Technical Information: Colombo Filippetti Spa
Technical Information: Colombo Filippetti Spa
Technical Information: Colombo Filippetti Spa
Technical Information
Via Rossini, 26 - 24040 CASIRATE D'ADDA [BG] - ITALY - TEL.0363/3251 - TELEFAX 0363/325252
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CF1141 - June 1995
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Cam mechanisms
1 1.3
Operation of cam mechanisms
Basic motion law
TABLE 1 Mass momentum of inertia
TABLE 2 Life coefficients
5 TABLE 3 Output shaft momentum of inertia
1 Dial plate drive
2 Dial plate indirectly coupled
6 3
Horizontal conveyor
Vertical conveyor indirectly coupled
5 Turnover device drive
6 Application of oscillating drive
This is the curve generally known as the cycloidal curve. It
presents the highest peak acceleration value of all the
standardised curves, but has the gentlest passage between zero
and peak acceleration values.
Correct application of the CF3 INDEX DRIVES is strictly dependent on appropriate selection of all
system components and knowledge of the distinctive features of the interior of the drive. This
paragraph contains the relevant definitions and some approximate data, which should aid better use
of the characteristics of these drives.
2.3 - RIGIDITY Is/l Fig. 3 Layout of limit switch control cam and limit
An important factor to be considered in the selection of Index
Drive CF3 is the ratio of the station to shaft cetre distances. In
order to obtain a good level of rigidity and accuracy, this ratio
should not exceed 4/1. The higher the ratio, the lower the rigidity
and accuracy of indexing.
For large diameter dial plates, or in cases where the number of S
stops requested exceeds the number of standard stops, and
where the dwell times are long compared with index times, the
most convenient and undoubtedly the most correct system is
movement effected by a CF3 Index Drive to a station with gear
transmission, whose ratio determines the number of dial stations.
The advantages of this system are as follows:
• The Index Drive at a station guarantees perfect indexing
• The coaxial cogwheel with the dial enables the intermittent
transmission to be brought very close to the workstations and
thereby gives good rigidity and high indexing accuracy, which
will basically depend on the cutting precision of the cogwheel.
• The torque required by the Index Drive will be reduced in
proportion to the number of stations on the dial.
• The number of dial stations is unlimited, and may be varied
simply by adjusting the ratio between the two gears.
• The only precaution required arises at the design stage, where
account is taken of the need to minimise backlash between the
transmission gears.
2.4 - TORQUE
In most applications, the factor determining the choice of Index
Drive is the torque due to inertia of the internmittent motion parts.
In addition, account should be taken of torque caused by friction,
work forces, forces due to unbalanced load and any external
Other loads to which the Index Drive is subjected, and which are
more difficult to assess, depend on the design and choice of the
components of the intermittent motion system, and are caused
by backlash in the transmission, torsional elasticity of the
mechanical parts etc.
The intermittent motion systems should be stopped and started
up only during the dwell period, i.e. in the station. Stopdowns and
start-ups effected during the transfer period are highly damaging
and may cause breakage of internal parts of the drive.
Fig. 4 Centre Distances.
The moving parts of intermittent motion systems, unlike those of costant speed motors, must be accelerated
from zero to maximum speed and vice versa during each cycle. In order to accelerate and decelerate their
masses, the CF3 INDEX DRIVE has to exercise positive and negative torque alterntately, whose pattern is similar
to that of the acceleration curve for the principle of motion used.
This requires special attention to be given to the design of the input and output transmission parts (of the
entire system)
3.1 - INPUT (CONTINUOUS) ELEMENTS speed to be stabilised as the worm gear reducer acts as a
brake in the deceleration section of the cycle, dispersing
In addition to supplying energy to the INDEX DRIVE, the motor through friction the kinetic energy restored to the input shaft by
drive parts must guarantee that the input shaft rotates at a the intermittent motion system. Chain or belt gear transmission,
constant speed. speed variators, clutch/brake couplings or motors can be
This is necessary, because the variable strength torque connected to the fast worm gear reducer shaft in a part of the
required of the mechanisms producing intermittent motion drive system with low torque without giving rise to any
tends to modify the rotation speed of the input shaft, causing it particular transmission problems.
to pulsate during the indexing/dwell cycle. It is therefore If a worm gear reducer cannot be used, it is necessary in
preferable for the motor drive parts to be rigid, generously almost every application to spline a flywheel to the Index Drive
dimensioned and free of backlash. input shaft in order to make the rotation speed as regular as
The best method of motorising an Index is the standard system possible. All parts rotating at costant speed, including the
comprising a worm gear reducer, preferably irreversible, camshaft and the motor, contribute to supplying part the kinetic
directly splined to the input shaft, with minimum transmission energy needed.
backlash. This highly compact system enable the rotationm
Fig. 5 Highly rigid, compact, direct motor drive. Fig. 6 Rigid motor drive with transmission of fast worm
gear reducer shaft.
rigid coupling
Fig. 7 Motor drive using connection with rigid coupling. Fig. 8 Motor drive using spring drive; the flywheel ensures
that the input shaft rotates at a constant speed.
If jams are thought likely to occur in intermittent motion systems, member
overload clutches can be used to protect the Index Drive against detector
overloads. external plate
In order to provide effective protection of the drive, these casing
accessories should be splined to the output shaft. The Index
Drive is a variable speed reducer with a ratio which becomes
infinite during dwell periods. This ratio, which is extremely high adjuster hub
at the beginning of the movement, makes the input shaft plate
insensitive to high loads which an accidentally blocked
intermittent motion system places on the Index Drive output
For this purpose, COLMBO FILIPPETTI has designed the GSR
series of output overload clutches, whose characteristics:
In order to determine the dimensions of an INDEX DRIVE suitable for meeting the needs of a specific apllication,
it is necessary to calculate the peak torque required by the intermittent motion system involved.
B ⋅ t2 (360°− B) ⋅ t 1
i ________________________________
-- S/S1 Transmission ratio. ____________________
t1 = t2 =
360°− B
I [m] Centre distance of CF3 INDEX DRIVE shafts
(see catalogue values) ____________________ B (2)
[m] Centre distance of workstations.
Is________________________________ ____________________ • If the input shaft is to rotate intermittently, or the dwell
2 time required is much longer than the index time and their
Ji [kg•m ]
Equivalent moment of inertia of a body, referred
ratio does not fall within the index time and their ratio
to the output shaft (table 1).
____________________________________________________ does not fall within the standard values, or the drive is
JA [kg•m ] Internal moment of inertia of output shaft (tab. 3). required to work on an enable mechanism, take the
[kg•m 2] Σ Ji Total equivalent moment of inertia relating to
highest of the values in the catalogue for index period B in
JT correspondence with the number of stations selected and
output shaft. fix index time “t 1“ (in seconds) which is to be used for
K -- Cam shaft torque factor due to inertia at output effecting transfers from one station to the next. In this
(see catalogue values) ____________________ case, dwell time “t 2“ will be independent of index time “t 1“.
________________________________ This will give a dwell period BP = 360°-B on the cam,
D [daN•m] Total dynamic torque applied
M________________________________ to the output.
____________________ within which the motor drive can be stopped with the
e [daN•m] Cam shaft torque. guarantee that the index drive output shaft is stationary in
____________________ the station.
i [daN•m] Internal dynamic torque of____________________
M________________________________ output shaft In both cases the number of cycles per min. effected by the
J [daN•m] Inertia torque at the output. index drive, assuming that the input shaft revolves
continuously, in given by the equation:
F [daN•m] Friction torque at the output.
nu =
____________________ B
L [daN•m] Torque due to external forces.
M________________________________ ____________________ t1 ⋅ 6 [index/min.] (3)
P [daN•m] Torque due to external forces
M________________________________ during dwell.
____________________ The number of revolutions of the input shaft is given by the
V [daN•m] Max torque applied to the output.
M________________________________ ____________________ equation:
[kW] Peak input power during the index period. • For 1/2/3/4 stops INDEX DRIVES
e [rpm]
Rotation speed of input shaft.
ne = nu [rpm] (4)
nu [index/min] Indexing frequency if input shaft is run • For 6/8 stops INDEX DRIVES
continuosly. nu
________________________________ ____________________
[m] Friction force radius.
ne =
____________________ 2 [rpm] (5)
[m] External forces radius during
rL________________________________ indexing.
[m] External forces radius during
rP________________________________ dwell.
(see catalogue values). ____________________
________________________________ SHAFT
1 -- Number of stations of the____________________
S________________________________ indexed part.
t ________________________________
[s] Total cycle time (t 1+t2). ____________________ The peak angular velocity and acceleration values of the
output shaft are essential elements in the study of certain
[s] Index time.
____________________ applications, depending on the motion law adopted in the
[s] Dwell time.
t2________________________________ construction of the cams
• Peak angular velocity wmax [rad/s]
12 π nu
wMAX [rad/s] Peak angular velocity of output shaft.
-- Coefficient of friction. w MAX = Cv [rad/s] (6)
____________________ S B
m [kg] Mass.
• Peak angular acceleration amax [rad/s ] 4.9 - OUTPUT TORQUE REQUIREMENT
72 π n 2
aMAX = Ca [rad/s2] (7)
S B2 Once the values of dynamic torque MD and dwell torque MP
have been calculated, as these act in different periods of the
cycle, in order to determine the size of the INDEX DRIVE it is
4.4 - INERTIA TORQUE MJ necessary to take the higher of the torques, which will be
indicated as MV.
This in the torque required to accelerate and decelerate the MV = max(MD ;MP ) [daN⋅m] (13)
intermittent motion parts of the system, and is generally the Output torque Mu ar various speeds (index/min.) applicable to
element determining the dimensioning of the index drive. the INDEX DRIVES and shown in the specification tables in the
catalogues, takes account of an actual life of 8000 hours. It is
MJ = JT ⋅ Ca ⋅
S ⋅ t12
therefore necessary to select and INDEX DRIVE which meets
[daN⋅m] (8) the following condition:
NB: Some example of calculations of the momentum of Mu ≥ Mv ⋅ C d [daN⋅m] (14)
inertia of mass J [kg. m ] are set out in Table 1. Static torque Ms [daN.m] shown in the specification tables in the
catalogues is the limit torque which can be applied to the
INDEX DRIVE output shaft in the pause stretch with the drive
4.5 - FRICTION TORQUE MF shut down without subsequently prejudicing the operation of
the INDEX DRIVE. A further check, which should be made,
This is the torque necessary to overcome the frictional forces when the CF3 INDEX DRIVE is to splined directly to the
of the intermittent motion system, and depends on the mass, intermittent shaft of the machine, is the ratio betweel the
radius and coefficient of friction of the support. diameter, on which the stations are applied and the centre
distance between the shafts of the CF3 INDEX DRIVE. The
MF = GF rF µ i [daN⋅m] (9) maximum value advisable for general applications is:
4.6 - EXTERNAL FORCES TORQUE ML if this ratio is increased, the rigidity of the transmission and
indexing accuracy decrease proportionally.
This torque is present only in certain applications. It is due to
external forces occurring or applied during the transfer 4.10 - PEAK INPUT TORQUE
period, such as: REQUIREMENT Me
• Unbalanced loads moved in opposition to the force of
gravity. This is the nominal peak torque to be supplied to the input
• Applications in which the peices have to overcome air or shaft in order to overcome torque MD required on output by the
other resistence. dynamic loads, including the inertial torque of the INDEX DRIVE
• Forces due to processing or opposing resistance of springs output shaft, given by the equation:
Mi = JA ⋅ C a ⋅
In general, ML comprises all torque present in the intermittent
motion system other than MJ and MF. S ⋅ t12 [daN⋅m] (16)
ML = FL ⋅ rL ⋅ i [daN⋅m] (10)
The input torque must be used to dimension all input parts, and
any torque deriving from other loads applied to the INDEX
DRIVE input shaft must be added.
J= ⋅R
m 2 parallel axis.
J= ⋅ (R2 + 2 I2 )
2 m
Hollow cylinder or ring rotating about its own Hollow cylinder or ring rotating about an
axis. offset parallel axis.
J= ⋅ (R + r ) J= ⋅ (R2 + r 2 + 2 I2 )
m 2 2 m
2 2
Cylinder rotating about its diameters Cylinder rotating about an offset axis parallel
m C2
J = ⋅( + R2 )
to its diameter..
m C2
4 3 J= ⋅( + R2 + 4 I 2 )
4 3
Hollow cylinder rotating about its diameter. Hollow cylinder rotating about an offset axis
m C2
J = ⋅( + R2 + r 2 )
parallel to its diameter.
m C2
4 3 J= ⋅( + R2 + r 2 + 4 I2 )
4 3
Parallelepiped or plate rotating about its own Parallelepiped rotating about an offset
axis. parallel axis.
J= ⋅ (a + b ) J= ⋅ (a + b +12 I )
m 2 2 m 2 2 2
12 12
Hollow parallelepiped or plate rotating about its Hollow parallelepiped or plate rotating about
own axis. offset parallel axis.
J= ⋅ (a + b + a1 + b1 ) J= ⋅ (a + a1 + b + b1 +12 I )
m 2 2 2 2 m 2 2 2 2 2
12 12
Notes: The momentum of inertia of the INDEX DRIVE input shaft it obtained from the equation J i=J·i 2 where i is the transmission
ratio between the Index Drive output shaft and the axis of inertia examined.
•Masses are expressed in [Kg] •Lengths are expressed in [m].
Number of stops S=6 --
Index time t1=0.21 [s]
Dwell time t2=0.29 [s]
Dial plate diameter Dt=0.5 [m]
Dial plate mass mt=31 [Kg]
Radius of workstations Rs=0.2 [m]
Mass of each piece holder mo=1 [Kg]
Mass of each piece mz=3 [Kg]
Friction force GF=55 [daN]
Friction force radius rF=0.1 [m]
Coefficient of friction µ=0.03 --
External forces during indexing FL=-- [daN]
External forces radius rL=-- [m]
Tangential forces during dwell Fp=70 [daN]
Tangential forces radius rp=0.2 [m]
Life required in hours T=16000 [h]
The INDEX DRIVE required is a CF3 ... P-6-150. The following coefficients can be obtained from the catalogue:
CV=1.40 Ca=6.62 K=0.63
Total momentum of inertia of index drive output shaft in intermittent motion system
J1=m t⋅Dt /8
2 2
1 - Dial plate =0.969 [Kg⋅m ]
2 2
2 - Piece holder =0.240 [Kg⋅m ]
2 2
3 - Pieces =0.720 [Kg⋅m ]
Total momentum of inertia JT=J1+J2+J3 =1.929 [Kg⋅m ]
The CF3 INDEX DRIVE which meets the condition Mu > MV at 120 [index/min.] is the:
CF3 130P-6-150
Internal dynamic torque MI=JA⋅Ca⋅0.628/(S⋅ t12) =0.212 [daN⋅m]
Number of stations on dial plate S1=6 --
Dial plate index time t1=1 [s]
Dial plate dwell time t2=5 [s]
External dial plate diameter De=1.5 [m]
Iternal dial plate diameter Di=0.75 [m]
Friction force radius rF=0.45 [m]
Mass of dial plate m t=173 [Kg]
Radius os stations RS=0.65 [m] Coefficient of friction --
Mass of each station m S=30 [Kg] External forces during indexing FL=-- [daN]
Inertia radius of driven wheel RC=0.5 [m] External frces radius rL=-- [m]
Mass of driven wheel m C=87 [Kg] Tangential forces during dwell Fp=100 [daN]
Mass of drive wheel m r=10 [Kg] Tangential forces radius rp=0.65 [m]
Diameter of drive wheel Dr=0.17 [m] Index drive/dial plate transmission ratio i=1/6 --
Friction force GF=432 [daN] Life required in hours T=16.000 [h]
The INDEX DRIVE required is a CF3 ... P-1-300. The following coefficient can be from the catalogue:
CV=1.27 Ca=8.01 K=0.86
Total momentum of inertia of index drive output shaft in intermittent motion system
J1=m t⋅(De -Di )⋅i /8 =1.01
2 2 2 2
1 - Dial plate [Kg⋅m ]
2 - Stations J2=S1⋅mS⋅RS ⋅i2
=2.11 2
[Kg⋅m ]
3 - Driven wheel J3=m C⋅RC ⋅ i2
=0.6 2
[Kg⋅m ]
4 - Drive wheel J4=m r⋅Dr /8
=0.04 2
[Kg⋅m ]
Total momentum of inertia JT=J1+J2+J3+ J4 =3.77 [Kg⋅m ]
Index distance C=254 [mm] Driven sprocket pitch diameter D2=0.242 [m]
Index time t1=0.28 [s] Driven sprocket mass m 2=6 [Kg]
Dwell time t2=0.56 [s] No. of chains NC=2 -
Total mass of indexed parts m t=80 [Kg] Friction force GF=125 [daN]
Mass of chains and fixtures m C=45 [Kg] Friction force radius rF=0.121 [m]
Chain pitch PC=12.7 [mm] Coefficient of friction µ=0.1 --
Drive sprocket pitch diameter D1=0.242 [m] External forces during indexing FL=-- [daN]
No. of teeth in drive sprocket Z1=60 - External forces during dwell Fp=-- [daN]
Drive sprocket mass m 1=6 [Kg] Life required in hours T=12 000 [h]
The INDEX DRIVE required is a CF3 ... -3-120. The following coefficients can be obtained from the catalogue:
CV=1.4 Ca=6.62 K=0.79
Total momentum of inertia of the intermittent motion system relating to the index drive output shaft
J1=m t⋅D1 /4
2 2
1 - Pieces transported =1.171 [Kg⋅m ]
J2=m C⋅D1 /4
2 2
2 - Chains and fixtures =0.659 [Kg⋅m ]
3 - Drive sprocket J3=NC⋅m1⋅D2 /8
=0.088 2
[Kg⋅m ]
4 - Driven sprocket J4=NC⋅m2⋅D2 /8
=0.088 2
[Kg⋅m ]
Total momentum of inertia JT=J1+J2+J3+ J4 =2.006 [Kg⋅m ]
Index distance C=508 [mm]
Index time t1=1 [s]
Dwell time t2=4 [s]
Total mass of pieces transported m t=160 [Kg]
Mass of chains and fixtures m C=82 [Kg]
Chain pitch PC=25.4 [mm]
Drive sprocket pitch diameter D1=0.485 [m]
No. of teeth in drive sprocket Z1=60 -
Mass of driven sprocket m 1=46 [Kg]
Driven sprocket pitch diameter D2=0.485 [m]
Mass of driven sprocket m 2=46 [Kg]
No. of chains NC=1 -
Pitch diameter driven wheel D3=0.3 [m]
Mass of driven wheel m 3=28 [Kg]
Pinion pitch diameter D4=0.1 [m]
Pinion mass m 4=4 [Kg]
Friction force GF=-- [daN]
External forces during indexing FL=157 [daN]
External forces radius rL=0.254 [m]
Tangential forces during dwell Fp=157 [daN]
Tangential forces radius rp=0.254 [m]
Transmission ratio i=1/3 -
Life in hours T=16 000 [h]
The INDEX DRIVE required is a CF3 ... -1-300. The following coefficient can be obtained from the catalogue:
CV=1.27 Ca=8.01 K=0.86
Total momentum of inertia of intermittent motion system relating to index drive output s haft
J1=m t⋅D1 ⋅i /4
2 2 2
1 - Pieces conveyed =1.046 [Kg⋅m ]
2 - Chains and fixtures J2=m C⋅D1 ⋅i /4
2 2
=0.536 2
[Kg⋅m ]
3 - Drive sprocket J3=m 1 ⋅D1 ⋅i /8
2 2
=0.150 2
[Kg⋅m ]
J4=m 2 ⋅D2 ⋅i /8
2 2 2
4 - Driven sprocket =0.150 [Kg⋅m ]
J5=m 3 ⋅D3 ⋅i /8
2 2 2
5 - Driven wheel =0.035 [Kg⋅m ]
6 - Pinion J6=m 4 ⋅D4 /8 =0.005 2
[Kg⋅m ]
Total momentum of inertia JT=J1+J2+J3+ J4 +J5 +J6 =1.922 [Kg⋅m ]
No. of stops S=2 - Shaft mass m a=40 [Kg]
Indexing time t1=1 [s] Radius of inertia of pieces R1=0.275 [m]
Dwell ime t2=1 [s] Mass of pieces m 1=80 [Kg]
Length of turnover arm a=0.75 [m] Friction force GF=-- [daN]
Width of turnover arm b=0.1 [m] External forces during transfer FL=78.5 [daN]
Total mass of turnover arm m 2=50 [Kg] External forces radius rL=0.275 [m]
Shaft diameter Da=0.15 [m] Life required in hours T=8 000 [h]
The INDEX DRIVE required is a CF3 ... -2-180. The following coefficients can be obtained from the catalogue:
CV=1.4 Ca=6.62 K=0.79
Total momentum of inertia of intermittent motion system relating to index drive output shaft
J1=m 1⋅R1
2 2
1 - Pieces =6.05 [Kg⋅m ]
2 - Turnover arm J2=m 2⋅(a +b )/12
2 2
=2.38 2
[Kg⋅m ]
3 - Turnover shaft J3=m a ⋅D a /8 =0.11 2
[Kg⋅m ]
Total momentum of inertia JT=J1+J2+J3 =8.54 [Kg⋅m ]
Linear stroke C=250 [mm]
Forward time t1=0.4 [s]
Forward dwell time t2=0.8 [s]
Return time t3=0.4 [s]
Back dwell time t4=0.8 [s]
Mass of slide and parts m 1=91 [Kg]
Mass of connecting rod m 2=7 [Kg]
External forces during transfer FL=99 [daN]
External forces during dwell Fp=99 [daN]
Life required in hours T=16 000 [h]
The OSCILLATING DRIVE required is a CF3-H45- ... -60-120-60-120. The following coefficients can be obtained
from the catalogue:
CV=1.76 Ca=5.53 K=0.75
Total momentum of inertia of oscillating motion system relating to the oscillating drive output shaft
J1=m 1⋅R
2 2
1 - Parts + slide =9.709 [Kg⋅m ]
J2=m 2⋅R
2 2
2 - Connecting rod =0.747 [Kg⋅m ]
J3=m 3⋅R /4
2 2
3 - Oscillating arm =0.240 [Kg⋅m ]
Total momentum of inertia JT=J1+J2+J3 =10.696 [Kg⋅m ]
Dynamic torque
MJ=JT⋅Ca⋅H/(572.9⋅t1 )
1 - Inertia = 29.038 [daN⋅m]
2 - Friction MF=GF⋅R⋅µ = --- [daN⋅m]
3 - External forces ML=FL⋅R = 32.337 [daN⋅m]
Total dynamic torque MD=MJ+MF+ML = 61.375 [daN⋅m]