. of corn1 hung to
'I.:IIIIII:I~I~!II, 1.. 11) ( ~ ~ l i ( . (t I u \ \ . I ~10 ; I n trrc ;Is a_ tmpui, imprecating
. $ u I t - i ~ I t *i ;IS i111:l.l 1.
1.;11111~:1111:10. 1.. to I ~ I Z I .011;
I clist~nnc~
~ ) to Iil.1.11 of c ~ , f i ~ l .
O I I a thief; a large block

~I->\:I\. I W I I I . 1 'I'L,II~IIIc, U. to be ornamented with

~:,lill,:,'lll~.,~, I . . to I I ~ I I Y011 :Ill out- 1 sl11.Ils.
I I , , I S ! 111~11glt : 11) I;? f'i~r011'. '~:llll~llca,.sre FA.\T.F.TAU~~I~I.EA.
'I.;II:III;I-~II~I, .<. t11c i~tt~.rlcl;i~~ts 011 ' ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ) u lI.. c to ~ ~ be
~ s privily
t ~ a , con-
it^:, I : . I t it \ 1 tlrnirlcd to dtatll.
ktc.11 1111 l l ~ clire \\.liilts 11t. .;1!.l)t. T:11111ulrga,s. tlle rulers of a land.
I : :I : : I I I t o o s I : i ~ .' r ; ~ ~ l ~ , l r l c ~v.~ ~tor lconsulttqgethcr. e,
':. IIIII;I::\ X . ; I x ? I ~ I ( I ~for
1111. ' i !.'S. rl';l~~~ S. ; a~ season
~ ; ~ , ; a year. ( I t
' l ' ; l ~ l ~ ~ , t;i t. Gt:~,, d ~1ig11t
~ ~ , sitit:. o111ycnll)rIices SIXmonths in u
'I':IIIIII;I~~III, I . . 1 0 i f ~ ~ g10! ~fi.<ll , i~alive'scounting).
a I~ook. Tnr~e;tla, s. a titled lady, a chief-
' ! ' ~ I I I I I I ; ~I *~. :to I I Ibuy
. fis111100k~. tilin~~ess ; the spear planted high
l ' i ~ ~ ~ n i a7..t c ,to gurss. in tllc cocoanut butt in the game
l'ilu~nr,s. tile cao\-cror slrcntl~of the of lo/o(ru. '
coc~o:rr~utI~!o~som<, usctl as a Ti~lsnla,v . to go ahead of the troop.
tol.c.l~. 'rnl~snnla, v . to nlalie a marriage
'rttun~o:~,s. n Icvrr. fi,;~st. '
'I'nul~~~ln, s. tile fbre 11al.tof' canoe. 'i'it~lsan~aaga, s. a marriage feast.
T ; I U I I I I s. I ~ ~tlrc , sterr~. Tausalni, v . to eat, (a respectful
l';~r~muliii, r. to I)c bnflling and un- term).
crrti~in(as tlre wi~jd). 'Ik~~sall~iga, s. a feast.
Tar~rl!~~l;gn, s. taro 1:ttrl.v 11lal1ttd, T;lur;~ni,v. to sing ; t o crow ; to
(tlw ol)l,osite to motr!/ui). wllistle (as birds in tlie morning).
'T:lunonuf'o, r7. to be a ]~ol!.g,.;~mist. Tarlsc;~,see T a c ~ o ~ . .
' ~ ' ~ I I I ~e .Uto I I reach
, to, to a1riI.e a t ; 1 Tar~sr:~gatii, a. disobedient.
to c n ~ n eto pass. Ta~rsi,v. to take care of; to nurse;
' J ' ; I I I crrlr*.~ ~ , sc.lclon~. t o obscrve, to keep (as a com-
TH!11):1o, v . 10 fi>rl~i~l. nln~ltl); redup. tausiusi ; pass.
'I':i~rpafi,v. to st~1111)le a3 if fillli~lq. , tilusia.
Ta~rljan, L,. to count out in eclllal 'r%risi'uai'u, s. tllc top 1,r;rnches.
sl~nrc,s. 1 ?'ii~~si'.usi'u,v. to l~allgon the top
T a l l i ~ : , l ~ t u o s. l ~ ~about
l ~ , nioc in the I hranc.hes.
nlornir~g. 1 TSllsilusi'uga, s. the extremity of a
T ~ I ~ ~ ; I I7..I ; to \ u ~, e r s e r m r . I;III(~ ; tlrc end of a spccch.
i , v to s t i c to c I . T;~usili,7.. to clin~b.
Taul)~,,(1. to s \ v i ~ ~ g .
' ~ ~ I s. I ~a S ~\ V ~ IICI W'~ ~ ~ ,
,lnrrl'i, 77. to cr~gi~gc, 111 c~c3rli~ill
I., 'I'auzinio, 7:. to race.
I : ~ ~ ~ s i ~ ~s.i oagri~cc.
gilln(,s 7';11rpisi, v. to strive after, to per8e-

on t l ~ rt11.ntl1ot' n cl~irf. rt,rc in ; to follow up, to llold on

Tnlll"nn, s. ~i1111cs il11t1 jcastir:g 011 ( to (as n report, &c.)
t\lr (I(at11ot' a chief. ' TRIIPO;I, S. a burden carried on a
, J irl~llG,
I s . a 11ig11tnttuc,k.
stic,k \)y two.
Tansoa, v. to carry a burden be- Tautatau, s. one who sits with the
tween two. '1 tatooer.
Taustla, v. to lolie, to jeer; lo e n Taute, v. to eat, (o~ilyused to the
dravor to raise (as by a lever).

Tauruai. v. to stanll~le forward : Tautefateia, I
highest cliiefs).

also of the mind, to be stumbled. Taut-vateta v. to stagger.

v. to jest using bad Tauti, v. to h:lng the water bottles

Taiita, s. a lardsman.
on to trees in order to cdtch rail.-
T a u t i , s. a l o l ~ gstick for driving ; Tarlti~l~a, v. to exhort.
animals or fowls rrom the house. I Tautina'ava,
Taut;, u. to Esh with a large !let, Tautinatoa 1
driving thc fish into it by s t ~ i k i r ~i gT i r ~ t i t ~ v.
see T I N A T ~ A .
o , to hang near tlre body
the water ; to keep bacl~,to hold i of the tree (as fruit).
back by pr~rsuasion. I _ v. to dcclare plain1y.
Tauta.4ini11, s. a t ( ~ p u iimprec t' ' Tauto, v. to take an oath, to swear.
I'autai, s. a searnnn ; a fisherlnan ; i
In' i Ta~rto'ai, v. to run agaiust (as a
blind man does).
a stcersma~~. 1' Tautoo, v. to urge on a canoe with
Tautau, v . to Iiwng 1111 ; pass. tau- a pole; to crtt up breadfruit for
tnuina and tautaulia. masi.
. Ta'uta'u, s a sq~tall. Tkutootoo, v . to walk with a- stick
Ta6uta'u, v. to mention, to tclL (as a sick person).
I'autaulaga, s. a hook to hallg things Tautoga, s. an oath.
on. Tautoma, see F E ~ M A ' I .
Tautafa, see TA'UTA'U. Tautomua, v. to come first. .
Taiitaga, s. a canoe carrying a load Tautomuli, v. to come last.
of taro. Tautonu, v . to come right, to come
Tautagata, s. the people of an aitu, direct to a party.
(applied to a family). See AI- Talrtii, s. a large block of coral
NAGA. iri t l ~ csea ; the stick iuto which
Tautagata, v. to count people in the pigeon's perch is tlt~.ust; the
order to apportion out food. joiniug a t the end of the planks of
Tiutagilta, v. to find people athome; a canoe.
to fall in with (as troops in war). Tautu, s. tl? name of a fish.
Tautala, v . to talk ; redup tautala- Tautii, v . to attempt to.stand; to
tala: recipr. fetautalatala'i ; pnss. stand straight out (as aso which
tautalagia. do not b:!nd to the shape of the
Tautalaga, s. tlie speech of a tulu- house).
fale. TGutrl, s. a method of fishing.
Eutalagia, v. to be spoken against. Tiutii, v. to keep the n~usquitocur-
Tautali, v. to follow after. tain hanging u p ; to repeat the
Tautama, a. concer~~ing chiefs. same thing over and over again.
Tautapa, v. to shout the praises of Tar~tua,s. a servartt ; the basket for
a chief and his bride. keeping fly-fislrhooks in.
Tautasi, v. to hang one alone (as a Tautua, v. to serve, to take care of.
single nut): to be olle alone (as , Tautuao, v. to rise and pass over
the egg or young pigeon, or an (as clouds).
only child). Tautuitaliga, v. to tun1 away tliz
194 TAUT
ear from hearing, to refuse to l'afailautolo, s. the edge of the en-
listen. garcane leaf; a calm in the mcm-
Tiutu6i,v. to insinuate an impreca- ing succeeded by wind.
tiou. Tafao, s . the fetid flower of the teue.
Tautuu, v. to carry off, to clear off Tafao, v. to walk about, to take a
(as a quantity of things taken in walk ; pl. tafafao ; redup. tafa-
different lots). tafao.
Tautufala, s. the name of a fish. Tafao, v. to perform an operation
Tautuluaga, s. the l~alf,midway. sin~ilarto circumci~ion,(euphem.
Tiutupe, v. to take place. for t e j ) ; to hammer or strike the
Taututa, v. to rebound (as an axe fuo

or spear from hard wood). Tafaoata, s. the dawn.

Tiuvaa, v. to sit with the carpenters Tafaoga, s. a walking about,a walk.
who are building a canoe. Tafafa, a. four-sided.
Tiiuvaa, s. the owner of a canoe un- Taf%g.n, s . a bonito fishing canoe.
der the rare of a fisherman. Tafaga. v. to be clear of trees ; to
Tauvae, s. anklets. smell of pork. .
Tiuvae, v. to hang on to the feet T-afagafaga, a. thrown open (as a
(as nuts picked by stealth, so as house wiih all the polu drawn up);
to prevent the noise of their fall- open, clear (as a place in the bush
ing). without trees) ; smelling of pork.
Tiiuvai, s. the conductor over a tor- Taf'agaloa, a. open, clear of trees ;
rent or to an inland lake. ~ e d u ptiifagaloloa.
Tiuvao, s. he who directs the seuga; Tiifale, v . to go from house to house
one who is accustomed to the on any business ; to commence
bush. building atler the wood has been
Tauvale, a. to come ir~opportunely. prepared in the bush, (of canoes
Tiiuvale, u. blind, (a respectful term). and houses).
Ta'uvalea, v. to be badly reported ; Tafani, s . the name of e portion of
to be wrongfully reported. the tatooing.
Tauveve, s. an oven maker, a cook, Tafani, v. to divide off pieces of
(a term of reproach). food so as to leave the original
Tafa. s . a gash, an ir~cision; the joint small.
side of a hill. Tafano, v. to make short stages on
Tafa, v . to cut, to gash, to scarify; a journey.
redup. t a b taf'a. Tafasi, v . to split open ; to break
Tafa, v. to dawn ; pl. tatafa. off (;IS branches); to lance (as the
Tafi, s. a battle field. grrms).
Taf?i, s. those privileged to sit on Tafatafa, s. the side.
Tafatafa, v. to cut in many placer,

the right ntld left hand of a titled
chief. to make many incisions in tbe
Tafa6ia,v . to get before another in flesh.
swimmir~gin the surf; to circum- Tafatafa6ilagi, s. the horizon.
vent another by getting his wife. Tafatafao, see TAPAO.
Tafaifasia, \ v. a word of apology Tafktafiilauniu, s. a species of -1
Tafaifesia J when about to disagree found on cocoanuts.
with a former speaker ; also when Tiifatmi, a. one-sided, unitcd in OW
about to administer reproof. (as a title held by one) ; applied
Tafdilal1td0, see PLWGATALA. also to the heart, the government
TAG 195
T ~ f a t 6 s.
, a prrper~dicularsteep, (as Tifitonunu, s. the chiefs at the head
seen from above). of a nunu.
Tnfatolu, s. the name of a weed. Tafoa, v. to break the edge (as of a
Tafidtolu, a. three-sided. tool).
Tab~tii,s. a steep Tkfoe, v. to cut paddles.
place. (as seen fro111below). 'I'afo'i, v. to return.
Tafatua, s. the back portion of a T a f d a , v. to be sl~oal,to have a
fish. sandbauk.
Tafatna'ese'ese, v. to be divided in Tafolii, s. the whale.
opiniou. Ta-folo, s. a preparation of bread-
Tafatuahatasi, v. to be of one n~iild. fruit pounded : (so called on Tu-
Tafe, v. to flow, to run down ; pl. tuila instead of taufalo).
tatafe ; puss. tafea ; dimin. tat'e- Tafu, v. to make up the fire.
tafe. Tafu, s. the god of fortune; fortune,
Tafea, v. to be carried away (as by luck : a*, 0 le tufu le mea.
n flood) ; to be banished. Tiifua, v. to beat a mat rolled up as
Tatbaqa, s. exiles i n war: a drum preparatory to cornmellc-
Tafrt'e, irtlerj. I k a r ! I am afraid ! ing the dance.
Tiftya, s. a I'I-~~11, a flow of a river. Tafua, s. a common man, (an abu-
Tafelalo~t~aa,v. to have a small sive term).
flow. Tafua, v. to cut timber without ask-
Tafetinoivai, v. to flow in the river ing permission.
bld. Tafue, s. a skipping rope.
Tafi, v. to brush, to sweep; tc, Tafue, v. to beat.
stlave ; to pluck cocolrnuts by Tafu6e,s. the part of the tree just
jerking or sweeping them off; to above the gtound.
rirlve away. Tafi~efue,v. to be shaken by tlie
Tafi, s. a razor. wind (as leaves of trees).
Tatio, s. certain timbers of a large Tafula'i, s. a large fire to burn rub-
canoe ; the bo~ics of a strong bish.
nl an. Tafuli, v. to turn over (as a stone,
Tafili, v. to fly the pigeon; to go &c.) ; redup. tafulifuli.
about on Inany errands. Taf'ultl, v. to work quickly.
Tatilitainlai, v. to keep near a t Tifuna, s. a rocky place in the sea.
hand. Tiifuna, v. to strike accidentally (as
Tafitafi, v. to sweep, to brush. in throwing a stone).
Tafitatiituar~iu,v. to brush up clean; Tafuna'i, v. to gather together a s
to clcar a piece of land. clouds to leeward.
Tafiti, v. to be restive, to struggle, Tafu~~a'iga, s. a gathering of clouds
to twist about; redup. tafitititi. to leeward ; hard words heaped
Tatiti, v. to somers;~ult. Tafuti, s. tllc name of a fish.
Tafito, s. the end of a tree or post Tiga, s. the shark's stomacll ; a bag.
nearest the ground ; the penis, Taga, v. to have the restriction re-
the part nearest the body. moved from things that had been
Tafitoipou, s. the end of a post near- prohibited to be ilsed.
est the ground. Tiiga, s. a cutting or felling of wood;
TafitoLulu,s. the root end o f a bread. a markiug of the tittoo; the rno-
fruit trw. tion of the llands 111 ddncing.
Taca'ai, s. the crop of a bird ; the nlily after family (as on receiving
stomach (by way of reproof). news of many slain).
Tagai, see TAAI. ragisa'i, v. to complaia of a person
Taga'i, v. to shew off a new dress as having caused the death of an-
by wearing it ; to light the even- other.
ing fire. T'agillga, s. prayers ; imprecations.
Tagaisii, v. to be ~rivilegedto use Tigita, sce TU~TTAGITA.
things forbidden to others. l'egitau, v. to call for war.
Tagau, s. the name of a fish. ragitagi, s. a y o u ~ ~parroquet
g ;a
Tarau, v. to suck the breast; to bell.
break the ti'a ofthe one who loses Trgitiit.GtGvae, z7. to cry and stamp
the game in trrgiiti'a. with tlie feet.
Tagafa, v. to have uumerons off- I'iigitofu, v. to bleed from the nose
spriug and family col~uections and ears after diving ; puss. tagi-
widely spread about. torua.
Tagiimimi, s. the bladder. Fagitu'i. v. to cry and beat thebbody.
Tagata, s, man, mankind. Fagitului, v. to ask for additional
Tigatai, v. to warn. See LAPATA'I. pay or a larger share of food.
Tagataela, s. a prosperous man. Fagivale, v. to cry without cause,
Tagataotaua, s. a captive. to be fretful; to beg for more
Tagataga, s. a net to hold the trum- than he has a right to.
pet shell or water bottles ; the Tago, v. to take hold of, to feel ;
buoy of the bait for flying fish. pl. fetagofi ; redup. tatago ; pass.
Tagataga'i, v. to look out, to look tagolia ; dimin. tagotago.
out for; to look about after dia Tago'au, see TAGOTAUA.
ease of the eyes, (a respectful Tapogiitaua, s. the seeking of troops;
term). the party coming t.o seek troops.
Tagatagalt, see TAGAU. Tagole, v. to ransack, to pull about
Tagatitanua, s. men of the place, and pry into the property of ano-
residents. ther ; redup. tagolegole. See $31-
Tagatalluu, s. a common man. G0I.E.
TEpEtiea,s. the name of a game. Tigo!ima, v. to have plenty.
Tigatoi, see LETAGATOI. Tigosumu, s. a method of fishing.
Tagiivai, s. an emblen~ in war, a Tagosnsu, s. the chicken-pox.
war device used by certain privi- l'iigoiaua, v. to seek assistance in
Iegcd persons. war.
Tagege, a. tough. Ta~otago,v. to take hold of lightly.
Tagi, v. to cry ; to chirp; to bcl- Tiigotago, v. to grope the wa .
figorto) ; pl. fetagisi ; pass. La- a falling tree).
low ; to contplain ; to sit~g(the Tagulu, v. to resound (as a bow or
gisia. I'iigulu, v . to snore.
TaaiLa'a,s. the name of a shellfish. Tagutu, s. a stump of a tree or a
Tagi'a'au, v. to cry after (as some tooth ; a short jabbly wave ; re-
one who has gone). dup. tagutogutu.
Tagiaue, v. to wail. Tala, s. a tale, a narration ; news :
Tagifale, v. to weep with closed a tliorn; the barb of a spear; the
houses. round end of a house ; a s p i e r
Tagilaue, v. to wail (of many). of gull.
Tagiliiuloa, v. to cry all along, fa- Tula, 2'. to tell, to rclate; to untie- ,
Tala, v. passive of tatala. Talali, v. to blaze, to crackle.
Talae, s. the name of a tish. Talalo, s. a song with clapping of
Talai, v. to adze. Iiands.
Tala'i, v. to narrate ; redup. talata Talaloa, v. to whistle as they fly
la'i. along (as birds) ; to talk as they
Tiila'i, s. the name of onc kind o walk along (as a company of wo-
net. men).
Tiila'i, v. to proclaim. a , long and loose (as a
' K l a l ~ ~a$.
'l'alaia, v. (a pass. of tatnla), to bc garment).
relieved of sickness. Talamau, v. to hold firmly, to stick
Tilaia, v, to be pricked ; redup. ta. to an opinion.
latalaia. Talamoli, s. a thorn of the orange
TalaGiutuutu, v. to take a canoc ,tree.
along by the beach. Tiilamu, v. to chew ; to eat, (in
Talaoso, v. to be in a hurry to tel abuse).
without knowing correctly. Talana'i, v. to leave a canoe half
Tiilau, a. ten score, (in counting drawn up on the beach ; to take
nuts). the luggage, &c., from the canoe
Talau, v. to grow luxuriantly after 6 into some house just for a time.
drought ; to make a noise (as s Talanoa, v. to chat ; to talk non-
number talking together). sense ; ~ e d u p talatalanoa.
Tala'n<ula, v. to make unwarrantec T-alanoa, v. to boast, to brag.
requestY ; to make vain boasts Talanoaga, s. chatting, conversa-
(chiefly applied in answer to s tion.
person so doing). Talapepelo, s. a lie.
Tiilaulau, adv. luxuriantly, greatly Talisa, s. the remains of a crop of
increasingly, &c. breadfruit.
Talausui, v. to make much out of a Talasamusamu. s. one kind of gull.
little, to exaggerate. TRlasua, v. to tell a secret jeeringly.
l'alauto, v. to lay down the uto fol Talatanalii. s. bad news concerning
flying fish. a chief.
Talafs, s. a hairy face. Talatila, s. a disease of the head.
Talafaaoti, v. to tell everything ( o t i . 'I'alatala, v. to converse ; to relate.
all, as in Tonga) against a per- Talatala, v. (from tutala), to untie,
son. to unloose ; to increase beyond
Talataatupua, s. traditionary tales. the bou~ids(a8 a tciwn).
Talafalu, s. the name of a tree. I'iilatala, u. ~rickly; rough.
'l'aiat'itai, s. the seacoast, the land Talatala'i, v. to tell what was hid-
, near the sea. den.
Talatili, v. to talk against, to mur- ralatalao, v. to cackle (as a hen):
mur against. to scold.
Talat'll, s. tlre cooking place in a ri1latal5moa, s. one species af the
large canoe. ifi.
Talaga, s. the undoing ; a relating; ralatalanoa, v. to relate ; to take it
a l s o see Foso. easy, to be living at ease.
Talale~l,v. to act against the rules ralatalati~si,v. to relate each parti-
of s e l l g o ; to commit ally wrong. cular.
Talitlrfaiaei, v. to reinstute a people ralatii, v. to undo and let go (as
i n their own I,~nd. thc sheet of a sall, a fislling line,
&c.) ; to relate everything against Tuligape'a, s. a stage in tlie growth
a person so as to cause him to of the i j next to tuliga'imou.
leave. Talirnalo, v. to receive guests.
Tilati, v . to boast of power, &c., Taliniatii, v . to wipe dry (as dishes).
a r ~ dnot have it. Talisela, s. a belt worn to prevent
Talatuu, see UPUTUU. gettin,: oilt of breath.
Talatupua. see TALAFAATUPUA. rilisua, :.. :o have supper.
Tiilavale, v . to tell tales of not being ralit;, z . ..he club used as a shield.
fed. or of being badly treated. I'alitCi, 2;. ;o s!xield off blows.
Talavalu, s. one kind of war club. ralitali, .-. ;' 2 Jabble from the re-
Tale, s. a co11g11. bound ;: . e waves or1 the iron-

Taletiti, v . to tl~rowa somersault. b o u ~ ~s dl i r . , ;~ the shelf or frame

TZilele, v . to break a cocoanut, re- on whic: the sleeping mats are
jecting the liquid for the sake of placed by !.ay.
the kernel ; to escape swiRly (as Talitalia, see 1.C :TALITALIA.
the bonito). Tilitalia, see LET~LITALIA.
Tilepapa, v. to bury tlie dead. Talitaliuli, s. the pilot fish; one who
Tali, s. an answer; food given tc follows in the train of another.
visitors. Talitaliuli, see TALIULI.
Tali, v . to answer : to wait for ; tc Talitalinoa, v. to wait uselessly.
receive ; to receive (as food in thf Talitiilitii, v . to wait for.
stomach); pass. talia and talitalia Talitane. s. a harlot.
1.ecipr. fetalia'i. Tiilito'ai, v. to be nearly come.
Tili, adv. nearly. See TAI. Talito'ai, \
Talito'asi V. to answer saucily.
Taliaga, v . to lie on the back.
Talialaina, v . to lie in wait for. l'alitua, v . to have the back to, to
Tilialoga, s . a cliief's meal. be go1 e
Taliava, v . to stand at an opening Talo, s. an edible root, (taro, arum
in the reef in order to assist a ca, esculentum).
noe entering. Tilo, v . to beckon, to make signs to
Talie, s. tlie name of a tree (a spe go on ; to wave a piece of tutuya
cies of almond). over the dead, begging him to
Tilieulii, s. a kind of talie fron take calamities and diseases with
which necklaces are made. him ; to fan.
Taliefoagia, s. a species of talie t h ~ Taloa, s. ihe garboard streak of a
fruit of which is eaten. carloe.
Taliofo, s. the one who answers th' TGloli, v . to pluck fruit with the lou.
ofo. Talouli, v . to put a small taro on to
Ta~iuli,v. to steer without assistin! the end of a spear, to indicate tbe
to pull ; redup. talitaliuli. wish to wound the enemy.
Taliuta, s. those who wait for th Talofa, interj. my love ! or I love I
landing of a canoe. (a form of salutation) ; an expres-
T-alifiti, v . to wait for presents. sion of sympathy, pity, or aor-
Taliga, s. the ear ; a receiving. row ; also a denunciation ;aq Oi
Tkljga, s . a spc,cirs of tnl-o; fool tolofu !
taken to visitors by the younl s. a pl~tntationheld in
people. a common.
Taliga'imoa, s. a stage in the growtl Talosaga, s. a praying.
of tiic 51;; a species of toadstool Talosia, v. passive of tatalo.
Talotalo, see TATALO. Tamass, s. the children of a sistet
Talotaloga, s. prayer. See TA~IAFAFINE.
Talotasi, s. one taro and one fish Tarnatama'ilima, s. fingers.
taken by each woman to visitors. Tamatama'imata, s. the pupil of the
Talu, ado. since. eye.
l'iilu, prep. on account of, through ; Tamatama'ivae, s. toes.
redup. talutalu. Tamatane, s. a boy ; the son of a
Talus;, v. to bring evil on otters. woman.
Talutalu, s. the young trees grown Tgmate, v. to kill, (as trees and
u p where there had been a plant- animals).
ation. Tamo'e, v. to nln.
T-alutalu, see TALU. Tamole, s. the name of a weed.
Tama, s. a child: a boy; a wo- Tang, v. to shame another by telling
man's offsprillg of either sex and his faults : to say or do what will
any age ; a chief. cause oneself shame.
T a m i , s. a father. Tana'i, v. to overload ; to put too
Tama-a-aiga, s. a person of large much in an oven ; to'go to excess
family connections. in quarrelling. See PANA'I.
Tama-a-le-eleele, s. a chiefwho rules Tanafa, v. to beat the drum; to
supreme over his land. talk incessantly.
Tama-alii, s. a chief's son ; a chief. Tanana, v. to make a beating noise
Tarna'i, s. the young of animals or (as a number of soldier crabs) ;
plants ; bad news, a message of to talk incessantly.
ill tidings. Tanr, s. a disease of the skin ; the
TiimaLi,s. luck : good fortune : as, stain of 'uva.
0 do tnatou tamu'i ua mutou mau Tiine, s . a nian, a male.
atu, kc. Tanea, v. to be stained with 'uva.
Tama'i, v. to beat, to abuse ; pass. Fatlea, v. to be full of handsome
tama'ia. men ; to have known a man car-
Tama'ima'i, v. to be ill; to have a nally.
scarcity; to be small in quantity
or deficient in quality.
Tama6ima'i, v. to delight in, (the
opposite to tu'ino'iao).
Tama'ita'i, s. a lady ; an abscess in
l'ariesupa 1
ranemoo, s. the different kinds of
the disease called tune.
I'anetane,~. the name o f a shrub.
ranetanea, v. to be full grow11 (as
the armpit. the 'uva plant).
Tamaoaiga, v. to be rich, to have I'iniu, v . to cut down cocoanuts for
abundance. spears or for timber.
Tamahfine, s. a daughter of a WO- E n i u , s. a bad ti'a.
man ; tire children of a sister. ranifa, s. a large species of shark.
Tamala, s. the name 01' a fish. ranifatea, s. a variety of the tunga;
Tamtila, v. to 111oderate(as tlie wind a licentious wornan.
and waves, sickness, anger, &c.); I'al~o,v. to have a disgust a t food:
redup. tamalamala. to be distasteful (as one kind of
Tamalii, o. to burn dimly. food eaten co~~stantly).
Tanliloa, s. a man, (a term of fa- Tano, v. to call over names and ti-
miliarity). tles ; to leave a speech unanswer-
Tamanu, s. the llanle of a tree. ed and i ~ ~ t r o d u canother
e subject;
Tamanr~,11. to make the pigeol~fll~t- 11nss. tnnon.
Tinoa, s. the 'ava bowl ; a dish, a rapatele, v. t6 ask for what oneThes
plate. no right ; to ask for what is diffi-
Tanu, v. to bury ; pl. tatanu; pass. cult to graut, and to,which one
tanua and tanumia. has no claim.
'I'anuuli, a . covered with smut ; l'apati, v. to clap the hands.
blackened ; unscraped (as taro ripens, v. to carry off load by load;
baked with the skin on). to stow away. See LA'IJ, Tar.-
Tanuga, s. a burying. TUU.
Tanumali, v. to cover u p with ; to rapepe, see TOPEPE.
cover up closely (as a person in a rapi, v. to wipe, to wipe u p ; spec.
shivering fit); to bury in oblivion, de muliebr. p~idend.; redup. tapi-
to conceal ; redup. tanuta~~uma'i. tapi.
Ti~numaga,s. the part buried (as of rapii, v. to close the eyes, (a jesting
a post). term).
Tanutanu, s. the name of a fish. rapigaLese,v. to act different1 from
Tapa, s. an agreement to exchange
others ; to act independent y.
rapili, s. a fan to blow the fire with;
Tapa, v. to beckon with the palm of bellows.
the hond inclining towards the rapili, v. to fan the fire.
body, signifying to come. l'apisa, v. pl. to laugh.
Tapaau, s. cocoanut leaf mats; a rapo, zee SAPO.
chief (so called because he sits on l'ap6, s. the name of a net.
a tnpamu a t a fono). rap6, v. to fish a t night with the
Tapai, interj. oh that ! had it only tap6.
been. rapon, v. to put in the posts of a
Tapau, v. to cut to the exact length, house.
Tiipafua, v. to call to, to address, ripola, s. a white crab. See TAU-
(in spfaking to a high chief). PO1.A.
TSipala, v. to dye the titi in the Tipolaipu, j, s. varieties of the tii-
swamp ; to be rotted. Tipolasina j pola.
Tapa'aoa, s. a native remedy f o ~ Tapona, v. to strike the loser in ta-
choking. gati'a a certain number of blows;
Tapale, adv. constantly ; as, Ua ' a to reprove.
tupale. Taponaga, s. the beating alter the
Tipale, v. to play at tapalega ; tc game of tayati'u.
break up firewood with quick11 Tapoto, v. to sirike cleverly with t h e
. repeated blows ; to strike on ever; club ; to make a tel1it.g speech.
side, to knock about. Tapu, v. to make sacred ; redup.
Tlpalega, s. a game played in thc taputapu.
water, similar to hocky and shint! Tapua, s. tlie long entrance of a
on land. cage or fieh trap.
Tapapa, a. to cover or shut in wit1 TapuaLi,v. to abstain from work and
planks. t o sit success or pro-
Tapasu, v. to strike a heavy blow. tection (as during war or the pro-
Tapatapa, v. to oil the body exces gress of adangerous disease, &c.);
sively ; to have a disease, a kin( adupt,ed to srgnify to worship:
of leucorrhoea. redup. taputapua'i.
Tapatapalalii, v. as tlie above ; re Tapuii'iga, s. lands which did not
dull. tapatal)diilala. ellgage in war, but served aa a
TAT 20 1
refuge to those who fled ; adopt- Tasi, adv. very.
ed to signifl Christian worsliip. Tgsina, s. a striped siopo.
Tapualaga~~a'i, s. the fish called la- Tasisi, v. to draw up (as the pola of
l u j in its third stage of growth. a house) ; to drive away.
Tapuamili, s. one kind of banana. Tasoni, v. to chop.
Tapu'e, v. to heap up earth (as Tata, s. the figurehead of a canoe ;
around the yam) ; to catch. a siapo rubber.
Tapui, s. anything hung up to de- Tata, v. to jerk off, to pluck with
note trees made sacred. violence.
Tapui, v. to proh~bit from picking Tat:, s. the wooden baler of a ca-
the fruit by hanging the tc~pfiito noe.
the tree. Tat:, v. to bale o u t ; to be relaxed
Tapuitea, s. the evening star. (as the bowels); to speak rapidly;
Tapuituaina, v. to be dead. to cover u p with leaves iu order
Tapu'u, s. a short ti'((. to keep dry.
Tapulaa, s. the boundary in the Tata, S. sweat.
game of tologa; laws and cove- Tiiti, v. to flap the wings.
nants ; the name of a shellfish. Tataa, v. (pl. of tau), to go a t large.
Tapulima, s. the wrist, the hand Tatae, v. to gather u p rubbish by
from the wrist. all the families.
Tapulu, s. the part of the tatooing Tata'e, v. to be crilcked.
made all black. Tata'i, v. to lead (as a sick man) ;
Tiipulu, v. to get gum from trees by to drag along (as the lauloa) ; to
incision. lead a quarrel to others, to io-
Tapumiti, s. the name of a shell- volve.
fish. Tatao, v. to press, to squeeze ; t o
Tapuna, s. a parasitic plant. put under a weight; to lie in
Tiipuni, v. to shut. ambush.
Tapupu, a. to talk quickly ; to Tiitao, s. a stick to strike down
breathe qrrickly ; to do anything spears with.
quickly. Titao, v. to cut spears ; to ward off
Taputapu, v. to make sacred. spears.
Tiputapugagana, v. to be forbidden Tatau, s. a pennant, a flag to a ca-
tospeak. . noe ; tatooing.
Taputu, v. to speak rapidly; ~ e c i p r . Tatau, a. alike ; right, proper ; fit.
fetaput~ra'i; redup. raputuputu. Tatau, v. to fight two together, to
Tapuvae, s. tile foot fioln the ankle. fight a duel.
Tapuvaelinun, v. to walk briskly Tatau, v. to strain out, to wring
from being accustomed to the out ; to milk. See Tjlv.
road. Tata'u, v. plural of ia'u.
Tapuvaetzsi, s. roads meeting in Tataf'i, s. the net for catching fa.
one. Tatafa, v. (pl. of tafa), to dawn.
Tasele, v. to strike in the belly with Tatafe, v . plural of tafe).
a club ; to strike the mat drum Tatafi, v. to clear and weed a piece
with rapid s t ~ o k e s ;to turn the of land; to wash the hands (of
skipping rope ~uickly. chiefs).
Tasele, see I:AU~ILO. Tataga, see TAGA.
Tasetu, see TA'ETU. Titigase, s. perspiratio~i, sweat,
Tasi, u. one. (used chiefly of that caused by a
paroxysnl of pain, or of one near Tava, s. the name of a tree.
death). Tavaa, v. to cut out a canoe.
Tatagi, s. the call or note of the Tavae, v. to strike the feet.
munutagi. Tava'e, s. the name of a bird.
Tatagi, v. to til~kle; to ring ; to Tavai, s. the name of a tree.
sound as a wooden drum. Tavao, v. to cut timber for building
TGtagia, s. the name of a tree. and leave it in the bush.
Tatago, v. to seize, to lay hold of. Tavaii, s. a species of leech.
Tatila, v. to untie, to u~rloose; re- Tavale, v. to cut a tree on the
dup. talatala. boundary ; to cut wood without
Tatali, v. to wait for. measuring it; to speak without
Tatalo, v. to pray ; pnss. talosia ; thought.
redup. tillotalo. Tavani, see TAFANI.
Tatama, v. to have chickens in (as Tavasa, v. to ploy the game of ta-
eggs). gati'a between two villages.
Tatanu. v. olural
r a
of tanu. Tavaskga, s. a match of tugutica
Tatapa, v. plural of tapa; also see between two villages.
TAPATAPALALALA. Tavatava, s. the name of a fish.
Tatapi, v. plural of tapi. Tavataviimauu, s. the name of a
Titapuvae, s. a long robe reaching shrub.
to the ankles. Tavava, s. an opening between the
Tgtkia, s. the name of a tree. planks of a canoe or timbers of a
Tiitatau, v. to mark the tatooing. house not fitting properly: the
Titiitia, see TATAGASE. wide opening between the thighs
Tatatino, see TATINO. of a .thin person.
Tidtuli, v. to tap the knee ; to cau- Tavave, v. to strike quickly.
tion ; to intercede. Tavio, v. to send forth a bad odour.
Tatea, a . strewed about on the Tavinavina, see VINA.
ground from abundance (as fruit). Tavoi, v. to do a thing anyhow.
Tatele, v. to apply a speech to all ; Te, a particle used before verbs in
to fish for palolo on the great day the future, and oblique casea of
of it. the pronouns.
Tiitelega, s. the great day (2nd) of TG,v. to be split open (as chestnub.
palolo. &c., and beginning to grow, or
Tatino, see TA'UTINO. cooked banana bursting from L
Tatipi, v. to cut, to slash. skin) ; redup. tEtG.
Tiitii, a. light, giddy (of the con- Te'a, s. the name of a game.
duct). Te'a, v. to be away from; to be
Tatii, v. to cut long 'aso of a house ; clear of, to be rid of; to be wean-
to stamp with the feet. ed ; pl. tete'a.
Tatuu, v. to cut down (as a tree) ; Teane, conj. although, even al-
to let down (as the cocoanut though. #

screens of a house). Teatea, s. the name of a fish.

Tiitula'i, v. to cut down young trees Teatcavale, v. to be pale (as from
leaving the stumps standing. sickness or fear.
Titupu, s. a shoot or sprout of a Tee, s. a prop.
tree ; a sucker. Tee, v. to prop up ; redup. teetee.
Tatitii, v. to stamp, to kick with Teela, s. a pole to keep out the mil
impatience. when running before the wind.
TEE TIA ':03
Tcena, v. to refuse ; to reject; to Tenininini, a word used only in fa-
oppose. gono, its mcaniog unknown.
Te'enaLi, v. tr, refuse ; to reject. Tepa, v. to look towards; pl. te-
Tei, s. a younger brother or sister. tepa.
Te'i, v. to startle ; pl. tEte6i; redup. Tete. v. to shake, to quake (as with
te'ite'i. fear, cold, &c.)
Teioe, s. R girl. Tetea, s. a white-skinned native, an
Teisi, adv. in a short time, for a lit- albino.
tle space ; somewhat. Tetea, a. light colored : as, le niu
Tell, s. adornings. teteu.
Teu, v. to adorn ; to put in order ; Tetee, v. to refuse ; to reject ; to
to put away ; pl. teteu ; puss. oppose ; pass. teena.
teua ; redup. teuteu. Tete'i, see SESE'I.
Teu'ese, s. false hair. Tete'i, v. to distend the musquito
Truga, see TEU. curtain with sticks.
Tefa, v. to stumble sideways ; pl. TEte'i, v. plural of te'i.
tetefa ; ~ e r l u ptelitefa.
. Teteu, see TEU.
Tefi, v. to perform an operation on Tetega, v. to be paincd in the arm
lads similar to circumcision. See or leg ; to be angry with.
TAYAO. Tetele, a. plural cf tele.
Tega, s. the thigh ; the upper part Tetele, v. to shave; to clear (as a
of the arm. cocoanut of fruit, dry leaves, &c.,
Tegalima, s. the upper part of the or a breadfruit tree of young and
arm. useless branches) ; to rub quickiy
Tegivae, s. the thigh. (as when the wood is about to ig-
Tege, v. to swell up, to puff up (an nite).
arrowroot when mixed, as a fat Tetemu, v. to tremble, to quake.
man, or a dead body ; redzip. te- Teteva, s. a blighted banana, stunted
tege, tegetege. and small.
Telatrlii, &. bad tempered ; (used TEtevn, v. plural of tetta.
on Upolu). Teva, v. to depart in displeasure : to
Tele, s. a plane. die ; pl. teteva ; redup. tevateva.
Tele, a. great ; many ; plentiful ; Tevateva, v. to be constantly leav-
large ; pl. tetele ; inlens. teletele. ing in anger.
Tele, v. to plane. Teve, s. the name of an acrid plant
Telea'i, v. to run quickly. theroot of which culprits are made
Teletua, a. stark ~ ~ n k e d . to bite as a punishment.
Telegese, s. the name of a star. Tevemanu'a, s. a species of teve.
Telegese, a. very slow.
Ti, s. the plant from the leaves of
which girdles are made (dreecena
Telenoa, see TELEFUA. tern~inalis).
Teletele, v. to be quick, to stepout. Tia, s. the space cleared for pigeon
Temeteme, s. the stock, &c. of the catching.
drill. Ti'a, s. the stick used in tagati'a;
Tenane, see TEANE. the head of a pig after the cheeks
Tene, s. a species of banana. and ears are removed ; a man's
Tene, v. to move the hands about head (in abuse).
(as in dancing); pl. tetene ; re- Tiabi,v. to throw away.
dup. tenetene. Tiale, s. a sow that has lnft off
breeding; the fruit of the pua.
Tiapula, s. the head of the taro for Tilifou
v. to run for life.
repla~iting. See TIGAPULA. ~ilivaagoto, v. to have the canoe
Tiituli, s. tlie name of a plant. sinking with fish, and yet refuse
Ti'e, s. a species of crab which bur- to ~ i v eone to less fortunate fish-
rowing throws up the earth in a ers; to be without love.
mound, one species of the avii. Tilo, s. the innermost sprout of the
Ti'eti'e, v. to sit upoil, to be seated taro.
on somethi~lgabove the ground. Tilornalae, v. to receive a blow in a
Tio, s. tlie name of a shell-fish; one club match which causes to slag-
kind of fly-fishhook. ger and look down to the ground.
Tio, a . sharp-looking (as the eyes); Tilopa, s. a species of ti. '

lively, animated ; 111. titio. Tilotilo, a . straight (as a tree).

Tio, v. to finci fault with, to blame; Tilotilo, v. to peep, to spy; pass.
pl. titio ; pass. tioilla, tioa ; re- . tilofia.
dup. tiotio. Tilotilo. v. to adorn. to set off the
Ti'o, v. to defecate, to go to stool ; person a8 young people do.
pl. titi'o.
Tioa, see LETIOA. ~~~~~~~1
c 7 ,
s. specie; of the ti.
Tioata, s. glass. Timatimaloloa, v . to be lazy and
Ti'otala, s. the name of a bird. sluggish in one's movements.
Tiu, v. to go on a fishing voyage ; Timu. v. to rain.
to place a rat trap. Timu, s. rain.
Ti-ufi, s. a species of ti. Tiniuga
Tiuga, s. a fishing voyage. Tina, s. a wedge.
Ti6ulu 1
Tiu'i, s. species of ti.
Tifa, s. mother-of-pearl.
Tina, s. a mother.
Tina. v,. to split (as with a wedge).
Tina-'au, s. the main body of the
Tifaga, s. jugglery. army.
Tifaoua, s. a species of ti. Tina'tiva, s. a strong wedge : one
Tifi, v. to adorn ; redup. titifi and who causes divisions in a family.
tifitifi. Tinaelega, s. the name of a tish.
Tifiga, s. adornings. Tinai, see TINEI.
Tifitifi, s. the name of a fish. Tinamailo6i,s. a fat sucking pig.
Tigii, s. pain. Tinatoa, see TINA'AVA.
Tiga, v. to be in pain; to be near Tinei, v. to extinguish-(as a fire);
death ; pass. tigaina. to kill ; pass. tineia.
Tigapula, see TIAPULA. Tini, s. shouts of praise on the mar-
Tila, s. the yard of a Samoan sail. riage of a high chief to a virgin
Tilaumaniti, s. a species of ti. lady.
Tilalalo, s. the sprit of a Sarnoan Tinifu, s. those unable to fight
Tili, s. a message sent in haste.
Tinihga ]
(the women, children,
aged, and sick).
Tili, v. to be quick in order to get Tinitinio, s. a shout of victov in
in time; to go a message of life games, boat-racing, and fightlog.
and death ; redup. tilitili. Tinitinio, v. moving from place to
Tili, s. a method of fishing by a place (as a person constantly go-
small net. ing on m a l o p ) ; changing from
Tili, v. to cast the net.
TIN T( )A 205
one to another (as a woman from
one husband to anotl~er).
/ Titoa,
Tivli 1 S. species of the ti.

Tino, s. the body (as of a man, TO,s. the strainer of the ' a v a ; a
beast, tree, canoe, &c.) hole in the earth.
Tino, v . to be bodily present ; to be TO, v . to plant ; to build ; t o open;
ccrtain. to fall (as rain or dew) ; to conle
Tino, an affix to some verbs making upon (as a calamity) : to give ;
them interlsive i n sigr~ificatiol~,
as to give over (as laud); to take
ta'utino, fuutrlitino, &c. down. as to ifo; to remove, a s
Tir~oii,a. tllin (as the body); redup. to 'ese; to be with child, to be
tinotinos. with young ; to srparate ; to take
Tinoagafirlu, a . ten (in counti~lgbo- an oath.
nito. Toa, s. the name of a tree ; a war-
Tino'ese, a. tall ; pl. tino'eLese. rior; a cock.
l'inoiaiga, s. a true fi~niilyconnec- Toa, a. couragcolrs ; pl. totoa.
tion. To'a, v. to strike on a rock, t o
Tinoifili, s. those peculiarly hated. groul~d(as a cartoe) ; pl. toto'a.
Tinoimatagi, s. a strong breeze ; To'a, v. to subside, to settle down ;
great anger. to get hnrd (as cocoanut oil from
Tinou, v . to desire intensely. the cold ; to sleep ( o f chiefs);
Tinogagase, v. to be languid. pl. toto'a.
Tinovale, a. thin, skinny. To'a, a prefix to tlie numerals in
Tipa, v. to glide, to fly or swim on counting persons.
the side with a gliding motion ; To'ai, s. the timbers of a canoe.
redup. tipatipa and titipa. To'ai, v. to go direct t o ; to head
Tipatipa, s. tile name of a shellfish. towards (as a canoe); to arrive at.
Tipi, s. an axe. Toa'i, v. to commit suicide ; to do
Tipi, v. to cut ; to cut up; to hack; a thiug from constraint.
redup. tipitipi, titipi. Toa'ina, s. a11 old man. See TOE*-
Tipolo, s. a lime. INA.

1 s. species of the ti.
Toilfa, s. a tract of land destitute of
trees and covered with fern.
T ~ p u t a ,s. a woman's upper gar- To'afa, a . four (persol~s).
rnel~t,(Tahitian). Toutia, a. three (persot~s).
T i b L e ,v . to break open a cocoanut. ToLafia,udv. how many? (persons).
Titafua, s . a species of the ti. Tfi'aga, s. a planting; a building
Titi, s. a girdle of Ie~ves. (of houses).
'J'iti6e, s. to swell (as tlie belly) ; to TG1aga, v. to be in earnest in doing
be angry. things.
Titio, v. plural of tio. To'aga, v. (from to'a), to be witll ;
Titiso, v. plurdl of ti'o. to be in (as birds frequentir~ga
Titiu, see T I U . certain tree) ; to remain with ; t o
Titifi, see TIPI. settle down witl~.
Titina, v. to strangle, to choke. To'agalauapi, s. a war camp.
Titipa, a. careless, negligent. To'agiimiifitna, s. a chiefs sleeping
Titipaola, a. very careless. place.
Tito, s. tbe name of a sh. To'alauama, a. many persons.
Tito, V . t o fall headlong ; to preci- To'alemu, a. satisfied ; quiet ; a t
pitate. rest.
Toilii, s. the time when the sun be- ted a crime and are awaiting the
gins to shine on tlie tops of the pul~ishme~it).
cocoanuts, being the time when riiialrfala, v. to pass evacuations
cl~iefsleft off work. uncoriscio~~sly.
To6iipaipai, s. a mulo, which is at l'oLialiti, s. the first bonito caught
peace. iu a new canoe.
To'asH, s. a chief's anger. ro'ialo, v. to pass safely to the in-
To'asefi~lu, a. ten (persons). side of the reef.
To'atama'i, see TOASA. Eio, v. to divide a fish into four.
To'atinoagafulu, u. ten (persons). r6'ifale, s. a bastard.
To'ato'a, v. to be begrimed ; to rij'ifale, v . to be with child in
smell of (as of pork). father's family while unmarried.
Toe, s. the last ; a remnant. l'6'ilalo, v. to be conquered, to be
Toe, v. to reii~ainover ; redup. to- subdued.
toe. I'o'ito'iave'a, s. the name of a creep
Toe, adv. agiiin. ing plant.
To'e, s. the sea eel. See Pusr. ro'itua, v. to pass safely to theout-
Toeaiua, s. an old man; an old side of the reef.
dog. Tobo,s. a pole with which to urge
Toelalga, s. the remairls of a meal. on a canoe in the shallow; a
Toeu~uvii,s. the name of a month stick in which is fixed the perch
(February). of the pigeon.
To'egatala, see PUSIGATALA. Too%,s. a railing along the top of
To'elau, s. tlie trade wind. a wall to keep out pigs.
ToLele,v. to reach to the ground, to Tooala, s. diseases of tlre stomach.
be down to the ground. Tooalo, s. one kind of club; tile
To'ele'ele, v. to fall on the ground ; part of the reef on which canoes
(a word used in self abasement are thrown when swamped.
when a favor is conferred, as the Toonlaa, s. an abscens in the foot.
pardon of a criniioal, &c. : Uu Toomaunu, s. hiccough.
to'ele'ele lau pule). Toona'i, s. food prepared before-
Toepalolo, s. the name of a month hand ; Saturday : o 1s aso too-
(August). na'i.
To'ese, v. to commit a fault ; to Toona'i, v. to prepare large quanti-
beg pardon, to apologize, to con- ties of food for cooking ; to eat
fess to being wrong. together the food prepared ; re-
Toese, v. to remove, to take off. dup. tootoona'i.
Toetaulnafa, s. the name of a mc~nth Toona'i, v. to lean upon a stnff; to
(December). lean on anything for support; re-
Toetc~e,s. a small crab. dup. tootoona'i.
Toetoe, udv. almost, nearly. Tooloo, s. a staff, a walking atick.
Toi, s. the name of a tree. Tootoo, s. a method of fishing.
ToLi,s. a liatcliet ; at1 adze. l'ootoo, v. to pull with a slow and
To'ia, v. to be struck (as by a falling steady stroke (as a canoe).
tree, lightning, &c.) Tootii, s. a branching stick atood
To'iaileulia, 1 v. to have a presage up to hang baskets on.
To'iailesC 5 of death (as by a li- Tootuli, v. to kneel.
zard falling on a person it is Tij'u, v. to scold; redup. totoru ;
uscd by lllode who Ilikve ~ulllUllt-
TOG 207
as a verbal noun, o le 'ai to'u, a Tofi, s. an appoiutmeut; an in-
scold. Tofiga { heritance, a patrimony.
Tou, s. the name of a tree, the wood Tiifiloflo, s. the second night of the
of which is used for cork, and the appearance of the laud crab.
berries for paste. Tofo, s. a tempting.
Tou, pron. you, (used before verbs Tofo, v. to taste ; to try; to tempt;
in the future a r ~ dtlie imperative redup. tofotofo.
instead of outou). Tofoga, s. offerings to the priest to
Tou, v . to paste siupo with tou; ascertain the cause of some sick-
pass. toua; redup. totou. ness.
Tobii, s. an adze. Tofono, v . to be in time for a meti1
To'ulu, v , to fall (as a leaf, &c.); to which is being eatell.
fall through (as throcgh a hole in Tofotofo, v . to try ; to tempt.
a basket) ; to brat the mat drum Tofototofoga, s. a temptation.
(3s in the night dance). Tofu, v. to dive ; pl. fetofui ; ~ e d u p .
Toulu, v. to have a blow on the tofutofu.
head (as in a club match). Tofu, a. to be distributed to each.
Toutou, a. having thick substantial to have each a portion, to be all
fat (as pork). supplied ; puss. tofusia.
To'utoLu, v. to cluck, to chuckle (as Tofua, s. a mat made with unpre-
a hen). pnred leaves.
Tofa, s. determination, intention, Tofutofu, v. to dip under repeatedly
something agreed upon. (as the head in bathing).
TOG, o. farewell ! a parting saluta- Tiiga, s. native property consisting
tion. of fine mats and siapo.
TGfa, v. to sleep (of chiefs) ; pl. to- Toga, s. the south wind.
fafa. Toga, s. a grove, a plantation (as of
Tofaga s. the sleeping-place (as of any plant or tree, a s toyii'ulu;
a chief or a pigeon). it differs from ulu, which refers to
TGfale, v . to build houses. the umbrageous tops, while this
Tofaleauga, v . (literally, to build refers to the ground).
houses all around), to desire for Togai, s. the nilme of a tree.
a wife (as wl~enmany arc paying Togiifau, v. to deliberate on.
addresses to a lady); to have ma- Togafiti, s. a scheme, device, means,
ny wives. remedy.
Tofatumoanaina, v . to founder ; to 'Togilauapi, see TO'A~ALAUAPI.
come to an end (as a family). Togiinofo, ZJ. to sit and devise mis-
Tofe, s. the name of a shellfish. chief privily.
To&, s. a precipitous place. Togapulau, s. a handsome man.
Tofe'ula, s. one kind of tofe. . Togiivao, s. a grove of trees.
Tofela~~ifi, s. a large tufe. Togi, v . to carve ; pass. togia ; re-
Tofetofe, s. small tofe. dup. togitogi.
Tofetofea, a. rough (as the body Togi, v . to tlrrow, to cast(as a stone);
with dirt, or a carloe covered wit11 pl. fetogi.
seaweed). Togia, v. passive of toyi and tatogi.
Tofi, v. to split up; to divide ; to Togiola, s. a price for one's life, a
give an inheritance ; pass. tofia, redemption.
tofitofis ; redup. tofitofi. Togimamano, v. to be carved; re-
Toti, s. a cllisel. dup. togimiioumanu.
208 T()G TOL
Togimanua'e, s. the cliestnut whrn Tolo'aano, v. to mix stiff (as arrow-
grown large enough to throw a t root, k c . )
birds. T O ~ ~ I ' Pv.' ~t o. collect, t o gdther to-
Togisala, s. tlie payment of a fine ; @her.
the one who appoints the fine. T6loa1i, s. a brood ; a litter.
Tiigitogi, v. to carve a stick; to Toloag~~lugulu, s. a fat p i g ; a fat
mark a part of the tatoo; to mea- man.
sure off, ( b e c a ~ ~ sthe
e part mea- Toloi, v . to have a smoky taste.
sured was marked with tire adze); Toloia, v. to be ~ c r a t c b e d(aa by
to throw lightly. being tl~rownon the reef).
Togitii, v. to appoint another witll- Toloipalai, s. the crooked body of
out previous consultation. the palai running along under
Togo, s. the name of a t r ~ e . ground.
to go to;^, s. one species of ri. Tolo'ula, s. one kind of sugarcane.
T o y o v ~ o s,. t l ~ evame of a tree. Tolouli, s. a bltght in taro and
Tolili, s. the ll;$rneof a bird. yams.
Tiilaulau, v . to build temporary co- Toloulia, v. to be blighted. .
coaliut-leaf houses on occasion of Tolofia, v . passive of totolo.
tatooirlg, the d e ~ t hof a chief, &c. Tolofiso, s. one speciesof sugarcane.
. Tolela, v. to do allything in a bad, Tolofutlln~~, s. the kind of sugarcane
slovenly manner. the 1-af of which is used h r
Toli, v. to gather (as fruit from high thatch.
trees). TGloga, s. the game of throwing
Tolii, a. close and small (as the 'aso spears a t a mark.
of a house ; a basket neatly made; Tologa, a. enduring ; l ~ n g ~ l i v e d .
cinet fastenings laid on e v e ~ ~ l y ) . Tologa, v. t o send forth a n odour.
Toliu, v. to open interoally (es an Tololi, v. to make a scraping noise.
abscess) ; to recede (as elephan- Tolomati'e, v. to appear above
tiusis to the bowels). g;o~ind (as the top of the palai).
Tolifili, v. to choose what to gather Tolomiti, s. a small bad-co~lditioned
(as fruit). pig.
Tolo, s. the sugarcane; the stick Tolopa, v. to put off, to defer.
to stir round the hot stones in the Tolopa;, v. to give way, to step
arrowroot ; the name of a fish. backward in a club match. &c.
Tolo, s. a point, a pro~nontary; the
crooked body of a yam. I \
Tolapau species of sugare;ne.
Tolo, v. to kGep back, to put off.
to adjourn ; to push forward (as
a net with the fret); to stir round
II Toloto, to get between
enemy's troops; to get into tb
midst (as of a party of chief* &)

the hot stones in the arrowroat : Tolotolo, see TOM.

to dart the spear ill tllc game of Tolotolofa'i, v. to creep o r cn*l
tologu ; rtd~rp.tolotolo. along.
Tolo, v. to singe? to bur11 off the Tolotovae, v. to stand between tba
hairs (as of a p ~ g ) ;pass. toloa. feet of an opponent, by which he
Tolo, v. to kindle a fire by rubbing gets the advantage.
sticks ; pl. totolo. Tolotoi, s. the name of o fish.
Toloa, s. a wild duck ; the name of Tolovae, v. to push on the net with
a cluster of stars. , the feet.
TOL T( )T 2 139
Tcllr,vai, v . to nlix t l ~ Ii (a< ill'ro\v- 1 Topisi, c. to fall rotten I ip?.
rorlt). I Topo'a, 7.: to bt,ar a cl~il(l in 0111
Tolo\-.IIP, s. the first night of the age.
appearalice ot'tlle lard crab. T O ~ I U ' C ~ I7).I ' C
tn, c o , ~ l ci l l l i ~ ~ f f *
'I'o)cl, o. tllree. I sqllalli of w h d ) ; to srizc in fits
Torna, v . to curse. 1 or paroxyrinls (a* itn illt~rss).
Toma, I ! . to give clirectir~na; to ex- 'ruaaga, see F.\.\.r~,s.\c;,a.
llort : redup. tol~~atonta. Tosi, u . to tear in strip<,tl1011gl1not
Tontaaga, s. a begging of n a ~ i v e separated (;IS tl1c3 t i Io;~fi n rnakia g
propel't y.
'T~';mai,s.. promotion.
T i ~ m a ~s.l , lantl not recIl~i~.i~tg
/ a girdle) ; to I)tb tlrnwn out, lo be
fors~ed(tis the liml,i oflilc fmtur).
to lie j to sin;^, v . (11;1ssiveof t o s o ) , to he
fallow. I tlraw11: to be dri~wnin, to ireill-
T61nas;lga. 19. tu hr botl~ p r t > g ~ l i i ~ ~ tfluenced.
togetl~er(astwo nivc~sofone Irlnn, 'I'oso, I?. to driig; to c.;il.ry o'f I)y
or two \vClnthanin O I I P ~ ; I I I I ~ I v I .I f i ~ r c(as
~ a wo~niln);to cr)lnltlit B
looks t)~rt115 less.
I:. 11, I I aci~uir~tl

T ~ t t ~ i l t ~,rl.r nto~ ,I ) q 1)ro;)erIy ; to

for his
ji rape; pl. toso, totoio, ottrl;
p n . tnros (cud toril~.i; $ i , t ~ i n .
give cli~.t~rtio~~s. Towga, s. tllc draxgirlg.
Totno, D. to sink in (its ~ O L fimt . TOSO~I~IIII,

i l l :I
Ilolc); to drop tl1rot1gI1; 111. to- I T o s n t + l ~ , S. names of a gan1P
1 to~no. Tosotelega
1' 'I'o~rlua, 1%. to bc tirst. Tosotoso, 1 1 . to 11r:lg away (as foot1
To~rluli.7 ~ . to I I ~1;ist. or propt1rty abstracted by a favo-
Tomunlu, v . to gr11n11)leat. rite child) ; to drag g ~ l l t l y(as in
Tona, s. a wart ; the y;~ws. tl~ieving).
, Tota'uba.11, v , tcl he sclr~;llly,to I)lov
To~til,v . to lravc~the yaws.
'I'o~~iiu!u, s. tl!e sic!e of thr I~cad.
T o ~ r i n ~ r ~.c. l itile , postrriors.
' in sudden gust*.
T ~ t a t a u 1:.
, to upl~raida s 1)-ing the
To~latonifee,s . a \vast. n fe~ngns. r.ttr.;e of calan~ity.
Tonr~,s. tlic 11an1eof a wtscd. I Totr, a. to receive I,nqpitably ; r c -
Tolloa, 77. to LtII down (as birds, I dup. t ~ ~ t t * t o t ~ .
a l ~ ochiefs). ' Tolo, s. I~lood; t l ~ rniinl:. nf a tirl~.
T ~ I I I In,. right, straigl~t,corl.ect ; to hlecd ; / ) I . tbtc~toi;pnss.
pt. totonu.
T ~ I I I I , I s a ~ p r c t 1, imagine. B e . Toto, see To.

A.~,osu,olso S A . ~ O N U .
! I Totoa, ( I . I I ' I I ~ ~ofI ~ tr>,r.
' T O I I I I ~11.; I ,to be a ~ c e r t a i ~ ~ tor d br ; 1 Toto'a, o. qtiit~t:~)!i~l; ea<y (as
~i(sridcd. pitill) : gtnlttlr. c;!ow.
T s : l ) ; ~ l1~, . , to fitll rottrn r i p . Tuto'a, S . a d~.~oi.tvay.,Yco I:.\t~~,o-
~ ' o ~ ) ; I I I g.1, t!. to c,it its ow11 dung (as TO',\.
tl1:3 SNI~I). TotGii, s. a tllirf.
'rol,t,. rq. to I)(% rapid so iIs to be in- 'I'otoa'i, 11. lo i~nl,ri,c.atesu&Irnd e : ~ t l ~
d~.t.i~irt(its I I I s l ~ ~ a ! . . i ~to ~ gbe ): 011 o~~est-If.
~.ilpitls o ;in to be irrcguli~rin pad- Totnr, I ! . 1>111ral of f o ~ .
c l I I I I ~; I , ! . tolo1)p ; I edr~p.toile- Totoe, rT. to li~ugll(:IS i I great I I 11111-
I(IIJI'. t ( l l ~ ~ l ~ ~ - . bl-r i n C O I ~ ~ I ~). I I I ~
1.(81,~ 1.111, : c r ' ~ , I I . F . . 'fotclo, u . 1 0 Ira11 I I I ~ ~ (I :II S it ht:~lf.,~.
Totou, see Tow. upon (as the consequences of one's
Toto-uli, s. venorrs blood. own conduct: Uu tua iu te oe
Totof, v . to split up, to divide (us 2uu onriu).
taro, &c.\ ; to appoint. Tua, prep. behind, at the back.
Totoga, s. tlre insidv, the entrails. Tua'ii, s. R brother's brother: a sie
Totogi, s. the payment of a fine ; ter's sister: a father who hm p-
rlow used generally for a payment cedrd in name or office, hat b
tbr labor or produce, &c. deud.
Totogi, v. to appoint or' decree the Tuaefu, s. a bd-looking pigeon;
amount of' Fnt-, or the qurtntitg of ugly men.
food to be taken to a travelling Tuai, v . to be a long time. :
pnrty ; to drive off (as a hen does Tui'ie, v . to be torn slightly (M 8
her chickens) : to peck, to nihble tine mat).
(as tish at a bait) ; to give a pay- Tunoi, R. a bonndar~.
ment. Tuaoi, 1.. to be a nPigbbot.
Totogo, v. to spring up (as I~erbs). Tuaoivalc, a. unneighborly.
Totolima, u. bloody, murderous. Tuiolo, s. the back of a fort.
Totolo, n. to crawl, to creep; pmss. Tuaoloa, s. a south easterly wind.
tolotia ; redup. tolotolo ; pl. feto- Tuiua, s. the nape of the neck.
lofi. Tuiupua, a. to backbite.
Totoma, v. to beg native property ; Tuafatine, s. a brotlrer's sister ;pC.
~ e d ~tomatorna.
p. tuafafine.
Toto mi, s. arterial blood. Tuiifa~rua,s. land at the back o r
Tiito~narnala,v. to belch. beyond the wall of tl v i l l e p
Tiitonoa, a. strong and quick at Tu'aga, s. the root, the =we, the
work. origin.
Totonu, a. plural of tonu. Tna~ane,s. a sister's brotlrer.
Tutor~u,prep. in the midst, within. Tual;. s. the prime portion from the
Totonugalemu, s. the exact middle. back of a pig.
Totoso, v . plural of foso. Tuili, n. to put a canoe more befbre
Totototo, n. bloody ; red. the wind.
Tovale, ti. to give away recklessly; Tuilagi, s. beyond the skies, hea-
to finish improvidently(as tlle taro ven.
pln~rtatior~);redup. totovale; puss. Tualiali, v . to make clear, to tell
totovaleil. plairdy.
'Gvale, see TO'ESE. Tu;llin~a,-9. the back of the band.
Tu, s. a cuslonl, a habit; a disease 1 Tuilirn;~fuluful~~a, s. An old I&-
of' the eye (pterypium) ; a gro~lnd, working man.
pigton; a 1a1.g~ p,i~ceof 'cord i l l 'I'ualoa, s. olre k i d of crab. . . , r
dt t,p w,~terirrritle the reef. Tualuk, s. a black titi. Sda E r . 9 ~ .
Tu, v. to stand; pl. tutu. Tualua; a. double, of G o tbicl;
Tua, s. the back ; the next in order nesses.
(especii~llyof children, the next to Tu~lu~rluu; s. a species of crab: one
the eldest) ; a thickness, as tua- kind of fly-fishliook; an ugly m h
?.ah,ciglltfold. wh'o gets a wife.
Tua, v . to take behind ; to remove Tuamafa, s. a chief of pigeons.
to a place of safety (as the women Tuiimata, s. the eyelid.
and children in war) : to trust in Tramiti6e, a. to rise from 'tire *t-
t'hr protcctic~~rot'; to rcturr~back riug .posture while part of t1.b
TUI 21 1
troops are fighting ; a compariso~ the fist: to devote to de+tnlction;
wit11 the ti'e; the sign o f cowar pass. tu'ii ; redrrp. tu'itu'i.
dice. Tu'i, s. the purse of the lauloa
f i i l l ~ a ~v.i , to be behind, to be pass Tui, s.-a high chief, a k g ; tile
ed by. name of a shellfisl~.
Tuania, v . to be left out, to be pas4 Toi, v. to prick ; prtss. tnia.
ed over (as in appointing to somc Tulir\, v. to be wrecked.
work o r message) on account of I Tii'ia, v. to strike the foot against a
plea of an urgent pre-cngag~nient stone ; to be pierced as by a spear
as. Ou te lc ultr ; e tratuunio au or the Lu'u fish.
'l'uiniu, s. tlie rib of the cocoanu1 Tu'ifana, s. a ramrod.
leaflet : b o n ~ ~wire. rt Tuiga, s. a head dress of brown
T u i p i , prep. behilid, outside (of s hair.
wall). Tuigarula, s. a heid dress of recl
T~ipapa,s. the bark of a rock: the feathers.
sea along all it011 bound coast. Tuig5lau11lu, see T u r o ~ .
Tuapi'o, a. humpbacked. Tuigdama, s. a torch t ~ ~ a dofe can-
Tuapi'o, s. a llutl~pbark. dlenuta.
Tuapipi, s. the srcond growth 01 Tu'igiimata, s. the part immediately
the paper mulberry. under the eye, (so called because
Tuasivi, s. the backbone ; a ridge beaten as a sign of grief).
of mountains. Tuili, v . to sew sails.
TnasiGivae, s. the shin. l'u'ilealelo, v. to eat, (a term of
Tuiitaafalu, s. tile upper part of a abuse).
chief's back. l'u'imomomo. v. to beat to pieces.
Tuatua, a. thick (as string, rope, l'u'insnau. v. to desire intenselv.
&c.) I'u'ipE, v. to bent severely.
Tuatlla, s. the skin on the kernel of
the cocoanut. ru meal v. to beat to a mummy.
Tuatua, see FAATUATUA. r u i k , s. h e flower of the grass, &c.
Tuatuai, v. to be solnewhat long ; (vunfnli).
to delay. ru'itama'i, s. a deliverer.
Tuattrania, see Tu.rur4. ru6itama'i, v. to deliver from being
Tuavadva, s. a ~rletlroclof fishing by kilkd (as a wamor who keeps the
placing the net across the small pursuers a t bay while his own
openings of the reef. party make their escape); to save
T u a v d u , a. eightfold, (applied to a piece of land from being leR
the heavens, a thick wall, &c ) urt~nhatiited.
TUP,s. a species of wild yam. ru4itigii, v. see T u ' r ~ ~ m a :' r also
Tu'e, s. the body of a crdb or cray- applied to a y y ~ n gchief raised up
fish after the Ivg* are broken OK over a land. In danger of being
Tu6eagafulu, a. ten (of cray tish). left without a chief.
Tu'rlitna, s. the knuckle.
Tu'elua, a. twrnty (of crayfish). .-
'uitui, a. prickly, thorny.
. see INA.
Tu'ctu'e, v . to be stript of its leaves 'uitui, s. the beam running through
(as a taro with its leaves eaten off, a long house.
or taro tops with the stalks rotted 'u'itu'i, s. the s~llallsticks between
off t. the a u f r i w r and intr~; 3 bundle
TII'I, o, to thump ; to stlike with of balnboos round which the mat
212 TUI
is ~ . o l l t to
~ I make tll~,drc~nl for tllc ' Tuurra, s. a p o r t i o ~ of ~ food fbr a
nipl~tdilnre ; tile s t ~ c kon wlliell
v e ~ tables
I village or lalid.
are rested while being 'ruuga'ofi., s. a cr~ttingof bamboos.

. scraped. , TU~G~MALIE.
T n u g a l r ~ n l ~sae
Tubitu'i. v. to I~rllise,to poullcl; to Tuugamall, s. a cmve.
thvlnp gently (as a part of the Tuugamalie, v. t o have plenty 'of
bodv i l l pain). prrsolls in a family to help at
Tiilitii'i, 2,. to forbid the doing of a work.
thing; to forbid a payn~ent; to Tungata, v . to leave ~ ~ n f i l ~ i s h ptod ;
remit a del.~t. b~ ~tliableto d o more; to be tin-
Tuivevr, s. leilvrs sewn together to e able to do better.
cover in the native oven. 1 Tanl;~foa~i, o. to reject; to ahandon.
Tuu, r. to place : to appoint ; to Tu~llitlo,v. to wllispr.

permit ; to set free. lo Irt go ; to I TII-uli, r. one rnetliod of f i s h i i ~ ~ i
put aside ; to pars by; to desert; Tu-trl~l,v. t o rut off ihe end of the
to leave: to deliver over : to cut

tuua rl>rdtuui~ia.
1 Irrp~llap11ill order to makea club.
d o r n ; to desist, to cease ; puss. Tiiunlina, ". to attrihnte a rlainit)
to some s u p ~ ~ . n a t u t apowcar:
l to
T U I I ~v.I , to be Irft : to Ile dismissed. curse ; to wjoice in another's
'f~l~la'i, c. to accuse falsely. misforttrnes.
l'uu'au, s. tile wooden el;d of the Tutrmavaega, s. covenant b r e a k i ~ . ~ .
ti3hing rod. T I I I I I ~V.I I to ~ ~walk
, backward, to
TlluLau,c. to disba~tdtroops. yield : to backslide ; redup. tuu-
T~nrat~tapu, ti. to swear. 1 tul~muli.
I Trlrlna, v. to be leR behind, to be
Tuuagn, IL. havi~lgthe f r i ~ ~ gleft(as e
a wllite mat). outst.ripped.
Tf~u'a!a, r , to ilrprtcate a misfor- T~~npnlasi, v. to throw d o r n via-
Tu~l'ali.t.. to beg Tor 'rrli. i' lently (as a hb avy hi~rtl~en).
T U I I ~ V.P ~to, leave a l o ~ ~ e .
Tuuara, V . to pay respect to.
/ \
Tollinla. n. of the wayside(as words Tu~lsaunoa v: to leave a t liberty.
or rrports picked i p ) . 1 Tiiusua. sre ' r ~ u r u . ~ .
Tll'u'u, s. the niclne OF a small fish. , Tuuta~rla,v. to ancllor.
Tur~laalelr,v to let go by the run ' Trrntaeita, v. to ]pave the sides of
( a s a sail); to Ira\.e the attack in the head ~lnshaved.
n I~oilvso as llclt to be rilt off by I Tuutaln, v. to beg for raw tam (by
strngglic g . ti whole v i l l ; ~ ~ e ) .
Tclilt:~~~, 1.. to 1~ left to itself (as a Tuutf-lr, a. to be i n common.
I I to go the whole Tul~tigapula,v. to b g for taro top
~ ~ P C OI13ti
ot' its l i ~ ~ t ,t'o ) : be uncorrrcted (as ' (by a wllole village).
cl~iltirc~ ; ~to) he uncartad Tor. i T U I I ~ I Iv.I I .to PilsS al0r.g: to pnas
Turllitlil, t.. to le;~\rt. inside of the 1111 ; to let dnmn.
s l ~ ~ e ~~iints ~ ~ the ~11rtains). / T u u t ~ ~ l ~ ; ' l u lv.n ato
) i l (as , make easy; to
' I ' I I I I ~ ~t.. I Ito, pli~cestoues (as in I act gently ; to 11e easilv 14.
marking a boundary). ' Tuutr~rtifo,v. to loner, to let down.
Turli'eatlgani, v. to swear, to take an ' Turttuu~ina,v. to pass on f& t o
oath.. tlre elders when not ellough for
Tuu!'u~,(I. cbsrltcd. u ~ l i ~ ~ l ~ i ~ b i t t ~ all. d.
Tu~tvaa,v. to set sail, to depart from Tugagi, a . dull, blunt.
a port. Tugalemu, a. well-placrd, well-si-
Tufa, v. to divide, to share out, to T~tgarnalie tasted.
disrribu te ; recipr. felufana'i ; re- 'Tugia, v. passive of t u t u . .
dup. tuthtuh. Tula, a bald-headed pcrson.
Tufaaga, s. a division, a portion, a
.I .~tla,s.
a. bald ; destitute of trees.
share of food. Tula, s, a perch ; the stones at tlte
Tufa'i, v. to divide out i n portions. entrance of fish enclorures.
Tuf'aga, s. the division, the divid- Tula.i, v. to rise up, to stand up
ing. redup. tutula'i.
Tufale, v. to remain at home (as a Tula'iu, s tlre loin of pork.
pigeon uufit for the seuga, or a Tulaumtt, s. a place to builda cook-
chief too old for war). ing house trn.
Tufknua, s. a comnlon man; a boor- Tulafale, s. a ruler of the land, a
isli fellow. counsellor; a place on which a
Tufaso, s. a dry maotu tree. house stands.
Tufena, s. tlte company of watcr- Tulafdrrii, see TUGAFANA.
drawers ; the water itself. * Tulafbno, s. a law.
Tufi, v. to pick up (as fruits fallen, Tulaga, s. a place to stand on ; a
shells, &c.) footmark ; a pulpit.
T ~ ~ f i l a u p a pva. , to be broken up (as Tulagavae, s. a tbotprint.
a wrecked vessel). Tulagogo, s . the dorsal tin of the
Tufu, s. a spring below highwater shark.
mark it1 tlre sand; the ]lame of a Tulali, see TUGAGI.
fish. Tulama'i, s . the cause of a sick-
Tufue, a . first (especially of a wife). 11ess.
Tufue, v. to be first. Tulavae, s. the portion of a net to
l'ut'uga, s. a carpenter; a tatoo be made by each person.
marker. T~lliivelo,see TULAI'U.
Tuf'urnea, s. n~enorrh;~gia. Tulei, 29. to shove, to push.
Tuga, s. a maggot. Tulci, v. to speak ; to be sick, (only
Tugs, a . rnaggotty. applied to high chiefs).
Tugi, v. to be late in the evening Tulete, s. the name of a sltrub.
(about 9 o'clock). Tulrfena, v. to be sleepy.
T u g i , a. (for tuyatii), conling inop- Tulemoe ~.
portunely; standing in the way Tulen~oge,v. to be horrified, to be
(as a rock in the middle of the territied.
road ; an abscess fbrrning in an Tulesisila, v. to have the eye tixed
awkward place wltcre it cal~uotbe (as in dyit~g).
lanced). T~~lesoli, v. to trample on, to ill use
Tfiga, s. a portion or appointed (as a conq~leredparty).
share ot' fuud or properly ; the Tuli, s. the name of a bird ; an out-
acquisition of' all the great titles : side corner.
as, Uu ao i t i i y ~ . Tuli, u . deaf; 111. tutuli.
Tugaee, v. to be 1111sett1ed. Tuli, v. to drive; to chase : to pur-
'I'ugii'i, v . to ligl~tup a tire on the sue ; to fullow up ; 111. lutuli ;
beach. puss. tulia.
Tug&fat~*i, s. the step of a mast. Tuli, see LE'LULI.
'I'ugi~ge,s. the n a t i ~of~a shcllfislr. ' I tili, see' 'l'u-ULI.
4 14 'I'U L TUP
Tulia6iila, v. to follow up, to persist Tuluvao, s. the drops from the trees
in. after rain.
Tuliau. a. to be vt ry deaf. Tuma, v. to strike wit11 the keuo-
Toliolcva u, s. a sprcies of the tuli. kles; to be extensively weeded.
Tuli~~lu, s. the side of the head. Tun~au,v. to stand fast.
Tuliga, s. n drivi~g ; a hunti~~g. Tumatafbga, a. maritime, as nmm
Tulilin~a,s. the elbow. tu,~tatafuga.
Tulilo, v. to stand concealed (as a Tumu, s. a h d o w place in a tree
pigeon aniong the leaves). where ,water lodges.
Tuliloa, v. to give cbase to. Tumu, v. to be full; pl. tutumq.
Tuliloaga, s. a chasing, a pursuit. Tumua, s. the name of two of t8ar-
Tulimanava, s. the side of the belly. directiag or leading landa on Upp-
Tulimanu, s. the corner (as of a lu ; (used aepule on Savaii).
mat, pavement, &c.) Tumua'i, 8. the crown of tb h d
Tuli~natali,v. to look stedfastly. Tuinutaniu, s. the top, the summit.
Ttrliti, s. diseases of t l ~ ebladder. Tuna, s. the freshwater eel.
Tulitauta, v. to pursue and continue Tunalela, s. a ehort thick kind of
to strike. eel?
Tulitatao, v. to pursue c!osely. Tunasi, s. the branches of the 'aw
Tulitulisega, v. to tollow up, to p e r root.
sist in (as the bonito fbllows up Tuneva, v. to go and sit in the
the sega). house where the single W i re-
Tulivae, s. the knee. side, (applied to men).
Tulivalaau, v. to run and call after. Tutloa, s. oue method ob fihiag ;
Tulou, v. an apologrtic word used. a cooking-house, (a polite naori).
oil entering the house of a god, Tunoa, a. free (as love).
or when about to make a sudden Tunoa, v. to stand idle; to haven;
noise, as on throwing down a log standing place, (applicd to tkore
of wood, or ou conimeucing a fishing where they have no right
speech. to go).
Tiiloui, v. to stand in the way, to 'runu, v. to roast, to toast, t.a brqil,
be a t~uisance. to fry. LO boil.
Tulola, v. Lo bend down (as a tree, Tui~uafi, v. to roast done up m
&c.) leaves.
Tuloto, v. to be in the niidst. Tunuu, see TAUNUU.
l'ulua, v. to dibide in halves. Tunuma, s. the case for tabaipg
Tuluaop6, s. midnight. i~lstrunier~ts. . $1
Tului, v. to drop into (as the eye, Tui~upa'u, v. to broil in itr own1
nose, &c.) skin ; pl. tunupapa'u.
Tulu6i,u. long, lasting. Tupa, s. a species of crab with.*
Tulu'iga, s. the end (as of a road, claws; hence tlie name vcur iapm
&c. ) for elephan tiasie.
Tulu'ipae, s. the f r o ~row~ t of stones Tipa, s. one rnctht~dof fishiog.
in a pavement. Tupa'ia, s. an insect of the beetle
Tulu'itanu, s. the end of the pave- kiud which makes an inceaqnt
ment. rapping with its feet; an active
Tulula, s. a basket to keep oil bot- industrious man.
tles ill ; a boat. Tupapa, s. fwd given for. bh.
Tulu:u111, s. the eaves of a bouse. : Tupe, s. a sort of. die made from. a
cocoanut shell, used to play r Tusala, s. the spear planted highest
game like pitch-penny ; a largt in the game of totoga.
bran, the fruit of a vine ; the caF Tr~sala. v. to stand in the wrong
of a winkle; money. place in tologn; to stand it1 the
Tupea, a. fritrndless, destitute of fa- front of the troops in battle.
mily connections. Tusa~ii,v . to divide equally. I

Tupito, a. last, at the end. Tusapau, v. to be exactly equal or

T~rpoupou,v. to stand erect, to alike ; pl. tusapapan.
stand straight up, ( n disrespectful TUG, s . a letter, a book.
attitude) ; pl. tutupoupou. Tusi, v. to mark siupo; to write ; ,
Tupolo, s. a stranger, one residing to point out.
ih a family to which he does rlot Tu<ilitna, s. hand-writing.
belong. Tusitusi, u. striped.
Tupoto, s. the moxa, (Tongan). Tiita, v . to arrive a t (a3 a canoe);
Tupu, s. a chief of the highest rank. to reach the 'beach.
Tupu, s. the units in counting above Tutai, see NUUTUTAI.
tens and hundreds: as, e sefulu Tuta'i, s. the leader in a dance; a
m a ona tupu efitu, seventeen. broad net.
Tupu, v. to grow, to increase; to Tiitaga, s. a landing-place; the cet-
spring up; to arise from, to cause; tiog otf of a part of a tree.
pl. tutupu ; redup. tupur up^. rutataga, see TUGAEE.
Tuputl; s. a stone supposed to have l'ute, s. elephantiasi~on the inside
been a man petritied; an image; of tlie thigh ; redup. tutute.
a riddle ; a fine mat when torn ; r u tia, v. to be cut off; especially to
certain privileges in seuga and cut off a part of the army from thb
alufaga. rest.
Tupua, a. to be over ten, or over a rutogi, v. to cliop the bark all
hur~drrd. round.
Tupu'aga, s. ancestors. rutu, v . to set fire to, to light ; to
Tnpuolaola, v. to grow luxuriantly; beat cloth.
to iocrease. l'utii, r . the whale. See TAPOLA.
Tupuga, see TUPU'AGA. I'utii. v. to divide off, to cut off; to
Tupula'i, v . to grow greatly; to in- fcll ; also plural of tu.
crease. Mtlr, v. to reach to the end (as 'aso
Tupulaga, s. a growth; tliose ofone laid on to the housk reaching tlie
age ; a generatior]. eaves).
Tupulua, v . to grow two together. riitii, s. a large crab.
Tupulupulu, v , to contiuue to cover riilii, v. to wipe the feet; to shake
u p the body; to be low in the out of H bottle.
eaves (as a house). rutua, s. the wooden block to beat
Tupntima'i, v. to be angry (of a cloth on.
chief ). rut1lra, a. short and thick, (applied
Tupi~tupula'ina,v . to begin to grow, to men).
to increase. rutui, V . to seize with the claws (as
Tusa, v. to bc like, to be equal. cats and owls do); to be griped.
'l'usaga, s. see u s . 4 0 ~; also (at Tu- rutuai, v. to pierce, to drive in any-
tuila) the appoil~tedportion of thing sharp.
f d or property brought by a ~ U I U U ,v . to race (on foot or in cr-
pi8rty. ntres) ; to have t l ~ rbowels moved
. (ac from n~edicines,or after being Vaatiilitu'i, s. a lritld of raft for wil-
co~~stipated). ing about on.
'I'utuulapi, v. to cut a chief's hair. I-eavaa, s. the br~astbuneof birds.
Tutuga, s. tlre paper mulberry; the Vaavaalauti, s. a child's catwe made
1 ~ y . p a ~ ebark
d of it ; the liglrling nit11a ti-leaf sail.
o t a tire. \ ae, s. a Icg ol' au a~limal,stool,
Titiiga, s. the appoil~tedportion or &c.
shr~rt-of a r ~ y t l ~ i f ~ g . Vaeane, v . an al)ologetic term when
,. about to say what might be otien-
1 ulula'i, see ' I ' t r ~ n ' ~ .
Tutirlr, s. tile r1a111eof a sl~ellfich; sive : as, Vueane 2uu ujogu,
t l ~ r c o ~ ~ c l uof
s i the
o ~ ~1rig11tdance. " eavirrg your presence."

T~rtnli,a . (111. of ruli), draE Yaeoso, a. ready, pron~pt(aa to go

Tutuli, 11. (pl. of tuli), to drive. O I I a message).
lutulu, v . to leak (as a house); to Vaeh, s. a pig, ( b e f w e chiefs).
wrt.1) (of ckiefs). VaeSua, v. to separate w i ~ h o ueither
TiltC~:u,~lu, see F , ~ A T U . ~ L J M A L L ~ . arty being worsted.
Tutur~a,s . the name of a slrrub. Vavga, s. a division.
T u t u ~ ~ a( ,I . high al!o\e tlre rest; Vaegalemu, s . t l ~ chalf.
I~i:h, as a chief.
\'aeluagale~~;u,v. to divide evenly
Tutur~oa,u d u . us..lessly, causeleasly, Varluaga~nalia in halves.
unt~ap.~c~tcdly. Vaema~ua,s. the big toe.
TUIU~H v .I ,to sprout. See TGPU. Vaesala, v. to be very quick; to be
T U I I I : ~c.. plur.~!of tusa. forenlost (as ill war).
Tl'u~uLutu,a . spt>cklt*d. Vaeta, s. the name of a land crab
Tuvaa, c. to grow bent to the sl~ape betbre full grown.
of a raool: (as a tree). Vaetupa, s. elephantiasis in the leg.
Vaetusa, v. to divide evenly.,
I'aevae, v. to divide io parts, tu cut
Vaevazula, s. a species of tbe augar-
The fo~irteenthletter in the Samoan al- calle.

1111:1bet. I t is pronounced as in En- Vaevaegalelei,

V A , s. a s1)ace between ; a noise.
Vaevave, Z. quick.
\ it, v . to rival. Vai, s . water; a water bottle.
I'aa, s. a cdlloe; tile priest o i an Vai, s. tile name of a bird.
uitu. Vaiauia, s . a fissure in the reef.
\':isa-i~lo,s. a bonito fishing canoe. Viiaso, s. a part of the day.
Vaai, v. to look a t ; to see ; puss. Viiati, s. alter speeches, given when
vaaia ; recipr. fevaaia'i ; redup. 1 each land has had its turn.
vaavaai ; pi viai. Viioa, s . a fissure in a rock.
I'iai, s. the harrdlc of the gouge. Vaiola, s. water not drying up ;
Vaaigo, s . a prospect ; a look-out ; fabled nriraculous water giving life
spectacles. to any who bathe in it.
Yaainioa, s, a rat-trap. Vailanua, s . land.
\'aailr,, s . the ~ni~risler who con- Vaifolo, s. a pill.
vcyrd the message of the uitu; a I'aif'usi, s. a plaster.
media or. Vaiga, s. water stttnditrg on the
V a a p i q ~ i u., liarrow. grou~rd.
VAL 217
Vailaau, s. meclicinc. iao, s. a bush; a tree (not edible);
Vailau, 2;. to lie. a plant ; a weed ; the bush, ;IS
Ya.ili, c . to take out (as so~nethiag distinguished from the villages
f'ron~out of a basket). and cultivated lands.
Vailogoua, s. a water hole supplied iao, a sign of the pluri~lto some
by the rain. tkw noltris : as, " Len14vuo tugn--
Vailolo, s. cocoat~ut juice poured tu vule."
over the lolo after tlre oil is press- Ja'o, v. to eat; redup. vava'o, vil'o-
ed out ; cocoanuts ( t o chiefs). va<o(only used in abuse).
Vailoto, v . to be between, to be in iaoa, u. overgrown with weeds.
the nridst. faoa'iiva, s. a forest.
.Vainiasima, s. Epsom salts. i'aogata, a . disobedient.
Yiimasina, s. the space of time be- Vaogofie, u. obedient.
tween the old and new moon; the Vaolo, s. a poisonous crab ; a dis-
night on wlrich there is no moon. obedient troublesome child.
Vairnili, s. li~~imerlt. Fau, v. to rub dowrl (as arrowroot);
Vairliu, v . to prompt (as a speaker). to rr~ix(as mortar); to be grieved
\'ainuu, s. the space between two a t heart ; pl. vawu ; puss. vaua.
islands ; a north-easterly wind. (It difers tiorn palu, wlricll is al-
Vaipii, v. to strike the body or the ways wit11 the hand).
liouse with a strip of the banana Viuliuli, u. wide, spacious.
stalk after attending on the body Viigai, v. to face each other (as ar-
of' a dead chief, by which the ta- mies).
boo was removed. Pagdia, v. to be besieged, to be sur-
Vaipalolo, s. the wet sea:on. rol~nded.
V a i p u l u , ~ .one of the s~nalldivisions Vagana, s . the speech of a tulafale
of tlre husk of a cocoanut. (at Sagana).
Vaipuna, s. a fnurrtai~r. Vagani, conj. except, unless.
Vaisi, s. the preparatory wash used Vigana, a . loud sounding (as waves,
to fix the dye. a waterfall, &c.)
Vaisii, s. a native preparatioil 01 VHgatai, s. a quarrel a t sea.
tish and uut. Viigatootoo, s. a quarrel between
V i i t i , s. au intermissirjn (as in thf sp-akcrs.
time of music and in pain). Vagavao, s. a quarrel in the bush
Vaita'i, s. a gutter, a channel tc about boundaries.
lead off water. Vagavaga, s. one kind of net.
Viiitausaga, s. the time between tht Vagavagai, v . to surround ; puss.
two scasorls. vagaia.
Vaito6elau, s. the dry season. Vagivagi, v. to talk constantly with
Vaitusi, s. ink. Ires and jests ( a jocular term).
Vnivne, s. euphem, for f a u j l o . Valaau, v . to call t o ; to invite (as
Vaivai, a, louse (as a rope); watery persons passing by to come in a r ~ d
weak, easily broken (as a stick o partake of h o d ) ; pccss. valaauina
wuod). und valaauia ; recipr. fevalaaua'i.
Vaivdi, a. weak (as the body). Valasi, see SA'O.~AMAITAI.
V.~ivai~tdi, v . to be weak ashorebu Valavala, a. wide apart.
able to tish. Vale, s. a fool: art idiot.
Viivao, s. the space of buah be Vale, a. worthless : unproductive ;
twteu two \ ~llages. needless ; inactive ; also sutfixed
to ronle words aclding intensity to Vane, a. to sharpen tatoaing inntnt-
their meaning, a# utnuturale. ments ; to sharpen the fly-firll-
VaIva. a . ignorant; pl. viilea and hook. .
valelea. Vanevane, v . to cry as the prro-
Vale'ui'afa. 8 . one who eat3 cinet ; quet : to hlk (in abuse).
a great fml. Vinirr~onimo,s. the d h a n t skj,tba
Valeusi, 1.. to govern badly (as a heavens.
family, a country). Vanu, s. a valley, a ravine, a ehabm.
Vnlrga*e, r. boxing matches and Vanutati5, a. deep down -(nu a td-.
.. i
other p m e s on the occasion of ley 1.
the death of a chief. Va~~uvanu, a. full of tmm. ;,!::
Yal~teo, ) v. to take no care of; Vasa, r . the oceatn, (espcckllf"' '
Valrtuulima j to neglect. the space b e t w e b trrlo Stwlh
Vikvale, a. young (as a child); points, as along an iroribo~ n!l
c11iMish (of the aged and dying). coast, or between two idan&).
Valevalematua, v. to be in one'e do- Vasa'i, v . to alternate, to ht&e&
tap. Vasimmina, see VAIMASLXA. .
Valwalenoa, u. beautiful (as a pro- V a s a v a ~ r, . the name of a bird. &
spect). LATULATU.
Vali, s. paint. Vase, v. to rule lines ; pcur. vma
Vnli, v. to paint (as under the arms Vase, s. a species 6f tam.
wit11turmeric); to paint (as wood); Vaeeuli, 8 . one epee* of th6 cUh.
to whitewash ; pass. valia. Vasega, s. a. class.
Vuli, a. plastered, whitewashed : as, Vasesina, s. one s p e c k of tbc drka. '

o le fule vuli. Vasevase, v . to pise.the spent prd.

Valo, s . a very delicious sort ofcray- paratory to throwing. .II

fish. Visivasi, a. to be u n ~ t o a t e d :to ,

Valo, see Va'o. be not well acquamted. (as
Valo'a, s. a sort of jelly fish. mme work).
Valoaga, s. a prediction. Vitau, v. to be a t ve&mx, to be
ValoLi, v. to express covetous de- at war with.
sires : redup. valovnlobi. Vitentea, a. wide, spacim.
Valovalo, a. to whistle (as birds). Vatrle, a. wide.
Valu, u. eight. Vatia, s. a native'dislrof bod.&
Vnlu, v. to scrape out nuts; to of cocoanut and arrowroot.
scratch ; pl. vilu. vativati, s. the nilme of a bi&. h'
VGlu, v. to scrape (as taro, &c.); LATULATU.
pl. vavalu ; pass. vilua. Vatuse, s. a species of t h e sta- '
Valuiipo, s. night, dark night. Vavae, V . to divide ; m eat&
Valufau, s. the name of a shell fish. puss. vaea ; redup. vaene.
Vilusaga, s. scrapi~~gs (as of taro, Vavae, s. the cotton tffe ; a kmp
&c.) wick.
Valuvalu, s. a native preparation of Vavai, a. flexible.
food. Vavno, v. to forbid ; pass: vaoid.
Vana, s. a --egg ; a spike of the Vivali, s. a confused nbise.
sea egg used to point the drill ; Vevabo, see VA'O.
a sail needlej used- for the same Vavau, s. ancient times.
purpose. Vavau, a. lasting, perpqdal.' .
Vane, s. the cry of the pamguet. Vavau, see VAU.
Vavala, v . to be streaked (as the Vete. v. to spoil, to seize as booty ;
sky wit11 the dawn). puss. vetea ; redt~p.vetevete.
Viiviilalata, a. near together. Vetiveti, s. the name o f one kind o f
Vavale, s. snail slime; filinle from vatn.
J ----~-
the fau tree. Veve, s. leaves covered over the
Vauale, a. slimy. oven of food to keep in the hest.
Vavolo, v . to bubble up(as a spring); Veve, v. to be numerous, (applied to
to predict ; to express covetous men and animals).
desires ; pcrss. valo~a. Veveia, v. to be Iiot : puss. velasia.
Viiviiloloa, s. the wide ocean. Veveli, v. to long for; to shew af-
Viviimamao, n. fdr apart. fection on meeting with friends.
Vaue, u. quick ; pl. v.avave. Veveni, v. to have the veni ;puss.
Vave, v . to be quick ; redup. vave- venia and vrnivenia.
vave ; pl. vavave. Vcvesi, v. to be disturbed, to be in
Yaveao, s. the early morning. confusion, to be in disorder.
Vavega, s. a wor~der,a miracle. Vevete, v . to undo (ae a parcel) ;
Ve'a, s. the name of a bird. puss. vetea.
Yell, v . to grow in great numbers, Vi, s. the name of a tree and its
to increase greatly (as men or ani- fruit.
mals). Viavie, see VAGIVAGI.
Vela, v. done, well cooked, (the op- Vii, v. to P raise ; pass. viia ; redup.
posite to malu, raw). vivii ; dsmin. viivii.
Velasia, v. passive of vevela.
Velavela, v. to be very severe (as a
famiue or epidemic).
Viiga 1 s. o song in praise of a
Viigase, o. to praise aRer death.
Vele, v. to weed ; pl. vevele; rtdup. Vi'o, v . to curl the hair.
velevele. Vila, s. a song with motion of the
Veliveli, v. to be eager for ; to be hands.
disgusted with ; to long after the Vili, s. a gimblet ; a whirlpool ; the
absent or the dead ; pass. veli- name of' a game of hazard ; the
velia. name of a tree.
Velo, s. the cover of the stern of a Vili, v. to bore a hole ; to writhe (as
calloe ; the horns of a crayfish. in pain) ; to desire earnestly ; pl.
Velo, v. to dart; to cast a dart; vivili ; redup. vilivili.
pass. velosia. Viligase, see FITIGASE.
Veloa'i, s. the oldest of a litter of Viligia, v . to dry in the wind; to
piga air ; to cc~olin the wind.
Velovelo, s. a point of land jutting Yilipi, s. t h sail needle used t o
away beyond the straiaht line into point the drill.
anoiher piece of' land- VilitaLi, v. to desire earnestly; to
Velovclo, ; to spear (as fish). persevere ; redup. vilivilitaLt.
Veni, a . bloated and puffed up from Vilivili, s. a small imperfectly formed
disease. breadfruit.
Venia, v . to be bloated with veni; Vina, v. to urge on those already at
redup. venivenia. work ; redup. vinavina.
Vetii, v. to peel off (as the skin of a Vi-vao, s. a wild vi.
young cllild). Vivi, a. prolific (as trees).
Vete. s. the name of a fish. Vivii, v. to praise, to extol ;pusr.
Vete, a. booty, prey. viia.
Viviga, s. I I W ,wortll: as. S"5' u le Vo'ivo'i,
a. disobedient.
17iciucr a toe utl m(ii u i lena rt~ea. VO'I~VO'U
~ i v i l i , " ~plural
. of vili. Volu, s.. a tortoise, a turpin.
Vivilu, 7.. to begin to understand Voluvolua, a. pimpled.
and talk (as R child) ; to be for- Vovo, v. to be able, to be powerful:
ward i n askillg for food or pro- as, E vovo oe, e t e mafuia. U a
perty, or i l l quarrellirlg. vovo le alii, ua seu le turta.
Vivini, r , to crow. Vovoga, see Vrvlca.

tub. signifies s1rc.11 wort1 wn3 derived from the 1iel)rew; gr. frcm the Greek;
~vtg.English ; Eat. Latin ; tnh. Tahitian ; toy. Tongan.

AEI.~,!IT. an eagle. lulai, eng. J u l y .

Aila, heb. ;I hart. l ur~i,eag. June.
Aokuso, eny. August. Iliprli, heb. J~lbilre.
Auri, tuh. a clotlies iron.
Ar~ro,!at. gold. OKETOPA, eny. October.
Afdtali, eny. half-dollar. 'Oti, any. go'lt.
Agelh, yr. angel.
Akarava, heb. scorpion. U A I N . eny.
~ , witre.
Alope, yr. fox. [Jati, eng. watch, clc ck.
.-\~rriotonu, rigliteousness. Ulaone, Americ,~naxe.
Aniani, e ~ r y .onion. .Ulo, toy. a caldron, pot.
'Apa, enq. copper, brass, tin.
Aperilu, eng. April. Fa.1I ror PO, rr~rolonyan, to marry
A posc.tulo, gr. apostle. with a religious sewice.
Arasi, heb. ced,~r. Faaipoipoga, the marriage rerr ice.
A rcto, y r . brrad. Faatuatua, fdilh ; (a Sanioall word,
Ario, l11t. silver. but with a new applicatioli).
Ajini, 1ut. ass. Falailta, eng. Friday.
Asipi, eny. asp. Falaipani, eny. fi.yil~g-p;tn.
Asolul~r, t ~ t h . Wed~?ejday,($on Falaoa, eug. flour.
Asornauu). F a r i ~ l ~frejtch,
e, a franc.
Faresaio, yr. ph,~riset.
E t i . i ~ ~ s 1 .yr. Frpulrri, eny. Pel)ruai y.
E l e f a ~ ~etty.
e , elepha~~:
El~iku[)o,g r . bis!lOp. 1 I< \I.)s,!,t8ny. calenciar.
Evagvlia, yr. gospcl. I k i ~ l t . ~e~~it,g .gallon.
1 tia,llelit, e1ty. ~*i,rn~l.
Kdrigtii, ( I ? < ; . J wdr cl~!triot.
Karite, gr. burley. Pdeue, tah. a coat.
Kena, heb. hell. Peritolne, gr. circumcisiod,
Kerupi, heb. cherub. Perofeta, eny. prophet.
Ki, ely. key, lock ; to lock. Pesini, eny. basin.,
Koale, eny. coal. Pini, eng. b a n , p1U.
Kiona, gr. snow. Polo, a knife.
Kupita, eng. cubit. Potll, tog. a room.
Povi, lat. cattle.
LAMEPA, eng. lamp. Pulu, shot, lead ; (a Samoan word
Cepel~,eng. leper. with the introduced new mean-
Leona, e q . lion. ings).
Lino, lut. lilrm. P I I ~ Ieng.
I, s p n .
Lotu, tog. Cl~ristiarrity, religious Pusi, eng. d t .
worallil). P~~vaavaa, tah. ribbon.
Luko, gr. wolf. wheat, corn.
M AMOE,s l ~ e ~ p . Salin~o,gr. pa1111.
Mill~ai,heb. manna. Sapati, eng. eabbatlt.
M a ~ ~ u a eng.
o , man-of- war. Satauro, gr. crow.
Masinla, toy. salt. Satmi, eng. Satan.
Mnti, eng. March. Sut~~kaio, gr. Sadducee.
Me, eng. May. Seoli, heb. helL
Meleni, eng. melon. &leni, eng. shilli~ig.
Meli, gr. Iio~~ey. Seni, cent.
Mili, eng. miut. Setema, e q . September.
hloli, tuh. oil. Sila, eng. steel.
Silika, eng. silk.
NAIFI,eng. knife. Sinapi, gr. mustard.
pila, eng. needle. Sisip~ni,eng. sixpence.
Novema, eng. November. Solofanua, tuh. home.
S u k ~ cng.
. mgar.
PAFLO, en9 barrel. Sunako, gr. synagogue.
Paia, a Samoan word adopted to
mean holy. TATMI, eng. dime.
Faina, eng. pine. Tiivai, iron-hoop.
Paipa, eng. pipe. Taofe, enq. coffee.
Paur~a,eng. a pound. Tall;, a shawl.
'Pakete, eng. bucket. Tali, en+ dollar.
Palake, ,qr. concubine. Taleni, eng. talent.
Pama, eng. palm tree. Tapaa, eng. tobacco.
Pimu, eng. lo pump. Tapas;, eng. compass.
Pani, eng. pan. Tap~lai,worsl~ip; (a Samma word
'Papatiso, gr. baptize. with an introduced meaning).
'Paseka, gr. passover. , Tarako, eng. dragoli.
Pel~i,eng. a pen; penny. Teio, yr. sulpl~rrr.
Penimaa, eny. a slate pencil. , Telo, !/r. tribute.
Penina, heh. a p a d . 1 Telona, gr. tax-gatherer,
l a , XI lead-1 encil.
P c ~ ~ i ~ aeny. can."
Yepa, e ~ i g .papcr. Ten~oni,erig. demon.

Tesema, eng. December.

Tiakono, gr. deacon.
1 Tobu, a11 adze.
Tiapolo, gr. devil. VASE,to rule lines.
Tioata, glass. Vine, eng. the vine.
Titata, eng. teakettle. Virreta, eng. vinegar.



AUAI?v. to agree with, to take part Faamafiti, a. to turn anything inside

with, to unite with, to have an in- out (as a dress).
terest in. Faapau, v. to bring to a stand, td
Auaga, 1 v. to cast the skin or shell cause to stop.
Aueva 5 (of shell-fish, &c.); to Faasaolo, v. to destroy.
become young again(of men, only Faatolopine, v. to be quick, to do
with auaga seemingly). quickly.
Agafoua, a . practicable. Faatolosisi, v. to be urgent, to be
&Apa,v. to have to do with, to have importunate.
a right in, (used only negatively: Fetaena6i,v. to come or gdther b-
as, E te 2e toe 'apu i a i ) . gether; applied also to the heal*
ing of a sore.
Atelalamu 1 s. a coward.
.Lafetona, s. a wart.
'la, a particle at the commence- Lave, see LAVEA'I.
ment of a sentence, used in speak- Limataotia, s. a woman nursing.
ing, chiefly to call attention.
Isumu, s. a rat. See IMOA u.nd Pabusisi,s. the sides of a house uni
der the eaves.

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